Kelsey Fuller Fiinal

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My Caffine Addiction By: Kelsey Fuller

Caffeine, I start my day with coffee. I go through the day sluggishly, needing something because my high is gone. I get home and drink another 80 mg of caffeine. I feel nothing. How can a fifthteen year old be addicted to such an abused drug... that drug being caffeine. Something that enters your veins so quickly and die within hours. Five dollars a day to feed into my chilling drug. The most accessible drug here. Caffeine. The lump in my throat begins to form, indicating all the caffeine in my system isn't agreeing. I feel this every morning, the lump creates chills causing the unbearable headache to commence. Why do I put myself through this? That short lived feeling of energy all for the regretful headache and the feeling of throwing up. The feeling of climbing onto my warm fluffy bed, dim fairy light inlukinatting , dim enough for a comfortable look where I can close my eyes and drift off to a sleep where I don't need artificial energy to keep me going. When I was twelve is when it began. It began with an iced caramel

necessity. Who knew a sweet little snack would become an everyday thing. I felt so cool because I was the only girl in the seventh grade who drank coffee, espresso to be exact. I began to get all my friends hooked on the sweet yet savory caramel macchiato. Once seventh grade was over it was time to but the rich and milky macchiato to a rest and switch to the summertime teas. When eighth grade rolled around, that's when the addiction began. I was homeschooled and my mom worked from home making getting the coffee more accessible. Once I began to feel nothing from my macchiato I then moved up to a Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice, which consisted of five shots of espresso and a splash of milk. That really kick started my addiction, with that high feeling rushing through where I felt invincible and I could concentrate. This caffeine high would last for two to three hours, those hours I felt incredibly happy and ready to take on the world. Once that high got smaller and smaller, small enough to point where I felt nothing I knew it was time to begin drinking something else.

to straight caffeine, espresso and water. The iced americano if you will. I have found myself consuming near 500 mg of caffeine, daily. I can't seem to put it down, something about the feeling of concentration and the feeling of invincibility gets me. When you come down from that... that is where the problem lies. I can say to any of my friends who are my age not to drink coffee or caffeine. I really don't recommend it for the expense and the addiction it may have. Everyone says "Well why don't you just stop?" My response is to them is begin laughing. Because if you take away my caffeine you take away the emotions you see, you take away my feelings, and you take away my wellbeing. Hello my name is Kelsey Fuller I"m fifthteen and I am addicted to caffeine.

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