Learn About the 3 Big Myths About Advertising on Facebook

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Advertising on Facebook is not as simple as many Internet entrepreneurs originally believe. Sure it's easy to create your own cool fan page; but what happens next? Just like in any other start-up, you have to advertise. Think of your Facebook page as a blog; you need readers so you have to attract them. Although this time, it's not just anyone on the Internet; this time you are looking for a Facebook member base. It is fun to stay connected and meet new friends on Facebook but advertising on Facebook is very different. Below are 3 common myths that you should be aware of. Myth 1 - If you create a fan page, people will find you. If this was true, everyone who had a Facebook fan page would be extremely successful. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen. You have to work hard to advertise your fan page just like you do for any other site you may have. A fan page is fun to create and you don't have to put a lot into it. However, if you just note the basics or go all out and add widgets and other fun stuff you must still advertise. If you have surfed around Facebook, you know that you can recognize something by clicking the "like" button. The "like" is used to indicate you like other peoples comments without you having to say anything. You can also "like" other pages. What do you need to do to get started in advertising on Facebook? You need to create a link from your website to your fan page and of course, a link on your fan page to direct readers to your website. You can also link your fan page to other Internet communities such as Twitter and to your blog. Encourage other businesses to put their link on your fan page so that their followers will see you and your followers will see them. You can also suggest your page to your Facebook friends and you can also buy ads. Myth 2 - Discussions are started by fans because of your "brand." You have to give them something to discuss first. This is a place where typically you ask to be a friend; so, you need to invite people into your discussion. This is done by posting to your fan page quotes, statistics, photos, or tid bits of information about your product or service. You can even have a survey going and whoever answers first wins a prize. Offering something for free is an easy process in advertising on Facebook. Everyone likes a challenge and also the opportunity to get something for free. This of drawings held at the mall or other large events; each one gather tons of names and phone numbers. Hello! This is advertising without the person realizing it! Myth 3 - It doesn't matter what people say on Facebook about your brand. Um, yes it does!

Thousands of people use Facebook everyday to communicate something to someone. Think about it; when someone posts a comment, how many people actually see that comment? It depends upon how their individual accounts are set up. But if they allow all of their friends to see any post, just imagine how people will see that negative or positive post? If someone has a lot of friends, typically their posts can be seen by almost anyone. If this same person is well liked, their friends are probably going to "listen" to what that person has to say. As you can see, these 3 myths are very powerful to understand and realize that they are just not true. You can attract people, you can get them involved and you can get to know them better. Understanding who you are advertising to will help your advertising on Facebook to be successful.

David Fenton is a Facebook advertising & marketing expert. For more great information on Facebook Marketing visit: http://www.howtomasterfacebookmarketing.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=E._David_Fenton

==== ==== How To Make $1377.30 Giving Away Free Stuff In Facebook? Click Below Link To Find Out! http://automatedaffiliatemachine.com/FBFreeMoney ==== ====

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