How to give a theme to your showcase? A showcase gives life to the living room. It is the first thing that catches the attention of your guests when they enter your room. People have many emotions attached to their showcase as each decorative piece of item stores a lot of memories in them. The showcase if not properly managed and decorated spoils the beauty of the entire room. There are many people who just stuff their showcases with any items they find around and make it clumsy in trying to store too much items in a showcase. The ideal way to decorate the showcase is in selecting a particular theme for it. There are many themes available to choose from. Urban furnishers offer a wide range of decorative pieces to match your favorite theme in decorating your showcase. Themes generally vary according to seasons and festivals. Suppose if it’s Christmas you would love to place a small decorated Christmas tree miniature or a small Santa in your showcase. But as the occasion passes it is ideal to re-decorate your showcase. There are a lot of decorating items available with Urban Furnishers ranging from Feng-Shui items to decorative glass ware items. When selecting a theme for your showcase you should not forget Feng-Shui items like a lucky plant, laughing Buddha and frog sculpture. These Feng-Shui items are believed to bring luck in your home. There are many themes to choose from like the stuffed toys, exclusive art ware, souvenirs, paintings, designer glass art ware, hand crafted wooden masks, terracotta sculptures, flower vases, momentum, decorative watch pieces, designer candles and flowers. Most of these things are easily available at the Urban Furnishers show room.