World Scientific Publishing - highlights May/June 2022

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From Opium to Methamphetamines The Nine Lives of the Drug Industry in Southeast Asia Wolfgang Sachsenröder

Political Party Forum Southeast Asia, Singapore

Key Features •

he main research lacuna in the literature on drugs in Southeast sia is a comprehensive and comparative assessment o their detrimental e ects during 200 ears o drug histor . he anal sis o their economic and political implications or the region toda can contribute to a be er understanding o persisting shortcomings and possibl help to improve the ongoing drug control e orts • he anal sis covers the SE member states e cept runei arussalam • he historical perspective seeks to identi the crossroad points where developments went in the wrong direction • he book compares the national, regional, and international anti drug e orts and the penal codes supporting them

Description Southeast Asia is one of the biggest marketplaces for illicit drugs. he international s ndicates with their billion dollar profits are similar to the H dra o the old Greek m tholog which grew two new heads i one was cut o . Hercules eventuall killed the monster with the help o his nephew who cauterised the resh wounds be ore new heads could emerge. his stor describes uite well the challenging task or the political and police e orts to fight the narcotics industr which has a long histor in sia. rom the earl 800s, the East ndia Compan dumped ndian opium on China and ruined the econom o both countries. uring the colonial he da s, ritain in ala a and urma, rance in ndochina, and the etherlands in toda s ndonesia, financed big parts o their colonial budgets with opium. n the 20th centur , heroin ruined countless lives in Southeast sia and in the West. oda , s nthetic drugs, especiall methamphetamines, are produced in hidden laboratories in remote areas o the region and smuggled across the porous borders. rug prevention programs and the harsh penalties in all SE states have not reduced the drug trade and the consumption. n the contrar , both are growing. his book anal ses the detrimental impact o the drug industr on the political econom and the social developments in Southeast sia. Shortcomings and lasting damages can be traced in the political structures, in the rampant corruption, and the secretive links between customs, armies, police organisations, and organised crime.

Author Dr Wolfgang Sachsenröder is an independent researcher and author, ocusing on political developments in Southeast sia. He studied Political Science, odern Histor , and Public Law at onn Universit , German . He worked or close to thirt ears as a political advisor in Southeast sia ( 986 997), the iddle East, and Southern Europe. er retiring in German , he returned to Singapore and oined the SE S uso shak nstitute. s a political science practitioner he published two comparative books on Southeast sian politics and numerous articles in German , as well as anal tical comments in his blog www.part orumseasia.orgs.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-723-1

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:


Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Politics Societ sian Economies sian Histor nternational elations aritime Studies Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit Keywords: rugs rug rade llicit rugs rug Production pium Heroin pioid Crisis, ethamphetamines Cr stal eth ce aba Shabu Gan a Cannabis arihuana ritish East ndia Compan utch East ndia Compan rench ndochina ritish a ritish ndia, utch East ndia st ndochina War 2nd ndochina War ietnam War K Chiang Kai Shek aiwan Secret rm King ongkut Khun Sa live ang Casinos Cambodia Laos, anmar urma ala sia Readership: Students, teachers and researchers interested in the histor o the illicit drug trade in Southeast sia. his volume ma also be o interest to law ers, politicians and other pro essionals with a similar interest

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction pium and ts erivatives Southeast sia etween Cohesion and iversit Europe Comes to sia he US Participation in he ar East pium rade and the ngoing merican nterest in Southeast sia China and Southeast sia er the pium Wars he E panding pium arket in Southeast sia Popp Cultivation in he Golden riangle er 950 he ritish Colonies in Southeast sia urma, ala a, and the Straits Se lements rench ndochina rom the utch East ndies to odern ndonesia he Philippines er Spanish and merican Colonial ule he Heritage and Lasting urden o the rug Culture or the Political and Social evelopment o Southeast sia he rillion ollar uestion War gainst rugs or Control hrough Legalisation nne he ain rugs Used in Southeast sia

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Transformation from Colonial Chemist to Global Health and Beauty Retailer A S Watson Patrick Chiu

Endorsement “In this highly readable and lavishly illustrated book, Patrick Chiu makes an important contribution to the history of pharmacy in Asia and the legacy of European colonialism. AS Watson had its origins in the founding of the Hong Kong Dispensary in 1843 following the First Opium War. By 1900 it was the largest supplier of opium substitutes in the Far East, and operated over 100 stores in China and the Philippines. This book records the firm’s high and lows in an often turbulent political and economic environment, from its beginnings to the twenty-first century. It will be of interest not only to pharmacy and business historians but also to all those interested in the history of Hong Kong and China.” Stuart Anderson, BSc, MA, PhD, FRPharmS Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy History, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine President, International Academy for the History of Pharmacy (2009–2017) President, British Society for the History of Pharmacy ( 2002–2005) Chair, Society for the Social History of Medicine (2001–2005) Author, Pharmacy and Professionalization in the British Empire, 1780–1970 (2021)

Key Features • • •

Unlocks the secret trans ormations o SW rom a colonial chemist to theworld s largest international health and beaut retailer Shows how SW was able to pull through each and ever national or global crisis it aced over the course o 80 ears to emerge stronger and more vibrant ells a stor ever consumer, business leader, graduate or undergraduate student in histor , business administration, and best practice management is keen to learn


May 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 52 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp

A S Watson Group (ASW), its health and beauty retail arm commonly known as “Watsons” in Asia, traces its humble beginnings back to a matshed colonial apothecary shop called the Hong Kong Dispensary (the “Dispensary”) when it was set up back in 1841. his book unlocks the secrets trans ormations o SW rom a colonial chemist to the number three global pla er in health and beaut retailing. How was SW able to pull through each and ever global or national crisis it aced in the 80 ears to emerge more robust and vibrant


n Part ne o this book, Patrick vividl describes Watson s globali ation ourne over the past 80 ears. He details how Watsons survived the waves o social unrest, civil wars, global financial turmoil, political crisis, and pandemics that con ronted the world. ne o the most e citing developments in this histor took place rom 999 to 2006 when SW achieved uantum leaps and consolidated its position as a leading global drug store chain under Wade s leadership.

Sub-Subjects: sian usiness anagement sian Histor Corporate Governance perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement sian Economies

n Part wo o this book, Patrick anal es the corporate management practices o Watson. He articulates ndrew Chi ai Chan s Le and ight Circles theor behind an rancis Wade s branding strateg . He urther draws upon Wade s other Prosperit Strategies in parallel with the 4+2 ormula advocated b itin ohria et al. ver the past ourteen ears, the global market has undergone tremendous changes in China, sia, and Europe. nd with it, SW has undertaken a pragmatic growth approach to dodge the headwinds o the subprime mortgage crisis, the Euro one crisis, China US decoupling, re it, and the recent C 9 pandemic.

Keywords: 3C 4+2 ormula 4Ps o arketing pothecar S Watson est Practice anagement ritish Empire usiness odel Celebrit arketing China Chemist Colonial ule C S irk ossmann GmbH E commerce Emerging arkets E ecutive Education Gen Globali ation irst over ortress rom Good to Great Health eaut Henr Humphre s Holland arre Hutchison Whampoa

Author Patrick Chiu ( anchu name rgen Gioro) was born in Guang hou and grew up in Hong Kong. He traces his origins back to the ordered ellow ribe inhabited near Changchun, anchuria (now Siping Cit , ilin province, ortheast China). He graduated with a Sc pharmac degree at e on ort Universit , Leicester, an at the Universit o Hull, England, and a ended a Global anagement Programme at , Lausanne.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |


Main Subject: Asian Studies

Readership: cademics, undergraduate and graduate students, pro essionals, and polic makers interested in the histor o China and ritain s ormer colon o Hong Kong as well as the strategic growth o Watsons and the health and beaut retail markets in sia and Europe

Contents •

From Colonial Chemist to Global Health and Beauty Retailer: 84 896 he irth o S Watson nitial Public ering and pium Substitutes 897 94 he End o the ing Empire urbulent Sailing in epublican imes 942 98 apanese ccupation and Post WW Era iversification and Privati ation 982 988 ew Leadership he irst Leg o Geographical E pansion 989 998 verheating Econom he sian Economic Crisis 999 200 2K, S S and ual Springboards into the UK Powwow and Savers 2002 2003 uantum Leap or the Continent Krudivat, Superdrug 2004 2006 irk ossmann GmbH, and Enlarging the eaut usiness Por olio arionnaud and he Per ume Shop, and the Emerging arkets 2007 202 rganic Growth ne Crisis er nother Best Practice Management and the New Retail Era: he hree ritons Who Changed the estin o S Watson Li Ka Shing Wangdao and rom Good to Great SW usiness odel, Sustainable and Profitable Strategies Consumer rending, E Commerce, and ew etail elighting the illennials Gen emasek, ndia and the Post C 9 Era

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Local Responses to Global Challenges in Southeast Asia A Transregional Studies Reader Claudia Derichs

Lina Knorr

Andrea Fleschenberg

Sumrin Kalia

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Cover Available Soon

Key Features •

nnovative critical approaches to knowledge productions rom a broad range o academic scholars and scholar activists rom the Global South as well as the Global orth istinct transregional perspectives, emplo ing various scales with a variet o disciplinar , theoretical and methodological approaches or empirical anal ses road readership academia researchers think tanks students activists interested general public

Description “Local Responses to Global Challenges in Southeast Asia — A Transregional Studies Reader” is a collection of multidisciplinary essays, predominantly derived from papers presented at EuroSEAS 2019, the leading academic conference on Southeast Asian Studies, hosted by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. t brings together a variet o scholars rom Southeast sia, Europe and orth merica, allowing or multiple ows and directionalities o knowledge productions and e changes, be it between the Global South and orth as well as within the Global South. he reader presents empiricall oriented, theoreticall grounded anal ses o local responses to global challenges such as knowledge productions notions and practices o building diverse communities neo populisms and contentious politics resources and sustainabilit urbani ation labor, livelihoods and mobilities. Each section starts with an introduction reviewing the state o the art. uthors will take cue rom a transregional perspective understood as a distinct and alternative perspective on multi lingual and transcultural spaces o contact, e change and trans er. his includes a conte tuali ation o phenomena in terms o diverse (cross) linkages and entanglements, including motilities on di erent scales, i.e. ranging rom the local, regional to national and or global levels. Container based notions o place and space are addressed in a critical manner, where space and area are understood as notions be ond established s stems o ordering and meta geographies. ke goal is to allow or a consistent conceptual advancement o ew rea Studies, which are critical, decentred, decolonial, diversified, and multi disciplinar in nature.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 645 5

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Politics Societ Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit sian Politics Societ sian Economies sian Histor Southeast sia Keywords: sia Southeast sia rea Studies Social Sciences Humanities Global Challenges ransregional ransregional Studies Knowledge Productions Communities Power Populism uthoritarianisms igration cademic reedom Women Gender Securitisation isin ormation ake ews esources Sustainabilit ctivisms obilities Labour ssues eligious Knowledge Readership: cademics (area studies, Southeast sian Studies, Social Sciences, Humanities) Graduate and undergraduate students interested in Southeast sian Studies and Social Sciences practitioners such as those in oundations endownments working in the region, ( ) G s, think tanks, development cooperations

Contents • •

• •

ntroduction Local esponses to Global Challenges Critical Takes on Knowledge Production(s) — Section Introduction: They Dare to Speak: Uncovering Women’s Hidden Agency Félix Resurrección Hidalgo’s The Church Against the State: Conspiracy, Controversy, and Censorship in Colonial and Contemporary Philippines The Elephant in the Room: China’s Soft Power Outreach in Academia, its Impact on Asian Studies, and What This Means for Southeast Asia Scholars Academic Freedom in Southeast Asia Building and Re-Imagining Communities — Section Introduction: Indonesian Islamic Academia as a Transregional Political Actor: Understanding Global Agency through Local History A Space in a Foreign Land: The Sociabilities of Emplacement of Vietnamese Labour Migrants in Taiwan Nationalism and Two Sexual Moral Panics in Indonesia Of Power, Authority and (Neo)Populisms — Section Introduction: Southeast Asian Artists and Academics Unsettling Borders, Power, and Authority Through Collaborative Works The strongmen strike back? Anti-geopolitics and Southeast Asia’s Authoritarian (re)turns A Matrilineal Society’s Influence on Women’s Political Access(ibility) — The Minangkabau Women Missing in Indonesian Politics Securitisation as Response to Disinformation: The Cases of Singapore and Malaysia Dilemmas of Labour and Populism in Indonesia Negotiating Resources & Sustainability — Section Introduction: I Living Off the Resource Curse in Myanmar Oil Palm Plantation Expansion and Frontier-Making in Papua, Indonesia On the Move — Labour, Livelihood, Mobilities — Section Introduction: Indonesian Women Migrant Workers: Standing in the Midst of Femininity and Masculinity New Brooms and Giant Napkins: Street protests and the campaign for an Indonesian Domestic Workers’ Law Becoming Professionals: Virtual Mobility, Gender, and Religious Knowledge

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

China’s Economic Reforms Successes and Challenges Peter Koveos

Syracuse Univerisity, USA

Yimin Zhang

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Description In the last 40 years of China’s economic reforms, the country has made unprecedented progress in its economic development and its position in the global stage. s a result, interest in China has resulted in numerous books ocusing on the world s second largest econom . single volume, however, cannot possibl e plain the comple nature o China s economic s stem and its relationship with the rest o the world. China s Economic e orms Successes and Challenges contributes to the understanding o China s re orms b o ering a detailed anal sis o critical components o the countr s economic architecture. Within the conte t o the global econom , the book illustrates the per ormance o the Chinese econom at both the aggregate and individual sector levels be ore and a er re orms. Comparisons and contrasts are made with the economies o the US, apan, South Korea, ndia, and ussia. he book presents the challenges acing the Chinese re orm process, and e plain how these challenges a ect the domestic econom , the rest o the world, and the overall success o China s re orms.

May 2022 £125 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 65 6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 543pp Type:


Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: China Studies Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Keywords: China Econom Economic e orms Economic Growth China s Econom Readership: cademics, polic makers, undergraduate and graduate students interested in China s re orms and econom

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Women Entrepreneurs in North Africa Historical Frameworks, Ecosystems and New Perspectives for the Region Léo-Paul Dana

Dalhousie University, Canada

Dina Modestus Nziku

Veland Ramadani

South-East European Macedonia



University of the West of Scotland, UK

Ramo Palalić

International Universtiy of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Description This book provides scientific evidence, both theoretically and empirically, on the understudied field of women entrepreneurs across North Africa. t provides insights on the domain o women entrepreneurship, undertaking critical assessment o overall historical rameworks, ecos stems and uture perspectives o the region. Women entrepreneurship is among the most important and une ploited sources o economic growth in the developing world. et, despite much progress in socioeconomic aspects such as health, li e e pectanc and education, the gender economic gap remains unchanged. ore needs to be done to understand the underl ing orces and actors in the region to challenge the current status uo.

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 660 0

Editors Léo-Paul-Paul Dana is Pro essor at alhousie Universit . He is also a member o the Entrepreneurship and nnovation Chair, which is part o LabE Entreprendre at the Universit de ontpellier. graduate o cGill Universit and HEC ontreal, he has served as arie Curie ellow at Princeton Universit and isiting Pro essor at SE . Dina Modestus Nziku (Ph ) is a lecturer, researcher and irector (research and publications) in the Centre or rican esearch on Enterprise and Economic evelopment (C EE ) at the Universit o the West o Scotland, UK. She is the lead o Global Women s Entrepreneurship Polic in sub Saharan rica (GWEP SS ) and Entrepreneurship hought Leader at Women Economic mperative (WE ). Her research ocuses on women entrepreneurship with some publications ranging rom academic research con erences, academic ournal articles, book chapters, research book editions. Ramo Palalić is an ssistant Pro essor at the anagement epartment, College o Economics and Political Science, Sultan aboos Universit , man. His research is in the area o entrepreneurship, leadership, and management. Veland Ramadani is Pro essor o Entrepreneurship and amil usiness at the acult o usiness and Economics, South East European Universit , orth acedonia. His research interests include entrepreneurship, small business management and amil businesses. He has authored or co authored around 40 research articles, te tbooks and 6 edited books and has published in ournal o usiness esearch, nternational Entrepreneurship and anagement ournal, nternational ournal o Entrepreneurial ehavior and esearch, echnological orecasting and Social Change, among others.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship General usiness nd anagement Readership: cademics, postgraduate and undergraduate students interested in women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the orth rican region, government o cials interested in developing policies to encourage women entrepreneurship, and students and teachers o entrepreneurship, women studies and developmental polic courses

Lecture Notes in Entrepreneurial Finance for the Digital Economy P Joakim Westerholm

The University of Sydney Business School, Australia

Key Features •

Provides methods on how to train students to gain ob read skills in entrepreneurial finance such as cash budgeting, financial orecasting, and venture valuation method Shows how students can learn business model evaluation techni ues and how to pitch a business idea to prospective investors

Description This book is intended to be used as a basis for developing courses in entrepreneurial finance. While man universities, particularl in the United States, have entrepreneurial finance on their curriculum, there is o en a gap between the large selection o entrepreneurship courses and courses providing applicable hard skills in finance and accounting. Earl stage ventures cannot succeed without capital and care ul management o cash ow or e ample. Entrepreneurs need skills, such as how to negotiate with investors, so that the don t end up giving up the control o their venture too earl . his book aims to fill this gap b providing guidelines or how success ul courses can be set up to train finance, accounting, and corporate strateg students or a career in the start up and venture capital industr .

May 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-989-1

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 400pp


Type: Lecture otes

P Joakim Westerholm s teaching and research interests are in the areas o asset pricing, with a ocus on securit market microstructure and behavioral finance topics, and corporate finance, with a ocus on CE and corporate insider trading strategies and ac uisition decisions.

Series: World Scientific Lecture otes in inance

oakim s publications include research articles in ature, ournal o inance, the ournal o inancial and uantitative nal sis ( ), eview o inance, ournal o Corporate inance, and ournal o anking and inance. His research has been accepted or presentation at finance con erences such as the Western inance ssociation eeting (W ), the European inance ssociation (E ), the inancial anagement ssociation ( ) nternational eetings in US and Europe, and the Societ or inancial Studies (S S) inance Cavalcade. oakim has a Ph in inance rom the Swedish School o Economics and usiness dministration (Hanken) in Helsinki, inland. He has 9 ears o industr e perience in broking, dealing, and unds management.

Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship Corporate inance ccounting intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance Keywords: Entrepreneurship Startups inance usiness odel Pitching enture Capital aluation ethods Entrepreneurial Ecos stems Start ups Readership: Universit educators and pro essors, venture capital consultants and trainers

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace uthor ote able o Contents ntroduction eveloping the usiness dea anaging Cash low pes and Costs o inancial Capital Pro ecting inancial Statements aluing Earl Stage entures enture Capital aluation ethods n Semester E am Pitching lock Chain, Smart Contracts, Cr pto, and E cient arkets, onopolies ( ligopolies) and Startups Earl Stage nvestors and enture Capital Entrepreneurial Ecos stems

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Dancing on the Edge of Greatness Making Leadership Personal Sophia Chin

PERSONNA, Singapore


Cover Available Soon

This book is for anyone who dreams of being a rockstar at work. We re standing at the edge o greatness, as an individual, a team, and an organisation. Universal access to knowledge and technolog is empowering us to be a power ul orce or positive change. ut wh do we eel so powerless Ever da , we are under immense pressure to per orm at the top o our game. We can come ver close to per ection, but no ma er how hard we work, we don t get there. nstead, we end up stressed and burnt out. Somehow, somewhere, we got derailed. Where did we lose our edge nd more importantl , how do we get it back his book will take ou on a ourne through the corridors o power, the pantheon o the gods and goddesses o the modern world. We dive into the murk depths o the minds o the most power ul individuals in organisations. hope these incredible stories will not onl engage our mind but inspire our corner o ce lust when ou realise that ou, in act, ever one o us, are born to lead. t s what we re here to do. Greatness is within our reach, but we must step towards the edge. o dance between greatness and adversit success and ailure pleasure and miser hope and despair. o dance on the edge o greatness.

May 2022 £50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 20 7 £25 | S C E 978 98 25 93 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan


Extent: 260pp

ou can sa that Sophia Chin is a leadership e pert, based on her e perience designing and delivering human centric leadership development programmes to scale high ualit impact. However, she pre ers to see hersel as a student or scientist observing outstanding leadership. She is deepl curious about what makes a great leader and the impacts o leadership. She has 2 ears o coaching and consulting e perience, tiptoeing the corridors o power, rom government agencies to global Cs and startups, including pple, entsu nternational, Grab and HP. oda , she is the lead consultant and co ounder o leadership development compan PE S . Sophia spent the ormative ears o her career in growth strateg consulting firm rost Sullivan and Singapore industrial space developer C Corporation.

Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: General usiness nd anagement General nterest Keywords: Leadership Entrepreneurship Leadership evelopment Personal evelopment Creativit otivation anagement Human esources Readership: or an one who dreams o becoming a CE regardless o age, ob unction, seniorit or industr

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The Competitiveness of Nations 1 Navigating the US–China Trade War and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Dong-sung Cho

The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, South Korea & Seoul National University, South Korea

Hwy-chang Moon

The Institute for Policy & Strategy on National Competitiveness, South Korea & Seoul National University, South Korea

Key Features •

Method he evaluation model is based on a solid theoretical ramework, hence the actors and criteria or evaluation are more comprehensive and s stematic. he ramework is ver eas to appl , thereb a ractive or not onl researchers but also practitioners Data collection or evaluating the national competitiveness, in addition to collect the statistical and surve data, this book also collects te t data b using the method o te t in ormation anal sis. hereb , the book re ects the most recent competitiveness development o nations, which can be an appropriate re erence or practitioners o anal ing the recent trend MASI framework his book not onl measures the competitiveness but also provides strategic guidelines or enhancing competitiveness. here ore, it will be a ver use ul handbook or polic makers o governments Diverse real-world cases n addition to the conceptual rameworks, the real world cases rom developed and developing countries will be a ractive to diverse readers around the world

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 048 4

Description In the existing reports on national competitiveness and rankings such as IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook and WEF Global Competitiveness Report, there are sizable discrepancies in the ranking order for the same countries. s a result, the reader is o en con used because such an outcome creates di culties or government o cials when translating these findings into real world policies. hese discrepancies are actuall due to the di erences in logic and anal tical models used b and WE . here ore, in recogni ing the problems and limitations o these models, this book presents the PS model as a new approach. s an e tension o ichael Porter s diamond model, it demonstrates a robust set o methodologies as well as o ers a number o ke polic implications or countries around the world that wish to enhance their national competitiveness. he anal tical tools used in this book can be urther utili ed or other units o anal sis such as industries and firms. s this book provides a series o sophisticated methodologies and specific guidelines or enhancing national competitiveness, both academics and practitioners can derive use ul implications rom this research. longside the theoretical rameworks and methodologies or national competitiveness presented in this book, timel topics are included such as the C 9 global pandemic and the US China trade war. his book also includes various countr specific real world cases that are assessed rom the perspective o both developed and developing countries.

Authors Professor Dong-sung Cho is Chairman o the nstitute or ndustrial Polic Studies ( PS) and Pro essor Emeritus and ormer ean o usiness School at Seoul ational Universit . Professor Hwy-chang Moon (Ph rom Universit o Washington) is Pro essor Emeritus at Seoul ational Universit and Chairperson o the nstitute or Polic and Strateg on ational Competitiveness ( PS C).

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 300pp Type:


Series: he Competitiveness o heor and Practice


Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: General usiness nd anagement nternational rade usiness evelopmental Economics Globali ation nternational elations Keywords: ational Competitiveness Government Polic usiness Environment irm Strateg Locational dvantage Competitive dvantage nternational usiness Coronavirus C 9 Global alue Chain US China elationship Geopolitics ourth ndustrial evolution Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields o competitiveness and international business

Modern Finance and Risk Management Festschrift in Honour of Hermann Locarek-Junge Tony Klein

Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Sven Loßagk

Saxon University of Cooperative Education, Dresden, Germany

Mario Straßberger

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Thomas Walther

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Description Modern Finance and Risk Management is dedicated to our colleague, academic mentor, and adviser Professor Hermann Locarek-Junge. uring his academic career, Hermann Locarek unge published several important contributions to the field o risk management and por olio management and served as the chairman and board member o the German inance ssociation ( G ) and the ata Science Societ (Gesellscha r Klassifikation). short oreword b the mentors o Hermann Locarek unge and an introduction b the editors mark the beginning o the estschri . he first section on odern inance includes chapters on asset management, entrepreneurship, and behavioural finance. he second section on odern isk anagement contains seven contributions covering considerations o risk measurement, risk management, and regulation. inall , the third section includes topics on commodities and energ finance. his estschri comprises 20 original contributions o notable scholars in finance who have worked with Hermann Locarek unge over the last our decades. ue to numerous connections to practice and applications, Modern Finance and Risk Management is relevant and a ractive not onl to academics and researchers but also to practitioners in industr and banking.

Editors Tony Klein is an ssociate Pro essor in inance at ueen s anagement School, ueen s Universit el ast, UK. He holds a Ph in inance (20 7) and a aster s degree in inancial athematics (20 3) rom echnische Universit t resden. His research interests include econometric modelling and machine learning within the fields o finance, energ finance, and energ economics the financiali ation o commodit markets and connectedness to stock and fi ed income markets and volatilit orecasting with application in financial risk management and por olio optimi ation. He is a Senior Editor or inance esearch Le ers and regularl serves as reviewer or several ournals. Sven Loßagk is a Pro essor o inance with the Universit o Cooperative Education resden. e ore that, he was Head o inance at S eue Energien eutschland GmbH. He received his iploma in usiness dministration (2007) and his doctoral degree in Economics and usiness dministration (20 3) rom echnische Universit t resden. His current research interests are pro ect financing and the financing o renewable energies. Mario Straßberger is a Pro essor o inance and inancial Services with i au G rlit Universit o pplied Sciences. Prior to this, he was a inancial isk anager at K W anking Group in rank urt, an ssistant Pro essor at riedrich Schiller Universit o ena, and a esearch ssistant at resden echnical Universit . He received a ( 996) rom Universit o Wolverhampton, UK, a iploma ( 997) and a octorate (Ph , 2002) rom resden echnical Universit . He is also an alumnus o the German cademic Scholarship oundation. His current research interests are asset and risk management, statistical and econometric applications in finance, and financial decision making. Thomas Walther is an ssistant Pro essor o inance ( enure rack) with the Utrecht School o Economics, Utrecht Universit . ormerl , he was ssistant Pro essor or Energ inance at the Universit o St. Gallen. He is also esearch ellow or inance at the echnische Universit t resden rom which he received a Sc (20 0) and Sc (20 3) in ndustrial Engineering and anagement and a Ph (20 7) in usiness Economics. His research ocuses on commodit energ climate finance and financial econometrics with applications to risk management. He is ssociate Editor or the ournal Finance Research Letters.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 90 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 460pp Type: eview olume Series: rans ormations in anking, inance and egulation Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Corporate inance intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance athematical uantitative inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Keywords: inance isk anagement Commodities Energ inance isk Cr ptocurrencies sset anagement anking ehavioral inance ehavioural inance arkowit Por olio Selection sset llocation Crowd unding C Pandemic Corona nvestment Strategies Low isk nvestments Social anks E cess Li uidit Cost o Capital Readership: he global market o academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields o finance and risk management. lso o relevance to finance practitioners throughout the financial industries, especiall financial institutes, investment firms and financial service providers

Albert Winsemius and Singapore Here It is Going to Happen Euston Quah

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Key Features •

While there has been a lot o sca ered articles and in ormation on lbert Winsemius, there has never been a definitive compendium on lbert Winsemius he book covers the past b e amining lbert Winsemius s economic and industrialisation advice to prominent Singapore leaders like the late Lee Kuan ew and Goh Keng Swee, and e amines its impact on the present and uture Contributions are also sought rom utch economists such as an Kiviet, Emeritus Pro essor at the msterdam School o Economics, Universit o msterdam


June 2022 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-965-7

Here it is going to happen is the title of a painting memorialising Albert Winsemius’s industrial survey mission to Singapore. he picture depicts the hilltop view o a preindustrial urong. esides being a biograph o lbert Winsemius, the book e amines lbert Winsemius s a nit with Singapore and his contributions to the nation s economic development. t also looks at his legac and in uence on past, current and uture economic planners.

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 900pp Type: eview olume

Author Professor Euston QUAH is the lbert Winsemius Chair Pro essor and Head o Economics at the an ang echnological Universit ( U), Singapore, and an d unct Principal esearch ellow o the nstitute o Polic Studies at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US). prolific writer, Pro essor uah has published over 00 papers in ma or internationall re ereed ournals and opinion pieces. Selected works include an international publication on cost benefit anal sis or ord Universit Press, 20 3 a lead ournal article in World Economy in 2015 a Commentar in the Asian Economic Policy Review in 20 6 an invited paper in the Macroeconomic Review in 20 7 and orthcoming papers in the sian evelopment ank nstitute monograph (20 9). His work on Cost enefit nal sis (with E ishan 5th edition, and 6th edition due in 2020) was recommended or re erence b the US White House, ce o anagement and udget or use b government agencies appl ing or pro ect grants. Pro essor uah is also the co author o an sian Edition o the best selling Principles of Economics te t with Gregor ankiw o Harvard Universit , now a 2nd edition in 20 3. he 3rd Edition will be published in 2020.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection sian Histor evelopmental Economics General nterest Southeast Asia Keywords: lbert Winsemius Singapore Economics evelopment Economics Public Polic Economics ndustrial Economics iograph United ations utch Economist Readership: General readers, researchers and academics alike who are interested in Singapore s economics and development since its independence

Contents • • • • • • •

Pre ace Wh his ook Who is lbert Winsemius His Contributions be ore Singapore His Contributions to Singapore His Contributions to odern Economic evelopment lbert Winesmius Chair Pro essorships Summing Up His Legac

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Chinese Culture and Its Impact on China’s Development Author Guodong Sun

Fudan University, China

Translated by: Dongyun Sun

Fudan University, China

Description This book analyzes the importance of culture and the impact of culture on China’s development. t studies strategic and cu ng edge theoretical topics on civili ation revival, cultural development and cultural (re)construction in the Chinese conte t. opics covered in the book include the position o Chinese culture in the histor o world civili ations, the cultural revival in contemporar China, the unction o Con ucian culture in modern societ , the righ ul rule o the construction o Chinese cultural identit in transitional China, the pluralistic s mbiosis o contemporar Chinese cultures, reconstruction o national ideolog , the development o the cultural so power and the cultural industr in contemporar China, the establishment o China s international image, among others.

Editor & Translator SUN Guodong, a pro essor and associate ean o nstitute or dvanced Stud in Social Sciences at udan Universit ( udan S). His research areas include legal philosoph and socio political theor . He is currentl working on the engagement oriented theoretical anal sis and substantive theoretical building o the principles o modern Chinese legal and political philosoph . Having developed a theoretical model o public philosoph o law in legal philosoph , he is constructing another theoretical model o sociolog o democrac in political philosoph . He has published more than 00 academic articles, and has authored, edited and translated 0 books, including Public Philosoph o Law he ule o Law and ustice in ransitional China, etween Legalit and Legitimac esearch on Habermas s iscourse heor o Legitimation, and mproving State ualit through Culture ission o China s evelopment, among others. Dr SUN Dongyun is a Senior Lecturer at College o oreign Languages and Literatures, udan Universit , where she teaches language courses including dvanced English and English ranslation. rom 2009 to 20 0, she taught Chinese language courses at Universit o orth Carolina Wilmington, US . Speciali ing in computer assisted language learning, translator training and language polic , she has published do ens o papers, te tbooks and dictionaries in the past two decades. Prior to this book, she has published the Chinese English translations o two award winning books b Pro . Han uhai o Peking Universit Karl ar or oung eaders (20 5) and Let s ead about ao edong (20 6). She is a member o Shanghai nternational Studies ssociation.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 532 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 400pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Politics Societ sian Culture Literar Studies Literature Keywords: Chinese Culture Cultural evival So Power Con ucianism Contemporar China Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in Chinese culture and its impact on China s development

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

How Culture Can Contribute to State ualit China Changing the World E ploring the rigin o World Civili ation rom the Perspective o Chinese Culture ew andates in an ld Countr Cultural evival as E tension o a ation s Li eblood n the Contemporar Significance o he ule o itual verview o the ew Cardinal Guides and Constant irtues Con ucianism and the Shaping o odern Social rder in China State eutralit under the egulation o the Common Political Culture undamental Law or the Construction o Cultural dentit in ransitional China he Pluralistic Coe istence o Contemporar Chinese Cultures he Historical Logic and Philosophical oundations o Chinese ar ism Strategic ision or Promoting the Cultural ndustr as a Pillar ndustr o the ational Econom he Construction o China s ational mage in the Era o Globali ation

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

When East Asia Meets Southeast Asia Presence and Connectedness in Transformation Revisited Yumi Kitamura

Kyoto University, Japan

Ju Lan Thung

Indonesian Institute of Science, Indonesia

Alan H Yang

National Chengchi University, Taiwan

Cover Available Soon

Description This book intends to examine the relationship between East Asia and Southeast Asia across three themes: historical perspectives, economic flows of capital and people, and sociocultural connections. While a substantial number o chapters in the book ocus on overseas Chinese (living in ndonesia) and their connections with China and aiwan historicall and contemporaril , the also provide in depth knowledge o international relationship between East sia and Southeast sia. Part ne, Contending egional pproaches , consists o our chapters that help readers understand the involvement o East sia rom a in historical conte t. he first chapter on aiwan be ore 975 is ollowed b a chapter on aiwan s strateg toward Southeast sia a er the 980s. he remaining two chapters ocus on China Southeast sia and apan Southeast sia relations. Part wo, Economic lows o Capital People , consists o si chapters that mainl e amine the ow o capital and people between ndonesia and aiwan rom the colonial period to the present and how this ow changed both societies. Part hree, Socio Cultural Connections , consists o three chapters. his part is a uni ue contribution to the scholarship that ocuses on the trans ormation o both traditional and popular culture among Southeast sia, China, and aiwan b ocusing on di erent agents.

June 2022 £105 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 065

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan


Extent: 340pp

Yumi Kitamura is currentl an associate pro essor at the K oto Universit Librar . Her research interests include contemporar ndonesian societ and culture. She is been activel involved in education and research in both apan and ndonesia. Her recent publications include the ollowing ) he e recognition o Con ucianism in ndonesia n E ample o China s So ootprint in Southeast sia, in China s ootprints in Southeast sia, edited b aria Serena . iokno, Hsin Huang ichael Hsiao and lan H. ang. Singapore US Press, 20 9, 2) Parallel evelopment Southeast sian Studies and Librar Collections, in States and Societies in otion Essa s in Honour o akashi Shiraishi, edited b Khoo oo eik and a ar Sur omenggolo. Copenhagen S, 2020.

Type: eview olume

Alan H Yang serves as a distinguished pro essor at Graduate nstitute o East sian Studies (G E S) E ecutive irector o the Center or Southeast sian Studies (CSE S) and eput irector o the nstitute o nternational elations ( ) at ational Chengchi Universit , aiwan He is also the E ecutive irector o aiwan sia E change oundation ( E ). r ang is also a non resident senior ellow o George H W ush oundation or US China elations based in Huston since 202 and a non resident ellow o the China esk o the econnaissance esearch in Kuwait since the ul o 202 .

Ju Lan Thung is a senior researcher at the esearch Center or Societ and Culture he ndonesian nstitute o Sciences. She obtained her Ph in Sociolog rom La robe Universit , elbourne, ustralia, in 998. She has wri en a number o articles on Chinese and ndonesian ethnicities and various social issues.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Politics Societ nternational elations nternational Economics Southeast sia Keywords: Southeast sia East sia apan aiwan SE China obilit igration oreign Polic egionalism Political Econom Social etwork People Centered Connectivit Histor Readership: cademics, undergraduate, and graduate students, pro essionals, and polic makers interested in sian studies, sian politics, East sia and Southeast sia interactions, political econom

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Cra ing the People Centered Connectedness in Southeast sian egionalism Historical Change o the nternational rade o Southeast sia and ts elations with apan Since Earl 20th Centur Unpacking aiwan s Presence in Southeast sia he nternational Sociali ation o the ew Southbound Polic China s inancial Statecra in Southeast sia id ungibilit and the uthoritarian onor s ilemma he iplomatic E orts o the epublic o China towards Southeast sia, 950 978 he ole o Hakka erchants in sia ocusing on the amil etwork between Kobe, atavia, Hongkong and ei ian in Earl wentieth Centur Proving apaneseness Passport and dentification Problems o apanese in the utch East ndies Entangled obilit Hui igration, eligious dentit and Cultural Capital in ala sia aiwan nvestment in Southeast sia he Choice o aishang and heir esponse in the Changing sia ndonesia aiwan elationship under the ew Southbound Polic Perspective rom akarta Global Householding o ransnational Chinese Communit arr ing out Chinese ndonesian Women rom West Kalimantan across aiwan When aiwan meets Southeast sia ne ort s Stor he ndonesian Chinese magined Greater Chinese World iscourse nal sis o Sino ndonesian aga ines on aiwan, Hong Kong and China in 945 959 Wa ang Potehi Cultural Connection between aiwan and ndonesia Screen Connections between ala sia, aiwan, Hong Kong and China

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Management and Leadership of NonProfit Organisations in Singapore A Common Language and Shared Meaning for Transformation Caroline S L Lim

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Hock Lin Sng

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Millie Yun Su

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Key Features • • •

Practice oriented adopts an organisation perspective and s stems thinking approach to non profit management Conte t Singapore specific as the e isting literature about non profits are nglo Sa on oriented pproach local cases are used e tensivel throughout the chapters to illustrate the concepts and rameworks

June 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-149-8

Description Non-profit organisations play a significant role in helping to build a more caring and inclusive Singapore. rganisations in the non profit sector span over diverse mission and purpose rom advancing education, communit development, environmental protection, arts and culture, promotion o health and well being, relie o povert , and more. or these organisations, navigating the landscape o unders and grantmakers across the public and private sectors is comple and competitive. gainst a backdrop o sociodemographic shi s and technological advancement, there is the ongoing uest to sta relevant.

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type: Study guide

his book aims to address the distinctive management challenges o non profits in Singapore. t draws on the conte t o this island cit state to discuss strategies and management rameworks that will enable leaders and managers in non profit organisations to more e ectivel achieve social impact amidst internal organisational issues and an evolving e ternal landscape.

Authors Caroline S L Lim is a practitioner turned academic at the Singapore Universit o Social Sciences (SUSS). She spent more than a decade in banking and finance be ore moving into higher education and public healthcare. Caroline received her octor o Philosoph in usiness rom the Singapore anagement Universit . Millie Yun Su is a senior lecturer in human resource management programme in S athan School o Human evelopment, SUSS. She received Ph in anagement in utgers usiness School, United States. Sng Hock Lin is an ssociate acult at S athan School o Human evelopment ( SH ). He teaches one o the course modules in the Graduate iploma in rganisation Leadership or Social Change o ered b SH . Hock Lin is pursuing his Ph in Gerontolog at SUSS. He obtained his asters in Gerontolog rom SUSS, where he graduated top o cohort and was awarded the lice Lim emorial und Gold ward.

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection Social ssues Human Securit rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation sian usiness anagement Southeast sia Keywords: Charit Ecos stem Human Capital Learning rganisation Logic odel on Profit anagement on Profit rganisation Power namics Scaling mpact Social alanced Scorecard Social Change Social mpact nal sis Social Per ormance S stem Stakeholder Salience heor Stor elling Strategic ilemma Strateg ap S stems hinking heor o Change Readership: anagers and leaders in the non profit sector or e ecutives in corporate social responsibilit unctions, who desire to make their mark or a be er social sector

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • •

Se ng the Stage on Profit Ecos stem in Singapore eveloping a Strateg or a on Profit rganisation anagement Stakeholders in on Profit Se ngs rans orming into a Learning rganisation riving Social Per ormance Using S stems hinking or rganisation rans ormation

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Economic Agglomeration and the Development of Cities in China Hong Gao

Fudan University, China

Key Features • • •

he book provides a comprehensive stud on urbani ation and the development o cities in China etailed and s stematic evidence on agglomeration e ects on the urban labor market and industrial development are provided Conclusions rom this book will provide polic implications to other developing countries

Description The book conducts a comprehensive study on urbanization and the development of cities in China. t provides detailed and s stematic evidence on agglomeration e ects on the urban labor market and industrial development. t studies the impact o economic agglomeration on the urban labor market and industrial development. t concludes that agglomeration will not onl promote emplo ment and incomes or workers, but also accelerate the growth o manu acturing and service industries. his book emphasi es the importance o increasing economic agglomeration and encouraging the ree ow o production actors across regions in achieving coordinated development among regions. his book also provides polic implications to other developing countries in its conclusion.

June 2022 £100 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-155-9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 409pp

Author GAO Hong is an assistant pro essor at the School o Economics, udan Universit . Her research covers the fields o urban economics and labor economics. n particular, her work has ocused on urbani ation, cit development, and labor market per ormance in China. Her current research ocuses on understanding the sources o growth and structural changes in Chinese cities.



Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Economies Political Econom evelopmental Economics Urban Planning Keywords: Economic gglomeration Urban Cit China Chinese Cities Spatial istribution ig Cities Emplo ment ncome ndustr Clusters Urban evelopment Structural rans ormation Readership: cademics, undergraduate and graduate students, pro essionals, and polic makers interested in urbani ation, spatial distribution o economic activities, and the per ormance o urban labor market in China

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Wh do ig Cities ise eview ased on Literature Spatial istribution o the anu acturing ndustr in China since the e orm and pening up Globali ation, Economic gglomeration and Economic Polic Economic gglomeration and the Emplo ment o Urban esidents Economic gglomeration and the ncome o Urban esidents Clusters o anu acturing ndustries in China ata, ethods and Spatial istribution eatures Economic gglomeration and Cluster E ect o anu acturing ndustries Urbani ation, Urban evelopment and Urban Structural rans ormation Conclusions

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The Chiang’s Family History A Tale of Three Cultures and Chia Keng Village Bernard Chiang

Genealogy Society Singapore, Singapore

Key Features • • •

ecords the histor o Chia Keng illage and other important historical events in Singapore rom a grassroots perspective Compiles the contributions o the residents o Chia Keng illage to the peace, harmon and development o the communit and nation Encourages readers to engage with their own amil histories

Description In this book, Bernard Chiang records the history of his family and their contributions to Singapore’s community in the country’s early years. he book traces his amil histor , which spans across the countries o Singapore, China and hailand, and across more than hal a centur . ollowing di erent branches o the Chiang amil tree, it delves into his paternal amil s ancestral roots and their ancestral home in the ancient port township o hanglin in Chenghai district o Shantou Pre ecture, China, his e tended amil in hailand, and his maternal amil and their culture. he histor o Chia Keng illage and its development via local bo om up grassroots e orts are also chronicled in this volume. particular interest are the amil s e orts in developing the kampong spirit in Chia Keng illage, including initiatives such as ree clinics or the need , a fire fighting unit, and even an amateur eochew pera troupe. hrough this book, the legac o the Chiang amil and Chia Keng illage lives on. t captures in its pages important events in the histor o Singapore rom a grassroots perspective, such as Kon rontasi and the racial riots o the 960s.

Author Bernard Chiang oined the raddell Heights one esidents Commi ee in 98 and was appointed Chairman in 986. He continued to serve as Chairman o the l unied one E esidents Commi ee rom 989 to 997, when the esidents Commi ee ( C) electoral boundar was delineated under l unied G C. When another redrawing o the electoral boundar took place in earl 997 he continued to serve as Chairman o raddell Heights one C until the end o 2004. He stepped down as Chairman and became ice Chairman rom 2005 to date. n 2005 he was switched to chair the raddell Heights nter acial and eligious Confidence Circle ( CC) and concurrentl appointed ice Chairman o raddell Heights Citi ens Consultative Commi ee (CCC). He was con erred the Public Service edal (P ) b the late President ng eng Cheong in 998.He was also awarded the Singapore Civil e ence escue adge or his e orts in the rescue mission at the Hotel ew World disaster. n 20 6 he was awarded the inistr o Culture, Communit and outh Colour ward or est Per orming nter acial and eligious Confidence Circle Chairman. n 2008 he was awarded the ational a Home eam Commendation ward b P Wong Kang Seng. or his long and dedicated services with the Peoples ssociation he was awarded the 40 ears Long Service ward in 202 .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 243 3 £30 | S C E 978 98 25 333 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Published with Genealog Society Singapore Extent: 320pp Type:


Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection Asian History Keywords: Kampong Chia Keng Chia Keng illage amil Histor Genealog amil ree Singapore Histor Readership: ormer residents o Chia Keng illage, historians and heritage organisations, and members o the public who are interested in tracing their own amil roots to create records or uture generations

COVID-19’s Economic Impact and Countermeasures in China Editors: Shiyi Chen

Biyu Wu

Zhiqing Li

Karl Stefan


Debra Anthony

Fudan University, China Fudan University, China

East China University of Science and Technology, China

Description The book studies the impact of COVID-19 on the Chinese economy and the country’s response to policies. t e amines various aspects o national macroeconomic operations, industrial shocks, changes in financial markets, regional economic order, public governance challenges. t also anal es changes in the world econom while integrating economic, financial, industrial, and environmental disciplines. t the macro level, the book emphasi es counter c clical responses, with an emphasis on comprehensive measures and precise e orts. t highlights di erentiated development strategies or industries and promotes structural ad ustment and suppl side re orm. t the micro level, the book emphasi es enterprises resumption o work and production and suppl chain management. he book promotes the concept o integration, stressing that China s econom was and is su cientl resilient and the importance o maintaining and improving public confidence. t the same time, it a aches importance to prescribing the correct remedies or shortcomings, strengthening weaknesses, con ronting the obstacles and di culties in economic development, and restoring social order. he studies are not restricted to the acts but also ocus on trans orming and upgrading a moderni ed socialist econom and governance in the long term.

June 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-291-4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 440pp Type: eview olume

Editors Shiyi CHEN is Pro essor at School o Economics (S E) and anhai nternational School o inance ( S ) at udan Universit . He also serves as the E ecutive ice President o nhui Universit , irector o Center or Sustainable evelopment Studies udan Universit , and Co irector o Shanghai Hong Kong evelopment nstitute b Chinese Universit o Hong Kong and udan Universit . He holds a Ph in Econometrics at K ungpook ational Universit , epublic o Korea. His research area includes economic trans ormation and financial development, energ environment and development economics, risk management, and applied econometrics. Shi i published more than one hundred papers and several scholarl monographs like Energ Environment and Economic rans ormation in China ( outledge a lor rancis Group, London and ew ork). He was awarded man academic honors such as Peikang Chang evelopment Economics Pri e in 20 4, and Sun e ang Pri e in Economics Science in 20 8. Zhiqing LI is Ph in Economics and associate pro essor in environmental economics and green finance at School o Economics at udan Universit . He works as E ecutive irector o Center or Environmental Economic Studies, udan Universit . Pro essor Li once worked at ale Universit in US and Go ngen Universit in German both as visiting scholar. Pro essor Li s research ocuses on environmental economics and green finance. He is also pla ing an active role in developing the environmental economics theor and practice in China.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Economies acroeconomics icroeconomics China Studies Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic n ectious iseases Public Health (+Epidemiolog ) Keywords: C 9 Economic mpact Countermeasures China icroenterprises and iscal esponse Policies Structural Unemplo ment Service ndustr Logistics ndustr ourism ndustr igital Econom nsurance arkets Global Econom Suppl Chains Healthcare S stem Public Services and Polic esponses Readership: cademics, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in the impact o C 9 on the Chinese econom , China s countermeasures, and polic responses

Contents • •

Introduction: What are the Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Sustainable Economic Development in the Medium and Long Term? The Macroeconomy: Five Facts About the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Industry Dynamics and Social Governance in Relation to the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Microenterprises and Fiscal Response Policies The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Structural Unemployment and Employment Patterns and Policy Responses The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers and Policy Responses The Industrial Economy: Senior Services in the COVID-19 Pandemic The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Service Industry and Policy Responses The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Logistics Industry and Policy Responses The Full Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Tourism Industry and Policy Responses The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Digital Economy and Policy Responses Financial Markets: Financial Markets in the Pandemic: Effects and China’s Policy Response The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Financial and Real Economy and Policy Responses Waging Financial War on the Pandemic and Countercyclical Monetary Policy Response The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Insurance Markets and Policy Responses The Global Economy: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Global Economy and Global Policy Responses The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on EU Countries and on Europe-Middle East Trade Relations, and Policy Responses The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Supply Chains and Policy Responses Public Governance: Challenges Facing the “Post-Pandemic Era” Healthcare System and Policy Responses Waging a “Green” War Against the Pandemic: Challenges and Policy Responses for “Green Growth” During The Pandemic Governance of “Post-Pandemic Era” Urban Modernization Reflections and Recommendations on the Governance System and the COVID-19 Pandemic Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity for the Future: A Path for Strategic Development of Enterprises in the “Post-Pandemic Era” The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Services and Policy Responses

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Letter to Grandson Jun I Found Myself Hiking

Author Anthony SC Teo

Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Illustrated by Sania Himawan

Endorsement Li e s ourne , like driving 3,000 miles across merica, is all about the drive, climb and sel learning. We set the di cult ones so that we can trul learn and predominate. Edmund TL Yong Tiong Bahru-born Founder CEO X-Celerator with two Unicorns like billion-dollar patent driven PatSnap and hobby mountaineer with Edmund Hillary as childhood hero

Key Features • •

ive segments o about 5,000 words accompanied b post modern W illustrations with avanese US detailing Uni ue tales woven together o ungle hiking in Singapore and ala a to a hike drive 3,000 miles across continental merica, and an appearance o the m thical ackalope (hal ackrabbit hal antelope). he narrative complements serendipitous li e lessons inspired b the ristotelian proposition o phr n sis. E perience and practical udgement are part o the pursuit o wisdom and understanding onesel . Hence the sub theme ound sel Hiking

June 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-519-9 £20 | S C E 978-981-125-591-5

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan


Extent: 36pp

Raised on a farm near Changi (visited by Albert Einstein in the 1920s), Anthony Teo attended Singapore’s 19th century St Anthony’s Boys School and St Joseph’s Institution. Having completed a course at the 330 ear old Harvard at new Cambridge in assachuse s, US , nthon then went in search o merica, driving across countr rom ew ork to San rancisco, through the mile high ackalopean landscape o W oming. His co driver was his riend Leo Soong in his classic ,000 mile a da steed o the 960s W 2002 ti. Leo, who unbeknownst to nthon at the time, was adame Chiang Kaishek s avourite nephew.

Type: Popular book

ears later, nthon was at old Cambridgeshire s 800 ear old Universit o Cambridge, UK as a isiting ellow to complete his hunt or the origins o the two univer cities (Harvard Cambridge and Cambridge Cambridge arket own).

Author Yeh-Yeh Yeo aka Anthony Teo grew up on an old arm at the original rankel Estate and was schooled at the Singapore Christian rothers S S S Cambridge , US Cambridge, UK market town. He was a luck village kid to have gone on to participate in assignments on all continents e cept rica and Latin merica. Upon retirement, he turned to writing firstl the our volumes on Univer Cities and now this Le er to Grandson un, in courtl love o his agnificent si grandchildren W KE. n a road less travelled, driving 3,000 miles across merica, takes the role o a sleuth seeking, searching and illustrating. His notations have taken him through the sleep hollows between disciplines in the hope to uncover more understanding o our world, ourselves and or the ne t generations to aid in solving increasingl more comple problems. he narrative draws upon clues rom a tapestr o connections encompassing geograph , histor , philosoph , sport, Greek m tholog , literature, movies, etc. with s personal e periences and enthusiasm. nudges all to e plore the alluring unbeknownst spaces in between the usual silos o disciplines.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection Parents nd amilies Children rom 6 o 2 ears iograph Keywords: Le er to dul een Curiosit Colour o Enthusiasm Secrets o Entheos ntrepid ackalope Holistic kela ums eit sche Patholog o istance Warpseed e eat rans ear Creative ear otal e ence Sel iscover nner Strength ppaloosa rans ormer rucks rmature 50,000 ile nter State Suppl Chain President ke 52 to Portland s KE, Sea le s ma on and rkansas Walmart oute 80 adiant aven s un via ock Springs, W 3,000 ile Pu cross Green US ao o E periential Learning riving Leo river and enaissance an Li e s a Highwa , Leo is 80 Long and Wonder ul Li e elicious iscover ound sel , Hiking Readership: oung pre teens and their parents and grandparents

Contents • • • • • •

Le Le Le Le Le Le

er to Grandson er to Grandson er to Grandson er to Grandson er to Grandson er to Grandson

un, un, un, un, un, un,

uadrant Hiking ast ear uadrant riving aster arther uadrant Wh aster oremost (Higher) uadrant Enthusiasm aster orever uadrant Warp speed astest uture uadrant Sweet Conclusion Surprise

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

China’s Economic Reforms Successes and Challenges Peter Koveos

Syracuse Univerisity, USA

Yimin Zhang

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Description In the last 40 years of China’s economic reforms, the country has made unprecedented progress in its economic development and its position in the global stage. s a result, interest in China has resulted in numerous books ocusing on the world s second largest econom . single volume, however, cannot possibl e plain the comple nature o China s economic s stem and its relationship with the rest o the world. China s Economic e orms Successes and Challenges contributes to the understanding o China s re orms b o ering a detailed anal sis o critical components o the countr s economic architecture. Within the conte t o the global econom , the book illustrates the per ormance o the Chinese econom at both the aggregate and individual sector levels be ore and a er re orms. Comparisons and contrasts are made with the economies o the US, apan, South Korea, ndia, and ussia. he book presents the challenges acing the Chinese re orm process, and e plain how these challenges a ect the domestic econom , the rest o the world, and the overall success o China s re orms.

June 2022 £125 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-651-6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 543pp Type:


Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: China Studies Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Keywords: China Econom Economic e orms Economic Growth China s Econom Readership: cademics, polic makers, undergraduate and graduate students interested in China s re orms and econom

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Are There Laws of Innovation? Lawrence J Lau

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Yanyan Xiong

Zhejiang University, China

Endorsement “Patent applications and grants are useful measures of innovation. The quantity of real R&D capital stock is a useful measure of innovation input. This book provides highly persuasive evidence of the importance of the relationship between these two empirical measures for different economies and different patent-granting agencies.” Dale W Jorgenson Samuel W Morris University Research Professor, Harvard University

Key Features •

ne o the onl books devoted to the comparison o investments and innovation across the G 7 countries, ainland China and the E Es

June 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-117-7

Description Beyond real GDP, innovative capacity is an important indicator of the economic strength of a nation. stud ing innovative capacit and other indicators o success in innovation across the Group o Seven (G7) Countries, the East sian ewl ndustrialised Economies (E Es) and ainland China, this book will s stematicall establish a positive relationship between innovation outputs and inputs o di erent economies. n doing so, it seeks to answer the uestion are there laws o innovation t seeks to identi the determinants o innovation at the econom wide level, ascertain whether these determinants are similar across di erent economies, and find suitable metrics or comparing relative success in innovation across di erent economies. t concludes that innovation, rather than being a stroke o good ortune, comes rom research and development activities conducted over a long period o time, and sheds light on uture trends and areas or urther research.

Authors Lawrence J Lau is the alph and Claire Landau Pro essor o Economics at the Chinese Universit o Hong Kong. He specialises in economic development, economic growth, and the economies o East sia, including that o China. He has authored, co authored, and edited 7 books, and published more than 2 0 articles and notes in international pro essional ournals. Pro essor Lau has been elected a ellow o the Econometric Societ , an cademician o cademia Sinica, aipei, and an Honorar ember o the Chinese cadem o Social Sciences. Pro Lau currentl serves as a ice Chairman o the China Center or nternational Economic E changes, a ice Chairman o the China Science Centre o the nternational Eurasian cadem o Sciences, and Chairman o the oard o irectors o the Chinese Universit o Hong Kong (Shen hen) inance nstitute. Yanyan Xiong is a U 00 oung Pro essor at the School o Economics, he iang Universit . She has been a esearch ellow at Center o Social Wel are and Governance, he iang Universit since 20 8, and a esearch ellow (Honorar ) at the Lau Chor ak nstitute o Global Economics and inance, he Chinese Universit o Hong Kong since 202 . Her research interests are on human capital investment, education ine ualit , and the Chinese labour market.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type:


Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement sian usiness anagement sian Economies General Economics Keywords: ntellectual Propert nnovation nputs nnovation utputs Patents esearch and evelopment nvestments Group o Seven Countries ainland China East sian ewl ndustrialised Economies nnovative Capacit Economic Strength Readership: Economists, technologists, government o cials, researchers, inventors, intellectual propert specialists, students o innovation, and pro essionals interested in innovation, intellectual propert , and patents

Changing the Dynamics and Impact of Innovation Management A Systems Approach and the ISO Standard Joanne Hyland

rInnovation Group, USA & International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), UK & Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Canada

Magnus Karlsson

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS), Sweden

John Bessant

University of Exeter, UK

Mats Magnusson

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Jimmi Kristiansen

Aalborg University Business School, Denmark & rInnovation Group, Europe & Danish Standards Foundation, Denmark

Ingrid Kihlander

Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Description The ISO Innovation Management System (IMS) Standard (ISO 56002) provides a much needed and well-timed input to the innovation management discipline. While research e orts within the domain o innovation management have vastl increased over the past decades, research has primaril been conducted through specific contributions to distinct areas o innovation management (e.g. top management, culture, processes), lacking a more holistic perspective. Practitioners know that managing innovation is challenging. ringing in a globall recognised standard that o ers a holistic perspective will be ke in pro essionalising the innovation management discipline, much like ualit management and pro ect management standards have done in the past. his book ocuses on the S nnovation anagement S stem Standard and the links with SP s od o Knowledge ( oK) special interest group, the S innovation management communit , and the nternational Collaboration Pla orm or nnovation anagement S stem ( CP4 S). t covers our topics as ollows •

• •

ntroduction to a s stems approach or innovation management and the S nnovation anagement S stem Standard ( S 56002), including historical conte t, descriptions o terms, t polog , and the clauses in the Standard. Elaboration o the innovation management undamentals and principles ( S 56000). eatures si teen case studies o diverse organisations rom around the globe, including those that have implemented a management s stem be ore the Standard was released and those ollowing it now, completel or partiall . Lessons learned and implications, including insights or how to take innovation management to its ne t level to address opportunities and challenges in organisations and societies.

Editors Joanne Hyland is ounder President o the r nnovation Group and ssociation evelopment irector on the SP ( nternational Societ or Pro essional nnovation anagement) oard. Magnus Karlsson is an d unct Pro essor in nnovation anagement at K H o al nstitute o echnolog in Stockholm and pro ect manager o innovation management s stem at SE esearch nstitutes o Sweden. Ingrid Kihlander is a esearcher at SE esearch nstitutes o Sweden and at K H o al nstitute o echnolog , in Stockholm, Sweden. She holds a Ph in achine esign rom K H and de ended a Ph thesis ocusing on decision making in the earl phases o product development.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 209 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume Series: Series on echnolog anagement Main Subject: usiness and anagement Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement Keywords: nnovation anagement S stem nnovation anagement nnovation Standards S stem Readership: anagers and practitioners in organisations interested in appl ing a s stems approach based on the S innovation management s stem standard, and accessing the SP od o Knowledge and re erencing case studies academics or researchers looking to urther the field o innovation management, especiall at the s stem level and government entities seeking guidance on polic making and economic development

Contents • • • •

oreword Editorial eam List o Contributors Perspectives: ntroduction (Ingrid Kihlander, Joanne Hyland and Magnus Karlsson) he Standard or nnovation anagement (Joanne Hyland and Magnus Karlsson) cademic Perspectives on the Standard and S stems pproach (Mats Magnusson, Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and John Bessant) Implementing an Innovation Management System: Case Studies from Around the World: ntroduction to Case Studies (Ingrid Kihlander and Joanne Hyland) irbus oster nnovation Culture in Practice within a Large nternational Corporation Case o irbus e ence and Space ivision (Alice de Casanove, Elodie Ponchel, Jean-François Barrand and Yannick Marin) China nternational arine Containers Group Cultivating World Class Champions S stems pproach (Ximing Yin, Zhaohui Wang, Rongyu Guo and Jen Chin) Evonik ndustries G Capabilit uilding or Strategic nnovation in the nnovation anagement S stem (Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and Daniel Witthaut) K H Global evelopment Hub eveloping an nnovation anagement S stem or Global Sustainable evelopment (Jesper Vasell and Susanne Nilsson) Humanitarian nnovation und anaging nnovation in Humanitarian id (John Bessant) nstituto acional de ecnolog a ndustrial nnovation anagement S stem mplementation at rgentina (Marina Pérez Zelaschi and Leopoldo Colombo) Kanthal uilding ridges or ncreased nnovation Capabilit (Anders Wikström) Karolinska Universit Hospital mplementing an nnovation anagement S stem at a Universit Hospital Providing Highl Specialised Care (Ingrid Kihlander and Åse Lundh Gravenius) idea Group he S stem pproach o ecoming a Global Leader in Household ppliance Sector (Jin Chen, Rongyu Guo, Ximing Yin and Zhaohui Wang) oen ncorporated nitiating and Sustaining rans ormational Growth through a S stems pproach (Joanne Hyland and Mike Pickett) aturv rdsverket, Swedish Environmental Protection genc nnovation Capabilit in a Government genc Ke rivers in a S stemic nnovation Pla orm (Marie Denward, Oskar Jonsson and Roger Lundegård) orconsult S anagement b efinition he ole o erminolog and Shared Understandings in mplementing an nnovation anagement S stem (Markus Søbstad Bensnes) ki Electric ndustr Compan mplementation o ume Pro, an nnovation anagement S stem (Ingrid Kihlander, Mats Magnusson and Hiro Nishiguchi) regon State Universit mpact Studio dvancing a Universit s nstitutional nnovation Capabilit (Richard Duncombe and Edward Feser) Sime arb Plantation op own pproach to nnovation anagement in a State owned, Globall ntegrated Plantation Compan (Suraya Sulaiman, Azim Pawanchik, Law Zhi Xiong and Syakiratul Ezwana Shahrul Niza) S dra Skogs garna he Sustainable nnovator (Catrin Gustavsson, Dan Oscarson and Magnus Karlsson) Reflections: Common hemes and Success actors (Joanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, and Jimmi Normann Kristiansen) Conclusions and Path orward (Joanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, John Bessant, Ingrid Kihlander, Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and Mats Magnusson)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Waste Heat Recovery Principles and Industrial Applications Chirla Chandra Sekhara Reddy

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Gade Pandu Rangaiah

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Key Features • • •

Uni ue coverage o undamentals o and applications in waste heat recover an industrial applications and e amples or a wide range o industries irst author with nearl 30 ears o industrial e perience, and second author with more than 40 ears o e perience in research and teaching

Description This book presents a comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, latest technologies and industrial applications of Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) in process industries. Simple and e ective WH techni ues are illustrated with industrial e amples, to help readers to identi , calculate and develop heat recover saving potential in their processes. Ke benefits o WH pro ects, which are use ul or developing success ul WH business cases, are demonstrated. Special emphasis is given towards ma or technical risks and mitigation plans, or implementing sound WH pro ects. echni ues or reaping benefits o WH pro ects or longer periods are also outlined. ppl ing these techni ues with an understanding o the principles e plained in this book, and taking a cue rom the e amples and suggestions, the reader will be able to realise sustained benefits in their process. Solution manual is provided or ree to instructors who adopt this te tbook. Please send our re uest to

Authors Dr Chirla Chandra Sekhara Reddy is echnolog ptimi ation anager at Singapore efining Compan Private Limited (S C), where he leads a wide range o activities. He holds achelors, asters and octoral degrees in Chemical Engineering rom ndhra Universit , Kanpur and ndhra Universit , respectivel . He also holds degree rom urdoch Universit . He is a Chartered Engineer and has 26 ears o e perience in process engineering, pro ect management, technical services, operations optimi ation and process sa et e periences in refiner , petrochemical and chemical plants. Prior to S C, he has served diverse industries such as eliance, he Pol lefin Compan Pvt. Ltd, Sembcorp Utilities and erminals, Celanese Singapore Pte Ltd. He has designed and implemented man WH pro ects. He has authored man international publications including three Chapters in the book Chemical Process etrofi ng and evamping echni ues and pplications published b ohn Wile in 20 6. Dr Gade Pandu Rangaiah oined the epartment o Chemical and iomolecular Engineering at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US) in 982, where he is currentl Emeritus Pro essor. He received his achelor, asters and octoral degrees in chemical engineering, rom ndhra Universit , Kanpur and onash Universit , respectivel . Prior to his octoral stud , r angaiah worked in Engineers ndia Limited or 2 ears. He received man teaching awards including the nnual eaching E cellence wards rom US. He co taught short courses on waste heat recover , pinch anal sis and optimi ation, man times to industr participants. r angaiah supervised 26 Ph theses, 25 asters theses, and published 2 5 ournal papers on modeling, optimi ation and control o chemical and related processes. He co authored a book entitled e erence anual on Energ ecover and euse, and co edited 8 books on process optimi ation and control.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £150 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 839 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 550pp Type:

onograph ( reat s e tbook)

Main Subject: Chemistr Sub-Subjects: ndustrial Chemistr Chemical Engineering Energ Studies esearch echanical Engineering Keywords: Waste Heat ecover Energ E cienc Emissions eduction Pinch nal sis Heat Pumps acuum S stems istillation Power Generation lue Gas S stems esalination Cooling Water etworks Steam S stems Sustainabilit Pro ect anagement and Process Sa et Readership: esearcher and graduate students in ndustrial chemistr

Contents • •

ntroduction Principles of Waste Heat Recovery: Principles of Heat Transfer and Heat Integration Fundamentals of Pinch Analysis for Heat Integration Heat Exchangers for Heat Recovery Heat Pumps for Waste Heat Recovery Cost Estimation and Economic Evaluation Estimation of Energy and CO2 Emissions Industrial Applications of Waste Heat Recovery: Waste Heat Reduction in Vacuum Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Distillation Waste Heat Recovery for Power Generation Waste Heat Recovery from Flue Gas Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Compression Systems Desalination and Water Recovery using Waste Heat Low Temperature Heat Recovery using Heat Transfer Fluids Cooling System Options for Waste Heat Reduction Waste Heat Recovery in and Optimization of Steam Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Condensate Return Systems Implementation of Waste Heat Recovery Projects: Sustainability of Waste Heat Recovery Projects Project Management of Waste Heat Recovery Projects Process Safety in WHR Projects

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Future Network Architectures and Core Technologies Ju-long Lan

Yi-ming Jiang

Yu-xiang Hu

Peng Wang

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

Zhen Zhang

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China Zhongyuan University of Technology of China, China

Jiang-xing Wu

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

Key Features • • •

his book gives a s stematic and comprehensive coverage on the architectures or uture nternet he content o this book is an compilation o the latest research in computer networking undertaken b researchers all over the world progress in the world his book is wri en or graduate students in computer networking

June 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 755 3

Description This book introduces the background, basic concepts and evolution of computer network development; by comparing and contrasting with the typical network architectures in the market. he book ocuses on the architecture and underpinning technologies towards the uture in network designs. t also provides a reconfigurable evolutionar network unction innovation pla orm or researches to run e periments on the networks the designed. he contents o this book are novel, in ormative, and practical a re ection o the state o art development in network architecture. his book is wri en or engineers and researchers speciali ing in communications or computer networks. t could also be adopted as a te tbook or graduate students ma oring in communications, computing, and computer network related disciplines in colleges and universities.


Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 360pp Type:


Ju-long Lan is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 200 , and is the managing director o the ovel etwork rchitecture esearch department. His research interests mainl include network architecture, uture nternet, switching and routing, and network modelling.

Main Subject: Computer Science

Yuxiang Hu is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 . His research interests mainl include uture network, routing protocols, switching design and network securit .

Sub-Subjects: eural etworks etworking Communications Computer Engineering

Zhen Zhang is an associate pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 2. His research interests mainl include Content centric etworking, amed ata etworking, So ware efined etwork and etwork unctions irtuali ation.

Keywords: uture nternet etwork rchitecture Programmable etwork So ware efined etworking etwork irtuali ation etwork unction irtuali ation Content centric etwork n ormation Centric etwork Service riented etwork obilit riented etwork etwork estbed

Yiming Jiang is an assistant researcher in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 4. His research interests mainl include new network architecture and network securit technolog . Peng Wang is an associate Pro essor o hong uan Universit o echnolog , China. e ore oining hong uan Universit o echnolog , he was an assistant research ellow at the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem also rom SC. His research interests include network securit , network architecture, wireless network securit , and network active de ence. Jiangxing Wu is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). His research interests include uture network, distributed computer s stem, broadband network and network securit .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Readership: Engineers and researchers specialising in communications or computer networks Graduate students ma oring in communications, computing, computer network related disciplines, and related other specialties in colleges universities and training courses

Contents • • • • • • • • •

verview o the uture etwork rchitecture pen and Programmable uture etwork S stem etwork irtuali ation echnolog and uture etwork S stem uture etwork S stem ased on Content ddressing Service riented uture etwork rchitecture obilit riented uture etwork S stem ther uture etwork S stems uture etwork estbed n E ample he econfigurable and Evolvable etwork unction nnovation Pla orm

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Computational Geometry with Independent and Dependent Uncertainties Rivka Gitik

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Leo Joskowicz

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Description This comprehensive compendium describes a parametric model and algorithmic theory to represent geometric entities with dependent uncertainties between them. he theor , named Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel (LPGU ), is an e pressive and computationall e cient ramework that allows to s stematicall stud geometric uncertaint and its related algorithms in computer geometr . he sel contained monograph is o great scientific, technical, and economic importance as geometric uncertaint is ubi uitous in mechanical C C , robotics, computer vision, wireless networks and man other fields. Geometric models, in contrast, are usuall e act and do not account or these inaccuracies. his use ul re erence te t benefits academics, researchers, and practitioners in computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering and related fields.

Author Leo Joskowicz is a Pro essor at the School o Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem, srael. He is the ounder and director o the Computer ided Surger and edical mage Processing Laborator (C S P Lab), ellow o the EEE, S E, and CC Societies and President o the CC Societ . He is the recipient o the 20 0 aurice E uller ward or E cellence in Computer ssisted Surger and the 2007 Ka e nnovation ward. He has published over 250 peer reviewed papers.

June 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 383 6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 40pp Type:


Main Subject: Computer Science Sub-Subjects: obotics nd utomated S stems echanical Engineering Keywords: Computational Geometr Computer Scence heor C C Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in robotics and mechanical engineering

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • •

Geometric Uncertaint with ependencies he Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel Envelope o Uncertain Points, Lines and Circles Hal Plane Point etrieval Uncertain ueries Uncertain Euclidean inimum Spanning rees Uncertain oronoi iagrams and elauna riangulations Stabilit Under Geometric Uncertaint namic Uncertain Geometric Structures aintenance

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Selected Contributions to Game Theory Robert J Aumann

The Hebrew University, Israel

Description Robert Aumann was awarded (jointly with Thomas C Schelling) the 2005 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel “for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis”. his book contains ten o his most important contributions to game theor , as selected b Eric askin, also a obel laureate.

Author Robert Aumann was born in rank urt am ain, German , in 930, to a well to do orthodo ewish amil . leeing a i persecution, he emigrated to the United States with his amil in 938, se ling in ew ork. n the process, his parents lost ever thing, but nevertheless gave their two children an e cellent ewish and general education. umann a ended eshiva elementar and high schools, got a bachelor s degree rom the Cit College o ew ork in 950, and a Ph in mathematics rom in 955. He oined the mathematics department at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem in 956, and has been there ever since. n 990, he was among the ounders o the Center or ationalit at the Hebrew Universit , an interdisciplinar research center, centered on Game heor , with members rom over a do en di erent departments, including usiness, Economics, Ps cholog , Computer Science, Law, athematics, Ecolog , Philosoph , and others. umann is the author o over ninet scientific papers and si books, and has held visiting positions at Princeton, ale, erkele , Louvain, Stan ord, Ston rook, and U. He is a member o the merican cadem o rts and Sciences, the ational cadem o Sciences (US ), the ritish cadem , and the srael cadem o Sciences holds honorar doctorates rom the Universities o Chicago, onn, Louvain, Cit Universit o ew ork, ar lan Universit , and en Gurion Universit o the egev and has received numerous pri es, including the obel emorial Pri e in Economic Sciences or 2005. umann is married and had five children (the oldest was killed in combat in Lebanon in 982). lso, he has twent one grandchildren, and twent eight great grandchildren. When not working, he likes to hike, ski, cook, and stud the almud.

June 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 22 06 4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eprint olume Series: World Scientific Series in Economic heor Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics Keywords: Economics Economic heor Game heor Readership: or researchers and students in the fields o economics and game theor

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

cceptable Points in General Cooperative n Person Games efinition o Sub ective Probabilit arkets with a Continuum o raders Sub ectivit and Correlation in andomi ed Strategies alues o arkets with a Continuum o raders Agreeing to Disagree Correlated E uilibrium as an E pression o a esian ationalit Long erm Competition Game heoretic nal sis Game heoretic nal sis o a ankruptc Problem rom the almud Game heoretic spects o Gradual isarmament

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Modeling and Advanced Techniques in Modern Economics Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ

Hacettepe University, Turkey

Nihan Potas

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey

Key Features • • •

he book will be defined as a new economic perspective rought an interdisciplinar perspective to economic modeling pened new discussions regarding to real data modeling

Description In the modern world, data is a vital asset for any organization, regardless of industry or size. he world is built upon data. However, data without knowledge is useless. he aim o this book, brie , is to introduce new approaches that can be used to shape and orecast the uture b combining the two disciplines o Statistics and Economics.

June 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 74 0

eaders o Modeling and Advanced Techniques in Modern Economics can find valuable in ormation rom a diverse group o e perts on topics such as finance, econometric models, stochastic financial models and machine learning, and application o models to financial and macroeconomic data. Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe

Editors Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ is currentl a Pro essor in the acult o Science, epartment o Statistics, perational esearch Section at Hace epe Universit , urke . He has been a visiting scholar at the Knowledge ntelligence S stems Laborator at Universit o oronto, Canada or one ear. lada teaches ull time at Hace epe Universit , generall teaching operation research, computer programming, statistics, intelligent optimi ation techni ues, so computing methods and integer programming courses. His main interest fields are time series orecasting, artificial neural networks, u time series, heuristic algorithms, and advanced statistical approaches. He has given seminars on these topics at various universities in urke . lada is an e pert in heuristic algorithms and so computing methods with special emphasis on time series orecasting. He has man publications including re ereed ournal papers, book chapters and books in these and related fields. He has also made man international con erence presentations. n his research, lada has proposed various advanced orecasting techni ues, which are based on heuristic algorithms, computational methods, and u logic, to solve di erent orecasting problems rom di erent application areas. He has served as member o the scientific commi ee o di erent international con erences and is a reviewer or man international ournals and con erences. oreover, he is a member o editorial boards o man esteemed international ournals. Nihan Potas graduated rom a kent Universit , epartment o Statistics and Computer Sciences in 2005. She has been working as an assistant pro essor at nkara Hac a ram eli Universit , urke . She completed her master s education at Ga i Universit , urke . uring her Ph , she was enrolled in U Ks international doctoral research ellowship program. ue to her ellowship and doctoral research, she was a research scholar at the Universit o orth Carolina at Chapel Hill in the epartment o iostatistics. She received her Ph rom nkara Universit , urke .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Extent: 260pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Computational Economics inance evelopmental Economics nternational Economics acroeconomics icroeconomics athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics athematical odeling athematical inance Economics Keywords: Harmonic egression Periodograms Consumer Price nde ood n ation urke Gaussian istribution Europe Union G P Panel ata Spatial egression easurement Errors onlinear ime Series Chaotic ime Series Weibull istribution Location Parameters iducial pproach H pothesis esting Green Swan Readership: he book is primaril aimed at academics, researchers, and postgraduate students interested in new economic perspectives with modeling and advanced techni ues. secondar audience involves practitioners and polic makers rom diverse related fields

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • •

Smart Growth evelopments o Europe Union embers b Europe 2020 Strategies (şahika Gökmen and Johan Lyhagen) Spatial egression odel Specification and easurement Errors (Anıl Eralp and Rukiye Dağalp) etermining the Harmonic luctuations in ood n ation (Yılmaz Akdi, Kamil Demirberk Ünlü, Cem Baş, Yunus Emre Karamanoğlu) onlinear and Chaotic ime Series nal sis (Baki Ünal and Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ) iducial ased est or the E ualit o Location Parameters (Gamze Güven, özge GÜrer, Hatice Samkar and Birdal şenoğlu) Understanding the E ects o Green Swan Events on inancial Stabilit nne Countries and urke (şenay AÇıkgöz and şahika Gökmen) orecasting the S 00 nde with Support ector achines (Kamil Demirberk Ünlü, Nihan Potas, Mehmet Yılmaz) ultiple b ective ptimi ation with Weighted Superposition raction epulsion lgorithm (moWS ) (Adil Baykasoğlu) ime Series odelling with eep eural etworks (Çağatay Bal, Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ) n E tension o the nverse Gaussian istribution (Talha Arslan) Clustering Euro one Countries ccording to Emplo ee Contributions e ore and er C 9 (Hüseyin Ünözkan, Nihan Potas, Mehmet Yılmaz) est rchitecture Selection Criteria or rtificial eural etworks (Çağatay Bal and Serdar Demir)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • •

oreword (Günter Bamberg and Otto Opitz) ntroduction (Tony Klein, Sven Loßagk, Mario Straßberger, and Thomas Walther) bout the Contributors Aspects of Modern Finance: Con ounding the eturn otions Could e angerous (G nter amberg and Sebastian Heiden) Emotionall nvolved nvestors s there n inance heor i ed to Ethical, Crowd unding and an ond nvestors ( al rost and le ander o ) How id isk educed nvestment Strategies Per orm uring the Corona Crash Lessons Learned rom the Crisis or the sset anagement ndustr ( riedrich hie en and rg ller) he Growth o Social anks, nvestment estrictions and E cess Li uidit isk (Susanne Hom lle, ikolas H hnke, Ul H benbecker, and Philipp Winskowski) Comparative nal sis o etermining the isk de uate Cost o Capital or egulated etwork perators in etwork ndustries (Ulrike Stopka) Private E uit nvestments and alue Creation in Small and edium Si ed Enterprises ( en amin Hammer, ils H rtel, Suleiman aiem, and ernhard Schwet ler) Aspects of Modern Risk Management: he isk o the Unseen (Ste H se and Ste an Huschens) ail onlinearl rans ormed isk easure as a Capital Constraint e er Choice or ank egulation than Conditional alue at isk (Kerstin ergk, ario randtner, and Wol gang K rsten) b ectification o Sub ective isk ssessments (Lars Hengmith and Sophia Licht) odel isk as ultiplicative isk actor(Ste an Huschens and Gerhard Stahl) odel isk in ption Pricing Estimation isk o olatilit Parameter (Kr s to a uga) e erence ramework or Success actors o esilient Suppl Chains and Practical pplication on a Suppl Chain isruption ( ainer Lasch and Karl ietrich) ssessment o the S stemic isk in the German anking ndustr (Katar na Ku iak and Kr s to Piontek) Aspects of Modern Commodity Finance: il and Stock arket eturns irection, olatilit , or Li uidit (Harald Kinateder and Niklas Wagner) isk eduction b Law n ssessment o the German enewable Energ Sources ct (Sven Loßagk) Corporate isk anagement with Power Purchase greements (Andreas Horsch and Steffen Hundt) he Christenson Gold Price odel econsidered (Thomas Burkhardt and Dominik Möhring) n Gold We rust Should German nvestors Consider Gold in Stock Por olios (Siegfriend Köstlmeier and Klaus Röder) namic Correlation o Precious etals and E uit arkets i ed ata Sampling pproach (Tony Klein and Thomas Walther) Cr ptocurrencies as an sset Class Holding itcoin in German E uities Por olios (Mario Straßberger)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures in the Green Movement Karen Kwek

Description Adventures in the Green Movement is an immersive encounter with some of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century, and the wide variety of solutions aimed at addressing those problems. Wh should we be concerned about de orestation, ha e and plastic waste How can we manage resources like water and electricit responsibl Plant a tree, make rec cled paper, and sa no to single use disposable items ide a bike around one o the planet s green cities rom reversing environmental damage to promoting eco riendl sources o energ , e perience the inspiring impact o the green movement as never be ore

June 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 68 0 £6.99 | S C 978 98 24 90


Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Publication with English Corner Publishing Extent: 80pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Green ovement Ecos stems ature iolog Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Internationalising Higher Education in the Asia Pacific Case of Australia, Japan and Singapore Teofilo C Daquila

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Key Features • • •

• •

• •

he internationalisation o higher education ( HE) has become an important polic issue or governments and research topic or universities Some governments have become more liberal than others, and some universities have become more open to international students than others his book investigates the HE developments and government policies in ustralia, apan and Singapore, and the internationalisation e periences and competitiveness o the Universit o elbourne, K oto Universit , and the ational Universit o Singapore his countr and universit specific scope o HE o ers the competitive advantage o this book relative to other books oreover, it is a single authored book that commenced in 2007 08 and was the result o both primar (interviews with government o cials and universit o cers) and secondar research methodologies lso, it uses both uantitative and ualitative approaches, and multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis n addition, various parts o this book have been presented in academic con erences, workshops and seminars in various countries including ustralia, apan, ala sia, China, rance and Singapore

Description With his many years of overseas experiences as an international student, educator and scholar, Teofilo C Daquila has conducted his research on the internationalisation of higher education (IHE), as it has become an important policy issue and research topic for governments and universities around the world. He aims to determine the e tent o internationalisation o higher education in the sia Pacific region particularl in ustralia, Singapore and apan in terms o its determinants and impacts using a multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis, through historical, political, geographical, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. a uila e amines three leading universities in the world as case studies to determine their internationalisation e periences and the e tent o their competitiveness. hese are the Universit o elbourne, the ational Universit o Singapore, and K oto Universit . He uses our indicators o competitiveness governance and structure, demand conditions, actor conditions, and internationalisation strategies (using the ollowing indicators o HE e pansion, broadening diversification, deepening and acilitation). his book is highl recommended or an one interested in the internationalisation o higher education, its determinants and multiple perspectives, the competitiveness and internationalisation e periences and strategies o universities.

Author Dr Teofilo C Daquila is ssociate Pro essor o Southeast sian economics and business in the epartment o Southeast sian Studies, acult o rts and Social Sciences ( SS) at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US). Pro a uila s current teaching and research areas include economic growth and development, SE economic regionalism, comparative and international education, and the scholarship o teaching and learning.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-221-1

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:


Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Education S stems nd Policies eaching nd Learning Parents nd amilies oung dults or 3 nd bove Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit sian usiness anagement sian Culture Literar Studies Literature sian Economies sian Histor sian Politics Societ Political Econom Globali ation Singapore Collection Southeast sia Keywords: nternationalisation Higher Education nternationalisation o Higher Education Globalisation o Education nternational Students Local Students ustralia s Higher Education apan s Higher Education Singapore s Higher Education Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, educators, researchers, practitioners, and polic makers, in the fields o comparative and international education with re erence to the internationalisation o higher education

Contents • • • • • • • •

ntroduction ackground and Significance o the nternationalisation o Higher Education he Global Picture, efinitions Concepts, and ationale he in ustralia rends, Pa erns, eterminants and mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o the Universit o elbourne he apan Picture rends, Pa erns, eterminants mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o K oto Universit he Singapore Picture Government Policies and the US E perience Establishing Connections in a iverse Environment

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures with Germs and Your Health Author Benedict Boo

Illustrated by Alan Bay

Description Adventures with Germs and Your Health is an immersive encounter with the microorganisms that live around, on and inside us, and their impact on our lives. How do germs travel What s the di erence between a cold and the u Wh should ou watch what ou eat Grow our good bacteria, survive a pandemic, and avoid the perils o ood poisoning ust some common m ths about disease, and arm oursel to fight cancer rom the de ences o our immune s stem to the healing e ects o medication, e perience the mind blowing inner workings o our bod as never be ore

June 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-448-2 £6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-449-9

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 80pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Land nimals nimals Ecos stems ature iolog Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures with More Land Animals Editor Karen Kwek

Description Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What s the di erence between antlers and horns Wh does the sloth move so slowl Can ou spot the black panther s ... spots arch in an arm o ants. ake a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. nd meet the un orge able proboscis monke rom the rctic wilderness to the ndean ountains, and rom arawa grasslands to gardens ne t door, e perience more land animals up closer than ever be ore

June 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-452-9 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 453 6

Imprint: WS Education Co Publication with English Corner Publishing Extent: 80pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Keywords: Science Comics Primar School Land nimals nimals Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures with Materials Editor Karen Kwek

Description Adventures with Materials is an immersive encounter with more than 5 fibres, minerals, resins and metals that have a wide range o ever da and specialist applications. What s the di erence between natural and s nthetic materials How does amber capture a slice o prehistoric li e Wh is co on one o the world s most important crops Spin some fine abric with the mulberr silkworm. ecome an illusionist s apprentice. nd witness the mesmerising properties o gallium. rom design and the fine arts to building and construction, and rom the science lab to our home, appreciate the astonishing uses o materials as never be ore

June 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-456-7 £6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-457-4

Imprint: WS Education Co Publication with English Corner Publishing Extent: 80pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Keywords: Science Comics Primar School aterials Chemistr Ph sics Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures with Technology and Gadgets Editor Karen Kwek

Description Adventures with Materials is an immersive encounter with more than 5 fibres, minerals, resins and metals that have a wide range o ever da and specialist applications. What s the di erence between natural and s nthetic materials How does amber capture a slice o prehistoric li e Wh is co on one o the world s most important crops Spin some fine abric with the mulberr silkworm. ecome an illusionist s apprentice. nd witness the mesmerising properties o gallium. rom design and the fine arts to building and construction, and rom the science lab to our home, appreciate the astonishing uses o materials as never be ore

June 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 460 4 £6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-461-1

Imprint: WS Education Co Publication with English Corner Publishing Extent: 80pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Keywords: Science Comics Primar School echnolog Gadgets Ph sics Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

World of Science (Set 3) dventures with Germs and our Health dventures in the Green ovement dventures with ore Land nimals dventures with aterials dventures with echnolog and Gadgets Guss Guts dventures n ugmented ealit ale o a oung acteria avigating the Human igestive S stem

Authors Benedict Boo Germaine Yong

Edited by Karen Kwek

Illustrated by Alan Bay

Description The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. ll topics covered are in line with the Singapore primar Science s llabus and the Cambridge primar Science curriculum, and also o er be ond the s llabus insights designed to stretch in uiring oung minds. his set includes a bonus Special Edition book Guss’ Gutsy Adventures: An Augmented Reality Tale of a Young Bacteria Navigating the Human Digestive System, authored b S Scientist r Germaine ong, an e pert in the digestive s stem. he topics covered in this book are taught in the Singapore Science primar school s llabus.

June 2022 £39.99 | HARDCOVER SET 978-981-125-812-1 £29.99 | S C E SE 978 98 25 8 3 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 464pp Type: Comics Series: World o Science

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 Years Readership: 6 2 ear olds, Singapore, sia Pacific, worldwide. rade, schools, libraries ever where

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • •

Adventures with Germs and Your Health Adventures in the Green Movement Adventures with More Land Animals Adventures with Materials Adventures with Technology and Gadgets Guss Guts dventures An Augmented Reality Tale of a Young Bacteria Navigating the Human Digestive System

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Applied Analog Electronics A First Course in Electronics Kevin Karplus

University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Description This textbook is for a first course on electronics. t assumes no prior electronics e perience, but does assume that students have had calculus (single variable di erential calculus) and high school ph sics. ke idea o the course is that students need a lot o design e perience and hands on work, rather than a lot o theor . he course is centered around the labs, which are a mi o design labs and measurement modeling labs. he uni ue volume takes students rom knowing no electronics to being able to design and build amplifier and filter circuits or connecting sensors to microcontrollers within 20 weeks. Students design a digital thermometer, a blood pressure meter, an optical pulse monitor, an EKG, an audio preamplifier, and a class power amplifier. he also learn how to measure and characteri e components, including impedance spectroscop o a loudspeaker and o electrochemical electrodes.

June 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 44 3 £70 | S C E 978 98 25 496 3

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 700pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Engineering


Sub-Subjects: Electrical Electronic Engineering Circuits S stems Keywords: Electronics nalog Electronics ECG EKG Pulse onitor mplifier ode Plot mpedance Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in electrical electronic engineering, and circuits and s stems

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Wh an Electronics Class ackground aterial Se ng Up easuring emperature Sampling and liasing Hysteresis Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor ptical Pulse onitor Electret icrophone Loudspeaker odeling Low Power udio mplifier easuring E s Class Power amp Electrodes EKG Appendices: PteroDAQ Documentation Study Sheet e erences nde

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites 2nd Edition Vladislav Mantič

University of Seville, Spain

Key Features •

he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretical and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testing and applications o composite components and structures Contributing authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics and engineering related to composites Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms

June 2022 Description Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites (Second Edition) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematical methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri ation o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second edition e pands upon the success o the first edition and has been substantiall revised and updated. Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on continuous fiber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applications (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni ation procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutions in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fiber rein orced nonlinearl elastic solids, instabilities, buckling and postbuckling, fiber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulation o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abrication, testing and industrial applications o composite components and structures. his book is an essential re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering. E planations and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investigate the ascinating sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematical methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.

Editor Vladislav Mantič is Pro essor o Continuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elasticit , racture echanics, Plasticit , iscoelasticit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematical engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distinction and ector ward in 984.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 708pp Type: eview olume Series: Computational and E perimental ethods in Structures Main Subject: Engineering


Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics athematical odeling echanical Engineering General aterials Science Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultila er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure Sti ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solid andom Composite ulti Scale s mptotic Homogeni ation Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing Process odel rder eduction Proper Generali ed ecomposition educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultiph sics in Laminates amage elamination Cohesive nter ace Large e ormation racture nstabilit Readership: n essential re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotic Homogeni ation ethod (Alexander L Kalamkarov) Scaling unctions in Spatiall andom Composites (Martin Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan) Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplications (Chyanbin Hwu) Classical efined, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo) odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilities and elamination in Composite Shells (J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez) i urcation o Elastic ultila ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca) nstabilities ssociated with Loss o Ellipticit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solids (J Merodio and R W Ogden) Propagation o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri ation o nitial Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man) dvanced athematical odels and E cient umerical Simulation in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta) odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone) elamination and dhesive Contacts, heir athematical odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martin Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantič) nteraction o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martin) Computational Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastic ultimaterial Corners pplications to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantič, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Quality Management Essentials Ivan Popov

University of Portsmouth, UK

Key Features • •

he books o ers the overview o ualit anagement and the essential tools used in ualit Control and ualit anagement o help with the comprehension o the sub ect, the book carries a number o practical uestions and answers on ualit

Description The product design based on what customers want and how much they are willing to pay for it determines its quality. he production process is supposed to achieve the re uired ualit . ue to the natural process variation the ualit o a product or service varies. hus, ualit can be defined as fitness or intended use or, in other words, how well the product per orms its intended unction. t is a wri en or unwri en commitment to a known or unknown consumer in the market. ualit management ensures that a product or service is fit or its purpose. t has three main components ualit planning, ualit control and ualit improvement. ualit management is ocused not onl on product and service ualit , but also on the means to maintain it. ualit management, there ore, uses ualit control tools to achieve more consistent ualit . his book aims to provide the readers with the essential practical knowledge and understanding o ualit related issues to make correct decisions aster. Hence, the can e ectivel contribute to a modern d namic production environment. he book covers the essential tools used in ualit control and ualit management. here are a lot o practical uestions and answers on ualit .

June 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 228 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 200pp Type: e tbook


Main Subject: Engineering


Dr Ivan Popov is a Principal Lecturer in anu acturing Engineering in the School o echanical and esign Engineering, Universit o Portsmouth. He has industrial e perience in Engineering esign, ualit Control and anu acturing. Currentl , he is responsible or teaching ualit anagement and C C related modules. His research interests are in everse Engineering and C C s stems. r Popov holds a Eng and Ph in echanical Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer, a ember o the nstitution o Engineering and echnolog ( E ) and a ellow o the Higher Education cadem . He has published over 20 ournal papers and con erence proceedings on anu acturing Engineering, C C and everse Engineering.

Sub-Subjects: echanical Engineering ndustrial Engineering General Engineering Keywords: ualit anagement Engineering easurements Process ariation Probabilit istributions Process Capabilit Control Charts cceptance Sampling Check Sheets ishbone iagram Correlation nal sis egression nal sis Si Sigma ualit Standardisation Certification Readership: echanical and manu acturing undergraduate and postgraduate students engineers level students taking ech concepts

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction to ualit anagement easurement or ualit ssurance Process ariation and Probabilit istributions used in ualit Sampling Process Capabilit Control Charts ther ools or ualit anagement and ptimisation Si Sigma ualit cceptance Sampling Standardisation, Certification ualit anagement S stems

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |


Complexity of Groundwater Systems Teng Ma

China University of Geosciences, China

Liuzhu Chen

China University of Geosciences, China

Key Features • • •

his book integrated a new science into the traditional groundwater researches his book provides a new insight on how to understand the geochemical processes o groundwater within a s stematic ramework he authors o this book have multi disciplinar background including h drogeolog , geobiolog and computer science


June 2022

This comprehensive compendium overviews the complexity and uncertainty of groundwater systems, including groundwater boundaries, runoff, media, dynamic and chemical field, and stress and thermal field. he research methods and stud e amples were also introduced in great detail.

£60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 22 903 9

he uni ue re erence te t is a valuable resource or researchers, academics, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students devoted to groundwater s stem stud and comple it science.

Author Teng Ma, born in 972, is the Pro essor and ean o the School o Environment Studies, China Universit o Geosciences (Wuhan, P C). eng a was awarded b the ew Centur E cellent alents Program o the inistr o Education (2007) and Scientific Leading alents o inistr o atural esources (20 8), o the P C. eng a mainl engaged in the education and researches related to groundwater contamination and pollution control, groundwater and environmental changes. eng a is currentl the editor o the ournal o Earth Sciences, Earth Science, and H drogeolog Engineering Geolog . eng a is also a core member o the Groundwater and Environment national teaching team and the Environmental H drogeolog ational nnovation esearch Group. n the last five ears, eng a has conducted several pro ects including three unds rom the ational atural Science oundation o China (including one ke pro ect), the Geological Surve Pro ect o China Geological Surve , the ational High echnolog esearch and evelopment Pro ect (863), ational Ke asic esearch evelopment Pro ect (973). ore than 50 academic papers were published including 52 SC papers. eng a has also published Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection of Drinking Water Sources, Guidelines for Isotope Analysis of Groundwater Pollution and Implementation Plan for the Investigation and Evaluation of Groundwater Environmental Conditions of Drinking Water Sources of China.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 73pp Type:


Series: Unconventional Subsur ace low and Transport - Volume 1 Main Subject: Environmental Science Sub-Subjects: Geolog Earth Studies Earth Science S stems heor Comple S stems Keywords: Geochemical Process Groundwater S stem Comple it Science Readership: dvance te t or graduate students and researchers in groundwater science

Contents • • • • •

Comple it Science rom eductionism to S stem heor he Comple it o Groundwater S stem Uncertaint o onitoring and odeling o Groundwater Geochemical Processes he ethodolog o Comple it Science in Groundwater S stem esearch pportunities and Case Studies

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication Anna M Hartkopf

Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

Erin Henning

Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

Description Mathematical science communication has, as the field of science communication in general, gained momentum over the last decades. t aims at in orming the public about contemporar research, enhancing the actual and methodological knowledge, ostering a greater interest and support or the science o mathematics, and enabling the citi ens to appl it to their practical li e, as well as decision making on a bigger level. hese ob ectives are met b the various ormats and media in which mathematical science communication is brought to the public. he first three sections o the book consist o best practice e amples rom the areas o in ormal math education, museums and e hibitions, and the arts, respectivel . he ourth and final section discusses the structural aspects o mathematical science communication and la s down the basics or its theoretical ramework.

June 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 306 5

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 350pp Type: eview olume Series: World Scientific Series on Science Communication Volume 3 Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science Philosoph Histor Science oung dults or 3 nd bove Social ssues Human Securit athematics Education General Pure pplied athematics Keywords: athematical Science Communication ath and Societ ath and Culture ath Education and Edutainment Readership: esearchers and students rom all fields who are interested in the basics o communicating mathematical science and technolog

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

CH (Ems Lord) athematical rtistic ctivities or Social nclusion and Wellbeing he E perience Workshop S E etwork (Kristóf Fenyvesi, Christopher Brownell, Osmo Pekonen, Zsolt Lavicza and Nóra Somlyódy) athematical Science Communication or eachers (Milena Damrau) ath in the Cit esigning a ath rail or High School Students (Francien Bossema, Charlotte Zwetsloot and Ionica Smeets) ew ork s ational useum o athematics (Glen Whitney) ridging the Gap etween aths and Societ (Sylvie Benzoni and Marion Liewig) ath Science Communication without Words athematics dventure Land, resden (Rahel Brugger, Bernhard Ganter and Andrea Hoffkamp) he G ourne to pen athematics Engagement Histor and Current Pro ects (Eric Londaits, Andreas Matt, Antonia S J S Mey, Daniel Ramos, Christian Stussak and Bianca Violet) Science Communication and utreach Events during the llustrating athematics Semester Program at the nstitute or Computational and E perimental esearch in athematics ( CE ) (Martin Skrodzki) isuali ation and Social edia as ools or athematics Communication n ccount o the Pro ect Sketchnotes o Science (Constanza Rojas-Molina) Connected Curiosit (Melissa Silk and Annette Mauer) E perience o Producing athematical ilms (Ekaterina Eremenko) he Pro ect athematics and Culture ilms on rt and athematics (Michele Emmer) Communicating athematical Content about Health opics E ectivel he Power o con rra s and atural re uenc rees (Ines Lein and Mirjam Jenny) How to evelop a Concept o Smart World Literac oadmap (Felix G Rebitschek) athematical Science Communication as a Strateg or emocrati ing lgorithmic Governance (Florian Eyert) rticles about athematics, athematics behind rticles (Andreas Loos) rom Education to Edutainment in athematics Surve on S E ctivities e ond the Public School S stem in German and rends in Science Communication with an Emphasis on ath in German (Thomas Vogt)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Introduction to Computational Metagenomics Zhong Wang

DOE Joint Genome Institute, USA & Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

Key Features •

• • •

t is the first book that s stematicall dissects ke computational metagenomics problems in their metagenomics, computer science, and data science aspects Unlike man other books in this field, this book manages to avoid argons as much as possible without overl simpli ing the essential concepts his book ocuses on practical knowledge rather than so ware tools. ools can get obsolete uickl , but the knowledge will not t the end o each chapter, there is a section that o ers uni ue perspectives about what is coming in the near uture. hus, the book ma sta relevant or a longer time

June 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-246-5

Description Breakthroughs in high-throughput genome sequencing and high-performance computing technologies have empowered scientists to decode many genomes including our own. ow the have a bigger ambition to ull understand the vast diversit o microbial communities within us and around us, and to e ploit their potential or the improvement o our health and environment. n this new field called metagenomics, microbial genomes are se uenced directl rom the habitats without lab cultivation. Computational metagenomics, however, aces both a data challenge that deals with tens o tera bases o se uences and an algorithmic one that deals with the comple it o thousands o species and their interactions. his interdisciplinar book is essential reading or those who are interested in beginning their own ourne in computational metagenomics. t is a prism to look through various intricate computational metagenomics problems and unravel their three distinctive aspects metagenomics, data engineering, and algorithms. Graduate students and advanced undergraduates rom genomics science or computer science fields will find that the concepts e plained in this book can serve as stepping stones or more advanced topics, while metagenomics practitioners and researchers rom similar disciplines ma use it to broaden their knowledge or identi new research targets.

Author Dr Zhong Wang is a career computational biologist at Lawrence erkele Lab and group head or genome anal sis at E oint Genome nstitute ( G ) he is also an ad unct associate pro essor at Universit o Cali ornia, erced. He received his S in icrobiolog rom Shandong Universit in 994, and his Ph in Cell iolog rom uke Universit in 2004. He did his postdoc in the nstitute o Genome Science and Polic at uke Universit be ore becoming a research scientist at ale Universit in 2008 and director o bioin ormatics at ale Stem Cell Center. He oined G in 2009 and established his research group. His research interests include metagenomics algorithm development and scalable so ware solutions or genomics anal sis. r Wang published over 40 papers including several in Science and Nature.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: Genetics nd Genomics ioin ormatics iocomputing Computational iolog Keywords: Computational etagenomics etagenomics ioin ormatics icrobial Communit ig ata icrobial a onom etagenome ssembl etagenome inning Single Cell etagenomics Scalable Analysis Readership: Graduate students and advanced undergraduates rom genomics science or computer science fields, beginner researchers rom similar disciplines

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace Computational etagenomics etagenomics Perspective Computational etagenomics ata Engineering Perspective Computational etagenomics n lgorithmic Perspective Hardware and So ware spects or Scalable nal sis etagenomics ata ualit mprovement E ploring Communit iversit a onomical nal ses unctional etagenomics Gene and Pathwa ased nal ses econvolute Communit etagenome nto Single Genomes Single Cell etagenomics nteractions etween icrobes and heir Environment

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Therapeutic Protein Targets for Drug Discovery and Clinical Evaluation Bio-Crystallography and Drug Design D Velmurugan

SRM University, India

D Gayathri

University Of Madras, India

Atanu Bhattacharjee

Cover Available Soon

North Eastern Hill University, India

Key Features •

• •

Provides practical in ormation on how to use appropriate structural and computational tools or structural determination and molecular modeling o bio molecules he book presents the wide and interesting areas o structural biolog , chemo in ormatics and bioin ormatics E plores the undamentals, advancements and applications o structural studies and bioin ormatics

June 2022 Description The book reviews the recent research advances and their outcomes in the areas of structural biology, bioinformatics, phytochemistry and drug discovery. Chapters in the book cover multidisciplinar research to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in protein protein ligand interactions. t emplo s an integrative approach to identi the therapeutic targets or H , and cancer, pathogen and viral in ection pathwa s and the identification o their potential drug candidates. he book also provides e amples o computational molecular d namics simulations to understand the con ormational changes in the molecules. Some chapters are ocused on e ploring potent bioactive compounds rom natural sources. his book can serve as a single source that covers several interdisciplinar research fields which will be beneficial to esearchers and students in postgraduate studies.

£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-478-9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: Cell olecular iolog Structural iolog Pharmacolog rug iscover Pharmaceuticals ioph sics ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics atural Product esearch ioin ormatics iocomputing Computational iolog Cancer esearch Pharmacolog rug iscover Pharmaceuticals Keywords: En me rug esign olecular odeling ioactive Compounds nti acterial nti Cancer nti n ammator Readership: Scientists, esearchers, Students in the field o Structural iolog and ioin ormatics

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • •

Pharmacolog and Pharmacokinetics Structural iolog olecular ocking olecular namic Simulation olecular iolog n itro Studies ioactive Compounds rom atural Sources

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

A Brief History of Germs Author Wenhong Zhang

Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, China

Translated by Bailiang Ma

Shanghai Ocean University, China

Description This book introduces readers to the history and discovery of viruses and bacteria, provides an accessible overview of how several major pandemics have influenced the society and how vaccines and antibiotics were developed. With color ul illustrations, it narrates the ascinating stories behind 7 common in ectious diseases. rom this book, ou will learn about pathogenic characteristics, main s mptoms, transmission routes, as well as prevention and control strategies. highlighting the di culties in the struggle against in ectious diseases, the book pa s homage to the e orts, the scientific spirit and the great contributions o scientists. With the pandemic still raging around the globe, it is hoped that this book will broaden people s hori on, arouse their interest and strengthen their confidence.

June 2022 £35 | HARDCOVER 978 945552 2 0

Author & Translator Wenhong Zhang is a ull Pro essor o the Huashan Hospital, udan Universit , China. r hang graduated rom Shanghai edical Universit in 996. n 2003, he was appointed to the position o research ellow at eth srael eaconess edical Center, a liated to Harvard edical School. n 2006, he worked as senior visiting scholar in the epartment o icrobiolog and mmunolog , at he Universit o llinois, in Chicago. He has been engaged in clinical practice and research o in ectious diseases and liver diseases. rom 2006, his research work ocuses on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment o viral hepatitis, bacterial in ections and other in ectious diseases. Currentl , he is the head o the Clinical Center or n ectious iseases and Liver iseases o Huashan Hospital, udan Universit . Pro . hang is also the Chair o the Societ o Shanghai n ectious iseases Ph sicians and the General Secretar o Chinese ssociation o n ectious iseases. Since anuar 2020, Pro. hang is the leader o Shanghai C 9 medical treatment group. He has led a number o multi center registered clinical trials involved in the area o tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis, and chronic viral hepatitis. He developed the new strateg to treat and shortened the treatment duration rom 24 months to 2 months. oreover, he has led a clinical trial to treat tubercular meningitis and increased the survival rate with line olid. he new strateg to treat tubercular meningitis was accepted b WH guidelines or tuberculosis. eanwhile, his team ound the characteristics o H and its relationship with the pathogenesis o chronic hepatitis . s the leader o Shanghai C 9 medical treatment group, Pro . hang success ull guided his team and treated more than 300 patients with C 9 rom anuar to arch 2020 in Shanghai. He has accumulated a lot o success ul e perience in treating C 9 patients. Dr Bailiang Ma received his rom Shanghai iaotong Universit , China and his Ph rom Shanghai ormal Universit , China. He now lives in Shanghai and teaches in Shanghai cean Universit . He has translated more than twent books, including Histor o the Great n uen a Pandemics wri en b ark Honigsbaum, as well as a book o 00 Chinese classical poems rendered into English in rh me. He has won two awards in the renowned Hansu in nternational ranslation Contest.

Imprint: World Centur Publishing Corporation Extent: 70pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: General Li e Sciences Popular Science n ectious iseases icrobiolog irolog esearch icrobiolog irolog mmunolog Keywords: Germs iruses acteria icrobes Pandemic n uen a Hepatitis n ectious isease Cervical Cancer Chicken Po easles H S S S E S C 9 Plague Cholera uberculosis iphtheria Pertussis etanus Helicobacter p lori hang Wenhong Readership: Students and anyone interested in science

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents •

About Infectious Diseases: Invisible Threats Trilogy of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Man’s Secret Weapon Viruses: Influenza: The Terminator of the First World War Hepatitis: An Invisible Threat to Life Cervical Cancer: When the “Beauty Killer” Meets the Nemesis Chickenpox: Campus Troublemakers Measles: Highly Contagious Little Red Spots Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: Enteroviruses Causing Mischief HIV/AIDS: The Trojan War of the Biological World Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Bats Are the Culprit MERS: New SARS in the Middle East COVID-19: The Unbearable Weight of the Crown Bacteria: Plague: The Black Death that Ravaged Europe Cholera: Drinking Water was the Culprit TB: The Ancient “White Plague” Diphtheria: Scourge of Childhood Pertussis: Uncover the Truth Behind a Persistent Cough Tetanus: A small Cut Can Be Fatal Helicobacter pylori: Celebrity Bacteria in the Halo of the Nobel Prize Struggle Against Infectious Diseases: Nature’s Silent Warning An Era When There Will Be No Cures Available? Living with Microbes

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

A Mathematical Journey Through Differential Equations of Physics Max Lein

Tohoku University, Japan

Key Features •

• • • •

his book is aimed to appeal to ph sicists and mathematicians alike. ts ocus is not one particular theor , but rather emphasi es mathematical and ph sical similarities and di erences between di erent ph sical s stems and the di erential e uations describing them his book covers be ond standard te tbook are where the chapters are enriched with research level material he purpose is to illustrate how to solve concrete problems rom ph sics with the mathematical tools developed up until that point he materials in the book are designed to be optional, thus instructors can pick and choose without having to change the ow o their course he book was developed rom lecture notes o a 2 semester course or third and ourth ear students. aterial covered in this book is relevant to courses in ordinar di erential e uations, classical mechanics, operator theor , partial di erential e uations, uantum mechanics and the calculus o variations his book summari es man o the standard acts on di erential e uations, and could be used as an enc clopaedia or the most important ideas and techni ues Curated re erences will point interested readers to the right direction should the want to know more about an particular sub ect

Description Mathematics is the language of physics, and over time physicists have developed their own dialect. he main purpose o this book is to bridge this language barrier, and introduce the readers to the beaut o mathematical ph sics. t shows how to combine the strengths o both approaches ph sicists o en arrive at interesting con ectures based on good intuition, which can serve as the starting point o interesting mathematics. Conversel , mathematicians can more easil see commonalities between ver di erent fields (such as uantum mechanics and electromagnetism), and emplo more advanced tools. ather than ocussing on a particular topic, the book showcases conceptual and mathematical commonalities across di erent ph sical theories. t translates ph sical problems to concrete mathematical uestions, shows how to answer them and e plains how to interpret the answers ph sicall . or e ample, i two Hamiltonians are close, wh are their d namics is similar he book alternates between mathematics and ph sics centric chapters, and includes plent o concrete e amples rom ph sics throughout as well as 76 e ercises with solutions. t e ploits that readers rom either end are amiliar with some o the material alread . he mathematics centric chapters provide the necessar background to make ph sical concepts mathematicall precise and establish basic acts. nd each ph sics centric chapter introduces ph sical theories in a wa that is more riendl to mathematicians.

Author Max Lein is an associate pro essor and a member o the mathematics group at the interdisciplinar WP dvanced nstitute o aterials esearch o ohoku Universit .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £105 | HARDCOVER 978 98 22 537 6 £60 | S C E 978 98 22 766 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 440pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: athematical Ph sics Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics rdinar i erential E uations Partial i erential E uations unctional nal sis perator heor Classical echanics echanics Particles nd S stems Classical echanics, Continuum Ph sics, coustics uantum heor Keywords: athematical Ph sics Partial i erential E uations Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students o mathematics and ph sics with an interest in mathematical ph sics. nstructors can use it to design a comprehensive course on di erential e uations a er paring down some o the material. r alternativel , it also serves as a good basis or more speciali ed classes on, e.g., uantum mechanics or electromagnetism that place more emphasis on the necessar mathematics

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction rdinar i erential E uations he Hamiltonian ormalism o Classical echanics anach Hilbert Spaces Linear perators he ourier rans orm Schwart unctions and empered istributions Green s unctions uantum echanics ariational Calculus Appendices: A Primer on Measure Theory Functional Calculus

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad Secondary 3

Author Jun Ge

High School Affiliated To Nanjing Normal University, China

Translated by Huan-Xin Xie

No.2 High School of East China Normal University, China

Description The series is edited by the head coaches of China’s IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to di erent grades, is contributed b the senior coaches o the ational eam. he Chinese edition has won the award o op 50 ost n uential Educational rands in China. he series is created in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development levels o the students in the corresponding grades. ll hot mathematics topics o the competition are included in the volumes and are organi ed into chapters where concepts and methods are graduall introduced to e uip the students with necessar knowledge until the can finall reach the competition level. n each chapter, well designed problems including those collected rom real competitions are provided so that the students can appl the skills and strategies the have learned to solve these problems. etailed solutions are provided selectivel . s a eature o the series, we also include some solutions generousl o ered b the members o Chinese national team and national training team.

June 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-982-4 £40 | S C E 978 98 23 4 4 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co published with East China ormal Universit Press Extent: 500pp Type: Stud Guide

Author Jun Ge, Ph in Education, Senior Coach o he Chinese athematical l mpiad, Principal o he ssociated High School o an ing ormal Universit , China.

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: athematics Education Secondar nd High School Keywords: athematical l mpiad Competitions Readership: Secondar school students engaged in mathematical competition, coaches in mathematics teaching, and teachers se ng up math elective courses

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

uadratic E uations he E uations hat can be rans ormed nto the uadratic E uations he iscriminant o a uadratic E uation he elationship etween oots and Coe cients and ts pplication Simultaneous uadratic E uations with wo Unknowns nteger oots o a uadratic E uation Per ect S uare umbers uadratic unctions uadratic ne ualities he istribution o oots o a uadratic E uation a imum and inimum alues o uadratic unctions a imum and inimum alues o Simple ractional unctions rigonometric unctions o an cute ngle Solve ight riangles otations he asic Properties o Circles Positional elation etween a Line and a Circle Positional elation o wo Circles Power o a Point heorem our Conc clic Points Problems o Geometric i ed alue ive Centers o a riangle Geometric ne ualit ndefinite E uation eductio d bsurdum E treme Principle Coloring Problems Probabilit

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Perfect Numbers and Fibonacci Sequences Tianxin Cai

Zhejiang University, China

Key Features •

he competitive advantage is described as above, moreover, as lbert Einstein said a er he discovered the theor o relativit , the real law is nonlinear he discover o s uare per ect number and its necessar and su cient condition confirms this

Description In this book we first review the history and the current situation of the perfect number problem, including the origin of Mersenne prime number, and then the history and the current situation of Fibonacci sequence, both of which have our own research work. Later, we define the s uare per ect number, e plore and reveal or the first time the secret relationship between s uare per ect number and ibonacci se uence, Lucas se uence, twin prime con ecture and ermat prime.

Author Prof. Tianxin Cai received his Ph in number theor rom Shandong Universit . He is now a distinguished pro essor o mathematics at he iang Universit as well as a well known poet, writer, translator and photographer. He has published do ens o books including Numbers and Roses, The Brief History of Mathematics, The Mathematical Stories, Number Theory: From Viewpoint of Congruence. He also published several memories based on his visiting or travel in US , Canada, UK, German , rance, etherland, tal , Swiss, Spain, ustralia, apan, Korea, Singapore, South rica, ndia, Latin merica, respectivel , and o his childhood and universit li e b ma or publishers in China. His poems have been translated into more than 20 languages, with more that 20 books in 0 languages including two o his selected poems in English, Song of the Quiet Life in Durban, South Africa, Every Cloud has its Own Name in San rancisco, US . Cai reads his poems widel throughout the world. He also deliver public lectures on mathematics and arts in English in do ens o countries. His book o essa s Legends o athematics won the ational ward o Science and echnolog in China in 20 8. He also won a i aaman poetr award in eirut in 20 3 and Kathak literature award in akar in 20 9.

June 2022 £75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 407 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:


Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: umber heor Combinatorics Keywords: Per ect umber ersenne Prime ibonacci Se uence Lucas Se uence S uare Per ect umber win Prime Con ecture Elliptic Curve eckendor heorem Golden atio Con ecture ara ana Se uences Congruence a da dentit re umber ermat Prime G umber C E uation iophantine rra Generating unction Pisano C cle Readership: t is the first monograph to connecting per ect number and ibonacci se uence, the two old mathematical problems, with rich histor , it will a ract number theorists and combinatorists in the world. lso good or maths teachers and ans

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • •

Pre ace The History of Perfect Numbers: What is Perfect Number? Euclid’s Element Nicomachus Sum of Squares and Sum of Cubes Haytham in Arabia Mersenne Number and Mersenne Prime Descartes and Fermat Euler-Euclidean Theorem Father Pervushin Double L Prime Detection Method GIMPS Project Perfect Number Problem: Properties of Perfect Number Perfect Number Problem Odd Perfect Number Touchard Theorem Deficient Number and Abundant Number Weird Number and Semi-Perfect Number Ore Number and Harmonic Number A Variety of Ore Numbers Amicable Number K-Perfect Number Super Perfect Number S-Perfect Number Golden Ratio Conjecture Fibonacci Sequence: Leonardo de Pisa Rabbit Problem General Term and Limit Continued Fraction and Bound of Fn Cassini Identity The Equality of Binomial Coefficients Divisible Sequences Zeckendorf Theorem From Binary to Ternary 10TH Hilbert Problem Lucas Number and Lucas Sequence: Lucas Number Determination of Fibonacci Number Prime Factor of Fibonacci Number Congruences of Fibonacci Number A Generalized Congruence Properties of Narayana Sequences Pythagoras Array Diophantine Array Generating Function Lucas Sequence Pisano Cycle π(n) and π’(n) Prime Factor of Lucas Number

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Perfect Number and Fibonacci Sequence: Square Perfect Number Several Lemmas Proof of the Theorems A Conjecture of Perfect Number Square Perfect Number with Constant Term Square Perfect Number and Twin Prime Conjecture Fermat Primes and GM Numbers ABCD Equation Application of Elliptic Curve Lucas Sequence Appendices: The First 100 Fibonacci Numbers and Lucas Numbers Prime Factorization of the First 100 Fibonacci Numbers Prime Factorization of the First 100 Lucas Numbers References

An Introduction to Abstract Algebra Sets, Groups, Rings, and Fields Steven H Weintraub Lehigh University, USA

Key Features • • • • • •

Cover Available Soon

esigned or use as a te t in a semester long or ear long introductor course in abstract algebra akes e amples rom and has numerous applications to number theor Provides an e cellent basis or urther stud in algebra in general and number theor in particular Contains material not o en dealt with in books at this level Provides a resh approach to man o its topics, especiall to actori ation theor in integral domains and to Galois theor Has a wealth o e ercises ranging rom the straigh orward to the challenging

June 2022 Description This book is a textbook for a semester-long or year-long introductory course in abstract algebra at the upper undergraduate or beginning graduate level. t treats set theor , group theor , ring and ideal theor , and field theor (including Galois theor ), and culminates with a treatment o edekind rings, including rings o algebraic integers. n addition to treating standard topics, it contains material not o en dealt with in books at this level. t provides a resh perspective on the sub ects it covers, with, in particular, distinctive treatments o actori ation theor in integral domains and o Galois theor . s an introduction, it presupposes no prior knowledge o abstract algebra, but provides a well motivated, clear, and rigorous treatment o the sub ect, illustrated b man e amples. Wri en with an e e toward number theor , it contains numerous applications to number theor (including proo s o ermat s theorem on sums o two s uares and o the Law o uadratic eciprocit ) and serves as an e cellent basis or urther stud in algebra in general and number theor in particular. Each o its chapters concludes with a variet o e ercises ranging rom the straigh orward to the challenging in order to rein orce students knowledge o the sub ect. Some o these are particular e amples that illustrate the theor while others are general results that develop the theor urther.

Author Steven H Weintraub is Pro essor o athematics at Lehigh Universit . n active research mathematician, his work covers a broad range o areas in algebra and geometr . He is also an accomplished author, and this is his 4th book.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

£85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-666-1 £40 | S C E 978-981-124-755-2 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: General Pure athematics Commutative lgebra ields nd ings umber heor Keywords: Set heor Group heor ing heor ield heor Galois heor edekind ings umber heor Readership: dvanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, suitable or introductor abstract algebra course in general, and particularl suitable or such a course with an orientation toward number theor

Contents • • • • •

Set heor Group heor ing heor ield heor ings o lgebraic ntegers and edekind ings

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Ontological Information Information in the Physical World Roman Krzanowski

he Pontifical University of John Paul II, Poland

Key Features • •

he book is based on the most up to date studies he book includes ideas and perspectives that have been proposed in the most recent work in ph sics, biolog , philosoph o science, and ontolog

Description This book is about the nature of information. t touches on man core issues o philosoph o the mind, ontolog , and epistemolog , and draws in several domain specific concepts rom ph sics, mathematics, thermod namics, computer science, and biolog . he terms used in this book, such as the mind, a conscious agent, meaning, and knowledge are used with ver precise meanings because the can be easil misinterpreted. proper understanding o these terms can be gained rom the re erenced literature. ut more specificall , this book is about the concept o in ormation as ph sical phenomenon. he book is a uni ue e position o the concept o in ormation as ph sical phenomenon. t provides the detailed anal sis and s nthesis o the current conceptuali ations o in ormation demonstrating the lack o common definition and their incompleteness. he detailed argument is provided wh in ormation ma be defined as a ph sical phenomenon and wh this t pe o in ormation ma be seen as undamental to our understanding o this concept.

June 2022 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-881-8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 2 0pp Type:

Author Roman M Krzanowski, Ph , Phil has degrees in engineering, philosoph and in ormation Sciences rom universities in Poland, UK, Canada, and the US . He is currentl an associate pro essor o philosoph at he Pontifical Universit o ohn Paul , Krakow. His interests in philosoph include the philosoph o in ormation and in ormatics, ontolog and metaph sics o nature, ethics and ethical problems created in in ormation societ . He published papers on genetic algorithms, robotic ethics, phronesis in robotics and ethical testing o autonomous robots. He is also a lecturer at Silesian Universit o echnolog in Gliwice where he teaches network design and networking technolog . He published books in in ormation science, , network technolog , and metaph sics. He also holds several international patents in networking technolog and co authored E and E standards.


Series: World Scientific Series in n ormation Studies Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: n ormation heor Keywords: n ormation n ormation n ature Ph sical n ormation ntological n ormation Epistemic n ormation Philosoph o n ormation Philosoph o Science etaph sics n ormation S stems General heor o n ormation Semantic n ormation Ph sics Cosmolog Structural ealism n ons ata n ormation Processing Shannon s n ormation Communication it rom t bstract n ormation Concrete n ormation atural n ormation Popper s hree Worlds Readership: esearch cademic and private commercial institutes, graduate schools, dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields o in ormation processing, ph sics, computers. Computer science

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • •

ntroduction What this ook is bout isions o ntological n ormation Con ectures isions o ntological n ormation esearch Studies ntological n ormation S nthesis ntolog and Epistemolog wo Perspectives on n ormation pplications and nterpretations o ntological n ormation ntological n ormation What e t

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

How to Cheat with Statistics — and Get Away with It From Data Snooping over Kitchen Sink Regression to “Creative Reporting” Gunter Meissner

University of Hawaii, USA

Endorsement “This book explains the weaknesses, inconsistencies, and flaws in statistics to avoid misinformation and fake news. It is a must-read for anyone dealing with statistics and should be part of every statistics class!” Ranjan Bhaduri, PHD in Math, BSc (Honours) MBA, CAIA, CFA Chief Executive Officer Bodhi Research Group

Key Features •

uring his 30 ears o teaching statistics, the author came across man weaknesses, inconsistencies, and aws in statistics. hese limitations allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive desired outcomes While the title o the book is How to Cheat with Statistics , the author actuall e plains how to identi and catch statistical cheaters. here ore, this book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch statistical cheaters he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest


June 2022 £45 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-171-9 £20 | S C E 978-981-125-248-8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 60pp Type: e tbook

The book explains how to identify and catch statistical cheaters. he author came across man weaknesses and aws in statistics through 30 ears o teaching. hese weaknesses allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive a desired outcome. his book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch a statistical cheater he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest.

Author er a lectureship in mathematics and statistics at the Economic cadem Kiel, Gunter Meissner Ph , oined eutsche ank in 990, trading interest rate utures, swaps, and options in rank urt and ew ork. He became Head o Product evelopment in 994, responsible or originating algorithms or new derivatives products, which at the time were Lookback ptions, ulti asset ptions, uanto ptions, verage ptions, nde morti ing Swaps, and ermuda Swaptions. n 995 996 Gunter eissner was Head o ptions at eutsche ank ok o. rom 997 to 2007, Gunter was Pro essor o inance at Hawaii Pacific Universit and rom 2008 to 20 3 irector o the aster in inancial Engineering Program at the Universit o Hawaii. Currentl , he is President o erivatives So ware ( and d unct Pro essor o athematical inance at Columbia Universit and U. Gunter eissner has published numerous papers and si other books on derivatives and risk management, and is a re uent speaker on con erences and seminars. He can be reached at gunter@ His CV is at

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: Statistics Keywords: ata Snooping Pearson egression Kitchen Sink egression Pol nomial egression ulticollinearit Heteroskedasticit Creative eporting Readership: eginning undergraduate students interested in statistics, instructors o statistics, statisticians an general audience interested in statistics

Contents • • •

Input Manipulation: Manipulating Input Data Manipulating the Research Time Frame Manipulating Statistical Calculations: Regression Analysis Inferential Statistics ‘Creative Reporting’, i.e., Distorting Outputs: Numerical Bias Visual Bias

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Analysis in Euclidean Space Joaquim Bruna

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain & Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, Spain

Key Features •

• • • •

he inverse and implicit unction theorems are combined with Picard s theorem on the e istence and uni ueness o solutions or ordinar di erential e uations to deal with the Cauch problem or some linear partial di erential e uations Unlike man other te tbooks, s stems o orthogonal amilies o curves and sur aces, rigidit o con ormal maps in space and Lam sur aces are care ull studied n integration theor , both the iemann and Lebesgue theories are described and their di erences e plained multidimensional version o the undamental theorem o calculus, completel original, is s stematicall used to prove the basic theorems o vector anal sis ntegration on mani olds is complemented with an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , another unusual topic in other te ts n original approach to the theor o conservative and solenoidal fields as it is the Hodge decomposition o vector fields, based on the solution o irichlet and eumann problems, which hardl ound in other te tbooks dditional significant results are proposed as e ercises. stud ing this te t, the student will learn not onl the main areas o stud , but also understand the connections with other important areas o mathematics

Description Based on notes written during the teacher’s many years of teaching, Analysis in Euclidean Space mainly covers Differentiation and Integration theory in several real variables, but also an array of closely related areas including measure theory, differential geometry, classical theory of curves geometric measure theory, integral geometry, and others. With several original results, new approaches and an emphasis on concepts and rigorous proo s, the book is suitable or undergraduate students, particularl in mathematics and ph sics, who are interested in ac uiring a solid grounding in anal sis and e panding their background. here are man e amples and e ercises inserted in the te t or the student to work independentl . Analysis in Euclidian Space comprises twent chapters, each with an introduction summari ing its contents, and an additional chapter containing miscellaneous e ercises. eachers ma use the varied chapters o this book or di erent undergraduate courses in anal sis. he onl prere uisites are a basic course in linear algebra and a standard first ear calculus course in di erentiation and integration. s the book progresses, the di cult increases such that some o the later sections ma be appropriate or graduate stud .

Author Joaquim Bruna obtained his Ph in athematics in 978, at Universitat ut noma de arcelona (U ), and was a postdoctoral researcher at Universit de Paris Sud ( rsa ). Since 984 he has been ull pro essor in the epartment o athematics at U , having held positions as visiting pro essor at the Universit o Wisconsin adison and the Universit o ew ork at lban . He has been editor in chie o Publicacions atem ti ues and has served as editor o evista atem tica beroamericana. His research interests are classical real anal sis, harmonic and comple anal sis, several comple variables and signal anal sis. He has published 65 research papers, dissemination articles and three te tbooks, and has mentored ten Ph students. He has participated in 25 research pro ects, o which as a P . He was the director o the Centre de ecerca atem tica (C ) rom 2008 to 20 5.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 7 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 560pp Type: e tbook Series: Essential e tbooks in athematics Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: General Pure athematics easure nd ntegration rdinar i erential E uations Partial i erential E uations eal unctions Keywords: igid otions Compact Sets i erential Gradient acobians Chain ule Change Coordinates unctional ependence mplicit unction nverse unction Curves Sur aces egular Sub ani olds angent Space a lor s ormula eal nal tic unctions Constrained ptimi ation ector ields i erential orms Readership: Can be used as a te tbook or undergraduate students stud ing di erentiation theor in several real variables, measure and integration in several real variables, ordinar di erential e uations, linear partial di erential e uations, vector anal sis, and curves and sur aces. Graduate students ma use this book or an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , as well as advanced topics in vector anal sis

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Euclidean Space Continuous unctions Coordinate S stems, Curves and Sur aces i erentiation Higher rder erivatives he nverse and mplicit unction heorems egular Sub ani olds rdinar i erential E uations Linear Partial i erential E uations rthogonal amilies o Curves and Sur aces easuring Sets he iemann ntegral he Lebesgue ntegral ubini s heorem and Change o ariables ntegration on Sub ani olds Line ntegrals and lu he asic heorems o ector nal sis Conservative and Solenoidal ields Harmonic unctions he ivergence and otational E uations Poisson s E uation he irichlet and eumann Problems dditional E ercises

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Modern Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers A Street-Smart Introduction Athanassios Fokas

University of Cambridge, UK & University of Southern California, UK

Efthimios Kaxiras

Harvard University, USA

Description Partial differential equations (PDEs) are the mathematical cornerstone for describing an astonishingly wide range of phenomena, from quantum mechanics and ocean waves, to the diffusion of heat in matter and the behavior of financial markets. espite the e orts o man amous mathematicians, ph sicists and engineers, the solution o partial di erential e uations remains a challenge. his book s authors introduce a novel method, the unified trans orm, which greatl acilitates this challenge. wo and a hal centuries a er ean d lembert ormulated the wave e uation and presented a solution or solving a simple problem or this e uation, this book introduces a generali ation o the d lembert solution, which is valid or general boundar value problems. oreover, two centuries a er oseph ourier introduced the classical tool o the ourier series or solving the heat e uation, it o ers a new solution o this problem, which has important anal tical and numerical advantages in comparison to the classical solutions. he authors present the unified trans orm pedagogicall , building all the necessar background, including unctions o real and o comple variables and the ourier trans orm, illustrating the method with numerous e amples. odern athematical ethods or Scientists and Engineers is a modern introduction to basic topics in mathematics at the undergraduate level, with emphasis on e planations and applications to real li e problems. here are also pplication sections at the end o each chapter, with topics drawn rom a variet o areas, including neural networks, uid d namics, and the behavior o put and call options in financial markets. n addition to the unified trans orm, the book presents several modern important and computationall e cient topics, including eed orward neural networks, wavelets, generali ed unctions, stochastic optimi ation methods, and numerical methods. road in scope, but pedagogical in st le and content, the book is an introduction to power ul mathematical concepts and modern tools or students in science and engineering.

Authors Since 2002, Professor Athanassios Fokas has held the newl inaugurated Chair o onlinear athematical Sciences at the Universit o Cambridge, UK (prior to this appointment he was Chair o pplied athematics at mperial College London, UK). n addition, since 20 5 he has been d unct Pro essor at the departments o Civil and Environmental Engineering, and o iomedical Engineering at the Universit o Southern Cali ornia, US . Pro essor Efthimios Kaxiras was educated at the assachuse s nstitute o echnolog where he received a Ph in theoretical condensed ma er ph sics. He oined the acult o Harvard Universit in 99 , where currentl holds the title o ohn Hasbrouck an leck Pro essor o Pure and pplied Ph sics in the epartment o Ph sics and Pro essor o pplied athematics in the School o Engineering and pplied Sciences (SE S

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £130 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 80 £60 | S C E 978 8006 83 2

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 512pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: unctions Comple ariable General pplied athematics Probabilit heor Stochastic Processes eal unctions Se uences Series Summabilit athematical Ph sics Keywords: eal unctions Comple nal sis ourier rans orm Partial i erential E uations Unified rans orm okas ethod Probabilit heor Stochastic ptimi ation ethods umerical ethods Readership: dvanced undergraduate students and graduate students in ph sical science and engineering departments researchers and practitioners (both in industr and academia) in the same fields. Can be used as te tbook or courses in pplied athematics, athematics or Ph sicists, athematics or Engineers, at both the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Can also be adopted or fields that use mathematical tools or modeling, such as finance

Contents •

Functions of Real Variables: Functions of a Single Variable Functions of Many Variables Series Expansions Complex Analysis and the Fourier Transform: Functions of Complex Variables Singularities, Residues, Contour Integration Mappings Produced by Complex Functions The Fourier Transform Applications to Partial Differential Equations: Partial Differential Equations: Introduction Unified Transform I: Evolution PDEs on the Half-line Unified Transform II: Evolution PDEs on a Finite Interval Unified Transform III: The Wave Equation Unified Transform IV: Laplace, Poisson, and Helmholtz Equations Probabilities, Numerical and Stochastic Methods: Probabilit heor umerical ethods Stochastic ethods

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Neutral-Atom Astronomy Plasma Diagnostics from the Aurora to the Interstellar Medium Ke Chiang Hsieh

University of Arizona, USA

Eberhard Möbius

University of New Hampshire, USA

Key Features • here is no competing title • Covers the field rom inception to the state o the art • lthough retired since 20 , co author KCH pioneered the field since 970s, or which he was elected ellow o the merican Ph sical Societ in 2000. Co author E , elected ellow o the merican Geoph sical Union in 20 0, has been a leader in the field, including E , P and the planning o the mission be ond P

Description Astronomy has been associated with the detection of electromagnetic waves or photons from within and beyond the solar system, ranging from Radio to Gamma-ray Astronomy. Particle stroph sics, including eutrino and ark a er stroph sics toda , started with the discover o cosmic ra s in 9 . he Space ge e panded particle observations to in situ studies o lower energ electrons and ions with a variet o charge states in space plasmas traversed b spacecra . emote observation o space plasmas became possible onl a er the discover o energetic neutral atom (E s) in space in 950. his book is a primer or those who wish to learn more about the origins o E s, related detection techni ues, and how E images and spectra can be used to stud space plasmas be ond the reach o spacecra . t tells a comprehensive stor rom the first encounters with E s in the Earth s magnetosphere to eutral tom stronom o the edge o the heliosphere and the interstellar medium. his stor includes how ion mass spectrographs evolved into E imagers, overcoming the technical challenges, how to e tract in ormation rom E data, and a variet o diagnostic applications on the magnetosphere, interplanetar space, other solar s stem ob ects, the heliospheric boundar , the local interstellar medium, and a glimpse into the uture o eutral tom stronom . he authors hope to in orm and inspire readers to urther enrich this field o stud .

Authors Ke Chiang Hsieh, a er Wabash College s , works in cosmic ra ph sics using satellite borne particle telescopes landed him he Universit o Chicago s Ph . Since 97 he has been at the Universit o ri ona. His was on the Soviet s Halle mission, using two t pes o anal ers based on his work to measure the coma s gas densit as ega 2 ew b . Later he participated in the E measurements on S H , GE, Cassini, ars and enus E press. He served on S s nner agnetospheric mager Science efinition eam ( 99 995), assisted aiwan s first satellite program ( 992 994), chaired merican Ph sical Societ s Commi ee on nternational reedom o Scientists ( 997), and elected PS ellow (2000) or his pioneering work on E s in space. Eberhard Möbius, with a Ph in Ph sics rom the uhr Universit t ochum, German , and twelve ears at the a Planck nstitut r e traterrestrische Ph sik, r bius oined the Space Science Center and Ph sics acult o the Universit o ew Hampshire (U H) in 990. His research ocuses on the acceleration o particles and their transport through space with state o the art particle spectrographs on various S and ES spacecra . ore recentl , he turned to interstellar gas and its interaction with the heliosphere, imaging the solar s stem boundar with energetic neutral atoms and pioneering the direct sampling o this gas. Eberhard bius is a ellow o the merican Geoph sical Union and received several S and ES chievement wards and U H honors, including istinguished Pro essor.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 3279 9 3

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 295pp Type:


Series: dvances in Planetar Science

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics pplied nd echnical Ph sics Electromagnetism nd Plasma Ph sics tomic nd olecular Ph sics Keywords: Energetic eutral toms (E s) Charge E change mbient eutral toms ( s) Energetic ons Solar Wind agnetosphere nterplanetar Space Heliosphere nterstellar edium E osphere ime o light Energ esolution ngular esolution ass esolution econvolution orward odelling Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields o heliospheric and planetar studies, researchers with topics related to space

Contents • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction irst Encounters with E s emote Sensing o Space Plasma hrough E bservations E nstrumentation General E Sensor mplementations E s rom agnetospheres and Small odies in the Solar S stem E iagnostics o the Heliosphere nterstellar edium nteraction What Have E s evealed and What is e t Appendices: Geometrical actor and ngular esolution E eam Calibration acilities

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Principles of Solar Cells Connecting Perspectives on Device, System, Reliability, and Data Science Muhammad A Alam Purdue University, USA

M Ryyan Khan

Purdue University, USA

Endorsement “This book presents the topic of solar cells in an intuitive and elegant manner, and is very accessible to the student as well as the non-specialist.” Glen Wilk Vice President ASM, America Inc

Key Features • • • • •

Unified treatment o diverse speciali ed topics within an end to end modeling ramework simple anal tical graphical in rastructure that does awa with the traditional approaches ocus on undamental limits to comprehend the ast moving literature nalogies to inspire innovations rom the cell to the s stem levels uni ue and accessible anal sis o reliabilit ph sics and economics o solar cells

Description How does a solar cell work? How e cient can it be Wh do intricate pa erns o metal lines decorate the sur ace o a solar module How are the modules arranged in a solar arm How can sunlight be stored during the da so that it can be used at night nd, how can a li etime o more than 25 ears be ensured in solar modules, despite the e posure to e treme pa erns o weather How do emerging machine learning techni ues assess the health o a solar arm his practical book will answer all these uestions and much more. Wri en in a conversational st le and with over one hundred homework problems, this book o ers an end to end perspective, connecting the multi disciplinar and multi scale ph sical phenomena o electron photon interaction at the molecular level to the design o kilometers long solar arms. new conceptual ramework e plains each concept in a simple, cr stal clear orm. he novel use o thermod namics not onl determines the ultimate conversion e ciencies o the various solar cells proposed over the ears, but also identifies the measurement arti acts and establishes practical limits b correlating the degradation modes. E tensive coverage o conceptual techni ues alread developed in other fields urther inspire innovative designs o solar arms. his book will not onl help ou to make a solar cell, but it will help ou make a solar cell be er, to trace and reclaim the photons that would have been lost otherwise. Collaborations across multiple disciplines make photovoltaics real and given the concern about reducing the overall cost o solar energ , this interdisciplinar book is essential reading or an one interested in photovoltaic technolog .

Authors Professor Muhammad A Alam holds the ai Gupta pro essorship at Purdue Universit , where his research ocuses on the ph sics and technolog o semiconductor devices. rom 995 to 2003, he was with ell Laboratories, urra Hill, , as a ember o echnical Sta in the Silicon ULS esearch epartment. Professor M Ryyan Khan completed his Ph rom Purdue Universit in 20 6. His thesis research ocused on thermod namic and practical limits o solar cells. Currentl , serves as an assistant pro essor in epartment o Electrical and Electronic Engineering, East West Universit , angladesh.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 53 7 £60 | S C E 978 98 23 302 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 450pp Type:


Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: Condensed a er Ph sics ew aterials Energ Studies esearch Semiconductors elated reas pplied nd echnical Ph sics rtificial ntelligence achine Learning Keywords: Solar Cells Photovoltaics i acial Solar Cells Solar odule esign Solar arms ertical Solar arms eliabilit Ph sics Sel heating o Solar Cells Potential nduced egradation Light induced egradation Leveli ed Cost o Electricit LC E achine Learning nverse odeling o Solar arm ata hermod namics Readership: dvanced undergraduate to beginning graduate students in ph sics and engineering to researchers and material scientists working in academia, industr , and national laboratories across the world

Contents • •

• •

verview he Sun, Earth, and the Solar Cell Performance Limits of Solar Cells: A 2-Level Solar Cell Thermodynamic Limits of 3D Solar Cells Thermodynamic Limits of Tandem, Bifacial, and Concentrator Solar Cells Intrinsic Self-Heating of Solar Cell Limits of Light Absorption Carrier Transport in Four Types of Solar Cells: Physics of Traditional Solar Cells Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells Physics and Universality of Shunt Resistance Distribution Modules, Panels, and Solar Farms: Physics of Grid in Solar Cells System Integration of Solar Cells Design of Solar Farms: Basic Considerations Design of Vertical Bifacial Solar Farms Solar Farms: Practical Considerations Storing Energy from Solar Farms Reliability Defines the Lifetime and Energy Output of Solar Cells: Levelized Cost of Electricity Highlights the Importance of Efficiency and Reliability Soiling vs. Cleaning: An Optimization Problem A Transient Partial Shadow May Cause Permanent Damage Dangerous Hot Spots are Caused by Weak Diodes and Strong Shunts Photo-Degradation of Solar Cells Due to UV Exposure Light-Induced Degradation in Solar Cells Potential Induced Degradation is a Serious Reliability Issue Humid Environment Leads to Electrode Corrosion Physics of Glass, Cell, and Backsheet Cracking: Mechanical Reliability Qualification of Module Reliability Predicting the Lifetime of Solar Farms he oad head nde

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Cosmic Roots The Conflict Between Science and Religion and How it Led to the Secular Age Ira Mark Egdall

University of Miami, USA & Nova Southeastern University, USA & Florida International University, USA

Cover Available Soon

Key Features •

• •

Cosmic oots is uni ue in that it presents the histor o both the development o Western cosmolog astronom and the histor o the religions o braham in the same book he book includes ascinating biographies o great scientists and religious figures Wri en or the general reader, the book presents evidence based views known to historical scholars but rarel ound in popular accounts. he include Hebrew ible, ew estament, ise o Christianit , Copernicus, he enaissance, cho rahe, ohannes Kepler, Galileo, saac ewton, odern Ph sics

Description Cosmic Roots traces the five-thousand-year conflict between science and religion — and how it has shaped our modern secular worldview. old with rare clarit and striking insight, this ascinating and thought provoking book ocuses on the histor o cosmolog and its sister science astronom . or it was discoveries within these great disciplines which first led to the con ict between science and religion. he stor begins with the cosmological belie s o the ancients rom the at Earth models o the Sumerians and Hebrews to the Greek notion o the orbits o planets as divine circles. opics progress rom ristotle and Ptolem s integrated planetar models to the Sun centered cosmologies o Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and the great saac ewton. heir combined scientific achievements stand as testimon to the power and imagination o the human mind. his meticulousl researched narrative also traces the roots o Western religion, based on historical events and archeological evidence. t takes us on a captivating ourne through Western religious histor rom ancient paganism to the ethical monotheism o the Hebrews, Christians, and oslems. long the wa , we ollow the rise and all o civili ations, o empires, c cles o war and peace, unification and division. he book concludes with how arwin came up with his theor o evolution and the impact o modern ph sics on religious belie s. he cumulative e ect o the scientific discoveries presented in Cosmic Roots has, or be er or or worse, led to the separation o science and religion we see in Western culture toda .

Author Ira Mark Egdall is the award winning author o Einstein Relativity Simple: Our Universe Explained in Everyday Language, and the e book Unsung Heroes o the Universe. He has been a science writer or He is a retired aerospace program manager with an undergraduate degree in ph sics rom ortheastern Universit . ark now teaches la courses in modern ph sics as well as the histor o the science religion con ict at Li elong Learning nstitutes at the Universit o iami, ova Southeastern Universit , and lorida nternational Universit . He gives entertaining talks on modern ph sics and Cosmic oots.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

June 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 38 2 £30 | S C E 978-981-125-247-1 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 440pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics Popular Science Histor Science Evolution iolog Keywords: Cosmic oots Con ict etween Science and eligion Histor o stronom Histor o eligion Ptolem E uant ristotle Kepler Galileo Copernicus rahe slamic Science nverse S uare Law Laplace arwin Evolution o age o eagle Le errier lmagest Plato Universal Gravitation rigin o Species atural Selection William Herschel Sumerians Hellenistic ge le andria Genghis Khan Constantine the Great ncient Hebrews Socrates Simon ar Giora esus osephus postle Paul uhammed iblical Histor ntiochus Good Samaritan rial o Galileo Geocentric Readership: n one who is interested in the histor o science and religion, as well as the development o astronom , cosmolog , and evolution

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

he Sumerians he Word s irst Civili ation and heir lat Earth Cosmolog Gods and the ne God he ncient Hebrews and heir i een Centur Path to Ethical onotheism Lovers o Wisdom he ncient Greeks, Socrates, Plato, and ivine Circles he Great stronomers ristotle, Ptolem and the irst ntegrated Geometric odels o the Universe eus vs. HW le ander the Great and the Helleni ation o iblical udea he pocal pse he ook o aniel, ohn the aptist, and the Historical esus he hirteenth postle Paul, His Conversion, and pening to Gentiles he emarkable Spread o Christianit he ge o art rs, and Constantine the Great ebirth slamic Science, the Crusades, Genghis Khan and the enaissance he Scientific evolution Copernicus, rahe, Kepler, and Galileo he Great ne saac ewton, His Laws o otion and Universal Gravitation, and heir eligious mplications Enlightenment he ge o eason, ohn Locke, oltaire, and Wollstonecra wo Giants Laplace s o eed or God and Le errier s Uranus Prediction Li e Charles arwin, His heor o Evolution, and eligious eactions he Secular Universe rie verview o odern Ph sics and ts eligious mplications

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes) Proceedings of the MG15 Meeting on General Relativity University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy, 1 – 7 July 2018 Elia S Battistelli

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy

Robert T Jantzen

Villanova University, USA

Cover Available Soon

Remo Ruffini

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy & International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy

Description The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. he scientific program o the meeting included 40 morning plenar talks over 6 da s, 5 evening popular talks and nearl 00 parallel sessions on 7 topics spread over 4 a ernoons. hese proceedings are a representative sample o the ver man oral and poster presentations made at the meeting. Part contains plenar and review articles and the contributions rom some parallel sessions, while Parts and C consist o those rom the remaining parallel sessions. he contents range rom the mathematical oundations o classical and uantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theor , to precision tests o general relativit including progress towards the detection o gravitational waves, and rom supernova cosmolog to relativistic astroph sics, including topics such as gamma ra bursts, black hole ph sics both in our gala and in active galactic nuclei in other gala ies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwar astroph sics. Parallel sessions touch on dark ma er, neutrinos, ra sources, astroph sical black holes, neutron stars, white dwar s, binar s stems, radiative trans er, accretion disks, uasars, gamma ra bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations o collapsed ob ects, analog models, black hole thermod namics, numerical relativit , gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmolog , earl universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmolog , in ation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein a well s stems, wormholes, e act solutions o Einstein s e uations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data anal sis, precision gravitational measurements, uantum gravit and loop uantum gravit , uantum cosmolog , strings and branes, sel gravitating s stems, gamma ra astronom , cosmic ra s and the histor o general relativit .

June 2022 £400 | HARDCOVER SET 978-981-125-824-4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 2 00pp Type: Proceedings

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) elativit nd Gravitation Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics Keywords: General elativit ark a er eutrinos a Sources stroph sical lack Holes eutron Stars White war s inar S stems adiative rans er ccretion isks uasars Gamma a ursts Supernovas lternative Gravitational heories odified Gravit Perturbations o Collapsed b ects nalog odels lack Hole hermod namics umerical elativit Gravitational Lensing Large Scale Structure bservational Cosmolog Earl Universe odels Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in general relativit , astroph sics, and cosmolog

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

le and Hewish 50 and 00 ear nniversaries (Malcolm Longair) easuring the Cosmic icrowave ackground (Lyman A Page, Jr.) uasi Local ass at ull nfinit (Po-Ning Chen, Mu-Tao Wang, Ye-Kai Wang, Shing-Tung Yau) lack Hole Entrop rom So Hair (Malcolm Perry) o Smooth eginning or Spacetime (Jean-Luc Lehners) he ole o edundanc in lind Signal Estimation or ultiple Gravitational Wave etectors (Hao Liu, Andrew G Jackson) Status o K G and ts Scientific Goals (Takaaki Kajita) he ian in Pro ect (Jun Luo) Post ewtonian heor and Gravitational Waves (Luc Blanchet) PE and ts Latest esults (Fabio Gargano) rie eview o inar riven H pernova (Jorge A Rueda, Remo Ruffini, Rahim Moradi, Yu Wang)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents •

Theoretical Framework and Highlights for National Competitiveness of Nations 2021: Introduction Literature on National Competitiveness Highlights Conceptual Framework Korean Case Factor-Level Analysis Snapshot Special Topics: C 9 and Global alue Chains US China elationships Countr Specific nal sis

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Waste Heat Recovery Principles and Industrial Applications Chirla Chandra Sekhara Reddy

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Gade Pandu Rangaiah

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Cover Available Soon

Key Features • • •

Uni ue coverage o undamentals o and applications in waste heat recover an industrial applications and e amples or a wide range o industries irst author with nearl 30 ears o industrial e perience, and second author with more than 40 ears o e perience in research and teaching

Description This book presents a comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, latest technologies and industrial applications of Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) in process industries. Simple and e ective WH techni ues are illustrated with industrial e amples, to help readers to identi , calculate and develop heat recover saving potential in their processes. Ke benefits o WH pro ects, which are use ul or developing success ul WH business cases, are demonstrated. Special emphasis is given towards ma or technical risks and mitigation plans, or implementing sound WH pro ects. echni ues or reaping benefits o WH pro ects or longer periods are also outlined. ppl ing these techni ues with an understanding o the principles e plained in this book, and taking a cue rom the e amples and suggestions, the reader will be able to realise sustained benefits in their process.

May 2022 £150 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-839-9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan


Extent: 550pp

Dr Chirla Chandra Sekhara Reddy is echnolog ptimi ation anager at Singapore efining Compan Private Limited (S C), where he leads a wide range o activities. He holds achelors, asters and octoral degrees in Chemical Engineering rom ndhra Universit , Kanpur and ndhra Universit , respectivel . He also holds degree rom urdoch Universit . He is a Chartered Engineer and has 26 ears o e perience in process engineering, pro ect management, technical services, operations optimi ation and process sa et e periences in refiner , petrochemical and chemical plants. Prior to S C, he has served diverse industries such as eliance, he Pol lefin Compan Pvt. Ltd, Sembcorp Utilities and erminals, Celanese Singapore Pte Ltd. He has designed and implemented man WH pro ects. He has authored man international publications including three Chapters in the book Chemical Process etrofi ng and evamping echni ues and pplications published b ohn Wile in 20 6.


Dr Gade Pandu Rangaiah oined the epartment o Chemical and iomolecular Engineering at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US) in 982, where he is currentl Emeritus Pro essor. He received his achelor, asters and octoral degrees in chemical engineering, rom ndhra Universit , Kanpur and onash Universit , respectivel . Prior to his octoral stud , r angaiah worked in Engineers ndia Limited or 2 ears. He received man teaching awards including the nnual eaching E cellence wards rom US. He co taught short courses on waste heat recover , pinch anal sis and optimi ation, man times to industr participants. r angaiah supervised 26 Ph theses, 25 asters theses, and published 2 5 ournal papers on modeling, optimi ation and control o chemical and related processes. He co authored a book entitled e erence anual on Energ ecover and euse, and co edited 8 books on process optimi ation and control.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |


Main Subject: Chemistr Sub-Subjects: ndustrial Chemistr Chemical Engineering Energ Studies esearch echanical Engineering Keywords: Waste Heat ecover Energ E cienc Emissions eduction Pinch nal sis Heat Pumps acuum S stems istillation Power Generation lue Gas S stems esalination Cooling Water etworks Steam S stems Sustainabilit Pro ect anagement and Process Sa et Readership: esearcher and graduate students in ndustrial chemistr

Contents • •

ntroduction Principles of Waste Heat Recovery: Principles of Heat Transfer and Heat Integration Fundamentals of Pinch Analysis for Heat Integration Heat Exchangers for Heat Recovery Heat Pumps for Waste Heat Recovery Cost Estimation and Economic Evaluation Estimation of Energy and CO2 Emissions Industrial Applications of Waste Heat Recovery: Waste Heat Reduction in Vacuum Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Distillation Waste Heat Recovery for Power Generation Waste Heat Recovery from Flue Gas Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Compression Systems Desalination and Water Recovery using Waste Heat Low Temperature Heat Recovery using Heat Transfer Fluids Cooling System Options for Waste Heat Reduction Waste Heat Recovery in and Optimization of Steam Systems Waste Heat Recovery in Condensate Return Systems Implementation of Waste Heat Recovery Projects: Sustainability of Waste Heat Recovery Projects Project Management of Waste Heat Recovery Projects Process Safety in WHR Projects

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Dietary Supplement Test Methods Liquid Chromatography Separation Techniques and Application David (Dajing) Ji

Analytical Laboratories in Anaheim, USA

Darryl Sullivan

Eurofins Scientific, USA

Key Features •

he test methods introduced in this book are based on modern technologies and instruments the specificit and accurac are much be er than previous methods his book provides not onl test procedures, but also the idea o method development it will be benefit or readers to develop and modi test methods b themselves he li uid chromatograph separation technolog introduced in this book not onl is or dietar supplement testing, but also can be applied in other fields such as drug research and development, ood sa et , agriculture, traditional medicine research, environment here are no scientific test methods or some dietar supplement products. t is di cult or ualit control and government regulation. his book provided almost all test methods or dietar supplement products

May 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-924-2

Description This book describes the analytical approach to testing over 160 important dietary supplement ingredients. In addition to the methods, there is significant guidance provided on how to develop, modify, and improve testing techniques. he procedures in this book include some o the most modern technologies that are available in the laborator toda . hese basic principles o method development and troubleshooting can be implemented or ood and ood sa et testing, drug development research, and agricultural areas. he contents o this book contain a ver comprehensive collection o valuable anal tical tools.

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan


Main Subject: Chemistr

David (Dajing) Ji established and unded nal tical Laboratories in naheim, speciali ing on dietar supplement testing in 999. He graduated with anal tical chemistr ma or and researched on li uid chromatographic application. uring his operation o the lab, he was responsible or development and validation test methods or dietar supplement raw materials and finished products.

Sub-Subjects: nal tical Chemistr

Darryl Sullivan is the Chie Scientific cer or Eurofins Scientific. r Sullivan acts as the primar consultant or companies who need help meeting scientific and regulator re uirements. n this role he is o en called upon as an e pert witness or litigation and dispute resolution. He is considered an international e pert in the anal sis o in ant ormula and dietar supplements and represents Eurofins in man areas o the scientific communit . r Sullivan has more than 40 ears o e perience in testing o dietar supplements. He is considered to be an e pert in the field o validation o anal tical methods, having served or three ears as Chair o the C E L cial ethods oard. He is the Past President and Secretar o the C E L oard o irectors, and was the Chair o the C Stakeholder Panel on ietar Supplements. r Sullivan is a member o the oard o irectors. He is a past member o the USP E pert Commi ee or ietar Supplements.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Extent: 500pp Type: e erence ook

Keywords: ietar Supplement est ethod Chondroitin Sulphate itamins isaccharides H aluronic cid ligosaccharides odine sta anthin Lutein L copene Carotenoids so avone ato in Ginger Ginseng mino cid Enantiomers llicin lliin ctacosanol Green ea hea avins osavins alerian Ginkgo lavonoids Echinacea Cord cepin G mnenic cid L heanine Ellagic cid ohimbine Guto Kola esveratrol Goldensea Cat s Claw S nephrine Glucoraphanin Ligustilide Sennoside and GuggulsteroneE Saw Palme o Emodin Honokiol Readership: ietar supplement manu acturer ualit control laborator and department Government regulators and research scientists aw materials suppliers cademic research institutes ndependent laboratories

Contents • • • • •

Li uid Chromatograph Separation echni ues and pplication itamin and elated utrients esting ethods Sugar, ligosaccharide and Pol saccharide est ethods est ethods or otanicals and otanical E tracts ther utritional ngredients est ethods

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalysis 2nd Edition Roel Prins ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Anjie Wang Dalian University of Technology, China

Xiang Li Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China

Foteini Sapountzi Syngaschem BV, The Netherlands

Endorsement “The book is a very effective tool for beginners and will be a valuable guide to cross the fascinating world of heterogeneous catalysis.” Dr Giuseppe Bellussi Senior Vice President ET-DR&D Eni S.p.A

Key Features •

e erence to recent literature that is o scientific and educational value has been added as much as possible. te tbook should not onl educate but also invite urther stud Emphasis is on the preparation and characteri ation o metal and acid catal sts and their use. e erences to recent, clearl wri en articles about catal tic reactions and catal sts have been included. he will provide urther in ormation and allow the student to see how research is brought to the a ention o other scientists Courses on catal sis are taught e tensivel in chemical engineering disciplines at Chinese universities. With increasing international communication and collaboration, teachers are encouraged to teach these courses in both Chinese and

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 50 4 £40 | S C E 978 8006 6 0

English. s a conse uence, a undamental and comprehensive te tbook o catal sis in English is highl desirable in Chinese technical universities

Description Catalysis is a multidisciplinary subject. his book introduces the chemical, materials, and engineering principles o catal sis so that both Sc and Ph students with a basic but not e tensive knowledge o chemistr and ph sics and those with a basic understanding o chemical engineering can learn more about catal sis. E amples are taken rom catal tic reactions and catal sts used in the energ , petroleum, and base chemicals industr . he second edition di ers rom the first edition in the wa basic topics are integrated with catal tic applications. he authors introduce two new chapters Cleaning o uels b H drotreating and Electrocatal sis . H drotreating is a ver important industrial process and o ers the opportunit to discuss metal sulfide catal sts. Electrocatal sis gains more and more a ention because it can be used to minimi e the anthropogenic C emissions. Solar, wind, and h droelectricit can drive water electrol sis and C electroreduction and, there ore, e cess renewable electricit can be stored in chemicals. ntroduction to Heterogeneous Catal sis (Second Edition) is intended or a one semester course or master and Ph students who want to learn more about the principles o catal sis.

Authors Roel Prins obtained his Ph at the Universit o msterdam and then worked in the Shell laboratories in msterdam and Emer ville, US ( 967 977). Anjie Wang obtained his Ph in chemical engineering in 99 at alian Universit o echnolog ( U ) and then oined the acult o U , since 2002 as pro essor in catal sis in the School o Chemical Engineering. Xiang Li obtained his Ph in industrial catal sis in 2004 at alian Universit o echnolog ( U ), China. rom 2004 2006 he was a lecturer at U , and spent one ear (2005 2006) with Pro essor Prins at E H rich, Swit erland. Foteini Sapountzi obtained her Ph in Chemical Engineering at the Universit o Patras, Greece (2009), under the supervision o Pro . C G a enas.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 346pp Type: e tbook Series: dvanced e tbooks in Chemistr Main Subject: Chemistr Sub-Subjects: Catal st Chemistr ndustrial Chemistr Chemical Engineering aterials Chemistr anochemistr Keywords: Heterogeneous Catal sis Catal st Preparation Catal st Characteri ation Kinetics and hermod namics Catal st ctivit , Selectivit and Stabilit Ph sisorption Chemisorption et E uation Langmuir Hinshelwood odel Catal st Support lumina i usion Catal sis etals Sur ace Structure Chemical onding etal inding Sur ace Enrichment H drogenation o Ethene Readership: eant or a one semester course or chemistr , ph sics, materials science, and chemical engineering students with no ormer knowledge o catal sis. he course can be given in the first ear o a master s class or in graduate stud . t can also be used b scientists entering industries that deal with catal sis

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Catal st Preparation and Characteri ation dsorption Kinetics etal Sur aces etal Catal sis Catal sis b Solid cids Cleaning o uels b H drotreating idation Catal sis Electrocatal sis

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Noble-Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Energy Qingsheng Gao

Jinan University, China

Lichun Yang

South China University of Technology, China

Key Features •

n authoritative re erence that should stand out amongst the competition

Description With interdisciplinary perspectives from internationally renowned experts, Noble-Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Energy is one of the most authoritative references to focus solely on state-of-the-art knowledge of noblemetal-free electrocatalysts, as well as their nanostructures and unique properties. he chapters within contain cu ng edge breakthroughs, hori ons, and insights into unctional materials or energ applications. his book contains over three thousand re erences and two hundred figures, and is a highl valuable resource or scientists, students, and engineers working in the fields o electrochemistr , catal sis, uel cells, ba eries, and supercapacitors.

Editors Qingsheng Gao is a pro essor o chemistr at inan Universit , Guang hou, China. He received his S degree in 2005 and Ph degree in 20 0 rom udan Universit under the supervision o Pro . i ang. hen, he moved to the a Planck nstitute or Colloids and nter aces (Potsdam) in German to carr out his postdoctoral research with Pro . arkus ntonie and r Cristina Giordano. His current research interests ocus on cost e cient nanostructures used in catal sis and energ conversion. Lichun Yang is a pro essor at South China Universit o echnolog , Guang hou, China. She received her Sc degree in 2005 and her Ph degree in 20 0 rom udan Universit under the supervision o Pro . uping Wu. She carried out the postdoctoral research in the Leibni nstitute or Solid State and aterials esearch ( resden) in German with Pro . liver G Schmidt. Currentl , her research interest is the development o nanomaterials or energ storage and conversion.

May 2022 £175 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 56 6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 670pp Type: eview olume Series: Catal tic Science Series

Main Subject: Chemistr Sub-Subjects: Electrochemistr aterials Chemistr anochemistr ew aterials Catal st Chemistr Ph sical Chemistr Chemical Engineering Keywords: H drogen Energ Electrocatal sis Electrocatal sts, oble etal ree, Water Spli ng H drogen Evolution eactions gen Evolution eactions gen eduction eactions uel Cell anomaterials anocatal sis Single tomic Catal sts Energ Conversion Energ Storage etal Chalcogenides etal Carbides etal Phosphides llo s ethanol Electro idation Ethanol Electro idation tom oping Readership: Ph sicists, Chemists, aterials Scientists, advanced graduate students, pro essional scientists looking to change specialties

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace (Qingsheng Gao and Lichun Yang) Elementar Knowledge and Evaluation Criteria o H drogen and gen Evolution eactions (Dan Li, Qingsheng Gao and Lin Ma) oble etal ree Electrocatal sts or Water Spli ng etal Chalcogenides (Daniel Siegmund and Ulf-Peter Apfel) La ered ransition etal isulfide Catal sts or Electrocatal tic H drogen Evolution eaction (Lin Ma, Limei Xu, Thitima Rujiralai, Xiaoping Zhou and Xuyao Xu) lkaline Water Spli ng b etal Chalcogenide ased Electrocatal sts (Arumugam Sivanantham and Sangaraju Shanmugam) Structural esign o anostructured ickel Sulfides toward H drogen and gen Evolution eactions (Liuqing He, Qijie Mo, and Qingsheng Gao) uning anoarchitecture and Electronic Configuration o ransition etal Phosphides towards Water Spli ng (Qijie Mo, Etogo Christian Atangana, Qingsheng Gao, Lei Zhang) ol bdenum Carbide anostructures or Electrocatal tic H drogen Evolution eaction (Sinong Wang) Hetero tom oping into etal Carbides toward E cient H drogen Evolution eactions (Xing Yin and Qingsheng Gao) Heterostructures o ransition etal Carbides as E cient Electrocatal sts or H drogen Evolution eactions (Wenbiao Zhang and Qingsheng Gao) Heteroatom(s) oped Carbons as etal ree Electrocatal sts or gen eduction eaction (Yuying Meng) Single tom Catal sts or Electrocatal tic gen eduction eactions (Zhaojie Li and Qingsheng Gao) S nthesis Strategies, Characteri ations and Catal tic echanisms o e 0C Electrocatal sts or Cathodic gen eduction eaction in uel Cells (Xiang-Hui Yan, Hao Xu) ini eview on High E cienc anocatal sts or Electrocatal tic idation o ethanol and Ethanol (Yang Yang and Qingsheng Gao)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Future Network Architectures and Core Technologies Ju-long Lan

Yi-ming Jiang

Yu-xiang Hu

Peng Wang

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

Zhen Zhang

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China Zhongyuan University of Technology of China, China

Jiang-xing Wu

National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R&D Center of China (NDSC), China

Key Features • • •

his book gives a s stematic and comprehensive coverage on the architectures or uture nternet he content o this book is an compilation o the latest research in computer networking undertaken b researchers all over the world progress in the world his book is wri en or graduate students in computer networking

May 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 755 3

Description This book introduces the background, basic concepts and evolution of computer network development; by comparing and contrasting with the typical network architectures in the market. he book ocuses on the architecture and underpinning technologies towards the uture in network designs. t also provides a reconfigurable evolutionar network unction innovation pla orm or researches to run e periments on the networks the designed. he contents o this book are novel, in ormative, and practical a re ection o the state o art development in network architecture. his book is wri en or engineers and researchers speciali ing in communications or computer networks. t could also be adopted as a te tbook or graduate students ma oring in communications, computing, and computer network related disciplines in colleges and universities.


Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 360pp Type:


Ju-long Lan is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 200 , and is the managing director o the ovel etwork rchitecture esearch department. His research interests mainl include network architecture, uture nternet, switching and routing, and network modelling.

Main Subject: Computer Science

Yuxiang Hu is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 . His research interests mainl include uture network, routing protocols, switching design and network securit .

Sub-Subjects: eural etworks etworking Communications Computer Engineering

Zhen Zhang is an associate pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 2. His research interests mainl include Content centric etworking, amed ata etworking, So ware efined etwork and etwork unctions irtuali ation.

Keywords: uture nternet etwork rchitecture Programmable etwork So ware efined etworking etwork irtuali ation etwork unction irtuali ation Content centric etwork n ormation Centric etwork Service riented etwork obilit riented etwork etwork estbed

Yiming Jiang is an assistant researcher in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem in 20 4. His research interests mainl include new network architecture and network securit technolog . Peng Wang is an associate Pro essor o hong uan Universit o echnolog , China. e ore oining hong uan Universit o echnolog , he was an assistant research ellow at the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). He received his Ph in Communication and n ormation S stem also rom SC. His research interests include network securit , network architecture, wireless network securit , and network active de ence. Jiangxing Wu is a pro essor in the ational igital Switching S stem Engineering echnological Center o China ( SC). His research interests include uture network, distributed computer s stem, broadband network and network securit .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Readership: Engineers and researchers specialising in communications or computer networks Graduate students ma oring in communications, computing, computer network related disciplines, and related other specialties in colleges universities and training courses

Contents • • • • • • • • •

verview o the uture etwork rchitecture pen and Programmable uture etwork S stem etwork irtuali ation echnolog and uture etwork S stem uture etwork S stem ased on Content ddressing Service riented uture etwork rchitecture obilit riented uture etwork S stem ther uture etwork S stems uture etwork estbed n E ample he econfigurable and Evolvable etwork unction nnovation Pla orm

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Parallel Algorithms M H Alsuwaiyel

Key Features • • • • •

asics in the field o computer science t contains material not ound on an other book on parallel algorithms, especiall more recent works published a er 2000 t contains solutions to all e ercises Suitable or undergraduate and graduate levels in computer science (currentl the te t book in a parallel algorithms course at K UP ) he author has a book on lgorithms esign echni ues and nal sis ( evised Edition) published b World Scientific, which is currentl used as a te t book. here is a Chinese edition

Description This book is an introduction to the field of parallel algorithms and the underpinning techniques to realize the parallelization. he emphasis is on designing algorithms within the timeless and abstracted conte t o a high level programming language. he ocus o the presentation is on practical applications o the algorithm design using di erent models o parallel computation. Each model is illustrated b providing an ade uate number o algorithms to solve some problems that uite o en arise in man applications in science and engineering. he book is largel sel contained, presuming no special knowledge o parallel computers or particular mathematics. n addition, the solutions to all e ercises are included at the end o each chapter. he book is intended as a te t in the field o the design and anal sis o parallel algorithms. t includes ade uate material or a course in parallel algorithms at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Author Muhammad Hamad ( H) lsuwai el is a retired Pro essor o the n ormation and Computer Science epartment at King ahd Universit o Petroleum and inerals (K UP ), hahran, Saudi rabia. He was a member o K UP s acult rom 99 to 20 4. r lsuwai el taught both undergraduate and graduate courses on design and anal sis o algorithms, computer networks, discrete structures, theor o computing, automata and ormal languages, oundations o computer science, mathematical logic, design and theor o algorithms, combinatorial algorithms optimi ation, parallel algorithms, theor o automata and ormal languages, computational comple it , and computational geometr . He has man publications in the design and anal sis o algorithms. He holds a S in S stems Engineering rom K UP , an S in Computer Science rom Universit o Colorado at oulder, US and a Ph in Computer Science rom orthwestern Universit , llinois, US . H lsuwai el is the author o Algorithms: Design Techniques and Analysis.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 297 6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 390pp Type: e tbook Series: Lecture otes Series on Computing Main Subject: Computer Science Sub-Subjects: heoretical Computer Science So ware Engineering Programming Computer athematics Science athematical Computation nd odeling Keywords: Parallel lgorithms lgorithms Parallel rchitectures Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students stud ing parallel algorithms

Contents • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Parallel andom ccess achines (P ) he H percube he Linear rra and the esh ast ourier rans orm ree based etworks he Star ptical ranspose nterconnection S stems ( S stolic Computations


World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Computational Geometry with Independent and Dependent Uncertainties Rivka Gitik

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Leo Joskowicz

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Description This comprehensive compendium describes a parametric model and algorithmic theory to represent geometric entities with dependent uncertainties between them. he theor , named Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel (LPGU ), is an e pressive and computationall e cient ramework that allows to s stematicall stud geometric uncertaint and its related algorithms in computer geometr . he sel contained monograph is o great scientific, technical, and economic importance as geometric uncertaint is ubi uitous in mechanical C C , robotics, computer vision, wireless networks and man other fields. Geometric models, in contrast, are usuall e act and do not account or these inaccuracies. his use ul re erence te t benefits academics, researchers, and practitioners in computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering and related fields.

Author Leo Joskowicz is a Pro essor at the School o Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem, srael. He is the ounder and director o the Computer ided Surger and edical mage Processing Laborator (C S P Lab), ellow o the EEE, S E, and CC Societies and President o the CC Societ . He is the recipient o the 20 0 aurice E uller ward or E cellence in Computer ssisted Surger and the 2007 Ka e nnovation ward. He has published over 250 peer reviewed papers.

May 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 383 6

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 40pp Type:


Main Subject: Computer Science Sub-Subjects: obotics nd utomated S stems echanical Engineering Keywords: Computational Geometr Computer Scence heor C C Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in robotics and mechanical engineering

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • •

Geometric Uncertaint with ependencies he Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel Envelope o Uncertain Points, Lines and Circles Hal Plane Point etrieval Uncertain ueries Uncertain Euclidean inimum Spanning rees Uncertain oronoi iagrams and elauna riangulations Stabilit Under Geometric Uncertaint namic Uncertain Geometric Structures aintenance

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies Challenges and Opportunities Sam Goundar

British University Vietnam, Vietnam

G Suseendran

R Anandan

Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, India

Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, India

Key Features •

his book has a diverse range o authors writing on di erent aspects o how lockchain and rtificial ntelligence is converging and the impacts o these developments. t aims to be a comprehensive re erence guide to the topic he contributors are mostl academics and practitioners who write about their research and e periences

May 2022 Description This book covers the growing convergence between Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for Big Data, Multi-Agent systems, the Internet of Things and 5G technologies. Using real case studies and pro ect outcomes, it illustrates the intricate details o blockchain in these real li e scenarios. he contributions rom this volume bring a state o the art assessment o these rapidl evolving trends in a creative wa and provide a ke resource or all those involved in the stud and practice o and lockchain.

£105 | HARDCOVER 978 98 22 506 2

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 360pp

Editors Professor Dr Sam Goundar is an nternational cademic having taught at 2 di erent universities in 0 di erent countries. He is the Editor in Chie o the nternational ournal o lockchains and Cr ptocurrencies ( C) nderscience Publishers, Editor in Chie o the nternational ournal o og Computing ( C) G Publishers, Section Editor o the ournal o Education and n ormation echnologies (E ) Springer and Editor in Chie (Emeritus) o the nternational ournal o Cloud pplications and Computing ( C C) G Publishers. Dr G Suseendran was working as an ssistant Pro essor, epartment o n ormation echnolog , School o Computing Sciences, els nstitute o Science, echnolog dvanced Studies ( S S), Chennai, amil adu, ndia. He had a Ph degree in n ormation echnolog athematics rom Presidenc College, Universit o adras, amil adu, ndia. Dr R Anandan completed his octoral egree in Computer Science and Engineering. He is S 390 ain rame pro essional and he is recogni ed as a Chartered Engineer rom the nstitution o Engineers in ndia and received a ellowship rom ose Science Societ , ndia. He is currentl working as Pro essor, epartment o Computing Science and Engineering, School o Engineering, els nstitute o Science, echnolog dvanced Studies ( S S), Chennai, amil adu, ndia, which is a Pioneer nstitution in Engineering.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Computational Economics inance atabases n ormation Sciences igital Securit rtificial ntelligence achine Learning perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement Keywords: Convergence lockchains rtificial ntelligence ig ata ulti gent S stems nternet o hings 5G Cloud Securit obile Computing Social edia Collaborative Governance Swarm obotics e Government Suppl Chain anagement Readership: cademics, researchers, students and practitioners involved in artificial intelligence, c ber ph sical s stems, ethics, robotics, sa et engineering, sa et critical s stems, standardi ation and certification digital orensics

Contents •

Blockchain and AI for Big Data: Blockchain Energy Consumption Issues Blockchain Network Security Architectures and Protocols Blockchain Scalability Blockchain and Cloud Security Blockchain and IoT Security Blockchain and Mobile Computing Blockchain in Social Media Blockchain and Big Data Blockchain and AI for Multi-Agent Systems: Big Data Management in Highly Distributed Environments Distributed Energy Grids Collaborative Governance Distributed Artificial Intelligence Swarm Robotics Coordination Models in Internet-of-Things (IoT) E-commerce and Demand-Supply Relationships Software Life-Cycle Management e-Government Blockchain and AI for the Internet of Things: Blockchain and AI for Supply Chain Management Blockchain and AI for Product Life Cycle Management Blockchain and AI for Knowledge and Innovation Management Blockchain and AI for Agriculture Blockchain and AI in eHealth Applications of Crypto Currencies Blockchain as a Tamper-Proof Technology Application of Smart Contracts Case Studies of Blockchain and AI in Industry 4.0, Banking, etc. Blockchain and AI in 5G: Blockchain and AI-Oriented B5G Networks Infrastructure High Throughput Blockchain Architecture with AI for B5G Networks New Consensus Protocols with AI Approaches for B5G Networks Scalable Services for Blockchain and AI Enabled B5G Networks Security and Privacy in Blockchain and AI Enabled B5G Networks Mobile Edge Computing for Blockchain and AI Empowered B5G Networks Blockchain and AI for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing in B5G Networks Machine/Deep Learning Based Optimization Methods for B5G Networks New Opportunities, Challenges, Case Studies, and Applications for Blockchain and AI in B5G Networks

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Algorithmic Finance A Companion to Data Science Hian Ann

Hiroshima University, Japan

Christopher Ting

Hiroshima University, Japan

Cover Available Soon

Key Features •

• •

his book is uni ue in providing down to earth algorithms, complete with P thon programs and their accompan ing data rom the public domain. ather than leaving the readers clueless, the can ollow the step b step proo to gain clarit concerning the properties o certain statistical tests his book is a do it oursel manual with logical reasoning and academic rigour, which is not usuall ound in other competing books his book also designs new algorithms that are uni ue and most importantl the work, in making use o real world data to e tract in ormation that provides an in ormation advantage to users


May 2022 £130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 830 7

Why is data science a branch of science? Is data science just a catchy rebranding of statistics? ata science provides tools or statistical anal sis and machine learning. ut, as much as application problems without tools are lame, tools without application problems are vain. hrough e ample a er e ample, this book presents the algorithmic aspects o statistics and show how some o the tools are applied to answer uestions o interest to finance. his book champions a undamental principle o science ob ective reproducibilit o evidence independentl b others. rom a companion web site, readers can download man eas to understand P thon programs and real world data. ndependentl , readers can draw or themselves the figures in the book. Even so, readers are encouraged to run the statistical tests described as e amples to veri their own results against what the book claims. his book covers some topics that are seldom discussed in other te tbooks. he include the methods to ad ust or dividend pa ment and stock splits, how to reproduce a stock market inde such as ikkei 225 inde , and so on. running the P thon programs provided, readers can veri their results against the data published b ree data resources such as ahoo finance. hough practical, this book provides detailed proo s o propositions such as wh certain estimators are unbiased, how the ubi uitous normal distribution is derived rom the first principles, and so on. his see or oursel te tbook is essential to an one who intends to learn the nuts and bots o data science, especiall in the application domain o finance. dvanced readers ma find the book help ul in its mathematical treatment. Practitioners ma find some tips rom the book on how an E is constructed, as well as some insights on a novel algorithmic ramework or pair trading to generate statistical arbitrage.

Author Christopher Ting is a pro essor (Special ppointment) at the School o n ormatics and ata Science, Hiroshima Universit . He earned his bachelor and master degrees rom the Universit o ok o, in mechanical engineering and ph sics (e perimental bioph sics), respectivel , and Ph in theoretical ph sics rom the ational Universit o Singapore. He has published in peer reviewed ournals and proceedings in di erent fields biochemistr , condensed ma er ph sics, statistical ph sics, neural networks, natural language processing, finance, and uantitative finance. Currentl , he ocuses on research and teaching in data science and its applications.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 450pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Computational Economics inance athematical uantitative inance athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics heoretical Computer Science Keywords: ntroduction Cross Sectional ata nal sis Comparative ata nal sis Price and eturns Log eturn and andom Walk Stock arket nde es and E on E uit nde es Linear egression Event Stud Pair rading Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields o finance and uantitative finance, data scientists who are learning a new application domain

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Cross Sectional ata nal sis Comparative ata nal sis Price and eturns Log eturn and andom Walk Stock arket nde es and E on E uit nde es Linear egression Event Stud Pair rading

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Lecture Notes in Global-Local Policy Interactions Ariel Dinar

University of California, Riverside, USA

Key Features •

dopts a consistent approach to dealing with the process o global polic design and implementation which is needed to allow be er understanding o opposed interests o local pla ers on the global polic success Provides building blocks o con ict, negotiation, and cooperation, all o which are components in the process o moving along the line o designing and implementing global policies Presents a combination o theor and actual case studies, as well as an anne with structured description o si specific global policies, suitable or non e perts in the field

Description Globalization and recent developments in the world suggest strong relationships between local and global decisions, actions and impacts. Global local relationships are also associated with positive and negative e ternalities, which necessitate polic interventions. Lecture Notes in Global-Local Policy Interactions discusses the process o building and managing a global public polic and the interaction o public policies at the global and local (national regional) levels. his book demonstrates the global negative e ternalities rom under regulation o various activities b one agent countr that a ect the well being o other agents countries, and the design o policies (agreements) to reduce the impacts o such e ternalities. Possible opposed interests to global policies o local stakeholders and the (local) policies the established to tackle such e ternalities in their urisdictions are included as well. he book introduces concepts and principles associated with con ict, negotiation and cooperation, all o which are part o polic re orm and design. t e plores to various e tents the global local interactions that are related to selected global policies. Special emphasis is placed on global policies such as climate change, water, anti terrorism, tobacco control, regulation o substances that deplete the o one la er, desertification, and elimination o anti personnel mines.

Author Ariel Dinar is a istinguished Pro essor o Environmental Economics and Polic at the School o Public Polic , Universit o Cali ornia, iverside (UC ). He teaches courses on water polic , global local polic interactions, management o international water, and micro economics or public polic . His work addresses various aspects o economic and strategic behavior associated with management o water, land and the environment. r inar received his Ph rom the Hebrew Universit o erusalem. Since then he spent 5 ears in the World ank working on water and climate change economics and polic in a global conte t. n 2008, r inar assumed a pro essorship at UC . r inar ounded the Water Science and Polic Center, which he directed until 20 4. r inar is a ulbright Senior Specialist since 2003 an nternational ellow o the Center or gricultural Economic esearch o the Hebrew Universit o erusalem, srael since ovember 20 0 and was named a 20 5 ellow o the gricultural and pplied Economics ssociation. He authored and co authored nearl 250 publications in peer reviewed ournals, polic outlets and book chapters. He co authored and edited 29 books and te tbooks. r inar ounded two technical ournals (Strategic ehavior and the Environment, and Water Economics and Polic ) or the la er one he serves at present as the Editor in Chie . He ounded and serves as the Editor in Chie o the book series Global ssues in Water Polic .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 8 6 0 £40 | S C E 978 98 24 93 0 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: Lecture otes Series: World Scientific Lecture otes in Economics and Polic Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Environmental Energ Economics Climate Change Economics Climate Change Polic Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic nternational elations Keywords: Globali ation Global Policies Local Policies Con ict egotiation Cooperation Climate Change Water errorism one La er nti personnel ines esertification obacco Control Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students interested in global policies, researchers and practitioners in the fields o globali ation, international relations and public polic

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Globali ation and Global Policies Concepts and Principles o Con ict Concepts and Principles o egotiation omestic nterests and nternational egotiation Concepts and Principles o Cooperation Climate Change Polic he C as a Cooperative echanism Shaping Global Policies b nternational rgani ations nne o Case Studies

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The FinTech Nation Excellence Unlocked in Singapore Varun Mittal

Ernst & Young, Singapore

Lillian Koh

FinTech Academy, Singapore

Cover Available Soon

Key Features •

• •

ased on 65 interviews with in ech ounders, movers and shakers, bringing together their stories and ourne s in the in ech ecos stem including access to capital, customers, talent, and polic initiatives which have made them and Singapore success ul Contribution o oreword b avi enon, anaging irector o the onetar uthorit o Singapore Contribution o a special chapter b Sopnendu ohant , Chie in ech cer o the onetar uthorit o Singapore, which presents a perspective o a regulator

Description Singapore’s FinTech journey has been a story of relentless pursuit of excellence to build a global financial service hub with limited means and lots of aspirations. he slogan o ream big. Start small. ove ast has rallied regulators, startups, investors, corporates and ever one else to achieve a common goal. ne o the critical superpowers o Singapore is a national character built on survival instinct and a distinctive obsession with being success ul. Singaporeans b nature are kiasu (a Hokkien word which can be loosel translated to ear o missing out), and the wear it as a badge o honour. eing kiasu drives Singaporeans to be constantl paranoid, doing ever thing the can to achieve success. t creates a certain anaticism about meritocrac and instils a belie that one can never be complacent. n a regulated industr , our ear is our biggest strength, pushing us to compl with a wide range o ever evolving regulations. he durable social abric supports an adherence to order and authorit . t proves to be a significant asset when it comes to developing and supporting a heavil regulated industr like financial services. Singapore a racts people across the region to build their ventures in the domains o finance and technolog . his book traces Singapore s ourne rom 20 5 till toda starting with establishment o regional hubs and globalisation o in ech innovation. he ke principles which established Singapore as a in ech ation have been an obsession with e cellence re erred to as L ( ight irst, ast Later), a uni ue model o economic and legal policies known as Singanomics and lastl , an organised and controlled model o a new idea development termed Garden nnovation.

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 9 5 0 £40 | S C E 978 98 25 028 6 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 280pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement Computer Engineering Singapore Collection one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Southeast sia Keywords: in ech in ech rend Global in ech evelopment Readership: Pro essionals and undergraduate students in the field o financial technolog , data science, finance, financial innovation, statistics, and technolog

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace bout the uthors List o igures Pla book or uilding an Ecos stem Engage, E periment and E ecute ptimum egulation, a imum Compliance t akes a illage to aise a Child Hub t olog E ualisers to Promote the Ecos stem rchestrate etwork E ects ounce ack Perceptual ealit , elie s and e ond alent nitiatives and evelopment oadmap Power o aps ew rontier Glossar nde

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Shaking up Measures of Consumer Economic Well-being Thijs ten Raa

Utrecht School Netherlands




Key Features • • •

his book presents a critical review o measures o consumer economic well being he book demonstrates clearl that a variant o consumer s surplus is superior t includes coverage o broad measures o consumer well being

Description In this book the author analyzes measures of consumer well-being. he three main, neoclassical measures o well being are the compensating variation, the e uivalent variation, and consumer s surplus. he uestion is which o the measures o consumer well being is the best. his book tackles the uestion, with a surprising outcome that is contrar to the main opinion in the literature. Pro ten aa presents a test that measures must pass to track utilit . he test will be used to sort measures in the remainder o the book. t will culminate in a variant o consumer s surplus, which he calls the consumer s inde , and a generali ation that applies to nonhomothetic demands. ariants o the consumer s inde are presented, including ones that are applicable to demand unctions with income e ects, even nonlinear ones. So called broad measures o consumer well being, such as the Human evelopment nde , will be encompassed.

May 2022 £45 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 978 5

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 00pp

Author Thijs ten Raa is lecturer and researcher at the Utrecht School o Economics in he etherlands. Pro essor ten aa s primar research area is economic theor . He has published thirteen books, including the acclaimed te tbooks he Economics o nput utput nal sis, Cambridge Universit Press (2005) and icroeconomics E uilibrium E cienc , Palgrave acmillan (20 3), and numerous articles in publications including Economics Letters, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economics and Statistics, International Economic Review, Review of Income and Wealth, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and Oxford Economic Papers. n 2006 he shared the Wassil Leontie Centennial edal with Pro essors Klein and Solow. n 20 3 he was elected ellow o the nternational nput utput ssociation.



Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: acroeconomics icroeconomics athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics Keywords: Consumer s Surplus easures o Well eing Price ndices ggregation Engel Curves CES unctions H Readership: or researchers and graduate students who are interested to understand more about measures o consumer s well being

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction he heor o the Consumer in icroeconomics Hicksian easures E uivalent and Compensating ariations arshallian easure Consumer s Surplus Constant Elasticit o Substitution unctions Utilit racking easures o Well eing Price ndices he Consumer s nde heor he Consumer s nde pplications Conclusion

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Stocks, Bonds, and the Investment Horizon Decision-Making for the Long Run Haim Levy

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Key Features •

his is the onl book devoted to the issue o the investment hori on, an issue which has become crucial with the increase in the li e e pectanc , where some investors invest or one ear, and some invest or 30 40 ears, namel saving or retirement

Description A century ago, life expectancy was roughly 40 years, hence saving for retirement was not an important economic issue. owada s, li e e pectanc e ceeds 80 ears in man countries, and one should e pect to live and consume man ears a er retirement. hus, optimi ing investments and savings or retirement, with a long planned investment hori on, has become an issue o crucial importance. How should individuals invest or the long run oes the optimal asset allocation between risk stocks and relativel sa er bonds change with age s the idiom stocks or the long run backed b scientific evidence his book provides a comprehensive in depth review o these issues, bridging theor and practice o investments or various hori ons.

Author Haim Levy is the iles obinson Pro essor o inance at he Hebrew Universit o erusalem, and has also taught at leading universities in the United States. He has authored 20 books and published over 250 papers in leading academic ournals. Lev is one o the ounders o the Stochastic ominance paradigm, which provides distribution ree investment decision rules, and is known or his works on the e ects o the investment hori on on optimal investment and on market e uilibrium. He has also wri en pioneering studies on international diversification, and on generali ations o the Capital sset Pricing odel (C P ). Lev was awarded the E E Pri e and the srael Pri e or his academic work. n parallel to his academic career, Lev has been active in the practice o investments, being a member and chair o investment boards and bank boards.

May 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 0 4 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type:


Main Subject: Economics Sub-Subjects: one nvestments inancial nstitutions


anking arkets

Keywords: Stocks or the Long un ean ariance ule and the Hori on Stochastic ominance and the Hori on Sharpe atio and the Hori on Prospect heor and the Hori on Readership: , and Ph students and researchers specialising in economics and finance. Practioners who rel on reported Sharpe ratio in selecting their investment, as well as those who emplo the ean ariance rule or optimal diversification

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

sset llocation and the Hori on he ngoing isputes he istribution o eturns and the Hori on ean ariance Stochastic ominance and the nvestment Hori on Per ormance ndices and the nvestment Hori on Stocks ersus onds ean ariance ( ) and E pected Utilit Paradigms isk and the Hori on nnuali ed olatilit and the iscounting Cash lows pproach with othschild and Stigli s efinition o isk Stock isk o Historical Crashes ell the Whole Stor iscrete and Continous eturns and the nvestment Hori on lmost Stochastic ominance ules and the Hori on Prospect heor and the Hori on he Change in the elative ractiveness o Stocks and onds with the Hori on with a iskless sset

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Adventures in Financial Data Science The Empirical Properties of Financial and Economic Data 2nd Edition Graham L Giller

Giller Investments, USA

Key Features • • •

s stematic anal sis o the properties o financial distributions that are enduringl true, applied both to e uit prices and interest rates derivation o the optimal por olio strateg in the presence o leptokurtotic probabilit distributions E tensive discussion o the use o man t pes o alternative data in financial and economic conte ts, particularl or nowcasting.

Description This book provides insights into the true nature of financial and economic data, and is a practical guide on how to analyze a variety of data sources. he ocus o the book is on finance and economics, but it also illustrates the use o uantitative anal sis and data science in man di erent areas. Lastl , the book includes practical in ormation on how to store and process data and provides a ramework or data driven reasoning about the world. he book begins with entertaining tales rom Graham Giller s career in finance, starting with speculating in UK government bonds at the ord Post ce, accidentall creating a global instant messaging s stem that went viral be ore an bod knew what that meant, on being the person who orgot to hit enter to run a hundred million dollar statistical arbitrage s stem, what he decoded rom his brie time spent with im Simons, and giving ichael loomberg a tutorial on Granger Causalit . he ma orit o the content is a narrative o anal tic work done on financial, economics, and alternative data, structured around both r Giller s pro essional career and some o the things that ust interested him. he goal is to stimulate interest in predictive methods, to give accurate characteri ations o the true properties o financial, economic and alternative data, and to share what ichard e nman described as he Pleasure o inding hings ut.

Author Graham Giller is one o Wall Street s original data scientists. Starting his career at organ Stanle in the UK, he was an earl member o Peter uller s amous P group and went on to run his own investment firm. He was loomberg LP s original data science hire and set up the data science team in the Global ata division there. He them moved to P organ to take the role o Chie ata Scientist, ew Product evelopment, and was subse uentl Head o ata Science esearch at P organ and Head o Primar esearch at eutsche ank. He is currentl CE o Giller nvestments ( ew erse ), LLC, a private research firm.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 064 4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 450pp Type:


Series: World Scientific Series in inance

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Computational Economics inance acroeconomics icroeconomics athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics athematical uantitative inance ecision Sciences Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Climate Change Keywords: ata Science inance uant esearch Econometrics rading Strateg Surve esearch Political Science ime Series nal sis olatilit Stock arket ond arket nterest ates Empirical inance Probabilit istributions Statistics Estimation Empirical Science H pothesis esting iograph Coronavirus Epidemiolog Readership: or uantitative and data scientists, and academics in finance, as well as people who are interested in entering these pro essions or ust generall interested in these sub ects

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace to the Second Edition iograph and eginnings inancial ata Economic ata and ther ime Series nal sis Politics, Schools, Public Health, and Language emographics and Surve esearch Coronavirus heor Epilogue Appendices: How Store and Process ata Some o the ata Sources ve Used or this ook

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Hands-on Intermediate Econometrics Using R Templates for Learning Quantitative Methods and R Software 2nd Edition Hrishikesh D Vinod

Fordham University, USA

Description How to learn both applied statistics (econometrics) and free, open-source software R? his book allows students to have a sense o accomplishment b cop ing and pasting man hands on templates provided here. he te tbook is essential or an one wishing to have a practical understanding o an e tensive range o topics in Econometrics. o other te t provides so ware snippets to learn so man new statistical tools with hands on e amples. he e plicit knowledge o inputs and outputs o each new method allows the student to know which algorithm is worth stud ing. he book o ers su cient theoretical and algorithmic details about a vast range o statistical techni ues. he second edition s pre ace lists the ollowing topics generall absent in other te tbooks. (i) terativel reweighted least s uares, (ii) Pillar charts to represent 3 data. (iii) Stochastic rontier anal sis (S ) (iv) model selection with allows Cp criterion. (v) Hodrick Presco (HP) filter. (vi) utomatic models. (vi) onlinear Granger causalit using kernel regressions and bootstrap confidence intervals. (vii) new Ke nesian Phillips curve ( KPC). (viii) arket neutral pairs trading using two cointegrated stocks. (i ) rtificial neural network ( ) or product specific orecasting. ( ) ector and models. ( i) ew tools or diagnosing the endogeneit problem. ( ii) he elegant set up o k class estimators and identification. ( iii) Probit logit models and Heckman selection bias correction. ( iv) eceiver operating characteristic ( C) curves and areas under them. ( v) Con usion matri . ( vi) uantile regression ( vii) Elastic net estimator. ( viii) generali ed Correlations ( i ) ma imum entrop bootstrap or time series. ( ) Convergence concepts uantified. ( i) Generali ed partial correlation coe cients ( ii) Panel data and duration (survival) models.

May 2022 £110 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 6 7 2 £60 | S C E 978 98 25 673 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 600pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject: Economics

Author er finishing his aster o rts in elhi Universit , Hrishikesh D Vinod won the ellowship at Harvard Universit , earning his Ph in Economics. mong man awards, he is the ellow o the ournal o Econometrics and the ar uis Li etime chievement ward winner in 202 . inod has published over 60 research papers in re ereed top economics and statistics ournals. He has coedited volumes 9, 4 , and 42 o the Handbook o Statistics with the great statistician r C ao. His book titles include ecent dvances in egression ethods, dvances in Social Science esearch Using , Preparing or the Worst ncorporating ownside isk in Stock arket nvestments. r inod was the first to solve the optimal clustering problems with integer programming and to use inventor theoretic demand anal sis. dditionall , he is gratified to have pioneered a ma imum entrop bootstrap method or statistical in erence or time series, and new nonparametric tools or causalit assessment. inod s earl work on ridge regression or solving collinearit problems in Econometrics was recogni ed in 2020 in the Significance aga ine published b merican Statistical ssociation and o al Statistical Societ o UK. t mentions how inod s canonical ridge has become crucial or so called regulari ation in modern data science.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |


Sub-Subjects: athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics Computational Economics inance athematical inance Economics Keywords: egression Production unctions terativel eweighted Least S uares ( LS) Pillar Charts Stochastic rontier nal sis (S ) odel Selection CP Criterion Hodrick Presco ilter utomatic odels onlinear Granger Causalit Kernel egressions ootstrap ouble ootstrap a imum Entrop ootstrap Confidence ntervals ew Ke nesian Phillips Curve ( KPC) Pairs rading Cointegration rtificial eural etwork ( ) ector and Endogeneit Problem K class Estimators dentification o Simultaneous E uations Probit odel Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students o economics and econometrics, applied statisticians and finance pro essionals

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Production unction and egression ethods Using Univariate ime Series nal sis with ivariate ime Series nal sis ncluding Stochastic i usion and Cointegration Utilit heor and Empirical mplications i usion and Cointegration ector odels or ultivariate Problems Simultaneous E uation odels Limited ependent ariable (GL ) odels namic ptimi ation and Empirical nal sis o Consumer ehavior Single, ouble and a imum Entrop ootstrap and n erence Generali ed Least S uares, , and Estimating unctions o Co , Loess and Pro ection Pursuit egression iscellan ependence, Correlations, n ormation Entrop , Causalit Panel ata, and E act Stochastic ominance

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Modeling and Advanced Techniques in Modern Economics Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ

Hacettepe University, Turkey

Nihan Potas

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey

Key Features • • •

he book will be defined as a new economic perspective rought an interdisciplinar perspective to economic modeling pened new discussions regarding to real data modeling

Description In the modern world, data is a vital asset for any organization, regardless of industry or size. he world is built upon data. However, data without knowledge is useless. he aim o this book, brie , is to introduce new approaches that can be used to shape and orecast the uture b combining the two disciplines o Statistics and Economics.

May 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 74 0

eaders o Modeling and Advanced Techniques in Modern Economics can find valuable in ormation rom a diverse group o e perts on topics such as finance, econometric models, stochastic financial models and machine learning, and application o models to financial and macroeconomic data. Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe

Editors Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ is currentl a Pro essor in the acult o Science, epartment o Statistics, perational esearch Section at Hace epe Universit , urke . He has been a visiting scholar at the Knowledge ntelligence S stems Laborator at Universit o oronto, Canada or one ear. lada teaches ull time at Hace epe Universit , generall teaching operation research, computer programming, statistics, intelligent optimi ation techni ues, so computing methods and integer programming courses. His main interest fields are time series orecasting, artificial neural networks, u time series, heuristic algorithms, and advanced statistical approaches. He has given seminars on these topics at various universities in urke . lada is an e pert in heuristic algorithms and so computing methods with special emphasis on time series orecasting. He has man publications including re ereed ournal papers, book chapters and books in these and related fields. He has also made man international con erence presentations. n his research, lada has proposed various advanced orecasting techni ues, which are based on heuristic algorithms, computational methods, and u logic, to solve di erent orecasting problems rom di erent application areas. He has served as member o the scientific commi ee o di erent international con erences and is a reviewer or man international ournals and con erences. oreover, he is a member o editorial boards o man esteemed international ournals. Nihan Potas graduated rom a kent Universit , epartment o Statistics and Computer Sciences in 2005. She has been working as an assistant pro essor at nkara Hac a ram eli Universit , urke . She completed her master s education at Ga i Universit , urke . uring her Ph , she was enrolled in U Ks international doctoral research ellowship program. ue to her ellowship and doctoral research, she was a research scholar at the Universit o orth Carolina at Chapel Hill in the epartment o iostatistics. She received her Ph rom nkara Universit , urke .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Extent: 260pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Computational Economics inance evelopmental Economics nternational Economics acroeconomics icroeconomics athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics athematical odeling athematical inance Economics Keywords: Harmonic egression Periodograms Consumer Price nde ood n ation urke Gaussian istribution Europe Union G P Panel ata Spatial egression easurement Errors onlinear ime Series Chaotic ime Series Weibull istribution Location Parameters iducial pproach H pothesis esting Green Swan Readership: he book is primaril aimed at academics, researchers, and postgraduate students interested in new economic perspectives with modeling and advanced techni ues. secondar audience involves practitioners and polic makers rom diverse related fields

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Smart Growth evelopments o Europe Union embers b Europe 2020 Strategies (şahika Gökmen and Johan Lyhagen) Spatial egression odel Specification and easurement Errors (Anıl Eralp and Rukiye Dağalp) etermining the Harmonic luctuations in ood n ation (Yılmaz Akdi, Kamil Demirberk Ünlü, Cem Baş, Yunus Emre Karamanoğlu) onlinear and Chaotic ime Series nal sis (Baki Ünal and Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ) iducial ased est or the E ualit o Location Parameters (Gamze Güven, özge GÜrer, Hatice Samkar and Birdal şenoğlu) Understanding the E ects o Green Swan Events on inancial Stabilit nne Countries and urke (şenay AÇıkgöz and şahika Gökmen) orecasting the S 00 nde with Support ector achines (Kamil Demirberk Ünlü, Nihan Potas, Mehmet Yılmaz) ultiple b ective ptimi ation with Weighted Superposition raction epulsion lgorithm (moWS ) (Adil Baykasoğlu) ime Series odelling with eep eural etworks (Çağatay Bal, Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ) n E tension o the nverse Gaussian istribution (Talha Arslan) Clustering Euro one Countries ccording to Emplo ee Contributions e ore and er C 9 (Hüseyin Ünözkan, Nihan Potas, Mehmet Yılmaz) iagnosis o iabetes Using eep eural etworks (Cansu Doğan, Çağdaş Hakan Aladağ) est rchitecture Selection Criteria or rtificial eural etworks (Çağatay Bal and Serdar Demir)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Modern Finance and Risk Management Festschrift in Honour of Hermann Locarek-Junge Tony Klein

Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Sven Loßagk

Saxon University of Cooperative Education, Dresden, Germany

Mario Straßberger

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Thomas Walther

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Description Modern Finance and Risk Management is dedicated to our colleague, academic mentor, and adviser Professor Hermann Locarek-Junge. uring his academic career, Hermann Locarek unge published several important contributions to the field o risk management and por olio management and served as the chairman and board member o the German inance ssociation ( G ) and the ata Science Societ (Gesellscha r Klassifikation). short oreword b the mentors o Hermann Locarek unge and an introduction b the editors mark the beginning o the estschri . he first section on odern inance includes chapters on asset management, entrepreneurship, and behavioural finance. he second section on odern isk anagement contains seven contributions covering considerations o risk measurement, risk management, and regulation. inall , the third section includes topics on commodities and energ finance. his estschri comprises 20 original contributions o notable scholars in finance who have worked with Hermann Locarek unge over the last our decades. ue to numerous connections to practice and applications, Modern Finance and Risk Management is relevant and a ractive not onl to academics and researchers but also to practitioners in industr and banking.

Editors Tony Klein is an ssociate Pro essor in inance at ueen s anagement School, ueen s Universit el ast, UK. He holds a Ph in inance (20 7) and a aster s degree in inancial athematics (20 3) rom echnische Universit t resden. His research interests include econometric modelling and machine learning within the fields o finance, energ finance, and energ economics the financiali ation o commodit markets and connectedness to stock and fi ed income markets and volatilit orecasting with application in financial risk management and por olio optimi ation. He is a Senior Editor or inance esearch Le ers and regularl serves as reviewer or several ournals. Sven Loßagk is a Pro essor o inance with the Universit o Cooperative Education resden. e ore that, he was Head o inance at S eue Energien eutschland GmbH. He received his iploma in usiness dministration (2007) and his doctoral degree in Economics and usiness dministration (20 3) rom echnische Universit t resden. His current research interests are pro ect financing and the financing o renewable energies. Mario Straßberger is a Pro essor o inance and inancial Services with i au G rlit Universit o pplied Sciences. Prior to this, he was a inancial isk anager at K W anking Group in rank urt, an ssistant Pro essor at riedrich Schiller Universit o ena, and a esearch ssistant at resden echnical Universit . He received a ( 996) rom Universit o Wolverhampton, UK, a iploma ( 997) and a octorate (Ph , 2002) rom resden echnical Universit . He is also an alumnus o the German cademic Scholarship oundation. His current research interests are asset and risk management, statistical and econometric applications in finance, and financial decision making. Thomas Walther is an ssistant Pro essor o inance ( enure rack) with the Utrecht School o Economics, Utrecht Universit . ormerl , he was ssistant Pro essor or Energ inance at the Universit o St. Gallen. He is also esearch ellow or inance at the echnische Universit t resden rom which he received a Sc (20 0) and Sc (20 3) in ndustrial Engineering and anagement and a Ph (20 7) in usiness Economics. His research ocuses on commodit energ climate finance and financial econometrics with applications to risk management. He is ssociate Editor or the ournal Finance Research Letters.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 90 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 460pp Type: eview olume Series: rans ormations in anking, inance and egulation Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Corporate inance intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance athematical uantitative inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Keywords: inance isk anagement Commodities Energ inance isk Cr ptocurrencies sset anagement anking ehavioral inance ehavioural inance arkowit Por olio Selection sset llocation Crowd unding C Pandemic Corona nvestment Strategies Low isk nvestments Social anks E cess Li uidit Cost o Capital Readership: he global market o academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields o finance and risk management. lso o relevance to finance practitioners throughout the financial industries, especiall financial institutes, investment firms and financial service providers

Contents • • • •

oreword (Günter Bamberg and Otto Opitz) ntroduction (Tony Klein, Sven Loßagk, Mario Straßberger, and Thomas Walther) bout the Contributors Aspects of Modern Finance: Con ounding the eturn otions Could e angerous (G nter amberg and Sebastian Heiden) Emotionall nvolved nvestors s there n inance heor i ed to Ethical, Crowd unding and an ond nvestors ( al rost and le ander o ) How id isk educed nvestment Strategies Per orm uring the Corona Crash Lessons Learned rom the Crisis or the sset anagement ndustr ( riedrich hie en and rg ller) he Growth o Social anks, nvestment estrictions and E cess Li uidit isk (Susanne Hom lle, ikolas H hnke, Ul H benbecker, and Philipp Winskowski) Comparative nal sis o etermining the isk de uate Cost o Capital or egulated etwork perators in etwork ndustries (Ulrike Stopka) Private E uit nvestments and alue Creation in Small and edium Si ed Enterprises ( en amin Hammer, ils H rtel, Suleiman aiem, and ernhard Schwet ler) Aspects of Modern Risk Management: he isk o the Unseen (Ste H se and Ste an Huschens) ail onlinearl rans ormed isk easure as a Capital Constraint e er Choice or ank egulation than Conditional alue at isk (Kerstin ergk, ario randtner, and Wol gang K rsten) b ectification o Sub ective isk ssessments (Lars Hengmith and Sophia Licht) odel isk as ultiplicative isk actor(Ste an Huschens and Gerhard Stahl) odel isk in ption Pricing Estimation isk o olatilit Parameter (Kr s to a uga) e erence ramework or Success actors o esilient Suppl Chains and Practical pplication on a Suppl Chain isruption ( ainer Lasch and Karl ietrich) ssessment o the S stemic isk in the German anking ndustr (Katar na Ku iak and Kr s to Piontek) Aspects of Modern Commodity Finance: il and Stock arket eturns irection, olatilit , or Li uidit (Harald Kinateder and Niklas Wagner) isk eduction b Law n ssessment o the German enewable Energ Sources ct (Sven Loßagk) Corporate isk anagement with Power Purchase greements (Andreas Horsch and Steffen Hundt) he Christenson Gold Price odel econsidered (Thomas Burkhardt and Dominik Möhring) n Gold We rust Should German nvestors Consider Gold in Stock Por olios (Siegfriend Köstlmeier and Klaus Röder) namic Correlation o Precious etals and E uit arkets i ed ata Sampling pproach (Tony Klein and Thomas Walther) Cr ptocurrencies as an sset Class Holding itcoin in German E uities Por olios (Mario Straßberger)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Dynamic Decisions Energy PIVOT, Adaptive Moves, Winning BOUnCE Ricardo G Barcelona

Endorsement “Bringing his deep understanding of the most important strategic issues, Ricardo offers us ways to address constructively the dilemmas we face, as business leaders. This enables us to help create a prosperous and economically sustainable future, in a world characterised by uncertainties and rapid changes. In an accessible manner, with humour, he illustrates how some management thinking come to life by testing it against the ‘voices of the real world’ from battle tested leaders operating in dynamic energy markets. Dynamic Decisions tracks multiple aspects of energy transitions, recommend convincing and actionable approaches, to inspire day-to-day as well as strategic actions of managers.” Michael Laengle Chief Financial Officer, and Member, Management Board, RAG Austria AG, Austria

Key Features •

Presents a unified decision ramework that incorporates human behaviour rom a perspective o behavioural economics and finance. ecision making is seen as occurring under ambiguous and uncertain conditions, where managerial e ibilit and how rivalries among competing firms are e plicitl evaluated as to their impact on investment valuation n using P , managers connect their investment decisions to the firm s purpose and insights rom a por olio perspective. n recognising ambiguities, managers learn to veer and overcome obstacles be ore taking irreversible commitments. his guides managerial decisions b providing a ramework to move adaptivel under uncertainties anagers are in ormed b belie s that in uence their outlook and understanding o the conte t o their decisions. n making these actors e plicit, the strategic assumptions are be er understood collectivel b managers. s a result, insights as to how di erent parties are incentivised, and how value is created and captured are used to in orm how managers could a ect their adaptive moves pplied to transitioning energ s stems, uncertainties become e ploitable opportunities or managers to create arenas or tomorrow s profitable niches toda . n tangible and actionable wa s, managers ma seek to repurpose their resources, to reposition their firm as energ markets evolve. hrough e perimentation and learning, managers could re rame their purpose, and e ecute their strateg b reconfiguring their firm s approach n connecting theor to practice, actual business cases are presented, e amined, and evaluated, where counter intuitive insights are used to in orm strategic dialogue and strateg ormulation. n ocusing on the manager as a human person, virtues such as humilit , integrit , and generosit become the l nchpin or success ul P and UnCE

Description Dynamic Decisions highlights how some managers and policymakers sleepwalk into decision paralysis. Strategicall , the partl recognise their world is changing radicall as energ s stems transition. n deciding what to invest in, the de ault to rewarding the predictable and proven, o en misdiagnosing the ignored risks o innatel ambiguous markets. o remed this, the author rames ambiguit as a source o opportunit . s e tant advantages obsolesce, new entrants could disrupt to gain dominance. Some managers could repurpose, re rame, and reconfigure their resources and processes to create tomorrow s profitable niches toda . o profit rom these emerging business landscapes, managers can P and UnCE to win b transitioning into a d namic mindset. Endowed with a creative mind to innovate, humans could reshape their firms and their societies. rmed with these capabilities, albeit partial, managers could choose to adapt responsive strategic actions that are tangible, actionable, and achievable, with polic sustaining societal benefits b e panding people s access to opportunities.

Author Ricardo G Barcelona authored Energ nvestments, a ground breaking book that values renewables as real options under interacting energ por olios and oligopolistic rivalries. hrough his research and interactions with academe, business, and polic , he contributes to conversations around energ transitions and sustainabilit , decisions under uncertainties, and how imper ect humans creativel reshape their business and societ .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 96 2

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 732pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: Environmental Energ Economics ecision Sciences Corporate inance Energ Studies esearch athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics Climate Change Political Econom ccounting rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation atural esource Keywords: Energ Energ nvestments ption Games eal ptions Climate inance Sustainable nvestment namic ecisions ecision Uncertainties enewable Energ ossil uel Carbon a Energ ransition ehavioural Economics Political Econom inancial Economics Strateg and Competition Readership: anagers and polic makers who seek to benefit their firms and communities in how the conduct their business academics stud ing behavioural economics, investment, and green energ finance will also benefit rom this book

Contents • oreword • Pre ace • bout the uthor • Understanding Energy Pivots: From Impasse to PIVOT Policy and Managerial Actions Adaptive Moves: Articulate a Purpose Bounded Possibilities Calibrate Take Actions to De-risk • BOUnCE to Win: Cost o Energ Levers o alue Price aker ligopolistic ivalries • Winning Actions: P and UnCE to Profit • Glossar

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Finance with a Purpose FinTech, Development and Financial Inclusion in the Global Economy Frederic de Mariz

Columbia University, USA

Key Features •

he book combines the latest theoretical understanding o financial services, especiall on fin ech and inclusion, together with first hand e perience on those topics Wri en b a practitioner with close to 20 ears o e perience in the field, on three continents, with both global investment banks and theoretical research

Description From vehicles to music, power generation to retail, every aspect of our daily routine has experienced drastic changes in the recent past, driven by secular forces such as digitization, a growing focus on sustainability, regulatory changes and evolving consumer behavior. Financial services are no exception. paradigm change is at pla in the financial sector, with a surge in competition rom non traditional actors, a revolution in customer e perience evidenced b rising transparenc and customer centric strategies. in ech is disrupting financial services, providing a historic opportunit or ormall underserved customers, a ormidable threat to e isting banks and a critical challenge to regulators. hrough the lens o in ech (financial technolog ) including pa ments, lending pla orms, insurtech, superapps and market in rastructure the author highlights the practical polic opportunities and risks o financial inclusion with a wealth o data. his book tells the stor o entrepreneurs, companies, investors, researchers and regulators who are building the financial services o tomorrow and the mechanisms that will allow us as a societ to ulfill the promise o inclusion. here are still challenges to overcome, particularl high levels o in ormalit , subpar ualit in financial services, and low levels o financial education. egulators pla a crucial role to oster inclusion, proposing sandbo es and stepping up their e orts against risks triggered b technolog such as monopolistic behavior, consumer protection and c bercrime. inance with a Purpose combines the theor in the fields o economics, finance and law with the practice o financial institutions, corporates, households and investors. combining the latest academic research with ample pro essional e perience in emerging markets, this book is essential or polic makers, scholars, and an reader who wants to understand the recent progress in financial inclusion and how it can be used to alleviate ine ualit and oster economic development.

Author Frederic de Mariz is d unct Pro essor at Columbia Universit in nnovative inance and mpact nvesting, Lecturer at Sciences Po in Sustainable inance, and head o intech and ESG or Latin merica at U S nvestment ank. He is a member o the ra ilian banking association and a ormer advisor to microfinance institutions. Prior to his role in investment banking, he was a senior e uit research anal st and received numerous awards rom independent organi ations, such as nstitutional nvestors or Starmine. He has published a number o academic papers in renowned peer reviewed ournals ( ournal o Private E uit , ournal o isk and inancial anagement, rench Politics, Culture Societ , etc.) and co authored several books on sustainable finance. He won a arsight ward or his research on microfinance in 20 . rederic graduated rom Sorbonne with a aster s in Histor , Columbia Universit with a aster s in Economic Polic , Sciences Po with a aster s in Public Polic , Essec with a , and completed his Ph in inance at Universit o Sao Paulo with a thesis on pa ments and financial inclusion.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £55 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 2 9 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 200pp Type: e tbook Series: rans ormations in anking, inance and egulation Main Subject: Economics


Sub-Subjects: intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics nd inance evelopmental Economics nternational inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions Entrepreneurship nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement Keywords: pen banking icrofinance inancial inclusion Private E uit in ech igtech wo Sided Pla orms ank ranches anking nsurance nvestment sset anagement Credit obo dvisor evelopment inance ultilateral ESG Sustainabilit Green bonds C egulation C bercrime nnovation isk anagement nnovation isruption Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields o in ech, strategic innovation, banking, microfinance, development economics and banking regulation

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction inancial isruption with a Purpose he Promise o pen anking enefits and Limits o inancial nclusion icrocredit 5 ears er the obel Pri e Electronic Pa ments as Entr Point or nclusion Cr ptocurrencies atural Evolution or Pa ments he End o ranches as We Know hem Using ata While especting Customers ights How Can egulators oster nclusion inance Without anks Conclusion he Wa orward List o igures ibliograph

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

O Mg! How Chemistry Came to Be Stephen M Cohen

Key Features •

• •

Histor o chemistr is a rare topic, and is now revisited in this book to include women whose contributions were o en neglected and ignored, as well as modern topics t treats this topic in a graphic novel orm. Comics are a currentl popular wa to treat histor and scientific knowledge t is designed or the teen (and perhaps adult)

Description This book is a graphic introduction to how chemistry developed, from ancient times to now. Led b cartoon host, en ene with occasional inter ections b eccentric Greek philosopher emocritus readers learn about ancient Greek and Chinese elements, alchemists, and the development o chemistr as we know it toda , rom obert o le and ntoine Lavoisier, rom Eli abeth ulhame and ohn alton, to ns akob er elius and riedrich W hler, to osalind ranklin, Linus Pauling, and ario olina. he book delves into topics like nanochemistr , environmental chemistr , and how the structure o atoms and molecules was uncovered, all with good humor, bright colors, and livel drawings. here are occasional sidebars on chemical related histor and the arts, and actoids such as how President o the US Herbert Hoover and President o srael Chaim Wei mann in uenced chemistr , how personal politics ma have denied Gilbert Lewis the obel Pri e, a apanese tale o intrigue mingling with chemistr , and which chemist was the first living person to have an element named or him.

May 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 040 8

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 224pp Type: Popular ook

Author Dr Cohen has a Ph in Chemistr rom ice Universit , has traveled around the US , Europe, and iddle East, and spent one ear as a chemistr researcher in the UK. ree lance writer and technical writer, he has published articles in both general interest and peer reviewed ournals dealing with chemistr , chemical histor , chemical literature in iddish, and genealog . His other books include What s in a ame oung Person s ewish Genealog Workbook, ntroductor Electrochemistr , and merica s Scientific reasures ravel Companion, 2nd ed. r Cohen also is a member o the oard o the o al Societ o Chemistr US Section. s an undergraduate at the Universit o Penns lvania, he drew a dail comic strip, u er s Solutions, or the ail Penns lvanian, and was rt Editor or Punch owl, the student humor maga ine. ne o his editorial cartoons appeared in a Union o Concerned Scientists calendar, and his articles appeared in the ournal o rreproducible esults. n his limited spare time, he researches his genealog , does pro essional calligraph , and has wri en man choral arrangements, two o which have been published.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject: Chemistr Sub-Subjects: General Chemistr Histor Science Popular Science Keywords: Histor o Chemistr General Chemistr Readership: Chemistr students, teachers and general public

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction ncient imes lchem irst Chemists evolution toms ( gain) ise o rganic Chemistr he Periodic able olecular Structure Ph sical Chemistr ndustrial Chemistr Chemical War are Electrons and Protons and eutrons, h tomic Structure onding Pol mers sotopes rtificial Elements Environmental Chemistr anochemistr Epilogue

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

I’m a Future Water Expert! Author Manisha Nayak

Illustrator Eliz Ong

Description What causes rainfall? Can rogs reall all rom the sk Where do puddles go Can make a cloud at home Can wastewater be turned into water we can drink Curious to find out the answers to these uestions oin Clara the cloud on an e citing ourne and learn all about water. he m a uture Scientist series is based on the Science Centre Singapore s longstanding and highl popular oung Scientist badge programme. his e citing series o ull colour books or 6 2 ear olds will spark sustained interest in scientific fields, such as botan , oolog , marine biolog , conservation and the environment, astronom , and man more, with delivering primar school level Science learning points in an engaging and relatable wa hrough clearl wri en educational articles, un cartoons, suggested hands on activities, as well as ull colour photographs and illustrations, these books are the per ect companions or budding scientists to delve urther into a wide range o fields o Science. n addition, ugmented ealit ( ) elements will also help to bring Science alive or children, helping them to retain the in ormation provided be er, and inspiring be er learning nd, as a bonus, earn points or the oung Scientist adge programme rom Science Centre Singapore, using the links inside

May 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 95 5 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 2 6 7

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 56pp Type: CH L



Series: m a uture Scientist

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Science Scientist Water Conservation Education Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • •

Engaging stor telling st le Primar level Science learning points in used Emphasis on sian elements in one or more educational articles Humour in used ugmented ealit ( ) elements or be er retention o in ormation and more inspiring learning

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

I’m a Future Botanist! Author Manisha Nayak

Author Manisha Nayak

Description What ‘superpower’ do plants have that we don’t? Which ower smells like ro ng meat and wh Wh do some plants eat insects Wh is Socotra island called the most alien looking place on Earth How can planting trees save the Earth Curious to find out the answers to these uestions oin a li the ern on an e citing ourne and learn all plants and trees. he m a uture Scientist series is based on the Science Centre Singapore s longstanding and highl popular oung Scientist badge programme. his e citing series o ull colour books or 6 2 ear olds will spark sustained interest in scientific fields, such as botan , oolog , marine biolog , conservation and the environment, astronom , and man more, with delivering primar school level Science learning points in an engaging and relatable wa hrough clearl wri en educational articles, un cartoons, suggested hands on activities, as well as ull colour photographs and illustrations, these books are the per ect companions or budding scientists to delve urther into a wide range o fields o Science. n addition, ugmented ealit ( ) elements will also help to bring Science alive or children, helping them to retain the in ormation provided be er, and inspiring be er learning nd, as a bonus, earn points or the oung Scientist adge programme rom Science Centre Singapore, using the links inside

May 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 98 6 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 2 7 4

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 56pp Type: Children s on iction Series: m a uture Scientist

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Science Scientist Water Conservation Education otan otanist Plants Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • •

Engaging stor telling st le Primar level Science learning points in used Emphasis on sian elements in one or more educational articles Humour in used ugmented ealit ( ) elements or be er retention o in ormation and more inspiring learning

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

I’m a Future Zoologist! Author Manisha Nayak

Author Manisha Nayak

Description Which animal is as big as 33 elephants? s it true that a polar bear s skin is black Which animal curls itsel into a ball when a acked Can a cockroach reall live without a head Which animal s tongue is twice as long as its bod Curious to find out the answers to these uestions oin Pri a the penguin on an e citing ourne and learn all about animals. he I’m a Future Scientist! series is based on the Science Centre Singapore s longstanding and highl popular oung Scientist badge programme. his e citing series o ull colour books or 6 2 ear olds will spark sustained interest in scientific fields, such as botan , oolog , marine biolog , conservation and the environment, astronom , and man more, with delivering primar school level Science learning points in an engaging and relatable wa hrough clearl wri en educational articles, un cartoons, suggested hands on activities, as well as ull colour photographs and illustrations, these books are the per ect companions or budding scientists to delve urther into a wide range o fields o Science. n addition, ugmented ealit ( ) elements will also help to bring Science alive or children, helping them to retain the in ormation provided be er, and inspiring be er learning nd, as a bonus, earn points or the oung Scientist adge programme rom Science Centre Singapore, using the links inside

May 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 20 3 £6.99 | S C 978 98 25 2 8


Imprint: WS Education Extent: 56pp Type: Children s on iction Series: m a uture Scientist

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Science Scientist Water Conservation Education oolog oologist nimals ammals eptiles mphibians nsects irds ish Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • •

Engaging stor telling st le Primar level Science learning points in used Emphasis on sian elements in one or more educational articles Humour in used ugmented ealit ( ) elements or be er retention o in ormation and more inspiring learning

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

I’m a Future Astronomer! Author Manisha Nayak

Author Manisha Nayak

Description Why do stars twinkle? Wh is Pluto no longer considered a planet Who was the first animal in space s a da on enus reall longer than a ear on enus What reall is a shooting star Curious to find out the answers to these uestions oin stro the asteroid on an e citing ourne and learn all about space. he I’m a Future Scientist! series is based on the Science Centre Singapore s longstanding and highl popular oung Scientist badge programme. his e citing series o ull colour books or 6 2 ear olds will spark sustained interest in scientific fields, such as botan , oolog , marine biolog , conservation and the environment, astronom , and man more, with delivering primar school level Science learning points in an engaging and relatable wa hrough clearl wri en educational articles, un cartoons, suggested hands on activities, as well as ull colour photographs and illustrations, these books are the per ect companions or budding scientists to delve urther into a wide range o fields o Science. n addition, ugmented ealit ( ) elements will also help to bring Science alive or children, helping them to retain the in ormation provided be er, and inspiring be er learning nd, as a bonus, earn points or the oung Scientist adge programme rom Science Centre Singapore, using the links inside

May 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 204 4 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 2 9 8

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 56pp Type: Children s on iction Series: m a uture Scientist

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Science Scientist Water Conservation Education Planets Space stronom stonomer steroids Sun oon Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • •

Engaging stor telling st le Primar level Science learning points in used Emphasis on sian elements in one or more educational articles Humour in used ugmented ealit ( ) elements or be er retention o in ormation and more inspiring learning

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

I’m a Future Marine Biologist! Author Manisha Nayak

Author Manisha Nayak

Description Do male seahorses really give birth? re corals plants or animals Can sea stars regrow their limbs oes an octopus have blue blood Wh does a pu erfish pu up Curious to find out the answers to these uestions oin Sulin the sea star on an e citing ourne and learn all marine animals. he I’m a Future Scientist! series is based on the Science Centre Singapore s longstanding and highl popular oung Scientist badge programme. his e citing series o ull colour books or 6 2 ear olds will spark sustained interest in scientific fields, such as botan , oolog , marine biolog , conservation and the environment, astronom , and man more, with delivering primar school level Science learning points in an engaging and relatable wa hrough clearl wri en educational articles, un cartoons, suggested hands on activities, as well as ull colour photographs and illustrations, these books are the per ect companions or budding scientists to delve urther into a wide range o fields o Science. n addition, ugmented ealit ( ) elements will also help to bring Science alive or children, helping them to retain the in ormation provided be er, and inspiring be er learning nd, as a bonus, earn points or the oung Scientist adge programme rom Science Centre Singapore, using the links inside

May 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 207 5 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 220 4

Imprint: WS Education Extent: 56pp Type: Children s on iction Series: m a uture Scientist

Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Science Scientist Water Conservation Education arine iolog arine nimals arine Plants Readership: 6 2 ears old

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • •

Engaging stor telling st le Primar level Science learning points in used Emphasis on sian elements in one or more educational articles Humour in used ugmented ealit ( ) elements or be er retention o in ormation and more inspiring learning

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Internationalising Higher Education in the Asia Pacific Case of Australia, Japan and Singapore Teofilo C Daquila

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Key Features • • •

• •

• •

he internationalisation o higher education ( HE) has become an important polic issue or governments and research topic or universities Some governments have become more liberal than others, and some universities have become more open to international students than others his book investigates the HE developments and government policies in ustralia, apan and Singapore, and the internationalisation e periences and competitiveness o the Universit o elbourne, K oto Universit , and the ational Universit o Singapore his countr and universit specific scope o HE o ers the competitive advantage o this book relative to other books oreover, it is a single authored book that commenced in 2007 08 and was the result o both primar (interviews with government o cials and universit o cers) and secondar research methodologies lso, it uses both uantitative and ualitative approaches, and multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis n addition, various parts o this book have been presented in academic con erences, workshops and seminars in various countries including ustralia, apan, ala sia, China, rance and Singapore

Description With his many years of overseas experiences as an international student, educator and scholar, Teofilo C Daquila has conducted his research on the internationalisation of higher education (IHE), as it has become an important policy issue and research topic for governments and universities around the world. He aims to determine the e tent o internationalisation o higher education in the sia Pacific region particularl in ustralia, Singapore and apan in terms o its determinants and impacts using a multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis, through historical, political, geographical, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. a uila e amines three leading universities in the world as case studies to determine their internationalisation e periences and the e tent o their competitiveness. hese are the Universit o elbourne, the ational Universit o Singapore, and K oto Universit . He uses our indicators o competitiveness governance and structure, demand conditions, actor conditions, and internationalisation strategies (using the ollowing indicators o HE e pansion, broadening diversification, deepening and acilitation). his book is highl recommended or an one interested in the internationalisation o higher education, its determinants and multiple perspectives, the competitiveness and internationalisation e periences and strategies o universities.

Author Dr Teofilo C Daquila is ssociate Pro essor o Southeast sian economics and business in the epartment o Southeast sian Studies, acult o rts and Social Sciences ( SS) at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US). Pro a uila s current teaching and research areas include economic growth and development, SE economic regionalism, comparative and international education, and the scholarship o teaching and learning.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 22

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:


Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Education S stems nd Policies eaching nd Learning Parents nd amilies oung dults or 3 nd bove Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit sian usiness anagement sian Culture Literar Studies Literature sian Economies sian Histor sian Politics Societ Political Econom Globali ation Singapore Collection Southeast sia Keywords: nternationalisation Higher Education nternationalisation o Higher Education Globalisation o Education nternational Students Local Students ustralia s Higher Education apan s Higher Education Singapore s Higher Education Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, educators, researchers, practitioners, and polic makers, in the fields o comparative and international education with re erence to the internationalisation o higher education

Contents • • • • • • • •

ntroduction ackground and Significance o the nternationalisation o Higher Education he Global Picture, efinitions Concepts, and ationale he in ustralia rends, Pa erns, eterminants and mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o the Universit o elbourne he apan Picture rends, Pa erns, eterminants mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o K oto Universit he Singapore Picture Government Policies and the US E perience Establishing Connections in a iverse Environment

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Stirling and Thermal-lag Engines Motive Power without the C02 Allan J Organ

University of Cambridge, UK & King’s College London, UK

Key Features • • • • •

dentifies and rectifies a undamental misunderstanding in the bible on heat e change (on which S subcontractors rel or heat trans er and ow riction correlations) namic Similarit is one o the most valuable anal tical tools o ph sics and engineering. his author has been and remains alone in mobilising it to the task at issue umerical algorithms used in the new title are those tried and tested over decades in other long established disciplines he first account to take account o the large cache o relevant e perimental and theoretical work on compressible ow through regenerator materials (wire screens) E isting manu acturing resources cannot be re directed to the manu acture o p v panels but can mass produce components or Stirling engines


May 2022

Existing literature focuses on the alleged merits of the Stirling engine. hese are indeed latent but, decades on, remain to be ull realised. his is despite the act that Stirling and other closed c cle prime movers o er a contribution to an ultra low carbon econom . contrast with solar panels, initial manu acture o Stirling engines makes no demands on scarce or e otic raw materials. urther, calculating embodied carbon per kWh avours the Stirling engine b a wide margin.

£130 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 04 7

However, the reader e pecting the find the Stirling engine promoted as a panacea or energ problems ma be surprised to find the reverse. Stirling and hermal lag Engines re ects upon the act that there is more to be gained b approaching its sub ect as a problem than as a solution. he chilles heel o the Stirling engine is a low numerical value o specific work, defined as work per c cle per swept volume per unit o charge pressure and conventionall denoted eale number . easured values remain unimproved since 8 8, uantified here or the first time at 2 o the o the modern internal combustion engine he low figure is traced to incomplete utili ation o the working gas. nl a small percentage o the charge gas i an is processed through a complete c cle, i.e., between temperature e tremes. he book o ers read made tools including a simplified algorithm or particle tra ector map construction an author patented mechanism delivering optimi ed working gas distribution ow and heat trans er data re ac uired in conte t and an illustrated re derivation o the academicall respected ethod o characteristics which now copes with shock ormation and ow area discontinuities. ll ormulations are presented in su cient detail to allow the reader to pick up and run with them using the data o ered in the book. he various strands are drawn together in a comprehensivel engineered design o an internall ocusing solar Stirling engine, presented in a orm allowing a reader with access to basic machining acilities to construct one. he sun does not alwa s shine. ut neither will the oil alwa s ow. his new title o ers an entr e to technolog appropriate to the twent first centur .

Author Allan J Organ, ollowing partiall success ul e orts b mathematicians since the 920s, was first to ac uire and publish solutions to the regenerator problem (con ugate heat e change problem) defining operation rom initial blow to c clic e uilibrium in counter ow, or which he received the octor o Science (Sc ) at Cambridge Universit . or his academic work, he has been awarded the S Ellis emorial Pri e, c lister ellowship, asse ellowship, and owning ellowship.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 500pp Type:

onograph ( reat s e tbook

Main Subject: Engineering and coustics Sub-Subjects: echanical Engineering Environmental Engineering Statistical Ph sics, Comple it nd onlinear namical S stems ( ncluding Heat nd hermod namics) Energ Studies esearch Keywords: Stirling Engine hermal Lag Engine


Readership: Lecturers and teachers o contemporar engineering s llabuses as well as members o thermod namics groups at ever universit acult worldwide. embers o the worldwide energ sector and mid and low technolog industries seeking to diversi into low ero carbon energ . he low temperature cooling re rigeration industr and contractors to the growing space e ploration industr , where Stirling based electricit generation is o vital importance to engineers

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

cknowledgements Contents Pre ace otation Without the ose inted Spectacles n Uncom ortable ruth aising the hreshold aising the hreshold urther he hermal Lag Engine So, How oes to Work he nscrutable egenerator Wrong urn Heat rans er Correlations Practical egenerator esign echanical Power with o ecurring C 2 Penalt n Search o the E cient, ordable, Environment riendl Si ing the Wire esh egenerator echanism orces Lagrange ormulation Path Line E uation hink e ore ou Compute Lagrange eets Euler egenerator low mpedance i usion ormulation rom Specification to ealit ptimisation Preliminar ora Enigma ariations Cautionar ale owards the efinitive Gas Process odel Pushing the oundaries he Stirling Engine and the Environment ppendices ibliograph nde o Proper ames Sub ect nde

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

50W ir Engine

Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites 2nd Edition Vladislav Mantič

University of Seville, Spain

Key Features •

he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretical and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testing and applications o composite components and structures Contributing authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics and engineering related to composites Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms

May 2022 Description Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites (Second Edition) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematical methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri ation o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second edition e pands upon the success o the first edition and has been substantiall revised and updated. Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on continuous fiber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applications (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni ation procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutions in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fiber rein orced nonlinearl elastic solids, instabilities, buckling and postbuckling, fiber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulation o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abrication, testing and industrial applications o composite components and structures. his book is an essential re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering. E planations and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investigate the ascinating sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematical methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.

Editor Vladislav Mantič is Pro essor o Continuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elasticit , racture echanics, Plasticit , iscoelasticit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematical engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distinction and ector ward in 984.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 708pp Type: eview olume Series: Computational and E perimental ethods in Structures Main Subject: Engineering


Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics | athematical odeling | echanical Engineering | General aterials Science Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultila er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure Sti ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solid andom Composite ulti Scale s mptotic Homogeni ation Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing Process odel rder eduction Proper Generali ed ecomposition educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultiph sics in Laminates amage elamination Cohesive nter ace Large e ormation racture nstabilit Readership: n essential re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotic Homogeni ation ethod (Alexander L Kalamkarov) Scaling unctions in Spatiall andom Composites (Martin Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan) Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplications (Chyanbin Hwu) Classical efined, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo) odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilities and elamination in Composite Shells (J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez) i urcation o Elastic ultila ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca) nstabilities ssociated with Loss o Ellipticit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solids (J Merodio and R W Ogden) Propagation o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri ation o nitial Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man) dvanced athematical odels and E cient umerical Simulation in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta) odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone) elamination and dhesive Contacts, heir athematical odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martin Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantič) nteraction o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martin) Computational Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastic ultimaterial Corners pplications to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantič, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Retrotransposons and Human Disease L1 Retrotransposons as a Source of Genetic Diversity Abram Gabriel

Rutgers University, USA

Key Features • •

he book includes reviews b several ounders o the field t is timel s more and more mammalian genomes are se uenced, it is a good time to look at the human e ample

Description Thirty years ago we knew that retrotransposons made up at least half of our genomes, but little about their role in biology. he human genome has since been se uenced and the position o all retrotransposons in the re erence se uence has been determined. However, as o toda , the unction o retrotransposons still remains elusive. We know much more about the diseases associated with their movement and the host de enses we all have against them. his volume e plores an arra o diseases in humans associated with L retrotransposon movement within the human genome, including some cancers such as colon cancer and neurops chiatric disorders such as schi ophrenia. he chapters e plore the diversit o retrotransposons, their di erent biological mechanisms, the role o L in their movement, and their contribution to human diseases. his book posits that somatic events caused b retrotransposons have implications or mosaicism and are o en associated with cancers. Germline events are common, occur uite earl in development, and are a cause o single gene diseases. ll in all, the authors implicate L retrotransposons as ma or sources o human diversit and advocate or their continued stud .

May 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-921-1

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume

Editor Dr Abram Gabriel is currentl an associate pro essor o molecular biolog at utgers Universit . He has taught a section o a course on molecular pathwa s or over 20 ears. His section deals with retrotransposons.

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: iochemistr iological Chemistr Cancer esearch Cell olecular iolog Structural iolog Genetics nd Genomics ioin ormatics iocomputing Computational iolog Human iolog iological nthropolog Primatolog Stem Cells esearch Keywords: etrotransposon L lu L E S E Cr stallograph everse ranscriptase Endonuclease Genetic isease Cancer rain Readership: esearchers rom both academia and industr , graduate students, premed students, clinicians

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • •

Pre ace (A Gabriel) he iversit o everse ranscriptases (Blair G Paul, Irina A Yushenova, Irina R Arkhipova) 3 and elated Ltr etrotransposon everse ranscriptases (Jennifer T Miller and Stuart F J Le Grice) E perimental S stems or the Stud o on L (L E) etrotransposons (Ivana Celic and Jeffrey S Han) lu Elements and Human isease (Hanlin Yang, Maria E Morales and, Astrid M Roy-Engel) etrotransposition as a Cause o Human isease n Update (Haig H Kazazian, Jr.) L E etrotransposons, Stem Cells and Human eurodevelopmental isorders (Maria Benitez-Guijarro, Meriem Benkaddour-Boumzaouad, and Jose L Garcia-Perez) etrotransposition echanisms nd Host actors (Siew Loon Ooi, Kathleen H Burns, and Jef D Boeke) etrotransposons in the ammalian rain (Tracy A Bedrosian, Sara B Linker, Fred H Gage) L E obili ation in Cancers ore the ule than the E ception (Daniel Ardeljan and Kathleen H Burns)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Therapeutic Protein Targets for Drug Discovery and Clinical Evaluation Bio-Crystallography and Drug Design D Velmurugan

SRM University, India

D Gayathri

University Of Madras, India

Atanu Bhattacharjee

Cover Available Soon

North Eastern Hill University, India

Key Features •

• •

Provides practical in ormation on how to use appropriate structural and computational tools or structural determination and molecular modeling o bio molecules he book presents the wide and interesting areas o structural biolog , chemo in ormatics and bioin ormatics E plores the undamentals, advancements and applications o structural studies and bioin ormatics

May 2022 Description The book reviews the recent research advances and their outcomes in the areas of structural biology, bioinformatics, phytochemistry and drug discovery. Chapters in the book cover multidisciplinar research to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in protein protein ligand interactions. t emplo s an integrative approach to identi the therapeutic targets or H , and cancer, pathogen and viral in ection pathwa s and the identification o their potential drug candidates. he book also provides e amples o computational molecular d namics simulations to understand the con ormational changes in the molecules. Some chapters are ocused on e ploring potent bioactive compounds rom natural sources. his book can serve as a single source that covers several interdisciplinar research fields which will be beneficial to esearchers and students in postgraduate studies.

£80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 478 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: Cell olecular iolog Structural iolog Pharmacolog rug iscover Pharmaceuticals ioph sics ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics atural Product esearch ioin ormatics iocomputing Computational iolog Cancer esearch Pharmacolog rug iscover Pharmaceuticals Keywords: En me rug esign olecular odeling ioactive Compounds nti acterial nti Cancer nti n ammator Readership: Scientists, esearchers, Students in the field o Structural iolog and ioin ormatics

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • •

Pharmacolog and Pharmacokinetics Structural iolog olecular ocking olecular namic Simulation olecular iolog n itro Studies ioactive Compounds rom atural Sources

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

A Brief History of Germs Author


Wenhong Zhang

Bailiang Ma

Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, China

Shanghai Ocean University, China

Description This book introduces readers to the history and discovery of viruses and bacteria, provides an accessible overview of how several major pandemics have influenced the society and how vaccines and antibiotics were developed. With color ul illustrations, it narrates the ascinating stories behind 7 common in ectious diseases. rom this book, ou will learn about pathogenic characteristics, main s mptoms, transmission routes, as well as prevention and control strategies. highlighting the di culties in the struggle against in ectious diseases, the book pa s homage to the e orts, the scientific spirit and the great contributions o scientists. With the pandemic still raging around the globe, it is hoped that this book will broaden people s hori on, arouse their interest and strengthen their confidence.

Author Wenhong Zhang is a ull Pro essor o the Huashan Hospital, udan Universit , China. r hang graduated rom Shanghai edical Universit in 996. n 2003, he was appointed to the position o research ellow at eth srael eaconess edical Center, a liated to Harvard edical School. n 2006, he worked as senior visiting scholar in the epartment o icrobiolog and mmunolog , at he Universit o llinois, in Chicago. He has been engaged in clinical practice and research o in ectious diseases and liver diseases. rom 2006, his research work ocuses on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment o viral hepatitis, bacterial in ections and other in ectious diseases. Currentl , he is the head o the Clinical Center or n ectious iseases and Liver iseases o Huashan Hospital, udan Universit . Pro . hang is also the Chair o the Societ o Shanghai n ectious iseases Ph sicians and the General Secretar o Chinese ssociation o n ectious iseases. Since anuar 2020, Pro. hang is the leader o Shanghai C 9 medical treatment group. He has led a number o multi center registered clinical trials involved in the area o tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis, and chronic viral hepatitis. He developed the new strateg to treat and shortened the treatment duration rom 24 months to 2 months. oreover, he has led a clinical trial to treat tubercular meningitis and increased the survival rate with line olid. he new strateg to treat tubercular meningitis was accepted b WH guidelines or tuberculosis. eanwhile, his team ound the characteristics o H and its relationship with the pathogenesis o chronic hepatitis . s the leader o Shanghai C 9 medical treatment group, Pro . hang success ull guided his team and treated more than 300 patients with C 9 rom anuar to arch 2020 in Shanghai. He has accumulated a lot o success ul e perience in treating C 9 patients.

May 2022 £35 | HARDCOVER 978 945552 2 0

Imprint: World Centur Publishing Corporation Extent: 70pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Li e Sciences


Sub-Subjects: General Li e Sciences Popular Science n ectious iseases icrobiolog irolog esearch icrobiolog irolog mmunolog Keywords: Germs iruses acteria icrobes Pandemic n uen a Hepatitis n ectious isease Cervical Cancer Chicken Po easles H S S S E S C 9 Plague Cholera uberculosis iphtheria Pertussis etanus Helicobacter p lori hang Wenhong Readership: Students and an one interested in science

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents •

About Infectious Diseases: Invisible Threats Trilogy of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Man’s Secret Weapon Viruses: Influenza: The Terminator of the First World War Hepatitis: An Invisible Threat to Life Cervical Cancer: When the “Beauty Killer” Meets the Nemesis Chickenpox: Campus Troublemakers Measles: Highly Contagious Little Red Spots Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: Enteroviruses Causing Mischief HIV/AIDS: The Trojan War of the Biological World Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Bats Are the Culprit MERS: New SARS in the Middle East COVID-19: The Unbearable Weight of the Crown Bacteria: Plague: The Black Death that Ravaged Europe Cholera: Drinking Water was the Culprit TB: The Ancient “White Plague” Diphtheria: Scourge of Childhood Pertussis: Uncover the Truth Behind a Persistent Cough Tetanus: A small Cut Can Be Fatal Helicobacter pylori: Celebrity Bacteria in the Halo of the Nobel Prize Struggle Against Infectious Diseases: Nature’s Silent Warning An Era When There Will Be No Cures Available? Living with Microbes

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices (Volumes 3 & 4) Volume 3: OLEDs Volume 4: Flexible Bioelectronics Franky So

North Carolina State University, USA

Taewoo Lee#

Seoul National University, South Korea

Dongge Ma

South China University of Technology, China

Description Organic (opto)electronic materials have received considerable attention due to their applications in perovskite and flexible electronics, OPVs and OLEDs and many others. e ecting the rapid growth in research and development o organic (opto)electronic materials over the last ew decades, World Scientific Handbook of Organic Optoelectronic Devices provides a comprehensive coverage o the state o the art in an accessible ormat. t presents the most widel recogni ed undamentals, principles, and mechanisms along with representative e amples, ke e perimental data, and over 200 illustrative figures.

Editors Dr Franky So received his Ph rom the Universit o Southern Cali ornia. He worked or otorola and S pto Semiconductors or 4 ears be ore he became a pro essor at the Universit o lorida. He was a ol E Hummel Pro essor o Electronic aterials in the epartment o aterials Science and Engineering at the Universit o lorida. Since 20 5, he oined the orth Carolina State Universit and is currentl the Walter and da reeman istinguished Pro essor o aterials Science and Engineering. r So is currentl a ellow o the ational cadem o nventors, S, EEE, S , S , and SP E. He is the Editor in Chie o aterials Science and Engineering eports and ssociate Editor o our other research ournals.

May 2022 £685 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 029 4 Introductory Offer till May 31, 2022 List Price after May 31, 2022, £785

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent:


Type: Handbook Series:

aterials and Energ

Dongge Ma received his S degree rom Liaoning Universit in 989, and S and Ph degree rom ilin Universit in 992 and 995, respectivel . rom 995 998, he worked as a postdoct associate pro essor at Changchun nstitute o pplied Chemistr , Chinese cadem o Science. uring 998 200 , he became a visiting pro essor at Universidade ederal do Parana, ra il, and a senior research ellow at urham Universit and St ndrews Universit , UK. He oined State Ke Lab o Pol mer Ph sics and Chemistr , Changchun nstitute o pplied Chemistr , Chinese cadem o Science as a ull pro essor in 200 . Since 20 6, he has been a ull pro essor at State Ke Laborator o Luminescence aterials and evices in South China Universit o echnolog . He was highl cited scientist o homson euters (Clarivate) rom 20 4 to 20 8.

Main Subject:

Taewoo Lee is a pro essor in the epartment o aterials Science and Engineering at Seoul ational Universit , Korea. He received his Ph. . in Chemical Engineering rom Korea dvanced nstitute o Science and echnolog (K S ), Korea, in 2002. He oined ell Laboratories, Lucent echnologies, US , as a postdoctoral researcher in 2002 and then worked at Samsung dvanced nstitute o echnolog as a member o the research sta (2003 2008). He was an assistant and associate pro essor in the epartment o aterials Science and Engineering at Pohang Universit o Science and echnolog (P S ECH), Korea, until ugust 20 6.

Readership: dvanced graduate students and researchers in the field o electrical and electronic engineering specificall in pol mers, semiconductors and related areas

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

aterials Science

Sub-Subjects: Pol mers Semiconductors elated reas Electrical Electronic Engineering Ph sical Chemistr anoelectronics anomaterials nd anostructures Keywords: Perovskite Light Emi ng iodes hin ilms LE s P s Solar Cells Pol mer le ible ioelectronics

Contents •

Volume 3: OLEDs (Dongge Ma): Efficient Non-doped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens (Yinghao Li, Jingjing Guo, Zujin Zhao, and Ben Zhong Tang) Boron-Containing Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials for High-Efficiency OLEDs (Seob Park and Takuma Yasuda) Exciton Managements of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Devices (Guohua Xie and Chuluo Yang) Phosphorus-Containing Organic Semiconductors for Electroluminescence (Chunbo Duan and Hui Xu) Insertion Layer Energy Level Alignment and Engineering in Organic Light Emitting Diode (Dongmei Niu and Yongli Gao) Manipulating Electronic Processes at Organic Heterojunctions for Ultralow Voltage OLEDs (Shou-Jie He and Zheng-Hong Lu) White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (Lian Duan) Effect of Refractive Index on Light Out-coupling Efficiency in OLEDs (Amin Salehi, Dong-Hun Shin, and Franky So) Application of Conducting Polymers for Optical Out-coupling of OLEDs (Chung-Chih Wu and Min Jiao) Exploring Device Physics in OLEDs via Magneto-electroluminescence Study (Feng Li and Qiming Peng) Radical-based Light-Emitting Diodes (RLEDs) with Doublet Emission (Feng Li and Xin Ai) Alternating Current (AC)-Driven Organic Light-Emitting Devices (Yonghua Chen and Dongge Ma) High Performance Blue Fluorescence OLEDs (Dongge Ma) Volume 4: Flexible Bioelectronics (Taewoo Lee): Introduction to Flexible Bioelectronics (Ying Chen, Yu Yan, Lanlan Liu, Kunwei Zheng, Yizhou Qi, Jun Ai, Qiqi Fu, Qifeng Du, Tao Zhou, Ruitao Tang, Bocheng Zhang, Jianliang Xiao, Haoran Fu, and Xue Feng) Flexible Bioelectronics to Healthcare Monitoring Applications (Ying Chen, Yu Yan, Lanlan Liu, Kunwei Zheng, Yizhou Qi, Jun Ai, Qiqi Fu, Qifeng Du, Tao Zhou, Ruitao Tang, Bocheng Zhang, Jianliang Xiao, Haoran Fu, and Xue Feng) Wearable Sensors for Healthcare Monitoring and Soft Robotics (Moo Yeol Lee, Cheol Hee Park, Hae Rang Lee, Hong Ki Kim, and Joon Hak Oh) Electronic Skin (Benjamin C-K Tee) Flexible Ionic Tactile Sensors for Artificial Skin (Do Hwan Kim) Flexible/Stretchable Biosensors and Bio-inspired Sensors (Anneng Yang and Feng Yan) Flexible and Stretchable Organic Biosensors (Yongcao Zhang and Cunjiang Yu) Organic-Based Biophotonic Devices (Ramakant Sharma, Jaehyeok Park, Hyeonwoo Lee, Jinouk Song, Hanul Moon, and Seunghyup Yoo) Bio-inspired Adhesives for Wearable Electronics (Heon Joon Lee, Sangyul Baik, and Changhyun Pang) Soft Bioelectronics based on Conductive Hydrogel (Yongseok Joseph Hong, Yoonsoo Shin, and Dae-Hyeong Kim) Organic Artificial Nerve Electronics (Gyeong-Tak Go, Dae-Gyo Seo, Yeongjun Lee, and Tae-Woo Lee) Tissue-Like Bioelectronics for Cyborg Engineering (Hao Sheng and Jia Liu) Biodegradable Organic Materials for Bioelectronics (Jio Kim, Yoon-Nam Kim, and Seung-Kyun Kang)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

New Horizons in Differential Geometry and its Related Fields Toshiaki Adachi

Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Hideya Hashimoto

Meijo University, Japan

Key Features • • •

ocuses on recent progress o geometric structures on iemannian mani olds and their discreti ation Contains works that treat geometric structures concretel nvaluable not onl or researchers in this area but also or graduate students as a guide to e plore urther in this area


May 2022

This volume presents recent developments in geometric structures on Riemannian manifolds and their discretization. With chapters wri en b recogni ed e perts, these discussions ocus on contact structures, K hler structures, fiber bundle structures and Einstein metrics. t also contains works on the geometric approach on coding theor .

£75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 809 2

or researchers and students, this volume orms an invaluable source to learn about these sub ects that are not onl in the field o di erential geometr but also in other wide related areas. t promotes and deepens the stud o geometric structures.

Editor Hideya Hashimoto graduated rom Chuo Universit , apan, and received his degree rom iigata Universit , apan. His field o stud is in di erential geometr . He has 4 publications, and he has edited si books.

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 260pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: Geometr (Conve nd iscrete Geometr ) nd opolog Global nal sis nal sis n ani olds umerical nal sis Combinatorics ssociative onassociative ings nd lgebra Keywords: Geometric Structure Contact ani olds Sasakian ani olds Kaehler ani olds agnetic ields ra ectories Einstein etrics S mplectic Group Homogeneous Spaces Cotangent undles ochner Curvature Comple H perbolic Spaces Hop ibrations Cartan H persur aces otall Geodesic Sur aces eal H persur aces Graphs d acenc perators Coding Linear Codes ilenkin Chrestenson rans orm Covering adius Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the fields o di erential geometr and discrete mathematics World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

agnetic Curves in uasi Sasakian ani olds o Product pe (Marian Ioan MUNTEANU and Ana Irina NISTOR) otion o Charged Particles in a Compact Homogeneous Sasakian ani old (Osamu IKAWA) ote on Legendre ra ectories on Sasakian Space orms (Qingsong SHI and Toshiaki ADACHI) on aturall eductive Einstein etrics on the S mplectic Group via uaternionic lag ani olds (Andreas ARVANITOYEORGOS and Yusuke SAKANE) Lie heoretic nterpretation o eali ations o Some Contact etric ani olds (Takahiro HASHINAGA, Akira KUBO, Yuichiro TAKETOMI and Hiroshi TAMARU) bout Code E uivalence Geometric pproach (Iliya BOUYUKLIEV and Stefka BOUYUKLIEVA) n lgorithm or Computing the Covering adius o a Linear Code ased on ilenkin Chrestenson rans orm (Paskal PIPERKOV, Iliya BOUYUKLIEV and Stefka BOUYUKLIEVA) Geometric Properties o on lat otall Geodesic Sur aces in S mmetric Spaces o pe (Misa OHASHI and Kazuhiro SUZUKI) n the elationships etween Hop ibrations and Cartan H persur aces in Spheres (Hideya HASHIMOTO) ochner Curvature o Cotangent undles with atural iagonal Kaehler Structures (Simona-Luiza DRUTA-ROMANIUC) sotropicit o Sur aces with ero ean Curvature ector in 4 dimensional Spaces (Naoya ANDO) Geometr o Lie H persur aces in a Comple H perbolic Space (Sadahiro MAEDA and Hiromasa TANABE) Kaehler Graphs Whose Principal Graphs are o Cartesian Product pe (Toshiaki ADACHI) n emor o Pro essor kihiko orimoto (Naoko MORIMOTO and Toshiaki ADACHI) n emor o Pro essor Georgi Ganchev (Velichka MILOUSHEVA)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015– 2016) Problems and Solutions Bin Xiong

East China Normal University, China

Peng Yee Lee

Cover Available Soon

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Key Features • • •

China has per ormed outstandingl in and the book gathers rom the tutorial e perience o man e cellent teachers he author is one o the leading e perts in aspects o maths contests in China as the coach o China s ational eam he Chinese version o the book has been ver popular


May 2022

In China, lots of excellent maths students takes an active part in various maths contests and the best six senior high school students will be selected to form the IMO National Team to compete in the International Mathematical Olympiad. In the past ten ears China s eam has achieved outstanding results the won the first place almost ever ear.

£50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 07 2

he materials o this book come rom a series o two books (in Chinese) on Forward to IMO: A Collection of Mathematical Olympiad Problems (20 5 20 6). t is a collection o problems and solutions o the ma or mathematical competitions in China. t provides a glimpse o how the China national team is selected and ormed.

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Published with East China ormal Universit Press

£25 | S C E 978 98 25 9 7

Extent: 250pp Type: Stud Guide Series: athematical l mpiad Series Volume 17 Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: Popular ecreational athematics athematics Education Keywords: athematics nternational athematical l mpiad China athematics Problems Readership: athematics students, school teachers, college lecturers, universit pro essors mathematics enthusiasts

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • •

China athematical Competition China athematical Competition (Complementar China athematical l mpaid China ational eam Selection est China Girls athematical l mpiad China Western athematical nvitation China Southeastern athematical l mpiad nternational athematical l mpiad


World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

How to Cheat with Statistics — and Get Away with It From Data Snooping over Kitchen Sink Regression to “Creative Reporting” Gunter Meissner

University of Hawaii, USA

Endorsement “This book explains the weaknesses, inconsistencies, and flaws in statistics to avoid misinformation and fake news. It is a must-read for anyone dealing with statistics and should be part of every statistics class!” Ranjan Bhaduri, PHD in Math, BSc (Honours) MBA, CAIA, CFA Chief Executive Officer Bodhi Research Group

Key Features •

uring his 30 ears o teaching statistics, the author came across man weaknesses, inconsistencies, and aws in statistics. hese limitations allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive desired outcomes While the title o the book is How to Cheat with Statistics , the author actuall e plains how to identi and catch statistical cheaters. here ore, this book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch statistical cheaters he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest


May 2022 £45 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 7 9 £20 | S C E 978 98 25 248 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 60pp Type: e tbook

The book explains how to identify and catch statistical cheaters. he author came across man weaknesses and aws in statistics through 30 ears o teaching. hese weaknesses allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive a desired outcome. his book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch a statistical cheater he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest.

Author er a lectureship in mathematics and statistics at the Economic cadem Kiel, Gunter Meissner Ph , oined eutsche ank in 990, trading interest rate utures, swaps, and options in rank urt and ew ork. He became Head o Product evelopment in 994, responsible or originating algorithms or new derivatives products, which at the time were Lookback ptions, ulti asset ptions, uanto ptions, verage ptions, nde morti ing Swaps, and ermuda Swaptions. n 995 996 Gunter eissner was Head o ptions at eutsche ank ok o. rom 997 to 2007, Gunter was Pro essor o inance at Hawaii Pacific Universit and rom 2008 to 20 3 irector o the aster in inancial Engineering Program at the Universit o Hawaii. Currentl , he is President o erivatives So ware ( and d unct Pro essor o athematical inance at Columbia Universit and U. Gunter eissner has published numerous papers and si other books on derivatives and risk management, and is a re uent speaker on con erences and seminars. He can be reached at gunter@ His CV is at

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: Statistics Keywords: ata Snooping Pearson egression Kitchen Sink egression Pol nomial egression ulticollinearit Heteroskedasticit Creative eporting Readership: eginning undergraduate students interested in statistics, instructors o statistics, statisticians an general audience interested in statistics

Contents • • •

Input Manipulation: Manipulating Input Data Manipulating the Research Time Frame Manipulating Statistical Calculations: Regression Analysis Inferential Statistics ‘Creative Reporting’, i.e., Distorting Outputs: Numerical Bias Visual Bias

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and Correlation Functions An Advanced Course Nikita Slavnov

Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia

Key Features • • •

he book presents the most recent results obtained in the field o the algebraic ethe ansat t describes in a pedagogical ashion appl ing this method to calculate correlation unctions that can be measured e perimentall t discusses specific e amples o calculating correlation unctions and their as mptotic behavior

Description It is unlikely that today there is a specialist in theoretical physics who has not heard anything about the algebraic Bethe ansatz. ver the past ew ears, this method has been activel used in uantum statistical ph sics models, condensed ma er ph sics, gauge field theories, and string theor . his book presents the state o the art research in the field o algebraic ethe ansat . long with the results that have alread become classic, the book also contains the results obtained in recent ears. he reader will get ac uainted with the solution o the spectral problem and more comple problems that are solved using this method. arious methods or calculating scalar products and orm actors are described in detail. Special a ention is paid to appl ing the algebraic ethe ansat to the calculation o the correlation unctions o uantum integrable models. he book also elaborates on multiple integral representations or correlation unctions and e amples o calculating the long distance as mptotics o correlations.

May 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 425 3

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 400pp Type:

onograph ( reat s e tbook)

his te t is intended or advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, and specialists interested in the mathematical methods o stud ing ph sical s stems that allow them to obtain e act results.

Author Nikita Slavnov heads the epartment o heoretical Ph sics o the Steklov athematical nstitute, oscow, ussia. His research work ocuses on uantum integrable s stems and related topics. He is the author o over 00 scientific publications, and he has conducted research in theoretical ph sics at Ecole ormale Superieure de L on, rance, the Universit Savoie ont lanc, nnec , rance, and the Universit o ours, rance. He organi es and teaches a course o lectures on integrable s stems at the Steklov athematical nstitute. He is the author o lecture courses on the algebraic ethe ansat ( ialowie a, Poland) and the nested ethe ansat (Les Houches, rance).

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: athematical Ph sics uantum heor Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics Keywords: lgebraic ethe nsat Correlation unctions ethe ectors Scalar Products orm actors ethe E uations rans er atri Generali ed odel Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers in mathematical ph sics and theoretical ph sics

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •

uantum ntegrable S stems lgebraic ethe nsat uantum nverse Problem Composite odel Scalar Products o Shell ethe ectors Scalar Products with n Shell ethe ectors lternative ethods to Compute Scalar Products orm actors o the onodrom atri Elements orm actors o Local perators hermod namic Limit ultiple ntegral epresentations or Correlation unctions s mptotics o Correlation unctions via orm actor E pansion Appendices: he Psi unction and the arnes G unction inite Si e Corrections to the E citation Energ dentities or redholm eterminants ntegrals with andermonde eterminant

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Analysis in Euclidean Space Joaquim Bruna

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain & Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, Spain

Key Features •

• • • •

he inverse and implicit unction theorems are combined with Picard s theorem on the e istence and uni ueness o solutions or ordinar di erential e uations to deal with the Cauch problem or some linear partial di erential e uations Unlike man other te tbooks, s stems o orthogonal amilies o curves and sur aces, rigidit o con ormal maps in space and Lam sur aces are care ull studied n integration theor , both the iemann and Lebesgue theories are described and their di erences e plained multidimensional version o the undamental theorem o calculus, completel original, is s stematicall used to prove the basic theorems o vector anal sis ntegration on mani olds is complemented with an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , another unusual topic in other te ts n original approach to the theor o conservative and solenoidal fields as it is the Hodge decomposition o vector fields, based on the solution o irichlet and eumann problems, which hardl ound in other te tbooks dditional significant results are proposed as e ercises. stud ing this te t, the student will learn not onl the main areas o stud , but also understand the connections with other important areas o mathematics

Description Based on notes written during the teacher’s many years of teaching, Analysis in Euclidean Space mainly covers Differentiation and Integration theory in several real variables, but also an array of closely related areas including measure theory, differential geometry, classical theory of curves geometric measure theory, integral geometry, and others. With several original results, new approaches and an emphasis on concepts and rigorous proo s, the book is suitable or undergraduate students, particularl in mathematics and ph sics, who are interested in ac uiring a solid grounding in anal sis and e panding their background. here are man e amples and e ercises inserted in the te t or the student to work independentl . Analysis in Euclidian Space comprises twent chapters, each with an introduction summari ing its contents, and an additional chapter containing miscellaneous e ercises. eachers ma use the varied chapters o this book or di erent undergraduate courses in anal sis. he onl prere uisites are a basic course in linear algebra and a standard first ear calculus course in di erentiation and integration. s the book progresses, the di cult increases such that some o the later sections ma be appropriate or graduate stud .

Author Joaquim Bruna obtained his Ph in athematics in 978, at Universitat ut noma de arcelona (U ), and was a postdoctoral researcher at Universit de Paris Sud ( rsa ). Since 984 he has been ull pro essor in the epartment o athematics at U , having held positions as visiting pro essor at the Universit o Wisconsin adison and the Universit o ew ork at lban . He has been editor in chie o Publicacions atem ti ues and has served as editor o evista atem tica beroamericana. His research interests are classical real anal sis, harmonic and comple anal sis, several comple variables and signal anal sis. He has published 65 research papers, dissemination articles and three te tbooks, and has mentored ten Ph students. He has participated in 25 research pro ects, o which as a P . He was the director o the Centre de ecerca atem tica (C ) rom 2008 to 20 5.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 7 9

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 560pp Type: e tbook Series: Essential e tbooks in athematics Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: General Pure athematics easure nd ntegration rdinar i erential E uations Partial i erential E uations eal unctions Keywords: igid otions Compact Sets i erential Gradient acobians Chain ule Change Coordinates unctional ependence mplicit unction nverse unction Curves Sur aces egular Sub ani olds angent Space a lor s ormula eal nal tic unctions Constrained ptimi ation ector ields i erential orms Readership: Can be used as a te tbook or undergraduate students stud ing di erentiation theor in several real variables, measure and integration in several real variables, ordinar di erential e uations, linear partial di erential e uations, vector anal sis, and curves and sur aces. Graduate students ma use this book or an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , as well as advanced topics in vector anal sis

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Euclidean Space Continuous unctions Coordinate S stems, Curves and Sur aces i erentiation Higher rder erivatives he nverse and mplicit unction heorems egular Sub ani olds rdinar i erential E uations Linear Partial i erential E uations rthogonal amilies o Curves and Sur aces easuring Sets he iemann ntegral he Lebesgue ntegral ubini s heorem and Change o ariables ntegration on Sub ani olds Line ntegrals and lu he asic heorems o ector nal sis Conservative and Solenoidal ields Harmonic unctions he ivergence and otational E uations Poisson s E uation he irichlet and eumann Problems dditional E ercises

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Algebraic Inequalities In Mathematical Olympiad and Competitions Ji Chen

Ningbo University, China

Chaocheng Ji

Ningbo High School, China

Huyue Shen

Zhenhai High School, China

Ruhe Wang

Zhenhai High School, China

Key Features • • •

lgebraic ine ualities is one o the hot topics o athematic l mpiad he authors are e perts in this field he title provides good re erence or readers to learn and discuss urther

May 2022 Description The focus of this book is algebraic inequalities. ot onl is it the current athematical l mpiad hot topic, it is also the basis o geometric ine ualities. n addition, the book involves some anal sis on ine ualit . his book serves as a good re erence in the field o algebraic ine ualities as aced in problems ound in a athematical l mpiad.

£56 | HARDCOVER 978 938 34 95 £32 | S C E 978 938 34 92 0

Imprint: World Centur Publishing Corporation Extent: 200pp Type: e tbook Series: World Centur athematical l mpiad Series Volume 2 Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: athematics Education General Education Keywords: ne ualit E ualit rans ormation Homogeni ation ormali ation ne ualities o Se uences Conve unction Readership: School students keen to learn more o mathematics and specificall mathematics related to the coaches and instructors o mathematical competitions

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • •

ne ualities and E ualities rans ormation Homogeni ations and ormali ations ne ualities o Se uences Conve unction and Some Comple ne ualities ne ualit Skills o r ad nswer Sheet and Hints

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice 5th Edition David Koh

Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei & National University of Singapore, Singapore

Wee Hoe Gan

Singapore General Hospital, Singapore & Changi General Hospital, Singapore

Endorsement “The text is generally very readable, the scientific quality of the content is above reproach, and the content is very comprehensive within the confines of the size of the actual book … In my opinion, the book meets the needs of the varied targeted audience, and I would regard it as good value for money. I would consider the book useful for occupational practitioners particularly those in training who would gain a global perspective on many of the issues of occupational medicine.” Occupational Medicine

Description Following the success of the fourth edition, which was highly commended in the primary health care category for the 2018 British Medical Association (BMA) Medical Book Awards, this fifth edition has been substantially revised and updated to reflect significant changes in health care practice and to incorporate the explosion of information since the advent of the fourth industrial revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic. s be ore, the book covers target organ s stems that can be a ected b ha ardous e posures in traditional industries and modern workplaces, both o which coe ist in di erent parts o the world and present uni ue occupational health challenges or the medical practitioner. o this end, this re erence te tbook ocuses on the clinical presentations, investigations, and medical and work centric management o a ected individuals. We have retained consideration o some special issues relevant to occupational medicine practice in this new edition and included a new section relating to the multidisciplinar nature o occupational health practice. he main emphasis continues to be prevention o disease and earl detection o health e ects caused b work e posures. his edition o the book has been updated to include new in ormation and re erences. We have kept some o the previous case studies and illustrations, and introduced several new ones, some o which re ect the changes o practice due to the C 9 pandemic or e ample, in risk communication, recognition and management o the risks o health care and rontline work. We have again asked international e perts in occupational medicine and cross disciplinar medical specialties to ointl author man o the chapters. Some o the authors are rom sia, and others rom the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and ustralia. ll the authors have either clinical and or academic e perience in, or related to occupational medicine practice. he book is targeted at all those who are interested in the interaction between work and health, and how occupational diseases and work related disorders ma present and be managed. t will be o interest to medical practitioners, especiall those in primar care and doctors intending to pursue a career in occupational medicine. t would also be relevant or allied health and sa et pro essionals wanting to know more about health e ects resulting rom occupational e posures. ther groups who ma find this edition use ul as a read re erence are medical students, occupational health nurses, or clinical specialists in diverse fields such as dermatolog , respirator medicine, in ectious diseases or to icolog .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £115 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 564 0

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 650pp Type: e tbook

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: Public Health (+Epidemiolog ) ccupational Communit edicine edical Law edical Ethics General edicine Keywords: ccupational


Readership: he book is targeted at all those who are interested in the interaction between work and health, and how occupational diseases and work related disorders ma present and be managed. t will be o interest to medical practitioners, especiall those in primar care and doctors intending to pursue a career in occupational medicine. t would also be relevant or non medical health and sa et pro essionals wanting to know more about health e ects resulting rom occupational e posures. ther groups who ma find this edition use ul as a read re erence are medical students, occupational health nurses, or clinical specialists in diverse fields such as dermatolog , respirator medicine, in ectious diseases or to icolog

Contents • •

oreword (President, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland) Clinical Occupational Medicine: Work and Health (D Koh & W H Gan) Diagnosis and Management of Occupational Diseases (W H Gan & D Koh) Respiratory Disorders (D Fishwick & C Barber) Skin Disorders (D Koh & C L Goh) Mental Health Disorders (K Addley & R Kerr) Musculoskeletal Disorders (K Walker-Bone & J Frølund Thomsen) Auditory Disorders (A Razali & K G Rampal) Haematological Disorders (W T Ng & M Newson-Smith) Neurological Disorders (I Brown & A Sen) Occupational Infections (L Y Hsu et al.) Renal Disorders (H Rees et al.) Cardiovascular Disorders (E Shantsila et al.) Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal Disorders (R Masilamani et al.) Eye Injuries and Other Disorders (L Teo et al.) Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders (E L Tng & S M Lee) Reproductive Disorders (J W Lim & D Koh) Occupational Cancers (L Fritschi & A Reid) Special Issues in Occupational Medicine: Aviation Medicine (B See et al.) Diving Medicine (J Chng & G Chan) Remote Health Care (J N Norman) Medical Disasters Planning and Response (H Mohamed & A H Samad) Health Screening and Surveillance (W H Gan & D Koh) Rehabilitation and Return to Work (N Williams) Workers’ Compensation Schemes (P Cullinan & D Koh) Multidisciplinary Occupational Health Practice: The Multidisciplinary Nature of Occupational Health Practice (R-T Lin et al.) Occupational Medicine Practice and the Law (S M Lee & D Koh) Ethics in Occupational Medicine (D Koh & S M Lee) Audit and Evidence-Based Occupational Medicine Practice (Y-L L Guo) Cultural Aspects of Occupational Medicine Practice (A Bandhukul) Crisis Communication in the Pandemic Era for Occupational Medicine (M Lum) Prevention of Occupational Diseases (D Koh & W H Gan)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Shoulder Surgery Made Easy! The Singapore Shoulder & Elbow Society Guide to Arthroscopic and Open Shoulder Procedures Denny T T Lie

Singapore General Hospital, Singapore

Key Features •

• • •

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Well proven surgical techni ues developed over 5 ears in one o sia s busiest hospitals ll techni ues are substantiated b published clinical results Ke acts are summari ed, techni ues wri en in succinct and simple language, presented in point orm or eas reading ichl illustrated with more than 280 surgical pictures, diagrams and ow charts Comprehensive approach to common shoulder problems, beginning with a diagnostic approach and ph sical e amination in chapter , ollowed b imaging o the shoulder (chapter 2) and then pre surgical preparations in chapter 3 9 chapters are dedicated to describing more than 22 surgical procedures each chapter beginning with surgical indications, techni ues, post op care and outcomes first or Singapore medicine first shoulder surgical te tbook b members o the Singapore Shoulder Elbow Societ wide potential market in neighbouring countries where Singapore surgeons and members o SSES o en teach

Cover Available Soon

May 2022 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-983-9

Description What is causing the shoulder pain? How does one prepare or arthroscopic shoulder surger What is ade uate subacromial decompression How does one stabili e the la capsule in the sian shoulder Which o the man suture configurations should one use or the man tear morphologies Shoulder surger , especiall arthroscopic procedures, have seen a dramatic increase in the past 0 ears. With improved diagnostic modalities, increased awareness and rapid advances in implant technologies, the minimall invasive surgical option has been more appealing to patients. his shoulder arthroscopic surger guide a empts to answer the uestions above, and was wri en as a uick re erence and guide or rthopaedic residents and practicing surgeons, with proven techni ues developed b the author and contributors over the past 5 ears. Each surgical techni ue has proven published results and thus provides an assurance to the readers that these techni ues are reproducible. he book starts with a chapter dedicated to a diagnostic approach to shoulder problems, o en a con using s mptom that is not well studied. ore than 22 surgical techni ues are described in detail, in succinct and simple point orms, each chapter beginning with an introduction to the problem, the surgical techni ue which the author(s) ound use ul, post op care and ending o with the clinical results o this techni ue. his 240 page book is illustrated with about 280 pictures and drawings.

Author A/Prof Denny Lie is a Senior Consultant rthopaedic surgeon, practising at the Singapore General Hospital, in the field o shoulder and sports surger . He has per ormed about 2000 shoulder surgeries in his 5 ears o post ellowship practice, and teaches medical students rom uke US, LL US and LKC medical schools. He has published more than 80 papers in peer reviewed ournals, and given more than 200 talks in regional and international meetings.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type:

edical Handbook

Main Subject:


Sub-Subjects: rthopaedics (+Plastic Surger ) iomechanics Surger Singapore Collection Keywords: Shoulder Surgical Guide rthroscop Cu ears ual ow epairs Suture Configurations argin Convergence Partial ears assive ears Superior Capsular econstruction endon rans er alloon nspace ankart epair Capsular Shi Glenoid one Loss on ankart Readership: Primar market rthopaedic residents and practicing rthopaedic surgeons in Singapore and regional countries in sia especiall ndia and China. Use ul or higher post grad rthopaedic e ams, and could serve as te t guides in shoulder arthroscop courses. Secondar markets dvanced medical undergraduate, post graduate allied healthcare sta , and researchers interested in shoulder surger . his book would also be o interest to implant industr managers in their educational and marketing e orts

Contents • •

• •

Section 1: Palliative Care What is Palliative Care (H Y Wu) Section 2: Symptoms one Pain (A Hum) rain etastasis (M Dalisay-Gallardo) Cancer Pain (R Lee) Constipation (R Chen) elirium (S L Ang) iarrhoea (S L Ang) spnea (S L Ang) Hiccups (M Dalisay-Gallardo) alignant scites (X Heng) ausea and omiting (X Heng) ral hrush (S C Chia) Pruritus (X Heng) Section 3: End Organ Disease End Stage Heart ailure (C H Aw) End Stage enal ailure (J Guan) End Stage Lung isease (Z-Y Chiam) End Stage Liver isease (J Lau) ementia and railt (W Y Goh) Paediatric Palliative Care (P H Chong) Section 4: Terminal Symptoms utrition and H dration (M Y Chau) Palliative Sedation (C H Poi) erminal Secretions a ling (M Y Chau) Section 5: Palliative Care Emergencies cute Pain Crisis (R Lee) irwa bstruction (Stridor) (C M Lee) leeding (J Ong) H percalcemia (C S Lee) Sei ures (J Ong) alignant Spinal Cord Compression (C M Yee) Superior ena Cava bstruction (C S Lee) enous hromboembolism (A Hum) Section 6: Psychosocial Issues in Palliative Care n iet (Y X Kwan) epression (W P Lim) Grie and ereavement (Y X Kwan) Spiritual Care (T Yung) Section 7: Communication reaking ad ews (M Koh) Goals o Care iscussions (M Koh) dvance Care Planning (R Ng) n pproach to Ethical Case nal sis in Palliative Care (H Y Neo) Section 8: Community Services Communit Palliative Care Services (G S Chia) Section 9: Opioids and Adjuvant Analgesics Codeine (S C Chia) entan l (R Lee) Ketamine (M T Provido) ethadone (M T Provido) orphine (H K Lee) codone (H K Lee) ramadol (S C Chia) Lignocaine (S C Chia) Section 10: Practical Issues in Palliative Care pioid Conversion Chart (C Tan) Continuous Subcutaneous n usion rug Chart H podermocl sis (C Tan) rug Compatibilit (H K Lee et al.) erminal ischarge (W Ong) pioid o icit (A Hum) Palliative Care rug ormular (H K Lee et al.)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

The Path to Transformational Space Exploration In 2 Volumes Volume 1: Fundamentals of Directed Energy Volume 2: Applications of Directed Energy Philip Lubin

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Key Features •

his book and the man technical papers associated with it provide the first detailed path to uture propulsion which will enable humanit to finall break the bonds o our solar s stem

Description In this book Professor Lubin lays out the fundamental physics and mathematics required to radically alter our capabilities in propulsion to enable extreme highspeed space flight both in our solar system and beyond. he case is made that the onl currentl viable solution to enable this trans ormation, including relativistic ight or the first interstellar robotic missions, is using large scale directed energ . raditional methods o propulsion are not capable o achieving the speed re uired or these missions, including ast crewed missions to ars as well as the man robotic missions desired both in our solar s stem and to the nearest stars. Humanit has now reached a technological tipping point with the abilit to pro ect power over vast distances with trans ormational implications in a wide variet o areas, rom propulsion to beaming power throughout our solar s stem to planetar de ence. n a series o over 60 technical papers, the undamentals o this trans ormation are outlined and s nthesi ed in this book, allowing a detailed understanding o the man challenges ahead and a roadmap or human e ploration ar be ond our solar s stem. While the road ahead is long and challenging, it provides the path to radicall alter humanit s uture.

Author Philip Lubin is a pro essor o Ph sics at UC Santa arbara whose primar research has been ocused on studies o the earl universe in the millimeter wavelengths bands as well as applications o directed energ or planetar de ense and relativistic propulsion. His group has designed, developed and fielded more than two do en ground based and balloon borne missions and helped develop two ma or cosmolog satellites. mong other accomplishments his group first detected the hori on scale uctuations in the Cosmic icrowave ackground rom both their South Pole and balloon borne s stems twent ears ago and their latest results, along with an international team o ES and S researchers, are rom the Planck cosmolog mission which have mapped in e uisite detail the structures o the earl universe. He is a co on the Planck mission. His group has worked on applications o directed energ s stems or both small scale single launcher solutions as well as large stando s stems or planetar de ense and on applications to allow small interstellar probes to achieve relativistic speeds or the first interstellar missions. He is director o the S Starlight program whose goal is to use directed energ or humanit s first interstellar missions. He is also concept director or the reakthrough Starshot program whose goals are also to achieve relativistic ight with miniature spacecra . He is co recipient o the 2006 Gruber Pri e in Cosmolog along with the C E science team or their groundbreaking work in cosmolog as well as the 20 8 Gruber Pri e in Cosmolog along with the Planck science team or their determination o undamental cosmological parameter. He has published more than 400 papers.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £200 | H C E SE 978 98 24 903 7

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 7 6pp Type:


Series: World Scientific Series on Emerging echnologies vram ar Cohen emorial Series Volume 2 Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: pplied nd echnical Ph sics stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) ptics nd Laser Ph sics Keywords: irected Energ Propulsion eamed Energ Space Science elativistic light nterstellar light Starlight Starshot apid nterplanetar issions Readership: cademia and astronom , astroph sics, ph sics and space science industr advanced undergraduates

Contents •

Volume 1: Fundamentals of Directed Energy: ntroduction Ph sics o Photon Propulsion ptical esign Laborator Scale esting Ground esting and eplo ment Launch ptions e ectors Pointing and Course Correction cceleration and eceleration ela ode or Communication adiation E ects Spacecra Power Sources uring Long Cruise Ground vs. Space eplo ment Science Enabled Economics Cost nal sis ision and nspiration Volume 2: Applications of Directed Energy: ptical esign Considerations ntermediate Steps eplo ment Strateg nteractions with the Local Photon ields ptions or Slowing own ur Stellar eighborhood Comparing E Propulsion to ther ptions or on elativistic Cases Communications eamed Power pplications Wa er Scale Spacecra

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Superinsulators, Bose Metals and HighTc Superconductors The Quantum Physics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles Carlo A Trugenberger

SwissScientific Technologies SA, Switzerland

Key Features • • •

here e ists no other book on emergent magnetic monopoles in the market his book is the first about an e perimentall confirmed new phase o ma er superinsulators his book contains an innovative model o high superconductivit , the biggest unsolved m ster o condensed ma er ph sics

Description In 1931 Dirac showed that topologically quantized single magnetic charges, magnetic monopoles, while classically forbidden in a gauge theory, are allowed alongside electric charges in a quantum theory of electromagnetism. Such topological magnetic e citations are indeed admi ed in the spectrum o most grand unified field theories o elementar interactions. espite 40 ears o dedicated search e orts, nonetheless, the have never shown up in an e periment. his, however, does not preclude the possibilit o topological magnetic monopoles being reali ed as e citations in emergent condensed ma er states, where the would be much lighter and easier to create. his book is about the ph sical e ects o such emergent magnetic monopoles. hese range rom a new mechanism or local, strong pairing o electrons possibl relevant or high superconductivit , to the ormation o a new uantum phase o ma er when monopoles condense. n such a condensate the electric interaction becomes e tremel strong, so much so that onl e tended neutral states survive, with the conse uence o an infinite resistance, even at finite temperatures. his state, called a superinsulator, is a dual superconductor and has been e perimentall detected in various materials. n a superinsulator the electric interaction becomes analogous to the strong interaction holding uarks together in colour neutral hadrons. Even more interesting is the case when the condensate carries both magnetic and electric charge. he ensuing state has properties that are strikingl reminiscent o the m sterious pseudogap state o high superconductors. agnetic monopoles might thus have been hiding in plain sight where no one was looking or them or a long time.

Author Carlo A Trugenberger earned his Ph in heoretical Ph sics in 988 at the Swiss ederal nstitute o echnolog , rich. n international academic career in theoretical ph sics ( , Los lamos ational Laborator , CE Geneva, a Planck nstitut nich) led him to the position o senior lecturer at Geneva Universit . n 200 he decided to uit academia to ound his first artificial intelligence ( ) compan . he so ware he designed won international benchmarks and awards and was the first to discover biomarkers based e clusivel on machine learning. He since ounded a second compan dedicated to completel automatic trading with no human intervention. He continues his research in theoretical condensed ma er ph sics and uantum gravit . He proposed superinsulation and ose metals as new states o ma er, proposals later verified e perimentall . He also introduced a new approach to uantum gravit based on combinatorial curvature measures in networks. He is currentl CS o n oCode Semantic echnologies G and CE o SwissScientific echnologies S .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £75 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 095 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 240pp Type:


Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: Particle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields Condensed a er Ph sics nterdisciplinar Ph sics Keywords: agnetic onopoles Superconductor to nsulator ransition Superinsulation Superinsulator Superconductivit Confinement Strings Compact E Kosterlit houless ransition s mptotic reedom nstantons H peractivation veractivation Readership: his book is mainl designed or an academic readership at the pro essorial and graduate student level. t is wri en or theoretical ph sics pro essionals in the uantum field theor high energ and theoretical condensed ma er communities but is accessible to e perimental condensed ma er ph sicists with a strong theoretical background. t could be used or a graduate course on emergent magnetic monopoles and or the superconductor to insulator transition

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ntroduction Gauge heories and agnetic onopoles irst Encounter with Superinsulators Gauge heories in (2+ ) imensions he Chern Simons erm La ce Chern Simons erm Saddle Points, opological E citations and nstantons E ective Chern Simons Gauge heories o Emergent Condensed a er S stems he Superconductor to nsulator ransition (S ) E ective ield heor o the S ri Critical Point he ature o the Phases in the icinit o the S ri Critical Point ose etals, .K. . osonic opological nsulators osephson unction rra s ractional ose etals S mmetr Classification o Superinsulator E citations hree imensions Gauge heor or ortices Gauging Spin ons and the heta erm he Electric eissner E ect, ntiscreening and Confining Strings Electric Pions and s mptotic reedom bli ue Superinsulators, Strong Superinsulators and High c Superconductivit eal Space Electron Pairing b agnetic onopoles agnetic onopoles in Loop Currrent o nsulators inal e ection on the nterpla o Locali ation, opolog and nteractions Endogenous vs. E ogenous isorder S nthesis

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Cosmic Roots The Conflict Between Science and Religion and How it Led to the Secular Age Ira Mark Egdall

University of Miami, USA & Nova Southeastern University, USA & Florida International University, USA

Cover Available Soon

Key Features •

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Cosmic oots is uni ue in that it presents the histor o both the development o Western cosmolog astronom and the histor o the religions o braham in the same book he book includes ascinating biographies o great scientists and religious figures Wri en or the general reader, the book presents evidence based views known to historical scholars but rarel ound in popular accounts. he include Hebrew ible, ew estament, ise o Christianit , Copernicus, he enaissance, cho rahe, ohannes Kepler, Galileo, saac ewton, odern Ph sics

Description Cosmic Roots traces the five-thousand-year conflict between science and religion — and how it has shaped our modern secular worldview. old with rare clarit and striking insight, this ascinating and thought provoking book ocuses on the histor o cosmolog and its sister science astronom . or it was discoveries within these great disciplines which first led to the con ict between science and religion. he stor begins with the cosmological belie s o the ancients rom the at Earth models o the Sumerians and Hebrews to the Greek notion o the orbits o planets as divine circles. opics progress rom ristotle and Ptolem s integrated planetar models to the Sun centered cosmologies o Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and the great saac ewton. heir combined scientific achievements stand as testimon to the power and imagination o the human mind. his meticulousl researched narrative also traces the roots o Western religion, based on historical events and archeological evidence. t takes us on a captivating ourne through Western religious histor rom ancient paganism to the ethical monotheism o the Hebrews, Christians, and oslems. long the wa , we ollow the rise and all o civili ations, o empires, c cles o war and peace, unification and division. he book concludes with how arwin came up with his theor o evolution and the impact o modern ph sics on religious belie s. he cumulative e ect o the scientific discoveries presented in Cosmic Roots has, or be er or or worse, led to the separation o science and religion we see in Western culture toda .

Author Ira Mark Egdall is the award winning author o Einstein Relativity Simple: Our Universe Explained in Everyday Language, and the e book Unsung Heroes o the Universe. He has been a science writer or He is a retired aerospace program manager with an undergraduate degree in ph sics rom ortheastern Universit . ark now teaches la courses in modern ph sics as well as the histor o the science religion con ict at Li elong Learning nstitutes at the Universit o iami, ova Southeastern Universit , and lorida nternational Universit . He gives entertaining talks on modern ph sics and Cosmic oots.

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 38 2 £30 | S C E 978 98 25 247 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 440pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics Popular Science Histor Science Evolution iolog Keywords: Cosmic oots Con ict etween Science and eligion Histor o stronom Histor o eligion Ptolem E uant ristotle Kepler Galileo Copernicus rahe slamic Science nverse S uare Law Laplace arwin Evolution o age o eagle Le errier lmagest Plato Universal Gravitation rigin o Species atural Selection William Herschel Sumerians Hellenistic ge le andria Genghis Khan Constantine the Great ncient Hebrews Socrates Simon ar Giora esus osephus postle Paul uhammed iblical Histor ntiochus Good Samaritan rial o Galileo Geocentric Readership: n one who is interested in the histor o science and religion, as well as the development o astronom , cosmolog , and evolution

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

he Sumerians he Word s irst Civili ation and heir lat Earth Cosmolog Gods and the ne God he ncient Hebrews and heir i een Centur Path to Ethical onotheism Lovers o Wisdom he ncient Greeks, Socrates, Plato, and ivine Circles he Great stronomers ristotle, Ptolem and the irst ntegrated Geometric odels o the Universe eus vs. HW le ander the Great and the Helleni ation o iblical udea he pocal pse he ook o aniel, ohn the aptist, and the Historical esus he hirteenth postle Paul, His Conversion, and pening to Gentiles he emarkable Spread o Christianit he ge o art rs, and Constantine the Great ebirth slamic Science, the Crusades, Genghis Khan and the enaissance he Scientific evolution Copernicus, rahe, Kepler, and Galileo he Great ne saac ewton, His Laws o otion and Universal Gravitation, and heir eligious mplications Enlightenment he ge o eason, ohn Locke, oltaire, and Wollstonecra wo Giants Laplace s o eed or God and Le errier s Uranus Prediction Li e Charles arwin, His heor o Evolution, and eligious eactions he Secular Universe rie verview o odern Ph sics and ts eligious mplications

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Breakdown of Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Andrei G Lebed

University of Arizona, USA & Landau Institute, Russia

Key Features •

Cover Available Soon

irst book about possible violations o the Einstein s E uivalence Principle, which is considered as one o the best established laws in ph sics

Description An equality between inertial and gravitational masses was established by Galileo Galilei more than 400 years ago and was accepted by Albert Einstein as a key point of his theory of gravitation — General Relativity. he above mentioned e ualit is called the E uivalence Principle. n this pioneering book, some unusual situations are described, where the E uivalence Principle is theoreticall broken, and the possible e periments, where such breakdowns can be observed, are discussed in a brie . t is known that, in standard situations, the E uivalence Principle is e tremel well established on Earth and in space in numerous e periments, including e periments during the recent space mission C SC PE. here ore, this book suggests a real breakthrough in the be er understanding o Einstein s gravitational theor and its relation to uantum mechanics, which is a definite step towards the so called heor o Ever thing . his book is recommended or all readers who are interested in gravitation and General elativit .

Editor Andrei G Lebed is currentl a Pro essor o Ph sics at the Universit o ri ona. He is a ellow o merican Ph sical Societ or his theoretical outstanding contributions to ph sics o organic superconductors . n particular, he is known or the so called Lebed agic ngles and ield nduced Spin ensit Wave phase diagrams. n the area o superconductivit , he has suggested phenomenon o the eentrant Superconductivit (i.e. restoration o superconductivit in high magnetic fields). n the area o General elativit , Lebed is amous or his theoretical suggestion o the Gravitational demon , which breaks Einstein s E uivalence Principle at a macroscopic level, and or demonstration that this principle is also broken or microscopic measurements due to uantum e ects. He is the sole editor o the comprehensive book Ph sics o rganic Superconductors and Conductors (Springer, 2008).

May 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 358 4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 50pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: elativit nd Gravitation stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics Keywords: ass Energ E uivalence lbert Einstein E uivalence Principle Gravitation General elativit Einstein heor Universe uantum Gravit Special elativit Galileo Galilei heor o Ever thing odern Ph sics stroph sics Cosmolog Readership: Undergraduates, graduates, and researchers interested in gravitation and general relativit

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • •

reakdown o Einstein s E uivalence Principle or a uantum od Probing Unruh adiation and the E uivalence Principle with Unruh ewi inite emperature, E uivalence Principle, and Local Lorent nvariance Weak E uivalence Principle in uanti ed Space

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |


The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes) Proceedings of the MG15 Meeting on General Relativity University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy, 1 – 7 July 2018 Elia S Battistelli

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy

Robert T Jantzen

Villanova University, USA

Cover Available Soon

Remo Ruffini

University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy & International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy

Description The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. he scientific program o the meeting included 40 morning plenar talks over 6 da s, 5 evening popular talks and nearl 00 parallel sessions on 7 topics spread over 4 a ernoons. hese proceedings are a representative sample o the ver man oral and poster presentations made at the meeting. Part contains plenar and review articles and the contributions rom some parallel sessions, while Parts and C consist o those rom the remaining parallel sessions. he contents range rom the mathematical oundations o classical and uantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theor , to precision tests o general relativit including progress towards the detection o gravitational waves, and rom supernova cosmolog to relativistic astroph sics, including topics such as gamma ra bursts, black hole ph sics both in our gala and in active galactic nuclei in other gala ies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwar astroph sics. Parallel sessions touch on dark ma er, neutrinos, ra sources, astroph sical black holes, neutron stars, white dwar s, binar s stems, radiative trans er, accretion disks, uasars, gamma ra bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations o collapsed ob ects, analog models, black hole thermod namics, numerical relativit , gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmolog , earl universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmolog , in ation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein a well s stems, wormholes, e act solutions o Einstein s e uations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data anal sis, precision gravitational measurements, uantum gravit and loop uantum gravit , uantum cosmolog , strings and branes, sel gravitating s stems, gamma ra astronom , cosmic ra s and the histor o general relativit .

May 2022 £400 | H C E SE 978 98 25 824 4

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 2 00pp Type: Proceedings

Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) elativit nd Gravitation Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics Keywords: General elativit ark a er eutrinos a Sources stroph sical lack Holes eutron Stars White war s inar S stems adiative rans er ccretion isks uasars Gamma a ursts Supernovas lternative Gravitational heories odified Gravit Perturbations o Collapsed b ects nalog odels lack Hole hermod namics umerical elativit Gravitational Lensing Large Scale Structure bservational Cosmolog Earl Universe odels Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in general relativit , astroph sics, and cosmolog

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

le and Hewish 50 and 00 ear nniversaries (Malcolm Longair) easuring the Cosmic icrowave ackground (Lyman A Page, Jr.) uasi Local ass at ull nfinit (Po-Ning Chen, Mu-Tao Wang, Ye-Kai Wang, Shing-Tung Yau) lack Hole Entrop rom So Hair (Malcolm Perry) o Smooth eginning or Spacetime (Jean-Luc Lehners) he ole o edundanc in lind Signal Estimation or ultiple Gravitational Wave etectors (Hao Liu, Andrew G Jackson) Status o K G and ts Scientific Goals (Takaaki Kajita) he ian in Pro ect (Jun Luo) Post ewtonian heor and Gravitational Waves (Luc Blanchet) PE and ts Latest esults (Fabio Gargano) rie eview o inar riven H pernova (Jorge A Rueda, Remo Ruffini, Rahim Moradi, Yu Wang)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Cross-Cultural Studies Newest Developments in Japan and the UK Yumiko Hada

Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Japan

Key Features • • •

Compares the UK and apan across a selection o themes Contributions rom internationall recognised scholars in UK apan relations ccessible writing st le suitable or introductor stud

Description This book brings together contributions from leading authors in a range of fields related to Japan and the United Kingdom. dopting a comparative perspective, it tackles topics ranging rom the politics o opposition, democrac , immigration and citi enship, to education, sportsmanship and popular culture, as well as issues o immigration and identit . Each chapter presents and clarifies the di erences, similarities and e changes between the two countries to emphasise that, though li le e ists in isolation in this global age, in depth knowledge o particular regions remains vital. his book argues or a deeper understanding o the UK and apan in pursuit o hope, and as a re ection on the sel and one s own sense o place and identit . t is a must read or an one who is interested in cross cultural theor and comparisons between apan and the United Kingdom.

May 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-441-4

Editor Yumiko Hada is a researcher o comparative education and a specialist on UK higher education. She is currentl Pro essor and Head o Graduate School o English Language Literature, oshisha Women s College, and irector o the esearch nstitute or apan, the UK and Europe ( UE) (h p www.ri ue and gora renannika since 20 (h p p agorabretannika ). She received her Sc rom the Universit o ord and her Ph rom the Universit o ok o. She was also awarded b the epartment o State, merican Embass in ok o in 982 or her e cellent work results, and the Education ward b the Universit o saka and Soroptimist nternational. She was also eatured on the broadcast, HK oda s Close up .

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 276pp Type: eview olume

Main Subject: Social Sciences Sub-Subjects: nternational elations Culture Studies sian Culture Literar Studies Literature sian Histor sian Politics Societ Keywords: United Kingdom apan Cross Cultural heor Politics Education Gap ear Women ushido Swordsmanship anga mmigration Higher Education Citi enship Linguistics P Labour Gender Histor Readership: Scholars, teachers, researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students in area studies, education, politics, cross cultural theor , and international relations government o cials readers interested in learning more about apan and the United Kingdom

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

Contents • • • • • • • • • • •

Foreword (Sir Ivor Crewe) History: The Japanese Constitution in Comparison with the UK Constitution (Ichizo Takayama) The British Empire and the Commonwealth (Norio Osako) Politics: A Comparison of Opposition Parties in Japan and the UK (Robert Aspinall) Immigration and Free Movement: How will Brexit Effect on them? (Ryo Sasaki) Culture: The Characteristics of Comic Books and Manga in the UK and Japan (Sean Michael Wilson) Internationalisation: Internationalisation and Overseas Students of Higher Education in Japan and the UK (Akito Okada) Sports and Sportsmanship: The History of Japanese Swordsmanship and the Bushido Spirit (Ichizo Takayama) Sportsmanship and Amateurism (Norio Ikeno) Education: Primary and Secondary Education: 1–1: A Comparison of the Education Systems of Japan and the UK (Hajime Furusaka) Higher Education: 2–1: New Classifications of Universities in the UK and Japan (Yumiko Hada) Personal Growth: Gap Years in the UK and Japan (Norio Osako) Citizens and Citizenship (Norio Ikeno) Language: Linguistic Diversity in the UK and Japan (Michael Hofmeyr) A Comparison of Foreign Language Teaching Policy in Japan and England (Robert Aspinall) The Commonwealth: British Schools in a Commonwealth Country: Sri Lanka as a Case Study (Suvendrini Kakuchi) Women: Women in Higher Education in the UK and Japan (Yumiko Hada) Conclusion (Sam Bamkin)

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

America’s Future Biden and the Progressives Daniel Quinn Mills

Harvard Business School, USA

Steven Rosefielde

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Description This book is about a choice President Biden must make that will determine the future of America. His choice is between being a partisan politician or a non partisan statesman. However, to be a statesman, he must contend with the progressive wing o his part . oda s progressives have become revolutionaries whose purpose is to remake merica b canceling their opponents. iden has a tiger b the tail. s in all such situations, the problem is how to let go. n this book, we suggest how iden can ree himsel rom the danger posed b the progressives and simultaneousl benefit merica dramaticall .

Authors Daniel Quinn Mills provides thought leadership in several fields, including leadership, strateg , economics, and geopolitics. He has been a director o publicl listed firms and is currentl a director o several closel held private corporations. He has published books about business activities, the media, merican oreign polic , economic polic , and political processes. uring the ietnam War, ills spent several ears in Washington, C, helping to control in ation. or several ears, he was in charge o all wages, prices, and profits in the construction industr (then ourteen percent o G P). Simultaneousl he taught at s Sloan School o anagement. er that, he taught at the Harvard usiness School. He has done consulting and speaking in the ollowing countries United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, ndonesia, reland, rance, the etherlands, German , Swit erland, tal , ussia, srael, China, apan, ala sia, ra il, Columbia, e ico, Singapore, South rica, Kuwait, the United rab Emirates, Saudi rabia, ietnam, and ustralia. Steven Rosefielde is Pro essor o Economics, Universit o orth Carolina, Chapel Hill. He received his Ph rom Harvard Universit , and is a ember o ussian cadem o atural Sciences ( E ). His books include emocrac and ts Elected Enemies he West s Paral sis, Crisis and ecline, Cambridge Universit Press, 20 3 nclusive Economic heor (with alph W P outs), World Scientific, 20 4 Global Economic urmoil and the Public Good (with uinn ills), World Scientific, 20 5 rans ormation and Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe Challenges and Prospects (with runo allago), outledge, 20 6 he Kremlin Strikes ack ussia and the West er Crimea s nne ation, Cambridge Universit Press, 20 6 he rump Phenomenon and uture o US oreign Polic (with uinn ills), World Scientific, 20 6 rump s Populist merica, World Scientific, 20 7 China s arket Communism Challenges, ilemmas, Solutions (with onathan Leightner), outledge, 20 7 he Unwinding o the Globalist ream EU, ussia and China (with asaaki Kuboniwa, Kumiko Haba and Satoshi i obata, eds.), World Scientific, 20 7 Putin s ussia Economic, Political and ilitar oundations, World Scientific, 2020 Progressive and Populists he ew orces in merican Politics (with uinn ills), World Scientific, 2020 eleaguered Superpower iden s merica dri (with uinn ills), World Scientific, 202 .

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

May 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 244 0 £30 | S C E 978 98 25 334 8

Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: Popular ook

Main Subject: Social Sciences Sub-Subjects: Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic nternational elations Keywords: oe iden merican President emocrat Part epublican Part merican Econom ussia China United States Progressives evolutionar Progressives Liberals Libertarianism oderates Congress Senate House o epresentatives adicals Coups Socialism rican mericans Partisans emocrac arak bama Kamala Harris ill iden Propaganda edia Women Political Economics irus Covid 9 Pandemic accines accination mmigration ghanistan rump Sovereign emocrac dministrative emocrac aiwan South China Sea apan South Korea orth Korea ran Cuba ene uela onald rump Readership: General readers interested in merican politics

Contents •

Biden as President: Joe Biden, the Man and the Politician: Joe Biden the Man Biden as President Biden as a Modern Propagandist The Biden Administration: A Mandate to Govern or Not? Off on a Wrong Foot The Electoral Significance of Women Bidenomics: Bidenomics and the World Bidenomics and America Biden’s Political Economics Biden’s Domestic Policies: Biden’s Complex Game: Immigration Demographics is Destiny President Biden Confronts the Pandemic Mishandling the Pandemic Biden and the Post-American World: Biden and a Disintegrating World Order End a War by Losing It: Afghanistan Sovereign Democracy: Russia The Rise of Global Military Insecurity: Is the US Ready for Armed Conflict? The Loss of a Major War The Decline of American and the Rise of Chinese Globalization Biden and China: An Ideological Contest with China China and COVID-19 The World’s Flashpoint: Taiwan The Initiative Lies with China Biden’s America: The Perils of Democracy: The Bastion of Democracy The Paradox of American Democracy How the US is Governed Money and Power in American Politics The Global Challenge to Democracy Too Much Partisanship: The Bane of American Democracy The Democrat Party and Democracy The Partisan Battle The Critical Fight over Election Practices African Americans’ Role in American Politics Coup and Coup Again The Progressives: The Challenge of Progressivism The Danger of Revolutionary Progressivism Biden is a Liberal Who Struggles with Progressivism Canceling in the Name of Justice Radical Progressivism in the Democratic Party How Biden Might Save America: Putting America back Together: What Our President Should Do Non-Partisanship as a Route to Unity A Program for America’s President Biden Resists in Partisanship Progress and Biden’s Destiny

World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |

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