Georgia Public Works Issue 1, 2021

Page 15

Why I Took the

COVID-19 Vaccine By Adisa Aarons, Vice President, Metro Atlanta Branch, Field Engineer, City of Atlanta


OVID-19 has been a headache for us all. It has disrupted our day-to-day routine and kept us at home. Everyone knows someone who has been impacted by COVID-19. Personally, I have lost two family members – my cousin Greg Aarons (October 2020) and my grandmother Carolyn Barnes (January 2021) – to the virus. When the vaccine came out late last year, I was equally excited and nervous because it was developed so quickly. I questioned whether it was safe and effective, so I decided to talk with my primary care doctor and get her opinion on the vaccine. Without any hesitation, she recommended that I take the vaccine. She already had and believed that it would get us to a point where we can return to a normal day-to-day life. I also spoke to other close friends, who are doctors, and they all stated that they would take the vaccine as well. When I had the opportunity to take the vaccine, I signed up to get my spot in the line. The online system was not working properly so I called the hotline for support; while it took a few attempts to get through, with a 45-minute waiting period, I was able to get my appointment scheduled. On March 24 at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium, I received my first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine then returned for my second dose on April 15, 2021.

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I took the COVID-19 vaccine for three reasons:

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1. I am a cancer survivor (July 2020), which means that I am at high risk to contract the virus and develop the severe symptoms that come along with it. I will do anything that I can to ensure that I can be around for my family. 2. I am a servant of Public Works. In my role, I am around contractors and the general public on a regular basis. While I know that I am doing everything I can to be as safe as possible, I do not know if everyone else around me is being as safe as possible. By doing my part, I can protect myself, my family, and everyone I connect with.


3. It’s our way out of this pandemic. I truly believe that getting vaccinated while wearing masks will eventually get us all to a point where we can go back to our normal lives pre-COVID. While it is your own personal choice whether or not you get vaccinated, I recommend that you speak with your doctor and friends to make the best decision for you and your family.

I s s u e 1 – M a rch /A p r i l 20 2 1 | G EO RG I A P U B L I C WO R K S


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