SBI, Inc. Marketing Director Manual

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g so you got the what?




g Written/designed by Kelsey Leach Marketing Director 2012-2013

g Table of Contents

Section One : In the Marketing Studios

Section Five: Printers

Section Two: Marketing Staff Members

Section Six: Ordering Things

Section Three: The 9 Departments

Section Seven: Designs

Section Four: Marketing Requests

g Section One

In the Marketing Studios

- Send out a “hi my name is” email to all the depts. Introduce yourself. Also use this email to set any marketing guidelines or rules you might have (like how much notice you want for marketing requests) -Make an events calendar: put as many events and deadlines on there as possible. That way any designer or coordinator can check it anytime they’re in the office -Make a “jobs list” that you can constantly add to: That way people can sign up for the jobs they might be interested in designer. If no one signs up after a day or two, then you can just assign it to someone -Set up marketing team meetings: After your first meeting, you can set them up weekly or bi weekly, depending on workload. - Make an office hours weekly calendar: Post it in the studio and on the studio doors, that way anyone who stops by will always know when they can speak to someone or when they can find someone specific. -Make a “mailbox” for employees and yourself: Leave timesheets and any other papers in here. Also, make sure you check the marketing mailbox in the main office a couple time a week. Also make a mailbox for where all budget papers for your dept. will be placed. I always keep correlating requisitions & invoices staples together. - When you learn how to do the KVS requisition form that you’re required to do before you ever order anything, write down every step. I promise, it will help you in the future. -If you’re around over the summer, you will be here for Orientation. Although you don’t have to work at a table for orientation, you will be making all the materials that are handed out at orientation. Lorenzo is in charge or orientation; you will need to contact him for anything regarding orientation materials. -Keep everything organized: Keep yourself organized. Keep your staff organized. Keep your files organized. Keeping everything in a logical order, especially on the computers, will help future marketing members find things long after you are gone.

g Section Two

Marketing Staff Members


-Office hours: make sure you are always in for your office hours. During this time, make sure your meeting with bill or anyone else if need be. Also make sure that your staff members are fulfilling their hours. Some days I like to schedule my hours when all of my staff members are in just so I can check up on their progress. About a day a week though, I like to schedule my office hours in the morning when no one else is in. This is often my time to collect all of my thoughts, open my SBI Bible notebook of information and prepare myself for the weeks to come, making sure that nothing will be forgotten. -Your coordinator is your twin. Everything you know, they should know, and everything they know, you need to know. Your coordinator is responsible for contacting departments, calling people, and being on top of all communication that happens between SBI and the marketing offices. Make sure they CC you on all emails and other information because two heads, are better than one. -Your designers and You: Even though your designers will be doing 80% of the requests that come in, you have the ultimate final decision of creative control. Also, if there is ever something you want to design, you can do so. For example, I make myself solely responsible for all generation ads every other week. And, I am personally attached to the V-Day campaign that Health Ed runs, so I do most of the requests that come in pertaining to that. Who does what is your choice. -Timesheets: make sure these always get filled out, signed and handed into the payroll box on time! Your time sheet will go into bill’s mailbox for him to sign. -Delegating work: know your employees so that you can delegate marketing requests accordingly. Put your marketing coordinator in charge of the SBI facebook and twitter. Make sure they are posting on they every single day. Every ad you put out, should be put up on both our facebook and twitter.

g Section Three The 9 Departments

-Make yourself familiar with what the 9 different departments are. All their contact information is in Studio 2. It is also online at on the contact page -Email all departments about if they want to meet or talk about marketing for their dept. some departments like Legal and Pharmacy, like to meet in person about things. Also, big departments like Health Education take up the vast majority of our marketing requests, so it is helpful to meet with them (or have your coordinator meet with them) just to make sure you have all the information you need for upcoming events. - Generation deadlines: Generation gets printed Bi-weekly. On a Monday, you will meet with Bill about what ads should go in to Generation. We get 3 pages worth of ads in total. After the ads are designed, send them to bill to proof. He will give you feedback and tell you they are all set. Once they are set, you will submit them to the Creative Director of generation by Wednesday. They will get printed and distributed by generation on the following Tuesday. Make sure you grab a copy to check and make sure all your ads printed the way you wanted. If there are any issues, it might be within the file you sent to them. -Don’t be afraid to be straight with other departments. Make sure they are always putting in a marketing request. Don’t take marketing requests over the phone or in person without an additional one being sent, even if it says the same exact thing! Marketing requests are the only way we can make sure we can proof of all the information that was requested to be on an ad or a poster. It is also the only way you can hold the person submitting the request accountable for the information, so marketing doesn’t get blamed on forgetting things or messing something up. -Become best friends with the women in the main office and Joel in IT. They will become your new best friends, and will save you from stress countless times throughout the year. Drop by the main office once a week when everyone is on lunch in the boardroom and just sit and converse with everyone. They’re an awesome group of folks. -As marketing director, you are also the co-chair for the 2070 Committee. Make sure you get to know the Director or Planning and Development, who is the Head of the 2070 committee. Their office is in the main office. You will have 2070 meetings once a week. Schedule your office hours to be during that time, so that you will always be available for them. The 2070 committee meeting is where upcoming plans concerning SBI are discussed with a rep. from each dept. These plans could be anywhere from the annual SBI day, to the annual SBI Holiday Party.

g Section Four Marketing Requests

-Marketing requests are filled out online by different departments. When they submit their request, it gets sent to 3 people: you the director, your coordinator, and also the director of WRUB. After you get this request, write it on the Jobs List board. Whoever signs up for it, or whomever you delegate the request to, forward them the exact marketing request email you were sent. Afterwards, you need to email the person who filled out the marketing request saying that their request was accepted, the name of the designer assigned and the designer’s email. Let them know that any further information concerning that request will be communicated between them and the designer that was assigned their project. -Proofs: after a designer completes an ad, you proof it. You make any necessary changes, and then you send it to whoever put in that request. Ask for any changes that need to be made, and if not, ask for the Go-Ahead to print. For Health Ed, this will be Jane, the Director, but it will not necessarily be the director for other departments. - TEST PRINT, TEST PRINT, TEST PRINT, Every time, BEFORE you print the full amount.

g Section Five Printers

-Any files that are 8.5 x11 or 11x17 will be printed on the RICOH printer in Studio 1. You can only print files from the PC to that printer. Conversely, any banners need to be printed from the Mac. The Epson is a testy lady, and likes to think about herself for a while before she prints. Give her time to warm up. Also, all banner files need to be 40x60 in size and can ONLY ONLY ONLY be printed FROM PHOTOSHOP. So even though you might make all of your files in Illustrator, you need to save them and open then in Photoshop in order to print them out. Who knows why, that’s just how it goes.

g Section Six Ordering Things

-Once your requisition is approved, you will get an email from Mike Apa. You will also get an invoice paper in your mailbox in the main office with the amount you are allotted to spend. Keep all these papers. You will need them to keep track of your budget stuff. -Epson banner paper or ink you need to call or email Mike from Buffalo Copier to order them. These take a while to come in, so order BEFORE you run out of supply. Ricoh printer ink: you will need to call the service number to order inks. I suggest you order two sets or CMYK tubes. With extra K! -Paper and other stuff: All paper and other office supplies are ordered from EATON. There is a supply book in Studio 1, but also once you have access to EATON online, there is a favorites list, so you don’t even have to look through pages and pages of options. Eaton is AWESOME because you will literally get your order in the office the day after you submit your order to them.

g Section Seven Designs

-All designs must follow the template that has been set up for all SBI ads. The template, no matter what size, always have a white bar at the bottom, with the event’s corresponding department logo on the left, and their contact info on the right. If you are at all confused, just check out archive files from the 2012-2013 year. - There are 2 main typefaces for SBI that will be used in ALL ads. These two typefaces are Auxx and Archer. Only use these two typefaces in your designs. -Using this template and these typefaces establishes a consistency in the designs that are put out by SBI, which ultimately make us more recognizable and memorable to students. This is also why you proof all designs, to assure they look like they are indeed all coming from the same company. -Become familiar with all the different types of designs you will make. Most often you will make 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 posters, SU Banners and quarter-sheets. We also create Stampede shuttle bus banners.

2013 Marketing Director Manual

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