Design Portfolio 2018

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kelsey mcdonough

Kelsey McDonough

Interior Designer | Entry Level As an Interior Designer I have a passion for how design can affect the efficiency and well being of people. I like to think that as Interior Designers we have the ability to help companies better utilize the space they have, while positively influencing the interactions and innovations of people within that space. When I’m not working I enjoy filling my time running, checking out new restaurants, sketching old buildings around the city, and traveling.


E D U C AT I O N Kent State University

Interior Design


College of Architecture and Environmental Design CIDA Accredited Interior Design Program

KSU Florence | Spring 2016


kelsey mcdonough


Pittsburgh, PA October 2017 - Present

Guardian Life Insurance Manhattan, NY Summer 2016

7 1 7 L i b e r t y Av e . P i t t s b u r g h , PA 1 5 2 2 2 t: 724 272 4876

Founder House


Brooklyn, NY 2016-2017

Willow Grove Showroom Pittsburgh,PA Summer 2015

Interior Designer Assisted in the design and documentation of interior spaces including finish plans, elevations, casework detail drawings , and finish schedules. Responsibilities also included the production of design deliverables including interior renderings, presentation boards, and finish selections. Intern - Facilities Department Interior Design Intern within the Facilities Department assisting the head Architect + Interior Designer. Responsibilities included working on CAFM drawings, learning the Archibus program for on/off boarding, space planning and test fits for new office building.

Interior Branding Worked with NYC based startup to align company mission + web presence with their interior spaces. Responsibilities included setting up meetings with company CEO to go over program + budget, space planning, specifying furniture + artwork, along with preparing an interior branding + FFE manual. Intern Assisted Showroom Manager managing front desk and keeping showroom organized. Responsibilities also included ordering memo samples as requested by designers, filing fabrics in the correct location, checking inventory + pricing, answering phone calls + emails, and assisting interior designers with anything they needed while working in the showroom.

Lynn McDonough Interiors

Design Assistant

Valencia, PA 2012-2016

Assisted high-end residential Interior Designer in office work such as answering phones and invoicing, as well as with field measurements, drafting, finish selections, design sketches, and presentation boards.




Joe Messick Facility Architect T: 212 598 8459 E:

Kim Gruber Interior Designer T: 609 532 2150 E:

Mathew Robeson Showroom Manager T: 412 370 0421

Stephanie Bolinda Consultant E:

Revit Hand Sketching InDesign Photoshop Illustrator Archibus Concept Development

Verbal Presentation




Lobby + CEO Office

Gateway Health Building

Library Cafe Renovation

Elizabethtown College High Library

Student Work

Coworking Space Museum of Kinetic Art Pediatric Wing Gender Neutral Bathroom VA O u t p a t i e n t C l i n i c


A1 A7 06 22 36 44 52


Lobby + CEO Office Gat eway Healt h Bu ilding | Pitts burgh, PA


Final Install

Rendered Perspective

Gateway Health

1st + 21st Floor Lobby Renovation Redesign of existing lobbies for Gateway Health offices located in Pittsburgh, PA. Redesign + renovation included custom reception desk design, new furniture/ layout, dirtt backpainted glass design, lighting selections, and new paint recommendations.

Material Selections


Final Install

Rendered Perspective

1st Floor Lobby

21st Floor Lobby


Gateway Health

CEO Office Design Options Design options included rendered perspectives, furniture selections, material selections, and proposed lighting. Design was focused around making the office feel like an executive office while keeping it feminine and upscale.

Notes Cl i ent wa s g ive n th re e d i ffe re n t d e si g n option s th a t a l l c o n ta i n e d th e fo l l ow i n g : - Adeq u a te sto rage fo r b i n d e rs +fi l e s - Des k w i th p r iva c y p a n e l - S ma l l c o n fe re n c e a n d l o u n ge se a ti n g E ach d e si g n o p ti o n i n c l u d e d i t’s ow n furnitu re p a c k age a n d l i g h ti n g se l e c ti o n . (S ee ex a mp l e o n l e ft)


Rendered Perspective



Library Cafe + Lounge Elizabet ht own College High Librar y | E liz abethtow n, PA


High Library Cafe

Elizabethtown College High Library Elizabethtown College requested a proposal to renovate the existing entry level of the library to include a cafe to serve students and faculty. The High Library Cafe study consisted of the interior renovation of the proposed cafe location. Study included various meetings with client, floor plan studies, concept imagery, and a final presentation with the college faculty to finalize finishes and floor plan.

Concept Imagery

Material Selections


Fit-out Plan


Limit of Work



Project Type: Community Engagement Studio: ID Studio VI | Senior Thesis Date: Spring Semester 2017 Programs/design tools used: Hand sketching+rendering revit photoshop indesign


Arts+Innovation District CoWorking Space + Start-Up Incubator



Project Introduction A redevelopment project working with local community to harvest a creative and art centric destination. Through the implementation of an arts district the city of Ravenna will put itself back on the m a p, b e t t e r i n g t h e c o m m u n i t y a n d l o c a l e c o n o m y.


Proposal of Intent Whi l e wo rk i n g c l o s e ly wit h t h e t own s p re - e st a bl i s hed Arts Dis tri ct Commi ttee, res earch on hi s to ry, dem og ra p h i c s, a n d cu rre n t t own u sage wa s admi nis tered. The fi nal propos al i ncluded informa t i on rega rd i n g th e ne e d f o r t h e p ro p o se d sp a ce and how it wi l l s upport and benefi t the communi t y nee d s. B e l ow i s a n ex a m p le o f g ra p h ics a n d i nformati on us ed to communi cate to the commi ttee t he ne e d f o r a c owo rk in g sp a ce.

L o c a l s c h o o l s a n d u n i v e rs i t i e s we r e looked at to support the need for a m o r e l o c a l c ow o r k i n g s p a c e t o p r e v e n t y o u n g e n t r e p r e n e u rs a n d f r e e l a n c e rs from moving to more metropolitan areas in search of collaborative and inspiring work spaces

Surrounding Universities + Colleges 3-5 MIN

Ohio State University Extension

5-7 MIN

University Hospital

7-10 MIN

Fortis College

8-10 MIN

North East Ohio Med. Univ.

10-15 MIN 25-30 MIN

Students in Private Schools Grades 1 to 6: RAVENNA OHIO

8% 14.2%

Students in Private Schools Grades 9 to 12: RAVENNA OHIO

Kent State University

8.8% 10.9%

Students in Private Undergraduate Colleges: RAVENNA 15.2% OHIO 23.4%

University of Akron



Parking Theatre Beer Garden Micro Apartments CoWorking Space

Notes A ge n e ra l m a s te r p la n wa s p ro p o se d t o sh ow new us age for exis ti ng vacan t b u i l d i n g s alo n g wit h sp e cif ie d p a rk in g and pedes trian walk ways.


Goals of Proposal





Project Proposal I n t e n d e d t o b e a h u b f o r c r e a t i v i t y, i n n o v a t i o n , a n d growth, the coworking space located in Ravenna links t h e t ow n s p a s t w i t h w h a t we h o p e t o b e i t s f u t u re. C o w o r k i n g , b y n a t u r e, i s m e a n t t o s t i r i d e a s, c r e a t i o n , a n d g row t h w i t h i n i t s m e m b e rs. P u t t i n g t h e m i n a n e n vironment that allows them to work their best and be inspired by what is going on around them. The converted warehouse will become a hub for economic growth and innovation engaging the community and surrounding area.



Rendered Floor Plan






Room Key 4 1


Entry Level 14


The Coffee House


CoWorking Space


Work Cafe


To i l e t s


Forum Space


Incubator Space

Notes Rende re d p e rs p e c tive o f t h e m a in e n t ra n ce t o both The Coffee H ouse a n d C o Wo rk i n g Sp a ce. View sh ows t h e cafe, open to the publ i c, a n d th e s u b t le e n t ra n ce t o t h e cowo rk ing s pace i ncluding t he ch e c k -i n a n d i n fo rm a t io n d e sk . S ket ch e s s h ow d e s i gn d eve lo p m e n t o f t h e ca fe and coworki ng des k i n t eg ra ti o n . Va rio u s it e ra t io n s o f t h e e n try s pace were done b e f o re b u i l d i ng a n d re n d e rin g t h e f in a l des i gn i n Revi t.


The Coffee House A c o f f e e s h o p, o p e n t o t h e public housed inside the c owo r k i n g s p a c e, p rov i d e s a glimpse into the new way of working to link new and old residents of the town.


Main Entry


Public Cafe


CoWorking Entrance


Coat Closet





Rendered Perspective

Notes Rendered pers pective of the work cafe s how s th e va r i o u s se a ti n g a re a s for both i ndivi dual and group s eating. Cu sto m k i tc h e n c a b i n e t d e si g n i nfluenced by the s tructured columns in n ew s p a p e r l a yo u ts, a n o d e to the bui l dings pas t us e as a news paper pr i n ti n g fa c to r y.


Rendered Perspective



Rendered Perspective

Material Selections


Notes The i n t e n s i o n o f th e ex t e rio r d e sig n o f t h e warehous e was to maintain t he i n t eg r i ty o f th e ex ist in g st ru ct u re wh ile making it appear s afe and wel com i n g. A p o r ti on o f t h e ro o f wa s lif t e d t o incorporate clear s tory w i ndows a l l owi n g f o r a d e q u a t e n a t u ra l lig h t t o thos e worki ng duri ng t he da y, a s we l l a s b e in g a b e a co n o f lig h t a t an otherwis e dark s t reet c o rn e r


Exterior Design Development


Project Type: Adaptive Reuse Studio: ID Studio IV | Florence Date: Spring Semester 2016 Programs/design tools used: Hand sketching+rendering revit autocad photoshop indesign illustrator


Museum of Kinetic Art Adaptive Re-Use



Concept Statement Design concept pulled from the ever moving p e o p l e o f t h e c i t y o f F l o re n c e. A c i t y k n ow n f o r b e i n g p e d e s t r i a n f r i e n d l y, t h e t r a f f i c p a t t e r n s o f those walking and biking the city were observed to influence the museum design. Making a connection between what was going on around the site and the experience within the museum was the main driver in the design concept.


Rendered Floor Plan

Room Key

Entry Level 25


Entry + Lobby


Coat Check




Exhibition Space




Open to Lower Level

Rendered Floor Plan

Room Key 1

Open to Upper Level


Exhibition Space


Instillation Space


E x i t S t a i rs



Basement Level 26

Concept Statement The goal of the museum design was to keep the integrity of the existing historic space while providing a simple backdrop for the chosen works of art. Chosen in response to the pedestrian friendly and ever moving city o f F l o re n c e, K i n e t i c a r t pieces and mobiles by Alexander Calder makeup most of the museums permanent collection

Rendered Perspective

Notes Rendered pers pective of front entry of mu se u m. Th re e p a r t d e sk s i n s pi red by the road s ys tems of F lorence se r ve d a s c o a t c h e c k , ti c ke t + gift s hop counter, and cafe counter.


Rendered Perspective

Custom Counter Design

Notes Re n d e re d p e rs p e ct ive o f m u se u m ca fe wit h cus tom coffee bar counter. Th e c a fe l o c a ti on wa s ch o se n t o a llow f o r public acces s wi thout the ne e d f o r m u s e u m a d m it t a n ce.


Exhibition Space Rendered perspective of one of the museum exhibition spaces. To preserve the original walls of the historic building, floating walls with built in lighting were designed to display exhibition pieces.

Notes 5.08 cm / 2 in.

60.96 cm / 24 in

60.96 cm / 24 in

backlit white onyx sealed iodized iron

60.96 cm / 24 in

sealed iodized iron

91.44 cm / 34 in

backlit white onyx

sealed iodized iron

106.68 cm / 42 in

backlit white onyx

Detail Drawing of Custom Ticket Counter Design influenced by the traffic pat terns of the local pedestrians. 91.44 cm / 34 in

60.96 cm / 24 in

91.44 cm / 34 in

106.68 cm / 42 in

Coat Check Counter Detail Draw ings showing the construction of the counter + how it will be adhered to the wall.

106.68 cm / 42 in


91.44 cm / 34 in

5.08 cm / 2 in.

30.48 cm / 12 in

30.48 cm / 12 in

106.68 cm / 42 in

Ticket Counter Design

backlit white onyx

60.96 cm / 24 in

106.68 cm / 42 in

91.44 cm / 34 in

Detail drawings showing the materiality proposed for the counter + measure ment specifications

Lowered Counter to be used by customer; higher counter space gives added privacy for workers

backlit white onyx sealed iodized iron

Coat Check Counter Design


5.08 cm / 2 in.



30.48 cm / 12 in

sealed iodized iron


Material Selections



Project Type: Group Project Studio: ID Studio III Date: Fall Semester 2015 Programs/design tools used: Hand sketching+rendering revit photoshop indesign


Pediatric Wing Healthcare | Group Project


Group Project Breakdown Group Members: Emily Ober | Kelsey McDonough Project Length: Five Weeks Work Load Distrabution:

Kelsey McDonough Emily Ober Concept Development Research Schematic Design Space Planninig Revit Rendering


Concept Development Research FFE Construction Documents Revit

Concept Statement The perforated structure of the Cholla plant is an icon of a sound and solid structure. These perforations allow for movement and for the flow of water to nourish the plants vibrant flowers. The pediatric wing of the Cleveland Clinic will use biomimicry to take these core aspects of the Cholla and incorporate them into patient rooms, the nurses stations and surrounding areas. Like the Cholla plant, patient rooms must be able to accommodate a varying amount of volume but still keep its function and focus around the patients




Ren d e re d p e rs p e ct ive o f m a in ch e ck in d e sk at entrance of pedi atric wi ng. S ub t l e b i o p h i l i c e le m e n t s we re in co rp o ra t e d to create a comfortable and welc o m i n g e nv i ron m e n t f o r b o t h t h e yo u n g patients and the hos pital s taff. Colo r wa s i n tro d u ce d p re d o m in a n t ly in t h e form of l i ghti ng elements keep i ng i n m i n d t h e use o f t h e sp a ce m a y ch a n ge i n the future


Rendered Perspective

Notes Re n d e re d p e rs p e ct ive o f t h e p a t ie n t ro o m des ign propos al. Key feature of t h e d e s i g n a re b a ck lit sid e p a n e ls wit h adj us tabl e L E D l i ghti ng. The l ig h t i n g c o l o r c a n b e ch a n ge d t o cre a t e a more comfortabl e envi ron m e n t fo r t h e you n g p a t ie n t s.


Rendered Perspective


Flooring Materials | Forbo

C h i l d r e n ’s r e t r e a t a r e a d e s i g n e d t o a l l o w f o r a fun and relaxing space for patients influenced by the organic shapes seen in the cholla cactus.


Project Type: Special Population Groups Studio: ID Studio V Date: Fall Semester 2016 Programs/design tools used: Hand sketching+rendering revit photoshop indesign


Gender Neutral Bathroom Schematic Design


Program Requirments

8 WC (toilets/urinals) 6 sinks 1 ADA stall 1 ADA urinal

baby changing lactation room recomposition space


Concept Statement


Pastiche imitates with admiration things or ideas that were executed well. Rather than “reinventing the wheel� the idea of pastiche is to take elements from different places and time periods, combining them to create a new form which has inherent character and history. Taking the best parts of the past and re-imagining them. Pastiche mixes diverse ingredients together, paying homage to earlier forms, but giving them a new light that celebrates the differences of generations and periods of time. Pastiche brings together all things for the purpose of celebrating their differences




Floor Plan

Room Key 1

Open to Upper Level


Exhibition Space


Lactation Space


E x i t S t a i rs



Mezzanine Level

Basement Level 48

Rendered Perspective Construction Drawing Examples

6 A103

6' - 8" 4' - 9" 3' - 4 3/4"

16' - 8 13/32"

23' - 0 7/32"

1' - 9 11/16"

1' - 1 3/32" 8' - 2 5/8"

5' - 9 19/32"

3' - 4 9/16" 1' - 11" 2' - 5"

23' - 0 7/32"

6' - 0"

16' - 8 13/32"

3' - 8 13/32" 2' - 2' 8"- 8 3/32"

11' - 2 7/16"

3' - 0"

9' - 0 29/32"

3' - 4 9/16" 1' - 11" 2' - 5" 6' - 1 7/8" 9' - 1 1/8"

1' - 9 11/16"

3' - 0"

1' - 1 3/32"

30' - 1"


2' - 0"

Level 1 1/4" = 1'-0"

6' - 8" 4' - 9" 3' - 4 3/4"

20' - 1 19/32"

1 A103


3' - 3"

9' - 0 29/32"

20' - 1 19/32"


9' - 1 1/8"

6 A103

5' - 6"


6' - 1 7/8"

3' - 8 13/32" 2' - 2' 8"- 8 3/32"

2' - 0"



30' - 1"

5' - 6"

3' - 3"


11' - 2 7/16" 6


5' - 9 19/32"

6' - 5 7/8"

3' - 6 3/8"

3' - 7 3/8"

6 A103


5' - 1 7/16"

3' - 1 9/32" 6' - 0 5/32"


8' - 2 5/8"

19' - 3 1/2"

5' - 7"

1' - 7" 0' - 9 15/16"

9' - 8"

6' - 0" Level 1 1/4" = 1'-0"


12' - 6 15/16" 4' - 6 15/16"

1 ---

19' - 3 1/2" 6' - 5 7/8"

3' - 6 3/8"


5' - 1 7/16"

3' - 7 3/8"


6' - 0 5/32"

3' - 1 9/32"

5' - 7"

1' - 7" 0' - 9 15/16"

9' - 8"


12' - 6 15/16" 4' - 6 15/16"

1 A103




Level 2 1/4" = 1'-0"

Level 2 1/4" = 1'-0"

Notes Rendered pers pective s hows the s i nk wa l l + sta i r p a r ti ti o n th a t sep a rate the area creati ng added privacy.


Rendered Perspective Non-Rendered Perspectives

Notes Re n d e re d p e rs pe ct ive o f u rin a l wa ll wit h view of top mez z anine level. L a rge s ep a ra t i on s b e t we e n u rin a ls cre a t e an added amount of privacy an d e l i m i n a te t h e n e e d t o avo id go in g t o the uri nal directly next to an o th e r p e rs o n .


Project Type: Group | Healthcare Studio: ID Studio V Date: Fall Semester 2016 Programs/design tools used: Hand sketching revit photoshop indesign RHINO


VA O u t p a t i e n t C l i n i c Healthcare


“The rigidity of a bottle’s form does not affect the fluidity of the liquid it contains.” Leon Krier

Concept Statement A strong and solid form, but inside is something that is not bound to restriction. The ability to move, like flowing water within a tree’s roots, creates an energy that lacks any evi dence of limitation. The unique patterns of nature diffuse a linear and sterile way of life, breaking the solidity through which it is contained. Pushing and flexing inside something solid and defined, allows organic and influential elements to blossom through the cracks of its deep, hidden core. The elements characterized within this scope of design will be able to move and expand to the needs of those that seek its potential, giving them the power to stretch, flow, and move despite inflexible surroundings.


Rendered Floor Plan

Level One 55

Rendered Floor Plan

L eve l Two 56

Break Room + Transient Staff

Notes Trans i ent S ta ff S p a c e g ive s a re sp e c ta b l e and comf o r ta b l e sp a c e to th o se o n l y i n th e cl i nic onc e o r tw i c e a we e k .

Re n d e re d by D e l a n a N o i l

Re n d e re d by D e l a n a N o i l


Material Suggestions

B re a k Ro o m and Trans i ent S taff S paces are pos i t io n e d n ex t to each other to encourage s taff who m a y b e in t he office onl y a few ti mes a week to in t e ra ct wit h thos e regularl y there. Putti ng thes e sp a ce t oge t her allows for the center parti ti on t o b e o p e n ed up and become a flexi ble s pace for va rie d u se.


Building Stack Plan

Exterior Elevation

Re n d e re d by D e l a n a N o i l


Patient Waiting Areas

Notes Pat i en t Wa i t i n g A re a wa s d e sig n t o b e a n a re a of res pite and provi de comf o r t to VA p a ti e n t s. Th e d e sig n wa s in f lu e nced by the way a low hangi n g tre e b ra n c h cre a t e s a “n o o k � o r sh e lt ered s pace away from the open. S ke t c h e s s h ow t h is d eve lo p m e n t a n d o b s ervation of verti cal and hori zo n t a l d iv i s i o n o f sp a ce.


Wayfinding + Signage

Signage Package

Notes Re ndered pers pec t ive s howi ng pati ent ro om hallways with ro om s i gnage des ign.

Notes Re ndered pers pective sh owi ng the hal l wa y + exteri or of p a tient room.

Notes S ignage Package al i gns w i th i n te r i o r b ra n d i n g a n d n e e d fo r s i mpl e way-fi ndi ng. The wo o d e l e me n ts ke ep th e si g n age s ubtl e and provide added b i o p h i l i c e l e me n ts to th e VA fa c i l ities


Main Lobby

Main Lobby + Atrium space welcomes patients into the clinic with subtle biophilic elements

Natural Light Exposure Exposed Green Space Natural Wood Finishes Sketches show entry view of the space and Lobby design process

Re n d e re d by D e l a n a N o i l


Patient + Consult Rooms

Re n d e re d by D e l a n a N o i l

Notes Proces s s ke tc h e s s howin g d eve lo p m e n t o f ex a m + cons ult rooms and t hei r a b i l i ty t o e a sily b e in t e rch a n ge d in t h e event of future expan s i on.



KELSEY MCDONOUGH 556 Sheldon Road Va l e n i c a , PA 1 6 0 5 9 t: 724 272 4876 e:

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