HOW INCLUDING INFOGRAPHICS IN YOUR CONTENT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE? Living in a world of ‘BIG DATA’ we always crave for more and more data in least space. And infographics being a mix of information, design and analysis are ideally perfect for your content to make a difference! Now coming over to using infographic in your content marketing, here are the reasons as to why infographic find a way through content marketing. Compelling and Attractive- Infographics are undoubtedly most attractive piece of marketing in the world of digital marketing. They grap the attention of the viewer’s spontaneously and imprints in their mind for a long period. Portable (Embeddable) - Infographics are short and precise. This feature of an infographic allows it to be more portable and embeddable in blogs and presentations. Increases Traffic- Infographics are known to be the traffic controller of the digital marketing. The can instantly add population to the list of viewers to your post. Benefits Search Engine Optimization- The viral nature of the infographic medium makes people link to your site and Google will index your website higher due to Google’s “Page Rank” algorithm. Clarity in comprehension- Including infographic in your content can make a huge difference to your clarity in comprehension as visual clarity is known to be the most effective. Noting the above points, you can easily assess as to what difference adding infographic can makes to your content.