Volume 10, Issue 3
Business Connection Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce
In October, Nicole Tideman with Walstead Mertsching helped local business owners understand the new paid family and sick leave laws at the Chamber's Small Business Boot Camp class.
Chamber CEO’s Message By Bill Marcum
Boot Camp classes leave an imprint in the business community A little more than six years ago when I
Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Team Bill Marcum, CEO Amy Hallock Project Manager Pam Fierst Visitor Information Center and Office Manager
Kelso Longview Business Connection is published monthly by the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce 105 N. Minor Road • Kelso, WA 98626 • 360-423-8400 To advertise, call Bill Marcum, 360-423-8400 or email bmarcum@ Ad Deadline: 20th of each month
interviewed for the position of CEO for the Kelso Longview Chamber, I was asked, “As the new CEO what would you do that most Chambers do not do to help local businesses be successful?” My response was easy. As a Chamber member for 30 years – in Ashland, Pendleton and Albany, Ore., as well as Yakima, Longview and Enumclaw, Wash. – the one thing I wanted from the Chamber was education for my staff and myself. I wanted an opportunity that did not include driving to Portland or Seattle, spending the night and attending a $695 class for the day or day and a half. That day I started thinking about how the Chamber could provide low-cost training for local, small business owners. The outcome was Small Business Boot Camp. March 9 begins our 95th Boot Camp class, with number 100 scheduled for April 13. We have sponsored 24 classes on the financial pieces of running a business like reading a financial statement, budgeting, purchasing, pricing and overseeing expense control, to name a few. We have hosted 24 classes on human resource issues like figuring out the new marijuana law, hiring and firing, updating your employee handbook, hiring the right person for the job and many others. We
have had 18 classes on social media, exploring everything from Facebook to search engine optimiation, and how to use Facebook to engage customers. We highlighted 11 classes on marketing, advertising and sales. The six classes we are featuring starting March 9 are on what we call boardmanship, or how to succeed in the role of board member. When complete this will mark 24 classes on this subject. A couple years ago one of my board members asked why boardmanship is part of the Chamber goal of helping local businesses be more successful. I think it might be the most important series of classes we offer and here’s why. First, who serves on most of our local nonprofit boards? Look in the mirror; it’s local business people – owners, managers, employees and the family of employees. Research shows that locally owned businesses donate more than twice the amount large business contribute, both in time and money. I never want to see one of our local business leaders’, who is volunteering for a nonprofit orgaFor more Boot Camp, see page 2
Boot Camp, continued from page 1 At a recent Boot Camp, Certified Business Adviser Jerry Petrick from the Small Business Development Center talks about building profits through customer loyalty.
nization, name in the newspaper trying to justify something the board did or did not do. Yes, there are times when it is just inevitable; however, most of the time it’s because the organization did not follow proper protocol, which is easy to do when you have 15 to 30 volunteer (local business people) in a room if they are not familiar with the bylaws of the organization and the requirements of the state of Washington. The goal of the Boot Camp boardmanship series is to help provide an understanding of the state of Washington’s expectations and how to work with the CEO/executive director and other board members to fulfill the mission of the organization. If you are a new board member for any of our fabulous nonprofit organizations, or the incoming president, you should not miss this opportunity to learn more about your responsibilities and financial accountability for the organization you just volunteered to lead and direct into the future.
Here is the schedule: March 9 – Gary Healea – Role of the Board vs the CEO March 16 – Chris Bailey, LCC – Succession Planning March 23 – Jennifer Leach – Handling Conflict March 30 – Scott Davis – Financial Accountability April 6 – Jennifer Leach – Facilitating and Leading Meetings April 13 – Frank McShane – Working as a Team Friday mornings, 7:30 to 9 a.m., in the Heritage Room at the Lower Columbia College administration building. Call the Chamber to register, 360-423-8400, only 30 spots are available. Please see page 3 for details.
Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Linda DiLembo, President
Clayton J. Bartness, DC Longview Chiropractic Clinic
Nick Lemiere Edward Jones
Ken Botero Longview City Council
Chris Roewe Woodford Commercial Real Estate
Neil Zick, Treasurer
Bob Crisman Gallery of Diamonds
Tom Rozwod NORPAC/Weyerhaeuser
Michael Claxton, Legal Counsel
Wendy Hutchinson Millennium Bulk Terminals
Ted Sprague Cowlitz Economic Development Council
Lance Welch, Past President PeaceHealth-St. John
Marlene Johanson Heritage Bank
Steve Taylor Kelso City Manager
Chris Bailey Lower Columbia College
Wendy Kosloski Teague's Interiors
Dennis Weber Cowlitz County Commissioner
Three Rivers Mall
Frank Panarra, President Elect Foster Farms
Bianca Lemmons, Vice President Cowlitz County Title Twin City Bank
Walstead Mertsching
2 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
2018 Small Business
BOOT CAMP 2018 Series begins Friday, March 9 Friday Mornings ★ Lower Columbia College
7:30 am - 9 am ★ Heritage Room at LCC - Admin. Bldg.
bOARDMANSHIP six pack March 9
Sponsored by:
Role of the Board vs the CEO Facilitator: Gary Healea, PNE Corp.
March 16 Succession Planning Facilitator: Chris Bailey, President, LCC March 23 Handling Conflict (colors of the board) Facilitator: Jennifer Leach, WSU Extension Faculty March 30 Financial Accountability Facilitator: Scott Davis, CPA, Davis and Associates, CPAs April 6
Facilitating and Leading Meetings (Roberts Rules) Facilitator: Jennifer Leach, WSU Extension Faculty
April 13
Working as a Team Facilitator: Frank McShane, Square Peg Consulting
No pricing change since 2013!
100 Members
★ $160 Non-Members
human resource Six Pack Starts May 4
❝ The Boardmanship Boot Camp is perfect for those boards who want to go to the next level. From basic board principles to finances to strategic planning, it has everything your board needs to make the next year what you want it to be. If you’re sick of just getting by and want to be an active board of directors to help your non-profit, I highly recommend this Boot Camp for you. Gary Chapin KLTV Board President
Cowlitz County Commissioners By Dennis Weber
Dangers ahead: How do we face the challenges?
There are dangers ahead. The fine quality of place that attracts people to this corner of God’s green earth (i.e. adequate transportation and housing, affordable healthcare, quality schools, safe neighborhoods, parks, urban forests, access to camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation, our theaters and museums) requires a growing tax base. It is very evident that statewide our current tax structure grows at a fine pace when the economy grows. But here in Cowlitz County we have yet to recover from the Great Recession that began in 2008. While property assessments have increased recently, we are just now reaching 2008 assessment levels, according to County Assessor Terry McLaughlin. Local government revenues are hard-pressed to keep pace with even the modest inflation we have come to expect to say nothing about the additional mandates coming from state government. While cities have coped a little better because they collect 85 percent of the more robust sales taxes, other local governments heavily dependent on the property tax (i.e. fire districts and the county), must work within the 1 percent revenue growth limits from those taxes. The main exception to that rule is growth. What is the path forward? Talk of significant new taxes is like asking to squeeze blood from turnips. Voters increasingly say “NO!” So if we want to preserve our quality of place, we need two strategies: we must not only nurture and encourage growth in our traditional industries, but we must encourage diversification, as well. On the north shore of the Columbia River, Cowlitz County is ideally situated to provide import/export services for private investors, especially since the federal government recently spent hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to deepen that shipping channel. Indeed, the import of steel and the export of grains, including soy beans, corn, and wheat to Asia plus that of silicon, paper, processed chicken and lumber around the world has been a resounding success for the recovery we have begun in the long journey away from the Great Recession. This past year I have toured the major employment centers along our waterfront, from the industrial equipment manufactured at Woodland’s U.S. Natural Resources, Kalama’s Steelscape, silicon crystals grown at Longview’s Epson Toyocom, both of the state-of-the-art grain terminals at Longview and Kalama, paper mills at KapStone and NORPAC, and sawmills at Northwest Hardwoods, just to name a few. What an amazing, impressive display of private entrepreneurship, connecting capital resources to customers in markets here in America and overseas, bringing natural resources grown locally and brought in from elsewhere and adding value, creating good-paying, family-wage jobs for the hardworking men and women raising their families here. And this economy has made possible the fine quality of place that attracts new residents, tourists, and investors. We must continue to encourage efforts to grow it. 4 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
Efforts to diversify our economy haven’t fared so well, especially since the collapse of the aluminum industry. Epson Toyocom is one positive step in that direction and hopefully the improving world economy will allow them to expand here. Another hopeful sign is the recent announcement from the city of Longview regarding the lease of the abandoned water treatment plant along Fisher’s Lane to a data mining and storage company. Both of these are attracted here because of Cowlitz PUD’s favorable electricity rates. Two other major billion dollar developments haven’t been so successful. The $1 billion proposal to build a major coal-exporting terminal at a portion of the abandoned Reynolds Metals site will bring low-sulphur coal from Montana and Wyoming by unit trains to meet demands in Asia for cleaner coal options as they cope with significant power and pollution challenges. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Seattle is sitting on a virtually complete environmental impact statement waiting for the state to complete permitting action. However, the powerful interest groups controlling Washington state are opposed to coal in any form and, led by our Governor, state bureaucrats are abusing their regulatory responsibilities to stop the proposal at all costs. Six years and $15 million in permit fees and studies and still no cooperation from the state. The $2 billion proposal for Kalama’s North Port transforms natural gas into methanol which would be shipped to China for further refinement into a variety of household products. Currently, that nation is burning coal to produce methanol but they are willing to invest in America to utilize cleaner natural gas with the newest technology to significantly reduce emissions. But again Washington state bureaucrats are making unreasonable demands through the permitting process. The company’s agreement to use the newest technology to beat the state’s own pollution limits isn’t enough for the nay-sayers in Olympia. The state is, I believe, violating the federal constitution in its interference with both interstate commerce and foreign trade by insisting on making the perfect enemy of the good. And the collateral damage is being felt by Cowlitz County citizens enmeshed in poverty. Sixty percent of Longview grade schoolers qualify for free or reduced lunches, 40 percent of Cowlitz County residents are enrolled in Medicaid, health insurance for low-income families. Our families earn 30 percent less (median household incomes) than the Washington average. We need your help in stopping the state of Washington from making unreasonable demands in an irrational permitting process best described as “death by a thousand cuts.” Write to members of Congress and ask them to intervene on our behalf, after all, as you learned in your high school American government class, regulating foreign trade and interstate commerce is the exclusive domain of Congress. Earlier this month I went to Washington, D.C. and spoke with folks in the administration and on Capitol Hill regarding these issues, as well as other issues of local importance. I think they are beginning to get the message.
Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments
By Bill Fashing Executive Director
Thursday March 1 – 7:30-8:30am Ambassador Meeting Columbia Bank Wednesday March 7 – 7:30-8:30am Education Foundation Longview School District March 7 – 3-7pm Building Bridges Business & Tourism Expo Cowlitz County Event Center Friday March 9–April 13 - 7:30am Small Business Boot Camp (Six consecutive Fridays) Tuesday March 13 – Noon Chamber Executive Board Mill City Grill March 13 – 5:30-7:30pm Business After Hours J2 Barrel House Thursday March 15 – 6-8pm Lower Columbia Professionals Cattywampus Carnival fundraiser
Regional economic development planning
Update: In December the Chamber newsletter published an article about the formation of an Economic Development District (EDD) to serve Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties. A critical component to operating as an Economic Development District is adoption of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS is a requirement of the Economic Development Administration (EDA) to maintain funding eligibility for the region. Before EDA will consider funding a project, it must be included in the CEDS.
The CEDS draft document includes: • A summary background of the economic conditions of the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum region, • An analysis of the regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, • A strategic direction and action plan providing the link between the region’s economy and the projects identified to address regional economic needs. • A way to evaluate the implementation of
The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum CEDS is the result of the CEDS and the impact on the regional an extensive regional planning process designed to economy. guide the economic growth of the area. It was developed using a collaborative process and includes priorities and goals to support development of more jobs, foster a stable and diversified economy and improve quality of life. The CEDS lists specific projects identified to enhance the region’s competitiveness. With the draft complete, the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) is accepting public comments on the proposed CEDS which is available on the website. A 30 daypublic comment period began Feb. 20. Comments can be accepted via email to bfashing@ Your views and comments concerning the proposed CEDS are encouraged.
The Moose Lodge Tuesday March 20 – Noon Chamber Board Meeting Mill City Grill Thursday March 29 – 11:45am-1:30pm Quarterly Luncheon State of Education Cowlitz County Event Center Every Wednesday Chamber Connections KEDO/1400 AM or 99.1 FM 3-4pm Stream live at
March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 5
City of Kelso
City of Longview
By City Manager Steve Taylor
By City Councilman Ken Botero
Solving the city street funding puzzle
Three steps to quality of place
“Why is the city repaving Main Street when you can lose a car in the potholes in front of my home?” This very question, or slight variation of it, has been asked of nearly every city elected or appointed official – at least 11 times. It’s a very thoughtful question, though. And the answer often comes down to “money.”
I have always promoted our trek to build a quality of place in the city of Longview. Recently, I started thinking about what is a quality of place? Talking to several local residents about their definition for quality of place I have the feeling quality of place involves three basic concepts in the city of Longview:
Cities’ general operations are paid for from the general (or current expense) fund. Property, sales, and utility taxes make up the majority of funds and are supplemented by license fees and other charges for services. Public safety services like police and fire protection typically consume one-half or more of these resources, with parks, development services, financial administration, and executive/legislative departments dividing the remainder between them. In Washington, cities receive a portion of the state’s motor vehicle fuel tax (MVFT) to pay for street maintenance, but the amount barely pays for half of basic needs. The general fund typically picks up the tab for what’s left to ensure traffic signals operate, directional signage meet safety standards, and potholes get patched. However, funding street construction and preservation requires a more complex and creative approach. Most local governments work to leverage their limited dollars for street project design, right-of-way acquisition and construction by acquiring grants offered through state and federal programs whose source of funding is primarily through fuel taxes. In order to score well in the competitive selection process, street projects are prioritized by their functional classification, traffic counts, and physical condition. Obviously, a high-traffic thoroughfare in a commercial or industrial district is going to receive preference to the five-block stretch of pockmarked residential roadway in a sleepy neighborhood. But…we all pay taxes and want to have good roads to drive on. So where does the money come to fix roads that won’t ever score well on grant applications? In Kelso, Yew Street and Minor Road both fell into the quandary described by the question above. In both instances, residential collector streets serving high quantities of daily traffic were in significant disrepair, but neither restoration project had the hope of being awarded a state or federal grant. The city decided to leverage its revenue from its Transportation Benefit District formed in 2013 ($20 annual license tab) to pay the debt service on $3.5 million in general obligation bonds issued in a very favorable interest rate environment – averaging 2.5 percent over 20 years. Both projects were completed in 2017 and greatly enhanced the level of transportation utility in the South Kelso and Butler Acre neighborhoods. Unfortunately, funding low-traffic neighborhood streets is very difficult given the age of Kelso’s infrastructure and lack of necessary drainage facilities in low-lying areas. The city works with state advocacy organizations lobbying the legislature for increased street maintenance funding, but the state’s own budgetary priorities and constraints make this objective difficult to achieve. Local funding options such as auto license fees, sales taxes, property tax levies, and local improveFor more Kelso, see page 7 6 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
What activities are going on in the community?
What is the atmosphere within the community?
Who are the residents and what is their commitment to being engaged?
What activities are going on in Longview? There are many exciting street activities such as 5K/10K events and a catalog of activities through the Longview Parks and Recreation department. The awesome members of the service clubs provide help in the community. The centers for performing arts, such as the historic Columbia Theater, Stageworks Northwest and Lower Columbia College, just to name a few, provide entertainment. By the way, we do boast two outstanding golf courses, Mint Valley Municipal Golf Course and the Longview Country Club. (There are a few others within a short distance). What is the local atmosphere in the city of Longview? Visiting Longview is a journey with the beauty of the Columbia River and the awesome view of the hills and mountains that surround the beautiful Cowlitz Valley. It’s a short distance to the Pacific Ocean, the exciting Mount St. Helens volcano or to the cities of Vancouver and Portland. Most important, we have an atmosphere of community residents that support each other in building something positive, our quality of place. I will admit we, like most cities, do have issues we work on to provide positive results. Who are the residents and what is their commitment to being engaged? The community of Longview is a proud community and we display we are “Longview Proud” in all we do. We are a community that strives to welcome anyone to join our family in Longview. Our residents take pride in our educational systems, support our local safety programs such as the police and fire departments, and we support our local shopping ventures, which are growing with the commitment to shop local. If you are looking for guidance or a friend, catch the next citizen coming your direction. We welcome anyone that has the goal of an awesome family life and desire to be a part of the adventure. With pride I invite all of you to join in a very positive adventure including family life, business, and professional dreams here in the jewel of the northwest, Longview. We have the dream and the desire to build that quality of place and provide each of our residents with a positive quality of life. Thank you for letting me brag.
Kelso, continued from page 6 ment districts are available, but require significant public outreach, understandably, given the financial impact these measures have on homeowners and businesses. One way to keep ahead of street preservation is to conduct consistent planning. This effort identifies and prioritizes pavement deficiencies and directs a smaller investment per road mile today patching and sealing surfaces before sinking entire annual budgets into expensive reconstruction efforts. However, in those all-too-often cases where regular maintenance hasn’t been performed, new local funds will be necessary to bring roadways up to minimum safety standards.
“First Class Service at Fibre Federal.”
Every city, rich or poor, has its issues with bad roads, and Kelso is no different. Fortunately, the Kelso team has employed many of the creative tools available in obtaining new dollars and leveraging existing funding to both preserve and build new roadways that serve our community. Having a healthy road system is an essential “quality of life” component, and that’s why it remains a top priority for the city.
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March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 7
Workforce Southwest Washington By Cass Parker Senior Industry Initiatives Manager
Any industry can grow its own skilled workforce through apprenticeships
Since mid-2016, there has been quite a buzz about apprenticeship across the U.S. This is particularly true in Washington state with Gov. Jay Inslee leading the charge by awarding $6.4 million in Career Connect Washington grants to 11 communities. At the same time, there has been a great deal of talk about the need to create more jobs. Workforce Southwest Washington (WSW) has been investing in career-connected opportunities for youth for several years and given special attention to cultivating the apprenticeship conversation with businesses, education partners, apprenticeship organizations and Labor and Industries during the past year and half. What we’ve learned in southwest Washington is that many businesses are unable to fill open positions with qualified candidates, and they are looking for new ways to develop a skilled workforce. Apprenticeship is one very promising answer to this workforce dilemma. Ask for a definition of apprenticeship and you will typically receive a short answer. For some, apprenticeship is defined as “work in the trades.” Others take it a step further and equate apprenticeship specifically with “union work in select industries, such as construction and manufacturing.” Then there are folks who say, “apprenticeship doesn’t apply to my industry,” and don’t give it a second thought. While the first two statements are true, the last is false. Apprenticeship is widely misunderstood and often regarded as something that is less than…as in less than college. It is time to change this false mindset and begin looking to apprenticeship for the opportunity it is – the opportunity to earn while you learn in a multitude of industries. Yes, apprenticeship is prevalent in the trades, and trade unions lead the way with fantastic training programs. However, apprenticeship requires post-secondary learning, combining classroom or online instruction with practical on-thejob training, while the employee is earning a living. In late 2017, WSW was awarded one of the Career Connect Wash-
ington grants. A portion ($300,000) of this grant is devoted to developing and expanding registered apprenticeships in southwest Washington. WSW is working with employers to build and expand registered apprenticeships in both manufacturing and health care across the area. In Cowlitz County, development of several manufacturing apprenticeships is being discussed with employers and the Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Council (AJAC). In health care, a medical assistant apprenticeship is in development for Great Rivers Behavioral Health in partnership with Lower Columbia College. The goal is to have at least 20 trainees enter apprenticeships in southwest Washington by September 2019, with 10 apprentices in manufacturing and 10 in health care. According to the Department of Labor, for every dollar spent on apprenticeship, employers get approximately $1.50 in return on investment. So, what are businesses and job seekers missing? They are missing the opportunity to be part of developing a skilled workforce in ANY industry. Apprenticeships can be developed for many occupations in nearly every industry, and apprenticeship often leads to industry-recognized certificates or credentials, making apprentices stellar candidates in any industry. In addition to the apprenticeship occupations you might be familiar with such as carpenter, machinist or electrician, did you know that through registered apprenticeship in Washington state, one could become a medical assistant, fire fighter, child care associate, maintenance technician, para-educator or network security administrator? And these are just a few of the numerous occupations with active registered apprenticeships. More apprenticeships are being developed every day. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of registered apprenticeship for your business or expanding a current apprenticeship, please contact Cass Parker, senior industry initiatives manager, at or 360-567-1076.
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1157 Longview, 3rd Avenue, WA Suite 98632 218 1157 3rd360.952.3100 Avenue, Suite 218 Longview, WA 98632 Longview, WA 98632 360.952.3100 360.952.3100 March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 9
s u B ine
u rs Ho
t f e A r s
Tuesday, March 13 5:30pm to 7:30pm
J Squared Barrel House 1520 Commerce Ave., Longview
15 in advance • $20 at the door • 21 & Over
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Business After Hours
Carey Mackey took home a new time piece.
Hoppy Hour
Longview's Ashtown Brewing Company hosted our Business After Hours Feb. 13. The evening included tours, tasting and, of course, great prizes. See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.
A winner takes home a growler.
March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 11
Cowlitz Regional Conference Center 1900 7th Avenue, Longview Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:45a.m. -1:30 p.m. $25 advance/$35 at door
McCleary Fixed??? KELSO Schools District $98.6 M Bond Passed Replacement Levy Passed Kelso Schools Superintendent Glenn Gelbrich
LONGVIEW School District Replacement Levy Passed
Longview Schools Superintendent Dan Zorn
Please join us for our first 2018 Quarterly! Hear from Longview and Kelso School Superintendents on what the February Ballot approvals mean to our schools and our local students.
Register at:
Cowlitz Economic Development Council By Ted Sprague CEO
CEDC annual meeting hits high note
Despite the threat of snow the show went on! Attendance topped more than 250 people in the Cowlitz County Event Center at the Cowlitz Economic Development Council (CEDC) annual meeting Feb. 20. Not only was the attendance one of the highest in the history of the event, the level of sponsorship also topped record numbers. The show of interest and involvement in economic development is a strong signal to those in the rest of the state that Cowlitz County is in the game for job creation and capital investment. Clearly the people of Cowlitz County want more economic development to fund our schools, fire and police services, roads and on and on. With keynote speaker Sen. Maria Cantwell extolling the need for increased funding for infrastructure projects, job training and apprenticeship, the message of more job diversification and investment was hit home. Senator Cantwell spoke of her meeting with fellow legislators that took place with President Trump in the White House. The stories from the meeting provided an inside glimpse into the world of high-level legislative policy creation and prioritization.
Thankfully, Senator Cantwell is well aware of the significant need for increased infrastructure development in Cowlitz County and how that will translate into improved freight mobility and export opportunities. Another highlight of the meeting was the singing of the national anthem by Kalama’s Walter and Hildegard Pistor’s daughter Charlotte. Charlotte Pistor is a world-renowned soprano who tours extensively in Europe, Asia and North America. She set the tone for the remainder of the meeting with a version of the anthem that had everyone in awe of her talent. If I were in charge of the NBA All-Star game, I would have Charlotte Pistor on speed dial! Thank you again to all of the sponsors of the annual meeting, especially our Platinum Sponsors – Northwest Innovation Works, KapStone, U.S. Bank, Northwest Motor Services, Workforce Southwest Washington, Cowlitz County, Longview/Kelso Building Trades and Cascade Natural Gas. We would not be able to have outstanding community events without your support!
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There’s a Difference. March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 13
Business Toolbox By Jerry D. Petrick Certified Business Advisor
Expand your business – selling to the government Can you relate to this situation? Your business is running efficiently; margins are up, costs are under control, and sales are steady but seem to have plateaued. Try as you might, you have pretty much exhausted your options to meaningfully grow your sales in the markets you currently serve – AND you have excess capacity (this is a situation that many businesses who survived the 2008 downturn find themselves facing – less completion AND excess capacity). If any of this description fits your situation, you may be at a point to explore the possibilities of expanding into new markets for your company. One of those “new” markets could be government contracting. As you might imagine, the government buys just about anything and everything you can think of: services, products, raw materials, finished goods etc. In other words, the potential business available through selling to government (at all levels – city, county, state, federal) is something you might want to consider. As with any other unique market segment, the government segment has its own idiosyncrasies that can be challenging to work with unless you spend the time to learn and understand what this special type of customer needs and wants in a vendor. It is very uncommon for businesses to start out selling to government as a totally new business; it will probably not surprise you that the buyers/procurement agents with government entities want to see a track record of performance by your company. Thus, it is unlikely your business will be able to dive directly into the government sector without having effectively performed in other markets. However, once your company has a track record of performance, it is very possible that your next level of customer diversification and expansion could be selling to government entities – this type of market diversification is a common expansion strategy along with exploring export markets. Selling to government is a special situation – because they are collectively the largest buyers in the world, they have invested heavily in standardizing systems and processes for bidding, contracting, invoicing, and payments. YOU NEED TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND HOW THESE SYSTEMS WORK! Small business owners who succeed in the federal government contracting marketplace for the first time often experience a brief moment of celebration immediately followed by anxiety and questions – lots of questions. Did I bid the job correctly? Are there regulations I didn’t know about? How do I get paid? To answer these questions and successfully perform on the contract, consider the following five steps to federal contracting compliance. 14 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
Step 1 – Read the contract: Re-familiarize yourself with the entire contract and your proposal. Step 2 – Review the statement of work: As you review, track deadlines for work elements and reporting. Consider setting project benchmarks to ensure the scope of work is completed on time. Step 3 – Understand terms and conditions: Ideally, you have a strong understanding of these prior to submitting the bid, but in the flurry of last minute proposal writing some may have been overlooked. Important clauses may have been incorporated by reference so be sure to look those up as well. Some common clauses that impact costs include Davis Bacon Act, which prescribes labor standards on construction projects in excess of $2,000, and Service Contract Act for service contracts valued more than $2,500. Regulations like these can significantly impact your costs and noncompliance could lead to fines, termination, or debarment. Terms and conditions often describe your rights as a contractor (i.e. to get paid promptly), rights of the government (i.e. termination for convenience), how to invoice, how to ship, inspection requirements, Buy American Act, etc. An understanding of these terms and conditions is essential for being the responsible contractor the government requires. Step 4 – Be sure you are ready to be paid: The federal government is mandated by the Prompt Payment Act to pay contractors within 30 days of receiving a proper invoice. To ensure you submit a proper invoice and are set up to receive the electronic funds transfer, your firm must be active in the System for Award Management (SAM), found at For contracts with the Department of Defense (DOD), it is likely you will need to submit an invoice online through Wide Area Workflow. First time defense contractors should set aside several hours to register and learn how to use this system before submitting an invoice. Step 5 – Keeping your pipeline of projects full: Now that you won a government contract you may be feeling For more Petrick, see page 15
Petrick, continued from page 14 pretty optimistic about your firm’s future. Businesses that perform well on their government contract work are more likely to win contracts in the future. However, you can win only if you bid. Keep a close eye on federal procurement posting sites like and so that you don’t miss out on future opportunities. Questions? Washington Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a program provides no-cost technical assistance to help Washington
firms compete for government contracts. Visit www.washingtonptac. org for more information about the Washington Procurement Technical Assistance Center or to find a PTAC counselor near you. This article was prepared by Jerry Petrick, MBA, certified business adviser with the Washington State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Longview. Jerry provides no-cost, confidential business advisory services by appointment. He can be reached via email
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March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 15
By Chuck Nau Retail Consultant and Sales and Managment Trainier – Murray & Nau, Inc.
Enhancing your four-legged sales call “Care to dance?” Remember those moments in your life, when you may have asked that question of a friend, new acquaintance, or total stranger? In many instances, that question was being asked to open a two-way dialogue, and to accomplish a simple, yet enjoyable dance! Very often those first few moments were somewhat awkward until one of you elected to take the “lead” and the two of you talked through, albeit quickly, your dancing style and pace (...probably direction, too!). A similar awkwardness may exist between your sales staff and you, as the manager or owner, when it comes to making joint sales calls on new or existing clients. Bridging that minor hurdle will be easily accomplished if you remember the aforementioned analogy of “wanting to dance” – someone has to take the INITIATIVE, someone has to ask. I always find it amusing when an owner or senior manager responds to my question about making “team sales calls” with “I have never been asked”. Uneasy as you may be...sometimes, if you want to dance, YOU have to do the asking. Once you’ve asked, or for that matter been asked (by your sales staff), the following strategies will serve you well in maximizing your business’ “team sales call” efforts. • The “team sales call” originates with the salesperson, therefore, the sales call is THEIRS, not yours. Don’t appropriate the call, thereby frustrating if not humiliating your salesperson in the process. • Set the stage for your “team sales call” by asking your salesperson to give you a brief overview (ideally the day PRIOR) of the current client’s activity AND what “we” hope to accomplish before, during, and possibly, after our “team sales call”. • In some cases, the goal of a “team sales call’ is to advance the sales cycle by bringing the appropriate company individual into the sales discussion with a new or existing customer. In other cases, the goal may simply be one of education...for the salesperson to observe and learn different selling and situational styles, and for the manager to understand and observe the salesperson’s selling style in action, plus interacting with clients. The “team sales call” is NOT an exercise in the hard sell! • As in any learning situation, dialogue and feedback are essential. Coaching or conversations with your salesperson are important as you develop a concept of team and teamwork, plus fostering an open door attitude to give support and encouragement...tell her how she is doing. Coaching is not talking to your salesperson. Rather it is a two-way dialogue or discussion looking at performance, identifying performance obstacles or problems, and developing solutions and action steps. 16 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
• A key benefit of a “team sales call” is availability, YOUR availability to one of your salesperson’s clients or potential clients. Don’t overlook or underestimate the value of YOUR presence. In many cases, clients may not have had many opportunities to interact with a member of your company’s management team. This is your opportunity, too, to learn more about their business, the value they place in your product or service, plus minimizing some of their concerns or questions that your salesperson may not be in a position to answer for them. Remember...don’t tell to sell. Ask questions and listen! An additional point worth mentioning...involving another individual, particularly someone with a different selling style can be very beneficial in reinforcing key selling points AND lending credibility to both of you and your company as you support each other’s statements. • Speaking of feedback...pause for a moment during a “team sales call” and ask your salesperson for theirs, it’s important to them and should be important to you. Just as she might ask you, “How am I doing, coach?” Don’t hesitate to ask her how you are doing. • Last but not least, follow-up is not a luxury; it is an expectation. ALWAYS send an informal (e.g. handwritten) thank you note to the clients and potential clients you meet. Sit down and review each “team sales call” with your salesperson, summarizing the meeting and reviewing issues, proposals discussed and planned follow-up, assigning responsibilities and action steps. Be sure to deliver what was promised to your clients in a timely fashion, keeping them informed of progress if numerous steps and procedures are necessary. Good luck as you develop your “team sales call” strategy. Remember, as the old adage goes, a strong sales team Teaches, Encourages And Motivates. © Murray & Nau, Inc. Chuck Nau of Murray and Nau, Inc. is a Seattle area based consultant and sales and management trainer. He is a 25-year veteran of advertising, sales, media and management, who knows and understands the everyday challenges of starting up, growing, and surviving in today’s ever changing retail climate. He has spoken to and conducted workshops for a number of local retail and chamber organizations, national publishing groups, national retailers and manufacturers, state press associations, and newspaper groups. Comments and questions are welcome and may be directed to Chuck via email: or at 425-603-0984.
What projects is the Port now working on—and are they are a part of the Comprehensive Scheme?
Visit Us Today!
Lower Columbia College By Chris Bailey President
Let us help you! Corporate training
at Lower Columbia College Training your employees is an essential part of maintaining a vibrant workforce, but it can also be expensive. Lower Columbia College’s Corporate Training program may be just what you need to update your employees’ skills and take productivity to the next level. Here are some of the many benefits of locally delivered training through LCC: • You get to help develop your own, customized curriculum.
best for you and your employees. • You choose the location that works best for your business. • We take care of the logistics, and find appropriate trainers to meet your needs. • Customized training is good for new and incumbent workers, who may need new skills to increase productivity or advance within your organization.
• Your employees get to stay at home, saving you the added expense of transportation, meals and lodging while people are on the road.
• With a schedule and curriculum customized to you, there is no wasted space or time on the agenda.
• Elimination of travel reduces employee downtime while training is occurring.
• If for some reason we are unable deliver the training you need, we will refer you to someone who can.
• You can train more workers at a lower cost. • Your dollars stay here, where they benefit the local economy and your community college. • You determine the training outcomes you want for your employees. • Tailored scheduling allows you to pick the dates and times that work
For more information about Corporate Training at Lower Columbia College, please call 360-442-2611 or visit Grow your business, grow your employees, and grow your local community college! Consider corporate and employee training through Lower Columbia College – “The Smart Choice.”
EmploymEnt law
Attorney Nicole M. Tideman
Attorneys in our employment and labor law department represent employers and employees throughout southwest Washington. We handle matters regulated by the Washington State Human Rights Commission, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Washington State Department of Labor and industries, and the United States Department of Labor. Our attorneys can provide representation in all state and federal courts in Washington, including the Washington State Supreme Court. • Alternative Dispute Resolution • Disability Accommodation Issues • Discrimination Claims • Employee Training • Employment Contracts and Manuals • Family and Medical Leave • Hiring, Discipline, and Termination • Investigation of Complaints
• Labor Relations • Litigation • Non-competition Agreements • Severance Agreements • Sexual Harassment Claims • Unemployment Compensation • Wage and Hour Disputes • Wrongful Termination
18 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
A Full Service Civil Law Firm for over 90 Years CIVIC CENTER BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR 1700 HUDSON ST., LONGVIEW, WA
(360) 423-5220 Longview
Kelso School District
Longview Public Schools
Human Resources Specialist Stephanie House
Superintendent Dan Zorn
District faces recruiting challenges March marks the start of hiring season for many public school districts. As we prepare for travel throughout the Pacific Northwest and other parts of the country to recruit new teachers, we are constantly striving to differentiate ourselves from others. How can we add value to our organization within available resources? This is a question many employers find themselves facing in a world seemingly teeming with millennials whose values and beliefs differ quite substantially from previous generations, particularly when it comes to what they are looking for in an employer. Fortunately, differentiating ourselves this year is not too difficult due to our recently passed bond measure. We will be able to go out and market the Kelso School District as a district that is backed by its community. The continuous improvements that will be made to our schools over the next four years will appeal to applicants; but most importantly, the ability to pass a bond of this size and scale proves that our motto, “We are Kelso,” is not just some token slogan, but a true illustration of the community in which we live. The effects of the bond measure will definitely improve our ability to recruit teachers to the area for years to come. While the bond measure will help in our recruiting efforts this year, we face other challenges when trying to recruit teachers to come and live in Kelso. Recently we conducted a survey of all our newly hired teachers from the past three years. Of those teachers surveyed, only 27 percent live in Kelso. More than 40 percent of those teachers who do not live in Kelso wanted to find housing in Kelso but were unable to do so because of budget constraints and the availability of housing. The housing shortage and skyrocketing rental rates and housing prices have left us as a district in a bind when it comes to helping our new hires to relocate to the area. As a result, we hope to partner with various agencies throughout Cowlitz County in order to brainstorm ideas on how we can make the housing situation here in Kelso a better one. As our human resources and administrative teams look for quality candidates, we are also coming up with creative solutions to make Kelso a more appealing and accessible place to live. A lot more goes into recruiting today than simply posting a position and watching the candidates pour in. It takes hard work, dedication, and out of the box thinking on behalf of both our current staff and our community to recruit and retain teachers. We are thankful to have all of these characteristics at our fingertips.
20 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
Activities – an essential piece As we wrapped up our winter activities in late-February with the state basketball tournament in Yakima, I reflected upon the importance of the extra-curricular activities we provide our students. It is because of our community’s generous support of the recentlypassed Operations and Educational Programs Levy that it will be possible for us to continue to provide these kinds of valuable extracurricular opportunities for our students. We provide many opportunities that augment the academic experiences students have each day in school including music, theatre, athletics, vocational, student government, and entrepreneurship. These provide our young people opportunities to explore their talents and interests in both competitive and noncompetitive environments. The experiences teach our students valuable skills about leadership, teamwork, hard work, goal setting, fair play, preparation, and commitment. These skills are most effectively taught when students are confronted with challenges and shared purpose that requires regular, intense practice. Extra-curricular activities provide this opportunity while also providing students with chances to be involved in groups in which they are focused upon how they can help foster the success of a group, team or entity that reaches well beyond themselves. We know that students who are involved and engaged in extracurricular activities like sports, clubs and after-school programs are more successful in school and in life. Involved students graduate, hold high GPAs, and excel in life after high school, whether it is in the workforce or in post-secondary training or college. It does not matter what kind of extracurricular activities they are involved in, it just matters that they are involved. Longview Public Schools have done much work to connect students with extracurricular programs that enrich their lives. We are proud of the success of our students and the extracurricular programs we provide. We recognize the essential role these programs provide our students and are committed to assuring our students’ access to experiences that meet their interests, talents, and needs. I’d like to thank each of you and the Kelso-Longview Chamber of Commerce for your overwhelming support of our schools and the programs it provides to its students. I am humbled by your commitment to our students and our schools.
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Ad Rates
E DEAARLY Feb DLINE Save . 28 th
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Ad Sizes
Full Page ...................................$2,230 2/3 Page ...................................$1,595 1/2 Page ...................................$1,235
7.83”w x 10.34”h
1/3 Page ......................................$935
5.0833”w x 10.34”h
7.75”w x 4.625”h
1/6 Page ......................................$715 1/12 Page ....................................$505
Full Page
2/3 Page
1/2 Page
Additional listings in directory .......$55 All ads are full color at no extra charge. Premium placement including back cover, inside cover, page 2, 3 and 4: add 15%
5.0833”w x 4.625”h
1/3 Page
5.0833”w x 2.1875”h 1/6 Page
2.4167”w x 2.1875”h 1/12 Page
Mechanical Specifications
Electronic Files • Should be emailed to • Please include your company name and publication in the subject line. Logos, Images, Photos • Formats: JPG, EPS, TIFF, PDF • Resolution must be 300 dpi. Images from the internet cannot be used. Full Files • PDF format, high quality print setting (300 dpi with fonts embedded) Images for Scanning • Photographs (up to 8.5” x 11”), stationery, menus, business cards, etc. • Artwork for scanning must be clear and unmarked. • Digital artwork is preferred as this will give a higher quality result. If you have any questions regarding acceptable artwork, please call 360-423-8400 or email
105 Minor Road Kelso, WA 98626
PeaceHealth St. John – Wellness in the Workplace Susie Griffin Wellness Services Coordinator
Eat, drink and think...healthier In March 1973, a presidential proclamation established National Nutrition Week. Promotion through media channels and the American Dietetic Association, consumer interest in learning new ways of eating healthy resulted in expanding a week into National Nutrition Month. Making healthy food choices and meeting work demands with deadlines and timelines don’t always happily, or consistently, coexist. Prioritizing work commitments over a balanced diet can affect not only our brain’s function to focus, reason, and pay attention to detail but also our emotional well-being. Studies have proven that the hundred million nerve cells, or neurons, that line the gastrointestinal tract are influenced by the billions of “good” bacteria that make up the intestinal microbiome. These good bacteria help limit inflammation, affect nutrient absorption and activate neural pathways that travel directly between the gut and the brain. When these good bacteria are compromised, so is our mental, physical and emotional health. We are then more susceptible to stressors in the short term and diseases in the long term. So how does a working professional with personal obligations piled on top of an already topped off plate practice good gut governance? Just add fermentation. These foods and drinks are produced by the
action of microorganisms. These probiotic microorganisms help optimize gut function and protection. Common fermented drinks are kombucha and kefir while kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, pickles and yogurt round out the more known fermented food category. If the taste of fermented foods is a turn off, but still a consideration, try these creative ideas: • Add yogurt, kefir or buttermilk to morning smoothies. Dairy free? Try homemade coconut yogurt • Add fermented chopped pickles to salmon, ham and tuna sandwiches • Use homemade sour cream to top soup • Make breakfast bowls with yogurt and cooked beans and grains • Try sauerkraut as a side dish for dinner Before venturing out into fermentation ingestion, please heed these suggestions: • Have a conversation with your doctor to see if there might be a possible interaction with medication. • Introduce fermented foods and/or drinks in conservative quantities For more PeaceHealth, see page 23
We double-dog
dare you
to schedule your mammogram. #DoubleDogDare
22 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
In The News
Port of Longview awarded Partnership Award from Maritime Fire and Safety Association The Port of Longview was recently awarded the Partnership Award from Maritime Fire and Safety Association (MFSA) in recognition of the Port’s impact in advancing emergency response and preparedness in the region. The Port participated in Command Training in September, as well as in an Oil Spill Response Preparedness Committee. Additionally, Port representatives spoke at and attended the Fire Protection Agencies Advisory Council (FPAAC) Summit and provided tours of Port facilities and vessels throughout the year. “The Port of Longview has played a crucial role in educating first responders on the intricacies of Port operations,” said Don Doyle, who is the Fire Protection Agency Advisory Council (FPAAC) training coordinator, as well as a lieutenant at the Longview Fire Department. “The Port has been instrumental in preparedness for first responders in the region.” The MFSA Partnership Awards Program has been implemented to recognize both MFSA members and outside organizations who have shared in the goal of making MFSA “the leading provider and advocate of safe, environmentally responsible, and cost-effective response services to commercial vessels in the Columbia Willamette River Marine Transportation System”.
1 through March 31 in the Koth Gallery. Long will present a live weaving demonstration from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 17. For more information about the exhibit or the Koth Memorial Gallery, contact Daniel at Longview Public Library at 360-442-5307.
Reel in fun, and maybe a trout, at Longview's 2018 Kid's Fish In April 28 Circle the date for this year’s Kid’s Fish In, sponsored by Longview Early Edition Rotary, April 28 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Martin’s Dock on Lake Sacajawea. This statewide program was created to provide more fishing opportunities for youth in the state of Washington. The fishing area will be netted with trout. Each participant will receive a rod and reel to keep. Kid’s Fish-In is conducted by Longview Parks and Recreation, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Cowlitz Fly Anglers, Mount St. Helens Bassmasters and Lower Columbia Fly Fishers. Multiple sessions to choose from, but must pre-register for this event. This event is open to kids ages 5 to 14. The cost is $10 per person.
Weaver George Long - March Koth Gallery Show at Longview Public Library The Koth Memorial Gallery at Longview Public Library presents “A Weaver and His Loom” with George Long, a local artist who loves the form, function, and process of weaving (Long donates all his completed pieces to charity).
A variety of hand-woven pieces by Long will be on display from March
PeaceHealth, continued from page 22 to help offset possible gastrointestinal discomfort. • Try brewing or creating your own fermented drink and food. This will make these options more accessible in both time and money. • For fermented food and drink lists, recipes and instructions on fermenting at home, Google “fermented foods, drinks”, “fermenting at home” and “fermented recipes.”
Sign up TODAY
After implementing steps toward improving your gut health, know that the next time you base a “gut feeling” decision about a potential employee candidate or important business transaction, you haven’t necessarily invoked a frivolous action, but one backed in science.
computer. tablet. phone. sign up today at 360.423.2210 or
March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 23
Chamber Connection
Full House
The studio was rockin' for our final February show with appearances from Tina Hart of Life Mortgage, Gian Morelli and bunny friend from the Columbia Theatre, Elizabeth Partridge from the Longview Public Library and Rich Coleman from Bicoastal Media, who stopped in to promote our Building Bridges expo March 7.
See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.
“Your Chamber Connection” EVERY Wednesday Hosts of the Show: Carey Mackey, Red Canoe Credit Union; Karen Sisson, Stewart Title; and Russ Chittock, Enlivant Stream live at Local guest and current events 24 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
Would you like an opportunity to be on Your Chamber Connection or to have more information about the qualifications of an open house or ribbon cutting? Contact Bill or Amy at the Chamber 360-423-8400
New Members Add your business to our growing membership – Call 360-423-8400 Today!
Debra Burchett, Attorney 2035 – 9th Ave. Longview, WA 98632 360-425-2560
Business Association with opportunities to promote trade through Chamber socials, special events and committee participation. • Annual Meeting and Banquet • Networking Events • Committee Participation • Business Contacts • Quarterly Membership
B&M Heating, Inc. Stephen Henthorn 205 – B Barnes St. Kelso, WA 98626 360-577-3633
Representation through action committees, candidate forums and up-to-date action alerts. • Legislative Representation • Issues Tracking and Information • Task Forces • Candidate Forums • Legislative Update Breakfast • Demographics Publication
Meetings • Civic Representation • Monthly Business After Hours
Business Services include marketing for your business, referrals and access to Chamber publications and research data. • Mailing Labels • Membership Window Decals • Member Referrals • Ribbon Cutting • Website Links • Member to Member Discounts • Membership Directory • Tax Deduction • Newsletter • Business Card Display • Use of Chamber Logo
Packages Basic Membership Package – $275 or $26 per month. Bronze Membership Package – $500 or $46.66 per month. Silver Membership Package – $1,000 or $86.33 per month. Gold Membership Package – $2,500 or $211.33 per month. Platinum Membership Package – $5,000 or $416.66 per month. Diamond Club Membership Package – $10,000 or $834 per month. Nonprofit Package – $180 or $18 per month. March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 25
February Ambassador of the Month Marc Silva Columbia Bank
Red Coat puts heart into commitment Marc Silva enjoys spending time with his family.
It took just a few months for Marc Silva to earn his wings, or in this instance the Kelso Longview Chamber’s February Ambassador of the Month honor. Marc, who works for Columbia Bank, donned a Red Coat in August 2017 because he wanted to serve the community he works in and promote local business. His involvement in the Chamber dovetails with his service with the Lower Columbia Professionals, Longview Rotary and the Sandbaggers. Marc is married and has a daughter. His latest hobby is homebrewing. Chamber Ambassadors, known as the Red Coats, are an integral part of the Chamber of Commerce. The Ambassador team is made up of active Chamber volunteers whose responsibilities include meeting and greeting at Chamber events, welcoming new members and assisting at ribbon cuttings and community events. Am-
bassadors juggle busy professional careers while making time to assist the Chamber at a variety of events year long. If you would be interested in wearing a red coat and representing the Chamber, contact CEO Bill Marcum at the Chamber office.
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360-992-8702 26 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | March 2018
1159 14th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632 ■ Phone: 360.423.5330 ■
Welcome Back!
The Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce would like to give a SHOUT OUT and a big THANK YOU to the following loyal members for renewing their partnership with us.
All Out Sewer & Drain Service, Inc. Baker Lumber Company, Inc. Brusco Tug and Barge, Inc. Carl's Towing Service & Repair, Inc. Carlson's Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Coldwell Banker Bain Cole's Appliance Repair Comfort Inn Community Home Health & Hospice DBA Interiors Plus Family Health Center Housing Opportunities of SW Washington (HOSWWA) JH Kelly, LLC Life Works Longview Orthopedic Associates, PLLC Longview Public Schools McDonald's of Longview McDonald's of Longview II Nipp & Tuck Inc. Ocean Beach Animal Hospital Pacific Fibre Products, Inc. Paperbacks Galore, Inc. Real Living The Real Estate Group Somerset Retirement Home and Assisted Living Strand Insurance TC's RV & Mini Storage, Inc. United Finance Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company Wasser & Winters Company William (B.J) R. Boatsman March 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 27