DIMENSIONS The measurements were taken using the cutouts, tracing each peice onto paper for an exact replica of the model. As there were many parts, photography did not give adequate results, and thus was not used as a base for the tracing, merely serving as a reference alongside the physical model. As the dimensions were already in place through the cutouts, it was then simple to halve each dimension to give a 1:2 scale. 1:2 scale @A4
1:2 scale @A4
1:2 scale @A4
Not to scale
ANALYSIS The parts were joined using slots, forming a series of interlocking planes that gave each other stability and strength. The drawing above shows how the parts slot together. Each panel is shaped dierently, but are all at in an almost 2D way. However, when combined in a system such as this, the 2D element is lost and the overall structure takes on a more three dimensional feel. Through this we are able to easily form quie complex shapes, using only 2d planes and slots.