1 minute read
Wastewater Inspection Section Updates
Kim Rohr, Section Chief, Wastewater Inspections, Office of Water Quality, IDEM, krohr@idem.in.gov
The Wastewater Inspection Section would like to provide an update that the implementation of the bypass overflow electronic reporting has been pushed back. So, for the time being, people should continue reporting via email using the bypass overflow form. Our new operator rule is moving through various rule making committees and could be in effect as soon as this summer/fall. The changes in the rule that are most important are:
1. If you fail an exam 3 times, you will be required to take an exam prep class.
2. The years of experience required is now lower for most classifications.
3. Experience at a facility two classifications lower than the exam requested will now count towards acceptable experience at a two to one ratio.
More information and updates can be found here: https://www.in.gov/idem/legal/rulemaking/environmental-rulesboard-packets