Food & Culture final assessment

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Chapter 1

[Space arrangement]

The foodcourt is arranged in a linear form with narrow alley, front and back are connected and easy to access, welcoming the public from both ways.


/ˈlɪnɪə/ arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line.

coffee shop

Food section


beverage section


Typical Food Court By typical food court arrangement, the customer can overview the entire food court when standing at one point.

The Gallery Swt up a mini gallery in the food court, promotes the culture and glory history.

Dynamic Design With dynamic design, every turn gives a surprise, enrich the user experience.

Beverage Section In this section, not only the beverage on the menu attracts people, but also the presentation style catches people’s eye.

Space+Function Each space provides different function and it has its own unique design.

Food Section It offers variaty of cuisin under one roof with clear menu and it provides enough sitting area.

Chapter 2 Theme

[The Theme]

A strong concept of a food court would reflects on the spatial design, interior design and its decoration. An attractive design and decoration will catch people’s eye, perhaps retain return customers.

/θiːm/ Theme food court is food court in which the concept of the food court takes priority, influencing the architecture, food, music, and overall 'feel' of the food court.

Chapter 3

[Attractive Design]

A stand out design would definately attract people to visit. The strong juxtaposition design approach, contrasting with its site context, creating memorable focal point.


/əˈtraktÉŞv/ pleasing or appealing to the senses.

Stand out design

Focal point on urban street pleasing and welcoming entrance

The entrance with unique design on a busy street, contrasting with its site context, thus draws people’s curiosity and attracts public from the varendah to take photo and visit.

The diverse design of signage catches people’s eye and welcoming the public from the other side of the food court.

Chapter 4



The theme of the food court would affects the human movement patterns. Design an interesting circulation would give the customer an unusual experience, and how the customer browse the food stall.

/səːkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.

Typical food stall arrangement

Typical food stall arrangement

Typical food court will arrange the food stalls in one linear form, customer would not go through all the stalls, instead, go towards their prefered food stall.

Dynamic & interesting food stall arrangement

Dynamic & interesting food stall arrangement

These arrangement will change human movement patterns within the food court, it allows the customer to go through every food stall and make decision

One point view All the food stalls are visible by standing at one point

Go-through view Changing the customer on browsing food stall pattern

Every turn has a surprise, giving the customer a ‘food hunting’ experience and allows the customer browse the food stalls in slow pace.

Chapter 5

[Visual Connection]


/kəˈnɛkʃ(ə)n/ a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else. Material to construct the kitchen plays an important role. Open kitchen creates visual connection and increase interaction between the cheft and the customer.

Enclosed kitchen

Enclosed kitchen

By having enclosed kitchen design, there will be no interaction & activity between cheft and customer

Open Kitchen

Open Kitchen

The open kitchen concept allows customer to enjoy and witness the food preparation, thus entertain the customer while waiting for their food to be served

Chapter 6

[Food Display]


/dɪˈspleɪ/ put (something) in a prominent place in order that it may readily be seen. It is important for specialist retailers to create points of difference to entice customers. Simply selling the right products is in itself not enough; the way in which they are displayed to customers is also vital.

Uninteresting food display In a typical food court, an uninteresting food display would reduce the amount of customer and unattractive to people

Menu display

Menu display

Menu not only display on every table, but also on the over-head ceiling

Light up the menu on top of the food stall gives a clear idea of what they are offering

Approach to customer Take initiative to display the food to customer, thereby introduce the food

“Design creates stories, and stories create memorable experiences, and great experiences have this innate ability to change the way in which we view our world.“

- Christian Saylor

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