Manning, Iowa PR Plans Book

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OUR MISSION... Simple Solutions Practical Results




Wellness, Personal Growth & The Future.

table of contents Executive Summary

Page 4

Behind Snap PR

Page 5

Situation Analysis

Page 6

Target Publics

Page 11

Key Messages

Page 12

Snap Summary

Page 13

Snap 1 & 2

Page 14

Snap 3

Page 15

Snap 4

Page 16

Evaluation Methods

Page 17


Page 19


Page 22


Page 25


Executive Summary Dear Manning Residents, When developing a community, it is the small details that contribute to the big picture. Each piece helps create the framework for an overarching goal, and together they tell a story. For us, Manning’s narrative is a community that cares. It is a community that cares about wellness, personal growth and the future, and it is our goal to help share this story with others. While working with the city, we have discovered the incredible passion and commitment that residents have for Manning. We have been inspired by the enthusiasm, and have brainstormed ideas that not only keep Manning’s spirit and devotion alive, but contribute to it. We have asked difficult questions and thought critically about areas in the community that can grow and flourish with resourcefulness. Establishments like the Recreation Center can lead visitors to Main Street for a meal after a volleyball tournament; monthly events can expand to the four-county area; and education and awareness can build upon the already successful entrepreneurship culture for generations to come. We recognize the importance of simplicity, and hope that you will also find the value in taking small steps to achieve a larger vision. Our plan outlines practical strategies, ideas and resources that are easy to implement, but together produce strong results. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to join your community. We believe you will find our strategy brings maximum benefit to Manning with the seamlessness and simplicity of a snap. Sincerely,

Ali Felsenthal Account Executive SNAP Public Relations


Behind Snap PR We at SNAP PR are no ordinary set of college students. Instead, we’re strategists, brainstormers, wordsmiths and problem solvers. We are bound together through late nights and strong coffee and challenge ourselves to make the impossible happen for our client. We believe that the simplest ideas are some of the greatest ones, and work tirelessly to make everything from our campaign to our daily lives succeed in a snap.

Ali Felsenthal Account Executive I can change a tire in a snap.

Adam Graves Presentation Coordinator I can say the alphabet backwards in a snap.

Hope Waggoner Secretary I can eat a whole roll of Thin Mints in a snap.

Jenna Sheldon Design/ Collateral I can book a flight to travel the world in a snap.

Courtney Fishman Book Editor I can recite all the lyrics from“Grease” in a snap.

Rebecca Brown Media Coordinator I can spike a volleyball in a snap.

Kelsey Rooney Design I can drink a Dr Pepper in a snap.


situation analysis While the state of Iowa is synonymous for small-town charm, the city of Manning truly brings this concept to life. Situated on the western side of Iowa, both visitors and community members see that it is a community that cares about those in it and is determined to grow while maintaining its German roots. Only an hour and a half away from the state capital, Des Moines, Manning is comprised of diversified organizations and a vibrant collaborative culture. Though small, the city’s proven perseverance and openness to change makes it a thriving place to live, work, play and visit. To better understand the structure of Manning, it is crucial to understand the population makeup and economic influences including household income, educational attainment and residential growth. According to the 2010 census, there are 1,500 residents with the median age of 46.8-years-old. The population is 51.7 percent female and 47.8 percent male with a .05 percent non-response rate. There are 636 households in Manning with a median household income of $42,195. Almost half of the population, 45.2 percent, has a high school degree, with 20.4 percent earning a bachelor’s degree or higher. Manning is predominately white, with 98.1 percent of the population identifying as Caucasian. Members of the community are determined to give back, especially through leadership involvement, which is one reason the city continues to grow. The city’s leadership consists of the mayor, Harvey Dales, the city council and many dedicated residents who help serve on different boards and committees. After conducting research over the past few months, we have identified the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential threats. Our plan addresses these key points, helps alleviate potential threats and creates opportunities for the Manning community.


Strengths Main Street Manning Main Street, the epicenter of the city, allows for community engagement and events, which highlights the city’s roots and the community’s openness to change. The Main Street revitalization project, in partnership with the Main Street Board, has been the backbone for success in recent years. Manning Attractions Manning has a wide variety of town attractions that make it stand out in both the state of Iowa and in Carroll County. The Hausbarn, farmstead and the areas of interest along the Arts and Antiques Tour display historically preserved attractions that are unique to the town. The Hausbarn was featured in the Chicago Tribune, which helped garner regional attention and help make Manning one of the top barn wedding destinations in the Midwest. Additionally, the Freedom Rock and “Four Generations”are art installations special to Manning. Community Investment in Town Perhaps one of Manning’s greatest strengths is its residents. Whether they are creating new businesses or fundraising, residents are always eager to better the city and continue improving the quality of life. A recurring theme from focus groups conducted in Fall 2015 shows that residents are always willing to lend a hand and spend locally when accessible. Quality of Life Both community events and the IKM-Manning school system received high satisfaction ratings from community members. On a 10-point scale, with one being low satisfaction and 10 being high satisfaction, respondents ranked community events with an average of 7.04, and most felt that there are a wide range of event offerings. Similarly, survey results reveal that the IKMManning district is well respected at an average rating of 7.59.


Weaknesses Lack of Integrated Marketing A lot of time and effort was put forth in the creation of the “It’s Refreshing” campaign; however the slogan is utilized in a variety of ways, which creates inconsistencies for the town. According to a survey, 66 percent of residents either agreed or strongly agreed that the campaign is indicative of the Manning lifestyle. However, some felt it sounds too much like a soft-drink advertisement. With this in mind, the slogan has potential to perform better if it better illustrates what is refreshing about the city, and can easily be conveyed through consistent messaging. Visitor Rates One area where Manning can improve is the lack of recognition from surrounding community residents. Creating awareness of Manning is of utmost importance in order to continue growing the town and its offerings. A survey of Des Moines residents identified that on a 10-point scale, the average awareness of Manning from survey respondents was a 2.67 with one being completely unaware and 10 being very aware. If Manning hopes to increase residents and visitors, it is crucial that surrounding cities can recognize the name “Manning” and its attractions. Media Relations Manning’s owned and earned digital media is an area for improvement. Social media is a necessity when promoting a brand. Manning has a Facebook page; however, it is not used or updated on a regulated schedule. Manning could also improve its search engine optimization efforts in order to grow reach and awareness.


Opportunities Partnership with Another Town Manning and the surrounding communities have many tourist attractions that will likely engage visitors, providing a strong opportunity to collaborate. Creating partnerships with regional neighbors is a benefit that will help expand events, awareness and reach. Openness to Change Based on our research, Manning is open to growth and change in the community. However, new ideas brings resistance to change. This makes adopting those new plans difficult. Community Engagement One of the main attractions in Manning is the Hausbarn. We learned from our survey that onefifth of Manning’s visitors come solely for the Hausbarn. Manning has the opportunity to focus on stronger tourism and promotions. Doing so will bring more visitors to Manning and also help spread awareness of the Manning brand.


Potential Threats Neighboring Towns There are several other small communities in Iowa, and the Midwest, that Manning may compete with for tourism dollars and economic growth. It can be difficult to directly compete with these towns that also have a rich heritage and involved community appeal. Depletion of Resources Manning has two main industries, education and health care. Should anything happen to these employers, current Manning residents could move to a city with similar resources. The threat of resources depleting from Manning is plausible based on the fact that small-town residential rates are decreasing nationwide. Outsourcing Goods Sixty-five percent of survey respondents leave Manning for entertainment, dining, groceries and shopping. This could be a hindrance to attaining more residents if there are more commercial and retail offerings in a similar, neighboring city. Inconsistent News Coverage Media is an accessible way to reach community members and visitors; however, inconsistent messaging is created when multiple Manning sources connect with the media (KCRL, Manning News Journal, Manning Monitor, etc.). To continue growing, Manning must receive recognition from various media outlets. It is crucial that media outlets are given the same information to allow the public to receive cohesive and concise information.


Target Publics Visitors Couples Short day trips are appealing to couples in many stages of life. Ranging from the Hausbarn to a walk through Main Street, Manning offers a variety of activities for couples to enjoy as a short getaway. Residents of the Four-County Area The area includes Carroll, Crawford, Audubon and Shelby counties. Manning has resources and events that appeal to these surrounding communities such as Party on the Bricks and the Manning Regional Healthcare Center. These are visitors who are willing to come to Manning because of its close proximity. Event-Drawn Visitors With the combination of the Hausbarn and the Recreation Center, Manning draws many visitors for events such as weddings and volleyball tournaments. These are valuable key publics who could grow awareness and interest for the community while stimulating local businesses.

Community Members Young Families With the attractions that Manning currently holds, young families are looking for housing options. On May 1st, an assisted living facility for seniors is opening, resulting in approximately 30 houses soon to be on the market. The turnover of housing could help develop a community with younger residents by giving them a place to grow their families and careers. Manning Alumni Manning alumni includes former residents of any age who understand and appreciate the lifestyle of the city. Alumni come back and bring fresh perspectives to the city. Former residents know the city and will understand what is needed in order to keep the city innovative and thriving. Current Manning Residents While this group includes all residents of Manning, it will mainly focus on those actively involved in and committed to the community by participating in multiple committees and/or holding an appointed position. These individuals want to build on the continued growth of Manning and often take outside ideas and make them a reality.


key messages Key Message #1: Manning is a thriving community where people can live, work, play and visit. • Eighty-nine percent of residents in Manning agree or strongly agree with the statement that “Manning is a thriving community.” • Residents in Manning are advocates for the community who are proud of where they come from. On a 10-point scale, where one is low and 10 is high satisfaction, respondents ranked community events with an average of 7.04, and most felt that there is a wide range of event offerings. • Manning is home to many successful institutions including the IKM-Manning district, the Manning Regional Healthcare Center, the assisted living facility, a public and private fitness facility, churches and several small businesses. Survey results revealed that the IKM-Manning district is well respected with an average rating of 7.59 on a 10-point scale where one is low satisfaction and 10 is high satisfaction.

Key Message #2: Manning is a community that cares about its wellness, personal growth and future. • Seventy-seven percent of respondents in a survey of residents are participating in some sort of activity weekly. • Eighty-five percent of respondents in a survey of residents said they would like to see an increase in businesses or Manning-based industries. • Eighty-one percent of respondents in a survey of residents feel that Manning’s officials are invested in the future of the city.


snap 1 Increase the number of tourists visiting Manning by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

snap 2

Increase the number of visitor interactions with the community’s businesses and attractions during single visits by 20 percent by December 31, 2017.

snap 3

Monitor the growth of awareness of the Manning brand among current residents by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

snap 4 Increase residents’ overall satisfaction with Manning’s quality of life to monitor change by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

The Snaps

snap 1 Increase the number of tourists visiting Manning by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

Strategy 1.1: Create partnerships within the state of Iowa that pique tourists’

interest. Tactic 1.1.1: Purchase 2017 Co-Op Partnership Program through Travel Iowa. Tactic 1.1.2: Feature the Milwaukee Trestle Trail on the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation’s Iowa by Trail application. Tactic 1.1.3: Distribute postcards promoting Manning in all 11 Boulder Inn & Suites hotels.

snap 2 To increase the number of visitor interactions with the community’s businesses and attractions during single visits by 20 percent by December 31, 2017.

Strategy 2.1: Use events to build upon partnerships with nearby communities. Tactic 2.1.1: Partner with Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation to expand the Trail to Nowhere event. Tactic 2.1.2: Implement Fourth Friday, a monthly four-county event hosted May through August.

Strategy 2.2: Build educational opportunities for visitors to grow an understanding of Manning’s attractions.

Tactic 2.2.1: Build a German heritage bike tour, “Bike for Beer,” for visitors and residents around Manning led by a city official or resident leading up to Oktoberfest. Tactic 2.2.2: Distribute a Recreation center brochure that promotes restaurants and businesses in Manning.


The Snaps

snap 3 Monitor the growth of awareness of the Manning brand among current residents by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

Strategy 3.1: Utilize online media to optimize content for further reach. Tactic 3.1.1: Hold a social media seminar hosted through Udemy for city officials in charge of social media to learn best practices.

Strategy 3.2: Create cohesive print materials to grow awareness of Manning’s

attractions throughout targeted Iowa locations.

Tactic 3.2.1: Distribute the redesigned Manning tourism brochure. Tactic 3.2.2: Distribute postcards promoting Manning in all 11 Boulder Inn & Suites.

Strategy 3.3: Unify external communication between media and the Manning community.

Tactic 3.3.1: Utilize a media list (see Appendix J) through MailChimp to send out press releases and other pertinent news tactics.


The Snaps

snap 4 Increase residents overall satisfaction with Manning’s quality of life to monitor change by 10 percent by December 31, 2017.

Strategy 4.1: Promote a healthy and safe lifestyle for those interacting with the


Tactic 4.1.1: Encourage citizens of Manning to implement Airbnb, website and app that allows users to list, host and find places to stay for short and extended periods of time. Tactic 4.1.2: Gauge interest for bike racks that will be in front of the Manning recreation center, public library and softball fields. Tactic 4.1.3: Expand Manning recreation center opportunities through a survey to gauge interest of additional fitness activities among community members.

Strategy 4.2: Host targeted events for diversified audiences to maintain their

involvement within the community.

Tactic 4.2.1: Create a Manning Social Club to host quarterly events for Manning residents.

Strategy 4.3: Work to further promote an entrepreneurial mindset. Tactic 4.3.1: Bring business professionals to Manning. Tactic 4.3.2: Create an awards program for entrepreneurs and businesses. Tactic 4.3.3: Develop a scholarship for high school graduates who live in Manning.


evaluation methods On a quarterly basis, follow these methods below in order to monitor your success when implementing this public relations plan.

SNAP 1: Utilize numbers, such as analytics and number of materials distributed, to your advantage by keeping track of progress. Increased or decreased measures will give insight on performance and continually updating this data will help when aiming to build upon these practices. Tactic 1.1.1: Use analytics to determine how many visitors the Manning page receives through the Travel Iowa page. Tactic 1.1.2: Keep track of the number of check-ins at the Milwaukee Trestle Trail when using the Iowa by Trail app. Tactic 1.1.3: Track number of 10 percent discounts used as distributed from the postcards at the 11 Boulder Inn & Suites.

SNAP 2: Attendance to newly-developed and updated events will give key insight on the successfulness of the programs. It is encouraged to monitor attendance as well as increased patronage of businesses through distribution of collateral materials such as the Recreation Center brochure. Tactic 2.1.1: Measure number of attendees at Trail to Nowhere event. Tactic 2.1.2: Measure number of attendees at Fourth Friday event. Tactic 2.2.1: Measure number of attendees who participate in “Bike for Beer.� Tactic 2.2.2: Measure number of discounts businesses give through Recreation Center brochure. To maintian confidentiality, businesses can compare profit from previous year in order to track growth.


Evaluation Methods

SNAP 3: With new practices, it is important to continually check in to promote consistency, especially in regards to design. Monitoring attendance as well as social media analytics will help better illustrate the success of each initiative. If resources allow, a pre- and post-test survey will better gauge the success of each tactic. Tactic 3.1.1: After completion of the Udemy course, track social media analytics after implementing a new social media strategy. Tactic 3.2.1: Measure how many Manning tourism brochures have been distributed. Tactic 3.2.2: Track number of 10 percent discounts used as distributed from the postcards located at the 11 Boulder Inn & Suites. Tactic 3.3.1: Measure open rates of the press release emails to news officials. Tactic 3.3.2: Monitor and ensure brand consistency on newly-designed materials.

SNAP 4: In order to grow new initiatives in years to come, it is crucial to begin the tracking process early on. Observing and monitoring the attendance of events, eagerness to participate in community initiatives will help develop programs and allow them to flourish moving forward. Tactic 4.1.1: Track number of Manning residents who list their homes on Airbnb. Tactic 4.1.2 & 4.1.3: Create a survey to gauge interest in expansion of Manning Recreation Center activities. Tactic 4.2.1: Track number of members who attend the Manning Social Club events through ticket sales. Tactic 4.3.1: Track number of attendees who attend business speaker. Tactic 4.3.2: Measure number of applicants for awards program. Tactic 4.3.3: Track the number of applicants for the Manning scholarship.



snap 1


snap 2


snap 3


snap 4

$100.00 Total = $1,700.97



SNAP 1: Tactic 1.1.1: Purchase 2017 Co-Op Partnership Program through Travel Iowa. $250 per month for four months= $1,000 Tactic 1.1.2: Feature the Milwaukee Trestle Trail on the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation’s Iowa by Trail app. $0 Tactic 1.1.3: Distribute postcards promoting Manning in all 11 Boulder Inn & Suites. Printing 1,100 4.25” x 5.5” postcards at OfficeMax= $170.00

SNAP 2: Tactic 2.1.1: Partner with Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation to expand the Trail to Nowhere event. $0 Tactic 2.1.2: Implement Fourth Friday, a monthly four-county event hosted May through August. Printing 4 16” x 20” posters at OfficeMax= $51.96 Tactic 2.2.1: Build a German heritage bike tour,“Bike for Beer,” for visitors around Manning led by a Manning city official on the morning of Oktoberfest. $0 Tactic 2.2.2: Distribute a Recreation Center brochure that promotes restaurants and businesses in Manning. Printing 500 brochures at OfficeMax= $260.01 $45 per business to advertise X 6 businesses = -$270.00 Total= +$10



SNAP 3: Tactic 3.1.1: Hold a social media seminar hosted through Udemy for city officials in charge of social media to learn best practices. Udemy course= $19 Tactic 3.2.1: Distribute the redesigned Manning tourism brochure. Printing 1,000 brochures at OfficeMax= $360.01 Tactic 3.2.2: Distribute postcards promoting Manning in all 11 Boulder Inn & Suites. Tactic 3.3.1: Utilize a media list through MailChimp to send out press releases and other pertinent news tactics. $0 under 2,000 contacts

SNAP 4: Tactic 4.1.1: Encourage citizens of Manning to implement Airbnb, a website and app that allows users to list, host and find places to stay for short and extended periods of time. $0 Tactic 4.1.2: Gauge interest for bike racks that will be in front of the Manning Recreation Center, public library and softball fields. Three ULINE bike racks= $915.00 Apply for grant= -$915.00 Total= $0 Tactic 4.1.3: Expand Manning Recreation Center opportunities through a survey to gauge interest of additional fitness activities among community members. $0 Tactic 4.2.1: Create a Manning Social Club to provide a quarterly activity platform for Manning residents. Rent Hausbarn 4x: $450x4= $1,800 Manning Social Club event fee: $25 per person X 18 people = -$1,800 Total= $0 Tactic 4.3.1: Bring entrepreneurship professionals to Manning. Pay speaker $100 stipend Tactic 4.3.2: Create an awards program for entrepreneurs and businesses. $0 Tactic 4.3.3: Develop a scholarship for high school graduates who live in Manning. $0



2016 April • Start planning Fourth Friday event • Create MailChimp

July • Bike rack letter of interest due for grant • Plan scholarship for graduating seniors

October • Contact Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation about the Iowa by Trail app • Bike for Beer event held before Oktoberfest • Evaluate Bike for Beer success by reviewing participant surveys • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Bike rack grant due


May • Travel Iowa information about their Co-Op Partnerships comes out • Start Udemy class • Print re-designed Manning tourism brochure • Promote Airbnb on Manning social media

August • Hold test run Fourth Friday event • Promote Bike for Beer • Start planning for Manning Social Club • Fundraiser at football games for Manning entrepreneur scholarship

November • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Hold Manning Social Club white elephant event

June • Distribute re-designed Manning tourism brochure • Apply for bike rack grant • Recreation Center survey distributed at Party on the Bricks

September • Evaluate success of Fourth Friday event • Promote Bike For Beer event on social media • Letter of interest for bike racks grant notification

December • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Bike rack grant announcement

2017 January • Travel Iowa published for the year • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Contact entrepreneurs for entrepreneur class • Evaluate success of 2016 plan • Open application for entrepreneurship scholarship

April • Continue planning for Fourth Friday events • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Entrepreneurship scholarship applications due

July • Hold Fourth Friday event • Travel Iowa Bronze Co-Op Partnership

October • Open application for entrepreneur awards program

February • Send/print Boulder Inn & Suites postcards • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Manning Social Club murder mystery event • Plan entrepreneur event • Fundraise at basketball games for entrepreneurship scholarship

May • Hold Fourth Friday Event • Hold Manning Social Club progressive dinner event • Bike rack implementation if not awarded grant • Reward entrepreneurship scholarship • Travel Iowa Bronze Co-Op Partnership

August • Hold Fourth Friday event • Hold Manning Social Club wine tasting event • Travel Iowa Bronze Co-Op Partnership

November • Hold Manning Social Club white elephant gift exchange event • Plan award ceremony for entrepreneur award

March • Distribute Boulder Inn & Suites postcards • Start reserving dates for Fourth Friday events • Distribute Recreation Center brochure • Hold entrepreneur event

June • Hold Fourth Friday Event • Travel Iowa Bronze Co-Op Partnership

September • Evaluate success of Fourth Friday event

December • Entrepreneur event

2018 January • Final evaluation period


Manning, IA I S A C O M M U N I T Y T H AT C A R E S A B O U T

Wellness, Personal Growth, & The Future.


Appendix table of contents Appendix A

Page 26

Appendix B

Page 27

Appendix C

Page 30

Appendix D

Page 31

Appendix E

Page 32

Appendix F

Page 33

Appendix G

Page 37

Appendix H

Page 38

Appendix I

Page 39

Appendix J

Page 40

Appendix K

Page 42

Appendix L

Page 43

Appendix M

Page 44

Appendix N

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Appendix O

Page 46

Appendix P

Page 50


appendix A Travel Iowa Partnership What is Travel Iowa? Annually, the Iowa Tourism Office invests more than $500,000 in its Cooperative Partnership Program, negotiating the purchase of large advertising buys and then selling that space back to tourism partners at a cost far cheaper than what they could purchase directly. In addition, the Cooperative Partnership Program allows the Iowa Tourism Office to diversify its audience and gives the industry a range of advertising choices—from group travel to boomer to meetings-focused publications and niche web sites. The program is a public/private partnership that extends the reach of Iowa’s travel message and gives the tourism industry a chance to be a part of Iowa’s broader marketing efforts. Why partner with Travel Iowa? Because many people search for new destinations to travel on Google, we see it as an advantage to invest in Google AdWords. A Pay Per Click (PPC) option like Google AdWords gives the opportunity to advertise based on people’s interests such as “bike trails in Iowa” or “day trips in Iowa.” By purchasing the Bronze Partner Cost, Manning’s website could be targeted with Google AdWords like the following example offering 391 clicks per month.

With the program running through Travel Iowa, Manning is able to use its PPC partner Madden Media. Madden Media is a Google AdWords Qualified Company with a team of search marketers who have been trained and tested to be certified Google Advertising Professionals. They offer ongoing optimization of your ad copy and landing pages, understandable results metrics, and eliminates competition for keywords. How much does it cost? The Bronze Partnership Cost is $250 per month purchased for four months at a time totaling $1,000. Points of contact? Colleen Murphy Iowa Economic Development Authority 515.725.3089


appendix b Milwaukee Trestle Trail on Iowa By Trail Application What? Iowa is known as the trail capital of the world, with many exciting opportunities to highlight. A great way to promote the Milwaukee Trestle Trail is to have it listed on the Iowa by Trail app. Why? Iowa by Trail is an all-Iowa trail app operated by the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, located in Des Moines. After registering, users can see many different features that are listed below. • Geo-locate their position and find the closest trail. • Find points of interest along the way, for example local restaurants, museums and natural resource information. • Communicate with friends and followers about what they did along the trail. • Keep track of distance, weather, news and events. To learn more about the Iowa by Trail application, visit their website or the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation’s other channels including Facebook, Twitter and their blog. Website: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: For more information contact:

• Kerri Sorrell at

When emailing include the following information: • A GIS shape file of the trail. • Basic trail information (distance, terrain, etc.). • Recommendations or a list of highlights along the trail.




appendix c Boulder Inn & Suites Postcards What? Simple tourism postcard to put in all 11 Boulder Inn & Suites. Why? The Boulder Inn & Suites is a beneficial partnership for Manning. Many of the other Boulders locations are in small towns as well, and therefore it is important to tap into an existing market when looking to bring potential visitors to Manning. The simple design appeals to visitors by including strong images of the city as well as information. Manning’s Facebook page and website can give potential visitors the necessary information to plan their trips and the postcard will lead them to inquire for more information.


appendix d Trail to Nowhere Partnership What?The Trail to Nowhere is a yearly event to raise money for the Milwaukee Trestle Trail. It is a six-mile bike ride (modified 3-mile for run/walkers) around the outskirts of Manning. It is a day full of spending time in downtown Manning, socializing and drinking with friends. This is a great opportunity for Manning to extend its partnership with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation for help with this event. The 2016 event is planned, so it is best to create this partnership for the 2017 event. The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation participates in trade shows, Ragbrai and many other events promoting their Iowa by Trail app. Working in tandem will strengthen Manning’s reach while using limited resources. Why partner with them? The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation has several connections in the community that will expand Manning’s reach. In return, the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation can be added to promotional materials, such as the Trail to Nowhere T-shirt and on social media, in return for their service. How to contact? The staff is already aware of this partnership opportunity and would love to receive more information: To contact these individuals call 515-2881846 or email those listed below. • • • •

Kerri Sorrell at Erin Griffin at Andrea Boulton at Lisa Hein at


appendix e Fourth Friday What? The Fourth Friday event will be held on the fourth Friday May through August from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. At Fourth Friday guests can bring a picnic and listen to live bands outside at Great Western Park. Why? This is an opportunity to bring in visitors from the four county area to spend time in Manning. Each Friday event will feature a band from one of the four counties. It is a great opportunity to bring in tourism and members of the surrounding communities into Manning.


appendix f Bike for Beer Why? In order to increase outdoor opportunities for the Manning Recreation Center and immerse residents and visitors in the community, we recommend hosting a one-hour bike tour leading up to Oktoberfest. Since this is a well-trafficked time in Manning, this event will act as a trial to gauge interest for a potential weekly summer class offered through the Recreation Center. The tour, hosted by a Manning resident, will highlight attractions such as the Hausbarn and Milwaukee Trestle Bridge and end in Main Street to kick off Oktoberfest. While this event is tied around Oktoberfest as a practice run, if continued we recommend hosting this summer activity on Saturday mornings in order to reach most visitors and citizens. Contact: Dawn suggested Nikki as a good guide. We have not heard a response, but contact her at Creating the Event Promotion: This event is mainly reliant on word-of-mouth promotion and social media. Below, we have included a cover photo and a graphic that can be used on different Manning social media pages to help promote the event. We hope visitors participating in the Oktoberfest activities will know that this event is happening and will bring their own bikes.


Route: We have created a recommended route in order to showcase all that Manning has to offer. Below is the route we created on Map My Route, but it is easy to alter for the tour guides’ convenience.


Estimated time frame: It takes three to four minutes for an average person, going the average speed of 17 to 18 mph, to bike a mile. With this in mind, this nine mile bike ride will take about 40 minutes, with allowed break times. When the bike tour ends the participants will have 20 minutes to fill out the attached survey. Fee: As of now, there is no fee. If extended to a weekly class we recommend that members of the Manning Recreation Center will be able to participate in this class for free. Non-members and out-of-town guests can pay a nominal fee likely in the range of $5-10. The fee is implemented is to give non-members an incentive to become a member. Survey: In order to gauge if visitors and citizens would be interested in participating in the weekly summer bike ride, we have created a survey to be handed out after the bike ride. Individuals will fill it out and the Recreation Center will discuss the results and future of this activity.


Bike for Beer Survey 1. What was your satisfaction with this trip?

Low Satisfaction






High Satisfaction

2. Would you participate in this trip again? Please explain why.

Low 1




5 High

Comments: 3. If this was offered as a class through the Manning Recreation Center as a Saturday morning bike club, would you participate? Please explain why or why not? Low 1






Comments: 4. What did you think about the route? 5. Would you increase or decrease the distance or time of this tour? Please be as detailed as possible. Time:



Stay the Same




Stay the Same

6. What were the highlights of the trip? 7. Where can you see improvement? 8. Please provide any additional feedback you may have. 9. Age: 10. What gender do you identify as? Male


Prefer not to respond

11. Are you a member of the Manning Recreation Center? Yes No Thank you for your participation!


appendix g Recreation Center Brochure Why? This brochure was created after hearing from Cory Arp, that many visitors are coming to Manning for tournaments at the Recreation Center, but tend to not come to Main Street and interact with the businesses. The brochure features Manning’s brand and businesses, but also gives visitors an incentive to interact with the great businesses on Manning’s Main Street. How to Implement? This brochure features the businesses who have already agreed to participate and offer deals to visitors (such as $1 off at the restaurants, 15 percent off at businesses). We suggest the Recreation Center staff place these brochures in easily accessible areas for the visitors. These brochures will only be successful if all Main Street businesses and the Recreation Center continue to work together to make the best experience for visitors. To do so, visitors must feel informed of the attractions and welcomed into the businesses.


appendix h Create a Social Media Seminar with Udemy What is Udemy? Udemy is a website and online resource that offers over 40,000 classes to approximately 10 million students. The website hopes to “help anyone learn anything,” by offering a variety of classes from yoga to coding. Why use Udemy in Manning? Social media is an increasingly important tool for a brand’s public image. Websites like Facebook are constantly updating, and it is crucial to stay informed about how to utilize these networks to benefit the community. For a small fee, Manning officials can participate in Udemy’s social media seminar that offers over six lectures and three-and-a-half hours of content. The session instructs how to produce engaging content, improve search engine optimization and leverage reach. After attending this seminar, Manning residents can use the knowledge gained to create a comprehensive social media strategy that best fits the needs of the city. How much does it cost? The class we selected for you, Social Media Marketing for Startups, costs a one-time fee of $19 with lifetime access to the course. The class also offers a 30-day money back guarantee and is compatible on both Mac and PC software. Class: Social Media Marketing for Startups Link:


appendix I Tourism Brochure What? A redesigned Manning tourism brochure. The brochure features attractions, businesses and restaurants in Manning, as well as a map of the city for visitors to easily coordinate their stay. The brochure can be easily altered if any information were to change in the coming years (new businesses, different Hausbarn prices, etc.). Why? Integrated marketing is crucial to keep the Manning brand consistent in order to appeal to visitors. Having a visually appealing brochure that is easy to read for visitors will allow Manning to showcase its impressive city.


appendix J Mail Chimp What is MailChimp? MailChimp is an email marketing service that is commonly used for mass marketing emails. Why? MailChimp allows for business and organizations to upload contact sheets for mass E-blasts. Manning will benefit from a service, such as MailChimp, because it is easy to send out news media, such as press releases, to a pre-assigned group of contacts. Cost? MailChimp is a paid service with a freemium model. With its 2,000 person contact limit, it is likely that Manning can use MailChimp without a cost. We have also credited a media list that includes 16 contacts from respected media sources throughout Iowa and Nebraska.



appendix K The Benefits of using Airbnb in Manning, Iowa What is Airbnb? Airbnb is a website and app that allows users to list, host and find places to stay for both short and extended periods of time. Why use Airbnb in Manning? While the Boulders Inn & Suites is under construction, Airbnb is a temporary solution to provide visitors a safe place to stay in the community. With a multitude of weddings hosted over the summer, Manning residents who host on Airbnb can showcase that Manning is a welcoming community that not only cares about those who live here, but those who visit as well. Who can host? Airbnb offers a wide range of hosting opportunities for homeowners and renters. Airbnb allows both apartments and houses to be hosted on the site, and gives the host the opportunity to offer a private room or the entire facility to the guest. What are the benefits to hosting? Airbnb users are charged to stay in your space, so you can reap the financial benefits. Hosts can decide how much to charge for their space, but Airbnb also sets a recommended nightly rate based on your accommodations. How to get the word out? Promote Airbnb services on Manning’s Facebook page as well as word-of-mouth promotion.


appendix L Bike Racks Why? Manning has an opportunity to help promote a healthy lifestyle within the community. Installing bike racks can help create an environment that is active and safe. Distributing a survey throughout the city can determine if the community is on board. To apply for grant:

Survey for Bike Racks 1. How often do you go to the Manning Recreation Center? With one being not often and five being very often. Not Often 1 2 3 4 5 Often 2. Please circle all amenities that you use: Swimming Pool Fitness Room


Softball Field

3. Would you be interested in attending Yoga in the Park, a class held outside in Milwaukee Trestle Park led by a yoga instructor. Yes No Why or why not? 4. Do you own a bike? Yes No 5. Would you like to see bike racks outside the Manning recreation center, the softball fields and the library? One being not interested, five being very interested. Not Interested 1 2 3 4 5 Interested 6. Please circle what best describes your bike use. 0-1 times per month 2-3 times per month 5+ times per month I never use a bike

4-5 times per month

7. How often would you use the bike racks? One being not at all, five being very often. Not Often 1 2 3 4 5 Often


appendix M Manning Social Club What? The Manning Social Club will host four events a year and the planning committee will meet once a month to plan future events. Each of these events will be held at the Hausbarn and each event is $25 per person to cover the cost of renting the facility. Why? The Manning Social Club gives members of the community to attend fun events. The purpose of the Manning Social Club is to improve quality of life for residents by giving them fun activities to do with other members of the community. Potential Events: • Murder Mystery: A game where one member of the party is assigned the role of a murderer and other party goers have to try and guess who it is. • Surprise Supper: Pick a meal to serve and assign numbers for different dishes (salad, dinner, dessert) and utensils (fork, knife, spoon). At the beginning of the night have everyone fill out a paper with numbers and they will be served those meals with utensils. • White Elephant: Each attendee will bring a gift and do a gift swap with other members at the event. • Wine Tasting: Each person will bring a bottle of wine for people to sample. At the end of the event party goers can determine a winner for what bottle of wine was the best.


appendix N Entrepreneurship Classes in Manning What? Manning can hold an entrepreneurship class for business owners and potential business owners in Manning. The class would be instructed by an entrepreneur from outside of Manning to give business owners tips on how to better their business. Why? Holding entrepreneurship classes in Manning is a great way to give business owners an opportunity to grow their business in Manning. This will help the community continue to thrive. How to Implement: Manning can bring in entrepreneurs to speak on topics that business owners in Manning are interested in (possible classes are listed below). The class will be held at IKM Manning High School, and the class will be free to business owners in Manning. Speakers will be paid a $100 stipend for their travel expenses and a meal. Possible Topics to Speak On • How to best market your business • Finance and accounting • Economics 101 • How to improve public speaking skills • Computer science Possible Speakers • Greg Sextro, Franck & Sektro, • Luke Vaughn, Bluspace Creative, • Jamie Grandstaff, Drake University College of Business and Public Administration, • • Stefanie Koenig, Small Business Development Center,


appendix O Manning Awards Program What? The Manning Awards program will include the Business of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year in Manning, Iowa. Each year one business and one entrepreneur will receive the award at an awards ceremony at the end of the year. Why? The awards program will promote entrepreneurship and business growth within Manning. It will also be a way to recognize the hard work people put into the businesses in Manning. How to Implement Applicants submit a form along with a $25 fee to be entered into the contest. The money raised through the application fee will go toward the scholarship program at IKM Manning High School. Members of the Manning Chamber of Commerce will choose a winner based on criteria stated on the application. The winner for Business of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year will receive their awards at an awards ceremony.


Manning Business of the Year Application Eligibility • Business is within the limits Manning, Iowa • Owned and operated in Manning for a minimum of 1 year • $25 application fee Judging criteria • Solid business practice with consumer confidence in business • Involvement and support within community • Demonstrates ethical practices within business • Demonstrates leadership skills within the community Timeline • October 2, 2017: Application is available to public • November 17, 2017: Application deadline • December 8, 2017: Award ceremony Name: Job Title: Company: Business Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Year business was founded: Number of Employees: Give a brief description of your business: Describe the history of your business: Describe the business’ involvement in the community: What is the mission of your business? How does your business promote customer satisfaction? In what ways does the business demonstrate ethical business practices? For questions and submission please contact Main Street Manning.


Manning Entrepreneur of the Year Application Eligibility • Business owner within limits of Manning, Iowa • A business owner within Manning for at least one year • $25 application fee Judging criteria • Solid business practice with consumer confidence in business • Involvement and support within community • Demonstrates ethical practices within business • Demonstrates leadership skills within the community Timeline • October 2, 2017: Application is available to public • November 17, 2017: Application deadline • December 8, 2017: Award ceremony Name: Job Title: Company: Business Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Year business was founded: Number of Employees: Give a brief description of your business: Describe the history of your business: Describe how your business has contributed to the community: How have you demonstrated ethical practices through your work ethic? Why do you believe you should be the Entrepreneur of the Year? For questions and submission please contact Main Street Manning.



appendix p Manning Entrepreneurship Scholarship What? To promote entrepreneurship and higher education, Manning can introduce a $500 scholarship for high school graduates living in Manning. Why? By encouraging students to pursue higher education they can bring their education back to Manning. Alumni returning to Manning will have the education and resources to help the community to thrive. How to Implement This scholarship will be funded through donations collected at high school football and soccer games at concession stands. Funds for the application will also come from the $25 application fee businesses and business owners pay for the Manning Business of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year award. *If more than $500 is raised Manning can choose to either increase the worth of the scholarship or extend multiple scholarships.


Entrepreneurship Scholarship The City of Manning is introducing an entrepreneurship scholarship for seniors at IKMManning High School. This scholarship was created to promote higher education. The winner will receive a $500 scholarship to use for their post-graduation education. Eligibility • Senior at IKM-Manning High School pursuing post-graduation plans • Student lives in city limits of Manning, Iowa Timeline • January 2nd, 2017: Scholarship application is open • April 3rd, 2017: Scholarship application deadline • May 12th, 2017: Scholarship awarded Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone number: E-mail Address: GPA: Please answer the following questions and keep responses to a maximum of 500 words per response. What are your educational goals? How will winning this scholarship help you attain your goals? For questions and submission please contact Main Street Manning.



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