The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper • THE COMMUNITY of Predator Ridge is about much more than just golfing to people who live at the golf resort north of Kelowna.
A unique and
rancher home is one of a wide selection of living options that buyers can choose from at the golf course resort.
special lifesty le experience
Howard Kruschk e, marketing, talks senior director of sales and about what’s new at the Predato Ridge Golf Resort r community.
Shauna Nyrose
Question: son now in fullWith golf seaan overview of swing, give us the Predator Ridge Golf Resort. spired the project? What inKruschke: Predator Ridge is located 25 minutes north of the Kelowna International Air-
course, to $1 million-plus for custom homes for this area? golf courses andoverlooking the Kruschke: cess to both Kalamalk gan. The 1,200 Lake OkanaI think the key Location wise, a Lake and Okanagan acres definitely port, and 15 minutes Lake and Okanagan resort is how thing about our southwest inspired the project. Star Mountain Lake, Silver Lake, and of downtown close it is to evthe quality of Resort, 50 minThe Common Vernon. erything (15 minutes the golf here. utes to the We have a Q: What’s unique and specialage is a on beautiful Commoninto town minutes Shuswap, and 90 condominiums,selection of place in the unique about different or to the Kootenay Okanagan, and age Road), Predator Ridge s… it’s a great central ranchers, villas, townhomes, years, Predator over the last 20 nected yet how quiet and conlocation with over other recreation properit is with nature something to Ridge has let homes, custom single family ties? Why is the offer everyone. at the land homes, homesame time. this important strongly influence sites, and fractional Q: What are some buyers? to the development of the vacation Whether it’s golf, process… reasons that people homes. Kruschke: I er that is the developm wheth- cycling hiking, have chothink the key sen or simply golf thing that Predator Our prices range ent course sitting on a of the golf assets deck…the peacefuln from just Ridge has North Okanaganliving in the or real estate. under $60,000 over other recreation ess and Q: Tell us a area over quiet is what other areas? properal ownership for fractionI hear about most ties is how well your location little about on the new golf from our homeown establishe and what makes Kruschke: d the resort is. Predator Ridge And the fact thaters. non feels right The size of Versuch a great fi What many the locat tion offers equally the amenities to them (all of realize is that people don’t great acminus the trafwe commenc fic), access to ed both Kalamalk a See Experie nce B10
s ’ f r u S UP W
hen you think about surfboards, the first image that pops into your mind is probably a surfer riding a huge pipeline wave in Hawaii or California. But here in the Okanagan, the surf board is now gaining popularity for use in a different way, one that doesn’t require you to literally risk your life in the water. Capital News reporter Mike Simmons looks into the new recreation pursuit of paddle boarding. See story on A3.
BOB PURDY offers a demonstration on the new sport of stand-up paddle boarding. SEAN CONNOR/CAPITAL NEWS