Georgia Public Works Summer 2024

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It’s not just about getting from Point A to Point B. It’s about having the freedom to get out there, live your life, and make memories happen.

At Ergon, we’re proud to deliver the right paving, preservation, and maintenance and solutions designed to keep your road networks safe and strong. Because you have places to go and people to see. Don’t let inferior road conditions get in the way of life’s adventures.






Contractors all over the world trust X-Vac to locate underground utilities, expose broken water lines, clean out potholes and vacuum a wide range of materials safely and quickly.

 Day Lighter Trucks | 6 to 10 Cubic Yards

 X-8 | 8 Yard Hydro Excavators

 X-10 | 10 Yard Hydro Excavators

 X-13 | 13 Yard Hydro Excavators

 X-15 | 15 Yard Hydro Excavator

 Trailer-Mounted Hydro Excavators


 CDL & Non-CDL Rear Loader Refuse Trucks

 CDL & Non-CDL Grapple Trucks

 Leaf Vacuum Trucks

 Roll-off Trucks



The Aquatech B-Series Combination Sewer Cleaner is ideal for any size municipality, water and sewer district, or contractor who is cleaning storm drains, catch basins and or sewers.

 B10 | 18” Blower Combo Trucks

 B10 | 27” Blower Combo Trucks

 O’Brien Trailer Water Jetters

 Bucher Easement Machine

 USB-USA Sewer Nozzles


 Mainline | Sprinter Van

 Lateral Launch | Sprinter Van


 Proteus Mainline Portable Cube

 Push Camera Systems

The sweeper product range extends from narrow, agile compact sweepers to heavy-duty truck-mounted sweepers designed for wide surfaces.

 Compact Sweepers

 Truck-Mounted Sweepers

 Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rentals

 Special Truck-Mounted Sweepers

 Airport Truck-Mounted Sweepers

 New Equipment & Financing Options

 All Makes, Parts & Service

 Rental Purchase Options

Mobile Field Service

Camera Repair Services

Hydro-Excavation Product Training

Combination Truck Training


4915 Chase Lane Cumming, GA 30040


Mr. Christopher Cox


Mr. Felix Floyd


Mr. Christopher Rotalsky


Mr. Tyler Pannell


Mr. Patrick S. Collins, P.E.


Mr. Lenardo “Leo” Owens


Mrs. Becky L. Kinsey


Mr. Terrence Simpkins

Georgia Public Works is published

Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799

Managing Editor: Mathias Leiendecker

Marketing Manager: Rod Evason

Design/layout: Kiersten Drysdale

Advertising Coordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow



If there is one common factor, one overriding consideration that we public works professionals deal with in our everyday decision process it is that any infrastructure asset that we plan, build, operate, and maintain will undoubtedly involve some aspect of our community’s transportation network. APWA members have seen it all, we have lived it and worked on it, and have experiences and knowledge to share with our fellow APWA members.

This is the resource of which APWA is most proud. Our members, not only serve our communities but also serve each other as a valuable resource. This month, as we focus on transportation, we remind our members to share their knowledge by volunteering to serve on the Transportation Committee and its diverse knowledge teams or subcommittees.

From potholes to electric charging stations, from walkways and crosswalks to snow removal, finding transportation solutions and funding for the many challenges presented to the public continues to be a priority. This encompasses everything from posted speeds to the need for fire and medical response teams to arrive in a timely manner and potentially save a life.

Public works professionals at all levels of government play a huge role in all of this.

Most of us would say there just is not enough money to improve the

infrastructure. State or provincial and federal lawmakers need to do more; the public wants better roads, walkways, and business access, but how do we pay for all these needs? What is ahead as electric vehicles, charging stations, and

From potholes to electric charging stations, from walkways and crosswalks to snow removal, finding transportation solutions and funding for the many challenges presented to the public continues to be a priority.

automated vehicle technology evolve? How do we address the ever-growing concern of public safety as it relates to vulnerable road users (VRUs)? VRUs are people who walk or cycle as well as those using any nonmotorized mode of transportation; motorized wheelchairs are included as a VRU. Fatal and serious injury crashes are steadily increasing across the United States with only a few state DOTs reporting a decline.

The APWA Transportation Committee keeps a finger on the pulse of all these issues for our APWA members. There are four subcommittees within the

I encourage you to volunteer on the Transportation Committee and its subcommittees to make a difference in your public works environment. You will be rewarded with SMILES and gain more resources to change the world than you ever thought possible.

Transportation Committee: Federal Transportation, Winter Maintenance, Road Safety, and Sustainable Transportation. There are only a few volunteers working within these subcommittees; they are not all from the United States but from Sweden, Australia, and Canada, to name just a few. When this diverse group of people meets to determine what information or research is available to provide solutions that are relevant to APWA membership, amazing things happen.

Just a few years ago, in 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) passed, providing more federal funds to many transportation modes and to cities and counties. The APWA Transportation Committee and Federal Transportation Subcommittee, along with the APWA Government Affairs staff, played a huge role in leveraging more funds at the local level.

In addition to these new programs, a renewed emphasis on the Safe System Approach (SSA) is gaining more traction across the country. Many of our international counterparts have already made strides in SSA, and the United States, through state DOTs, is striving to provide more support to locals as a higher priority.

The US Department of Transportation SSA principles and elements provide tools to determine how our existing Transportation Committee structure aligns with the goals of the Federal Highway Administration and state DOTs.

• The Federal Transportation Subcommittee focuses on the laws and regulations that support all five elements of the SSA.

• Road Safety Subcommittee focuses on safer people, safer speeds, safer roads, and post-crash care.

• Winter Maintenance Subcommittee focuses on safer vehicles, safer roads, and post-crash care.

• Sustainable Transportation focuses on safer vehicles, safer speeds, safer people, and safer roads.

As mentioned in the SSA principles, redundancy is crucial. Another important principle to realize is that humans make mistakes and humans are vulnerable. To have a safer transportation system, responsibility will have to be shared from the VRU to the driver to the culture within our own homes as it relates to safety. Everyone needs to realize that death and serious injuries are unacceptable. Safety must be proactive, and the subcommittees under the APWA Transportation Committee are working to be proactive by providing resources for public works professionals to leverage as solutions.

Another challenge in the transportation business is hiring staff. The number of people looking for work has declined; some of this is due to Baby Boomers retiring. Artificial Intelligence (AI) software is becoming more competitive to help public works organizations with human resource tasks, statistical/data analysis, and GPS fleet tracking/efficiency. Technology is changing so fast, just consider the USA Today article posted on July 7, 2023, ‘The First Flying Electric Car, ‘Model A,’ Approved by the FAA and it’s 100% Electric,’ by Natalie Neysa Alund.

As mentioned earlier, it takes just a few hours for a few people to volunteer to provide resources in an ever-changing transportation environment. Great quotes about volunteering:

• “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

– Elizabeth Andrew

• “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

• “Volunteers are paid in six figures –S-M-I-L-E-S.” – Gayle Lemaire

As the president of APWA, I encourage you to volunteer on the Transportation Committee and its subcommittees to make a difference in your public works environment. You will be rewarded with SMILES and gain more resources to change the world than you ever thought possible.

Take Charge

of your Fleet




Ron O. Lampkin


Keith Page


Metro Atla nta Branc h

Bradley Klinger

Sha uncey Battle-W illi ams sba ttle-will iams@Atla ntaG a Gov

Georgia APWA Branches


Georgia APWA Branches

2021 Branch Presidents

2021 Branch Presidents

2021 Branch Presidents

Georgia APWA Branches Branch

North Carolina


Scott Sullivan


Coastal B ra nch Kei th P age bkp age@c hatham county or g Northe ast Bra nc h

Todd Beebe

Tod d B eebe tbeeb e@gain esvi lle org


Northwe st B ran ch

Eric Sexton

Jerem y Bryson jerem y bryso n@cato osa com


Anthony Vincent


Angela Bray

Sou thwe st Br an ch Em anuel Hai re EHai re@colqui ttga org


West Cen tral Bran ch

Jam es Man g jma ng@c olum bus ga org


APWA Membership has its privileges

Memberships are extended to both current or past public works employees as well as to private company employees who interact with the American Public Works Association.

Membership comes with the opportunity to share common goals, challenges, and solutions with Public Works professionals throughout North America.

As a member, you’ll participate in local Chapter and Branch programs meetings – often at reduced pricing; gain exposure to more than 30,000 Public Works professionals; save money on the best education and training programs in Public Works, covering all disciplines with ability to receive CEUs and PDHs; gain free subscriptions to many infoNOW electronic networking communities and resources, including the APWA Reporter Magazine; receive free access to the Resource Center and registrations for live Click, Listen & Learn programs; and pay reduced pricing for books, videos, construction, water resources and more.

As a member, you’ll save up to 42% on registration for PWX, the NORTH American Snow Conference and most nationally sponsored workshops and e-learning programs; earn your professional certification credentials; have networking opportunities at the national, local chapter and/or Branch level; and receive discounts on advertising opportunities in the APWA Reporter Magazine and exhibitor space at the annual PWX* (*Corporate Crown Level Group Memberships only ).

APWA is your primary resource for public works-related knowledge.

Become an Individual or Group Member of the APWA

Individual APWA membership automatically includes a one-year membership to your local APWA or CPWA Chapter.

Individual Membership is available to:

• any official or employee (active, retired, or life) of a government agency, manufacturer, supplier, contractor, student, or consulting firm who is actively engaged in the field of Public Works.

Group Membership is available to:

• Student Groups,

• Public Agency Groups,

• One-Call Center/System Groups,

• Corporate Groups,

• Prestige Corporate, and

• Crown Corporate.

To learn more about APWA’s membership groups and how to become a member, visit

Membership comes with the opportunity to share common goals, challenges, and solutions with Public Works professionals throughout North America.

APWA Announces 2024 Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year

Today, the American Public Works Association (APWA) announced its 2024 Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year. In its 65th year, this award is one of APWA’s highest honors based on a lifetime of professional excellence. Recipients of the awards are chosen by past top ten recipients and embody professionalism, expertise, and personal dedication to improving the quality of life in their communities through the advancement of public works services and technology.

The Top Ten Public Works Leaders Award focuses on outstanding career service achievements of individual public works professionals and officials from both the public and private sectors in North America. Each of the top ten leaders is recognized for their accomplishments in federal, state, provincial, county, or municipal engineering or administration, including career advancement, contribution to technology or job knowledge, commitment to the profession as evidenced by education, training, certification and continuing education, as well as professional excellence and service to the community in large and small municipalities.

Shining a light on these dedicated leaders who make possible the core services their communities need to maintain a high quality of life is of utmost importance to APWA. Thanks to their planning, foresight, technical contributions, and leadership, public works departments, and their private sector partners continue to provide essential municipal services, such as solid waste management, clean drinking water, and emergency management operations.

APWA’s 2024 Top Ten Public Works Leaders are:

• Keith Bryant, PE, PTOE, Chief Infrastructure Officer Bay County, Florida

• Daniel J. Dinges, PE, Director of Public Works, Village of Bartlett, Illinois

• Tod J. Fagan, Director, Right of Way and Land Management Spire, St. Louis, Missouri

• Jay J. Fink, PE, Commissioner of Public Works & Parks, City of Worcester, Massachusetts

• Joseph “Joe” Fornaro, CPWP-M, Public Works Director, City of Kirtland, Ohio

• Ronald “Ron” Knoche, PE, ENV SP, Public Works Director City of Iowa City, Iowa

• Jeffrey “Jeff” Kramer, PE, PWLF, CCM, CJP, CPM, Director Program & Project Management Division, Consultant Engineering Inc., Phoenix, Arizona

• Marie Marston, PE, QSD/QSP, Sr. Project Manager/Transportation, David Evans and Associates, Inc., Tustin, California

• Ryan Thomas Moore, PE, TE, Assistant City Manager, City of Sacramento, California

• Russ Thomas, Public Works Director, City of Newberg, Oregon

“Each year, APWA honors the Top Ten Public Works Leaders. They are the cream of the crop and the best at what they do. They have committed to serving their communities with honor and dedication. We congratulate these outstanding professionals who are advancing the quality of life for all,” said APWA President W. Gary Losier, PEng.


Within the metro area, there’s a city located 35 miles west of downtown Atlanta historically known as the ‘City of Gold’, due to boasting the first gold strike in the state. Beyond the historical landmark of the city – the Pine Mountain Gold Museum at Stockmar Park – where tourists and residents alike come to marvel at a previous age, Villa Rica is also home to Coca-Cola legend Asa Candler, Gospel Music founder Thomas A. Dorsey, and even sports and entertainment celebrities such as Boston Celtic Jae Crowder and comedian (and Season Eight winner of The Last Comic Standing) Rod Man.

And yet, Villa Rica isn’t resting on its laurels. Instead, it’s making impactful changes for the city, residents, and visitors, down to the roads they traverse daily. A move was undertaken that involves state-of-the-art technology, as well as a modern alternative to how things have historically been done regarding maintaining a road network.

“When it comes to a city like ours that’s seen exponential population growth over the years, we knew we had to take a serious look at how we have been maintaining our network,” said Hal Burch, Villa Rica Public Works Director.

“The pandemic, along with an aged approach of assessing and addressing

road conditions has set us back to a point where we felt our city was even further behind the curve,” said Burch,

“While that’s not any different than a lot of other agencies out there, we wanted to set ourselves apart with a new technology and a new approach. Setting a course for pavement preservation, extending the life of our road network, while saving dollars over the extended life of our roads.”

Most transitions don’t happen overnight, especially when you feel like you’re playing catch-up. City officials felt like they had to take a two-pronged approach to their immediate needs. Approve a (large) slice of the budget to repair what was deemed as a major portion of its 718,080 linear feet (or 136 lane miles) road network, as well as chart a course to find a better solution moving forward for assessing and addressing issues.


“We wanted to set ourselves apart with a new technology and a new approach. Setting a course for pavement preservation, extending the life of our road network, while saving dollars over the extended life of our roads.”

“The former ‘worst first’ method of assessing a road network is extremely outdated, and even engaging an engineering company to conduct road surveys takes a long time to get results,” said Burch, “You can’t afford to assess

the entire network this way, and by the time you get the data back, it’s already months behind what’s actually going on out there. We wanted to use technology and innovation to improve our efforts drastically somehow.”

Tame Nature Naturally

Corn, soy beans, oranges and petroleum are all derived from Mother Nature. When used according to Nature’s Plan, we all benefit. Asphalt binder is a natural derivative of petroleum. Exposure to the natural environment damages a binder’s maltene components through oxidation. The natural remedy for repairing that damage is Maltene Replacement Technology using Reclamite® asphalt rejuvenator.

Burch and his team found Roadway Management Technologies or RMT. The company’s proprietary application provided the exact tools and data necessary to achieve the agency’s new goals.

“RMT came in and installed hardware devices underneath our fleet vehicles, and while these vehicles are driving across our roads, they’re passively collecting road data with no needed action from the drivers,” said Burch, “Within about three weeks we had our entire road network mapped, with real-time data able to be reviewed at any time in an easy-to-understand dashboard. With RMT’s AI technology and machine learning, we can now see all the roads and the conditions they are in marked by green, yellow, and red on the screen.”

Villa Rica became the first agency in Georgia to utilize RMT’s technology, thus becoming Georgia’s first ‘Smart City’. To move toward a more proactive approach versus reactive, the city can now see the health of its entire road network and make more accurate and effective decisions on needed repairs –right down to the best-recommended types and estimated associated costs. All this will keep its network in healthier shape as well as extend the life of the roads, ultimately saving crucial budgetary dollars.

“In the past, let’s say a resident called us about a pothole,” said Burch, “Now, we will be able to tell where a pothole may be starting to form and have a plan in place to repair, long before that resident has to pick up the phone because the damage has become more severe and costly. One of the great things about RMT’s technology is being able to identify the slightest variation or minor degradations in real time so we can stay on top of repairs. Again, proactive versus reactive.”

Burch also said that the dashboard providing the health of their road network was not only easy to use, but those who aren’t necessarily tech-savvy can even find it user-friendly.

With Villa Rica, and city officials like Hal Burch who truly put their heart and soul into making their city a better place to live, it looks like they’ve struck gold yet again.

Introducing our new Georgia Dealer!



Blue Ridge



Villa Rica


Waverly Hall



PWX provides a first-class multi-modal learning experience designed for professionals at all levels and across the entire spectrum of public works. Come prepared to see, hear, touch, and discuss in a variety of traditional and interactive sessions, seminars, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Attendees can also spend time on North America’s largest exhibit floor for public works equipment and services – we’ve carved out generous portions of non-compete time, so you don’t miss any sessions. Kick tires, talk about technology, or get the scoop on new products.

To take advantage of everything PWX has to offer with more than 5,000 public works colleagues from North America and beyond, meet us in Atlanta in 2024!

PWX draws thousands of public works professionals from all over the world. If you’re like many, you have limited resources for professional development, so you’ve chosen APWA’s PWX 2024 in Atlanta as your preferred venue for:

• Outstanding education sessions that address current public works issues – as well as ongoing challenges. Choose from more than 125 technical and professional development sessions presented by your colleagues, who will impart their vital knowledge and experience. APWA’s education sessions are based on the very latest learning models: classroom, interactive, and ‘live’ learning labs.

• The chance to see an extensive gathering of exhibitors that will showcase the latest products, services, and technologies specific to public works. Special ‘non-compete’ hours allow you to visit the floor uninterrupted.

• Opportunities to network with your peers, hone your leadership abilities, and learn new job skills.


• City and County Engineers

• City Council Members

• City Planners


• Construction Directors and Managers

• Consulting Engineers

• County Supervisors

• Directors and Managers of Operations and Operations Personnel

• Emergency Management Directors and Coordinators

• Public Facilities and Grounds Directors and Managers

• Public Fleet Directors and Managers

• Public Works Directors

• Solid Waste Managers and Coordinators

• Stormwater and Flood Control Directors and Managers

• Streets/Roads/Bridges Directors and Managers

• Superintendents and Managers

• Sustainability Specialists

• Transportation Directors and Managers

• Water Services Directors and Managers

• Anyone else whose responsibilities are public works-related


• Career & Personal Development

• Construction Management

• Emergency Management

• Engineering and Technology

• Environment/Sustainability

• Facilities

• Fleet Services

• Management

• Parks and Grounds

• Snow and Ice

• Solid Waste

• Stormwater/Flood Control

• Streets/Roads/Bridges

• Traffic Engineering

• Utilities/Right-of-Way

• Water and Wastewater


All meetings and events are at the Georgia World Congress Center unless otherwise noted. Times are subject to change.

All times are Eastern.



7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Young Professionals Summit 7:30 am - 4:15 pm

Self-Assessment and Accreditation Workshop (additional fee)

8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Golf Tournament

7:00 am - 3:30 pm (transportation departs at 7:00 am, shotgun start at 9:00 am)

Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter Chastain Park Golf Course

Brewery Tour

5:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Buses will depart Omni at 5:30 pm and return by 10:00 pm

Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter


Registration 6:30 am - 5:00 pm

First-Timers and New Members Meeting 7:00 am - 8:00 am

Education Sessions 8:00 am - 9:15 am

Opening Ceremony and Keynote 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Exposition Open

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Exhibitor Solutions

Theater #1 and Theater #2 12:00 pm - 3:50 pm

Technology Solutions Theater 12:00 pm - 3:50 pm

Asset Management Space 12:00 pm - 3:50 pm

The Pitch (previously New Product Theater) 12:00 pm - 3:50 pm

Prize Drawings APWA Connect LIVE! 2:50 pm

Education Sessions 3:00 pm - 4:50 pm

Get Acquainted Party (ticketed event) 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm



7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Education Sessions

8:00 am - 9:30 am

National Equipment Roadeo Competition

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Exposition Open

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Exhibitor Solutions

Theater #1 and Theater #2

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Technology Solutions Theater

9:00 am - 2:50 pm

Asset Management Space

9:00 am - 2:50 pm

The Pitch (previously New Product Theater)

9:00 am - 2:50 pm

Education Sessions

9:45 am - 11:00 am

CPWA Luncheon (ticketed event) 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Prize Drawings

APWA Connect LIVE!

1:50 pm

Education Sessions

2:00 pm - 4:50 pm

Public Works Stormwater Summit (day one)

2:00 pm - 4:50 pm

Awards and Recognition Ceremony

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm


5K Fun Run and Walk

Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter Time TBD


7:00 am - 5:00 pm

General Session

8:00 am - 9:30 am

Asset Management Space

9:00 am - 12:50 pm

Exposition Open

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Exhibitor Solutions Theater #1 and Theater #2

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Technology Solutions Theater 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

The Pitch (previously New Product Theater) 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Education Sessions 9:45 am - 11:00 am

Small Cities/Rural Communities Brunch (ticketed event)

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Brunch (ticketed event)

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Prize Drawings APWA Connect LIVE! 12:50 pm

Education Sessions 1:30 pm - 4:20 pm

Public Works Stormwater Summit (day two)

1:30 pm - 4:20 pm

Chapter Dinners Evening times TBD


Registration 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Closing General Session and Keynote 8:30 am - 9:45 am

Technical Tours (ticketed events) Times TBD

Education Sessions 10:00 am - 11:15 am

Facilities and Grounds Management Certificate Program 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Education Sessions 11:25 am - 12:15 pm




Chastain Park Golf Course

• Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter

• 7:00 am departure from the Omni Hotel

• Shotgun tournament starts at 9:00 am

• Approximate return time is 3:30 pm

• Transportation provided

• Space is limited

• Cost: $175 per person



Fulton County is in the final stage of implementing a $350 million upgrade, which includes a state-of-the-art flat plate membrane bioreactor (MBR) and expanding the treatment capacity to 32 million gallons per day.

• Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter

• 1:00 pm departure time

• Transportation provided

• Walking tour, all participants must have a government-issued ID and wear closed-toed shoes

• Space is limited

• No cost



• Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter

• Tour departs from the Omni Hotel promptly at 5:30 pm

• Transportation provided

• Space is limited


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 | 7:00 AM - 8:20 AM

If you’re attending PWX for the first time or are a new member, please join us at the First-Timers and New Members Meeting. You’ll hear greetings from the APWA President and learn how to get the most out of your experience; learn all about the education sessions and tracks that APWA offers; learn how to use the exhibits to your advantage; and in the process, make some lifelong acquaintances of public works people from around the world.



Reconnect with your public works industry colleagues and make new connections during the daily happy hours on the show floor. Enjoy a variety of delicious brews!


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 | 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

The APWA Georgia Chapter welcomes you to Atlanta and PWX with an opening night party at the Georgia Aquarium. Tickets and badges: This is a ticketed event. Wear your PWX badge and bring your ticket to gain access to the party.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 | 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Downtown Atlanta will be buzzing with this year’s National Equipment Roadeo. Competitors will again compete in two challenges using a backhoe and mini excavator. We’re bringing back the DJ and scoring from San Diego to add to the fun, so competitors should start thinking about that perfect hype song to use when they enter the arena.

Roadeo Registration

• Participants must be properly licensed to operate the equipment.

• Competitors will need to pick up PWX badges at registration before 7:00 am on Monday, September 9, to compete.

• Liability waivers will be signed on-site.

• Registration includes Monday lunch in the Exhibit Hall, safety vest and hard hat, T-shirt, and Monday education sessions.

• Guests of competitors may attend with a free expo-only pass on Monday.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 | 6:30 AM - 7:00 AM

Badge Pick-up at Self-Registration

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Competitor Check-in and Safety Briefing

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Roadeo Competition

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch Break and Exhibit Hall

1:00 PM

Award Presentation in Exhibit Hall

Winners will be announced on the exhibit floor. Following the awards, photos will be taken at each sponsor booth.

2:00 PM - 4:50 PM

Education Sessions

Exhibits will be open 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Ticket required.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM

Thomas P. Murphy Ballroom



MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

All APWA members aged 35 and younger are invited to attend this year’s Young Professionals Networking Reception. Meet and socialize with other public works professionals and learn more about how APWA is attracting young people to the industry and keeping them engaged.



Join other PWX attendees for an early morning run.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

• Ticketed event.

• Advance registration is required.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

• Ticketed event.

• Advance registration is required.


Most chapter dinners will be on Tuesday evening, September 10. More Chapter Dinner information (that APWA has received) will be available in the PWX app.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The City of Atlanta is hosting a live demonstration of different pavement preservation methods being installed, including HIP, micro surfacing, chip seal, HA5 mineral bond, mastic, and asphalt rejuvenator.

• Coordinated by the Georgia Chapter

• Facility is located at 124 Claire Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30315

• Transportation provided – bus transportation every hour to and from the site

• On-site parking available

• Lunch included

• No cost

For more information, and to check for updates for all events listed, please visit pwx-special-events.

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Each year across North America, National Public Works Week (NPWW) is celebrated by the American Public Works Association’s (APWA) 32,000 members in hundreds of towns and cities throughout the US and Canada. This year the NPWW celebration was held the week of May 19–25, 2024, to honor the public works professionals who plan, design, build, manage, and operate the infrastructure that ensures a higher quality of life for our communities. Celebrated each year during the third week of May, NPWW was instituted as a public education campaign by APWA in 1960 to call attention to the importance of public works in community life.

pickup, or the myriad other ways they silently serve their communities.

Public works professionals advance the quality of life by providing an infrastructure of services in transportation, water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment, public buildings and spaces, parks and grounds, emergency management and

first response, solid waste, and right-ofway management. They are what make our communities dynamic places to live and work.

“It’s always inspiring to see how our public works agencies celebrate National Public Works Week,” said APWA President Gary Losier, PEng.

“Whether they open up their wastewater facility for a public tour or host a touch-a-truck event for children and their families, they do a fantastic job illuminating how public works make our communities better, safer, and more enjoyable places to call home.”

APWA encourages municipalities with public works agencies and professionals to take the opportunity to make their stories known in their municipalities during the week. The National Public Works Week website features in-person, virtual, and social media how-to guides to help agencies develop and implement their own celebrations.


APWA CEO Scott Grayson, CAE, knows first-hand the value of public works to communities. “Our public works professionals dedicate every day to improving the quality of life for all who live in their communities. They are the ones making sure we have clean water to drink, plowed streets to travel, and functioning public sewers. Setting this time in May to honor all their amazing efforts is something we all look forward to doing every year.”

Resolutions and proclamations by governors, provincial premiers, mayors, and other city and county officials in the US and Canada mark NPWW celebrations, events, and activities. During this special week, celebrations recognize and honor public works professionals and include parades, open houses, displays of public works equipment, programs for civic organizations, and media events.


Today in honor of Public Works Week’s theme ‘Advancing the Quality of Life for All,’ we take pleasure in highlighting the shared values of loyalty, grittiness, and contribution that drive the daily excellence of the public works departments we have the pleasure of working with.

When asked, Brian Frix, Public Works Director in Conyers, Georgia didn’t hesitate to lend his extensive expertise to the team in neighboring Covington as they explored new Streetlogix options to weigh decisions regarding preserving their city’s roadways. With almost two decades of

experience in Rockdale County, Frix was happy to extend his perspective.

When the City of Conyers was subsequently slammed with an EF2 Tornado a few weeks later, the team at Covington, led by John King, City Manager Tres Thoms, and Deputy City Manager,

knew there was no question about what needed to be done to help their neighbor in need. With the support of Mayor Fleeta Baggett, the phone call was made to ask, “What can we do to help?”

As a result, the team of hardworking folks from Covington Streets, land application,

City of Covington Street Department receive recognition for storm cleanup and the Spirit of Community Award.

“Thank you to these two communities for reminding us not only of what you do for your own agencies but the support you provide to your neighbors.

and water and sewer departments packed up to assist in the cleanup of the violent storms that ripped through Conyers on April 3. Working together, the city was able to get a handle on the massive amounts of damage sustained by the community and get their residents the help they needed.

In appreciation, the City of Conyers awarded the City of Covington with the Spirit of Community Award. Although thankful for the award, when asked about the honor, the City of Covington field team’s leader, John Hendrix, replied, “…it’s just what you do – help each other.”

Thank you to these two communities for reminding us not only of what you do for your own agencies but the support you provide to your neighbors. You really are ‘Advancing the Quality of Life for All!’

City Manager Tony Lucas, Council, and Mayor shaking hands with the Covington Street Team.
Covington Mayor Fleeta Baguette and Mayor Vince Evans.

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