12 minute read
Welcome to the Club
WELCOME to the
to the CLUB
By Janis Mako
President Donald Trump’s second presidential campaign is officially underway. With several successful 2020 rallies and events behind us, our President and his supporters are gearing up for the demanding, vigorous upcoming months to ensure a worthy second term for Donald J Trump. After all, freedom is worth fighting for. The President’s Fourth of July rally at the nation’s capital was evident of that freedom. With hundreds of thousands of Americans present, Bikers for Trump included, it was a great continuation of the support Trump has seen thus far. As Americans, we have to continue to support the pillars of liberty, justice, freedom and greatness that America was built upon and those who uphold them. Now more than ever, we must stand with our country and our President. “I saw first-hand the Washington DC gridlock. So, I wished and hoped for a candidate that would step forward outside of the establishment. Low and behold, here is Donald Trump,” said Chris Cox, founder of Bikers for Trump.
“That’s how Bikers for Trump was born. I saw an opportunity to reinvent the [Republican] party. I spent all of my money on [Bikers for Trump] and about ninety percent of my time on it,” Cox went on to explain. Cox’s devotion to America has since led to the most profound and unexpected political marvel our country has seen to date. Bikers for Trump is a grassroots political organization of patriotic American bikers and citizens “who are committed to supporting President Trump's agenda and upholding American liberties.” Chris Cox, a chainsaw artist from South Carolina, has been a long-time lone wolf in the American biker community until Donald Trump’s presence in the political arena inspired and swayed him into getting involved with politics again. President Trump isn't the first political figure Cox has bolstered up. In the 1990s, Cox worked for former Vice President Dan Quayle. Today, Chris is running for Congress. Cox displayed appreciation for Quayle’s mentorship publicly in a post. On April 30, 2020, he wrote, “Thank you Dan Quayle. The training I received as an Advance Man in the Office of the Vice President set in motion my ambitions to impact the presidential election cycle. As your next member of the House of Representatives, I will serve the Lowcountry, not the swamp. Too many politicians go to DC and forget why they’re there and where they came from. In DC, I’ll fight to pass term limits for members of Congress, to restore integrity to Washington with respect for the constitution and the American people who entrust us to be their voice. My biggest strengths are political instinct and loyalty. I’ll never forget where I come from and who I’m there to represent.”

“I had retired from politics. I became fed up with it,” Cox said during a 2017 interview with The New York Times. Many felt the same sentiment until Donald Trump showed America it can be great again. Because of President Trump, Cox’s perspective on politics has changed dramatically. Politics g
isn't something we, as Americans, have the liberty to ignore. “A lot of people out there don't want anything to do with politics. Well, let me tell you something. Politics will have something to do with you. People need to get involved and we need to show our President some support here.”
Cox’s dedication to President Trump’s message and his faithful nationwide biker group have been rewarding. Since its conception four years ago, the organization has grown exponentially in members, calling for organized staff in different regions of the country. Dale Herndon is the Director and National Coordinator of the political organization. He controls the group’s social media handles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as coordinates events and rallies for the organization. Many other chapter moderators of Bikers for Trump help coordinate rallies and events in their region of the country as well as assist members and other people who fit the patriot demographic with information and answer inquiries. With over three hundred and thirty-nine thousand members of Bikers for Trump on Facebook, you are almost guaranteed to see and feel the security of the Bikers for Trump presence at the any Trump rally in your area.
Bikers for Trump are ethnically and culturally diverse; they come from every walk of life. These singular histories were divergent until a light from the right emerged and called for a unification to support a leader who functions beyond politics. Bikers for Trump are all shapes, sizes and colors; they are from different backgrounds and classes; they come from hundreds of miles around; but all stand together for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some bikers are police and veterans while others have never participated in politics until Donald Trump became a viable option for America. His endeavor to make a greater, unrecognizable America has manifested an inspiration that has liberated the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Americans. “Everyday patriots are coming on board,” Cox said.
“We’ve spent a lot of time policing out members. We don't have felons that’re servicing in leadership positions. We have community members out there. We have blue collared guys. We have archangelical Bikers for Christ. We have veterans and combat veterans in front of our group.” Bikers for Trump consists of fathers, mothers, teachers, doctors, veterans – everyday Americans. These patriots represent the different niche views of America; they represent the changes they want and need to see in our country.
President Trump Tweeted, “Hundreds of Bikers for Trump just joined me at Bedminster. Quite a scene – GREAT people who TRULY LOVE our country.”
The goal of the Bikers of Trump organization is very simple: they are here to support President Trump by being a patriot and defender of America and our freedoms. They are here to exemplify and amplify his “Make America Great Again” promise and to help him in any way they can to ensure his next four years as our President. Since 2016, the group has held peaceful events and rallies in Trump’s name to gain support and educate voters on the issues America faces. “We are here to push his voice forward and try to reach out to his demographic to continue growing. We’re looking at almost half a million strong now. We’re going to be in the position to swing votes. Our main [goal] is that we want to identify congressional members across the country, and senatorial members, and we’re going to get their pledge for our president. We’re going to hold them to that pledge and were going to help swing that vote… But as far as out there [at the rallies], stepping and getting our hands dirty and civil disobedience and really going against the fabric of this country… that’s not what we’re about,” Cox said.
Now more than ever, Bikers for Trump have taken a more vigorous and active role in keeping the peace during Donald Trump's 2020 campaign due to the recent protesting. “We’re not looking for any fight. We are here to stand with Donald Trump and his fellow supporters. In the event we have to provide extra security, we will. The armed citizen is the first line of g

defense; law abiding weapons carriers,” said “Bomb Dog,” a member of Bikers for Trump.
Making America Great Again is a value the bikers want to uphold for the United States for years to come. They want their children and grandchildren to experience the same America they experienced as a child, but better. Bikers want to reform America to its former glory and President Trump is the vehicle and force to lead us to that victory. “Because bikers want to see a wall built. Because bikers want to see Syrian refugees vetted, that doesn't make us racists. That makes us patriots. We have got to change our policies in Washington [DC]. We have to work on bringing jobs back to America. We have to work on race relations in America,” said Cox. “When we show up [to rallies and events], we are there to bring peace and calmness to the situation. We are not there to intimidate. We are there to give our President some support, some much-needed support.” Bikers for Trump stand with peace and respect during the events they attend. They set the example with their upstanding presence and readiness to serve in their communities.
Bikers for Trump’s 2020 mission and role at rallies has expanded to acting as additional security, standing up with and for police, creating human barriers for supporters and to identify and remove protesters. “Being told to stand down goes against every fiber of a police officer that has given an oath and sworn to serve g

and protect. To have to watch felonies unfolding, it goes against every fiber of the police department and police officers. Our hearts go out to them and we couldn't have more support for them than we do now. We are going to continue to support police officers around this country. We are going to continue to support the president with unyielding support and we are excited about the leadership Donald Trump has exemplified,” Cox said.
To keep this vision, President Trump, and his fellow supporters safe and peaceful are imperative. Bikers for Trump are as loyal to Trump as they are to their Harleys. That is because of Trump’s devotion to America. Trump and the sound of a Harley have the same spirit. They ignite the same feelings. President Trump is the rumble and shake our country has needed. He has an attitude. He tells it like it is but he’s more than just ‘talk’. He is action and he's unapologetic. The spirit of Harley and Trump are synonymous with the USA – and its freedom.
Is Trump a biker? No, but he’s in touch with America. He's in touch with the needs and wants of our citizens to make our country great again. Bikers and Trump hold many of the same values and attitude towards life and self-expression. Bikers are strong, spirited and rebellious. Bikers are brutally honest and unapologetic about their bold individualism. They are fiercely loyal. They are proud of their roots and their home. They LOVE America. Sound familiar? What can you and your family expect at a 2020 Trump Presidential campaign rally? First of all, it is, in fact, family friendly. It is safe. Admission doesn’t cost a penny. Rallies are full to the brim with fellow American loving, American protecting, President Trump supporting people. It is a sea of red, love, strength, hope and God. It is a spectacle of passion, loyalty, pride and community. Rallies are fun, educational and inspirational. More times than not, you can expect President Trump’s appearance. Bikers for Trump, by the hundreds if not thousands, will have a presence at every rally. With a loyal following that clearly shows up, supporters and bikers alike, a win for Trump in 2020 is in sight.
Even though Trump rides in a limousine versus the open road, the parallels between these seemingly uncomplimentary forces is one to be reckoned with. Bikers for Trump have attended multiple rallies across the country getting in gear for the 2020 Presidential Campaign and they will attend every one until the campaign is over to ensure safety and raise support. Just like previous years, Bikers are coming by the thousands. Their dedication, integrity, intensity and passion are uncanny and admirable. “A lower-key politician that embraces the ideals, would we like him or her? Yeah,” said Bill Hayes, a California biker. “But in this case, it’s all so over the top that the support is over the top.”

“As a civilian, we don't get a lot of opportunity to serve our country, so when we get one, we need to step up and seize it!” Cox said, attributing to the civil duty called upon to all citizens.
“I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough – until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad, ” President Trump said in a Tweet, recognizing the vigor of his supporters.
Bikers for Trump are not alone in their crusade. President Trump has gained support of many members of society on many levels to make a change for the better. Stand with them. President Trump still needs our help. President Donald Trump and America need another four years of leadership without the Swamp destroying everything our President has put into place. Our country and our President depend on it. God bless America. God bless President Donald Trump. God bless Bikers for Trump and American citizens everywhere.
To learn more or donate to Bikers for Trump, visit their website at bikersfortrumppac2020.com.

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