Team 7
PROTECTING OUR WATERS cultured salmon production accounts for 89 per cent of B.C.’s total salmon harvest while the capture fisheries harvest of 9,000 tons made up the remaining 11.. Cultured Atlantic salmon (not native to B.C.) contributed 30 of provincial seafood harvest and 83%of the total salmon harvest. - Ministry of Agriculture, 2012
What are the threats of aquaculture (farming to BC environments? This practice of farming non-indigenous fish comes with the threat of accidentally introducing that species to the wild. Volpe warns that “invading species independently reproduce, grow and spread, all the while evolving to help them adapt to their new environment. The United Nations recently declared the introduction of exotic species the greatest threat to global biodiversity after habitat loss. - VoLPE, 2011
Who depends on the ocean? About one billion people around the world get their main source of protein frOm the ocean Over 200 million people fish for a living) Ocean-based businesses contribute more than 500 billion to the world’s economy
Over the past 50 years, many large ocean fish such as Bluefin tuna, cod and sharks have been
fished to the point of collapse.
About 80 of the world’s fish stocks are fully
overexploited or depleted. -(WWF Canada) Scientists predict a
collapse of all world fisheries
by 2046. - National Geographic)
There are approximately 400,000 BC anglers, those fishing on rivers, streams, and lakes, and about 265,000 BC tidal fishermen. -(Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2015
Regulations are enforced through random searches by officials, provincially and federally, and citizen reporting. Fines range from $1000 to 100,000