Equinox - 2021

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Linguis'c Penal'es and the Job Interview

ISBN: 9781845537692 Author(s): Celia Roberts Price: £26,95 Pub. date: March-21

Linguis)c Penal)es and the Job Interview looks at a rela)vely untapped area of language and social life: the role of language and interac)on in construc)ng the job interview and how this role produces disadvantage in the linguis)cally diverse communi)es of the western world. It relates the specific ac)vity of the job interview to the wider field of ins)tu)onal discourse and discusses relevant social theories in the light of the data.The volume considers job interviews as key ‘gatekeeping’ encounters within the workplace from two main perspec)ves: interviews as extreme examples of social evalua)on, showing how inferen)al processes of moment to moment talk in interac)on can lead to the ‘small tragedies’ of everyday life; and interviews as a window into social inequality more generally. It illustrates interac)onal sociolinguis)c and linguis)c ethnography methodology through the job interview and workplace data and argues for the importance of prac)cal relevance – applying sociolinguis)c analysis to educa)onal interven)ons. Celia Roberts is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguis)cs at King's College, London.

For more informa)on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

represented by : No image Transi'ons, Urbanism, and Collapse in the Bronze Age: Essays in Honor of Suzanne ISBN: 9781781797204 Author(s): Jesse C. Long, Jr. Price: £90,00 Pub. date: May-21

In recognition of the significant contribution that Suzanne Richard has made to the archaeology of the Early Bronze Age in the southern Levant, this Festschrift represents the best of scholarship in her areas of interest and publication in the field. Professor Richard is known for her work on the Early Bronze Age, especially the EB III-IV. Her first major articles (BASOR 1980; BA 1987) are still standard references in the field. More recently, she is concerned with interconnectivity, social organization in rural periods, and urban-rural transitions in the Levant in the fourth and third millennia BCE in particular. With an international cadre of leading scholars, the volume reflects recent scholarship on the nature of Bronze Age urbanism and cultural transitions at key junctures. The volume is an important contribution to the field of late 4th through the 2nd millennia BCE. Jesse C. Long, Jr., is Professor of Old Testament at Lubbock Christian University.

For more informa.on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

represented by : No image The Hunt for Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman ISBN: 9781800500228 Author(s): Cynthia Shafer-EllioV Price: £40,00 Pub. date: May-21

This volume celebrates the contribu3on of Diana V. Edelman to the field and celebrates her personally as researcher, teacher, mentor, colleague, and mastermind of new research paths and groups. It salutes her unconven3onal, constantly thinking and rethinking outside the box and her challenging of established consensuses. It includes essays addressing biblical themes and texts, archaeological fieldwork, historical method, social memory and recep3on history. Contributors include: Yairah Amit, James Anderson, Bob Becking, Ehud Ben Zvi, Kåre Berge, Anne Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher, Lester L. Grabbe, Philippe Guillaume, David Hamidovič, Lowell K. Handy, Maria Häusl, Kris3n Joachimsen, Christoph Levin, Aren M. Maeir, LyneVe Mitchell, Reinhard Müller, Jorunn Okland, Daniel Pioske, Thomas Römer, BenedeVa Rossi, Cynthia Shafer-EllioV, Jason Silverman, Steinar Skarpnes, Pauline A. Viviano, Anne-Mareike WeVer. Cynthia Shafer-EllioV serves as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible & Archaeology at Jessup University.

For more informa3on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Systemic Func-onal Transla-on Studies: Theore-cal Insights and New Direc-ons ISBN: 9781781798317 Author(s): Bo Wang and Yuanyi Ma Price: £24,95 Pub. date: June-21

This book offers a comprehensive account of Systemic Functional Translation Studies (SFTS) — a research area that applies Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to study translation, and to relate researches by scholars in the community of both SFL and translation studies. The important trends as well as contributions in SFTS will be summarised. Various topics in SFTS will be covered in the six chapters of this book, including the basic issues and concepts in SFTS; the relationship between SFTS, the cognate functional approaches, translation studies and translation practice; SFTS and different modes of meaning; registerial variation and SFTS; technologies and SFTS as well as a future outlook on SFTS. The objectives of this book include to provide a comprehensive introduction to SFTS; to relate SFTS to translation studies; to summarise the important contributions and limitations of SFTS; and to offer directions for future researches in SFTS, reflecting on what is currently missing from the SFL theory. Bo Wang is Associate Research Fellow from School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, China. Yuanyi Ma is Lecturer from Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Stag and Stone: Religion, Archaeology and Esoteric Aesthe6cs ISBN: 9781781793381 Author(s): Jay Johnston Price: £75 Pub. date: Jan-21

Stag and Stone: Religion, Archaeology and Esoteric Aesthetics is a timely and innovative evaluation of the interdisciplinary dialogue between religious studies and archaeology. Investigating the core concepts of materiality, perception, ritual and agency the volume redefines conceptual categories and argues for the need of 'critical bewilderment' as a unique scholarly practice. The pioneering intersubjective methodology brings together recent developments in religious aesthetics, theoretical archaeology and cultural studies. Taking as its focus 'troublesome' objects and places — those deemed ambiguous in purpose and meaning — the individual case studies contribute new knowledge to a range of areas including the archaeology of shamanism, contemporary art and early medieval Norse and Insular material culture. Jay Johnston is Associate Professor in the Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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She's at the Controls: Sound Engineering, Produc7on and Gender Ventriloquism in the 21st ISBN: 9781781796511 Author(s): Helen Reddington Price: £24,95 Pub. date: Feb-21

She’s at the Controls gives a socio-historical examina6on of the roles of women studio professionals in the UK music industry based on interviews conducted over six years with 30 female studio prac66oners at different stages of their careers and working in different genres of popular music including reggae, hip hop and pop. The edited interviews are preceded by an in-depth explora6on of the oGen unseen and unacknowledged gender rules of music industry prac6ce (both personal and technical) that underpin popular music e6queKe. A range of suppor6ng material from academic works to technical publica6ons and popular music journalism is used to expand and cri6que the discourse. Helen Reddington is Senior Lecturer in Music Produc6on at the University of East London. She is the author of The Lost Women of Rock Music: Female Musicians of the Punk Era (Second Edi6on, Equinox, 2012).

For more informa6on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

represented by : No Image Searching for Structure in Po0ery Analysis: Applying Mul8ple Scales and Instruments to Produc8on

ISBN: 9781781790533

Author(s):Alan F. Greene and Charles W. Hartley (eds)

Price: £85

Pub. date: May - 21

Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis addresses the theoretical and methodological imperatives involved in (re)integrating descriptive, structural, and compositional analytical methods in a series of contributions from a diverse group of experts in archaeological pottery. Drawing on the life’s work of materials scientist Cyril Stanley Smith (The Search For Structure, MIT Press, 1981), a pioneering materials scientist who brought an important focus on structure to studies of a variety of archaeological materials, the contributors focus on those forms of analysis which investigate structural characteristics of ceramics and the methodologies that link such structural characteristics with the typological and compositional data that compose the majority of evidence in contemporary ceramic analyses. The chapters include essays organized into two sections: the first focuses on how the practices of ceramic production and the structures they generate enable inferences about the social relations between producers and consumers of pottery; and the second focuses on the role structure plays in the refraction and maintenance of different forms of social grouping and identity. These two themes serve as orienting foci for a broad set of heuristic and technical tools that have the potential to alter how archaeologists extract and identify the social information captured in the multifarious properties of pottery and transform contemporary understandings of the different roles ceramics played in past societies. Dr. Alan F. Greene is an affiliate researcher at New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. Dr. Charles W. Hartley completed his Ph.D. in anthropological archaeology at the University of Chicago in 2020. Charles is a co-director of the Making of Ancient Eurasia (MAE) project, an analytical collaboration between anthropologists and material scientists at Argonne National Laboratory.

For more informa/on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

represented by : Scoring Second Language Spoken and Wri1en Performance: Issues, Op:ons and Direc:ons

ISBN: 9781781799529 Author(s): Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn and Jin Yan

Price: £24,95 Pub. date: March-21

The ability to speak and write effec6vely is widely recognized as an important skill in many contexts and for many purposes, both personal, educa6onal and professional. Because these skills are considered important in second and foreign language learning contexts, they are oAen included in performance assessments. The scoring of such performances is, however, a complex undertaking and has aBracted much aBen6on, both in first and second language learning contexts. The increasing use of automated scoring systems has added to this complexity in recent years. It is therefore all the more surprising that there is no book available that provides an overview of this topic area – the scoring of second language performances. This monograph fills this gap, by drawing together the latest literature in the area. It focusses on issues rela6ng to both ratermediated assessments and sets out considera6on in rela6on to automated scoring systems (and other technology) which are increasingly used in our field. This monograph provides a useful introduc6on to graduate students, researchers, test developers, other prac66oners and teachers to this topic which has in many ways dominated the field of language assessment over many decades. Ute Knoch is the Director of the Language Tes6ng Research Centre at the University of Melbourne. Judith Fairbairn leads on assessment development projects for the Bri6sh Council’s Global Assessments team, which includes project management, assessment design, item wri6ng, ra6ng scale development, test quality assurance and developing bespoke assessment solu6ons for clients. Dr. Yan Jin is a professor of linguis6cs and applied linguis6cs at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

For more informa6on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Project-based Language Learning and CALL: From Virtual Exchange to Social Jus?ce

ISBN: 9781800500242 Author(s): Michael Thomas Price: £24,95 Pub. date: April-21

This book is the first substantive scholarly book on project-based and cross-curricular language learning using digital technologies. The book includes new empirical research on project-based language learning utilizing CALL technologies and conceptual and theoretical chapters that address new methodological approaches for researching project-based and cross-curricular language learning in digitally-mediated learning environments. This dual focus distinguishes the volume from previous books on project-based learning in which digital technologies have not been the main focus. CALL research involving a variety of languages is also offered. The book is timely in that, inspired by OECD reports and curriculum reforms in several countries, a repositioning and re-evaluation of foreign language education in school-based education has been taking place in which foreign language learning is taught in a multi-disciplinary approach involving an emphasis on collaborative literacies, including problem-solving, civic engagement, social justice and telecollaboration. In this mix, language learning, particularly driven by developments in CLIL (content and integrated language learning), is being taught as one of several disciplines in a way that firmly emphasizes communication and creativity rather than a traditional functional approach. Michael Thomas is Professor of Education at Liverpool John Moores University.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Neo-Firthian Approaches to Linguis4c Typology

ISBN: 9781781796672 Author(s): William B. McGregor Price: £24,95 Pub. date: June-21

Unlike the majority of func4onally oriented theories, Systemic Func4onal Grammar and its congeners – referred to as Neo-Firthian theories – have evinced li@le interest in linguis4c typology, and have made but minimal impact on the discipline. This book addresses these lacunae from two complementary perspec4ves. First, some inadequacies of the dominant “atheore4cal” approaches to linguis4c typology are iden4fied, and it is shown how these can be circumvented through a firm founda4on in a Neo-Firthian theore4cal framework. Second, it is contended that Neo-Firthian approaches must take typology seriously as a criterion of theore4cal adequacy, and be able to account for the full range of gramma4cal phenomena and their varia4on across languages, as well as those features that are universal. The argument proceeds through case studies of a selec4on of gramma4cal phenomena, in par4cular, gramma4cal rela4ons, the noun phrase, complex sentence construc4ons, op4onal case marking and gramma4cal classifica4on. Given the paucity of NeoFirthian informed typological inves4ga4ons, the book is largely programma4c, and points to poten4al mutual enrichments of linguis4c typology and Neo-Firthian theories. The book is of interest to linguis4cs working within Systemic Func4onal Linguis4cs and other func4onal theories, as well as to typologists. William B. McGregor is Professor of Linguis4cs at Aarhus University. He is the author of a number of publica4ons including most recently, Linguis4cs: An Introduc4on (2nd edi4on) published by Bloomsbury in 2015.

For more informa4on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Muslim Qur’anic Interpreta2on Today: Media, Genealogies and Interpre2ve Communi2es (NIP) ISBN: 9781800500273 Author(s): Johanna Pink Price: £24,95 Pub. date: Jan-21

This book takes a comprehensive look at the ways in which Muslims interpret the Qurʾān today and at the themes and structural conditions that shape their engagement with their sacred scripture. Muslim Qurʾānic interpretation Today includes boldly innovative approaches as well as staunchly traditional ones. They are represented and performed in all types of media and target a wide variety of audiences. The book aims at making sense of these diverse phenomena by combining an analytical overview of the field with detailed case studies of exegetical texts and media from the 2000s and 2010s. The first part offers a comprehensive introductory survey of the field of contemporary Muslim Qurʾānic interpretation. It provides a fresh perspective on present-day discourses by emphasising the historical, social, and political dimensions in which they take place. The second part presents samples from recent exegetical works that exemplify larger themes such as media, interpretive methods, and the diversity of the global Muslim community. Commentaries on the texts and their authors help to contextualise the samples and highlight core themes and features of contemporary exegetical debates. Taken together, the two parts of the book can be read as a spotlight on Muslim Qurʾānic interpretation in a specific period of time, a time of great challenges and tremendous social transformations, some of them obvious and some of them rarely noted.

Johanna Pink is Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Freiburg.

For more informa>on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Micro-Reflection on Classroom Communication: A FAB Framework Author(s): Hansun Zhang Waring and Sarah

ISBN: 9781781797358 Price: £24,95 Pub. date: jan-21

Traditional concerns with classroom communication have centered on questions such as who talks more, whether the interaction is teacher-centered or student-centered, whether participation is restricted to a few or available to all, what kinds of questions teachers ask (display or referential), and what kinds of feedback they give. These indicators provide a simple and useful way of capturing classroom communication in distributional and categorical terms. Less attention has been devoted to observing and understanding the quality of this communication—whether it facilitates learning regardless of, for example, who talks more. Based on over a decade of fine-grained analysis of video-recorded ESL classroom interaction, this book offers one way of seeing and gauging the quality of classroom communication beyond distributions and categories. In particular, by parsing detailed transcripts of actual classroom interaction, it invites reflective conversations on how three principles of skillful classroom communication may be practiced in the micro-moments of classroom interaction: (1) fostering an inviting classroom environment, (2) attending to student voices, and (3) balancing competing demands (FAB). Attention to the moment-by-moment complexity of the classroom also allows teachers to learn and practice the skill of noticing, the first step in an iterative cycle of noticing, reflecting, and practicing. That is, along with reflecting on what happened in a classroom, teachers must also learn to notice what is happening in the moment. The goal is to cultivate a mentality of micro-reflection—one that sensitizes teachers to the consequentiality of every move they make as they make them in the simultaneity and sequentiality of second-by-second classroom interaction. Hansun Zhang Waring is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics & TESOL at Teachers College, Columbia University. Sarah Chepkirui Creider is a Lecturer at Teachers College, Columbia University.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Levan&ne Entanglements: Cultural Produc&ons, Long-term Changes and Globaliza&ons in the Eastern Mediterranean

ISBN: 9781781799123 Author(s): Terje Stordalen Price: £90,00 Pub. date: May-21

This cross-disciplinary volume makes the case for the Levant, including the use of the term, as a unit of analysis for the study of cultural produc;on and change over the long-term in the Eastern Mediterranean. It offers a new perspec;ve on the history of this region that overcomes Orientalist approaches and introduces a global history perspec;ve. It posits a way forward for studying the agency of the local as a key to understanding the long-term history of cultural produc;on over the long-term in the region. Finally, it tells the story of the crystalliza;on within the region of a type of sub-imperial power, illustrated by the canonical discourses popularly associated with the religions of Judaism, Chris;anity, and Islam. Terje Stordalen is professor of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies at the University of Oslo, Norway.

For more informa;on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Language in Ac+on: SFL Theory across Contexts

ISBN: 9781800500044 Author(s): María Estela Brisk and Mary J. Schleppegrell Price: £26,95 Pub. date: Jun. 21

Language in Ac,on: SFL Theory across Contexts brings together recent research in elementary and secondary educa,on, higher educa,on, and transla,on studies, informed by Systemic Func,onal Linguis,cs. Authors repor,ng from a range of interna,onal contexts offer new insights into curriculum and instruc,onal issues in subjects including history, physical educa,on, and mathema,cs, with a focus on development of students’ reading, wri,ng, and disciplinary literacy skills. The chapters also report on studies in teacher educa,on and student learning in seFngs where Spanish, Danish, or English are the languages of instruc,on, and the development of advanced academic wri,ng in these languages is a par,cular focus of studies in higher educa,on. The transla,on studies offer new perspec,ves on transla,on from classical Chinese literature and Italian museum texts. Across the volume, the chapters present innova,ons in genre pedagogy, pedagogical and methodological uses of SFL metalanguage, and approaches to curriculum development and school-based research. The authors draw on func,onal grammar, register theory, Appraisal, and Legi,ma,on Code Theory to offer new analy,c approaches and insights. This book offers readers a range of work that can inspire and inform researchers and students interested in new approaches to systemic func,onal linguis,cs in ac,on. Maria Estela Brisk is Professor of Educa,on at Boston College. Mary Schleppegrell is Professor of Educa,on at the University of Michigan.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World (NIP) ISBN: 9781800500266 Author(s): John Baines Price: £26,95 Pub. date: Jan-21

Historical Consciousness and the Use of the Past in the Ancient World offers linked essays on uses of the past in prominent and diverse cultures in ancient civilizations across the world. The contributors are leading experts in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Sinology, Biblical Studies, Classics, and Maya Studies. This volume addresses crucial questions in current scholarship on historical consciousness and historiography. These questions include the formation of different traditions and the manifold uses of the past in particular socio-political contexts or circumstances; the ways in which these traditions and these types of cultural memory informed or contributed to the rise of more formal modes of historiography; interactions between formal modes of historiography and other traditions of historical consciousness during their transmission; and the implications of such interactions for cultural heritage, collective memory, and later understandings of history. By taking an interdisciplinary approach, this volume situates the rise of formal modes of historiography within a larger context of developments in historical consciousness and a wider web of intercommunicating discourses. It also uncovers intellectual processes, literary mechanisms, and social institutions involved in the construction of history. During the construction of ancient historiographies, while many local traditions persisted, some ancients gradually went beyond the temporal and spatial limitations of their local traditions, arriving at a more extended and unified timespan, a wider geographical region, and a common origin. John Baines is Professor of Egyptology Emeritus at the University of Oxford. Henriette van der Blom is Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Birmingham.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Global Phenomenologies of Religion: An Oral History …..

ISBN: 9781781799154 Author(s): Satoko Fujiwara Price: £26,95 Pub. date: March-21

The phenomenology of religion is a branch of religious study that claims to represent the core of the study of religion as an autonomous discipline. First used as a term by the Dutch scholar Chantepie de la Saussaye in 1887, it was developed by Gerdardus van der Leeuw in the 1930s and 40s, became popular in the 1960s and 70s and then subsequently met severe criticism, virtually disappearing by the beginning of the twenty-first century. This volume investigates how the phenomenology of religion was accepted and developed in different national contexts. It consists of interviews with senior scholars, who are experts on the development of the phenomenology of religion in their countries, along with commentary and analysis. It examines the reasons why it disappeared so abruptly in each country and reveals how scholars of religion currently evaluate the phenomenology of religion in their countries. Satoko Fujiwara is Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Letters, at the University of Tokyo.

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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Contours of the Flesh: The Semio3cs of Pain ISBN: 9781845539610 Author(s): Darlene M. Juschka Price: £24,95 Pub. date: May-21

In the Eurowest pain is discursively framed as something that elides discourse and therefore is outside language. In this framing, pain, as outside language, is given asocial and ahistorical status understood to be beyond human construc<on. Indeed, played out in systems of belief and prac<ce, pain acts as a medium for reciprocal rela<ons with the metaphysical other since it too is understood as origina<ng and sharing a part in the ‘authen<c’ or ‘real’ from which the metaphysical, and therefore truth, is understood to emerge. Understood as part of this domain, pain is linked to truth and therefore understood to be a means to truth; hence the use of torture to secure the truth. With this kind of discursive framing, this book works to make apparent the rhetorical play of pain demonstra<ng its social and poli<cal impera<ves. Darlene M. Juschka is an associate professor in the Department of Gender, Religious and Cri<cal Studies at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan Canada.

For more informa<on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

represented by : No image Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record: New Approaches, New Dimensions ISBN: 9781781799260 Author(s): Laerke Recht Price: £75 Pub. date: May-21

Animals pervade our lives, both today and in the past. From the smallest bug through pets and agricultural animals to elephants and blue whales, the animals themselves, animal-derived products and representations of animals can be found everywhere in our daily lives. This book focuses on the representations of animals in the past: How were animals represented in iconography, and how is the craftsperson interpreting animals within his or her own cultural context? What do the representations tell us about the role and function of both animals and the representations themselves? A series of papers explore these questions through images of animals. This is, for example, done by using technologies like 3D models to emphasize the dimensionality of objects, or through theoretical and interdisciplinary approaches that examine the intersection of the human and the animal. The papers challenge the notion of animals purely as objects, instead focusing on the many ways in which humans and animals interact. The importance of animals in all aspects of our lives means that the study of human-animal relations is an extremely relevant one both in the past and today. The papers take us on a journey through time and space, demonstrating exactly this relevance. Starting in the Neolithic and ending in the Medieval period, from the Mediterranean and Northern Europe through Siberia and the Baltic to the other side of the world in Australia, we have the privilege of encountering lions, horses, dogs, monkeys, birds, kangaroos and octopuses, among many other wonderful creatures. The book is an important and exciting contribution to the study of human-animal relations. It should be of interest to anyone working on this topic and the interpretation of images – both modern and ancient. Laerke Recht is an archaeologist at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge (Affiliated Scholar, former Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow).

For more informa,on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-turn Repair Opera:ons in Talk-in-Interac:on ISBN: 9781781798454 Author(s): Zsuzsanna Németh Price: £75,00 Pub. date: Apr-21

This book studies four self-ini3ated same-turn repair strategies in talk-in-interac3on rela3ve to each other, namely, recycling, replacement, inser3on, and abor3ng. Based on a thorough analysis of a Hungarian corpus, as well as the previous results on another nine languages, a preference hierarchy model of repair opera3ons is proposed that is able to interpret same-turn repair opera3ons rela3ve to each other. It reinterprets the rela3onship between the principle of intersubjec3vity and the principle of progressivity in talk-in-interac3on. Saying that the principle of maintaining progressivity also has an impact on the principle of maintaining intersubjec3vity (not only vice versa), it supposes a two-way rela3onship between intersubjec3vity and progressivity. It is found that the speakers’ possible choices of repair opera3ons rela3ng to self-repair depend on at least three factors: the func3on of repair opera3ons, the number of respects in which they override the preference for progressivity, and the morphosyntac3c structure of the language used. This also highlights the interac3on between grammar and pragma3cs. Although the object theore3cal background of the book is conversa3on analysis, the author aGempts to show how the methodological apparatus of conversa3on analysis can be supplied by other methods in order to enhance the reliability of her results. Dr. Zsuzsanna Németh works in the Research Group for Theore3cal Linguis3cs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a member of the Hungarian Research Centre for Pragma3cs, established in 2012.

For more informa3on: info@kemperconseil.nl or t: +31 703868031

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