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Renewable Energy Finance Funding the Future of Energy 2nd Edition Edited By: Charles W Donovan (Imperial College Business School, UK) ISBN: 9781786348623 Price: (GBP) 50

Renewable Energy Finance (Second Edition) describes in rich detail current best practices and evolving trends in clean energy investing. With contributions by some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, the book documents how investors are spending over 300 billion each year on financing renewable energy and positioning themselves in a growing global investment market. This second edition documents, with practical examples, the ways in which investors have funded over 2.6 trillion in solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects over the past decade. The book will be a go-to reference manual for understanding the factors that shape risk and return in renewable energy, the world's fastest growing industrial sector. The book is suitable for executives new to the field, as well as advanced business students. Edited by Dr Charles Donovan, Principal Teaching Fellow at Imperial College Business School and formerly Head of Structuring and Valuation for Global Power at BP, the book will give readers a unique insiders' perspective on how renewable energy deals actually get done. Contents: - About the Editor - About the Contributors - Introduction (Charles Donovan) - The Clean Energy Imperative (Adithya Bhashyam, James Hindle, and Charles Donovan) - Markets, Governments, and Renewable Electricity (Richard Green) - Instruments to Mitigate Financial Risk in Indian Renewable Energy Investments (Gireesh Shrimali and Dan Reicher) - Investor-Specific Cost of Capital and Renewable Energy Investment Decisions (Thorsten Helms, Sarah Salm, and Rolf WĂźstenhagen) - Improving Renewable Energy Governance: Insights from Low-Carbon Investment Community Stakeholders (Joel Krupa and Danny Harvey) - Measuring the Carbon Delta in Financial Performance (Celine McInerney and Derek W Bunn) - Mobilizing Private Sector Capital for Low-Carbon Investments in Developing Countries (Alexandre Chavarot and Matthew Konieczny) - The Role of Public Banks in Catalyzing Private Renewable Energy Finance (Bjarne Steffen, Florian Egli, and Tobias S Schmidt) - The Role of the Commercial Banks in the Financing of the Renewable Energy Industry (Alejandro C Alonso) - Achieving Growth with Private Equity (Brian Potskowski and Chris Hunt) - Institutional Investors (David Nelson) - Solar Leasing: Innovative Financing of Residential Solar (Bruce Usher and Albert Gore III) - Crowdfunding: Ready for the Big League? (Sam Friggens and Karl Harder)

Services Marketing People, Technology, Strategy 8th Edition By (author): Jochen Wirtz (National University of Singapore, Singapore) and Christopher Lovelock ISBN: 9781944659011 Price: (GBP) 50

Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the eighth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media and case examples. This textbook takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. Featuring cases and examples from all over the world, Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view of Services Marketing. Supplementary Material Resources Resources are also available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: - Instructor’s Manual and Case Teaching Notes - Powerpoint Desks - Test Bank - Online Case Studies - Teaching Notes & Slides

A Random Walk to Nowhere How the Professors Caused a Real “Fraud-on-the-Market� By (author): Edward E Williams (Rice University, USA) and John A Dobelman (Rice University, USA) ISBN: 9789811208355 Price: (GBP) 25

This book is about an intellectual fraud, one that has become part of legal doctrine that has greatly influenced decisions all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. The "efficient market hypothesis" (EMH), born from the Random Walk theory, started out as an honest attempt to improve insights into how financial markets work, but eventually became almost a religion that every financial economist had to buy into, or risk professional crucifixion. The EMH began over a half century ago. It posits that share prices reflect all available market information, and that it is impossible to consistently outperform the market. This theory dominated research in the academic financial community from the outset, and has continued to do so for decades. Meanwhile, the evidence for above-average profit-making opportunities in the markets has been unfairly suppressed. Written for practitioners in the business, finance and legal industries, this book outlines the major issues that gave rise to the fraud, focusing on the role of statistics in the rise of what the authors call the "New Finance." It details the developments and results of the exclusion of other theories from efficient markets research and highlights the problems arising from a dogmatic adherence to EMH. Contents: - Preface - About the Authors - Fraud, Lies, and Statistics - The Early History of Modern Financial Economics - The Birth of the Efficient Market Hypothesis - Earlier Views of Market Efficiency - The Impact of Information and Regulation on Market Efficiency - Tests of the EMH - Anomalies - The Capital Asset Pricing Model - Beyond the CAPM - Conclusions - Bibliography

Economic Growth and Development 3rd Edition By (author): Hendrik Van den Berg (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA & Mount Holyoke College, USA) ISBN: 9789814733335 Price: (GBP) 81

This textbook covers the full range of topics and issues normally included in a course on economic growth and development. Both mainstream economic perspectives as well as the multiparadigmatic, inter-disciplinary, and dynamic-evolutionary perspectives from heterodox economics are detailed. Economic development is viewed in terms of the long-run well-being of humanity, social stability, environmental sustainability, and just distribution of economic gains, not simply as the growth of GDP. Furthermore, this textbook explicitly recognizes the complexity of economic development by linking economic activity to our broader social and natural environments. The textbook's unique feature is its focus on the natural environment. Both the historical effects of economic development on the environment and the environmental constraints on future economic development are thoroughly discussed in two chapters on environmental issues and policies. In fact, because economic development is defined in terms of economic, social, and environmental sustainability, the natural environment is included in discussions throughout the book. The textbook is inter-disciplinary: knowledge from fields such as sociology, psychology, political science, economic history, and ecology is called on to enhance the economic analysis. A thorough historical account of the development of the principal paradigms of economic development is also included, and the important issues of institutional development and cultural change merit their own chapters. Two chapters on technological change holistically focus on production technologies as well as the dynamic performance of entire economic, social, and ecological systems. Also, the important relationship between economic development and globalization is presented in three chapters on international trade, international finance and investment, and immigration from both orthodox and heterodox perspectives. Contents: - Thinking About Economic Development: The Complexity of Economic Development Measuring Economic Development Holistic Measurement of Economic Development - Models of Economic Development: The Evolution of Growth Models: From Smith to Veblen Post-World War II Growth Models: Harrod-Domar and Solow Economic Development and the Natural Environment Technological Change: What Is It and How Do We Model It? Dynamic Models of Technological Change - Key Elements of Economic Development: Population Growth Humans' Acquired Knowledge and Capabilities The Role of Finance in Economic Development Institutions and Sustainable Development Formal Government Institutions - International Economic Integration: International Trade and Development

Globalization Beyond Trade: International Finance, Foreign Aid, and Immigration International Economic Policy and Future Challenges - Development Issues: The Distribution of Income and Wealt Policies for Sustainable Economic DevelopmentThe Distribution of Income and Wealth Policies for Sustainable Economic Development

Inclusive FinTech Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and ICO ISBN: 9789813272767 Price: (GBP) 40

Cryptocurrency market has been growing fast since its emergence in recent years. Moreover, digital finance has forged the convergence of profit motives with social objectives creating a class of large FinTech companies. In addition, the underlying technology innovation may be applied to a wide range of industries, not limited to financial sector. Yet, few researches have been done to study these phenomena. Hence, it is the task of this book to shed light on the introduction and trends in FinTech, blockchain and token sales. Richly illustrated with original lecture slides taught by the authors, Inclusive FinTech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and ICO hopes to dispel the many misconceptions about blockchain and cryptocurrencies (especially bitcoin, Initial Crypto-Token Offering or ICO), as well as the idea that businesses can be sustainable without a social dimension going forward. With comprehensive coverage given to the FinTech scene in Asia, it is targeted at those who are searching for business opportunities. Most important of all, this book seeks to change the mindset of a whole new generation that is familiar with digital economy and yearns for a more just and equitable world.

Contents: - Overview - Digital Currency, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency - Introduction to Initial Crypto-Token Offering (ICO) - The Characteristics of Token Investors - Blockchain: An Introduction - Blockchain: A Technical Introduction - Inclusive FinTech - FinTech in Singapore - FinTech in ASEAN - Regional Trends and FinTech Future

R&D Strategy andOrganisation Managing Technical Change in Dynamic Contexts By (author): Vittorio Chiesa (UniversitĂ degli Studi di MilanoBicocca, Milan, Italy) ISBN: 9781860942617 price: (GBP) 87

This book deals with key issues and trade-offs in R&D strategy and organisation, paying attention especially to dynamic competitive contexts where technology plays a key role. These topics are treated from the perspective of the decision taker, i.e. the manager who makes decisions in terms of R&D strategy and organisation. The book addresses typical problems of large firms having structured R&D and operating businesses where R&D is a source of competitive advantages. Although it focuses strongly on R&D, it sees R&D as a part (a key part) of the process of technological innovation, and therefore as an activity to be strongly and appropriately integrated with other functions to make innovation successful. This book is primarily conceived as an academic review of research topics. Therefore the main audience is composed of scholars, researchers and PhD students. However, the book can be useful for postgraduate students taking MBA electives, or students attending courses on technology management. It is also relevant to R&D managers and, more generally, people responsible for units concerned with technological innovation.

Contents: - R&D Strategy: - Approaches to Technology Strategy - Formulating Technology Strategy in Dynamic Contexts - R&D Project Portfolio Definition - R&D Organisation: - The Organisational Structure - The Geographical Dispersion of R&D Activities - The Organisation of the External Acquisition of Technology Readership: Researchers, PhD students, MBA students and R&D managers.

Renewable Energy Finance Funding the Future of Energy 2nd Edition Edited By: Charles W Donovan (Imperial College Business School, UK) ISBN: 9781786348623 Price: (GBP) 50

Renewable Energy Finance (Second Edition) describes in rich detail current best practices and evolving trends in clean energy investing. With contributions by some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, the book documents how investors are spending over 300 billion each year on financing renewable energy and positioning themselves in a growing global investment market. This second edition documents, with practical examples, the ways in which investors have funded over 2.6 trillion in solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects over the past decade. The book will be a go-to reference manual for understanding the factors that shape risk and return in renewable energy, the world's fastest growing industrial sector. The book is suitable for executives new to the field, as well as advanced business students. Edited by Dr Charles Donovan, Principal Teaching Fellow at Imperial College Business School and formerly Head of Structuring and Valuation for Global Power at BP, the book will give readers a unique insiders' perspective on how renewable energy deals actually get done. Contents: - About the Editor - About the Contributors - Introduction (Charles Donovan) - The Clean Energy Imperative (Adithya Bhashyam, James Hindle, and Charles Donovan) - Markets, Governments, and Renewable Electricity (Richard Green) - Instruments to Mitigate Financial Risk in Indian Renewable Energy Investments (Gireesh Shrimali and Dan Reicher) - Investor-Specific Cost of Capital and Renewable Energy Investment Decisions (Thorsten Helms, Sarah Salm, and Rolf WĂźstenhagen) - Improving Renewable Energy Governance: Insights from Low-Carbon Investment Community Stakeholders (Joel Krupa and Danny Harvey) - Measuring the Carbon Delta in Financial Performance (Celine McInerney and Derek W Bunn) - Mobilizing Private Sector Capital for Low-Carbon Investments in Developing Countries (Alexandre Chavarot and Matthew Konieczny) - The Role of Public Banks in Catalyzing Private Renewable Energy Finance (Bjarne Steffen, Florian Egli, and Tobias S Schmidt) - The Role of the Commercial Banks in the Financing of the Renewable Energy Industry (Alejandro C Alonso) - Achieving Growth with Private Equity (Brian Potskowski and Chris Hunt) - Institutional Investors (David Nelson) - Solar Leasing: Innovative Financing of Residential Solar (Bruce Usher and Albert Gore III) - Crowdfunding: Ready for the Big League? (Sam Friggens and Karl Harder)

The Knowledge Enterprise Innovation Lessons from Industry Leaders 2nd Edition By (author): Edward Huizenga (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Benthurst & Co, The Netherlands) ISBN: 9781783265428 Price: (GBP) 56

The Knowledge Enterprise is a unique second edition about mastering business innovation. Industry-leading companies reveal the secrets and lessons of transition leadership, the importance of customer engagement and the power of open innovation. Building on the success of the first edition, this book extensively develops the concept of the knowledge enterprise and business innovation. The knowledge enterprise identifies the critical elements of the strategies and organisational dynamics relentlessly pushing all parts of the corporation towards breakthrough innovations. It is about mastering innovation as the driving force to make a difference to society, people and healthcare. Where to play and how to win? Traditional approaches don't work. The book elaborates on the roadmap for future growth, the strategic choices and the change-provoking practices needed to realise the next level of company growth. The second edition also reprises how the knowledge enterprise creates competences and assets that make the company distinctive to enter new business and markets. The latest management thinking is integrated with intriguing, and entirely new, real-world examples. With vivid stories from leading companies like Royal DSM, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Newtricious and Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, this edition reveals how to master business innovation and reinvent industry boundaries. Contents: - The Knowledge Enterprise — Organizing for Engagement and Business Innovation - The Knowledge Ambition — Roadmap for Value Creation - Design and Implementation of Innovation — Royal DSM: Ability to Change as a Core Competency - Design and Implementation of Innovation — Transformations of the Value Chain - Moving Frontiers and Solving Patients' Unmet Medical Needs — Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson - Innovation Strategies for the Knowledge Enterprise - The Lateral Organization — Orchestrating for New Business Readership: Managers, R&D directors, CEOs and industry professionals, academics, graduate students, researchers in the field of strategy, organisation and innovation management.

The Scale-up Manual Handbook for Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Teams and Firms By (author): Uday Phadke and Shailendra Vyakarnam ISBN: 9781786346261 Price: (GBP) 40

It is widely accepted that innovation holds the key to sustainable commercial growth globally, but in practice there is limited understanding of how to successfully exploit its full commercial and social value. The Scale-up Manual provides a unified approach to manage the creation and commercialisation of innovative products and services, enabled by four data-driven building blocks: the Triple Chasm Model, modified commercialisation readiness levels, meso-economic vectors and the commercialisation canvas. The approach supports different strategies for resource allocation, ranging from 'lean' techniques to sustainability initiatives based on the circular economy. The Manual includes many case studies and insights, which different 'Actors' can use at different points along the commercialisation journey. Contents: - Origins of this Manual - About the Authors - Acknowledgements - List of Figures - Part I Building Blocks: Who is this Manual for? How to Use this Manual? Defining Scale-up The Product Scale-up Journey The Overall Approach Applying the Vectors The Typical Scale-up Journey - Part II Shaping Your Proposition: Intervention Shaping: External Vectors Intervention Shaping: Internal Vectors Intervention Shaping: Composite Vectors The Commercialisation Monitor Tackling Multi-Product Firms - Part III Learnings from Case Studies: Key Learnings from Case Studies Focus on Early Stage Growth From Inception to Sustainable Business Model From Inception to Significant Commercial Success Scaling with Multiple Products - Part IV Tackling Your Scale-up Challenge: Scaling Your Proposition References Index Readership: Entrepreneurs, innovators, leaders and managers working in the industry, as well as students and researchers study in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation or business economics.

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