Diabetes LookBook

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THE diabetes DOSSIER

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‘According to the latest figures from Diabetes UK, almost 3.7 million of us have been diagnosed with diabetes, of which 90 per cent have type 2. What’s more, it’s estimated an additional one million people have diabetes and don’t even know it, with a further seven million having pre-diabetes, an undiagnosed condition that makes them 15 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in future. But avoiding, managing or even reversing diabetes is possible when you know what to do. In this special dossier, we’ve curated some of the best tips and consulted experts to bring you lifestyle tweaks, dietary changes and real-life inspiration to help you achieve a better blood sugar balance. On p52 you’ll hear from two women who reversed their diagnoses through lifestyle changes; on p57 we’re looking at how essential oils can help curb carb cravings, and on p44 you’ll find nutritionist Sarah Flower’s two-week low-carb eating plan. As we say in our Top Santé manifesto, each day really is a fresh start and an opportunity to make better choices for your health, one step at a time. I hope this helps you do just that.’



20/01/2020 14:43



Fitness and health guru Nolan Sunnassee shares his top tips for better blood sugar balance.

Sleep on it Sleep is crucial for mental and physical repair. Poor sleep leads to increased cortisol, which tells your body you’re in flight or fight mode, leading to increased glycogen in your blood. This will make you crave sweet things to replace the glycogen you have used up. Added to this, lack of sleep also instructs your body to increase the hormone ghrelin, which tells you to eat more! BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: If your sleep is poor, try a magnesium supplement before bed to help you relax. Look for magnesium threonate (a salt of magnesium combined with L-Threonate), which has been proven by studies at MIT in the US to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Try Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate (£30.92, amazon.co.uk).

High Intensity Interval Training is an effective way to build lean muscle mass, lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity. HIIT can be performed in various ways, for example jogging on the spot for 30 seconds flat out followed by 30 seconds of star jumps, 30 seconds of vertical jumps and a rest for 30 seconds. Repeat the sequence 3-4 times.

BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: If you are new to exercise, start slowly – only do one round of a circuit, then build up week by week.

FIGHT BACK WITH FATS Good polyunsaturated fats such as those in avocados, olives, nuts and oily fish help to stabilise blood sugar. Fats provide energy and help you to absorb nutrients and manufacture hormones. Cambridge University found in 2014 that consuming good fats lowered people’s risk of getting diabetes compared with consuming certain carbohydrates. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Drizzle walnut oil on salads as it’s rich in omega-3 fats. 40 TOPSANTÉ

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02/05/2019 12:01


ADD LEMON AND VINEGAR Squeezing lemon juice over veg or drizzling them with apple cider vinegar reduces the affect the food has on blood sugar. Both are acidic and this helps slow the rate of digestion and the rate at which your stomach empties, giving the added benefit of making you feel fuller for longer. Blood sugar balancer: Make a simple salad dressing with ½ cup olive oil, ¼ cup cider vinegar, 3tbsp fresh lemon juice, ½tsp salt, ¼tsp black pepper and 1 clove of garlic, crushed.



Power up with protein Protein-rich foods such as chicken, beef, turkey and eggs help your body to detoxify, relax and maintain stable blood sugar levels. This is because your body has to break them down to process them, so they don’t end up as instant sugar – unlike protein shakes. Liquid protein raises your blood sugar as it doesn’t need much breaking down by your digestive system (the same goes for some so-called ‘healthy’ juices – these have the blood-sugarraising effect on your body that you’d get from drinking cola).

Weight training improves your body’s ability to process sugar, which in turn reduces your chances of getting diabetes – or improving the condition if you already have it. Basically, the more lean muscle mass you have, the easier it is for insulin to move sugar out of your blood and into your muscles, where it’s needed. This is because muscle cells house insulin receptors, and the more muscle, the more insulin receptors you have. Equally, if you exercise your largest muscles, i.e. the ones in your legs and bum, before you eat something sugary, it helps prime your body to better absorb the sugar. So, when you’re squatting or doing a deadlift in the gym, you’re not only toning your body but helping it process sugar! BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Do 30 squats before you eat your main meals.

BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Eat most of your protein first during your meal as this will slow down the absorption of any carbohydrates you consume.

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02/05/2019 12:02


Regularly eating fermented foods such as yogurt, cottage cheese, sauerkraut or kefir reduces your risk of diabetes by 24 per cent. This was found in a study by the medical research unit at Cambridge University, involving 25,000 people over an 11-year period. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Top a baked potato with plenty of butter and a dollop of cottage cheese. The fats and protein will reduce how fast the carbs in the potato are absorbed.


Try the herb stevia as a sweetening agent. It can give you that sweet hit without rapidly raising blood sugar as table sugar does. Another alternative is xylitol, a sugar alcohol made from birch trees or a plant called xylan. Similar to stevia, xylitol is sweet but

doesn’t significantly raise insulin. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Try Total Sweet 100% Natural Xylitol Sugar Alternative (£10.99 for 1kg, hollandand barrett.com).

Curb your cortisol High levels of cortisol, the hormone secreted when you’re under chronic or acute stress, can lead to high blood sugar. This is because when under stress, your body’s need for glucose increases. Cortisol is secreted as an ‘emergency response’ to trigger the release of glycogen, which is your body’s stored sugar. Having too much glycogen coursing through your veins is damaging if it’s not utilised by your muscles, which it would normally be if you were in a real fight or flight situation. So, it’s not just what you eat that affects your blood sugar – your stress levels affect it too, hence why making time for relaxation is so important. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Upon waking, do 10 long, slow, deep breaths to start your day in a calm way. Do them whenever you feel stressed throughout the day.


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02/05/2019 12:02



A recent survey by Ryvita found that 42 per cent of Brits don’t eat a single piece of fibre-rich fruit or veg each day. Fibre not only reduces your risk of type-2 diabetes but also cuts your chances of developing bowel cancer, strokes and heart disease. Fibre not only keeps your intestines healthy, it slows down the rate at which food is converted into sugar and then absorbed into your blood stream, thereby helping maintain stable blood sugar. Soluble fibre includes pectins, found in fruit, and beta glucans, found in oats. Insoluble fibre is found in wholegrains and pulses. But whether it’s the soluble kind or not, it’s good to aim for 30g per day. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Add lentils, chickpeas or beans to your salads and stews.

Support with supplements Various supplements and herbs can help you manage blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. These include chromium, cinnamon, magnesium, fish oils, fenugreek and gymnema leaf. Chromium, for example, activates an enzyme called tyrosine kinases, which allows insulin to better attach to receptor sites in cells, so improving sensitivity. BLOOD SUGAR BALANCER: Things to try include adding cinnamon to porridge and taking high-quality fish oil capsules daily. I recommend Nordic Naturals Omega 3-D (£31.49, dolphinfitness.co.uk). Sign up to our newsletter at topsante.co.uk

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STEP TO IT Although weight training and HIIT are the most effective physical ways of improving insulin sensitivity, increasing your daily steps will still help. Blood sugar balancer: Aim to walk 6,000-10,000 steps per day. TS


02/05/2019 12:02


LOW CARB diet plan If high blood sugar is a worry for you, or you’ve had a diabetes diagnosis, this low-carb, high-fat diet plan devised by nutritionist Sarah Flower will set you on the right track.


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HE LOW CARB HIGH fat diet (LCHF) is designed to reverse insulin resistance. I’ve seen first-hand how this way of eating can result not only in bringing type 2 diabetes into remission but also alleviating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, migraines, MS, Parkinson’s, IBS, inflammatory conditions and more. You might hear LCHF referred to as ‘banting’ or ‘keto’, but they are all essentially the same thing. And though LCHF might sound similar to Atkins, which is protein and fat-dominant, it’s more of a Mediterranean way of eating, with lots of nuts, seeds and salads in addition to the dairy, eggs, fish and meat. Also, the quality of fat matters, unlike on Atkins where they advocate eating pretty much any type of fat. With LCHF, you fill up on foods that are rich in healthy fats, have moderate amounts of protein and keep carbs to less than 30g per day. There is no counting of calories but you do count carbs. You also cut out all processed food, grains, sugars and starches. This might sound restrictive, but due to the diet’s ability to stabilise blood sugar, insulin and related hormones, you actually stop craving food, making it one of the easiest ways to lose weight.



02/05/2019 12:12


The fat of the matter Good fats won’t make you overweight and research shows a diet of natural fats does not increase unhealthy cholesterol either – it can actually be protective. It’s important to keep up your intake of fat to prevent inflammation and avoid or reverse insulin resistance. You can’t follow a low-carb diet and also eat low-fat though, as you would not have enough energy, so stick to these guidelines:


Ditch grains. Most of my clients see a big improvement in their health by avoiding grains, with benefits including less bloating, fewer headaches and a reduction in symptoms of IBS and inflammation.


Limit fruit. Fruit is nature’s candy, so eat it sparingly. Berries have the least amount of sugar so are the best choice. As long as you eat plenty of above ground vegetables, you will not go without vital nutrition as they are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients.

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Keep things simple. Go for omelettes or scrambled eggs for something easy. Full-fat yogurt or cream with a handful of berries and some chopped nuts is a simple dessert.


Choose above ground and sea veg. Root vegetables are often higher in starch, which raises blood sugar, but some are better than others. Potatoes and parsnips are quite high in starch/ sugars so should be avoided, as well as sweet potato. Celeriac is less starchy and can be an occasional substitute for potatoes – make it into chips, roasties or mash. The lowest-carb vegetables are cauliflower, cabbage, avocado, broccoli, courgette, spinach, asparagus, kale, green beans and Brussels sprouts. Sea vegetables such as nori and samphire are low carb.


Only eat when hungry. Snacking continually stimulates an insulin response. With the LCHF diet you might only eat one or two meals a day. As you

consume more fat, you will become more satisfied, cravings will diminish and you’ll stay fuller for longer. Going for 12-16 hours without eating – such as from dinner at 7pm through to mid morning next day before eating – is great not just for weight loss but to give your body time to repair.


Choose healthy fats. Real butter, coconut oil, duck and goose fat, avocados, nuts, cream, full-fat milk and full-fat yogurt are in their natural state and are stable. If you prefer liquid oil to cook with, choose good-quality olive or avocado oil, however, these are less stable at high temperatures, meaning they burn and oxidise, which ages your body, so it’s better to save them for dressings. Also buy good quality meat and eat the fat.


Avoid bad fats. Steer clear of processed vegetable and seed oils including sunflower, rapeseed, canola, corn as well as margarines, vegetable shortenings and all butter substitutes.


02/05/2019 12:12


The plan shows the carb count for each meal or snack so you can keep to under 30g per day. Try doubling up the recipes and freezing portions for the following week. Lots of these can also be stored in the fridge for 4-5 days.

Monday Breakfast – Baked Avocado, Bacon & Egg Boats 1.3g

Tuesday Breakfast – Cinnamon Granola with Full Fat Natural Yogurt 4.8g .SEE RECIPE

Lunch – Broccoli & Stilton Soup 8.4g. Sauté the onion and celery in the oil/butter before adding the stock and broccoli. Cook for 10 minutes before adding the stilton and seasoning. Use a stick blender to blend until smooth.

Lunch – Mediterranean Style Frittata with Salad 5.5g

Dinner – Low Carb Lasagne & Salad 11.3g


Dinner – Creamy Fish Pie with Steamed Green Vegetables 6.6g .SEE RECIPE

Dessert – Strawberry Mousse 4.5g

Wednesday Breakfast – Bullet Proof Coffee 0.8g Lunch – Tuna Egg & Avocado Salad 3.8g. Place the eggs to boil for 8-10 mins. Prepare the salad. Place the eggs into cold water to cool then peel and halve. Add the tuna, egg and avocado just before serving. Dinner – Creamy Bacon & Thyme Chicken with Steamed Green Vegetables 9.5g

Dessert – Panna Cotta Layer 1.7g

Dessert – Chocolate Mousse 4.8g



Friday Breakfast – Scrambled Eggs (2 eggs) and 2 Rashers of Bacon 0.94g Lunch – Chicken, Cumin & Harissa Soup 6.5g Dinner – Beef and Mushroom Stroganoff with Cauliflower or Broccoli Rice 11.3g Dessert – Blueberry Clafoutis 2.5g

Saturday Breakfast – Cinnamon Granola with Full Fat Natural Yogurt 4.8g SEE RECIPE

Lunch – Fried Chicken with Salad 4.3g Dinner – Flower’s “Fat Head’ Pizza (1.9g per slice) 3.8g


Dessert – Lemon Cheesecake 3.7g



Sunday Breakfast – Bullet Proof Coffee 0.8g Brunch – Cooked Breakfast (2 eggs, 2 rashers of bacon, 2 gluten-free sausages, mushrooms) 4.4g Dinner – Roast Beef, Celeriac Roasties, Green Steamed Vegetables and Gravy 9.7g. Cook beef as normal but use celeriac instead of potatoes. Parboil for 10 mins, roast for 1 hour in duck or goose fat. Serve with steamed veg. Dessert – Fruit Crumble 4.9g TOTAL CARBS 19.8G


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Thursday Breakfast – Cinnamon Granola with Full Fat Natural Yogurt 4.8g .SEE RECIPE

Lunch – Grain-Free Scotch Eggs 2.7g .SEE RECIPE

Dinner – Slow-Cook Lamb Curry with Cauliflower or Broccoli Rice 15.3g .SEE RECIPE Dessert – Lemon Meringue Pie – 2.8g TOTAL CARBS 25.6G

Low carb, high fat snacks ●●Hard boiled eggs ●●Nuts and seeds ●●Dark chocolate (at least 85 per cent cocoa) ●●Cheese ●●Olives ●●All meats ●●Cream or yogurt with berries ●●Nut butter with vegetable sticks

For the recipes with the computer mouse icon to the side, go online for full details of how to make them, visit topsante.co.uk.



02/05/2019 12:12

These take a while to make but it’s worth it! Be careful when choosing your sausage meat as some contain sugars and grains. Serves 4 Per Serving: 711 kcals, 55g fat, 2.7g net carbohydrates, 52g protein

CINNAMON GRANOLA Most granolas are high in carbs, but this one is rich in good fats instead. Makes approx. 15 servings Per serving: 360 kcals, 33.3g fat, 3.7g net carbohydrates, 8.6g protein ■●Mixed nuts (Brazils, hazelnuts, almonds, macadamia, walnuts) 300g ■●Pecan nuts 100g ■●Flaked almonds 60g ■●Coconut flakes 100g ■●Sunflower seeds 75g ■●Pumpkin seeds 75g ■●Flaxseeds 50g ■●Coconut oil 40g, melted ■●Cinnamon 2 tsp ■●Mixed spice ½ tsp ■●Allspice ½ tsp ■●Xylitol or erythritol blend 2 tbsp

■●Eggs 5 ■●Good quality sausage meat 400g ■●Thyme 1tsp ■●Parsley 1tsp ■●Sage 1tsp ■●Seasoning ■●Crushed pork scratchings 200g ■●Grated parmesan 50g (optional) ■●Paprika 2tsp ■●Oil for frying 1 Boil the kettle. Place 4 eggs in a pan. Pour over the boiling water and place on a medium heat. Boil for 6 mins. 2 Once cooked, remove from heat and immediately drain the hot water and run the eggs under cold water, before leaving in the saucepan filled with cold water. 3 While they are cooling, you can

place your sausage meat in a bowl, add the thyme, parsley and sage, and season well with salt and black pepper. 4 Peel the eggs. 5 Divide the sausage meat into four and form each piece into a ball. Flatten each ball as much as you can. Place the egg in the centre and wrap around the egg firmly until it is completely covered. 6 In a bowl, add the remaining egg and beat well. Place the crushed pork scratchings and the paprika in another bowl, season and combine well. Add the Parmesan, if using. 7 Dip each of the eggs into the egg mixture before coating in the pork scratchings. 8 Place on a sheet of greaseproof until you are ready to fry. 9 Place 5-6cm of oil in a pan or use a deep fat fryer. Heat the oil and when ready, add your Scotch eggs, turning until each egg is golden and crispy. 10 Remove from the pan and place on some kitchen roll. 11 When cool, serve or place in an airtight container for later.



1 Preheat oven to 150C/gas mark 2 2 Place the nuts in a freezer bag and bash with a rolling pin until they are in smaller bite-size pieces. Place the crushed nuts into a bowl and add all the seeds. 3 Melt the coconut oil in a jug. Once melted, add the cinnamon, spices and sweetener and combine well. 4 Pour over the nut/seed mix and stir well until the oil coats all the nuts. 5 Pour the nut mixture onto a baking tray – you may need 2 trays. Spread until it covers the tray. 6 Pop into the oven and bake for 5 mins before turning the nuts and baking for another 5 mins. Remove and allow to cool. 7 Serve with a dollop of full-fat sugar-free yogurt. Sign up to our newsletter at topsante.co.uk

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02/05/2019 12:12



Serves 6 Per serving 377 kcals, 21g fat, 12.3g net carbohydrates, 27.6g protein

■●Coconut or olive oil 1tsp ■●Red onion, 1 large chopped (or 2 medium) ■●Pepper 1, sliced ■●Lamb 500g, diced ■●Chopped tomatoes 1 400g can ■●Beef or bone stock 200ml ■●Coconut cream 100g ■●Coriander leaves, chopped ■●Lime 1, juiced ■●Cauliflower 1, broken into florets

■●Fresh ginger 1 3cm piece, peeled ■●Garlic 3-4 cloves ■●Chillies 1-3 depending on personal taste and strength ■●Olive oil 1-2 tbsp ■●Coriander leaves small handful ■●Garam masala 1tbsp (sugar free) ■●Cumin ½tsp ■●Turmeric 2tsp

1 In a food processor, add the ginger, garlic, chilli, olive oil, half the coriander leaves, garam masala, cumin and turmeric. Whizz until you form a paste. Leave to one side to rest (Store in the fridge or freeze until needed). 2 Place coconut oil in a large sauté pan. Add the onion and pepper, and soften for a couple of mins.

Lamb can be quite tough and to avoid this we have a recipe that’s designed to be slow cooked, either in a low-temperature oven or, if you have one, your slow cooker. This recipe freezes well too.

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3 Add the lamb and brown before mixing in the curry paste, tomatoes and stock. 4 Simmer gently for 10 mins before transferring to a slow cooker, or place in an ovenproof dish with lid or tin foil and cook at 130C for 3 hours. Meanwhile, to make the cauliflower rice, place the cauliflower florets into your food processor and pulse until it resembles rice. If you don’t have a processor you can finely grate the cauliflower. To cook, microwave for 4-6 mins on high, or sauté with some coconut oil on a medium heat for 7-10 mins until softened. 5 Just before serving, stir in the coconut cream, coriander leaves and give a squeeze of lime. 6 Stir and serve on a bed of the cauliflower rice. TOPSANTÉ 49

02/05/2019 12:14

CREAMY FISH PIE This simple, comforting dish can be prepared in advance, ready to pop in the oven when you get home from work. Serves 6 Per serving 598 kcals, 50g fat, 3.8g net carbohydrates, 26.9g protein ■●Cauliflower 200g ■●Broccoli 200g ■●Fish pieces 450g selection (can buy fish pie mix) ■●Prawns 200g ■●Double cream 400ml ■●Cheddar 100g, grated ■●Fresh parsley small handful ■●Butter 50g ■●Mustard powder ½tsp ■●Seasoning to taste 1 Preheat your oven to 180C 2 Cut your cauliflower and broccoli into florets. Steam these until soft. 3 Meanwhile, place the fish and prawns in the base of a casserole dish. Season well. 4 Combine the cream, cheese and parsley and pour this over the fish. 5 When the cauliflower and broccoli are cooked, mash with the butter. Season to taste. 6 Place the mash on top of the fish and smooth. 7 Pop in the oven for 30 mins until golden on top. 8 Serve with the steamed green vegetables.

Readers can buy Eating to Beat Type 2 Diabetes for only £8.99, saving £2 of the RRP and with free postage. Call 01235 759 555 and quote 9952200002. Offer ends August 6, 2019.

BLUEBERRY CLAFOUTIS This takes minutes to prepare and is lovely when you fancy a dessert. Serve with Greek yogurt while still warm. You can replace the blueberries with any other berry and you can use frozen fruits. Serves 8 Per serving 357 kcals, 33.6g fat, 2.5g net carbohydrates, 9.4g protein ■●Butter for greasing dish ■●Fresh blueberries 100g ■●Erythritol or xylitol 75g (or stevia to your taste) ■●Eggs 4, beaten ■●Lemon 1, zested ■●Milk 125ml ■●Cream 300ml ■●Vanilla paste 1tsp (optional) ■●Ground almonds 150g ■●Flaked almonds 25g


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1 Preheat the oven to 170C/gas mark 4. 2 Grease your flan dish well with butter. Place your blueberries into a flan dish. 3 Combine all the other recipe ingredients together in a bowl and beat well. 4 Pour the batter over the blueberries. Sprinkle with flaked almonds before placing the dish into the oven. 5 Bake for 40 mins or until firm and golden. Sarah Flower is a nutritionist and author of several books including The Sugar Free Family Cookbook, Low Carb Slow Cooker and Eating to Beat Type 2 Diabetes. For more information visit sarahflower.co.uk TS



02/05/2019 12:14



WE BEAT DIABETES! In our new series featuring inspiring women who’ve achieved a complete health turnaround, we hear from Tricia and Alexis who reversed their type 2 diabetes diagnoses.


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02/05/2019 16:32

Tricia Hamilton, 56, is a nurse living in Salford, Manchester.

I went for a free NHS health check in December 2017. I had my blood taken and was weighed and measured and they found I had high levels of HbA1c. I needed to be tested every month for the following three months [HbA1c refers to ‘glycated haemoglobin’, which develops when haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’. By measuring this, doctors can get a picture of what your average blood sugar levels are over a period of weeks or months]. The results shocked me. A normal reading is below 44 millimoles, but mine was 48, 49 and then 52. This meant I had type 2 diabetes. My cholesterol was also high – reading 6mmols when it should have been 4 or below. I fought back the tears. At 5ft 6ins tall I weighed 12 stone and wore size 14-16 clothes. I thought that was OK but I carried a lot of the weight around my tummy, which I learnt can contribute to metabolic syndrome, which I also had [metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that raise

your chance of having diabetes, heart disease or stroke. These include: a large waistline, high triglyceride level, low HDL cholesterol level, high blood pressure and high fasting blood sugar. As a nurse, I knew how serious diabetes could be so I made changes. I bought a bike, cut out cakes, chocolate and biscuits and cut back on alcohol. After nine months I was down to 11 stone but still had a long way to go.


Then I discovered Ultra Performance Personal Training, which was offering a 12-week body transformation programme. So at the start of April 2018, I went along to the UP gym near me in Manchester. I had never before set foot in a gym but Nathan, my PT, taught me how to lift weights and do squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses and more. We worked up to a 45-minute routine followed by 10-15 minutes of high intensity cardio on the rowing machine – the fi rst time I did it I nearly fell off! I felt sick too but the adrenaline rush was incredible. I committed to three training sessions a



week as well as walking 10,000 steps or exercising for 30 minutes a day on non-gym days. Nathan also gave me a 12-week food plan: three meals a day, each containing 120g of protein plus vegetables; snacks of 100g of berries; a banana or apple immediately after a workout; three litres of water a day and no alcohol. At fi rst it felt odd having steak and broccoli for breakfast instead of porridge but it kept me full until lunchtime. Gradually my taste changed and I didn’t crave sugary snacks. Within a few weeks I lost more weight and my muscles were fi rmer. After 12 weeks I was nine stone and wearing size 8-10 clothes.


Back at the doctors my blood was tested again. The nurse was amazed my HBA1C levels were down to 42 and my cholesterol down to 4. I felt relieved and incredibly pleased I had reversed my diabetes in just 12 weeks! The eating plan Nathan gave me isn’t sustainable for the long term so he devised a new one, adding either an extra meal or increasing portion sizes, as well as adding carbs. I’ve kept the weight off and I still go to the gym three times a week as well as doing 5k-runs most Saturdays – I feel happier and fitter than ever.

Tricia’s new healthy lifestyle tips

1 2


For meals, make your plate a quarter protein, a quarter carbs and half veg. Take regular exercise. Even if it’s just walking 10,000 steps a day it counts. Join a gym if you can. Ultimate Performance Personal Training (upfitness. co.uk) is worldwide, and their personal trainers will help you get into exercise whatever your ability. Drink three litres of water a day.


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Real life.indd 53

At the e nd of h er 12-w 2018, T eek pro ricia we gramm ighed n had rev e in July ine ston ersed h e and er diab e tes. n a h t d more it at eighe w ricia w didn’t kno T i, t in. a ady se in Dub hough she e lr 5 a 1 0 ly lt b a a In 2 , b d ad pro ne an etes h 12 sto , diab e im t the TOPSANTÉ 53

02/05/2019 16:32

“ I ’ M H E A LT H I E R N OW T H A N I WA S I N M Y 2 0 S ” Alexis Fisher, 34, works in recruitment and lives in Hertfordshire.

and did cardio classes as well as working with a personal trainer. In about six months I lost half a stone so the doctor allowed me to stop my medication, providing Alexis d I carried on losing weight. idn’t re alise at how mu first ch her w For the next two years I really eight affected her hea struggled. I tried fad diets and lth. saw nutritionists but my sweet tooth got the better of me and any weight I lost always came back. But in April 2017 a friend recommended Lepicol Lighter, a natural food supplement that helps combat sugar cravings and supports weight loss. The high-fibre supplement contains seven strains of live bacteria, as well as chromium to maintain normal blood glucose levels, glucomannan, a plant fibre shown to help with weight loss, and psyllium husk, which can help with healthy bowel movements. My doctor w approved so I started taking a sachet but no and time, ht k o ig o e t before each meal. I was already eating w It t . as los h is n x g osis Ale healthier meals but as soon as I began er dia h d e revers Lepicol Lighter I started to notice I didn’t want cakes or biscuits. In three months I lost a stone! a half. By April 2018 my weight was down to ten-and-a-half stone so WEIGHT DROPPED OFF I went back to the specialist. My Inspired, I carried on with the blood test revealed I had reversed my supplement as well as visiting the OVERHAULING MY DIET diabetes and I was told I didn’t need gym three times a week. I felt too full It was time to make changes: I cut out to go back again – I was absolutely for sugary snacks and after another the sugary snacks, ate more lean over the moon! Although you can be four months I’d lost another stone and protein and vegetables, joined a gym skinny and have diabetes, losing the weight and changing my diet and lifestyle was what helped me reverse my diagnosis. I still sometimes take Lepicol Don’t give up. It Find the thing Ensure you don’t Lighter and it helps me steer clear of took me about five that’s right for you. get bored most sugary snacks. I love being able years in the end to I tried everything exercising. For me, it to wear size 8-10 clothes and not be lose the weight; it was but it was Lepicol helped getting a conscious of my size. I’m not tired any certainly a slow Lighter (lepicol.com) personal trainer from more either and my vision is back to process but I got there that helped me time to time to keep normal. I’ll never let myself get into in the end. stop snacking. me motivated. that state again. TS A few days after my 29th birthday I felt so lethargic I couldn’t get out of bed. Assuming I was just tired from the celebrations, I soldiered on. Then, one morning I woke up with blurry vision. Panicked, I went to my GP who tested for diabetes. The condition is in the family so I knew what it was, but I never imagined I might have it too at just 29 years old! Tests confi rmed that I had type 2 diabetes. I was told that although it was quite uncommon for someone my age, the fact I was overweight and carried a lot of that weight around my middle didn’t help. I was referred to a specialist and prescribed Metformin to help control my blood sugar. I said I didn’t want to be on medication long term and was told that while I needed it for now, it would be possible to reverse my diagnosis by losing weight and eating better. At that point I was 5ft 3ins and weighed 13 stone. I was out most evenings drinking and networking and was too lazy to exercise. Although I had hated being overweight and wearing size 16 clothes, I had never considered the impact my lifestyle was having on my health. I felt ashamed that I’d let myself end up like that.



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Alexis’s new healthy lifestyle tips





02/05/2019 16:32


Essentially speaking…

BALANCING BLOOD SUGAR Using a few drops of geranium or bergamot can benefit your blood sugar, as we discover in part one of our three-part series on essential oils.


essential oils,’ says Dr Brannick Riggs, a medical doctor and chief medical director at essential oil company doTerra (doterra.com). One of the most exciting areas of new research now suggests that certain essential oils may help to support healthy blood sugar balance. ‘When blood sugar levels rise too high, your body produces insulin. The role of insulin is to allow the cells of the body to take in glucose to be used as fuel or stored as body fat,’ says Dr Riggs. Problems occur if you’re


F YOU’VE EVER ENJOYED A relaxing aromatherapy massage, sniffed lavender oil to help you sleep, or used tea tree oil for problem skin, you’ll already have some idea of the benefits of essential oils. Today, science confirms what the ancients knew all along: that the natural world has an abundance of remedies to help you stay healthy. ‘Since 2009 there has been a 400 per cent increase in the amount of scientific literature published on

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03/05/2019 09:25

constantly flooding your bloodstream with glucose by eating too many sugary or processed foods. The stress hormone cortisol also causes blood glucose to rise. Eventually, this may lead to insulin resistance, where cells become less sensitive to the action of insulin, and also increase your risk of developing prediabetes, where blood glucose levels are higher than normal – and eventually full-blown type 2 diabetes. Signs that you may have a problem with blood sugar balance include feeling tired and lethargic (especially after eating), weight gain, fat around your middle, food cravings, feeling hungry even after a meal, mood swings, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol. Dr Riggs, who has studied complementary and alternative medicine, integrates the use of essential oils into his practice. ‘For me, as a physician, it’s one more tool under my belt. At times, I see patients who don’t want to take medication and this allows me an alternative to offer them. At other times, medication may not be the best thing for them. I have had a number of patients with type 2 diabetes reduce their medication as a result of using essential oils under supervision,’ he says. ‘With blood sugar problems, certain essential oils can help in a number of ways. Studies show that grapefruit oil works on the nervous system, reducing cravings for carbs and sugars, and suppressing appetite when burned in a diffuser. This in itself can have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels,’ he says. ‘Also, grapefruit, cinnamon bark and ginger root can help your metabolism to work more effectively. Studies also show that cinnamon bark and fenugreek essential oils enhance insulin sensitivity.’ This is a good thing, as it means your body needs to produce less insulin overall, and what insulin it does produce is more effective at helping glucose cross from the blood into the muscle cells. ‘When I see patients, I give medical advice and monitor their blood sugar levels. Medication is always adapted under close medical supervision. Massaging oils (diluted with carrier oil) into the skin topically is a very gentle way for them to be absorbed. It’s as effective as ingesting the oils and it’s a similar principle to what many of the pharmaceutical companies are now doing by producing medications that can be taken transdermally as a patch applied to the skin.’ You can also get transdermal vitamin patches, and this method of delivery is becoming more and more popular. 58 TOPSANTÉ

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‘There is scientific, clinical data that shows essential oils have a significant effect on helping to reduce blood sugar levels.’

Dr Eric Zielinski is another proponent of essential oils, having devoted much of his life to sharing the wisdom of their healing powers and creating online courses to help others across the world as well as being the author of The Essential Oils Diet (£18.99, Harmony). ‘Virtually every culture from the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks to the Obijwa Native American Indians, used aromatic plant materials for body care and healing,’ he says. ‘There is scientific, clinical data that shows essential oils have a significant effect on helping to reduce blood sugar levels. They can help your system to work more effectively. We don’t always know the mechanism, as they have a complex chemistry, but we do know they have a harmonising effect where they bring your body into equilibrium, or homeostasis,’ he says. ‘In one prominent study at Georgetown University Medical Center, it was shown that three different blends of essential oils, including cinnamon bark, cumin, fenugreek and oregano, taken internally by rats, demonstrated great success in their ability to lower circulating blood glucose levels, and Facebook.com/TopSanteMagazine


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However, if you talk to any aromatherapist in the UK, the overriding advice given is to not take essential oils internally. ‘The Aromatherapy Council (AC) states in its core curriculum that essential oils should only be applied topically,’ says Jo Kellett, aromatherapist and essential oil expert at Tisserand Aromatherapy. ‘Aromatherapists are not qualified, or insured, to administer essential oils internally without further medical training. Essential oils, such as herbs, can have a potent effect,’ she says, pointing to the differences in healthcare systems between the UK and the US. ‘Over there, people can visit a physician who is medically qualified and practices aromatherapy. They’ll do blood tests and medical checks. You wouldn’t get a GP in the UK recommending essential oils, and aromatherapists are not medically trained and aren’t therefore allowed to prescribe essential oils for internal use.’ Dr Zielinski says they’re more relaxed about ingesting essential oils over in the US although ‘not all essential oils are suitable for consumption – it’s mainly the ones with culinary uses that are OK, such as citrus, herb and spice oils. And we’re talking micro doses,’ he says. ‘To put things in perspective, 50 per cent of essential oils on the market are used [to add flavor] in the food industry. Virtually anything that is naturally flavoured most likely contains essential oils. So, you’re probably ingesting them without even realising it,’ he says. ‘To balance blood sugar, you don’t have to take oils orally; you can inhale or apply them to your skin. For people with blood sugar issues, I recommend using the oils in conjunction with making changes to diet and lifestyle. Everyone is different in how they respond to the oils. Some people will see a noticeable difference in as little as a few days or a week. For others it may take longer. It depends on what a person’s blood sugar issues are.’ Changes will be seen more quickly in someone who needs a little general support as opposed to someone who has full-blown type 2 diabetes, although these people can see improvements. Read on to find out how to start using these oils with some of Dr Zielinski’s recipes and tips. Sign up to our newsletter at topsante.co.uk

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enhanced insulin sensitivity. Other key oils known for their blood sugar balancing effect include melissa, bergamot, myrtle, lavender and lemongrass.’


Mix the following essential oils for each blend in a 5ml dark glass bottle such as Baldwins Alpha Amber Glass 5ml Bottles (£0.45, baldwins.co.uk). BLEND 1 ●●15 drops oregano ●●15 drops cinnamon bark ●●15 drops fenugreek ●●15 drops cumin ●●15 drops myrtle BLEND 2 ●●50 drops cinnamon bark ●●25 drops cumin ●●10 drops fenugreek BLEND 3 ●●50 drops melissa ●●25 drops lavender ●●10 drops geranium BLEND 4 ●●50 drops bergamot

●●20 drops peppermint ●●10 drops lavender ●●5 drops oregano Choose a blend and use as directed in the recipes. You may find that certain blends work better for you than others. Use only one of these recipes at a time.


●●Choose 2-3 single essential oils or blends from the above. ●●Mix 6-8 drops with 30ml (6tsp) of carrier oil such as

apricot kernel, sweet almond, grapeseed, coconut, olive, jojoba, avocado, sesame or wheatgerm. ●●Apply to your abdomen twice a day for three to four weeks. The oil is most quickly absorbed in this way – around 10-20 minutes. Don’t bother applying to the soles of your feet as the skin there is thicker, so oils are less effectively absorbed. ●●After using for three to four weeks change the oils or blend you are using.


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TOP BLOOD-SUGAR BALANCING OILS These are all known for their blood sugar-balancing effects. ●●Bergamot ●●Black pepper ●●Cinnamon bark ●●Cumin ●●Cypress ●●Fenugreek ●●Geranium ●●Lavender ●●Lemongrass ●●Melissa (lemon balm) ●●Oregano ●●Peppermint


●●15 drops of one of the blood sugar balancing blends. ●●30ml (6 tsps) carrier oil 1 Drop the essential oil blend into a small, dark glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. 2 Add carrier oil and mix. 3 First patch test this on the back of your hand to make sure your body responds well to the blend. Discontinue use immediately if there is any irritation. 4 Apply over your abdomen and lower back twice a day for three to four weeks.


●●10 drops of one of the blood sugar balancing blends. ●●Just under 10 ml, enough to fill (10ml) roller bottle of carrier oil. ●●10ml dark glass roller bottle. Try Baldwins Amber Glass 10ml roll on bottle (£0.65, baldwins.co.uk) 1 Drop the essential oil blend into a roller bottle. 2 Fill the bottle with carrier oil. 3 Shake vigorously for 10 seconds. 4 Do a patch test. 5 Apply over your abdomen and lower back twice a day for three to four weeks.

To watch a free screening of Dr Eric Zielinski’s 10-part video masterclass on how to use essential oils, visit essentialoils forabundant living.com

ESSENTIAL OIL SAFETY NOTES ●●Essential oils should never be applied directly to your skin. If using on your skin, always dilute in a carrier oil such as apricot kernel, sweet almond, grapeseed, coconut, olive, jojoba, avocado, sesame or wheatgerm. Blend 1-2 drops of essential oil with 5ml of carrier oil. ●●When adding essential oils to the bath, dilute 2-4 drops in a base oil first, before adding to the water. ●●Always do a patch test on the skin 60 TOPSANTÉ

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before using any essential oils. ●●Store oils in a cool, dark place, in an opaque, glass container. ●●Never use an essential oil that is cloudy or smells weaker than it did when you first bought it. ●●Do not ingest essential oils. ●●Combining prescription drugs with essential oils could put you at risk of interaction. ●●Discontinue use immediately if you experience any adverse reactions

such as nausea, acid reflux or headache. If a rash or redness appears and hasn’t gone within a day, seek medical advice. In very rare cases, people have developed problems breathing, abnormal swelling (including mouth or lips), which can be an allergic reaction leading to anaphylactic shock, which needs to be dealt with immediately. ●●Ideally, consult an aromatherapist who can guide you. TS Facebook.com/TopSanteMagazine


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