Part B Criteria Design
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
Research Field Case Study 1.0 Case Study 2.0 Technique Development Technique Prototypes Technique Proposal Learning outcomes and objects Appendix and Algorithmic sketches
Through our observation of all computation design, our group aim to create an object which is eye catching, exciting, unique and creative. Also to have interactions with the visitors, therefore encouraging visitors to participate within our designing to increase their awareness of green renewable energy transition. In order to achieve this, we wish to explore more with the lines, forms and surface to create an innovation object to provide visitors with meaningful experience. We want to create a sense of movement by combining strips together as a unique form,
Our group chose strips and folding as our designing starting point, because we think this approach has various of chances for us to explore and to realize our designing purpose. Strip and folding is interesting because it lets us to create a set of complex folding to form a unique shape and to create a sense of movement. There are lots of possible outcomes by repeating strips or folding. In our designing purpose, we want to create the awareness of sustainable energy, which is the key designing concept of our designing, to transfer natural energy to electricity. We are thinking in what ways can our designing achieve it by exploring more with our grasshopper skills and research precedents. Here comes the outcome.
our design outcome perspective top and side view
B.1 Research Field
Strips and folding is able to let each element interact with each other, enhancing the complexity within its unique shape and form. The project ICD/ITKE Research pavilion is categorised into strip and folding ,which is a temporary research pavilion designed by the institute for computational design and the institute of building structure and structural design in 2010. The interesting fact about this pavilion is that it used material oriented computational design, simulating in architecture production process. The material of this bending-active structure is a very thin elastic-bent plywood strip. The pavilion is a beautiful structure as during the day time, natural sun lights can go through it while at night time, lights can be effected inside the pavilion to create another unique interesting experience to attract visitors. The structure also made full use of the features of the materials itself, by bending each strips to achieve equilibrium of locally stored energy. At the same time, this project demonstrates the using of strips and folding as a design method when analyzing lighting and shade. As strips allows space between each elements and it also create multiple different sections in the designing. It allows lights from outside of the pavilion to go through also it enables inside light to interact with outside environments. Especially during the nighttime, emphasizing the gaps between each strip creates an interesting effect. Rather than enclosing the whole structure, strips and folding creates a sense of possibility to let the outside environment interact with the inside of the project. During the daytime, the shade created by the structure is also an interesting effect. It incorporates with the design of the structure’s form, shape and gap, also, the strip raised above the ground cast notable shadows have an interesting effect with the light direction.
B.1 Research Field
Wind shape
Wind shape was an ephemeral structure commissioned by the savannah college of art &design located in lactose, France in 2006. The project is conceived as a two 8 meters high pavilion, which can dynamically change according to the wind. It is a vine like structure network consists of plastic pie joined together and stretched apart by aluminum collars. White polypropylene string was threaded through the lattice to create swaying enclosure. What we think interesting about this project is not only its designing concept, but also the structure system of it. It shows the advantages and opportunities of strip and folding, the whole structure that can response to the natural stimulation, rather than an object standing there without the interaction with its surrounding context. This project also emphasis our designing idea of connecting visitors or inhabitants with the environment, exploring its possible strength. The strips, which can response with the wind is made up of polypropylene. At this stage, we think this material can possibly be used in our designing project. However, we still need to explore more with algorithmic skills to form the outcome of our design.
B.1 Research Field
B.2 case study 1.0
Wind farm The new idea of this wind farm is called windstalks, the material is carbon fiber reinforced resin poles, a material that can sway as well according to the wind power. At the top of each ples are LED lights, showing the force of the wind by how bright it becomes. It remains dark if there isn’t any wind. Each stalk is equipped with piezoelectric ceramic discs, a material that can emit electrons when stressed. As the stalk sway and bend, the discs are compressed , therefore to emit electrodes down to the base, the base which has a generator will take the current and turn it into electricity. The power created by the ples is the same as the power created by same sized wind turbine array due to stalks are packed more densely in the same place. Therefore they will create the same amount of energy as turbine. This project uses single strips as design approach, equipped with spatial material to achieve the transaction between wind and electricity. As an inspiration for our own design.
strips and folding Biothing is a design project resulting in the use of parametric algorithmic design skills. it is an organic and dynamic design that demonstrates the regular mathematical harmony of vectors. the curved strips define shapes and spaces with its interactions with inside and outside space. based on this interest, our group explored more with its grasshopper definitions.
B.2 case study 1.0 30 matrix perspective view From the top to the bottom are showing the five different species our group created, which are Original form Adding spin force Decay Adding lines Adding points Combinations of all approaches From the left to right are some changings on definitions such as line numbers, orientations, and spin strength
B.2 case study 1.0
30 matrix top view initially our change on the case study 1 definitiion is only limited on the numbers of lines, and the outcome doesnt look too different from the original shape. we then focused more on the points, different curves, patterning pints grids to make it more interesting. we also tried pushing away all curves, adding spin force to see the outcome there for to find our design concept. the outcome have been showing in these two pages in perspective and top view. it is interesting to see how the view can be different from different visually angle. it can be observed that how the techniques of those strips can be put into future definition to create spaces.
B.2 case study 1.0
we selected four interesting forms that emerged from our case study 1 exploration. it inspired us with its forms and different angles of strips. it is interesting to see how those strips divide spaces, therefore it inspired us that by having sries of objects like that, different strips that make different spatial experience might be an interesting design element. 48
initially we think those strips can be combined as shelter , those strips that stand above the ground will create s spatial experience and enable outside environments interact with inside visitors. because we also want to create a playfully interact project with its environment, rather than standing against it .
B.3 case study 2.0
voronoi-extrude-mirror-relax-find points-connect
the archipelago pavilion is designed and built in collaboration between chalmers university of technology and rohsska museum of design in copenhagen. it is a structure made up of 2mm thick laser-cut steel sheets , 133 pieces were joint together with a total of 3640 bolts holding it together. the pavilion provides shaded inside space and outside space. what is interesting about this project is that the intricate web of spaces looks similar to clusters of small islands in an archipelago and the top part of the structure resembles tree shape. the key point of this pavilion is its use of pieces to combine as one structure with inside and outside interaction. from our intially design, our group didnt realize the crutial points of this design which is the combination of all 2D printable pieces folding together to createa a special visual and spatial experience. the perforation on the roof spreads out a certain pattern is an interesting element that inspire our design, we were thinking how to make use of the perforation and put the use of combination of strips into our design. therefore, by starting reverse-engineering, to transfer the design into grasshopper give us more details and opportunities know more about this pavilion.
what we found the hardest part of the reverse engineering part is how to combine each pieces together, this is also the point intially our group made mistake from to develop our further design.
B.4 technique development (failed test)
the first 50 outcomes we got by changing the grasshopper definitions is more likely the change of lines and cells. we spend large amount of time on this in order to create decide a final design approach. we found out that strips are interesting element that enable to create space by bending or folding it. initially we selected two outcomes to combine with our study of transferring wind power to electricity ( we are thinking to equip each strip with the material we found in the precedent to achieve the process of , wind-stress-electricity. we think the series of those individual objects are interesting to be put at the site to reflect the landscape and to create the fun spatial experience. each object consists of strips that can be played by visitors, bending through wind stress.
B.5 technique prototypes (failed test)
we tested several different materials such as plastic ple, pipe, paper and foam. the first picture show our try of building the single object. and the bottome shows the fabric cotton we thought about to cladding on each strip to increase the bending force.
the final outcome of our design. we then realized we made a big mistake on our design because we totally break away with what concept we got from reverse-engineering. we only picked a form we found out interesting from the 50 matrix we emerged from the archipelago pavilion without emphasising its original design features. we created a single broke object that did not demonstrate the concept of “archipelago”, the combination of strips as a form. therefore, we decided to recreate our 50 matrix. we finalized again our design concept, in order to make improvement on the original form and based on the feed back from presentation, we should create more neighbor structure that connects with each other through strips, therfore, by its bending force , naturally to shape the form, making full use of the features of archipelago pavilion. 55
B.4 technique development This time we made a new difinition to make sure each component combines with each other. we decided to do 5 different species with different patterning. and here are the outcomes.
B.4 technique development This time we made a new difinition to make sure each component combines with each other. we decided to do 5 different species with different patterning. and here are the outcomes.
B.5 technique prototypes
by looking at our outcome in 3D printed, enabling us to know how our design will be potentially look like in real life. essentially, it helps us to visualise light and shadows that reflect the top pattern of our design. as we wish to develop our design with each hollow thread connected to each other to shape the form, materials will be preferred as bending strip and fabric cotton. looking at these prototypes in 3D, it is easier for us to judge view all perspectives of our design.
B.5 technique prototypes different perspective views
B.6 technique proposal
B.7 Learning objects and outcome
Our design outcome seems to be an interesting structure that enables outside environment to interact with inside context. For example, the interaction can be occurring from the sun light, the hollow at the top. From the study of case2.0 and our previous mistake, we realized that the structure we need is a combination of strips, resulting in a natural and unique form. Consider of materiality, we need strips that can be bended from stress, therefore, to create shape from combining to its neighbor strips. Fabric cotton which can be stretched from tensile force will be cladding on each strips. Therefore, the shape is formed by its own bending force. Our design outcome seems to be an interesting structure that enables outside environment to interact with inside context. For example, the interaction can be occurring from the sun light, the hollow at the top. From the study of case2.0 and our previous mistake, we realized that the structure we need is a combination of strips, resulting in a natural and unique form. Consider of materiality, we need strips that
Through this part study, I am more confident with algorithmic skills and parametric design. Our group has distributed almost our entire spare time on case study 1 and 2, however, through the middle semester presentation, we still made mistake on our design and it was quite frustrating to realize our mistake after presentation. We realized that the study of 1.0 and 2.0 is to help us to be familiar to grasshopper skill, parametric thinking, also, to provide us with design inspirations from its outcomes. Our initial case study 1.0 outcome was totally unsuccessful because we only changed the vector of line numbers and orientations. We didn’t take full considerations of curve, points, shape and space. This is also essential to our design approach. By changing the case study 1.0 several times, we finally created series forms that all our group members are interested in. Through this process, I realized that the material field we choose, which is strip and folding, is actually various beyond what we have imagined it could be. Each single strip can create unique shape and form, therefore to create lights and shades effect. Simultaneously, the case study 2.0 is a further study that we can combine with case study 1.0 to explore more with the parametrically design and thinking. Our group made mistake due to the separate design concept from case study 2.0, we didn’t realize the key design feature of the archipelago pavilion, and therefore, the first outcome we had is quite separate from our computational design and has less conceptual support. So we changed our design, focusing on the idea of “archipelago”, creating shapes that formed from its own bending force from each string. I think our group’s design so far, has lots of possibilities for us to put more green transaction concept, we still need to work more on it. Also, the top hollow parts are very interesting, as it can be a space to collect natural resource, reflecting sun lights and reacting to it. We still need to research more on how and why the structure will work in a specific way. For me, from the study of studio air so far through this semester has encouraged to learn more on grasshopper skills and parametric design methods. Also, it has taught me more beyond these two aspects such as the arrangement on the layout of presentation, how to search data productively and how to edit image. This subject makes me understand that each process we are doing, no matter it is through computation design or sketches , it should always relates to our design concept. Each step we took further should also result from each other. I have confidence in our group’s design and will definitely work harder on it through part c study.
B.8 Appendix Algorithmic sketches explorations through algorithmic skills on inflatable pavilion.
B 8.1
B 8.2
reference Case%20Studies/Case%20report03%20-%20Copenhagen_ Denmark.pdf image B1.1-B1.3 author’s own B1.4-B1.7 B1.8-B1.10 B1.11-1.12 B1.13 B1.14 B2.1-B2.2 B2.3-B2.8 author’s own B3.1 B 3.2-3.4 author’s own B8.1 com%2F2013%2F06%2F05%2Fpeace-pavilion-by-atelier-zundel-cristea%2F&ei=14FnU6ryF4inkgXh_4CYBQ&bvm=bv.65788261,d.dGI&psig=AFQjCNHjS6Bg3cOiVmt6qHz4 FkeSQDAGAw&ust=1399377621240093 B8.2 Sleep%20&%20Dreams%20Pavillion%20Le%20Bioscope.jpg