Does infographics help with search engine optimization? Anyone with digital marketing industry is well versed with the notion of Search Engine Optimization. The proliferation of online technology is truly inspiring and the navigation through the overload of information would be impossible without the help of infographics. But infographics are not just fancy pieces of visual content that can spice up your blog and website. They are highly effective visual tools that can capture the attention and imagination of your targeted audiences as well as drive a successful digital marketing campaign though Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Given below are a few of the reasons why infographics can help with SEO. § Growing interest in infographic- As infographics is trending to attract the target customers, thee important piece of content can be repurposed as an effective digital marketing tool. § Boost your brand awareness -There’s a big difference in “telling” than “showing” through infographics, if done correctly and precisely, can combine the strengths of these two elements into a very effective communication tool. § Infographics are more shareable, likable and are evergreen assets- Infographics can effectively increase the subscriber base which is one of the indispensable factors for boosting your SEO efforts. § Infographics Can Make Targeted Visitors Stay Longer - Infographics are designed not only to attract inbound links but also increase stick rates and make website visitors stay longer and consume more of your content. The higher the stick rates the higher your chances of getting search engines to understand the importance of your content as a reliable source of income. § Earn links from outside your industry- Infographics also allow sites in niche, difficult industries with little natural linkage (e.g. gambling) to earn links from other markets. Keeping in mind the above reasons it can be hence concluded that good infographics can be a cherry to the icing for your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).