==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====
Facebook Advertising is gaining ground and is slowly making waves as a viable Pay Per Click platform. And although Google is still the PPC platform of choice for most Internet marketers and business owners the competition for keywords is ruthless and budgets can disappear faster than expected, especially for the uninitiated. With Facebook Pay Per Click, marketers will get value for their money as long as they follow Facebook's strict guidelines. Facebook PPC advertising allows for a well-targeted campaign, with over 600 million users - 50% of whom are actively logged in to Facebook on any given day. Advertisers can choose to target either by keywords, location, sex, language, political views, workplace, education and relationship status. This makes Facebook a powerful force in the advertising world. What makes for an effective Facebook Pay Per Click campaign? Below are 10 tips for those starting out in this field: 1. Read and follow Facebook's advertising procedures. Facebook is very strict with regards to breaching their advertising terms and all advertisers not following the guidelines to the letter will find their ads either rejected, banned or deleted. 2. Choose the right keywords. Before you write your ad copy, make sure to do some research on your targeted keywords. Check out the descriptive words used by Facebook users in their profiles and target the ones that are relevant to your campaign. 3. Make the most out of your allotted advertising space. Facebook ads are limited to 25 characters for the title and 135 characters for the body. That is more than Google allows (25 title characters but only 105 characters for the body - 70 of which are for the actual copy and 35 for the display URL). Users make use of the extra space by adding relevant information that might help encourage clicks. 4. Take the time to evaluate the copy in your ad, make sure the annoying factor is set to very low. Facebook users have the option to close ads that they do not like and this is mostly because the ad is annoying or too pushy. This is a unique feature that only Facebook has out of all the advertising platforms and if an ad has been closed too many times FB will ban that ad and it will no longer be shown to users. 5. Add an image that captures the gist of your copy. Choose an image that visually represents the general idea of your business or product and make sure that it is appealing enough to get people
to click through it to know more about your business or product. 6. Only target users who will find your products or services beneficial. Although Facebook gives advertisers the freedom to target users based on different factors (age, location, language, sex, political affiliations, relationship status, interest etc), choosing the wrong ones will spell doom for your advertising campaign. Make sure that your ad is only shown to users that will give you the highest click through and conversion rate. 7. Adapt the mindset of your chosen demographics to assess the effectiveness of your ad before publishing it. Be critical and only choose the copy that your chosen demographics will find interesting enough to explore further. 8. Test your ad first before spending too much money on it. Facebook PPC can make you expend money faster than you think possible. When testing an ad set a very low daily budget and keep a very close eye on your campaign while it is running. Facebook traffic is tremendously fast, and before you know it your budget will have reached its limit. 9. Monitor the performance of your ads. You can monitor your ad's performance through Facebook's Ads manager and Facebook reports. Only continue ads that passed the testing phase with flying colors and delete the ones that did not do as well. Facebook Advertising requires patience and the ability to monitor the effectiveness of your campaign. 10. Be aware of the competition. Facebook is the #1 social network at the moment, and garners a few thousand new users each day. Together with the influx of users, is a number of advertisers who can't wait to get their hands on trying out Facebook Pay Per Click. Be on guard and fine-tune your campaign so as not to be left behind by the competition.
Jennifer Sheahan is the founder of The Facebook Ads Lab, a full-service ads agency specializing in Facebook PPC ads. The FBAdsLab provides ad campaign management, training, and mentor programs for marketers. The goal of the FBAdsLab is to help business owners learn all they need to know to be successful in advertising on Facebook; to take control of their traffic so they can stay ahead of their competition and be leaders in their field. Helping people understand Facebook marketing and delivering outstanding results are the most crucial aspects of the FBAdsLab mission. This is achieved through a comprehensive ad campaign management service: clients choose from a "Monthly Insights" program- allowing them to take advantage of the latest tips, strategies, and information which is sent to them on a monthly basis; a one-on-one coaching program, where they work directly with Jennifer to develop and fine-tune their campaigns; or a complete "Done For You" service, which includes an analysis of the client's marketing needs, setting up individually tailored ads, and ultimately finding the best customers for the client.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Sheahan
==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====