We take a look at skin biopsies and give you the latest information on the legality of their use as a test for fleece density. Our exclusive news story provides an update from the government’s Department of Food, Farming and the Environment and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) confirming that skin biopsies for breeding purposes are illegal under the Animal Welfare Act. Caroline Baraugh Sheriff Alpacas, outlines her welfare friendly alternative method, called the Skin Imprint, which she has developed following extensive research. Consultant Ian Watt also gives us an insight into why density matters and why US breeders find biopsies a worthwhile selection tool.
Ami Sawran from Westpoint Farm Vets take us through the essential herd and individual animal health issues to consider before breeding. Claire Whitehead, Camelid Veterinary Services, provides a comprehensive article for the magazine on female breeding soundness under the headline: ’Why won’t my alpaca get pregnant?’