1 minute read

Committee Reports Competitions Committee

Justin Shaffer, Chair

The Annual Conference in Indianapolis has come and gone. We first would like to wish Isaac Brimmer from the Southeast District good luck at ACE23, in Toronto, Canada. Looking toward the Water Institute in French Lick this fall, we would encourage you all to consider getting involved in the competitions that the AWWA offers within your Section. The Fall District Meetings mean Meter Challenge will be back and we are always looking for competitors. There will be a link on the section website to request practice meters as soon as the ACE competitions are complete. I encourage you to fill one out and get in the action! Meters will be sent to your utility directly. The meter for the ACE 24 competitions is the Badger meter.

As most of you know, we had a Hydrant Hysteria demonstration at the Annual Conference. A big thank you goes out to the teams representing Ft. Wayne, Valparaiso, and Columbus. It was exciting and fun to watch. We are very much looking forward to the Water institute this coming December for the return of a great competition with the hydrants. If you are planning on attending the Water Institute in December, and think you have what it takes to put together a fire hydrant at the speed of light, we look forward to your entry into the competition. This fast-paced event never fails to impress as these teams of three (one coach and two competitors), go head-to-head to see who can assemble a fire hydrant the fastest. There is no limit to the number of teams that can compete, and we welcome teams from all sizes of utilities to enter this competition. There will be an entry form on the INAWWA website soon for that competition as well. The hydrant we will be using is the M&H hydrant. Please go to the website and fill out your entry. A full set of rules will be made available as well on the website soon for both the Meter Competition and Hydrant Hysteria. We look forward to seeing you all this fall at the Water Institute Competitions Reception!

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