May 2018 Business Connections

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Business Connection

Volume 10, Issue 5

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce and Lower Columbia Professionals awarded $19,000 in scholarships in 2017.

Chamber awards grow with each passing year T

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Team Bill Marcum, CEO Amy Hallock Project Manager Pam Fierst Office Manager Joelle Wilson Social Media Services

Kelso Longview Business Connection is published monthly by the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce 105 N. Minor Road • Kelso, WA 98626 • 360-423-8400 To advertise, call Bill Marcum, 360-423-8400 or email bmarcum@ Ad Deadline: 20th of each month

he Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce’s Pillars of Strength and Crystal Apple Education Awards are one of Project Manager Amy Hallock’s favorite events. “I always love this event, where we get to recognize the best of the best in our community. These are people who work in our community, volunteer in our community and give their best for our community. It is an honor to honor them,” Hallock said. The 2018 awards ceremony is set for May 2 at the Lower Columbia College Rose Center. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. for cocktails and dinner buffet. The program begins at 6 p.m. Tickets are still available for $25 per person or a table (of $8) for $300. Each year, the awards continue to grow. Hallock is especially excited about this year’s scholarship honors. This year, $21,000 – $16,500 from the Lower Columbia Professionals and $4,500 from the Chamber Education Committee through the Marie Harris Scholarship, will be handed out in scholarship to 19 graduating high school seniors in the area. “It’s our biggest year. I’m excited,” Hallock said. “I’m always so impressed to read these kids’ applications. They are academically successful. They

Frank Panarra celebrated Foster Farms victory for Large Business of the Year in 2017. work and volunteer in their community. They are amazing. It’s so hard to turn some away.” The dollar figure has more than doubled since 2013. Sponsors make it possible for scholarship recipients and their parents to come to the Pillars of Strength and Crystal Apple awards at no charge. This year’s sponsors are: Millennium Bulk Terminals, Davis and Associates CPAs, Gibbs & Olson, Woodford Commercial Real Estate, Country For more Awards, see page 3


BU SINES S AWA RD S Smal l Busi n ess of the Y ear Award (unde r 50 e mploye es) Re prographi cs E xpress E mployment Anders on and Ande rson Advis ory Dream De nti st ry Mi l l Ci t y Gri ll Large Bu si n ess of the Y ear Award (o ver 50 emplo yees) Col umbi a Ford JH Ke l ly PNE Corpora ti on Smal l No n -Pro fit of th e Y ear Award CJAC – Chil dre n’s Just i ce & Advoca cy Ce nte r Pa thwa ys 2020 Fi sh of Cowli tz County

Large Non-Profi t o f the Year Award Progre ss Ce nt e r Columbi a We l l ne ss YMCA of Longvi e w/Ke l s o Busi ness I ndi vi dual o f th e Year Award Tom Gunn, Reprographi cs Pa t Sa ri, Col umbi a Ford L is a St raughan, Expre s s Employme nt Profe s si ona l s Corey Bal kan, Int erwe s t Be ne fit s Cons ul t ant s Pe te r Be nne tt , Mi ll e nni um Bul k T ermi nal s Rising Star Award Marc Sil va, Col umbi a Ba nk Bri an Braul t , Wal s te a d Merts chi ng Brooke Fis her-Cl ark, Uni te d Wa y T ee da ra Garn, Cowl it z PUD

Voting for the Kelso Longview Chamber’s Business Awards is now open and will remain open until Monday, April 23rd at noon. Please click on the link and vote for the business and business person you think are most deserving to be recognized for the special gifts they bring to our community.

Awards, continued from page 1

Calendar Wednesday May 2 Education and Business Awards Doors open at 4:30pm for cocktails and dinner buffet Program begins at 6pm Lower Columbia College Rose Center, Longview Thursday May 3 – 7:30-8:30am Ambassadors Meeting Columbia Bank Friday May 4-June 8 – 7:30am Small Business Boot Camp Human Resources Six consecutive Fridays Lower Columbia College Tuesday

2017 Lower Columbia College nominees Jodi Dahlke, Amber Lemiere, Louis LaPierre, Katrina Fuller and Jim Dillinger.

May 15 – Noon Chamber Executive Board Mill City Grill May 15 – 5:30-7:30pm Business After Hours Foster Farms Cowlitz County Event Center

Financial, Ecological Land Service, Three Rivers Mall, Edward Jones and Red Canoe Credit Union. A twist from past years, Hallock noted this year rather than sell the centerpieces to raise funds for 2019 scholarships, Jansen Floral has created mini bouquets that will

be offered. Although voting for winners has closed, a list of business nominees is listed on page 2. More information is also available at the Chamber website,

Thursday May 17 – 6pm Lower Columbia Professionals Bingo American Legion Hall Tuesday May 22 – Noon Chamber Board Meeting Mill City Grill Monday May 28 Memorial Day Chamber Office Closed Every Wednesday Chamber Connections KEDO/1400 AM or 99.1 FM 3-4pm Stream live at

May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 3

Business Connection Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2018

Kelso-Longview Business Connection monthly newsletter is published the first of each month, posted electronically on our website and over 6,400 emailed to local business professionals, city and county officials. To be included in this monthly email, simply call the Chamber office at 360-423-8400. Size

1/16 Page 1/8 Page 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page

1 - 3 Issues

4-7 Issues

8-10 Issues

12 Issues

$110 $175 $205 $325 $625

$90 $140 $170 $290 $570

$70* $105* $140* $245* $480*

$50* $75* $100* $190* $400*

Dimension 2" x 2.5" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 2.5" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 5.25" (*Includes ad on website) 4" x 10.5" (V) or 8" x 5.25" (H) 8" x 10.5" (*Includes ad on website)

All ads include full color and any design work. Deadline is the 21st of the month prior to publication. Digital files: PDF, Tiff and JPEG. Non-Members of the Kelso-Longview Chamber of Commerce please add 30% to above rates. See back for size examples. To advertise or request additional information please contact Amy Hallock at 360-423-8400 or or CEO Bill Marcum at 360-423-8400 or

Advertising Agreement

Date: _____________

Business Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________ Cell: __________________________ Address: City: ___________________________________________________________Zip_________ Email: ____________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Number of Issues: 12 month agreement


Credit card


Plus Web Ad: 300W X 100H. Ads can be changed monthly. Signature__________________________________

Ad Rep Signature___________________________

Chamber CEO’s Message By Bill Marcum

Advertising opportunity with the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce The Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce has an advertising opportunity for you.

tribution is currently estimated at 6,200 copies. Today’s newsletter is

Did you know this newsletter doesn’t just reach Chamber members? It reaches thousands of people through email distribution and the Chamber’s online presence. Did you know for about the cost of box of copier paper (10 reams) your business could be reaching this audience?

writing focuses on business, government, education and news.

The ads you see throughout the Chamber’s monthly newsletter Business Connections cost between $50 and $400 depending on their size and the frequency they appear. The pricing is not designed around making lots of money for the Chamber, but rather to give Chamber members the opportunity to advertise business to business and to give you the opportunity to promote your business to employees of those businesses efficiently, effectively and without breaking the bank.

within our communities like the Go Fourth Festival or Squirrel Fest.

The Chamber newsletter is published around the first of each month and distributed electronically to members. In turn, those members, especially our larger businesses, the county, cities of Kelso and Longview, both school districts and Lower Columbia College, forward the electronic version to their staff via email. The total dis-

30-38 pages and packed with more than 13 guest columnists whose Newsletter pricing also places your ad on the Chamber website at no additional charge. The Chamber website receives between 4,500 and 6,500 page views per month. What makes that 2,000-page view difference? Events mainly. Chamber events, events happening The largest event draw in any month is sQuatch Fest, which jumps our page views in January to more than 8,000. Take a look, www., your ad could be a part of all the pages of the Chamber website. You will notice the ads rotate in the top right position and lower right position. For as little as $600 you can get a business card-size ad in 12 editions of the newsletter and 12 months on the Chamber’s website. In the world of advertising, this is a steal... If you are interested in additional information about advertising in the Kelso Longview Chamber newsletter please contact me at 360423-8400 or

Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Lance Welch, President

Ken Botero Longview City Council

Nancy Malone Mayor of Kelso

Frank Panarra, President Elect

Bob Crisman Gallery of Diamonds

Chris Roewe Woodford Commercial Real Estate

Wendy Hutchinson Millennium Bulk Terminals

Tom Rozwod NORPAC/Weyerhaeuser

Marlene Johanson Heritage Bank

Ted Sprague Cowlitz Economic Development Council

Wendy Kosloski Teague's Interiors

Dennis Weber Cowlitz County Commissioner

PeaceHealth-St. John Foster Farms

Bianca Lemmons, Vice President Cowlitz County Title

Neil Zick, Treasurer Twin City Bank

Michael Claxton, Legal Counsel Walstead Mertsching

Chris Bailey Lower Columbia College Clayton J. Bartness, DC Longview Chiropractic Clinic

Nick Lemiere Edward Jones

May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 5

Cowlitz County Commissioners By Arne Mortensen

Public-private partnership operation of the Cowlitz County HQLF – a discussion Introduction Cowlitz County currently owns and operates the Headquarters Landfill (HQLF). Although there was citizen opposition to purchasing of the HQLF by the County, the purchase was made, and the County proceeded to get necessary permitting that now makes the landfill a valuable asset.

public partnership or retain full operation of the landfill? The arguments for each side are given in subsequent sections.

Discussion: Comparing Options We limit the discussion to the two options: County retains full operation of the landfill; County engages in a private-public partnership.

Nearly two years ago the County received from one of the large national waste management companies an unsolicited offer for the landfill. Within that time frame, Waste Control, the company that operates the tippers at the landfill and services the County with waste collection, informed commissioners of concerns about the performance of the County operations at the landfill.

The selected solution has to take into account the various factors that lead to an overall assessment of value for the near term and extending decades into the future. The only reason to choose one over the other is financial, which includes risk mitigation but should not include emotional attachments, the latter are sirens that invariably will lead us onto the rocks.

Within this same period of time, the then manager of the landfill put together an analysis that showed great economic risk of managing the HQLF. The risk comes from two factors:

There is no point in wasting time on discriminants that are identical between both options. Here are some such factors:

• The clear air rule, as it stands today, will reverse the economics of the landfill, leading to widening losses to operate the landfill. • Waste management streams for municipal solid waste (MSW) are tied up by the large waste management companies, leaving only low value material that is economically marginal. Cowlitz County has not recovered from the “Great Recession” and the County budget continues to be a serious problem. Due to unfavorable rulings, the key economic development projects, including Millennium Bulk Terminals and Northwest Innovations, have been delayed, depriving the County of legitimate efforts to solve its budget shortcomings. For fiscal 2018, the County budget was balanced only by using funds from the landfill in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 budgetary years. The above factors caused the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to determine whether there is commercial interest to operate the HQLF. Response was positive, eliciting eight commercial expressions of interest. Subsequent to the issuance of the RFQ, the newly appointed director of public works expressed an interest in keeping the HQLF under County operation.

Goal of the BoCC The primary objective of the BoCC is to fulfill its fiduciary obligation to the County while mitigating risk factors. To evaluate options involving the HQLF, the BoCC appointed a review board (ARB) to study the submissions by the respondents and to recommend to the BoCC a course of action. Once the ARB began its evaluation of responses, the value of the HQLF as a regional asset for a waste management player became evident. The question is whether the County should proceed with a private6 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

Common factors

Current employees at the landfill are not at risk.

Current contracts with the landfill are not at risk.

Current agreements/understandings to provide in County waste services at favorable prices are not at risk.

The landfill will see a waste stream up to the permitted limit of tons per year.

Clean air rule risk mitigation Partnership: As noted in the introduction, there is considerable risk due to the clean air rule; currently that rule is in limbo due to a recent court ruling, but uncertainty remains. The County has been sheltered from this effect with a grace period, which was set to expire soon. Some of the respondents have options to deal with this risk, including converting the gas into electricity or submitting the gas for commercial use and consequent government rewards of renewable energy credits. County: Currently, we flare the gas, and recently added a second flare. That is a wasteful approach that should be eschewed, but to do so requires expertise and considerable capital, both of which the County does not have. Some respondents have shown successful programs using this gas to benefit the public.

Sources of MSW Partnership: Municipal solid waste is the high value waste stream, with substantial economic impact for the landfill. The major waste management compaFor more County Commissioners, see page 7

County Commissioners, continued from page 6 nies have a marketing and sales staff already well established, and they have relationships already well established with many regional sources of MSW. County: Currently, only Cowlitz County MSW is directly contracted for the HQLF. The County receives some MSW from outside the County but only in specific exceptional circumstances, such as when the majors lose access to one of their landfills due to traffic problems (e.g. bad weather along the gorge). To pursue this lucrative material, the County has to develop a competitive marketing presence, which will require time and money, both of which the County does not have.

Closure and Post Closure Partnership: Another form of mitigation is to lessen the exposure that the County has to closure and post closure obligations and responsibilities required under state law. Without a doubt, the larger waste management companies have the financial means and proven financial expertise to relieve the County of substantial risk in this matter. The major respondents have significant environmental expertise in a dedicated staff that plans and oversees the development of landfills around the country. This expertise is critical to their ability to comply with current regulations and exceed current requirements. County: The County currently sets aside money to meet the state requirements.

Guaranteed revenue Partnership: Respondents have shown a willingness to guarantee a minimum payment to the County, regardless of economic developments at the landfill. This is an important risk mitigation for the County.

growing value of the landfill. Partnership: The market is the best way to determine the value of an asset. In this case, we have several respondents competing with each other for the contract to operate the landfill. They know that if they want to partner with the County, they have to make the most attractive offer, trying to best the other competitors. County: Current management shares a little of the revenue generated but shoulders all of the risk. Prior management recommended sale of the landfill. Testimonials Some respondents have a history of public-private partnerships and have showcased them with testimonials. These provide proof that government entities are happy to tell about an ongoing relationship tailored to their specific needs.

Conclusion Risk mitigation and financial stability drive the conclusion that the County is served best with a public-private partnership. Pursuing a County only solution requires that in the overall picture, the County can make enough additional money to justify the risk it takes by going it alone. Furthermore, the County has to figure out how it will finance the HQLF to get to the point where it can compete against the major respondents. The County does not have the financial strength to develop a competitive landfill operation. In fact, the County depends on landfill revenue just to balance its budget.

Appendix; snippet shown below

County: Currently the County must pay for the general obligation bond that was issued for the purchase of the landfill. The payments are around $2.3 MM annually, the money coming out of the general fund. If all goes well, revenue from the landfill is transferred to the general fund to make this payment. But, what happens if the predictions of the former HQLF manager materialize? Not only will the County not have access to revenue to balance its budget, but it will need Draconian cuts to make the bond payment.

Value of the HQLF A proper valuation for the landfill is difficult to determine. Invoking its present value makes no sense because this is a long lived asset with potential to provide funds to the County for decades. The ARB, in addition to a minimum annually recurring payment, requires that any offer includes a percentage of the gross revenue from tipping fees. In this manner, the County can participate in the expected May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 7

City of Kelso

City of Longview

By City Councilman David Futcher

By City Councilman Ken Botero

The value of community sports We’ve been talking a lot recently about park improvements in Kelso. Not only have we recently adopted a long-term parks improvement plan, but our legislative team was instrumental in finding a $1 million grant to help improve traffic circulation and parking in Tam o’ Shanter Park. The older, below-grade parking area is going to be filled and brought up to an even grade with the newer parking area, and an exit through the school district’s property will be added for use during high-traffic events. As we face significant expenditures like these on parks, there are some who question the value. For me, the benefits are many, and generally revolve around economic development. Economic development, in its simplest terms, means getting money from outside your area into your area. Investment is attracted to places where people want to live. The Cowlitz Economic Development Council performed a study a few years ago that recommended that we increase our “Quality of Place” in order to attract investment. Quality of Place is another buzzword that simply means, make your area a place people will want to be. If people want to live here, you’ll see increased interest in investing in residential developments, and the increased retail demand can spur business growth. A more immediate benefit from the parks revolves around the huge interest in youth sports. Tam o’ Shanter Park boasts quality facilities for baseball and softball, and attracts tournaments that bring visitors from around the region. Those visitors bring their money from outside our area (remember my definition of economic development?) and leave it with our hoteliers, restaurants and others. If you’re not involved in those arenas, you would be surprised at the traffic they generate. Kelso has a rich tradition in sports, producing professional athletes in baseball, football, soccer and more. Not only can we help support our youth, their health and their dreams by investing in our parks, we can make money doing it.

We are working on Quality of Place Greetings from the Jewel of the Northwest, Longview, Washington. It is with positive intentions we bring you up to date on a very active community with high hopes of creating our “Quality of Place” for you and with you. As the beautiful spring and summer months are knocking on our door we look to the future for you, our citizens, and the many small businesses that make our efforts something to look forward to. Bringing a positive outlook to the City of Longview for each of you we find it interesting to let you know of a few actions from our business community that enhance our opportunity to bring you the best. Recently plans were submitted for an interior remodel of the existing Fred Meyer store on Ocean Beach Highway, which will alter the sales area to expand the grocery sales floor while reducing the home electronics and clothing departments. We also welcome a new business, Carl’s Junior, to our community, which will occupy the former location of the Masthead Restaurant on Ocean Beach Highway. Adding to the excitement of opening new, or expanding, businesses will be the opening of the Domino’s Pizza out west at 38th Avenue and Ocean Beach Highway. Kaiser Permanente has applied for a permit to upgrade its facility on 7th Avenue, including enhancements to imaging equipment and the pharmacy. The Red Canoe Credit Union facility located on Port Way has also applied for a permit to remodel its facility at that location. Added to the economic advances in the community our Chamber of Commerce continues to provide leadership in educating our business administrators with Boot Camp programs and After Hours events at different business facilities to give the community and community leaders the opportunity to learn more about the business and its goals. We provide a positive direction in education for our local citizens

1157 3rd Avenue, Suite 218

1157 Longview, 3rd Avenue, WA Suite 98632 218 1157 3rd360.952.3100 Avenue, Suite 218 Longview, WA 98632 Longview, WA 98632 360.952.3100 360.952.3100 8 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

through Lower Columbia College and WorkSource. Last, but not least, we have a City Council and staff that are working together to provide the tools for bringing that Quality of Place to the jewel of southwest Washington, Longview, the city of pride and dreams. And yes dreams do come TRUE.


Monday, June 18th 1pm Shotgun Thank you John Paul for this great photo. Lessons included.

Make your Reservations Early! Early Entry Fee $500 per Team of 4 (Price goes to $600 on May 25th) $125 per Individual ($150 after May 25th) Includes: Lunch, driving range, $5,000 putting contest, awards ceremony, steak dinner, 18 holes of fellowship, $10,000 hole-in-one opportunity and two carts per team. We will give you a call the first week of June to secure the people playing on your team. Register at

I B NGO Lower Columbia Professionals Scholarship Fund Promoting Higher Education through Scholarships since 2007

Hosted by:

Post 155, 1250 12th Ave., Longview

Thursday, May 17, 2018 Doors open at 5:30 pm Game starts at 6:00 pm

Get lucky at our festive Spring event filled with food, beverages, prizes, 50/50 raffle and 10 games of BINGO! Proceeds benefit the Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Lower Columbia Professionals Scholarship Fund for graduating high school seniors in Cowlitz County.

Only $20!

Includes 10 Games of Bingo and Food No host bar available • Must be 21 and older Register at: For more information please call 360-423-8400

It's a Wrap

The Chamber hosted the 2018 Legislative Wrap April 19 at the Mill City Grill in Longview. Representatives Jim Walsh and Brian Blake as well as senators Dean Takko and John Braun were on hand for an overview of this year's legislative session. Government Affairs Director Clay Hill was the luncheon's keynote speaker.

LeeRoy Parcel Manager/LPO

Alison Peters Bonnie Woodruff Diane Kenneway Dennis Bird Escrow Officer/LPO Escrow Officer/LPO Escrow Assistant Senior Title Officer

Lindsey McTimmonds Marketing/Recording

1425 Maple St. Longview, WA 98632 360.425.2950

Connie Bjornstrom Receptionist/Typist

May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 11

Workforce Southwest Washington By Alyssa Joyner Cowlitz Wahkiakum Outreach Specialist

Aligning education with business needs

As the economy has improved since the Great Recession of 2010, the unemployment rate in Cowlitz County has decreased at a slower rate than larger, urban areas to the north and south, signaling slower economic growth. To understand the issues, Workforce Southwest Washington (WSW) held a Cowlitz Employer Summit in November that was attended by 60 representatives of local companies and organizations. Key Findings Most businesses expressed workforce challenges in the following areas: • Difficulty attracting top talent especially when hiring employees with technical skills, including welders, pipefitters, electricians, carpenters, CDL licensed drivers, managers, medical assistants and dental assistants

• Difficulty hiring employees with appropriate professional skills, specifically:

o Lack of work ethic, ambition, motivation

o Drug use and other background check issues (criminal


o Customer service skills

• Concern over pending retirements and lack of skilled replacements Many of these challenges involve education, training and young adults. How do we ensure our next generation of workers will be ready to For more WSW, see page 13

EDUCATION TO EMPLOYMENT: Building Pathways and Partnerships Wednesday, May 16, 2018 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. Cowlitz County Event Center Join us to learn how K-12 and Lower Columbia College are aligning to build pathways to prepare the next generation of workers. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the alignment between business and education.


Where: Cowlitz County Event Center 1900 7th Avenue Longview, WA 98632 When: 11:30 a.m. — Lunch Provided 12 to 1:30 p.m. — Program FREE. SPACE IS LIMITED. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED.


The event is a collaboration between Workforce Southwest Washington, Lower Columbia College, Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce, Cowlitz Economic Development Council and school districts in Castle Rock, Kalama, Kelso, Longview, Toutle Lake, Woodland and Wahkiakum.

12 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

We’re better than a bank.

We’re a family.

WSW, continued from page 12 fill the jobs of today and tomorrow? One answer is to align what is taught in the classroom to the needs of business, so students learn the skills to fill current and future job openings. As a business leader, you have a role to play not only in helping the education system identify those skills, but in imparting your knowledge and wisdom to teachers and counselors and by engaging with the next generation while they’re still in school. Education cannot happen in a vacuum. Superintendents, teachers and counselors rely on input from industry to shape what happens in the classroom. Your voice and your connection to educators is of paramount importance. An easy way to get engaged with education is to attend the May 16 Education to Employment: Building Pathways and Partnerships lunch at the Cowlitz County Event Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. You’ll hear how K-12 and Lower Columbia College are aligning to build pathways to prepare the next generation of workers and you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback on the alignment between business and education. This is your chance to influence positive and proactive change in education to ensure you have the skilled workers you’ll need to grow your business. I hope you’ll attend the event, hear what’s happening, share your thoughts and enjoy lunch – on us! Space for the event is limited, so please register today at Education to Employment or go to and search for “Education to Employment.” Alyssa Joyner is the Cowlitz Wahkiakum Outreach Specialist for Workforce Southwest Washington. Reach her at or 360-921-2966.

Mark & Kerri Scroggins Fibre Family Members since 1992

360.423.8750 • 1.800.205.7872 Federally insured by NCUA

May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 13

Tuesday, May 15 | 5:30-7:30pm Cowlitz County Conference Center No cost to attend, however, you still need to register online at

Games, Games and More Games! Grand Prize is a Flat Screen TV - a $400 value.

Join Foster Farms Celebrating

20 years in Kelso.

Business After Hours

Meet the Bankers

Marc Silva introduces staff of Columbia Bank at the Chamber's April Business After Hours.

See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

Marne Botero was among the many winners during the night's giveaways.

May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 15


Who are port industries and businesses—how do they support the Kalama community?

Visit Us Today!

Mind Your Own Business (at the Library) By Chris Skaugset Director – Longview Public Library

Small Business Hub humming, plus books for rainy spring days It is a beautiful, sunny April morning as I write this column. While

Clif Bar & Co., Anchor Brewing, and restrauteur Danny Meyer’s

it is nice to have the respite, however fleeting, from the cold and

Union Square Hospitality Group, to name a few. Some of the differ-

rain, starting or running a business does not stop for the change in

ent goals that the author discusses includes being great at whatever it

the weather. The Library’s Small Business Hub is up and running

is you do, but also being a great place to work, providing exceptional

and we recently had our first Small Business Panel, which brought

customer service, and contributing to your community. In this well-

together people who are interested in starting, or growing, a small

written and fascinating book, Burlingham shows how the leaders

business and those who have the knowledge and resources to help

of these small giants recognized that there are other choices for the

make that happen. Thanks to all of our partners who participated in

type of company that they could create, and how everyone can ben-

the event. For a beautiful Monday night, the turnout was good and I fully expect we will have another when the weather turns a little less nice. Since the beautiful days will not last forever, below you will find a few small business-related titles that you might want to check out on those less than ideal days. The first book I want to tell you about this month is “Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business” by Paul Downs. While Downs presents himself as your average small business owner, he is really much more. Not only has he been building cabinets for nearly 30 years, he also runs Paul Downs Cabinetmakers, and since 2010 he has been writing the “You’re the Boss” blog for the New York Times. His unique background combined with his humorous, self-deprecating, jargon-free writing style and content that mixes business fundamentals (cash flow, salesmanship, HR issues) with day-to-day events on the shop floor makes for a truly immersive narrative that reads so much better than your average business book. This is a very real, and well-written, account of what it is like to own a small business today and well worth your time. “Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big” is the next book I wanted to mention this month. Veteran journalist Bo Burlingham takes the reader deep inside 14 remarkable companies that have made a different choice in their development. The usual business model is that you create your business, make it

efit by questioning the usual definition of business success. Finally, I thought I would let you know about another option for those of you who are interested in starting a small business but maybe you are still unsure. In the “HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business”, from the Harvard Business Review, authors Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff describe this other option for those businessminded people either who do not want to work in a big corporate setting, or who are not interested in the riskiness of a brand new start-up. Lying in the middle of those options is purchasing an already existing small company, which can offer not only significant financial rewards but also personal and professional fulfillment. Leading such a small business can allow you to be your own boss, put whatever existing executive skills you already have to use, allows you to fashion a work environment that meets your needs, and lets you profit directly from your success. The key, of course, is finding the right business and closing the deal. In this well thought out book, Ruback and Yudkoff show you how to determine if this middle road is the right path for you and if so what you need to do to make it happen. This includes how to raise the necessary capital; locate and evaluate the right prospects; avoid common pitfalls that could derail your search; understand that what you see as a “dull” business might be the best investment; and how to negotiate a successful deal.

successful and then grow revenues and profits forever more. The

You can find each of these titles, and many other resources, at your

companies that Burlingham describes have eschewed this model to

Longview library. Visit us in person or virtually at www.longview-

focus on what the author sees as more satisfying goals; these include May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 17

Business Toolbox By Jerry D. Petrick Certified Business Advisor

Recognizing a business opportunity Whether you are contemplating a new business or want to re-energize and expand your current one, you need to be able to recognize a business opportunity when you see one. You have probably had visions of one – customers buy things that cost you a fraction to produce and you become fabulously wealthy. A businessperson’s dreams come true! However, the reality is good business opportunities are hard to find. Even if you think you have found one, it takes risk, skills, ability, and timing to recognize and take advantage it. Risk attaches itself to any business opportunity. Therefore, the ability to objectively analyze the feasibility of your concept is critical. Successful businesses have a product or service: • people want, • at a price they are willing to pay, • and it is easy to get. If you offer something you think people want without knowing it, you are assuming more risk more than necessary. Let’s say you think an opportunity exists for a new restaurant. There are a number of things you can do to test your assumption/belief/conviction/hallucination. First, find out what is happening in the overall industry. Trade associations, research databases, and current articles/whitepapers can give you an idea of current demand and supply dynamics. Examples are the trends we’ve seen towards small, highly specialized food establishments (e.g., pretzel, cookie, ethnic, etc.) and mixed-use restaurants (e.g. play areas, movies, games, Internet, etc.). You can also gain a lot of information through observation. Stay current with local news and business periodicals and gain insights from the perspective of other businesses. You should also gather statistics on consumer behavior for your type of business. For our restaurant example, you need to know how often people eat out, how much they spend, common personal or demographic characteristics, and preferences in dining atmosphere or services, etc. From there, you can evaluate your geographic area and see how well competitors are filling those needs. Once you have gathered information, you can form a hypothesis about supply and demand. A business opportunity could be lurking somewhere between what people want and what they are getting. Find out how they are currently meeting their needs. Your challenge is to find out how well needs are being met and where people go to meet them. If people need something, they will find it. Locating establishments on a map will give you a geographic sense of how far people must travel. If convenience is a significant 18 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

buying factor, you will be able to identify underserved areas. Once you complete this analysis, you will be in a better position to develop your own competitive strategy. At the heart of your competitive strategy is your distinctive competence. Your distinctive competence is something (e.g. a skill, specialty, level of service, etc.) that sets you apart when compared with competitors. This differentiation and your pricing strategy define your business in the minds of potential customers. A sound competitive strategy depends on your knowledge of prospects and their needs, the ways your competitors meet their needs, and the perceived value of the goods and services you plan to offer. It’s what separates a business opportunity from a good idea. It takes money to make money, so that means every business opportunity will have costs associated with it. Take the time and effort to know exactly what resources are/will be required to optimally run the business. Capital expenses include hard assets like equipment and beginning inventory. It may be difficult to find a site designed for your purpose; therefore, you must anticipate costs associated with renovating or building a space. Be sure not to underestimate your working capital needs. Working capital is used to replenish inventory, pay employee wages, and finance other continuing operating expenses. You will always have a need for working capital because the timing of cash coming into the business does not always match the timing of cash going out. It takes most businesses a long time to achieve a predictable profit. Be sure you know if you have the financial reserves to cover the costs of startup (or expansion) and operation. If you must leverage your own money with a loan, be prepared to offer sufficient collateral to secure it. A true business opportunity will generate sufficient sales to support the cost and provide a profit. A lesson from our friends in the construction business…measure twice, cut once. There are many resources to help you analyze a business opportunity. Most libraries have access to databases online that will help you gain your initial understanding of your potential opportunity. When you have completed your initial analysis, take advantage of no fee, confidential business advising from the Washington State University-Small Business Development Center. This article was prepared by Jerry Petrick, MBA, certified business adviser with the Washington State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Longview. Jerry provides no-cost, confidential business advisory services by appointment. He can be reached via email

By Chuck Nau Retail Consultant and Sales and Managment Trainier – Murray & Nau, Inc.

Enhancing your four-legged sales call “Care to Dance?” Remember those moments in your life, when you may have asked that question of a friend, new acquaintance, or total stranger? In many instances that question was being asked to open a two-way dialogue and to accomplish a simple, yet enjoyable dance! Very often those first few moments were somewhat awkward until one of you elected to take the “lead” and the two of you talked through, albeit quickly, your dancing style and pace (...probably direction, too!). A similar awkwardness may exist between your sales staff and you, as the manager or owner, when it comes to making joint sales calls on new or existing clients. Bridging that minor hurdle will be easily accomplished if you remember the aforementioned analogy of “wanting to dance” – someone has to take the INITIATIVE, someone has to ask. I always find it amusing when an owner or senior manager responds to my question about making “team sales calls” with “I have never been asked”. Uneasy as you may be...sometimes, if you want to dance, YOU have to do the asking. Once you’ve asked, or for that matter been asked (by your sales staff), the following strategies will serve you well in maximizing your business’ “team sales call” efforts. • The “team sales call” originates with the salesperson, therefore, the sales call is THEIRS, not yours. Don’t appropriate the call, thereby frustrating if not humiliating your salesperson in the process. • Set the stage for your “team sales call” by asking your salesperson to give you a brief overview (ideally the day PRIOR) of the current client’s activity AND what “we” hope to accomplish before, during, and possibly, after our “team sales call”. • In some cases, the goal of a “team sales call” is to advance the sales cycle by bringing the appropriate company individual into the sales discussion with a new or existing customer. In other cases, the goal may simply be one of education...for the salesperson to observe and learn different selling and situational styles, and for the manager to understand and observe the salesperson's selling style in action, plus interacting with clients. The “team sales call” is NOT an exercise in the hard sell! • As in any learning situation, dialogue and feedback are essential. Coaching or conversations with your salesperson are important as you develop a concept of team and teamwork, plus fostering an open door attitude to give support and encouragement...tell her how she is doing. Coaching is not talking to your salesperson. Rather it is a two-way dialogue or discussion looking at performance, identifying performance obstacles or problems, and developing solutions and action steps.

• A key benefit of a “team sales call” is availability, YOUR availability to one of your salesperson's clients or potential clients. Don’t overlook or underestimate the value of YOUR presence. In many cases, clients may not have had many opportunities to interact with a member of your company’s management team. This is your opportunity, too, to learn more about their business, the value they place in your product or service, plus minimizing some of their concerns or questions that your salesperson may not be in a position to answer for them. Remember...don’t tell to sell. Ask questions and listen! An additional point worth mentioning...involving another individual, particularly someone with a different selling style can be very beneficial in reinforcing key selling points AND lending credibility to both of you and your company as you support each other's statements. • Speaking of feedback...pause for a moment during a “team sales call” and ask your salesperson for theirs, it’s important to them and should be important to you. Just as she might ask you, “How am I doing, coach?”, don't hesitate to ask her how you are doing. • Last but not least, follow-up is not a luxury; it is an expectation. ALWAYS send an informal (e.g. handwritten) thank you note to the clients and potential clients you meet. Sit down and review each “team sales call” with your salesperson, summarizing the meeting and reviewing issues, proposals discussed and planned follow-up, assigning responsibilities and action steps. Be sure to deliver what was promised to your clients in a timely fashion, keeping them informed of progress if numerous steps and procedures are necessary. Good luck as you develop your “team sales call” strategy. Remember, as the old adage goes, a strong sales team Teaches, Encourages, And Motivates. © Murray & Nau, Inc. Chuck Nau of Murray and Nau, Inc. is a Seattle area based consultant and sales and management trainer. He is a 25-year veteran of advertising, sales, media and management, who knows and understands the everyday challenges of starting up, growing, and surviving in today’s ever changing retail climate. He has spoken to and conducted workshops for a number of local retail and chamber organizations, national publishing groups, national retailers and manufacturers, state press associations, and newspaper groups. Comments and questions are welcome and may be directed to Chuck via email: or at 425-603-0984. May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 19

Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments By Bill Fashing Executive Director

Economic Development District would serve County residents and businesses

According to the National Governors Association there are 17

community is involved in the creation of a Comprehensive Econom-

federal agencies engaged in economic development. We are all im-

ic Development Strategy (CEDS) to serve the region. The CWCOG

pacted by one or more of these agencies in our day to day activities

Board of Directors recently approved the 2018 to 2022 CEDS docu-

and the Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) is

ment and has delivered the strategy document to the EDA for con-

working to secure more positive impacts from one specific agency.

sideration. The CWCOG is also working on a formal application to

The CWCOG is currently working on the establishment of a two-

the EDA for the creation of the EDD to serve the region.

County Economic Development District (EDD) to serve the resi-

Once the CEDS is approved by the EDA, the region is eligible for

dents and businesses of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties through

EDA funding for a wide variety of programs and projects. A par-

the US Department of Commerce, Economic Development Admin-

tial list of projects funded by the EDA, under a previously approved

istration (EDA). The EDA bills itself as the only federal agency exclu-

CEDS document, is included in the table below.

sively dedicated to economic development. The EDD program has roots in the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1964. The CWCOG and Cowlitz County entities have a long working relationship with the EDA and believe the establishment of a new EDD will pay dividends into the future.

Economic Development Administration Funded Projects Funding Amount


$100,000 CWCOG

Project Flood Recovery

$1,500,000 City of Longview

Mint Farm Industrial Park Woodland Industrial Park Infrastructure improvements $2,400,000 City of Woodland Health and Science Building furnishings and $845,000 Lower Columbia College technology $100,000 Port of Woodland

Guild Road Industrial Park planning

Year 2008 2009 2010 2014 2015

Efforts conducted through the EDD to implement the CEDS are complimentary to efforts of other entities and agencies working on economic development. The CEDS took into consideration the plans and interests of associate economic development organizations such as the Cowlitz Economic Development Council and the Wahkiakum Chamber. It also considered the interests of ports, cities, counties and other stakeholders in an effort to create the regional strategy. Input from the general public and other interested parties was solicited at six public meetings to help clarify the economic developAccording to the EDA website, the first federal foray into local eco-

ment needs and priorities of the region. Discussions on the region’s

nomic development was the 1961 Area Redevelopment Administra-

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) are an

tion (ARA). Its purpose was to “address the unique needs of dis-

important element of the CEDS. Feedback from the six meetings was

tressed portions of the country.” The ARA evolved into what we now

combined to create the required regional SWOT analysis and the

call the Federal Economic Development District program.

CEDS. The CEDS includes a list of economic development related

The program provides planning funds to regions through a council of governments or other regional program and requires that the 20 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

projects that are included in the 2018-19 work program. The CEDS can be found at

2018 Small Business

BOOT CAMP 2018 Series begins Friday, May 4 Friday Mornings ★ Lower Columbia College

7:30 am - 9 am ★ Heritage Room at LCC - Admin. Bldg.

HUMAN RESOURCES six pack May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 June 1

Sponsored by:

Washington Paid Family Leave Jan. 2019 – Every business and Every employee Facilitator: Employment Securities, TBA Drug Testing Today – Marijuana included, not included? Facilitator: Caryl McMains, CIC Credit, President of SHRM Having difficult conversations - Ways to coach up or coach out!?! Facilitator: Teedara Garn, Cowlitz PUD Hiring Qualified Candidates – How to interview to get the best candidate Facilitator: Donna Hughes and Frank Meza, WorkSource Workplace Harassment – It’s not what you know it is, what you should have known. Facilitator: James Sikora, Landerholm

June 8 Employee Handbook, Update it. - With Legislative updates to paid sick leave and family leave - you need to update your employee handbook, NOW. Facilitator: Nicole Tideman, Walstead Mertsching Law offices

No pricing change since 2013! $100 Members ★ $160 Non-Members this is Truth in Advertising ‘Tools you can use to help you immediately’. The Kelso Longview ❝ Now Chamber of Commerce hit the nail on the head with their most recent Business Boot Camp. As an

administrator and business owner with over 25 years leadership experience, I walked away every week with new tools, inspiration, motivation and a desire to strive to improve my business by leaps and bounds. The courses were well planned, the content was interesting, relevant, informative, inspiring,, thought provoking and challenging. I can not say that I have ever spent so little and received so much. I can not wait until the next series. The best investment in my business I have ever made. Barbara A. Sudar • Administrator Longview Urology Owner/Partner: Estetica Day Spa


Lower Columbia College By Chris Bailey President

Thank you for 84 years…and counting

Lower Columbia College (LCC) has been part of the fabric of this community since 1934. There are many benefits of having access to higher education in your backyard, including support for economic development, a stronger tax base, and close proximity to college classes for career or personal enrichment.

even a passing acquaintance. I hear frequently from students who tell me that all they needed to enroll was an extra nudge from someone in their life that cared enough to encourage them to succeed. A small act can make a tremendous difference, even if it is just telling someone you believe in them.

Perhaps more importantly, though, is what the community brings to LCC. Your partnership and support is what makes LCC what it is – a thriving community college that positively contributes to the quality of life in our region.

Occasionally I encounter community partners that go above and beyond to support our students or organization. I am experiencing that now from The Daily News, with their sponsorship of the third annual Students in Need Campaign. Every dollar raised through this important initiative goes directly to students. I am grateful to the TDN for their ongoing support of students and unwavering belief in the power of education.

Over the course of any given year, members of this incredible community contribute to LCC in thousands of ways, both large and small. Some are able to give to the LCC Foundation, which supports student completion and ongoing innovation at the college. Some contribute their time by serving on technical advisory committees, which helps keep our educational programs relevant and responsive to the needs of the community. Others support our arts and athletics programs by attending events. Some support LCC by encouraging people to enroll in classes, in pursuit of better lives and careers. This might be a child, a friend, or

I am incredibly grateful to the community as well. You have made LCC what it is today. You are the students, parents, alumni, donors, partners and neighbors that put the “community” in this community college. Without you, LCC would not be the proud, thriving organization it is today. On behalf of LCC, I just want to say thank you for 84 wonderful years. Here’s to another 84!

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22 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018




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Kelso School District

Longview Public Schools

Kelso High School Principal John Gummel

Superintendent Dan Zorn

No student graduates alone Has there ever been a time when graduating high school is more important than today? For some, this journey has been a path of correct calculations and planning; for others, it has been a path littered with potholes, dips and valleys. Every path is as different as the student on it. In the end, however, one thing is strongly correlated to success. That is, no student took this journey alone. Years ago, I learned a phrase that I share with every graduating class at Kelso High School. It is a quote from the great Roman orator Marcus Tillius Cicero and stated in Latin, “Non solum ad mundi sunt nata es.” This translates to “Not unto this world alone are you born.” It was his attempt to capture the meaning of the greatness of Rome. I use this quote to explain to our next generation of graduates that no success comes without the support of others. This includes parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and all those who have a factor with each graduating class. With this sentiment in mind, graduation becomes a celebration of us. It is giving honor to all those who helped each graduate on their journey, whether the path was smooth or whether it was rocky. All along it, there were people invested in each student’s success. I ask our seniors to honor all those who helped them on their successful journey. I ask them to give thanks where thanks are due, and thanks are due all around them: to our parents, our grandparents or others who worked so hard in preparing us for life. They worked countless hours to afford the cost of raising a child. They gave up time in helping us develop the skills in order to be competitive on the fields of competition, whatever that field may look like. They stayed up late, worrying about our decision making, only able to fully rest when we were safely home. They pushed and pulled on each of us knowing that the sweat spent today will impact life later. To our teachers and adults in schools; they prepared, worked incredible hours, and gave their heart to education and our students, for they knew in the end, all the efforts would be worth it. And to our friends with whom we shared our greatest laughs or deepest sorrow, those who were with us in celebration or defeat, who hugged us when we hurt and loved us without condition, be grateful. To all of those who helped us on our journey, give honor and thanks. I never see graduation as the end for our students, but rather, the beginning. If we have all done our jobs, each graduate is prepared for a bright and shiny future. Whether that path leads to college, trade schools, apprenticeships, military service or the workforce, I am proud of them. I am passionate that the chosen path is a decision made by the student and not the circumstances or default. If we have all done our jobs, including each graduate, then they are prepared to take on the challenges our world will offer. They will be successful because they know grit, passion, ingenuity, and most importantly, they know they have the support along their journey. Cicero’s thoughts from 2,000 years ago are as true today as they were then. We are not born alone onto this world.

Assessment season begins April showers may bring May flowers, but springtime also brings our annual state testing for third through eighth and tenth grade students. Each of our students in these grades is assessed on his or her reading and mathematics skills. Additionally, our fifth, eighth and tenth grader students are tested in science. End of year “summative assessments” provide the district valuable information about how well our students have mastered grade-level standards and helps to identify the learning needs of each student. The information we gather also guides our efforts to improve the curriculum and instruction offered by the district. Aside from the summative assessments that are the focus of spring testing, it is daily classroom “formative assessments” that hold the most promise in improving the learning of each of our students. Gathering necessary information each day does not require a test, but rather the expert observation of student work and regular discussion with students about their learning and understanding. Through the informal, daily collection of information regarding our students’ mastery of essential skills, teachers are able to answer the four fundamental questions that guide their planning, teaching, and learning – What do students need to know, understand, and be able to do? – What instructional strategies and/or activities should be used to meet the standards? – How do we measure and assess whether students have attained the knowledge/skill? – What do we do when students don’t learn and/or they already have the knowledge/skill? Through answering these questions, teachers can then provide learning opportunities that meet the unique learning needs of each student in their classroom. The answers to these questions are used to adjust instruction to maximize opportunities for increased achievement. This information also provides opportunity to identify any deficits of knowledge or skills shared by the class which need to be addressed by whole-class instruction. Effective instruction is nearly impossible without constant collection of information about student learning and immediate feedback to students. Constant monitoring of student learning leads to appropriate adjustments in the instructional support provided by informed and expert teachers. In the Longview Public Schools, our focus continues to be upon improving the achievement levels of our students. To this end, we value the role that both daily formative assessments and end-of-year summative assessments play in providing the information we need about our students and their learning. May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 23

Ribbon Cutting

Pedal to the Metal

PNW Metal Recycling, Cowlitz County's largest metal recycler, opened for business in Longview.


Carol Huhta Norman, representing American National, joined Randy Norman and Chamber Ambassadors for their insurance agency ribbon cutting.

See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

24 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

New Members Add your business to our growing membership – Call 360-423-8400 Today!

Performance Coaching & Consulting Mary Cranston The Monticello Hotel 1405 17th Ave., Suite 607 Longview, WA 98632

Business Association with opportunities to promote trade through Chamber socials, special events and committee participation. • Annual Meeting and Banquet • Networking Events • Committee Participation • Business Contacts • Quarterly Membership

Representation through action committees, candidate forums and up-to-date action alerts. • Legislative Representation • Issues Tracking and Information • Task Forces • Candidate Forums • Legislative Update Breakfast • Demographics Publication

Meetings • Civic Representation • Monthly Business After Hours

Business Services include marketing for your business, referrals and access to Chamber publications and research data. • Mailing Labels • Membership Window Decals • Member Referrals • Ribbon Cutting • Website Links • Member to Member Discounts • Membership Directory • Tax Deduction • Newsletter • Business Card Display • Use of Chamber Logo

Packages Basic Membership Package – $275 or $26 per month. Bronze Membership Package – $500 or $46.66 per month. Silver Membership Package – $1,000 or $86.33 per month. Gold Membership Package – $2,500 or $211.33 per month. Platinum Membership Package – $5,000 or $416.66 per month. Diamond Club Membership Package – $10,000 or $834 per month. Nonprofit Package – $180 or $18 per month. May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 25

PeaceHealth St. John – Wellness in the Workplace Susie Griffin Wellness Services Coordinator

Feng Shui your way to a healthier work space Feng Shui, translated as “wind-water” in English, is an ancient practice originating in China. The practice involves arranging our external environment to help bring and restore calm, balance and wellbeing to our internal environment. Research studies have shown that cluttered, disorganized and unfinished environments affect cortisol levels, causing stress, depression and increasing adverse health outcomes. In short, your outer chaos can reflect and affect your inner chaos. The studies further state that having control over the aesthetics of your workplace can increase creativity, effective time management and overall, productivity.

3. Bring in the outdoors! Plants are not only visually appealing but add their own health benefits. They produce oxygen, helping to alleviate insomnia, or that mid-day slump, and absorb air contaminants. Here are some of the best oxygen producing indoor plants: gardenias, gerbera daisies, bamboo palm, lemon balm, lavender and Boston ferns.

Here are some simple tips to help you Feng Shui your way to a healthier, happier and more productive, work space:

5. Clear your desk! True Feng Shui experts say that the top of your desk should only be fifty percent full of objects. The remaining cleared space invites creativity and mindfulness.

1. Expand your view! Position your desk so you can see most of the office when seated. This helps stimulate the brain to think openly, outside of the box. 2. Let the sunshine in! If you are fortunate to have a window, allow it to be clean and clear of visible dirt, streaks or knickknacks. Natural light helps regulate SAD (seasonal affect disorder), eliciting happier, calmer and healthier emotions and behaviors. If natural light is not an option, try spectrum lighting, which simulates natural light with almost the same positive affect.

4. Color yourself happy! Certain colors can have a more calming affect than others. Green, for example, is associated with nature, energy and freshness. Scientific studies have shown that this color is best in generating innovative ideas and increasing task performance.

Another tip in making your workspace more Feng Shui friendly requires a bit more effort and energy; pretend to move. Go through your desk drawers, file cabinets, and desktop. Shred or recycle unused, unnecessary or simply, unwanted documents, objects, and knickknacks. At the end of the day, pack a medium box full of some of the remaining items. The next working day, go through the box. If it is still something that is necessary for you to do your job, reorganize it in your workspace. The extra investment of attention, time and energy you spend reorganizing your workspace will gift you a healthful sense of control and calm.

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26 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

In the News

Longview library and Fibre Federal Credit Union offering Adulting 101 classes Longview Public Library is partnering with Fibre Federal Credit Union to present Adulting 101 May 8, May 15 and May 22 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. There are three classes covering different topics and there will also be a raffle for a gift card at the end of each class. May 8 - Financial Basics: I have money! Now what? •

How to pick a financial institution

Bank versus Credit Union

Opening an account

Savings account/checking account

Do’s and don’ts of banking

May 15 - Credit and Loans: Is this free money?

What is credit?

Why is it important?

Types of loans

Applying for loans


May 22 – Budgeting: Where does it all go? •

How can budgeting help me?

Creating a plan

Financial goals


For more information, call 360-442-5300. Also, you can visit the web page to see all the programs happening at the library,

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There’s a Difference. May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 27

Chamber Connection

Spring Show

Martha and Rick Morrison with Twin City Laundry made an appearance in our BiCoastal Media studio. Mark Silva, Columbia Bank, talked up our Business After Hours with host Karen Sisson and Karen, Carey Mackey and Amy Hallock posed for photos with Kalei LaFave with 100 Women Who Care after her appearance.

See more photos on the Chamber’s Facebook page or click here.

“Your Chamber Connection” EVERY Wednesday Hosts of the Show: Carey Mackey, Red Canoe Credit Union; Karen Sisson, Stewart Title; and Russ Chittock, Enlivant Would you like an opportunity to be on Your Chamber Connection or to have more information about the qualifications of an open house or ribbon cutting? Contact Bill or Amy at the Chamber 360-423-8400 28 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | May 2018

Stream live at Local guest and current events

April Ambassador of the Month Eric McCrandall Family Health Center

McCrandall springs to the front of honors Front and center at PNW Metal Recycling's recent ribbon cutting ceremony is just one of the volunteer efforts that earned Eric McCrandall April's Ambassador of the Month honor. Eric, an Army veteran, has worked in the drug and alcohol prevention industry for than a decade. He is currently employed at the Family Health Center. McCrandall was the Chamber's 2015 Ambassador of the Year.

In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, archery and spending time outdoors. Chamber Ambassadors, known as the Red Coats, are an integral part of the Chamber of Commerce. The Ambassador team is made up of active Chamber volunteers whose responsibilities include meeting and greeting at Chamber events, welcoming new members and assisting at ribbon cuttings and community events. Ambassadors juggle busy professional careers while making time to assist the Chamber at a va-

In addition to his time as a Chamber Ambassador, Eric has served

riety of events year long. If you would be interested in wearing a red

on the Community House Board of Directors and volunteered with

coat and representing the Chamber, contact CEO Bill Marcum at the

the Emergency Support Shelter, United Way and Sandblasters.

Chamber office.

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1159 14th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632 ■ Phone: 360.423.5330 ■ May 2018 | Kelso Longview Business Connection | 29

Welcome Back!

The Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce would like to give a SHOUT OUT and a big THANK YOU to the following loyal members for renewing their partnership with us.

Biggs Insurance Services Clay Bartness Comcast Dick Hannah Toyota Fred Meyer, Inc. Heritage Bank – Kelso Heritage Bank – Longview McCord Bros. Nissan Dodge Millennium Bulk Terminals Minuteman Press Servpro of Longview/Kelso Sierra Pacific Mortgage Twin City Bank Waste Control Recycling, Inc. Woodford Commercial Real Estate

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