November 2018 Business Connections

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Business Connection

Volume 10, Issue 11

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce

Know the area. Like to meet new people. The Visitor Center has a part-time position for you.

Visitor Center Waves Bye to a Treasure Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Team Bill Marcum, CEO Amy Hallock Project Manager Pam Fierst Office Manager Joelle Wilson Social Media Services


n its hiring notice for a parttime employee to work in its Visitor Information Center, the KelsoLongview Chamber of Commerce noted the standard: • Must work Saturday and Sunday • Must be 18 years old or older • Reliable • Provide information to visitors

Kelso Longview Business Connection is published monthly by the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce 105 N. Minor Road • Kelso, WA 98626 • 360-423-8400 To advertise, call Bill Marcum, 360-423-8400 or email bmarcum@ Ad Deadline: 20th of each month

• Knowledge of the area • Manage a small gift shop • Answer phones • Track guest visits • Pleasantly greet guest and direct them to area locations What the notice fails to let those who may apply know is they will be filling the shoes of a local legend – Lois Sigurdson, whose outgoing personality, diverse knowledge of the area and gift for making folks feel welcome has been the delight of visitors

Lois Sigurdson has greeted visitors to the area for nearly 22 years. for more than two decades. She will retire Nov. 1. “It is amazing how many people stop into the Visitor Information Center who have been here years ago and ask about Lois,” Chamber CEO Bill Marcum said. “She is an amazing person and with an even more amazing amount of knowledge of this area.” “Lois will always be known as the face of the Kelso Visitors Center,” Kelso City Manager Steve Taylor said. “Her many years of helpful service welcoming visitors to Cowlitz County and assisting travelers in finding the right services and accommodations is a For more Lois, see page 3

Come join us!

Retirement Celebration for

Lois Sigurdson 21 Years of Service

November 2, 2018 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce 105 Minor Road, Kelso

Please come help the Chamber and Visitor Center celebrate Lois’ 21 years with us!

Lois, continued from page 1 tremendous credit to our community.” The legacy began April 2, 1997; nearly a year to the day Lois lost her husband. “I was a housewife and mom for 30 years. At 52 I had to go to work,” she said. To do what? Lois learned Lower Columbia CAP (Community Action Program) was offering a class for women looking to enter the work force. She signed up. An aptitude test noted she would make a good receptionist. Lois also picked up a few skills. “The first time I touched a computer I fell in love with it,” she said. Everything came together when her counselor made a contact with the then Chamber director, who had a position, open at the Visitor Information Center. Lois was excited, but the position meant manning the center on Say Thank You Sundays. She didn’t drive and the bus didn’t run on that day. Not to worry. “They helped me get a driver’s license,” Lois said. “Everything fell into place and I’ve been here ever since.” It’s a longer story, and much better when Lois tells it. She will be happy to share it if you ask.

To Lois

Open House Nov. 2, 1-3pm Kelso-Longview Visitor Center

“I think that she has given up the weekends for 22 years,” said current Visitor Center Manager Pam Fierst. “It is a lot of dedication on her part to do that.” If anyone understands the importance of keeping a visitor center open on the weekend, it’s Lois, who through the years has worked a variety of schedules, but always Saturday and Sunday. “The biggest complaint I always heard from guests was how other visitor centers were closed on the weekend. Most are part of Chamber offices, which are closed on weekends. Weekends are busy times,” she said. In Kelso, although managed by the Chamber, the Visitor Information Center and Chamber offices were not under the same roof until 2014 when the new facility was erected off Interstate 5 on Minor Road. “I knew the Visitor Information Center upside down, backward and inside out,” Lois said. “The Chamber was a whole new ballgame, but I learned it. I love this job. I hate to give it up.” Honestly, she would not be stepping away if it weren’t for a pesky tendon in her leg that refuses to heal. “I love all the people here,” she says rattling off a long list by name. “They are the best in the world.” She also enjoys those passing through the area. “Travelers are the nicest people,” Lois said. She’s met them from all over the United States and across the world. “When I first started nine out of 10 came to see Mount St. Helens,” she said. They still come for the volcano, but they also take in the Oregon Coast and Mount Rainier or go fishing or hiking. “There’s no end to what people want to see.” She tries to keep them in the area. Each Saturday morning she checks the newspaper for events she can recommend. She also steers visitors to the museum, parks, Lake Sacajawea, the mall, the theater. As a native, she grew up in a small community down the road and moved to the big city in 1965, so she’s familiar with the sights. Retirement will not slow Lois. She will continue her volunteer work at Trinity Lutheran church where, among other things, she knits hats for children. This past year, the group knit 1,529 hats – Lois’ contribution was 190. She has other interests and hobbies too, and she will volunteer when they call from the visitor center.

Thank You Lois!

❝ Lois will always be known as the face of the Kelso Visitors Center. Her many years of helpful service welcoming visitors to Cowlitz County and assisting travelers in finding the right services and accommodations is a tremendous credit to our community. Lois will be greatly missed, and we wish her the best in her retirement.” – Steve Taylor Kelso City Manager

Lois has been the mainstay of the Visitor Center for nearly 22 years. Through staff changes at the Chamber (who has managed the VIC for over 30 years), personnel changes at the City of Kelso who has funded the VIC since its inception and changes at the Tourism Department for Cowlitz County. It is amazing how many people stop into the VIC who have been here years ago and ask about Lois. She is an amazing person and with an even more amazing amount of knowledge of this area...She will be missed. Thank you Lois for your invaluable service to our communities and best wishes for a wonderful retirement. You have earned it. – Bill Marcum Chamber CEO

Lois has been an asset to our community for many years, her hard work and dedication to the Visitor Center has made it great resource for Cowlitz County visitors and residents. We wish you the best and enjoy this new journey of your life and cherish every moment. – Pam Fierst Chamber Bookkeeper and Visitor Information Center Manager

“I always say I do busy well,” she laughs. November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 3


What are the commissioners’ roles and responsibilities? Are there laws governing the Port and Commissioners?

Visit Us Today!

Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments By Bill Fashing Executive Director

Business Funding Options Abound

Small business finance is a major issue in local economic devel-

The USDA has helped communities over the years with a variety

opment. Area banks are the primary lenders for many small and

of community development and business funding programs. USDA

start-up businesses, but there are other options as well. Despite the

has housing programs, rural energy programs as well as business

fact that banks are there to make commercial and consumer loans

and industrial loan guarantees.

in the community, I have heard that local banks just don’t want to loan money from many businesses. Loan requirements vary given the bank and the environment, but they are always gauging a borrower’s ability to repay any possible loan. Many businesses, for even more reasons, may not be able to meet lenders requirements from time to time. As a result, the public sector has initiated programs to assist businesses that may not qualify for commercial bank loans.

According to the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CFDA), “A revolving loan fund (RLF) is a gap financing measure primarily used for development and expansion of small businesses. It is a self-replenishing pool of money, utilizing interest and principal payments on old loans to issue new ones.” Many people in the area are not aware that the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) and the City of Longview established a Revolving

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the U.S. Depart-

Loan Fund and made their first loan in 1995. Since then the program

ment of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA), the U.S. Depart-

has made 26 loans. There is currently funding available for loans in

ment of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA)

the range of $50,000 to $100,000. More information can be found at

and others have created program to assist businesses in obtaining

the CWCOG website on this program. CRAFT 3 also runs a state-

needed capital. There are a number of existing programs that may

wide revolving loan fund that may be suited to your needs.

help with your next expansion or new venture. These programs include SBA loan guarantees, USDA specialty programs, locally run Revolving Loan Funds and more.

The CWCOG is also exploring the development of a second revolving loan program through the USDA to serve the broader region. If you would like to participate in this process please let me know. The

The U.S. Small Business Administration announced recently that

CWCOG is currently working to identify business needs in order

this fiscal year they have guaranteed more than $30 billion to small

to determine the feasibility of a larger pool of funds to serve the re-

businesses that otherwise would not have had access to capital.

gion. You can send an email to to express your

Check out their funding programs here. Your local banker should be

interest in helping to explore this economic development effort or to

able to connect you with these resources.

learn more about the local revolving loan fund.

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Residential & Commercial

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 5

Chamber CEO’s Message By Bill Marcum

Simply Put, Chamber is Here to Help Businesses be More Successful I seem to always be amazed how each month and each year just seems to fly by...I am in the early stages of budgeting for 2019... What? Really? 2019? How can that be? I remember when my dad turned 50, I was 23 and thought man that is old. Today my parents are both 84 and that means in a month I will be 61. How is that possible? Anyone else feel like that? Someone from the newspaper business that I have known for nearly 30 years asked me how I like my job with the Chamber? I asked him, “What was his favorite part of his job in the newspaper business?” He said working with a business, writing up a good series of advertisements that produced sales for the business. It’s a great feeling when you walk in and a business owner is smiling because they just had a great sales weekend and you helped them make that happen. I said to him, “That is my job every day, helping businesses be successful.” It is the best feeling. I get to take the very best part of my years in the newspaper business and practice those every day. I was able to attend the Washington Chamber of Commerce Execu-

tives Conference in Pullman a couple weeks ago. I am always surprised at the multiple goals chamber executives have for their members. I had the chance to share my goal, singular; it is simple, “Help businesses be more successful.” If I wanted to be more specific I would add: through education, networking and political advocacy. Unlike most chambers my goal is not to drive membership. I believe that if we are truly helping businesses be successful, business owners will see our intent and our membership will grow. When I returned here in 2012, we had about 435 members. Today we have 527 members and growing every week. To me, that means we are doing the things we said we were going to do, when we said we were going to do them, and businesses recognize the chamber can help them. We started Small Business Boot Camp in 2013 and just completed class number 114. The goal of Boot Camp is to help owners and employees have a better understanding of the details of running a successful business. I think it is helping. So, while the past nearly seven years has flown by, I have truly loved working for all the local businesses and as I continue to work on the budget for next year our goals will be consistent and focused on you.

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Frank Panarra, President

Chris Bailey Lower Columbia College

Nancy Malone Mayor of Kelso

Bianca Lemmons, Vice President

Clayton J. Bartness, DC Longview Chiropractic Clinic

Cherelle Montanye St. John/PeaceHealth

Neil Zick, Treasurer

Ken Botero Longview City Council

Bruce Pollock Bicoastal Media

Michael Claxton, Legal Counsel

Bob Crisman Gallery of Diamonds

Tom Rozwod NORPAC/Weyerhaeuser

Wendy Hutchinson Millennium Bulk Terminals

Ted Sprague Cowlitz Economic Development Council

Marlene Johanson Heritage Bank

Dennis Weber Cowlitz County Commissioner

Foster Farms

Cowlitz County Title Twin City Bank

Walstead Mertsching

Nick Lemiere, Executive Board Edward Jones Chris Roewe, Executive Board Woodford Commercial Real Estate

Wendy Kosloski Teague's Interiors

6 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Lower Columbia College

Calendar Thursday November 1 – 7:30-8:30am Ambassadors Meeting Wednesday November 7 – 7:30-8:30am Education Foundation Cowlitz County PUD Tuesday November 13 – Noon Chamber Executive Board Meeting Mill City Grill November 13 – 5:30-7:30pm Business After Hours Tibbett’s Mercantile Wednesday November 14 – Noon State of the Cities Steve Taylor, City of Kelso and Mike Wallin, City of Longview reviewing their list of priorities for the 2019 Legislative session Teri’s Restaurant

By Chris Bailey President

Fully Online Business Degree Now Available Through LCC

Did you know that employers in our community sometimes have to recruit from outside the region to fill management positions? One of the ways Lower Columbia College (LCC) can help with this issue is to reduce barriers for busy, working adults to further their education. To that end, LCC is now offering a fully online business transfer degree (Associate in Business DTA/MRP). This degree is perfect for busy, working adults and others who can’t travel to the campus every day. Unlike some for-profit institutions, our online degrees are available at the same affordable tuition rates as our other degrees.

Thursday November 15 – TBA Joint Quarterly Meeting CEDC – Chamber

Our business transfer degree is a great option for people looking to advance within their organization, or move into a more rewarding career path.

Tuesday November 20 – Noon Chamber Board Meeting Mill City Grill

The degree was designed for a smooth transition to university programs, but also works well on its own. Students completing the Associate in Business DTA/MRP should acquire the following skills and abilities:

Thursday November 22 Thanksgiving Chamber Office Closed Friday November 23 Chamber Office Closed Thursday November 29 – 5:30-7:30pm LCP – Bunco Kelso Eagles

• Develop an understanding of market economies, supply and demand, cost benefit principles, resource allocation and key microeconomic terms. • Analyze macroeconomic theories, fiscal and monetary policy, the banking system and

Federal Reserve, factors affecting economic growth and international trade and finance. • Apply a variety of mathematical and statistical procedures to accounting, business, and economic data and interpret the results to arrive at informed business decisions. • Demonstrate an understanding of our legal system, the importance of contractual relationships, and the ethical implications of business transactions. • Work effectively in collaborative/team environments to solve problems and complete projects. • Develop skills utilizing common technological tools to conduct research and solve problems. • Demonstrate the ability to use accounting and business terminology effectively in oral and written communication. • Analyze and record business transactions in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, communicate financial information about an organization and financial statement analysis. Management, accounting, marketing, finance, operations, and human resources are just some of the specializations available for those pursuing advanced studies. Visit to learn more.

Every Wednesday Chamber Connections KEDO/1400 AM or 99.1 FM 3-4pm Stream live at

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 7

Cowlitz County Commissioners By Dennis Weber

Sediment, Economic Development, Grant and More in Cowlitz County Potpourri Sediment for Mount St. Helens – Earlier this fall county Chief of Staff Axel Swanson hosted staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a tour of the lower Cowlitz River valley. Their reaction, Swanson reported, was one of surprise at the number of sand bars from the continued movement of Mount St. Helens ash downstream. They asked for letters of support for an appropriation from Congress for $307,000 to formally monitor and abate the growing threat to flood control and Columbia River navigation. This is in addition to on-going work on the Spirit Lake tunnel and raising the Sediment Reduction Structure on the Toutle River. With reports from the Port of Longview that the Columbia River is only 34 feet deep in some places, Swanson has called on Congress to reauthorize the Corps’ role in managing the impact of the 1980 volcanic eruption past the current limit of 2035. Millennium Permitting – As District No. 2 Commissioner I heard a report from the Interior Secretary’s office that the Trump administration does consider this project of major importance in its efforts to stop the “War on Coal.” They are monitoring the federal lawsuits and may consider a request to ask for quick action by the U.S. Supreme Court. He also reported that U.S. Senators Mike Daines (RMT) and John Barrasso (R-WY) requested the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers restart their final review of Millennium’s federal permits to develop the former Reynolds Metals aluminum smelter, almost completed in the summer of 2017 before the state arbitrarily denied a critical water quality permit. Those consultations have restarted and by press time may have resulted in signed mitigation agreements on historic preservation and wetlands, including continue searches for Indian artifacts, as well as public acknowledgement of the role of Reynolds in local history. Freight Mobility Corridor Grant Available – I also recently attended a White House Conference for Local Officials and heard from the Department of Transportation about the availability of federal funding for major infrastructure improvements. I am calling for a major effort to apply for such a grant incorporating all the improvement needs for the industrial corridor from Anchor Point to Barlow Point, with an emphasis on reducing or eliminating at-grade crossings. DOT officials emphasized that by combining local and state grants already made for separate elements of the overall plan with private (port and railroad) dollars, we have an excellent chance to get federal funding needed to complete the project first proposed over a decade ago. Connecting White Pass Highway with Spirit Lake Highway – BOCC Chair Joe Gardner announced recently that the county will be spearheading efforts to ask WashDOT to update a highway feasibility study designed to supply a missing link to tourists visiting 8 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Mount Rainer who want to add a visit to our local volcano. Less than 35 miles away from the Coldwater Visitors Center, Mount Rainier attracts more than four times as many tourists as Mount St. Helens. Because of low numbers, the U.S. Forest Service has expressed a desire to demolish that visitor center as well as other tourist facilities rather than continue with on-going maintenance costs. Sen. Patty Murray’s office provided information about a federal public lands access program available. Restoring Federal Funding for Narcotics Task Force – Cowlitz County Sheriff Mark Nelson also attended the White House Conference and heard Presidential Counselor Kellyanne Conway speak of the administration commitment to addressing this epidemic. Nelson asked about the on-going dispute with the Department of Justice and Washington state over federal refusal to send Byrne JAG funds for our Narcotics Taskforce. Conway had no response and quickly moved on to other topics. Sen. Maria Cantwell, at a later meeting with Nelson and myself, recommended working with state officials to get funding through another program, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA). Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Economic Development District – COG Director Bill Fashing reports that an application for this was sent to the Seattle office of Economic Development Administration (EDA) May 2018 and is pending their approval before grants to help attract jobs can be awarded. While in DC I also met with an official from from the EDA who shared that the agency had recently received more than $1 billion in funding for natural disaster infrastructure repairs to be awarded by end of October and that our request might have been placed at a lower priority. He also explained that EDA provides “gap-funding” for infrastructure improvements, especially resolving at-grade crossings. The City of Kelso may qualify for an EDA grant to complete the West Kelso re-alignment project. Most recently, LCC received one of these grant to complete equipping its new science lab. Landfill Management Reforms – By press time, the BOCC may have made a final decision regarding this. I have been consulting with city leaders to reach a consensus on what goals and objectives are needed for the landfill operations. These reforms will likely focus on adequate staffing, addressing problems along Headquarters Road, enhancing Silver Lake water quality, setting a realistic volume target between 50 and 100 years, harnessing methane, reserving adequate capacity to meet future industrial expansion, and increasing revenue w/out local rate increases. Commissioner Arne Mortenson has led the efforts to consider privatizing the landfill. For more Commissioners, see page 9

Commissioners, continued from page 8 Opportunity Zones – At the White House Conference Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke shared about this exciting new economic development tool, adopted as part of the recent tax cut legislation. Based on Census Tracts with 20 percent poverty rates chosen by Governor Inslee, these zones allow for capital gains deferrals and exclusions through 2026 for investments made in “Opportunity Zone Funds” which is any self-declared partnership or corporation making an investment inside such a zone. In Cowlitz County, the industrial areas of both Longview and Kelso have been designated as Opportunity Zones. Your capital gains investment results in a tax deferred until end of 2026, a 10 percent exclusion after five years and a 15 percent exclusion after seven years, starting with gains from the 2017 tax year. Investments held until 2026 qualify for a further tax basis adjustment. For more information, open a link to opportunity-zones-frequently-asked-questions.

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November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 9

City of Kelso

City of Longview

By City Councilman David Futcher

By City Councilman Ken Botero

Change can be scary and rewarding

Shed fall chill with warm welcome

Change can be scary. You exchange the security of what is known for

Well, here we are again with the fall season in full swing and the

the possibilities of what is not. Without the willingness to try these new

days short and nights long. What a change from just a few months

things, though, you can rapidly become staid – mired in old approaches

ago. However, it could provide to be a blessing in that we can spend

and practices simply because they’re comfortable.

more time here at home and partake of our special activities. It also

One of the most powerful forces in the political world seems to be iner-

means that we will be getting all of our winter needs in order, cel-

tia. “That’s the way we’ve always done it” seems to be the approach many

ebrating the fall holidays, and spending time with family and friends

have to decision-making. Most of the resistance we meet has its basis in this fear of things being different. I’ve seen this fear of change manifest itself in Kelso in neighborhood reluctance to have the skateboard park in their area, in vitriol about the West Main realignment, and in just about any other decision we make.

in the comfort of our homes. As I think about these facts I stop and remember the days growing up in Colorado when we visited with neighbors, took part in school activities and enjoyed the community. Looking forward at today’s world I realize that many things have

Now I’m not saying every attempt at something new ends up being

changed and actually have rapidly moved in a new atmosphere with

the correct decision to make. The skate park worked out wonderfully,

our new technology. Sometimes I wonder if technology has made us

as even the neighbors would attest. West Main works okay, although the

lose sight of reality and togetherness.

last phase needs to be completed for it to achieve the desired impact, and a few people still have a hard time figuring out how to turn left. But if we made no decisions for fear of making the wrong ones, we would go nowhere, my friends. One year, a Daily News endorsement described me as an “agent of responsible change.” I’m proud of that plaudit, because I think it means

Today, here in our jewel of the northwest, Longview, we can be proud and promote a taste of the past mingled with a vision of the future. With our fall season we promote many local and exciting events with holiday traditions. Take a stroll down Commerce Avenue with its new sidewalks, lighting, including the new decorative

I’m not afraid to try new things, but attempt to think them out ahead

tree lighting, and the several new merchants bringing the fall atmo-

of time. I encourage all of you to approach the opportunities to change

sphere to life. As you enjoy the many new, and traditional businesses,

with less trepidation, and more excitement about the benefits that might

stop in and have a cup of coffee or even lunch. At some of the more

be out there.

exciting facilities you can enjoy plays and events by our local talent, and proceed one more block to the famous and historical Columbia

Locally Owned, Family Owned and Here to Stay! Offering the best in quality and selection.

Theatre for some of the most exciting theater events, including old time movies. Just a quick note, those old time movies aren’t old to me. With the Christmas season rapidly approaching you can join the community in the awesome reconstruction of the Robert A. Long Park with it’s new gazebo and gardens, Christmas lighting around town and the many exciting youth programs and events. Thinking out loud again, I realize that Longview does provide that warm fall feeling to all who reside here and our guests. Welcome to

1413 Commerce Ave.


10 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

the comfort of a community that still provides that Quality of Place and an open invitation for a peaceful and pleasant experience.


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esome day… “Had an aw ” to next year! rd a w r fo g in look

Cowlitz Economic Development Council By Ted Sprague CEO

CEDC Board Recommends 'No' Vote on I-1631 The Cowlitz Economic Development Council (CEDC) recently joined many other local organizations, cities and ports on recommending a “No” vote on Initiative 1631, the so-called “Carbon Tax Initiative.” At the outset, the Washington state initiative process can be extremely flawed by taking the legislative process out of elected legislators hands and giving the power to individuals. This is a win/ lose proposition depending on your viewpoint, but often times, initiatives are poorly written, unclear and prey on the emotion of the individual. I understand the legislative process can be frustrating and time consuming to follow, but at least it allows citizens to hold our elected officials accountable for the decisions they make. Putting the initiative process aside, I-1631 is an example of attempting to pass legislation to help the environment while at the same time, appeasing special interest groups, leaving all of us with policy that will hurt small business, cost families at the gas pump, create an unelected bureaucracy and raise consumer prices on goods and services. One of the most troubling aspects of the initiative is Washington state is going it alone on attempting to solve a global issue. It is well known that Washington state is currently a global leader in the reduction of carbon emissions. According to The Washington Policy

Center – The initiative sets targets for CO2 emissions reductions, requiring
an un-elected board to “efficiently and effectively reduce the state’s carbon emissions from 2018 levels by a minimum of twenty million metric tons by 2035 and
a minimum of fifty million metric tons by 2050 while creating economic, environmental, and health benefits.” There are no metrics, however, for defining what is “efficient” or “effective.” That determination would be left to the discretion of the appointed board. The initiative would require that an “Effectiveness Report” be produced every four years. In addition to describing “progress made in achieving the carbon reduction goals” in the initiative, the report also “must recommend improvements to the implementation of this chapter.” The report, however, would not require any changes, nor would it trigger accountability for missing the targets. Board members whose decisions cause the state to miss the CO2-reudction goals would not be required to step down, to make up the shortfall, or in any other way be accountable for failure. I-1631 is not the answer to a very complicated question, please vote no.

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12 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018


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Business Toolbox By Jerry D. Petrick Certified Business Adviser

The Three (and Only Three) Ways Retail Businesses Can Grow One of the most common challenges I work with businesses with is how to GROW their business. I decided to pull some thoughts together that provide some insights and encouragement to those of you looking to achieve higher sales and more financial success. When it comes to growing a retail business there really are only three ways to grow. You can: • Increase the number of customers you serve. • Increase the average transaction value. • Increase the frequency of customer visits. Is one of these three ways to grow any better than the others? I would argue yes. But it depends — First, it is helpful to engage in a little analysis and self-reflection. Because knowing why you want to grow and which way you intend to grow helps you focus on the variables you can change. Know that all growth requires change. And with change comes some degree of stress. So let’s look at the three ways to grow and some of the changes that may be required.

Growth By Number Of Customers Served This is often the most difficult, and expensive, of the three. Think advertising. Here at the Small Business Development Center clients will often ask us, “Where should I spend money to advertise my business?” That is a loaded question. Before we start building a marketing plan and allocating budget dollars to advertising, we like to educate clients about a couple of key metrics that any business owner should know, the lifetime value of a customer and allowable cost to acquire a customer. Let’s say you own a restaurant and the average sale, or ticket, is $50. Your average customer visits your restaurant six times per year. And they are likely to keep visiting as long as they continue to live in the area and you keep serving up delicious food with great service. Since homeowners sell on average every 7-10 years let’s start there and be conservative at that. $50 per ticket x 6 visits per year x 7 years = $2,100 If you knew that every time you minted a new customer your business would be accruing $2,100 of sales revenue, how much would you invest to get that new customer in the door the first time? Once you know your allowable cost to acquire a new customer you can then hold your advertising dollars accountable. If you choose this route for growth, know that additional spending is going to be needed. Because there is always a cost to growing cus-

tomers. There’s no free lunch (pun intended).

Growing The Average Transaction Value From our restaurant example above, this may be as easy as training your staff on the fine art of suggestive up/cross selling. If you can get more customers opting for drinks, appetizers or desserts your ticket value goes up. Now this may not put a ton of strain on your business financially, but it does require focused effort in the form of staff training. If you own a shoe store and all you stock is shoes you can reasonably predict how much inventory to carry. However, if you decide to add socks, insoles, shoelaces and leather conditioners as pointof-sale upsell items you now may have to increase your inventory purchasing capacity. Once you start changing your merchandise mix with new categories that are logical extensions for your type of customers there will be economic impacts. Your balance sheet will grow as you have more inventory on hand. What will the offset be? Remember – balance sheets must balance! Will you have more debt in the form of vendor financing? Or will your cash on hand go down? There will be impacts to your P&L as well. While vendors may promise to support your efforts to sell their products, beware of the hidden costs of taking on too much inventory.

Increasing The Frequency Of Customer Visits In today’s hyper-connected world this should be easier than ever before. However, modern technology is the double-edged sword. You have countless options to connect with your fans via social media platforms while that also means that you are competing for your customers’ attention with lots of others. Back to our restaurant example. If you had the contact info: email address; home mailing address; mobile phone number (and permission to send text offers) for all of your customers do you think that by reaching out to them directly inviting them back to your restaurant that you could increase the average visit count from six times per year to seven? If you did just that, you could increase your revenues by 17 percent! There are literally hundreds of tactics that can be used under these three ways to grow a business. If you would like some help figuring out how to grow smart the SBDC is here to help. This article was compiled by Jerry Petrick, MBA, and Certified Business Adviser with the Washington State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Longview. Jerry provides nocost, confidential business advisory services by appointment. He can be reached via email November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 13

Business After Hours

Creepy Cutting October's Business After Hours took place at the Cinema of Horrors, appropriate for the Halloween season. Chamber Ambassadors and a number of ghouls and goblins turned out for the ribbon cutting too. The event was hosted by Treadway Events and Entertainment and Cookin' Country 105.5, KUKN, and 101.5 The Wave.

See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

14 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Business After Hours Tuesday, November 13th - 5:30 to 7:30 PM 1215 Commerce Avenue, Longview

t s o H

: y b ed

Stop by for Food, Drinks, Prizes, Promos and Fun! $15 in Advance or $20 at the Door

Register online at

Kelso School District

Longview Public Schools

Superintendent Mary Beth Tack

Superintendent Dan Zorn

Helping students get what we want most As parents, we want certain things for our kids. Second only to happiness, is success. We want our children to do well, live comfortably, and find meaningful work. Setting our children up for success is a key part of the Kelso School District mission, which is: to prepare every student for living, learning, and achieving success as a citizen of our changing world.

Monticello, RA Long earn distinction The Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) announced 91 school across Washington state were named 2018 “Schools of Distinction”. Included in the list were four-time winner R.A. Long High School and first-time winner Monticello Middle School. Being named a school of distinction is a prestigious award recognizing

One of the ways we do that is through a robust Career and Technical Education (CTE) program that includes rigorous courses, classes that cultivate career skills, and those that offer credit toward a postsecondary credential while in high school.

sustained improvement over a five-year period in English/language arts,

Our CTE efforts start in our middle schools, where the libraries/media rooms were updated last year to have more of a career-focused feel. These middle school Career Centers facilitate work around college and career exploration, and do skills and personality assessments. The middle school career specialists work with our high school post-secondary career coordinator to ensure alignment around college and career exploration and planning as students transition to ninth grade.

Monticello Middle School is being recognized for its outstanding

In high school, our students have 53 CTE classes to choose from, and 17 classes that are articulated for college credit. Last year, 944 Kelso students earned college credits, and there were 639 industry certificates issued, including first aid/CPR, food handlers, Stihl Engine Tech, Team Valvoline, child development, forestry management, and more. These add up to real value for our students. One student’s courses, for example, translate to nearly $3,500 in tuition costs at Lower Columbia College. We work to align our offerings with current industry needs as best we can. Attending regional CTE advisory committee meetings where schools hear from businesses helps us ensure we’re working side-byside to support student learning and future success. These meetings are open to local industry and we encourage them to share with us the skills they’re looking for when hiring so we can help our kids be better prepared. We invite you to partner with us in creating the foundations that lead to success for our students and, ultimately, for our local businesses. Learn more about our CTE programs and offerings at khscareertech. com. Interested in attending a CTE advisory meeting? Contact: • Melissa Boudreau, CTE director 360-501-1839, melissa.boudreau@ • Denise Prescott, CTE administrative assistant 360-501-1839, denise. • Nicole Johnson, post-secondary career coordinator 360-501-1830, 16 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

math or graduation rates. Being recognized as a school of distinction means being in the top 5 percent of improvement across the state.

growth in English/language arts and mathematics achievement. The effort and results of Monticello’s dedicated group of teachers and support staff under the leadership of Principal Scott Merzoian has been fantastic. Their relentless focus upon holding high academic expectations while providing instruction that is targeted to meet the identified needs of Monticello’s students has played a significant role in producing improved achievement levels. R.A. Long High School was recognized as a “School of Distinction” for the fourth time. High schools are graded on their graduation rate. R.A. Long’s preliminary 2018 graduation rate is 96 percent, which is one of the highest graduation rates in the state. The teachers, support staff, and administration led by Principal Rich Reeves do amazing work every day. The graduation rate has risen significantly as a result of the focused support the staff provides each of the students they serve. They are not only focused upon the academic needs of their students, but also recognize the incredible importance of meeting the social/emotional needs of the students under their care. We are incredibly proud of the students and staff at Monticello and R.A. Long and that pride extends to the other schools in our district. Overall only five schools in the greater southwest region of Washington state received School of Distinction awards. Two of the region’s five “Schools of Distinction” came from the Longview Public School system. I trust that you share our excitement for receiving this honor. Follow us on Facebook or visit to read about other amazing things our students and their schools are doing.

Friday, December 7, 2018

6:00 pm

at The Civic Circle in Longview

Costume Contest: Friday, 5:30 pm at the Monticello Hotel Packet Pickup: Thursday, December 6, 10:00 am - 5:30 pm at the Monticello Hotel Late Registration: Day of Race: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


th year






to register * by November 30

Register online at

Workforce Southwest Washington By Alyssa Joyner Industry Initiatives Manager

Hiring a Veteran is Good for Your Business

With Veterans Day coming up, it’s the perfect time to thank our veterans for their service and sacrifice. One meaningful way to do that is to consider hiring veterans for your open jobs. Many veterans have qualities, skills and experience that will benefit your business. Military personnel learn multiple skills and are experienced in transitioning to and from various tasks and responsibilities. Veterans have a work history, understand what it means to put in a hard day's work and appreciate the satisfaction of a job well done. Hiring veterans is a great way to tap an already skilled talent pool and to retain a diverse labor force in our state.

Save money by hiring veterans In addition to gaining a qualified, skilled employee, you may also

rity Department, Department of Veterans Affairs, WorkSource, the Washington State Military Transition Council, Washington State SHRM and local chambers of commerce. The program is designed to help employers understand the value of veterans’ skills and get more veterans hired. WorkSource is a partner in this important effort to connect veterans with Washington businesses. If you’re thinking about hiring a veteran, but aren’t sure where to start, simply contact WorkSource. Their veteran staff are experts in the labor market and can help you recruit and hire the right veteran talent. Veterans make incredible employees and helping connect them to jobs is truly one of the best ways that we can thank them for their service.

benefit from tax breaks when you hire veterans. • Federal tax savings. Save money on your federal taxes when you hire eligible veterans through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program. Learn more at opptax/ or • Wage reimbursement. Your company may qualify for up to $5,000 in wage reimbursement if the veteran you hire receives onthe-job-training. WorkSource must screen the candidate and certify they are eligible for the program before their first day of work with your company. Contact WorkSource for assistance. • B&O Tax and PUT credit. Receive a credit against your Business and Occupation (B&O) tax or Public Utility Tax (PUT) from the Washington State Department of Revenue when you hire an unemployed veteran. Go to for information. If you’ve hired a veteran since January 1, 2017, consider signing up for the YesVets program to be recognized for your support. Since its launch in February 2016, more than 700 businesses have hired over

How YesVets works YesVets publicly recognizes employers who actively recruit and hire veterans. By creating a business environment that values employers who commit to hiring veterans, YesVets hopes to continue decreasing veteran unemployment. The YesVets decal presented to employers who have hired a veteran also provides a very public way for both customers and veterans to see that the business supports veterans. Enrolling in YesVets is quick and easy. Visit and enter basic business and contact information. Your local WorkSource veterans employment representative will contact you directly to help you use the job match site to find qualified candidates. Once you’ve hired a veteran, your local veteran’s employment representative will present you with your YesVets decal to proudly display on your business window. You may receive a new decal each year that you participate in the program. To learn more about these programs or for assistance hiring veterans, contact WorkSource Business Solutions Representative Donna Hughes at or 360-578-4259.

3,000 veterans.

What is YesVets? YesVets, a statewide-veterans hiring campaign, created by the Legislature and supported by the Washington State Employment Secu18 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Alyssa Joyner, a Navy veteran, is the industry initiatives manager at Workforce Southwest Washington. She develops partnerships and improves the access of businesses, education and training providers and community organizations to public workforce system programs and services. Reach her at or 503-410-0408.

By Chuck Nau Retail Consultant and Sales and Managment Trainier – Murray & Nau, Inc.

Local, Local, Local ...It's All About Your Local Community With the holiday season soon to be upon us, your local retailers, service providers and small businesses in the Kelso-Longview area continue to find themselves in an ongoing battle to keep their customers, both old and new, at home, in town rather than going down Interstate 5 or onto the Internet! These local retailers, service providers and small businesses know that LOCAL awareness to “who they are” and “what they do” will grow and enrich their local business, service or small company AND the Kelso-Longview community. That LOCAL awareness, the information and guidance about their business and themselves happens through a LOCAL advertising and marketing investment in their LOCAL media. That LOCAL media provides and creates the information resource and marketplace for your community through LOCAL news and advertising. You know, as a local business professional, the importance of investing in your LOCAL hometown or community. What about your customers and clients? What about your community’s retailers, service providers, small businesses, and shoppers (and buyers)? Why should you, your associates, your friends and your neighbors shop locally? Good question! Here are five responses and five community benefits to share with your associates, your friends and your neighbors about the importance and value of shopping at home…shopping in your local Kelso-Longview with your hometown retailers and service providers. • It’s an Investment in Your Community! Shopping and buying in your community is an investment. Your dollars spent locally for goods and services STAY IN YOUR COMMUNITY, helping to build schools and hospitals and fund essential services like police, fire, parks and recreation. • It Fosters Economic Growth Today and Tomorrow! Shopping dollars spent locally help small businesses, owned and operated by your neighbors and friends, GROW. New businesses, both retail and service providers, start up when encouraged by the local economic and vitality. Business growth and new business start-ups increase variety offering a broad assortment of goods

and services...All COMPETITIVELY PRICED. • It’s Giveback! When you shop and buy locally you’re helping your community’s business men and women support a wide range of needed community services and charitable projects...senior centers, local food banks, daycare facilities...with time, talent and money. • It’s FUN and It’s Personal! Errands to run…things to pick up are FUN, easy and convenient to do inasmuch as local merchants and service providers KNOW your community, KNOW you and are AVAILABLE to meet your day to day needs helping to solve life’s little problems. The best advice and the best value, always come from someone you KNOW! • What Goes Around...Comes Around! Investing in local businesses with your shopping dollars fosters growth in your community...adding additional employment opportunities for your family, friends, neighbors and maybe even YOU! Shopping dollars invested locally stay in your community, funding essential services, while possibly REDUCING your tax dollars. Helping the retailers in your community create a public awareness of “who they are” and “what they do or sell” helps your community, your retailer, your business, your family and you GROW. LOCAL advertising and marketing dollars invested in LOCAL media best represent your community through a LOCAL environment of news and advertising creating an information source and marketplace for your community.

© Murray & Nau, Inc. Chuck Nau of Murray and Nau, Inc. is a Seattle area based consultant and sales and management trainer. He is a 25-year veteran of advertising, sales, media and management, who knows and understands the everyday challenges of starting up, growing, and surviving in today’s ever changing retail climate. He has spoken to and conducted workshops for a number of local retail and chamber organizations, national publishing groups, national retailers and manufacturers, state press associations, and newspaper groups. Comments and questions are welcome and may be directed to Chuck via email: or at 425-603-0984. November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 19

In the News

Millennium Bulk CEO Bill Chapman Announces Retirement Four years after becoming President and CEO of Millennium Bulk Terminals – Longview, Bill Chapman has announced his retirement. “I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many leaders and community members in Longview to support this great project,” Chapman said. Chapman joined Millennium as CEO more than four years ago to shepherd Millennium through a very complex phase of the permitting process. His 30-plus year career in permitting was critically important to help the project advance, ultimately obtaining an environmental impact statement that shows that Millennium is designed to protect air and water quality, fish and wildlife, groundwater, and people in accordance with regulatory requirements. While hurdles remain, Chapman said the project is well-positioned for success. “I am delighted the record before the courts is the solid foundation we need to pursue for this site to ultimately realize its potential for hundreds of family-wage jobs in a community that needs them – pipefitters, electricians and operators. Rural Washington is being left behind in our tech-driven economy, and we need projects like Millennium to bridge the economic divide between our rural and urban communities with an essential industrial base.” Under his leadership, Chapman has run a safe operation. “I am proud of the impeccable record my team and I have created over

the last four years for the safety of our workers and the environment in which we work and live. And yes, after 30 years in law practice and four years as CEO of Millennium, I am delighted to be retiring and spending even more time in the mountains and with my wife, Frankie.” Millennium is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lighthouse Resources. With its sister companies under the Lighthouse umbrella that operate coal mines in Montana and Wyoming, Millennium is an important part of an integrated supply chain to deliver western U.S. coal to our energy vulnerable allies in Asia. At full operation, the new coal export facility could help boost annual coal exports by 44 million metric tons and increase the annual value of U.S. exports by more than $2.5 billion. TJ Mangold, Chairman of Lighthouse Resources, said, “We are very grateful for Bill’s contribution over eight years toward developing a world-class export terminal at the site of a former aluminum plant on the Columbia River, first as legal counsel, then as President and CEO. We wish him and Frankie the very best.” Kristin Gaines has been working at Millennium since 2011 and was part of the management team when Chapman joined as President and CEO. She has worked closely with him over the past four years to advance the project and will continue to lead the efforts to build the world-class port facility that is envisioned for the site. Gaines said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Bill. We will miss him. Everyone at Millennium wishes Bill a long, happy and healthy retirement.”

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In the News

PeaceHealth St. John Foundation names new board members

Community invited to comment on Longview's Roy Morse Park future layout and amenities

The PeaceHealth St. John Foundation Board of Directors, responsible for raising funds for vital projects at PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center, welcomes new members Cal Lantz and Angie Leppert. Each member Cal Lantz Angie Leppert of the 30-person board is responsible for reaching out to the community to help raise funds for board-approved projects.

The City of Longview invites community members and user groups to provide input on the future use and layout of the sport and park amenities at Roy Morse Park. The Parks and Recreation Department and the design team will be hosting two days of pop-up studios and open house workshops.

Cal Lantz, PeaceHealth St. John VP for Professional Services (Retired) For more than four decades Cal Lantz played a key role in the dayto-day operations of PeaceHealth St. John. Prior to his retirement in 2016, Lantz held numerous roles including vice president for professional services. In addition to his work for PeaceHealth, Lantz has served on numerous boards in the community as well as professional organizations. Lantz attended Woodrow Wilson High School in Tacoma and graduated from Washington State University College of Pharmacy. Lantz says he chooses to serve on the PeaceHealth St. John Foundation Board because “PeaceHealth is a vital and needed partner in the community. PeaceHealth St. John has played a major part in my life and now I’d like to work to make sure the hospital remains a vital, sustainable part of our community.”

Roy Morse Park is a 60-acre park and is currently home to two baseball fields, four softball fields, and two practice soccer fields as well as other recreation activities. The city is beginning a park master planning process that will help define a long-term vision and guide future improvements. Community members are invited to take part in the design of this park and are welcome to drop in anytime. The desired outcome of the meeting is to compile the community’s goals and wishes for the park and work to address the needs of the users and the facility now and in the future. The open houses are an opportunity for everyone – residents, visitors, and stakeholders – to review and discuss each concept with city staff and the design team. An online survey will be available for participants to help determine park priorities and goals for the master plan.

Angie Leppert, Fibre Federal Credit Union Angie Leppert is the senior vice president of marketing and human resources at Fibre Federal Credit Union. Raised in Marysville, Leppert went on to earn degrees from the Art Institute of Seattle, Lower Columbia College and Washington State University. Leppert moved to Longview in 1996 to launch her career in banking. Her service to PeaceHealth St. John began several years ago as a Foundation committee member. She said, “I was deeply impressed with the Foundation’s vision and strong impact – supporting numerous programs and objectives which are vital to the overall health of the community.”

Community Festival of Nativities Nov. 30, Dec. 1, Dec. 2 4 to 9 pm - Music each hour - - Free Admission The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 900 11th Ave., Longview


A community of banks. Helping your business reach new heights.

Heritage Bank offers a full range of commercial lending services from construction loans to SBA loans to lines of credit. Our experts will work with you for solutions that fit your business now and into the future. Contact us to learn more. Kelso 1000 South 13th Ave. 360.423.7800 Longview 927 Commerce Ave. 360.423.9800 | 800.455.6126 | Member FDIC

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 21

The Executive Corner By Frank McShane Square Peg Consulting

Retaining Good Employees in a Tight Labor Market

Here in the Lower Columbia region, we may not yet be feeling the effects of a tight labor market to quite the same degree as Portland and Seattle. However, there are some trends underway that indicate we will be affected more over time. Here are some eye-opening statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor: • 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring EACH DAY – that’s as if, over the past week, the cities of Kelso and Longview quit working! • By 2021 (a little over two years away), 51 percent of the workforce will be Millennials. They will be coming with less experience than we are used to seeing (the “skinny” resume).

place that needs to be addressed immediately. It will not only cost you in terms of employee turnover, but the employees who stay or have no other place to go will give you just the minimal effort to get by and keep the boss off their backs. Understanding what people want from their work helps us know what motivates each employee and how to treat/keep them. The chart below shows the results of a Gallup study on what Millennials are looking for from company leadership and how that has changed from the past. I suggest that this applies to all employees, even though the expectations of our older workers may be lower.

To make matters worse, one in three employees quit their new jobs within six months! So, after all the effort to bring on the right person for the role, they might leave us just as they are getting up to speed. Here, in descending order, are the Top 5 reasons for unwanted employee turnover (Harvard Business Review):

5. Employees feel undervalued and under-appreciated

4. Below market compensation packages

3. Stunted growth, including lack of coaching, guidance, and


2. Mismatch between job responsibilities and new hire qualifications/capabilities (including lack of specifics about the job role and associated responsibilities)

1. Terrible boss

As you can see, only No. 4 might cost money, if you are paying below market. The others require attention, intention, and maybe some adjustment in how we go about managing our people, but little to no extra cost. If No. 1, the terrible boss/supervisor, is a problem in your work

22 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Where is the focus in your company regarding your employees? If it tends more on the “Past” side of the chart, you can expect increased unwanted turnover going forward and less productivity from your longerterm employees. With a focus on the “Future” side of the chart, you will come a long way in establishing your company as a preferred employer. With that comes a better choice of candidates, more engagement from new and existing employees, and more productivity overall. You will be better positioned to keep the employees you want instead of having to constantly compete in a tough labor market. Frank McShane is president of Square Peg Consulting. To provide questions or comments contact him at or 360562-1077.

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At Mountain View Commercial Contracting, we offer a full range of services. Mountain View is here to help you every step of the way with your ground up construction project.

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Business Connection Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2018 Kelso-Longview Business Connection monthly newsletter is published the first of each month, posted electronically on our website and over 6,400 emailed to local business professionals, city and county officials. To be included in this monthly email, simply call the Chamber office at 360-423-8400. Size 1/16 Page 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page

1 - 3 Issues

4-7 Issues

8-10 Issues

12 Issues

$110 $175 $205 $325 $625

$90 $140 $170 $290 $570

$70* $105* $140* $245* $480*

$50* $75* $100* $190* $400*

Dimension 2" x 2.5" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 2.5" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 5.25" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 10.5" (V) or 8" x 5.25" (H) 8" x 10.5" (*Includes ad on website)

All ads include full color and any design work. Deadline is the 21st of the month prior to publication. Digital files: PDF, Tiff and JPEG. Non-Members of the Kelso-Longview Chamber of Commerce please add 30% to above rates. See back for size examples. To advertise or request additional information please contact Amy Hallock at 360-423-8400 or or CEO Bill Marcum at 360-423-8400 or

Advertising Agreement

Date: _____________

Business Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________ Cell: __________________________ Address: City: _____________________________________________________ Zip_______________ Email: ____________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________

Number of Issues: 12 month agreement


Credit card


Plus Web Ad: 300W X 100H. Ads can be changed monthly. Signature__________________________________

Ad Rep Signature___________________________

Longview Downtowners By Lindsey Cope President

Small Business Saturday Kicks Off Season

I sure do not know where this year has gone, but this last quarter is going out with a bang for downtown Longview! October brought new store grand openings: congratulations to Ashes and Embers, Golden Ladder Interiors and Realty One Pacifica! We are thrilled at their enthusiasm and their passion for locating downtown! The end of September/October marks anniversaries for a few of our newer businesses. Congratulations to Posh on Commerce, J Squared Barrel House and Mill City Grill! October also brings about Halloween and our annual Trick or Treat Downtown Longview. This year, more than 50 businesses participated in handing out treats to hundreds of local kids. The sidewalks were filled with excitement, or maybe that was just the sugar rush… We are so grateful for the community that is downtown Longview! As October turns into November, we are gearing up for Small Business Saturday, Nov. 24. Small Business Saturday is a national move-

ment started by American Express to encourage people to shop “small” through the holiday season. We will begin promoting events and deals from our Longview Downtowners at longviewdowntowners. We are confident that as details are released our amazing community will hold off some Black Friday shopping and instead purchase gift cards and other goods from our amazing businesses. Also, we will be hosting a “pop-up market” in one, or a few, current downtown vacancies for additional options. It is going to be such a fun day downtown! Our next meetings are scheduled for Nov. 8. Our 8 a.m. meeting will take place at the Creekside Café and our 3 p.m. meeting location will be announced shortly. All that are interested in the promotion, preservation and development of downtown Longview are welcome to attend! Come see, shop, eat, drink and play in Historic Downtown Longview!

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November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 25

Wellness in the Workplace By Susie Griffin Corporate and Personal Health Services

How Well Is Your Organization’s Ethical Culture? What is an ethical culture and how is it important to your com-

naissance mission to find out the staff member’s name and report

pany’s well-being? An organization’s ethical culture is defined by the

them to their direct manager. The executive level manager’s behavior,

sum of its formal and informal systems’ assumptions, values and

my client said, was a direct contradiction to what the organization

beliefs and the way in which these are communicated through for-

said they promoted: a safe environment in which to voice concerns

mal and informal communication streams. The executive leadership

or complaints. Instead of taking time to give the employee real face

team, or the formal system, directly, or indirectly through middle

time to listen and validate their concerns, the executive level man-

management, creates and manages the rules, policies and norms of

ager chose a more manipulative game of subterfuge. This, along with

behavior expected of all the organization’s staff.

other unethical behavior examples from the executive level manager,

The goal of the executive leadership team, human resources, organizational integrity and ethics committee, or any other department

finally drove my client to seek employment with another, more ethical company.

that regulates the organization’s ethics, is to show and demonstrate

This story is one reason why the Ethisphere Institute created BELA,

consistent images and messages that align with the organization’s as-

the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance. The Ethisphere Institute is

sumptions, values and beliefs. This action helps guide the informal

an organization that “defines and measures corporate ethical stan-

system, or the workforce’s, behavior in the same direction and devel-

dards, recognizes companies that excel, and promotes best prac-

ops a strong ethical culture.

tices in corporate ethics.”3 The Business Ethics Leadership Alliance

Having a strongly aligned ethical culture is critical to an organization’s well-being. In fact, it is one of the influencers of employee retention. For example, in a 2006 study, 82 percent of working Americans reported that they would prefer to be paid less to work for an ethical company than be paid more to work for an unethical company.1 Importantly, more than a third of people say that they’ve left a job because they disagreed with the company’s ethical standards.2 Many years ago, a client shared with me a story that served as a testament to how unethical behavior can disrupt staff relations and result in a weak ethical culture. Late one night, my client was volunteering their time, serving a special Thanksgiving dinner to the nightshift workers alongside a fellow executive level manager. A member of the staff came in to get their meal. Instead of giving the expected, compliant dose of gratitude, the night shift staff member immediately began sharing their frustrations about not having the same meal service as the day shift. My client remembered being surprised not only to the fact that the manager took personal offense to the staff member’s delivery of frustrations, but then began a recon-

26 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

(BELA), was created to help inform and shape leadership behavior and corporate culture. Additionally, the Ethisphere Institute comprises a list of the World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Companies are evaluated on their Corporate Citizenship and Responsibility, Ethics and Compliance Program, Corporate Governance Leadership, Innovation and Reputation, and Culture of Ethics4. Lastly, regardless of your company size or type of work or service, consistent ethical communication and behavior are critical in building a strong ethical culture. Ensuring that your company’s internal and external streams of communication, either written (forms, letters, policies, etc.), electronic (email, website, Facebook, Twitter), and oral (meetings, performance reviews, speeches, presentations, etc.), are undeviating from the company’s values and moral codes of conduct, will extinguish any news, rumors, impressions or perceptions that indicate otherwise. 1,2

Trevino, L.K, & Nelson, K.A. (2014). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about

how to do it right (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 9781118801697 3,4

October Ambassador of the Month Carrie Medack Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation


Officer Two-time Honoree for 2018

This is the second time this year Carrie Medack has

In addition to her Chamber Ambassador duties, Me-

earned the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce’s

dack is a member of the Kelso-Longview Elks, Ladies

Ambassador of the Month honor. She was last chosen

of the Elks, where, from time to time, she shows off

in April.

her hidden talent of lip-synch performances.

Medack is a mortgage loan officer with Diamond

Chamber Ambassadors, known as the Red Coats, are

Residential Mortgage, where she believes in walking

an integral part of the Chamber of Commerce. The Am-

each customer through the origination process and

bassador team is made up of active Chamber volunteers

remaining actively involved with them through clos-

whose responsibilities include meeting and greeting at

ing. She tries to make the process painless and is motivated by the smile on a customer’s face as she hands them the keys to their new home.

Chamber events, welcoming new members and assisting at ribbon cuttings and community events. Ambassadors juggle busy professional careers while making

Medack has been a mortgage lending professional

time to assist the Chamber at a variety of events year

since 1998 and a Chamber Ambassador since 1991.

long. If you would be interested in wearing a red coat

She donned a red coat as a way to network with other

and representing the Chamber, contact CEO Bill Mar-

business leaders.

cum at the Chamber office.

Ambassador Carrie Medack participating in a recent Chamber event

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There’s a Difference. November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 27

New Members Add your business to our growing membership – Call 360-423-8400 Today!

Mary Kay Cosmetics Sondra Sampson 12 Greensview Ln. Longview, WA 98632 808-554-8353

Business Association with opportunities to promote trade through Chamber socials, special events and committee participation. • Annual Meeting and Banquet • Networking Events • Committee Participation • Business Contacts • Quarterly Membership Meetings

Realty One Group Pacifica Brad Whittaker 1322 Commerce Ave. Longview, WA 98632 360-560-2402

Representation through action committees, candidate forums and up-to-date action alerts. • Legislative Representation • Issues Tracking and Information • Task Forces • Candidate Forums • Legislative Update Breakfast • Demographics Publication

• Civic Representation • Monthly Business After Hours

Business Services include marketing for your business, referrals and access to Chamber publications and research data. • Mailing Labels • Membership Window Decals • Member Referrals • Ribbon Cutting • Website Links • Member to Member Discounts • Membership Directory • Tax Deduction • Newsletter • Business Card Display • Use of Chamber Logo 28 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Packages Basic Membership Package – $275 or $26 per month. Bronze Membership Package – $500 or $46.66 per month. Silver Membership Package – $1,000 or $86.33 per month. Gold Membership Package – $2,500 or $211.33 per month. Platinum Membership Package – $5,000 or $416.66 per month. Diamond Club Membership Package – $10,000 or $834 per month. Nonprofit Package – $180 or $18 per month.

Welcome Back!

The Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce would like to give a SHOUT OUT and a big THANK YOU to the following loyal members for renewing their partnership with us.

Advanced Message & Dispatch Beacon Hill Rehabilitation Bob Beal Insurance Agency Inc. – State Farm Building Industry Association of Clark County Cascade Select Market Columbia River Reader Davis & Associates, CPAs, PS Eldon Robbins Auto Sales, Inc. Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region Happy Kids Dentistry Longview Downtowners Longview Pawnbrokers North Pacific Paper Corporation/NORPAC Performance Sheet Metal, Inc. Prographyx Stageworks Northwest Stewart Title Three Rivers Mall Youth & Family Link

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 29

Ribbon Cuttings

Art Opening

Chamber Ambassadors were able to participate in the unveiling of the mural under Kelso's Allen Street Bridge.

See more photos and the video on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

Elam's celebrated the opening of its mattress gallery early in October.

30 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Ribbon Cuttings

Pearly Whites

The group was all smiles for Happy Kids Dentistry's ribbon cutting. Hani Eid, DDS, and Hazar Jaber.

See more photos and the video on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

Congratulations to the City of Kelso on the completion of its 2 million gallon Minor Road Reservoir serving Kelso’s residents and businesses.

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 31

Ribbon Cuttings

Interior Designs Hollie Burns, Golden Ladder Interiors owner, recently opened the downtown Longview store.

See more photos and the video on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

MaryAnn and Brad Whittaker opened the doors to their Commerce Avenue offices for Realty One Group Pacifica.

32 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018


January 15: Specialty Rents February 12: PeaceHealth March 12: Business and Tourism Expo April 9: Three Rivers Christian School May 14: Life Works June 11: Antidote July 9: Three Rivers Eye Center August 13: Monticello Park Prestige September 11: Cowlitz County Title October 8: Steele Chapel November 12: Silver Star December 10: Monticello Hotel (Holiday Mixer)



NOVEMBER 29 5:30 TO 7:30 PM $20 (Includes Food) Kelso Eagles 609 S. Pacific, Kelso

FOOD FUN BEVERAGES PRI,ES Wear your FAN Spirit and support your TEAM! Register at: www.

Lower Columbia Professionals

Happy Halloween

Linda Jacobs, Lonnie Knowles and friends got into the holiday spirit early at the Lower Columbia Professionals gathering.

eBill Consistent Courteous Complete Title and Escrow Services

1425 Maple Street • Longview, WA 98632


Sign up TODAY





computer. tablet. phone. sign up today at 360.423.2210 or

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection 35

Chamber Connection


Janet Kolbo, owner of J Square Barrel House, celebrating one-year in business with us.

New Chamber member Jessica Hogman with Jammie's Environmental.

“Your Chamber Connection� EVERY Wednesday Hosts of the Show: Carey Mackey, Red Canoe Credit Union; Karen Sisson, Stewart Title; and Russ Chittock, Enlivant Would you like an opportunity to be on Your Chamber Connection or to have more information about the qualifications of an open house or ribbon cutting? Contact Bill or Amy at the Chamber 360-423-8400 36 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | November 2018

Chamber Connection

Two Thumbs Up

Longview Fire Department's Dave Lamb and Sasquatch Barbecue's Matt Crawford gave the thumbs up, promoting their partnership in fundraising Coats for Kids.

Brad Whittaker just opened Realty One Group Pacific on Commerce Avenue. Caryl McMains promoting Southwest Wasington SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)

Roberto Gonzales, Eye Clothing Company, is opening a new location on Commerce Avenue.

Stream live at Local guest and current events

November 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection 37

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