Christopher Woodcock
Woodcock & Associates, Inc.
Dave Fox
Chi Ho Sham
Independent Consultant
Ryan Thomas Shea
Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Craig Douglas
Brunswick & Topsham Water District
Patsy Root
Peter Salvatore
Boston Water & Sewer Commission
Sarah Trejo
Aquarion Water Company
Carleigh Samson
Corona Environmental Consulting/University of Rhode Island
Alane Boyd
Chris Woodcock
President, Woodcock & Associates, Inc.
Sarah Trejo
Water Quality Compliance Coordinator, Aquarion Water Company
Dilara Hatinoglu
Graduate at the University of Maine
New England Water Wayfinder is published by
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Cover photo credits: Saco River in Biddeford and Canoes by
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Chi Ho Sham, PhD (he/him) | AWWA Past President and Independent Consultant
Iam sure many of you have read the AWWA 2024 State of the Water Industry Report. If you have not, you can get a copy of the report at www.awwa.org/Professional-Development/ Utility-Managers/State-of-the-Water-Industry. This year’s report captured feedback from more than 2,400 North American water professionals who were surveyed during the fourth quarter of 2023.
The top 10 issues facing the water community, as ranked by all survey respondents are:
1. Watershed/source water protection
2. Financing for capital improvements
3. Renewal and replacement of aging water and wastewater infrastructure
4. Long-term water supply availability
5. Financial sustainability
6. Public understanding of the value of water systems and services
7. Workforce issues
8. Groundwater management and overuse
9. Drought or periodic water shortages
10. Cybersecurity issues
For the first time in the 21-year history of the survey, watershed/ source water protection has risen to the top spot of the most pressing challenges for the water community. This shift has reflected a growing awareness of the importance of the quality and quantity of source water – the raw material for the production of high-quality potable water. Many drivers are contributing to this change, including the occurrence of more intense and frequent droughts, the emergence of harmful contaminants that threaten public health, and the infusion of federal funds to address the perennial top-spot challenge of aging infrastructure.
Out of the top 10 issues facing the water community, four are associated with water sources (i.e., issues 1, 4, 8, and 9). Threats to our water sources are multi-faceted and often outside the control of the water community. In addition, the changing nature of these threats has made safeguarding water at its source more challenging and complex. Before the 1800s, waterborne diseases from microbes were major challenges to the water community.
As the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, the occurrence of chemical pollution began to impose many costly challenges on the water community.
For local communities that have the resources to protect their source water, many have used various approaches to protect their source water through land use management. They were taking Benjamin Franklin’s quote “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” very seriously. Through effective watershed/ source water protection programs, water utilities have been able to avoid or limit the challenges of removing harmful contaminants from the source water through expensive and complex treatment processes. It is costly for water utilities to design, construct, and operate facilities to remove contaminants of concern (e.g., hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)], trichloroethylene [TCE], 1,4-Diodane, and per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances [PFAS]). As sciences advance and monitoring techniques improve, we can detect contaminants at trace levels (e.g., parts per trillion) and understand the health impacts of the contaminants of concern. A preventive approach to prevent contaminants from entering our source water will help us tremendously in saving valuable resources to take these contaminants out; and by doing so, we can keep our water affordable, of the highest quality, safe to use, trustworthy by the public, with low carbon footprint, and thus sustainable in the long term.
Trained and practiced as an educator and water scientist over the past four decades, I am torn by the rise of the watershed/ source water protection challenge in the water community. On the one hand, it is good to know that our professionals are taking a preventive approach to safeguard our most vital resources. On the other hand, it is concerning that there are escalating challenges facing our source water. Over the past three decades, I have seen gradual progress in the development of programs to protect our watershed/source water. Through collaboration with land use planners, agriculture service agencies and providers, wastewater treatment professionals and regulators, and environmental organizations, to name a few, we have made good progress in connecting land and water management efforts across
government agencies and practicing professionals, providing financial incentives to implement agricultural best management practices to improve water quality, and establishing more stringent regulations to reduce pollutants in effluents from wastewater treatment facilities. All these progresses have contributed to the protection of our source water.
My involvement with source water protection runs deep. I started as a volunteer at AWWA as a member of the Source Water Protection Committee (under the Technical & Educational Council or TEC) in 2002. I was elected as the chair of the Source Water Protection Committee in 2007. At around the same time, I was appointed as the chair of the Source Water Protection Standard Committee (under the Standards Council) in 2009.
Simply put, I started and continued my volunteer journey at AWWA through source water protection. I am pleased to say that these committees were very productive – in generating three editions of the Source Water Protection Standard (i.e., G-300 Standard), two guidebooks for the G-300 Standard, a chapter in the M50 Manual of Practice on Water Resources Planning, and several symposia and conferences (on source water protection, water resources, and sustainable water management) over the past two decades. Yes, I was very busy working on the various projects. But more importantly, I was able to learn a lot from my colleagues and friends on these committees.
Although it has been over two decades since I started working on source water protection at AWWA, I am continuing to be a part of the source water protection community at AWWA. My roles have changed from being a technical leader and participant in various projects to serving as a mentor and advisor to the committees. For example, in 2021, while serving as the Presidentelect of AWWA, I was approached by Jennifer Heyman, then with American Water and as the chair of the Source Water Protection Committee (under TEC) on an idea of establishing a Source Water Protection Week to raise awareness among the public, legislators, and partners inside and outside the water community. With support from Rebecca Ohrtman of Water Quality Consulting, LLC, a water quality consultant with 15 years of source
water protection experience at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, who spearheaded the establishment of a proclamation by the then Iowa Governor to celebrate Agriculture Source Water Protection Week in Iowa, we approached AWWA to pitch the idea of setting up an annual Source Water Protection Week.
The inaugural AWWA Source Water Protection Week was held from September 26 to October 2, 2021. We received great responses from the water community and our collaborators. During 2022 and 2023, apart from the week-long celebrations, the US House of Representatives introduced resolutions to recognize the 2022 and 2023 National Source Water Protection Weeks.
In 2024, for the fourth year in a row, AWWA is going to invite water utilities, local sections, other water organizations, regulators, and collaborators to celebrate Source Water Protection Week from September 29 to October 5, 2024. Throughout this week, AWWA will be raising awareness about the importance of protecting precious drinking water sources. AWWA will make Source Water Protection Week materials available to interested parties to celebrate this important week-long event.
Let’s all promote and celebrate the 2024 Source Water Protection Week together. Being a foodie, I truly appreciate the importance of the quality of raw materials used to create a gastronomical wonder. By keeping our source water clean and contaminant free, it will help make our water affordable and worryfree. I am sure you have all seen T-shirts from AWWA with the slogans of “No Water, No ______.” Let’s all work together to advance water science, engineering, communication, and economics to make a better world (and better libation) through better water.
Craig Douglas, New England Section Director
It is hard to believe that my term as AWWA Director is drawing to a close in less than a year and the time has come for members who may be interested to start considering running for this important position. The responsibilities for an AWWA Director cover an array of responsibilities and as people consider possibly taking this position, I thought this would be a good opportunity to describe some of the position and its responsibilities.
First off you serve on the Board of Directors for AWWA. The board consists of the President, who acts as Chair; the President-Elect; the Immediate PastPresident; the Treasurer; the Chair of each council; the Chair of Water Research Foundation; one Director elected by each of the 43 AWWA sections (Two for Cal/ NV and Texas because of their size), and four Directors-at-Large. It is quite a large board. It is limited to a single three-year term for Section Directors.
The full board meets twice a year. Once at ACE and once for a Winter board meeting, typically in January. Incoming board members are strongly encouraged to attend the winter board meeting and certainly the ACE board meeting where the outgoing director introduces the new incoming Director for the section.
Even before you’re officially on the board you’re asked to consider running for available openings of six Vice President positions. Vice Presidents are elected by the full board to serve on the Executive
Committee at the Winter board meeting. This is an important thing to consider because, between meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee exercises full authority in conducting AWWA business. The Executive Committee also has the final word on the association budget and many other issues that have been delegated to it by the way AWWA has been structured, which is quite different than most membership organizations you may be familiar with.
A Section Director is also the conduit between the initiatives of the officers and the local sections. As the AWWA Director for the section, you help pass information up and down between the section and the board. This liaison plays a very important role as it helps the AWWA structure-function.
Of course, a section’s AWWA Director also serves on the local section board. Each section is organized slightly differently with its own board meetings, membership meetings, and technical sessions, but it’s all conducted in the AWWA style to form the AWWA community.
There are a great many details about AWWA governance. More details can be found at: www.awwa.org/About-Us/ AWWA-Governance On this page, there is also a link to the Board Policy Manual which describes in great detail (61 pages) many of the nuisances of AWWA’s governance structure. This is managed by the Executive Committee and not the board, so being a Vice President is the best way to be involved in AWWA’s operations and decisions.
For anyone considering the position, I would be more than happy to answer questions provide my perspective, or place them in contact with other members who might help in those deliberations.
Chris Woodcock, Editor
AWWA’s 2024 State of the Water Industry Report
In this edition of Water Wayfinder, our Section Chair, Chi Ho Sham, has written an article drawing attention to the American Water Works Association’s 2024 State of the Water Industry Report. His article recounts the top 10 issues listed by water professionals in a recent survey, with four of them associated with water sources. I noted that three more of the top 10 are associated with financing, rates, and the value of water. The financial challenges facing water utilities not only include infrastructure funding and rate affordability but also consumer support for these investments. Understanding the value of water is critical as utilities navigate the complexities of maintaining aging infrastructure, complying with regulatory requirements, and addressing the evolving needs and expectations of consumers.
The 50th Anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act
This year marks half a century since the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in 1974, a pivotal moment in US environmental legislation. Enacted to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking water supply, the SDWA has been instrumental in setting standards for water quality, monitoring contaminants, and ensuring transparency and accountability in water management. Over the past five decades, the SDWA has undoubtedly contributed to improved water quality across the country, safeguarding millions of Americans from potential health hazards associated with contaminated water sources.
The discovery and treatment of emerging contaminants and disparities in access to clean drinking water continue to pose threats to public health and environmental sustainability. All too often the discovery of contaminants has led to our water utilities assuming responsibility for removing or treating them. Water utilities did not add pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) to our water supplies; we did not create perand polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Yet, as the suppliers of drinking water, we are being held responsible for treating and removing them. When customers and politicians complain about
the rising cost of tap water, they need to understand that much of the cost is cleaning up other’s problems.
The SDWA’s 50th anniversary not only serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for vigilance and investment in maintaining and upgrading water infrastructure but should also serve as a wake-up call that water utilities are being saddled with the cost of cleaning up problems created by others.
October 17 will mark the US Water Alliance’s 10th Annual “Imagine A Day Without Water.” This day should bring an awareness of the indispensable role that water plays in our daily lives. From morning rituals to cooking, cleaning, and hydration, water is fundamental to our health, well-being, and economic productivity.
Several decades ago, our remote family retreat lost its water supply. The pristine water came by gravity from a well about a half mile up the mountain through a single pipe. While it served well for a century, one day the pipe sprung a leak and the house was without water. It took quite some time to search for the leak and then find someone who could get equipment up the mountain to replace the pipe. Meanwhile, we did more than imagine a day without water – we lived several days without tap water. We were fortunate that a brook went by the house and we could walk to it with a bucket to flush the toilet. We did have to boil the water to consume it, so at least we had water, but I certainly learned the value of TAP (Tasty, Affordable, and Pure) Water delivered 24/7 to any room in the house.
My personal experience during A Day Without Water underscored the vulnerability and interdependence of our water systems, reinforcing the urgency of sustainable water management practices and investments in resilient infrastructure. On October 17, I encourage you to go without tap water for even just a morning. Fill up some jugs with water for drinking and cooking, but don’t flush, shower, or turn on a tap until noon. You will have a new appreciation for how truly valuable our tap water is as well as the thousands of operators that we cannot live without.
American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month
November also marks American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month, a time to honor and celebrate the rich cultures, traditions, and contributions of Indigenous peoples in the United States. It is essential in this context to acknowledge the historical and ongoing struggles faced by many Indigenous communities regarding access to clean water and sanitation.
In Canada, the practice of land acknowledgments has become a common way to recognize and respect Indigenous peoples’ traditional territories and ongoing stewardship of the land and water resources. In the United States, similar acknowledgments are increasingly recognized as a step towards reconciliation and environmental justice, highlighting the intersectionality between Indigenous rights, environmental protection, and water security.
As we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act, celebrate American Indian and Alaskan Native Heritage Month, and reflect on A Day Without Water, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of water security with public health, environmental sustainability, and social equity. These observances compel us to renew our commitment to advancing policies and practices that promote access to safe, clean drinking water.
The challenges ahead are substantial, but so too are the opportunities for progress through informed decision-making, community engagement, and sustainable investments in water infrastructure. By leveraging our collective knowledge and resources, we can pave the way toward a future where safe drinking water is not only a fundamental right but a shared responsibility and a cornerstone of thriving communities across the nation.
Chris Woodcock, President, Woodcock & Associates, Inc.
Water, the essence of life, flows effortlessly from our taps with a mere twist of a handle. It’s an essential resource, yet one that often receives less attention in the realm of utility costs compared to its counterparts like electricity, natural gas, telephone, and internet. This discrepancy in perceived value versus cost has significant implications not only for consumers but also for the professionals who ensure the delivery and safety of this vital resource.
In the hierarchy of utility expenses, water typically occupies a lower rung in terms of monthly household costs as compared to energy
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and communication services. In fact, the lower relative cost of water has typically resulted in water billing every quarter; it’s just not worth sending small monthly bills. If water were billed monthly, rather than the monthly bills we get for all other utilities, the lower cost of water would be more evident to consumers.
The lower cost of water can inadvertently lead to a perception among consumers that water is less valuable or less critical than these other utilities. After all, we readily pay more for electricity to power our homes, natural gas to heat them, and for constant connectivity through telephone and cable services. These utilities are seen as more integral to our daily lives, driving their perceived value higher.
However, the irony lies in the fact that while water costs less monetarily, its essential nature far surpasses that of the others. Without water, life as we know it ceases to exist. Despite this fundamental truth, the economic principle of relative scarcity versus demand often dictates how much we are willing to pay for a resource. To an extent, our forefathers may have done too good a job in making the capture, storage, treatment, and delivery of plentiful volumes of water to homes and businesses too inexpensive.
This disparity in perceived value extends beyond the consumer to the professionals tasked with managing and maintaining water systems. Water operators, the individuals responsible for the treatment and distribution of water to our homes and businesses, are crucial yet often undervalued in society. Their roles require expertise in water treatment processes, an understanding of distribution networks, and adherence to stringent safety and environmental regulations. Water operators work under another critical constraint: they can never make a mistake. The health and safety of our communities depend on our operators, a mistake in treatment would not just cause inconveniences.
Despite the critical nature of their work, water operators typically earn less and are less recognized than professionals in fields such as energy or telecommunications. The lower economic value placed on water as a utility inevitably trickles down to those who manage it. If the value of water were reflected more accurately in its pricing — aligned closer to that of other utilities — there is a strong argument that the societal valuation of water operators would increase accordingly.
Should the price of water rise to levels comparable with other utilities, several potential outcomes could emerge. Firstly, consumers might become more cognizant of their water usage, fostering a greater appreciation for its value and scarcity. This heightened awareness could drive investments in water conservation technologies and practices, ultimately benefiting both consumers and the environment.
Secondly, water operators would likely see a shift in how their profession is viewed and compensated. With water’s economic importance more closely aligned with its societal value, the demand for skilled water management professionals could increase. This could lead to improved wages, better training programs, and enhanced career opportunities within the field – a scenario that could attract more talent and expertise to ensure the sustainability of water systems worldwide.
In conclusion, while water remains a relatively inexpensive utility compared to others, its critical role in sustaining life cannot be overstated. The discrepancy between its low cost and high value presents challenges in both consumer perception and professional recognition within the water industry. Addressing this disparity by reevaluating the pricing structure of water could not only enhance consumer awareness and conservation efforts but also elevate the status and compensation of water operators to better reflect the importance of their vital work.
As discussions around sustainability and resource management continue to evolve, the true cost and value of tap water should be at the forefront of policy and public discourse. Only then can we ensure that this essential resource receives the attention, investment, and respect it deserves in our modern world.
Anew five-year strategic plan adopted by the American Water Works Association prioritizes member experience, best practices for the water community, and long-term sustainability.
The new 2030 Strategic Plan, which will be in effect through the end of 2029, is the guiding document for AWWA and its operations. It defines the Association’s vision, mission, and core principles while laying out strategic goals and objectives. It was approved by AWWA’s Board of Directors during its June meeting at the 2024 Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE24).
A 16-member Strategic Planning Committee that reports to the Board’s Executive Committee developed the plan. Chaired by past president David Rager and current board member Keisha Thorpe, the committee included representatives from sections, councils, service providers, manufacturers, and the AWWA board and staff.
“The 2030 Strategic Plan continues AWWA’s vision of ‘A Better World Through Better Water,’ stressing the importance of strong
collaboration between the Association and its Sections,” Rager said, “It continues to focus on the members’ value experience, using transformational technology to expand the sharing of AWWA information, best practices, and innovative solutions.”
Thorpe said the plan also highlights AWWA’s role as a leader in the water profession. “AWWA is the authority on water,” she said, “This speaks to our credibility, our professional content, and representing who we are as water professionals.”
This is AWWA’s first five-year strategic plan to be developed since the Association’s Water 2050 initiative was introduced and is one of the building blocks in the collaborative process to shape the future of water.
“A key aspect of AWWA’s strategic planning process is the effort to involve volunteers from all across North America who have different experiences, both professionally and geographically,” Rager said, “They bring that knowledge to the discussion about what AWWA should be thinking about in the future, which is very valuable in developing a plan that resonates across our membership.”
ielo Sharkus is a recent PhD graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Specializing in environmental engineering and focusing on water resource engineering, Cielo employed hybrid field and computational methods to bring an interdisciplinary perspective to watershed research and climate engineering. She holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering from UMass and graduated with distinction from WPI with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a minor in environmental studies.
As an innovative engineer, Cielo has a keen interest in various facets of engineering, including the non-technical aspects such as communications and the societal and environmental impacts of projects. In August, she will be joining Raftelis working on their organizational excellence team.
Additionally, Cielo has dedicated her time to conducting highquality research on climate change. She has applied interdisciplinary tools to address large-scale watershed management issues under climate warming scenarios. Her work integrates social, biological, and geophysical analyses to study the impacts of climate-related phenomena. Her other research interests include exploring the relationship between climate change and urban environments and investigating how climate-driven pollutants affect human health Attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Cielo participated in an interdisciplinary research project on water contamination in the Nashua River. This project, which combined biochemistry, civil engineering, and community engagement, highlighted the intersections between STEM and social justice, setting the foundation for her future career.
What initially sparked your interest in water and its significance?
Growing up in Worcester, Massachusetts, I was always familiar with environmental health. Worcester, along with Springfield, and Boston, consistently rank as the top cities in the US for asthma prevalence. I had always been interested in public health and began as a pre-med major in college. However, in a global environmental studies class I learned that water pollution causes 1.8 million deaths annually and that one of the best ways to address this is through watershed management. This influenced me to study water contamination, the transport of contaminants, and watershed hazards so that I could address public health on a larger scale. It was then that I decided to become a water resource engineer. From that point forward,
I concentrated on projects involving stormwater management, groundwater contamination, and surface water quality. These experiences reinforced my belief that enhancing water infrastructure and managing environmental risks can significantly improve public health outcomes. I believe that addressing water-related issues can lead to improvements in equitable mitigation strategies in public health and may support remedying historic, current, and future risks. This belief continues to drive my work and commitment to water resource engineering.
Could you explain a bit about your current research or projects?
My doctoral research focused on watershed hazards, community engagement for participatory action research, and the impacts of climate change on water quality and quantity in the Connecticut River Watershed. One project I recently completed examined trends in flood exposure and distribution of hydrological risk in census block groups and municipalities in Massachusetts from 2010 to 2020. I created a geospatial analysis tool using GIS to assess the extent of land area flooded compared to publicly available demographic information. I then conducted statistical analysis to examine the probability of environmental justice communities occupying heavily flooded areas over time as compared to non-environmental justice communities. The results demonstrated that environmental justice communities may be increasingly likely to reside in heavily flooded areas. This study demonstrates trends in the occupation of flood zones over time and gives insight into the equity of exposure. Following this study, I collaborated with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation through a series of discussions on flood hazard impacts and mitigation in Massachusetts.
In another recent project, I built a hydrologic model coupled with a sediment transport model to evaluate the potential changes in sediment load and river discharge under two different climate scenarios: RCP 4.5 (optimistic emissions scenario) and RCP 8.5 (pessimistic emissions scenario) by the end of the century (up to 2100). As part of this work, I conducted a series of field, individual, and focus group interviews with community organizations to understand how the perception of environmental risks influences adaptation behavior to climate change. These interviews provided valuable insights into how different stakeholders perceive and mitigate environmental risks and hazards, and how local, cultural, and historical knowledge influences adaptation decisions. By managing the duality of stakeholder engagement and hydrological modeling,
I have been able to develop research products tailored to the needs of these communities, such as participatory maps, community science communication workshops, and strategic recommendations to community organizations.
One key outcome of my research has been identifying environmental risks and proposing adaptation strategies that are both effective and considerate of stakeholder needs. For example, working with stakeholders in Holyoke, we were able to identify 11 environmental concerns that drive the perception of risk and five unique knowledge systems that drive 11 adaptation strategies. I have enjoyed working with local, state, and federal partners on these projects. Overall, my research aims to bridge the gap between modeled hydrodynamic landscapes of climate change and real-life systemic conditions that affect communities differently. By focusing on both the scientific and social aspects of water resource management, I hope to contribute to more equitable and sustainable environmental practices.
Could you share any memorable experiences or lessons learned from your work that have shaped your perspective on the field?
My most memorable experience has been working with community partners on my research projects. One community I work with consists primarily of farmers, and I enjoy listening to their stories about growing up, learning how to read the soil, and how they ended up in the Pioneer Valley. Participating in cultural events with
community stakeholders, such as planting and harvest festivals has been another highlight. These events not only offer a deeper understanding of the community’s traditions and values but also foster strong relationships with many different people. I love storytelling and enjoy hosting focus group discussions where these narratives come to life. Additionally, organizing science communication events and leading community science campaigns has been incredibly rewarding. These activities bridge the gap between scientific research and community engagement, making science accessible and open to everyone involved.
One important lesson I learned is the importance of building a strong foundation of trust, friendship, and camaraderie when conducting any science or research. These relationships are essential for supporting successful outcomes for all participants. Establishing this trust ensures that the research is collaborative, inclusive, and ultimately more impactful.
Discuss your other activities or interests.
Inside and outside of work, I love anything related to water. In my spare time, I enjoy rowing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, and swimming at the beach. When I’m not outdoors or in the office, I am a mentor through the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). I have been a leader in NSBE since 2015. Mentorship is a huge passion of mine and has significantly influenced my career. I also love baking and hosting a book club with my friends.
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Day Job:
Third year PhD student and Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maine Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
AWWA Involvement:
New England Section Communications Committee member
· ACE24 attendee
· AWWA member since 2022
Dilara’s journey into the field of drinking water began during her undergraduate years when she volunteered to train elementary school students across the city of Ankara, Turkey on the effective use of water. During her summers, Dilara also interned at water treatment laboratories and consultancy firms, which further honed her interest in the field. After completing bachelor’s and master’s degrees in environmental engineering and researching water, wastewater, and sludge topics, she started her PhD program in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Maine (UMaine) and began working in a drinking water research lab.
Much of Dilara’s research focuses on per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). One of Dilara’s previous research projects investigated the intermolecular interactions between microplastics and PFAS. Her findings allowed her to create and publish the first model for predicting the concentration of PFAS adsorbed by microplastics. This model will help reduce the need for lab testing and could also help develop new methods of PFAS removal.
Building on this, her current research focuses on regenerating granular activated carbon (GAC) used to remove PFAS from drinking water supplies. With the EPA’s promulgation of the PFAS rule in April 2024, the need for activated carbon will dramatically increase as water suppliers across the country prepare to comply with the new regulatory limits imposed by the rule. Researchers like Dilara are investigating ways to extend the lifespan of activated carbon to ease the financial burden of PFAS treatment. The concept of regenerating GAC isn’t new, but Dilara
Recent Accomplishments:
· Recipient of AWWA’s 2024 Dr. Abel Wolman Fellowship
· University of Maine Haley Ward Laboratory Publication Award, 2023
· 2022 UNLEASH Hack USA – Hawaii, Creating solutions for SDG 12 and SDG 14, 1st Place, 2022
· Mitchell Center Sustainability and Water Conference, Student Poster, Honorable Mention, 2022
· Middle East Technical University Best M.S. Thesis Award, 2021 TUBITAK BIDEB Graduate Study Scholarship, 2020-2021
aims to find ways to make the process more efficient. Her goal is to completely destroy PFAS while maintaining the GAC’s integrity and original properties.
Dilara stays excited and passionate about her research and drinking water by working on multiple projects, collaborating with others, mentoring high school and undergraduate students in the lab, and finding innovative ways to approach her research. In addition to her research on carbon regeneration, she’s working with researchers at Yale University to investigate how superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can be used for different environmental applications. Dilara approaches this research intending to combine engineering with the fundamental sciences, like physics, to find solutions to environmental problems.
Dilara also wants to improve how scientists and researchers communicate their findings. To achieve this, she has collaborated with art students and virtual reality experts at the University of Maine to communicate her research group’s findings about PFAS and microplastics in ways non-research scientists can easily understand. The art exhibit was opened at the UMaine Innovative Media Research and Commercialization Center in April 2023 and featured pieces that aimed to explain environmental issues and help develop collaborative solutions for communicating complex scientific information. Outside of her research, Dilara enjoys spending time outdoors, biking, swimming, and painting. She also attended ACE24 in Anaheim, CA this year and enjoyed meeting people, particularly other young professionals, and seeing the wide variety of opportunities within the industry.
CHRISTOPHER WOODCOCK – President, Woodcock & Associates, Inc.
Christopher (Chris) Woodcock’s life and career are indeed fascinating. He has a rich background in civil engineering, water and wastewater consulting, and active involvement in professional organizations like the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). His dual citizenship, lifelong residence in Massachusetts, and close-knit family life add to the depth of his story.
As a graduate of Tufts University, he has degrees in civil engineering and economics. He began his professional journey by working with the engineering firm Camp Dresser & McKee. In 1994, Chris ventured out independently and started his consulting firm. His firm specializes in providing water and wastewater rate consulting services to clients worldwide. This indicates his expertise in the financial aspects of the water and wastewater industry.
Dave has 13 years of experience in utility financial and rate consulting. He has worked with water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities on a variety of studies including cost-of-service and rate setting, impact fees, financial planning, utility valuation, economic feasibility and modeling, bond feasibility and coverage certificates, utility and customer affordability, data analysis, as well as water and wastewater benchmarking and rate surveys. Dave leads Raftelis’ New England Office based in Natick, MA. Dave was a contributor to the seventh edition of AWWA’s M1 Manual, Principles of Water Rates, Fees, and Charges.
Dr. Chi Ho Sham has dedicated over four decades to working on critical issues related to drinking water and source water protection. He began his career as an educator, emphasizing the importance of knowledge creation and sharing. His academic journey includes earning a BA from the University of Regina in Canada and later obtaining an MA and PhD from the University at Buffalo, showcasing his commitment to higher education and research.
Besides AWWA, he is involved in numerous other professional organizations, highlighting his dedication to advancing water-related issues.
RYAN THOMAS SHEA – Deputy Director – Construction, Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Ryan has both a Bachelor of Science (BS) and a Master of Science (MS) in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University. An interesting highlight from his undergraduate years includes traveling to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to work on a project involving surveying, designing, estimating, and procuring a solar-powered water treatment and distribution system for the Sisters of Notre Dame Power of the Sun Project.
Ryan is currently the Acting Director of Engineering – Construction at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission. He began his career at the Commission in 2019 as a Project Engineer.
PATSY ROOT – Sr. Manager, Government Affairs, IDEXX Water
Patsy has over 17 years of experience in water microbiology, water-related regulations, consensus standards development, and environmental laboratory accreditation. She works with several state legislative offices and industry organizations to develop sensible laws, regulations, and guidance to protect public health and ensure safe water.
Patsy is also a long-time participant in various standards development organizations including TNI, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, and ASHRAE.
Patsy is active at the association level where she is a member of AWWA’s Waterborne Pathogens, Premise Plumbing, and Water Quality Laboratory Committee work groups.
PETER SALVATORE – Deputy Chief Engineer at Boston Water & Sewer Commission
Peter Salvatore has had a successful career at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission, starting as a co-op and gradually progressing through various roles to reach his current position. His educational background includes a degree from the Wentworth Institute of Technology and an MBA from the Isenberg School of Management at UMASS Amherst.
Peter holds professional licenses as a Professional Engineer in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, demonstrating his expertise and qualifications in the field. Additionally, he possesses a Grade 4 Drinking Water Operator License in Massachusetts, indicating his ability to oversee the operation of drinking water systems.
SARAH TREJO – Water Quality Compliance Coordinator, Aquarion Water Company
After earning her bachelor’s degree in sustainability and environmental science from Johns Hopkins University, Sarah began her career in the Safe Drinking Water Program of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP). While at PA DEP, she obtained her PA Drinking Water Operator license and later left the agency to work as a circuit rider operator. In that role, she got hands-on experience with the day-to-day operations of small water systems. She started in her current role with Aquarion in December 2021 and works primarily with Aquarion’s operations groups in MA and NH to ensure they maintain regulatory compliance.
Sarah is a graduate of AWWA’s Transformative Water Leadership Academy and volunteers on the New England Section’s Communications Committee.
CARLEIGH SAMSON – Water Process Engineer, Corona Environmental Consulting/Adjunct Professor, University of Rhode Island
Carleigh is a Water Process Engineer with Corona Environmental and has a PhD from the University of Colorado Boulder with a focus on drinking water treatment and statistical modeling. She has experience in the management and assessment of national drinking water quality data to understand the impacts of regulatory changes and to inform regulatory development.
Since September 2023 Carleigh has been an adjunct professor at the University of Rhode Island where she taught in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Additionally, she is a member of AWWA’s Disinfection Committee and recently presented at ACE24 on Identifying At-Risk Communities for Lead Exposure and LCRR Cost Benefit Analysis.
CRAIG DOUGLAS – General Manager, Brunswick & Topsham Water District
Craig Douglas has had a long and dedicated career in the water industry, with significant experience spanning over 25 years. He began his career after working for his family’s construction firm in Somerville, Massachusetts. Throughout his career, he has been an active member of the American Water Works Association (AWWA).
One of Craig Douglas’s most notable roles within the AWWA is serving as the Section Director. In addition to his involvement with the AWWA, Craig is currently the General Manager of the Brunswick & Topsham Water District in Maine.
Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for all living organisms, as well as for modern society, as one of the main ingredients of fertilizers, photovoltaic cells, detergents, and more. Without it, food and energy security change completely. However, the dwindling supply of this resource in mines is predicted to last only the next 50-100 years, and ‘Phospho-geddon’ may become a major geopolitical issue.
Despite the importance of this element, the mining operations that extract it, and the pollution it causes after its application, have an enormous environmental impact. As rains carry fertilizer-rich agricultural runoff into water bodies, residual phosphorus, and nitrogen cause harmful algal blooms and eutrophication. Of these, phosphorus is the main limiting factor in freshwater ecosystems and is more complicated to remove because, unlike nitrogen, it cannot be transformed into an inert gas. The algal bloom suffocates aquatic life by first blocking out the light, and then consuming all the oxygen as dead algae decomposes, causing ecological collapse. In addition, cyanobacteria in these blooms can release cyanotoxins that cost millions in water supply and
ecosystem service damage, not to mention losses to tourism and fisheries. Though less well known, this issue is extremely prevalent in the United States, and costs tens of millions every year, both in damages and in mitigation measures.
As we transition to a more sustainable economy, technological advancements are necessary to both remove phosphorus pollution and recover it back into the supply chain. This is what the Butler Research Group, at the University of Massachusetts –Amherst, is working on.
Current phosphorus removal technology
Though wastewater treatment systems have been widely removing phosphorus in the United States for decades, and this has greatly reduced pollution, it still does not resolve non-point source pollution, such as stormwater and agricultural runoff.
Mitigation of phosphorus pollution is currently done mainly through alum dosing. This is similar to the chemical precipitation methods used in some wastewater treatment systems. However, as the phosphorus-rich sludge sinks to the bottom, this neither removes phosphorus permanently from the system nor recovers the important resource. Other solutions include mechanical dredging, special clays, and constructed wetlands, each with different price tags, environmental impacts, and varying levels of success and sustainability.
Wastewater treatment has also widely adopted Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) over the last decades. This method uses Phosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) to absorb phosphorus into bacterial cells, which can then be removed with the sludge. This method does not apply to the pollution of water bodies though, because of the necessary control of environmental conditions and the way the generated sludge would simply wash away back into the water body.
Although EBPR cannot be applied to open waterbodies, the discovery of Phosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) in stream biofilms has originated innovative biofilm technologies for recovery of this element, with the benefits of generating less solids, immobilizing the biocatalyst, and allowing for greater control of the process.
Phosphorus-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) and Biofilms PAOs are microorganisms capable of taking up and storing large amounts of phosphorus within their cells. They play a crucial role in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes, which are widely used in wastewater treatment plants. PAOs store phosphorus in the form of polyphosphate, which can be harvested and reused as a nutrient source, when these microorganisms encounter harsher conditions, such as a lack of oxygen. They prefer, however, to use carbon for energy, which they store as the polymer PHA. By alternating the oxygen and nutrient conditions, therefore, it is possible to enrich these microorganisms and control the uptake and release of phosphorus from the environment.
Though this system has been explored in wastewater treatment for decades, the ability to do this in biofilms opens a whole new plethora of applications. Biofilms, which are communities of microorganisms attached to surfaces, provide an ideal environment for PAOs to thrive. The microbial community becomes encased in a protective gel-like matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which makes them more resilient, stable, and efficient. Most importantly, biofilms are easily separated from the liquid without needing a settling phase, produce low solids, and are much cheaper than chemical catalysts for selective recovery. This makes them ideal for application in open water bodies.
**The Butler Research Group**
At UMass Amherst, the Butler Research Group is exploring this biofilm technology to remove phosphorus from polluted water bodies and recycle it back into the supply chain. Under the guidance of Dr. Caitlyn Butler, PhD candidate Lucca Mancilio has designed this dissertation project to address the essential questions to deploying this technology, collaborating with UMass’s state-of-the-art Water and Energy Technology Facility (WET-Center) and the local high school. The study has been divided into three phases to explore the microbiology of each step of the bioprocess.
1: Proof-of-concept with pondwater Combining decade’s worth of knowledge about the application of PAOs in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal, with cuttingedge metagenomic tools, we can transition current technology to operate with open water bodies rather than synthetic wastewater. By evaluating this step at the lab scale, we can also optimize operational parameters, and reactor configuration, and understand the requirements of the PAO biofilms under these new conditions.
To understand the challenges associated with scaling BSBRs, their performance must also be evaluated in the field, which brings in new factors such as contamination, varying pollutant loads, temperature swings, and precipitation. Field reactors are planned for deployment at the UMass Campus Pond, to understand the impact of environmental variability on microbial community shifts and bioprocess performance. The testing of scalability and replicability of the system is also being developed in collaboration with the Springfield Renaissance High School, as a part of their Environmental Science Pathway Program, to bring active research to the classroom, and engage students in the issues that directly affect their communities.
Phosphorus recovery is considered economically viable by generating phosphate minerals such as struvite and vivianite from solutions above the concentration of 50ppm, which is well within the capacity of the biofilm system. As one of the main uses of phosphate is as a fertilizer, the elimination of this middle step to generate a liquid fertilizer instead may facilitate the implementation of this technology, especially in rural settings that widely suffer from algal blooms as well as high expenses with fertilizers. The research group will evaluate the potential
of the recovered phosphorus to replace commercial fertilizers by examining its effects on crop growth and yield. This includes comparing the performance of the recovery solution with other fertilizer types and assessing its impact on soil microbial communities and plant health in the greenhouses at UMass and the Springfield Renaissance High School.
The shift towards resource recovery and the circular economy is gaining momentum across various sectors. In the context of wastewater treatment, the recovery of valuable resources such as phosphorus aligns with the principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship. By recovering phosphorus from wastewater, we can reduce the environmental impact of nutrient pollution and mining, conserve finite natural resources, and create a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system.
Source water protection – what does it mean? Quite simply, the actions required to protect the sources of our drinking water – including rivers, lakes, and groundwater – from contamination. Source water protection comes in many forms, from structural engineered infrastructure, conservation easements, and watershed restoration, to mapping, education, and outreach. The Saco River is one of the most significant drinking water resources serving dozens of communities in Maine and New Hampshire. In fact, the US Forest Service ranks the importance of the Saco River watershed in the top nine percent of all watersheds for its importance as a surface drinking water resource based on the population served and the drinking water yield. It provides a habitat for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial species and is an important destination for a wide range of recreational activities
Innovative Use of the State Revolving Funds for Source Water Protection
Innovative Use of the State Revolving Funds for Source Water Protection
A Guide for Watershed Groups
A Guide for Watershed Groups
such as fishing, swimming, and boating. It also has value as an economic resource by providing jobs and generating revenue in local communities through tourism, and recreation, and has one of the largest concentrations of craft breweries in the state. The Saco River is a thriving, healthy resource and the mission of source water protection is to take appropriate action to keep it that way.
On the frontlines of this mission is the Saco Watershed Collaborative (the Collaborative), a dedicated group of professionals, community members, scientists, and educators who strive to protect the Saco River and surrounding watershed, ensuring this critical drinking water resource remains safe and clean for human consumption and recreational use. To meet this challenge, the Collaborative must continue to engage stakeholders, build partnerships, and harness the coordinated, sustainable funding needed to implement key projects in the watershed. Among the most financially robust resources available to implement source water protection activities are the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs. In this EPA-sponsored Source Water Protection pilot, with endorsement from the Maine Drinking Water Program, the Collaborative explored the options for implementing its 10-year work plan (“10-Year Plan”) by using the SRF programs to create a long-term stable funding solution.
The objective of this strategy is to help alleviate the burden of pursuing piecemeal funding to execute its plans, thereby allowing the Collaborative to make long-term gains. While this pilot project focused on Maine, the lessons learned can serve as a roadmap for state SRF programs and watershed groups throughout the United States that share a similar mission: protecting ecological systems and the services they provide to collect, filter, and store irreplaceable water resources.
This report is a step-by-step guide for how watershed groups such as the Saco Watershed Collaborative can benefit from the vast resources of the SRF programs. It is also a useful roadmap for SRF programs seeking to build a collaborative integrated watershed financing program that leverages the flexibilities of both the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs. This guidebook has been built upon an 18-month-long pilot project that tested and refined these ideas.
How Can the SRF Programs Support Source Water Protection?
The SRF programs include the Clean Water SRF (CWSRF), which provides financial assistance for wastewater, stormwater, and nonpoint source pollution control activities; and the Drinking Water SRF (DWSRF), which provides financial assistance for public drinking water systems.
DWSRF programs can provide funding for source water protection through the set-asides. Under Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, states can set aside a portion of their DWSRF capitalization grant to fund state programs and third parties to provide assistance and build the capacity of drinking water systems. The primary route for funding source water protection projects is through the provision titled “Local Assistance and Other State Programs (15%) Set-Aside.” Per federal statutes, the DWSRF may not finance source water protection through the loan program.
Unlike the DWSRF, CWSRF programs can finance source water protection activities. Eligible activities and borrowers are determined by federal and state statutes, rules, and policies.
Nationally, the SRFs have cumulatively provided more than $3 billion in assistance related to activities that may contribute to source water protection in all 50 states and US Territories. 2 Maine SRFs committed $67 million to activities that may protect drinking water resources. In 2022, the Maine DWSRF 15% set-aside program, which is implemented by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, had a budget of $3.7 million. The Maine CWSRF, which is implemented by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, had $61.2 million in loan funding available (for any eligible purpose). The SRFs offer low-interest loans with the potential for principal forgiveness for applicants who qualify as determined by the State under the CWSRF regulations. In the
Loan Fund
• Agral BMPs
• Alternative Source Development
• Water Conservation
• Energy Efficiency
• Water Re-Use
• Resiliency Projects
• Source Water Protection
• Watershed Partnerships
• Integrated Water Resources
• Planning
case of DWSRF set-asides, Maine can choose to distribute these funds as grants rather than loans, offering the largest and most consistent source of funding for source water protection activities that is available every year.
Together, the SRFs support source water protection initiatives by funding a variety of both green and grey infrastructure projects and planning activities that aim to protect or improve the quality of drinking water resources. The source water protection activities included in the Collaborative’s 10-Year Plan will secure the ecological health of the river and watershed, offering cost savings to communities by reducing treatment costs. Maine’s SRF programs have successfully financed watershed restoration projects in the past and are amenable to working with the Collaborative.
The first step to accessing the financial might of the SRF programs is to understand the eligibility parameters of who can apply for assistance and what types of projects can be funded in the state. Many states have eligibility restrictions beyond what the federal statutes allow; for instance, many states allow loans only to public entities even though the federal statutes allow loans to both public and private entities based on project types such as stormwater, watershed, or nonpoint source activities. Source water protection activities are unique in their ability to be financed using both the DWSRF and the CWSRF. Figure 1 denotes the types of projects that are eligible through both the CWSRF loan fund and the DWSRF set-asides in the federal statutes.
Individually, the programs can be powerful, but using both programs in concert can result in a huge payoff for watershed groups such as the Collaborative, as it gathers the funding needed to implement its 10-Year Plan (and beyond). At the same time, there is sufficient flexibility to pursue additional grant funding and other resources as needed to help offset the cost of loans.
As the Collaborative navigates its 10-Year Plan and partnerships, it must consider the eligibility of projects and assistance recipients under both SRF programs. Most of the non-capital projects (e.g., studies, educational activities, and conservation easements) identified in the 10-Year Plan are eligible for DWSRF set-aside grant and loan funds. The CWSRF program may sign loans for any source water protection activities that demonstrate a water quality benefit, including capital costs. While federal CWSRF statutes allow source water protection loans to public and private entities, Maine has chosen to limit lending only to public entities (municipalities, counties, districts, or interstate agencies) and quasi-municipal corporations.
This type of restriction is common in SRF programs, and many SRF programs and project sponsors have successfully overcome obstacles by using a suite of innovative financing mechanisms, which are discussed later in this report.
The water industry in the United States has experienced many challenges throughout the years. The good news is that these challenges have been met head-on by experienced, dedicated professionals who continue to provide their customers with clean, safe drinking water even though the bar of excellence continues to rise. One measure depicting the priority of these challenges is the State of the Water Industry survey which is conducted annually by the American Water Works Association. “AWWA’s State of the Water Industry (SOTWI) survey is designed to identify water sector challenges and investigate possible underlying causes and drivers. In November 2022, when the survey closed, 4,123 water professionals had shared their opinions by responding to the survey – our highest number of responses yet!”
Even though challenges identified by industry participants were substantial, the 2023 optimism score was five out of seven. Noting this optimism was David LaFrance, AWWA CEO: “It’s clear there are significant hurdles in front of us – from infrastructure replacement to resource challenges to new contaminants to cybersecurity concerns – but water professionals never blink, they simply find ways to solve the problems in front of them and keep providing the world’s most vital resource to their communities.”
Water System Challenges Identified in AWWA’s SOTWI Survey for 2023 That Directly Relate to A Utility’s Underground Infrastructure
Approximately eighty percent of a water utility’s investment is contained in its underground infrastructure. The proper selection of pipeline materials can have a significant effect on several financial components of a water system. Hydraulic efficiencies can save virtually millions of dollars over the life span of a pipeline in a utility’s electric bill. Construction costs can be dramatically
reduced by evaluating required backfill conditions and elimination of various appurtenances. Substantial future capital investment can be deferred when evaluating life cycle cost analysis, and carbon footprints must also be taken into account to satisfy the growing environmental concerns of those the utility serves. Thus the proper selection of pipeline materials is key to addressing some of these industry challenges in the future as noted in the survey.
• Rehabilitation & Replacement of Aging Water Infrastructure: This was the number one challenge identified in the 2023 SOTWI survey. When replacing this underground infrastructure, strategic analysis of materials used should be applied to guarantee future aging of this infrastructure extends well into and beyond future generations. The “Buried No Longer Report” published by AWWA sets forth the estimated service life for various pipeline materials for different diameters in different regions of the country. The estimated service life for ductile iron pipe is shown to be 105 years. However, other materials in many cases show significantly less value, some are only listed with half the estimated service life of the ductile iron pipe.
• Financing for Capital Improvements: This particular challenge is listed as number three. When utilities seek capital funding for new treatment plants, booster stations, or even operations/ office facilities, much planning is performed to assure these structures and appurtenances are resilient and sustainable, obviously an expectation of investors and customers. The same strategic thought should enter into the selection of pipe material, not succumbing to the least cost material available, but selecting materials that give the greater value for the longterm as highlighted in AWWA’s “Buried No Longer Report”. This sustainability aspect also aligns with the key driver of Sustainability in AWWA’s Water 2050. Additionally, lower construction costs to install new pipelines can directly relate to pipeline material
selection. In the equation noted below, a pipe’s deflection within a trench after installation is determined by two things: the stiffness of the pipe and the stiffness of the soil surrounding it.
Pipe Deflection Equation = Pipe Stiffness + Soil Stiffness
E’ for DI = 700 psi
E’ for PVC = 2,000 psi
Thus, to ensure the pipeline’s deflection is within acceptable guidelines so as not to cause failure, a soil modulus (E’) must be respectively constructed. The higher the (E’) value needed, the more expensive the trench to prepare for receiving the pipe.
Obviously, certain pipeline materials are much more sustainable underground when intensifiers begin to react with the pipe itself. Ductile iron pipe is virtually unaffected such intensifiers wherein other materials such as plastics can yield causi ng leaks. chart below which shows data from a University of Michigan research study entitled Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines”(6) highlights frequency and cost of main repairs specifically in Ductil Cast Iron and PVC pipes.
Obviously, certain pipeline materials are much more sustainable underground when these intensifiers begin to react with the pipe itself. Ductile iron pipe is virtually unaffected by such intensifiers whereas other materials such as plastics can yield causing leaks. The chart below which shows data from a University of Michigan research study entitled “A Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines” highlights the frequency and cost of main repairs specifically in Ductile Iron, Cast Iron, and PVC pipes.
Obviously, certain pipeline materials are much more sustainable underground when intensifiers begin to react with the pipe itself. Ductile iron pipe is virtually unaffected such intensifiers wherein other materials such as plastics can yield causi ng leaks. chart below which shows data from a University of Michigan research study entitled Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines”(6) highlights frequency and cost of main repairs specifically in Ductile Cast Iron and
Obviously, certain pipeline materials are much more sustainable underground when intensifiers begin to react with the pipe itself. Ductile iron pipe is virtually unaffected such intensifiers wherein other materials such as plastics can yield causi ng leaks. chart below which shows data from a University of Michigan research study entitled Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines”(6) highlights frequency and cost of main repairs specifically in Ductile Cast Iron and PVC pipes.
Obviously, certain pipeline materials are much more sustainable underground when intensifiers begin to react with the pipe itself. Ductile iron pipe is virtually unaffected such intensifiers wherein other materials such as plastics can yield causi ng leaks. chart below which shows data from a University of Michigan research study entitled Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines”(6) highlights frequency and cost of main repairs specifically in Ductile Cast Iron and PVC pipes.
◼ Water Conservation/Efficiency, Drought or Periodic Water Shortages, Water Loss Control: These three challenges noted in the top 20 list respectively come in at number (11), (14) and (17). Many water systems throughout the country have struggled with some if not all of these issues for many years. Whether it be an inadequate source of supply, weather conditions, dynamics of the system such as high pressures, or insufficient treatment/pumping capabilities just to mention a few, every drop counts has been more meaningful to some more than others. However, even water utilities that have abundant source water and reserve capacities have seen the expectations of stakeholders and society in general when it comes to inordinate waste of water in any fashion. Thus the issue of Water Loss Control becomes a factor in all of these areas. When pipelines are buried underground, out of sight and many times out of mind, certain stress intensifiers can come into play.
◼ Water Conservation/Efficiency, Drought or Periodic Water Shortages, Water Loss Control: These three challenges noted in the top 20 list respectively come in at number (11), (14) and (17). Many water systems throughout the country have struggled with some if not all of these issues for many years. Whether it be an inadequate source of supply, weather conditions, dynamics of the system such as high pressures, or insufficient treatment/pumping capabilities just to mention a few, every drop counts has been more meaningful to some more than others. However, even water utilities that have abundant source water and reserve capacities have seen the expectations of stakeholders and society in general when it comes to inordinate waste of water in any fashion. Thus the issue of Water Loss Control becomes a factor in all of these areas. When pipelines are buried underground, out of sight and many times out of mind, certain stress intensifiers can come into play.
• Water Conservation/Efficiency, Drought or Periodic Water Shortages, and Water Loss Control: These three challenges noted in the top 20 list respectively come in at number (11), (14), and (17). Many water systems throughout the country have struggled with some if not all of these issues for many years. Whether it be an inadequate source of supply, weather conditions, dynamics of the system such as high pressures, or insufficient treatment/pumping capabilities just to mention a few, every drop count has been more meaningful to some than others. However, even water utilities that have abundant source water and reserve capacities have seen the expectations of stakeholders and society in general when it comes to inordinate waste of water in any fashion. Thus, the issue of Water Loss Control becomes a factor in all of these areas. When pipelines are buried underground, out of sight and many times out of mind, certain stress intensifiers can come into play.
Additionally, certain utilities have conducted their research finding the use of ductile iron pipe has significantly curtailed unaccounted-for water in their systems.
Additionally, certain utilities have conducted their use of ductile iron pipe has significantly curtailed unaccounted for water
• Energy Use/Efficiency and Cost EIGHTEEN in the top (20) list. Progressively throughout the years, Energy Use and Efficiency, which ultimately translates to Cost to the utility, has been an increasingly high priority. Assuring that pumps and motors are operating within efficient guidelines has gained much attention and focus. However, should the terms energy efficiency and pipeline material selection be used in the same sentence? ABSOLUTELY, and it can be simply clarified by the following equation:
Additionally, certain utilities have conducted their use of ductile iron pipe has significantly curtailed unaccounted for water
Additionally, certain utilities have conducted their use of ductile iron pipe has significantly curtailed unaccounted for water
Additionally, certain utilities have conducted their own research finding the use of ductile iron pipe has significantly curtailed unaccounted for water in their systems
Q = Quantity of Flow
V = Velocity of Flow
A = Inside Diameter of Pipe
When a certain flow requirement (Q) is needed at a certain location in a water system for fire flows, customer usage, or any reason, then the inside diameter of the pipeline (A) carrying that flow directly relates to the velocity (V) of flow in the pipeline. If a pipeline has a smaller inside diameter, a higher velocity is required to accommodate the needed flow. This higher velocity requirement almost always requires the application of additional pumping, which then translates into direct energy cost to the utility. Below is a schematic depicting the respective inside diameters of differing water pipeline materials:
2 ie Actual Inside Diameters
The choice of hydraulically efficient pipeline material like ductile iron pipe inherently assists the utility in addressing the energy cost challenge noted as a top 20 concern.
SOTWI participants were asked to rank a list relating to issues of Large-Scale Phenomena. Two notable issues that were identified were energy costs and extreme weather events. Having previously discussed the issue of energy costs; pipeline material selection can also be a major component in a water system’s integrity when it comes to extreme weather events. Beyond the obvious resilience, strength, and sustainability of ductile iron pipe during such events as flooding caused by numerous weather scenarios, it has been found as seen below certain pipeline materials DO NOT continue their functionality as opposed to ductile iron pipe in wildfire conditions.
The water utility industry I’m sure will persevere as always in addressing those industry challenges outlined in AWWA’s 2023 SOTWI. One obvious component that is highlighted over and over again when meeting many of these challenges is SUSTAINABILITY. The proper, strategic selection of pipeline materials in the utility’s underground infrastructure should reflect value for their customers well into the future, not only reflecting the short-term cost decisions of today.
American Water Works Association; State of the Water Industry Survey, 2023 American Water Works Association; Buried No Longer, 2012 University of Michigan; “A Framework to Evaluate Lifecycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines”, 2016
Editor’s Note: This article references AWWA’s State of the Water Industry Survey, 2023. AWWA recently released the results for 2024. Infrastructure dethroned. For the first time in the AWWA State of the Water Industry survey’s 21-year history, source water protection has emerged as the top issue for water professionals, surpassing the long-standing top concern of aging infrastructure. The report can be viewed at www.awwa.org/professional-development/utilitymanagers/state-of-the-water-industry
The Author Can Be Reached at: Roy Mundy, McWane Ductile Senior Regional Product Engineer roy.mundy@mcwaneductile.com Jeff Houser McWane Ductile Senior Sales Representative c 518.275.1780 jeff.houser@mcwaneductile.com
Dilara Hatinoglu, Onur Apul
1. What are microplastics and PFAS?
Plastics are practical, versatile, cost-effective materials that have revolutionized nearly every industry. Since the 1950s, the escalating demand for plastics has increased global production by more than two orders of magnitude. This surge in plastic production has resulted in substantial environmental and public health challenges. If the current trajectory of plastic production and waste management practices persists, it is projected that by 2050, approximately 12 billion tons of plastic waste will accumulate in the environment. In natural environments, plastic debris undergoes weathering processes including physical, chemical, and biological methods, which break them down into microplastics, making them more likely to enter the food webs. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, microplastics are plastic particles ranging from 5 millimeters to 1 nanometer in size. There are two types: primary microplastics, manufactured at their small size, and secondary microplastics, which originate from larger plastic pieces breaking down. Over the past two decades, research efforts have identified several pathways through which microplastics enter aquatic ecosystems: (i) wastewater treatment effluents carrying fibers from activities such as laundry washing, (ii) surface runoff transporting a mix of litter such as tire wear particles from urban areas, plastic mulch from agricultural fields, microplastics from biosolids, and landfill residues, and (iii) atmospheric deposition where wind carries microplastics from storage locations (e.g., landfills, construction sites) into water bodies.
Due to their sizes within the optimal prey range, microplastics are ingested by aquatic species, causing intestinal damage, developmental issues, energy budget disturbances, structural alterations, and oxidative stress. Additionally, microplastics are composed of various polymers and chemical additives and can adsorb synthetic organic compounds and pathogens, potentially acting as “Trojan Horses” for toxic pollutants. Therefore, it is crucial to study the interactions between microplastics and toxic organic compounds.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large class of persistent organic chemicals with more than 10,000 compounds. Extensive use of PFAS has led to their omnipresence in the environment, food, and drinking water, correlating with a multitude of detrimental human health effects including testicular and kidney cancer, cholesterol, thyroid disease, and weakened immune response. Today, over 200 million Americans are exposed to PFAS via their drinking water at a concentration of
1 part per trillion or higher. Therefore, pollution of natural waters with PFAS has become a critical environmental and public health crisis, posing significant challenges to the public, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. Microplastics and PFAS have long been detected in aquatic environments and originated from numerous point and non-point sources either individually or in combination. A recent study detected twenty-one PFAS on microplastics collected from a river where total PFAS concentrations were reaching 9.1 µg/g (Cheng et al., 2021). Moreover, adsorption of PFAS can increase as microplastics age and biofilm formation occurs on their surface over time. Similarly, microplastics preloaded with natural organic matter (NOM) adsorb more perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) than pristine microplastics, due to complex formation between NOM and long-chain PFAS. These adsorption interactions can lead to serious ecological and health concerns when PFASladen microplastics are ingested by organisms, particularly if they desorb in the digestive tract.
Despite the rising scientific and public concerns, studies reporting adsorption isotherms of PFAS by microplastics are very limited. The available literature offers some mechanistic insights into the adsorption process; however, due to the wide variety of PFAS types, polymer characteristics, and environmental conditions, it is essential to develop systematic knowledge to fully understand these mechanisms. Conducting comprehensive laboratory experiments to demonstrate these interactions is costly, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, making model development necessary. This study is the first to predict PFAS adsorption by microplastics using the linear solvation energy relationships (LSER) approach. The promising modeling outcomes provide valuable insights for designing future experimental studies. To offer a preliminary predictive tool and reveal molecular-level insights, it is crucial to share the initial results of the developed models with researchers studying microplastics and PFAS.
Abraham’s LSER modeling approach describes solvation and related activities based on the physicochemical properties of organic compounds. These models provide mechanistic insights by revealing intermolecular interactions between adsorbents and adsorbates and quantifying their contributions to adsorption. Beyond their predictive capabilities, these insights at the molecular level can assist in developing plastic-based technologies for PFAS removal. However, existing LSER methods are limited to neutral compounds and have not been used to train models for ionizable PFAS. Therefore, this study aims to develop the first LSER models
for the adsorption of ionizable PFAS by microplastics. The model focuses on delineating the impacts of (i) PFAS molecular weight, (ii) microplastics’ oxidation state, and (iii) water type on the adsorption of PFAS by microplastics.
Partitioning coefficients (Kd) for the adsorption of PFAS by polystyrene (PS) microplastics in various water types were collected from Llorca et al. (2018). A database was established to study the adsorption of 13 PFAS compounds with carbon chain lengths ranging from 4 to 18. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed using Kd as the dependent variable and modified Abraham solvation descriptors as independent variables. Figure 1 illustrates the Log Kd values, representing adsorption affinity, relative to PFAS chain length. Generally, PFAS with longer carbon chains exhibit higher Kd values in both types of water due to increased hydrophobic interactions. However, this trend is disrupted by the longest-chain compounds (16 and 18 carbons), likely due to semi-micelle formation or strong binding with dissolved organic carbon in the water. Additionally, PFAS adsorb more effectively onto microplastics in seawater compared to freshwater, irrespective of the oxidation state of the polystyrene. This enhanced adsorption in seawater can be due to its ionic strength, which either reduces PFAS solubility in water or promotes cation bridges between microplastics and PFAS.
Figure 1. Partition coefficients (Log Kd) for adsorption of PFAS (specifically perfluoro carboxylic acids, PFCA) by polystyrene (PS) and carboxylated polystyrene (PS-COOH) microplastics in seawater and freshwater concerning number of C atoms in PFAS chain. Bubble sizes represent the relative number of data in the four different datasets listed. Adapted from Hatinoglu et al. (2023).
Additionally, the correlation between Log Kd and the octanol-water distribution coefficient (Log Dow) for PFAS was only moderate. This is because PFAS have unique properties such as ionizable functional
groups that make it difficult for single parameters to accurately predict this interaction, particularly with longer chain lengths. While parameters like Dow and solubility can be useful for modeling partitioning in deionized water, they do not fully capture the complex molecular interactions involved. Water chemistry significantly influences the adsorption process in natural environments via different mechanisms, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, it is essential to use LSER models with multiple PFAS identifiers to gain reliable mechanistic insights into PFAS interactions with microplastics.
In conclusion, the LSER modeling results from this study indicate that the polarizability and hydrophobicity of anionic PFAS are the key factors influencing their adsorption onto microplastics. Conversely, specific and non-specific interactions between PFAS and water notably reduce the binding affinity of PFAS to microplastics. Overall, LSER proves to be a promising method for predicting the adsorption of ionizable PFAS by microplastics, particularly when Abraham’s solute descriptors are adjusted to consider their ionization.
Cheng, Y., et al., 2021. Occurrence and abundance of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) on microplastics (MPs) in Pearl River Estuary (PRE) region: spatial and temporal variations. Environ. Pollut. 281.
Hatinoglu, M.D., Perreault, F., Apul, O.G., 2023. Modified linear solvation energy relationships for adsorption of perfluorocarboxylic acids by polystyrene microplastics. Sci. Total Environ. 860, 160524.
Llorca, M., Schirinzi, G., Martínez, M., Barceló, D., Farré, M., 2018. Adsorption of perfluoroalkyl substances on microplastics under environmental conditions. Environ. Pollut. 235, 680–691.
Aaron Miller
Ajay Sharma Kleinfelder
Andy Crawford AMCS Group
Audrey Liang McKinsey & Co.
Brett Baron AMCS Group
Brian McCauley
Carol Dennison WSP USA, Inc.
Ceren Aralp Veolia North America
Christian Lytle Hazen and Sawyer
David Sylvia
Denise Trevarrow IDEXX Laboratidexx Laboratories, Water Division
Irwin Robinson
Janna Ziemski Lowell Corporation
Joshua Bouchard Tighe & Bond
Philip E. Larocque MA
Hanford G. Langstroth, PE MA
Wayne A. Brockway KK&W Water District ME
Jeffrey W. Mercer MA
Philip T. McCarthy Town of Ipswich, MA MA
Andrew H. Hildick-Smith OT Sec, LLC MA
Frederick J. McNeill, PE City of Manchester Env. Protection Div. NH
Bruce W. Adams, PE Weston & Sampson Engineers MA
Robert H. Miner, Jr. MA
Carl McMorran Aquarion Water Company of New Hampshire NH
Thomas J. Daly MA
Mark H. Johnson MA
Roger A. Ward Tighe & Bond MA
C.S. Mansfield, Jr. ME
Justin Warrington Weston Solutions, Inc.
Marc Baptista Harrisville Water Department
Nachel Leblanc
Phyllis Rand Compass Rose Training Solutions, LLC
Priscilla Barrantes
Jenkins Wright-Pierce
Rebecca Ropp SOCOTEC
Rudri Vasavada TRC Companies
Ryan Murphy
Sarah Rossetti Pennichuck Water Works, Inc.
Shawna Ballard
Stacie Cohen CDM
Thomas Byrnes Town of Lee Massachursetts Water Distribution
Wael Shalhoub EMCO Engineering Inc.
Mark L. Hollowell Town of North Attleborough MA
John J. Boisvert Pennichuck Water Works NH
Emile L. Richard, PE Retired ME
Steven M. Sroka, PE Tighe & Bond, Inc. MA
Alberico Mancini Division of Public Utilities RI
Jeffery F. Strong Town of Springfield VT
Bernie Mack MA
Mark R. Johnson, PE Springfield Water and Sewer Commission MA
Joshua W. Hall Town of Westminster MA
Louis M. Taverna City of Newton DPW MA
Lisa C. Gustavsen DCR-Water Supply ProtectionQuabbin Reservoir MA
David C. Wyatt Wyatt Engineering RI
Philip G. Ashcroft PGA Consulting Inc MA
Erin Graham MA Office of Water Resources MA
David S. Parent Sanford Water District ME
John R. Duchesneau III Kent County Water Auth. RI
Donald A. Provencher Provencher Engineering, LLC NH
Darrin D. Lary, PE Wright-Pierce ME
Carl J. Destremps Stone Bridge Fire District RI
David A. Payne All American Gasket MA
James R. Laurila Springfield Water and Sewer Commission MA
Gregory V. Barber MA
Thomas Payne MA
Gil Dichter ME
Webinar: Turning Leakage Reduction into a Flood of Money and a Drop in Carbon Output
Thursday, September 19
1:00 to 2:00 pm
See how leakage reduction can be turned into Carbon Credits and become a revenue source.
Webinar: Utility Responses to Lead and Copper Regulatory Revisions
Thursday, October 17
1:00 to 2:00 pm
Are we getting the lead out? A Utility view.
Tour: IDEXX Laboratories Facility Tour
Water Testing Products R&D and Manufacturing Facility in Westbrook, Maine
Thursday October 24
Member Appreciation Social
Friday, October 25
Training, Tour and Lunch
TCH’s Given for Tour. Join us for one of our 4T events with Training, Tour, Treats, & TCHs.
June 10-13, 2024
Anaheim, California
Over 11,000 attendees were present at the 143rd year of the water community’s premier event, which highlighted the latest water sector advances, challenges, insights, and best practices through workshops, tours, professional sessions, and experts presenting the latest in products and services.
ACE24 provided a stage for New England Section members to bring out their best. The Section was well represented in Anaheim in June and our members received numerous awards and scholarships. Many participated in competitions and made presentations.
Here are the New England Section’s statistics:
• 200+ New England Section AWWA Member Attendees
• 65 Members sit together as a Section at the ACE24 Opening General Session
• 5 under 35 Awardee – Pooja Chari with Woodard & Curran
• 50 attendees at the 47th Annual Joint Connecticut and New England Section Luncheon
• 2 Scholarship Awardees – Carrie Lewis, URI, and Dilara Hatinoglu, University of Maine
• 2 Teams in Hydrant Hysteria Contest – Boston Water and Sewer Commission (Men) and Whitewater Charlton Chupacabras (Women)
• 1 Fresh Ideas Poster Session Presenter – Emma Page, Boston Water and Sewer Commission
• 1 Fuller Awardee – Craig Douglas, Brunswick & Topsham Water District
• 19 New England Section AWWA Companies Exhibiting
• Too numerous to count… Technical Presentation by New England Section AWWA Members
Joint Luncheon with Connecticut Section
The New England Section hosted a luncheon with the Connecticut Section on Tuesday, June 11. More than 50 people enjoyed a fiestainspired lunch of tacos, rice, beans, guacamole and chips, mango cake, and plenty of margaritas and services. Thank you to our generous lunch sponsors!
Thank You Sponsors
Thank you for your hospitality to us at ACE! Although we did attend last year, we weren’t as knowledgeable/involved with a lot of the events, and feel like we got the chance to experience more, talk with more people in the Section and the other competitors, and get more insight on all of the happenings around the conference. It was a great experience, and we hope we’re able to participate again next year!
Elycia Hood, WhiteWater, Inc., Carlton Chupacabras, Women’s Hydrant Hysteria Team
Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend ACE and for all that you did to help make my first ACE experience so great! I truly had a wonderful time. I learned so much and got to connect with so many accomplished water professionals. I appreciate you spending time with me and showing me the ropes. I am hoping that I will be able to attend many more AWWA events in the future!
Emma Page, Boston Water and Sewer Commission, Fresh Ideas Poster Contest Participant
The ACE 2024 Conference was a great space for a young professional like myself to break into the larger community of the water industry, which can sometimes seem like a daunting task. Not only were the exhibits, competitions, and discussions of current engineering practices interesting and engaging, but I was also able to leave with a much broader professional network than what I arrived with. The opportunities for growth and development through ACE are significant!
Jeremiah Waite, Boston Water and Sewer Commission, Men’s Hydrant Hysteria Team
ACE24 was a jam-packed week of educational sessions, meeting exhibitors, and reconnecting with friends. I particularly enjoyed the “Transforming the Water Workforce” educational session track. I appreciated that AWWA highlighted young water professionals’ innovative and exciting projects on an international level. In the exhibit hall, I learned about new technologies to bring back to my utility as options for our continued digital and infrastructural improvements. My favorite part about ACE was reconnecting with friends I’ve made during my time in the water industry. ACE is not only a great place to catch up with people I’ve met through my local sections and AWWA’s professional development programs, but also a forum to make new connections and learn from my peers.
Sarah Trejo, Aquarion Water Company, ACE Attendee
New England Water Wayfinder is made possible by the companies below who convey their important messages on our pages. We thank them for their support of NE AWWA and its publication and encourage you to contact them when making your purchasing decisions. To make it easier to contact these companies, we have included the page number of their advertisement, their phone number, and, where applicable, their website.
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