Facebook Marketing Strategies - Part 3

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In part 1 and 2 we reviewed the setup process for your personal, group and fan pages. Now, in this part we are going to talk about the Facebook Marketing Strategies that are going to make it possible for people who are interested in your niche to find you and request your friendship or join your fan club. The hard, boring part is all done. Even if your pages don't look 100% the way you want them to look like, don't stress about it. The more you work with, and apply these Facebook marketing strategies the better you are going to get at them and the easier is it will be next time to go through the setup. Also, as you go, you will find out that inevitably you are going to be changing certain details just to make it work for you and for your business. Part 3 of these Facebook marketing strategies involves a little of playing around with searches and other Facebook features. The goal here is to befriend 25 people who are leaders or experts in our market, daily! Thanks to Facebook's structure this is actually pretty easy to do. First of all you are going to look for leaders that you know. For example if you are in the MLM business you can look for Mike Dillard. Once you find him you are going to request his friendship and then you are going to find his followers and see who seems to be active and really interested in the industry, or you can simply go to one of his groups, the one that is closest related to your market, join the group and befriend group members. The one thing to stay away from is posting in these groups about your opportunity directly. Not only you are going to get zero results, but people are going to be offended, and that is the worst thing to do if you want to create relationships. You need to remember that nobody is on Facebook to be sold anything. If you do this everyday you are sure to grow your friends list, and if you are proactive you are going to realize how your group and fan pages grow as well. Be an active member of groups, if you contribute with valid, valuable content people are going to look for you and they will go to your personal page to see who you are. This step is very simple but it is one of the most effective Facebook marketing strategies that I have seen. If you become friends of the most influential people in your industry you are going to get some traffic by that relationship alone. If you happen to have a picture of you with one of them, post it everywhere! that is going to be a huge magnet that will attract all kinds of people to you. 25 target people everyday for the next 60 days result in 1500 niche oriented individuals who just like you are looking for someone who is willing to share their knowledge and help them succeed.

There is one thing that I need to add in this step and this I learned after attending a couple of webinars presented by the most successful people who work with my same sales funnel. "Discipline trumps talent" Everybody who has become successful had a daily plan of attack and they made sure to go through it. They scheduled it as something very important that needed to get done. For them this is their business, their bread and butter, not their hobby. Look for part 4, where I will tell you exactly how to maintain your pages and what kind of content to post.

If you would like to see a video, step-by-step, of this plan, click here Facebook Marketing Strategies. Also, if you want to see part 1 and part 2, plus a Twitter step-by-step plan, go to my website Facebook Marketing Strategies

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cyn_Ajoy

==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====

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