Why Advertise on Facebook

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==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====

When Facebook first came online in 2004, no one really envisioned an online world that would be permeated by its various technologies. Today, no one can even think of the quintessential online experience without using Facebook. It has become that popular. Small, medium, and large businesses now use Facebook to increase brand awareness, which will gradually develop brand loyalty. Multinational corporations typically use Facebook to strengthen brand loyalty. Up-and-coming brands, on the other hand, work hard to increase word-of-mouth interest. If you want one word to describe what Facebook marketing is all about, think viral. When something goes viral, it spreads unabated like wildfire and people start talking about the hottest thing on the web right now. Granted, not every business can create a viral hit overnight, but it's always worth trying and when you do succeed in creating something buzz worthy, the best platform on which to share your viral gem is Facebook, with your fans and soon to be fans. When a viral hit is introduced on a Facebook page, fans will most likely generate some buzz by writing about the viral hit on their own Facebook walls. When individual networks of personal contacts read about the viral hit and like it, the process is repeated. You don't have to depend on the Facebook platform at all when creating your viral hit. You just have to share the viral hit on this social network. It can be a video on YouTube or a set of awesome photos on Flickr. If you have a new game coming out and you want to generate enough buzz to sell on the launch day, why not create a test version and give it away on Facebook? There are hundreds of ways to create a hit. Here's another reason to love Facebook marketing: Facebook pages are automatically indexed by Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo. If a Facebook page is teeming with activity and has a steadily growing fan base, search engines also note this constant buzz of activity. Eventually, the activity on your Facebook page will affect the significance and ranking of your main website (since your page links to your main website).

Since Facebook has a large membership base, businesses are also finding it easier to recruit people directly from their Facebook pages. It hasn't stopped companies from advertising on their Facebook pages and attracting the right professionals. Some companies are even using Facebook to gather vital feedback from their consumers before launching a new product. As you can see from these benefits, Facebook marketing actually encompasses a lot of activities. You can achieve almost anything, whether you're selling something, strengthening an existing brand, or conducting research before product development. Facebook marketing offers a venue where interaction with the market is easy and stress-free.

Nicu Lucanu is a Facebook marketing expert. For great information on why advertise on Facebook, visit http://www.facebookmarketingeasy.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicu_Lucanu

==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====

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