erasure a comparison of danish and american design | kelly darby
erasure | built by kelly | 2011
This book was inspired by the class I attended in Copenhagen summer 2011 entitled Danish Design and Culture taught by Professor Courtney Coyne-Jensen. During this class we kept a journal in which we discussed threads we began to see running through our class and practice. I began to see that not just minimalism, but the theme of erasure, or taking away something in order to gain a benefit is inherent in Danish design. It can be seen at all scales from landscape to spoon. Since the United States has been criticized heavily for being excessive, wasteful, and un-sustainable in its habits, I have set up this book to be a comparison between the two cultures and their approaches to design. In some cases the two countries are similar, as in inspiration from the French. In other cases, especially where minimalism is key, the two countries are extremely different.
landscape Kongens Have, Copenhagen, DK | National Mall, Washington DC, USA
SAS Hotel, Copenhagen, DK | Empire State Building, New York, NY, USA
building chair PK 25, Poul KjĂŚrholm | Eames Lounge Chair, Charles and Ray Eames
Louis Poulsen AJ Lamp | Taliesin Lamp, Frank Lloyd Wright Stelton Thermos | Kitchenaid K Mixer Georg Jensen AJ Flatware | Oneida Aquarius Flatware Martin Jørgensen IVUHAP Project, Index Award 2011 | Apple's Ipod, Index Award 2005
Each object will be scrutinized through the following lenses: material
The Danish landscape is notable for its lack of forest. The country is still suffering from the complete loss of the Danish Naval Fleet (built mainly of wood) in 1807 which resulted in the royal decree in that same year to stop harvesting the Danish woods.1-1 This erasure of a natural resource has contributed to the Danish heightened awareness of the many benefits associated with minimalism.
Agriculture in Denmark occupies about 62% of its area, amounting to about 2.7 million ha of land.1-2 The views that most Danish have of their country is similar to the one above: peeled back, stark, slightly engraved, slightly undulating minimalistic fields. From this background is where all Danish design springs from: Arne Jacobsen, Poul Heningsen, Louis Poulsen, and Louise Campbell.1-3
The United States has a plethora of materials available to design with. In fact in recent times, the only era in which designers had to do without was during the Great Depression. Otherwise, somewhere in the country, there has always been wood, stone, grains, and water. This open, unyielding access to resources has shaped the American attitude towards design as much as the Danish lack of resources has
shaped theirs. Twenty-seven percent, or about 1,006,000 sq miles, of the United States is comprised of government parkland.1-4 This clearly states that while Americans care about their environment, it may be possible that there is SO much land that it may be difficult to come up with useful functions for all of it. 2
The Kings Garden (Kongens Have) in Copenhagen, DK is a prime example of a landscape that has been assembled with intention. It was built under the rule of Christian IV, the builder king, in the year 1606. Since Christian IV (and many rulers throughout the world) was impressed by the French gardens he had seen in Paris, he wished to create a similar, axial garden outside his own estate.1-5
The most important thing about the Kings Garden is that it was given to the people by the royalty. It is free and open to the public throughout the year. In return the people seem to care for it greatly: they pick up their trash when leaving, and play together nicely. In 16 ha, the city of Copenhagen can come together and enjoy the outdoors, recreation, and a connection with their monarch.1-6
The National Mall in Washington, DC is the best American equivalent of the Kongens Have. Designed in 1791 by Pierre Charles L'Enfant in order to house monuments, a national gathering space, as well as a recreation area near the Potomac, the National Mall is also inspired by French design. As Doug Allen said during History of Urban Form, the squares are designed to house many changeable uses within them. 1-7
While the two parks are similar in that they were given to the people by the governing bodies, and that it is open year-round and free, I feel that the question of scale and given purpose is again important. I would not feel comfortable spreading out a towel and lounging on the mall. It is a very intimidating space, and I question its purpose as a recreational area.
The users of Kongens Have range in age from new-borns to grandparents. Most people access the garden from the southeast and come in for a nice respite from the bustle of Copenhagen. Almost all of the users sit on the grass, either on a blanket or a scarf. Those that stand are usually playing games, have just arrived, or are leaving. 5
Kongens Have has 2.5 million visitors a year, many of them repeat visitors.1-8 The garden creates a lasting memory of pleasant times within the users, starting from childhood. Once these memories are in place the park is protected and cherished by the people.
The National Mall visitors come for mainly political purposes: either they wish to voice a collective opinion about a political issue, or they wish to visit the historical and political monuments situated in and around the Mall. Recreation is not a main purpse here, and there is rarely a person sitting down on a blanket at the Mall.
The National Mall has about 24 million visitors a year. The staggering amount of space at the Mall can indeed be filled up during important events, but I question its ambition to be all of the things described in its purpose: Provide opportunities for visitor contemplation, celebration, commemoration, citizen participation, recreation, and demonstration, where the full expression of the constitutional rights of speech and peaceful assembly occur.1-9
The Danish have one of the most forward-thinking policies on the environment and energy responsibility. By being a nation that already has had to survive without many natural resources, conservation comes naturally. It is already imbued within their designs as designers try to outdo each other by making a product out of fewer pieces, and by folding one piece rather than cutting and wasting material.
As a society, they have embraced modern technologies such as wind turbines found at the Lillgrund Wind Farm, next to the Ă˜resund Bridge. By 2015, Copenhagen will be carbon neutral, as well as having a park, beach, sea-pool, or natural park within 15 minutes of every resident of the city. This city is aggressively rising to the green challenges set out for itself to be the "Ecometropolis of the world." 1-10
America was once a major purveyor into environmental policy and business. The Hoover Dam was a major building accomplishment that not only employed many Americans, but also guaranteed electricity in places that did not have reliable sources. Today America is not a world leader in environmental action. This is mainly due to its dependence upon the gas-powered vehicle, poor public transit infrastructure, and poor support from the government on green issues. However this is not to say that the US does not
have goals within this arena. An Executive Order issued by President Obama on October 5, 2009 required "agencies to submit a 2020 greenhouse gas pollution reduction target within 90 days, and to increase energy efficiency, reduce fleet petroleum consumption, conserve water, reduce waste, support sustainable communities, and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies�.1-11
By choosing glass as a material for his SAS hotel in Copenhagen, Arne Jacobsen ensured that his biggest accomplishment not only reflected its surroundings, but also blended into them as well. By having operable glass windows that could be moved perpendicular to the whole facade, the interplay between transparency and opacity is continuous and playful.2-1 9
The key here is subtlety. There is very much subtle use of color within the hotel and the glass is certainly no exception. The sea-green glass stands out from the "gray and the brick-red of the surroundings".2-2 Jacobsen achieved something extremely difficult to do: create a huge building that takes up a city block that can blend into its environment.
The Empire State Building in New York City, NY, was for many years the tallest building in the world. It was a statement of America, Capitalism at its best, and the success story of the Western world.2-3 The innards are composed of a steel structure, while the facade is made up of granite and limestone. The interior lobby is made of marble. These luxurious materials were used
during one of the most economically devastated times in American history: The Great Depression.2-4 This is a building that is built as an icon, for all to see, and for all to admire. There is absolutely no room for subtlety in a building that is paraded as a symbol of a nation. 10
The SAS hotel was begun in 1956 and completed in 1960. The hotel was the only skyscraper in Denmark for nine years. It is structurally held by a "reinforced concrete frame structure, and has a curtain wall of seagreen and gray anodized glass. The windows can be opened to the inside stories in all.�2-5 Arne Jacobsen designed every thing within this building: structure down to spoon.
Two of his most famous chairs, the Swan, and the Egg, were created for this building. Also, all textiles were designed by him, as well as the silverware used in the restaurant.2-6 This building was based upon the Lever Building.2*7 It is an amazing feat that a single man was able to create this entire building, and that the society actually let him.
Building the Empire State building was no small feat. Beginning in 1929 it took three years to build, finishing in 1931, and for forty years it was the world's tallest building. It took about 3000 workers to complete the building, and five of those died during construction.2-8 This building was designed by Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, and they based the design upon the Reynolds Building in North Carolina.2-9
The Empire State Building stood empty and unleasable for many years after its construction mostly because it was finished near the beginning of the Great Depression.2-10 It is extremely strange that for such an impressive landmark hardly anyone knows the architect of such a seemingly amazing building. It is a reversal of the subtlely seen before, an architects name that has been erased.2-11
The user of one of the rooms in the SAS hotel might find that the seemingly hard geometric forms give way to soft curvaceous textures once the designed thing is intended to touch a human. This is not just a design trait attributed to Arne Jacobsen, but to all Danish design: the human touch is celebrated.2-12 13
At the same time, the Danish ideal of social equality is played out by not privileging a certain room from the outside. The "punch card facade" is repetitive and unchanging, giving no one higher status than another.
The user experience within the Empire State building can differ greatly with encounters ranging from "tedious" to "awe-inspiring". Many people come to see the amazing view it offers of Manhattan, and are captivated by its luxurious interiors. Others are worn down by the tourist lines, the hefty charges, and unhelpful staff.
Most of the tenants of the Empire State building are broadcasting stations, due to the towers height.2-13 In 2009, thirty-two television and radio stations made their home in the building, furthering the ideal of capitalism. Also the whole idea of this building is to lift one to a higher status. It is an office building that glorifies monetary dreams. 14
Denmark has gone from being 99 percent dependent on foreign fossil fuel to being completely energy self-sufficient. Thirty years of focused energy policy, implemented after the 1973 oil crisis, has catapulted Denmark ahead of most other nations in the use of renewable energy technology. The Danish government has set the goal to be completely independent of fossil fuels by 2050. 15
The Government also has ambitious shorter term goals of a 20 percent share of renewables in energy consumption by 2011, and at least 30 percent in energy consumption by 2020. In 2010, renewable energy accounts for 28 percent of the electricity supply.2-14 Because of these things, the SAS Hotel HAS to under-go several changes to upgrade its performance. Buildings are not simply grand-fathered in.
New York City has one of the most aggressive green building plans in the United States. The Greener Greater Buildings Plan, passed by the city council in 2009, is a package of bills that aims to reduce annual citywide greenhouse gas emissions by 4.5 million metric tons of CO2e by 2030, which is equivalent to nearly 7.5 percent of citywide 2005 baseline emissions.2-16
However, all buildings over 50,000 square feet will not be required to make retrofits, which makes a lot of the efforts almost pointless.2-17 While its important to applaud New York for its initiatives, it is even more pertinent to see the loopholes in where the plan does not work and falls incredibly short of where it could be. 16
Poul Kjaelholm's PK 25 "Elements" chair is made up of a curious combination of steel and halyard twine. The steel frame is a continuous piece that is bent with no joints or connections. The halyard rope is continuously wrapped around the frame. Kjaelholm was extremely eager to work with what he called "simple, industrial materials".3-1 17
This is a good example of minimalism erasing the unintended consequence of scrap material. Because the steel is one single folded piece, the forms are easily poured, and no extra needs to go to waste. By using the simple materials, he eased the cost of producing such a chair, also ensuring a product that will last.
The Eames' Lounge Chair was originally composed of leather upholstery, Brazilian rosewood veneer, and rougher structural wood. This has been quoted as being the "epitome of Modernist style and luxurious comfort�.3-2 Herman Miller, the producer of the chair, has had to make many changes to the original product in order to produce it and then to make it environmentally palatable to its consumers.
The wood has changed from the endangered variety to Santos Palisander. HM has also changed the types of leather used for the upholstery in order for the chair to wear better over time. The stain used for the wood veneer has changed back and forth from oil to water-based.3-3 Surely this product that needs so much upkeep is only a museum piece, not something to actually use. 18
Assembling the PK 25 chair is relatively easy, except for bending the steel to its correct angles. However, this seemingly difficult task was considered during design. All of the angles are the same so if there is a jig being used to hold the steel against, then bending to the correct angle is simple and stream-lined. The twine is then quickly wrapped around the frame, and tightened for tension support.
This chair was the basis for many other explorations of efficiency. During the creation of the Trestle chair, which is based upon PK 25 (see inset) themes such as self-assembling furniture were explored.3-4 Above all, Kjaerholm was a proponent of simple, flexible, multipurpose furnitute.3-5 The consideration given to the production of his furniture is a hallmark of Scandinavian design.
Since the chair was made as a gift for friend Billy Wilder, a Broadway director, many aspects of making the chair production-friendly were overlooked. At first the chair seems like it is easily assembled; it looked like scales that fit together nicely. However the three pieces have to be individually bent in a sometimes lengthy heat/wet process. From there the three main pieces have to be spring-locked together, and attached to the two additional arm rests.
There are many pieces, and it just takes a while to assemble them all. The number of joints adds to the frailty of the chair, and the design has to be compromised, or else there are a number of broken chairs to deal with. Overall, this chair is extremely difficult to assemble and produce. Herman Miller has had difficulty over the years working with the chair because of reasons stated above.3-6
The user experience of the PK 25 is strangely not as adverse as one would think. What looks like a medieval torture device is actually quite comfortable, especially given the minimalist approach to it. The PK 25 is meant for all users: from poor to rich. If one needs more cushion to protect from the string structure, then cushion can be added. The basic chair remains.
While this chair cannot be afforded by poor people today as it sells for $10,000, its design intention is that it is for everyone. The Danish mentality about well-designed things is that the must be able to be used, rather than collecting dust on a shelf, or standing alone in a museum.3-7
The user experience of the Eames chair is one of luxury and comfort. However, one has to be sufficiently wealthy, or at least know wealthy people to afford to sit in one. This chair was always meant for affluent people, from the Broadway director it was first given, to the customers that Herman Miller dreamed about buying the chair.
The chair itself cannot support users over a certain weight because of the fragility of the structure. When the chair does break, it is difficult for the manufacturer to fix. Instead a new chair is given to the owner and the expensive materials thrown away.3-8 Again the chair is not very useful as an everyday product, it is simply going to fall apart if used. 22
The PK 25 chair is sustainable because it can be considered an heirloom, the ropes that may break can easily and cheaply be replaced, and the steel structure will last an extremely long time. The Danish mentality on design pieces as heirlooms is quite different from our own. Any Dane would be thrilled to inherit a designed chair because they have been taught about design from
an early age. The will to protect and preserve is strong within the Danish simply because they do not have a lot of resources.3-9 This chair is not necessarily the most high-tech green product, but then again it does not have to be. It was designed to be sustainable in 1951, years before "green" meant more than just a color.
The Eames Lounge Chair is a symbol of unsustainability. Not only are its original materials endangered or imported from miles away, the chair itself is prone to failure.3-10 Since Americans do not prize designed items as dearly or as often as the Danish, the chair might find its end has come when its owner passes on. The chair is extremely expensive, yet has little value to the average American.
While the chair is admired by many, its flaws are glaring and difficult to look past. Even today, with so much technology at the producer's fingertips, the chair is STILL fundamentally unstable, and the fact that they cannot be easily fixed is unforgiveable.3-11 It does not make sense in today's world to wrap ourselves in luxury and decadence. Designers must realize that this symbol of a chair is outdated and unusable as a precedent.
Stelton is a Danish company that designs products for the kitchen, specializing in beverage containers. Their aim is to be as stark and minimalistic as possible, taking many design cues from the Bauhaus school in Germany.4-1 Much of its success as a product has to do with its material choice. The use of the austenitic stainless steel is practical in domestic products 27
because it is non-corrosive, hygienic, and keeps its outstanding finish without much trouble.4-2 Since this product has been around for almost sixty years, Danish product design has been inspired by these successful precedents. The same material is used for domestic products the world over, and is seeing some revival in retro-design with brilliant colors as accents.
Egmont Arens' design for the Kitchenaid Model K mixer is a testament to American design. First conceived in 1937, this mixer has been the symbol of American domesticity for close to seventy years.4-3 The design owes a lot to its industrial-grade materials. "Plated zinc die-casting, formed stainless steel, formed carbon steel, porcelain cast iron, and extruded aluminum were used for
the structural parts. Handles were made of cast aluminum for strength and durability." All of these materials convey strength and permanence.4-4 Naysayers claim that this product is too bulky and heavy to be used very often, and that it can be extremely difficult to clean. Still some others say that it is merely just a kitchen decoration for most, never to be used.4-5
The table lamp that Arne Jacobsen designed for the SAS Building is sleek and functional. It is a product that fulfills its purpose. Traditionally the only color that Jacobsen approved was black. Louis Poulsen, the producer of the lamp, has recently come out with a color palette for a new line of AJ lamps. From the Louis Poulsen web site, " The standard lamp consists of a lamp holder in an enamelled
brass pipe. A tilting mechanism has been installed in the pipe. The angles of the conic metal shade are made so it flush with the lamp holder at the top, at least that was the intention, but in reality it is raised a little as an optical correction. When the lamp is tilted downwards, the edge is horizontal. The inside of the shade is mat white enamel. The screening is effective, you cannot look up into the light source."4-6
The Taliesin Lamp 3 is the table lamp Frank Lloyd Wright designed for the Taliesin House in Wisconsin. The excess of this product is not very practical. There are about twenty-five separate pieces of cherry wood and the whole ensemble requires five lightbulbs.4-7
This is a great example of when sleekness does not work to promote minimalism nor sustainability. The abundance of material yields limits the functionality of the piece. If there was not so much wood then there actually would be more workable light.
The flatware designed by Arne Jacobsen for his SAS hotel is extreme by any measure. The design of it aims to minimize and erase the difference between head and body, blade and handle. The line was taken out of the restaurant at first because many people thought the instruments looked too dangerous, or did not give the flatware a chance. However, those that do give credence to the design, love it.4-8
The proponents of the design say that the balance created in the hand by the instruments is unparalleled. It has never been easier to cut a steak with a simple movement, nor has it been easier to spear the perfectly sized morsel with the fork.4-9
In the 1920's to the 1950's Oneida company was one of the most celebrated and sought after American silver manufacturers. After a time the company found it easier and more profitable to buy lower quality silver producers and use them to make inferior products. The consumers of the product took notice, but did not do anything to show their displeasure.
In recent times Oneida has been suffering financially and finally sold production rights to companies in India and China. The production is no longer American-made, and many consumers are upset about this, putting the company in further financial unease.4-10
One of the most beneficial products in the world, determined by the Index Award committee, is the LifeStraw, designed by Torben Vestergaard Frandsen. The LifeStraw enables third-world inhabitants to depend less on others for safe drinking water. The straw holds a water filter that screens out 99% of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It lasts for 18,000 liters of water which allows 31
a family of five to have water for thee to five years.4-11 While the product is extremely helpful in disaster situations like the Haiti earthquake, critics state that the cost of a LifeStraw (about $3.50) for its intended audience is too high.4-12 The device still is amazing for its power to help those in need. Safe drinking water is quickly becoming a scarce resource and this eases the problem.
Another winner of the 2005 Index Awards is the Apple iPod. The iPod contributes to society in a sustainable way by making buying new cds, casettes, etc, completely unnecessary. By storing music digitally in a device that can be carried around, even the need for a stereo is diminished.4-13 Critics of the device say that it isolates people from each other, and is even dangerous to
people who wear earphones when crossing streets or driving. It also is excessively expensive, costing around $250.4-14 All things considered, the iPod has revolutionized the way society listens to music. The design is beautiful. However, a device that divides humans from each other cannot be extremely beneficial. 32
Coyne-Jensen, Courtney , lecturer. Danish Landscape June 2011, Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Copenhagen DK. Norwegian University for Life Sciences. The Context: Danish Agriculture. Undated. Accessed 26 JUL 2011. < https://athene.umb. no/emner/pub/PAE301/WebcasePAE301new/Introduction/DK%20agriculture.htm#Context> 1-3 Coyne-Jensen, Courtney, ibid. 1-5 Skovgaard, Joakim. A King’s Architecture: Christian IV and His Buildings. H. Evelyn, 1973. pp. 37-40 1-6 Coyne-Jensen, Courtney, ibid. 1-8 Wikipedia. Rosenborg Castle Gardens. 17 JUN 2011. Accessed 26 JUL 2011. < Gardens> 1-10 Denmark.DK Case: Eco-Metropolis of the World. 13 MAY 2011. Accessed 26 JUL 2011. < Climate-Energy/Fact-Sheets/Will-Copenhagen-Still-Be-WonderfulIn-2015/CaseEcoMetropolisOfTheWorld.htm>
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2-1 2-2
Helmer-Petersen, Keld , Sheridan,Michael A. The Furniture of Poul Kjærholm: Catalogue Raisonné.Gregory R. Miller & Co., New York, 2007. p. 21 3-5 Helmer-Petersen, Keld , Sheridan,Michael A., op. cit., p. 27 3-6 Helmer-Petersen, Keld , Sheridan,Michael A., op. cit., p. 25 3-7 Coyne-Jensen, Courtney , lecturer. What Is Danish Design? June 2011, Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Copenhagen DK. 3-8 ibid.
Dickson, Thomas. Dansk Design. Murdoch Books, 2009. p. 50-51 Lefteri, Chris. Materials for Inspirational Design. Rockport Publishers, 2008. p. 108 4-6 Targetti/Louis Poulsen. AJ Table Lamp. 2008. Accessed 29 JUL 2011 < AJ%20Table.aspx> 4-8 Dickson, Thomas., op. cit. p. 111 4-9 Coyne-Jensen, Courtney , lecturer. What Is Danish Design? June 2011, Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Copenhagen DK. 4-11 Index Award. LifeStraw. 2005. Accessed 30 JUL 2011. < ticle&id=63&Itemid=49> 4-12 BBC News. New Straw to Kill Disease as You Drink. 04 MAY 2006. Accessed 30 JUL 2011 < africa/4967452.stm> 4-1 4-2
UNEP. World Database on Protected Areas. 31 JAN 2008. Accessed 26 JUL 2011.< WDPAPAstats_Jan08_download.xls.> 1-7 Allen, Doug , lecturer. Gardens. Fall 2009, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. 1-9 National Park Service. Foundation Statement for the National Mall and Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Park. Undated. pp. 1-3 Accessed 26 JUL 2011. <> 1-11 Whitehouse.GOV Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. 8 OCT 2009. Accessed 26 JUL 2011. <> 1-4
Flowers, Benjamin. Skyscraper.: The Politics and Power of Building New York City in the Twentieth Century. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2009. 2-4 Building Big: Skyscrapers, producer, Joseph McMaster, USA, PBS, 2000, [DVD]. 2-8 Rosenberg, Jennifer. Empire State Building Trivia and Cool Facts. Undated. Google, 27 JUL 2011<> 2-9 Sreel, Holly. Reynolds Building, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. AllBusiness Journal. 1 JUN 1991. Buildings. 2-10 Flowers, Benjamin., op. cit. 2-11 Flowers, Benjamin, lecturer. Architectural Theory II Spring 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2-13 2-16 PlanNYC. Greener Greater Buildings Plan. 2010. Accessed 28 JUL 2011. 2-17 Chen, Olivia. NYC Passes Greener Greater Building Plan! 10 DEC 2009. Inhabitat, <> 2-3
Eidelberg, Michael P. The Eames Lounge Chair: An Icon of Modern Design. Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan. 2006. p. 56 3-3 Herman Miller. Eames Lounge Chair Detail. Undated. 26 JUL 2011 <> 3-6Eidelberg, Michael P., op. cit., p. 37 3-8 Herman Miller. Eames Lounge Chair Detail. Undated. 26 JUL 2011 <> 3-10 Olek Lejbzon &Co. Herman Miller Eames Lounge Chair Repair. Undated. 29 JUL 2011. 3-11 ibid. 3-2
Lidwell, W., Manacsa, G. Deconstruction Product Design: Exploring the Form, Function, Usability, Sustainability, and Commercial Success of 100 Products. Rockport Publishers, 2009. p. 108 4-4 Lockwood, T., Walton, T. Building Design Strategy: Using Design to Achieve Key Business Objectives. Allworth Communications, 4-3
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