OS Drugs and Doses

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- most prescribed SAFEST - analgesic effect only (not anti-inflammatory) - generally used in conjunction with another analgesic for oral surgery


Mx daily dose of 4g


- Anti-inflammatory benefits

works peripherally by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis

max daily dose of 4g - doses of 500-1000 mg shown to be effective

Negative - gastric upset - tags platelets 4-7 days, causing increased post op bleeding - ALLERGY MORE COMMON than with other NSAIDS - Can be fatal if given to children with or recovering from flu or chickenpox. Don始t give to kids under 12 NSAIDS - Ibp, motrin, Naprosyn, etc

- Most effective if given 1 hr prior to surgery - DO NOT USE in 3rd trimester - increased post operative bleeding

- blocking effect of cycloxygenase COX1/COX2, decreasing the conversion of arachiodonic acid to prostaglandin (PG is potent inflammatory mediator) - blocks effects of Thromboxane A2 (platelet aggregation)

Max daily 3.2 g 400mg q4h 600mg q6h 800mg q8h - continue 36-48 hrs post op - if not sufficient, add narcotic analgesic, alternating intake every 2 hrs.

Codeine (Narcotics)

- Tylenol 3 = 30mg Codeine, 300 mg acetaminophen T4=60, T2=15, T1=7.5

centrally acting causing euphoria, nausea, sedation, RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION (careful w COPD)

Max daily dose = 360 mg codeine

Other Narcotics - Oxycodone = Percocet (tylenol) or Percodan (aspirin) - Hydrocodon = Vicodin or Lortab - Propoxyphene = Darvon or Darvocet - Meperidine = Demerol - Tramadol = Ultram - Vicoprofen = IBF + hydrocodon

If allergic to codeine, give Darvocet or Demerol

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