The Pioneer Merchants of Singapore Johnston, Boustead, Guthrie and Others R E Hale
Key Features • •
ims to fill a gap in our knowledge o the earl da s o Singapore and the challenges earl residents aced rings in new in ormation on Singapore s pioneer merchants and other individuals which have never be ore been published
Description Pioneer Merchants of Singapore tells the stories of some of Singapore’s earliest merchants, including Alexander Laurie Johnston, Edward Boustead, Alexander Guthrie, and eleven others, including Tan Che Sang, Dr Jose d’Almeida, and D S Napier. uch has been wri en about Sir Stam ord a es and Lt. Col. ar uhar, but almost nothing has been published about these merchants o all races operating in Singapore during the first ew ears ollowing its ac uisition b the East ndia Compan in 8 9. t includes never be ore published in ormation drawn rom le ers dating back to 8 8. hese, including le ers rom ohnston s first emplo ee and business partner ndrew Ha and a previousl unrecorded le er rom a es himsel , shed light on much which otherwise would have been lost to us. his book aims to fill a gap in our knowledge o the earl da s o Singapore and the challenges aced b its earl residents. t is a must read or those who are interested in the histor o Singapore s earl ears as a trading colon .
July 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-712-5
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Extent: 350pp
R E Hale was Chairman o the Singapore nternational Chamber o Commerce rom 993 to 995, and a member o the ational Parks oard or eight ears. n 993, he was made cer o the rder o the ritish Empire b ueen Eli abeth and two ears later was awarded the Singapore Public Service Star ( ).
His career a er two ears o active national service in the o al av ( 956 958) lasted 37 ears with HS C, including stints in Hong Kong, apan, ala sia, rance German . He was stationed in Singapore or 3 ears in the seventies and then or 9 ears rom 986. While still a banker he was the first recipient o the Singapore Green Lea ward in 99 . etiring rom commercial banking in 995 he was elected non e ecutive director o various public companies including Sembcorp ndustries Ltd, CapitaLand Ltd and the private compan Wildli e eserves Singapore Pte Ltd.
Main Subject: Asian Studies
He is now ull retired and in addition to other hobbies researches the histor o Singapore people and places in the 800s. His first book, he alestiers he irst merican esidents o Singapore, was published in 20 6. His second, raser s Hill and Lewis raser o Singapore, was published in ala sia in 20 8.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection sian Histor Southeast sia sian usiness anagement General usiness nd anagement Keywords: Singapore ala a East ndia Compan ohnston oustead Guthire onham a es Sultan ar uhar hio Shetland emenggong Craw urd Ha apier ueiros Prince an Che Sang Pearl Clark Connoll Skelton ead ravers Coleman lint Hussein ernard alestier d almeida George Harrington Choa Chong Long ackson Palmer ontgomerie organ a well uncan Church raser ethven ullerton al e avis bdullah Elliot S kes Sarel Shaw Schwabe oses anedah Hull Hunter bbetson ardine acken ie urchison Presgrave Purvis Readership: General readers interested in the earl da s o modern Singapore, students, researchers and universit professors
China and the World Economy Anti-Crisis and Rebalance Da Lei
Renmin University, China
Cover Available Soon
This book studies the main characteristics of the operation of the Chinese economy and the world economy after the financial crisis in 2008. he anal sis starts rom the core logic o the dilemma o the anti crisis and rebalancing growth o the world econom . t urther anal es the impact o ma or countries macro economic policies on the global econom and the e ternal risks and countermeasures aced b the Chinese econom . n addition, this book studies the development o oreign direct investment and the service industr in ma or countries a er the crisis.
Author LEI Da is a pro essor at enmin Universit o China. he inistr o Education selected him as a ew Centur E cellent alent Support Program member. He is currentl vice president o the World Economic Societ o China and e ecutive director o the China Societ or nternational Economic Cooperation. His research interests include world econom and international political economics, especiall the US econom and finance. He has won the China Social Science ward, n i nternational rade esearch ward, President ward o the World Economic Societ . He has presided over man ke national and provincial level pro ects, including interest rate rigidit and financial liberali ation re orm in the conte t
July 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 76 3
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:
Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Economies nternational Economics Keywords: Unbalance ebalance nti Crisis Chinese Econom World Econom Readership: cademics, undergraduate and graduate students, pro essionals, and polic makers interested in the Chinese econom and international econom
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction he rduous ecover o World Econom Comparison o Unconventional onetar Policies in the US, Europe and apan evelopment rends o World Service ndustr rade and pening up o China s Service ndustr he n uences on World Econom b ultinational Companies a er the inancial Crisis egional Economic Cooperation towards eep ntegration nal ses o Global echnological Progress rends and ndustrial Characteristics China s Pa ern within the ramework o the elt and oad References
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Myanmar’s Fragmented Democracy Transition or Illusion? Felix Thiam Kim Tan
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Key Features •
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here is a growing interest in the social, political, and economic development o anmar. Given the e tent o the militar unta in anmar to st mie democrac in the countr throughout its histor , this would surel be a timel e amination o its democratic process thus ar he militar coup on ebruar 202 is et another historical moment to rewrite the countr s political process. he arrests o the ational League or emocrac leaders and supporters, not least its leader ung San Suu K i, certainl seem to spell more trouble or the countr now more so than in the past he challenges and issues that have plagued the countr over the ears, especiall with the ohing a crisis, have taken centrestage o the countr s political landscape he in uence o the US and China, as well as other regional pla ers, continue to pla a significant role in anmar and how has that change the countr and what would this mean or anmar he role o the atmadaw and its political allies, such as the Union Solidarit and evelopment Part , will continue to be important, but more so, the wa it has changed the anmar political landscape and the need to re e amine the in uence these institutions have in anmar
Description The recent military coup in Myanmar perpetrated by the Tatmadaw has set the country back to the days of political uncertainty and military authoritarianism. his book e amines how ar the countr has come since its nascent a empt at democratic re orms and democratisation in 20 0. Each chapter considers some o the more prominent issues that have plagued anmar since political re orms started. irst, there have been debates about the e tent to which democratic re orms have been achieved since the Constitution was ormalised in 2008. Second, what has been the significance o the three elections in 20 0, 20 5 and 2020 hird, how has the ational League or emocrac trans ormed in the past decade How ar has the Union Solidarit and evelopment Part changed the political landscape What roles did the atmadaw pla in the last decade ourth, uestions surrounding how the ethnic crisis, not least the ohing a issue, have continued to dominate the countr s political landscape in the last decade, thereb overshadowing its democratisation process. inall , how ar have these e orts at democrac demonstrated anmar s utile a empts at appeasing the domestic and international audience anmar s relations with the global and regional communit vis vis the US, China, and the ssociation o Southeast sian ations have also taken a toll in the last decade. here is alread a shi in power politics, especiall with China determining the direction o anmar. anmar has been locked in a perpetual c cle transitioning between militar authoritarianism and democratisation. hese prevailing issues have led to a ragmented democrac and a lost opportunit to demonstrate its ora into a genuine democrac .
Author Felix Tan Thiam Kim is currentl a eput irector (Strateg and mplementation) at an ang echnological Universit . He holds a Ph in Comparative Government and Politics rom the Universit o elbourne, ustralia. His research e amined how Political slam and slamisation have a ected the socio political space in ndonesia and ala sia. He continues to ocus his research on democratisation, government and politics in Singapore and Southeast sia. He has taught nternational elations, oreign Polic nal sis, Comparative Politics in sia and odern sia. He has also wri en and spoken on the anmar government and politics at con erences.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-135-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 225pp Type:
Series: World Scientific Series on nternational elations and Comparative Politics in Southeast sia Volume 1 Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Politics Societ nternational elations Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Southeast Asia Keywords: ung San Suu K i anmar emocrac atmadaw ilitar unta ohing a Ethnic rmed rganisations ational dentit and Politics Readership: esearchers and those interested in regional politics and oreign polic o Southeast sia, as well as domestic politics in anmar
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
cknowledgements List o bbreviations List o ables ntroduction Che uered Political Histor 948 2008 Electoral Histor and ts ermath 20 0 20 5 and 2020 Elections Con ict o nterests US P, L , and the atmadaw Ethnic Politics Panglong and the ationwide Ceasefire greement ailure or ault Lines ohing as and ts an Problems anmar s Geopolitical Engagement SE and the est o the World anmar s ragmented emocrac ransition or llusion Select ibliograph Appendices
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
The Chiang’s Family History A Tale of Three Cultures and Chia Keng Village Bernard Chiang
Genealogy Society Singapore, Singapore
Key Features • • •
ecords the histor o Chia Keng illage and other important historical events in Singapore rom a grassroots perspective Compiles the contributions o the residents o Chia Keng illage to the peace, harmon and development o the communit and nation Encourages readers to engage with their own amil histories
Description In this book, Bernard Chiang records the history of his family and their contributions to Singapore’s community in the country’s early years. he book traces his amil histor , which spans across the countries o Singapore, China and hailand, and across more than hal a centur . ollowing di erent branches o the Chiang amil tree, it delves into his paternal amil s ancestral roots and their ancestral home in the ancient port township o hanglin in Chenghai district o Shantou Pre ecture, China, his e tended amil in hailand, and his maternal amil and their culture. he histor o Chia Keng illage and its development via local bo om up grassroots e orts are also chronicled in this volume. particular interest are the amil s e orts in developing the kampong spirit in Chia Keng illage, including initiatives such as ree clinics or the need , a fire fighting unit, and even an amateur eochew pera troupe. hrough this book, the legac o the Chiang amil and Chia Keng illage lives on. t captures in its pages important events in the histor o Singapore rom a grassroots perspective, such as Kon rontasi and the racial riots o the 960s.
Author Bernard Chiang oined the raddell Heights one esidents Commi ee in 98 and was appointed Chairman in 986. He continued to serve as Chairman o the l unied one E esidents Commi ee rom 989 to 997, when the esidents Commi ee ( C) electoral boundar was delineated under l unied G C. When another redrawing o the electoral boundar took place in earl 997 he continued to serve as Chairman o raddell Heights one C until the end o 2004. He stepped down as Chairman and became ice Chairman rom 2005 to date. n 2005 he was switched to chair the raddell Heights nter acial and eligious Confidence Circle ( CC) and concurrentl appointed ice Chairman o raddell Heights Citi ens Consultative Commi ee (CCC). He was con erred the Public Service edal (P ) b the late President ng eng Cheong in 998.He was also awarded the Singapore Civil e ence escue adge or his e orts in the rescue mission at the Hotel ew World disaster. n 20 6 he was awarded the inistr o Culture, Communit and outh Colour ward or est Per orming nter acial and eligious Confidence Circle Chairman. n 2008 he was awarded the ational a Home eam Commendation ward b P Wong Kang Seng. or his long and dedicated services with the Peoples ssociation he was awarded the 40 ears Long Service ward in 202 .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-243-3 £30 | S C E 978-981-125-333-1 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Published with Genealog Society Singapore Extent: 320pp Type:
Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: Singapore Collection Asian History Keywords: Kampong Chia Keng Chia Keng illage amil Histor Genealog amil ree Singapore Histor Readership: ormer residents o Chia Keng illage, historians and heritage organisations, and members o the public who are interested in tracing their own amil roots to create records or uture generations
Cooperatives as a Catalyst for Sustainability Lessons Learned from Asian Models Léo-Paul Dana
K K Tripathy
Naman Sharma
B P Pillai
Dalhousie University, Canada Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India
Sneha Kumari
Symbiosis International Deemed University, India
Government of India, India Agricultural Co-operative Staff Training Institute, India
R Jayalakshmi
Vaikunth Mehta National Institute Cooperative Management, India
Key Features • •
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here is currentl a scarcit o research on cooperatives, so this book seeks to fill in this gap in the literature his book highlights success ul cooperative models in sian countries that provide lessons or researchers, practitioners, and polic makers, paving the wa or sustainabilit and other cooperative movements his book brings together a wide range o individuals and encompasses a wide range o topics on cooperatives his book shares strategic and entrepreneurial developments or sustaining cooperatives globall , and the roadmap cooperatives can take in achieving the United ations Sustainable evelopment Goals
July 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-378-2
Description The cooperative movement has played a vital role in economic development around the world. Cooperatives also contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). he generate revenue or economic growth, support the development o communities and local culture and help protect the environment. Cooperatives in sia have been leaders in their approaches with comprehensive and supportive policies. cross sia, there are uni ue models o cooperatives some o which can be replicated internationall . he utilise collectivisation as an economic model with the cooperation o their populations. Cooperatives rom angladesh, ndia, srael, apan, epal and the United rab Emirates are also well known or their proactive approach to sustainabilit .
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume Series: sia Pacific usiness Series
his book seeks to document the governance, leadership and sustainable best practices o cooperatives, to pave the wa or the development o cooperatives internationall , utilising the sustainable cooperatives o sia as e amples. ddressing the current gap in research about cooperatives, the chapters showcase lessons or the cooperative world in its movement towards sustainabilit through the e amination o original case studies, as well as uantitative studies. he volume o ers new insights to researchers and polic makers to understand the ecos stem surrounding cooperatives and actions to take to work towards their strengthening and wel are.
Editors Dr Léo-Paul Dana is Pro essor at alhousie Universit . He is also a member o the Entrepreneurship and nnovation Chair, which is part o LabE Entreprendre at the Universit de ontpellier. Dr Naman Sharma is currentl a liated with the ndian nstitute o oreign rade, Kolkata ( ndia) as an ssistant Pro essor, and has nearl five ears o academic e perience. Dr Sneha Kumari is eemed Universit .
ssistant Pro essor at S mbiosis School o Economics, S mbiosis nternational
Dr K K Tripathy is Economic dviser at the inistr o Cooperation and is presentl posted as the on Special ut ( S ) in the ce o Hon ble inister o Cooperation, Government o ndia. Dr B P Pillai is the ormer director o the gricultural Co operative Sta institution under the Government o Kerala.
raining nstitute, an autonomous
Dr R Jayalakshmi has more than 30 ears o academic e perience. She has worked as acult in di erent training institutes and is currentl working at aikunth ehta ational nstitute o Cooperative anagement, a national institute under the inistr o Cooperation, Government o ndia.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian usiness anagement sian Economies evelopmental Economics China Studies Keywords: Socio Economic United ations Sustainable evelopment Goals esilience Solidarit inistr o Cooperation usiness Workers Cooperative Kerela srael Entrepreneur racing racking Catal st South sian riple o om Line icro Enterprise evelopment Cooperative Green Entrepreneurship air Cooperative Collective Credit ank Sustainabilit Growth inancial Per ormance Cooperative anks isher Cooperative Sustainabilit Circular Econom ood Suppl Chain Loan ccessibilit Readership: cademics, researchers, practioners, and polic makers specialising and interested in the field o cooperatives, and seeking to advance cooperatives in their respective countries
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Socio Economic Scenario o Cooperative Societies esponding to the C 9 Crisis in South sia Cooperatives and the United ations Sustainable evelopment Goals Strengthening esilience and Solidarit in Cooperatives Pathwa s or a ew inistr o Cooperation in the Post C 9 Era Understanding the usiness odel o ULCCS L ndia s ldest Workers Cooperative Cooperative Societies in ndia Classification and Sub Classification Sustaining Cooperative anks in South sia Learnings with Special e erence to Sustainable odels o Kerela Cooperative anks rom ndia he Kibbut in srael rom E ual Sharing to Privati ation Entrepreneurial odel or Sustaining Cooperatives with Special e erence to air Cooperatives Cooperative anks in ndia racing, racking, and reating the ailures isher Cooperatives as a Catal st or Sustainabilit South sian Perspective Emerging riple o om Line pproach in Cooperatives Special e erence to icro Enterprise evelopment Cooperative Society Collective pproach or Green Entrepreneurship Case Stud anagerial Perception oward Circular Econom riven Sustainable Practices in the ood Suppl Chain Learnings or Cooperatives
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Local Responses to Global Challenges in Southeast Asia A Transregional Studies Reader Claudia Derichs
Lina Knorr
Andrea Fleschenberg
Sumrin Kalia
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Germany
Key Features •
nnovative critical approaches to knowledge productions rom a broad range o academic scholars and scholar activists rom the Global South as well as the Global orth istinct transregional perspectives, emplo ing various scales with a variet o disciplinar , theoretical and methodological approaches or empirical analyses road readership academia researchers think tanks students activists interested general public
Description “Local Responses to Global Challenges in Southeast Asia — A Transregional Studies Reader” is a collection of multidisciplinary essays, predominantly derived from papers presented at EuroSEAS 2019, the leading academic conference on Southeast Asian Studies, hosted by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. t brings together a variet o scholars rom Southeast sia, Europe and orth merica, allowing or multiple ows and directionalities o knowledge productions and e changes, be it between the Global South and orth as well as within the Global South. he reader presents empiricall oriented, theoreticall grounded anal ses o local responses to global challenges such as knowledge productions notions and practices o building diverse communities neo populisms and contentious politics resources and sustainabilit urbani ation labor, livelihoods and mobilities. Each section starts with an introduction reviewing the state o the art. uthors will take cue rom a transregional perspective understood as a distinct and alternative perspective on multi lingual and transcultural spaces o contact, e change and trans er. his includes a conte tuali ation o phenomena in terms o diverse (cross) linkages and entanglements, including motilities on di erent scales, i.e. ranging rom the local, regional to national and or global levels. Container based notions o place and space are addressed in a critical manner, where space and area are understood as notions be ond established s stems o ordering and meta geographies. ke goal is to allow or a consistent conceptual advancement o ew rea Studies, which are critical, decentred, decolonial, diversified, and multi disciplinar in nature.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 645 5
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: sian Politics Societ Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit sian Politics Societ sian Economies sian Histor Southeast sia Keywords: sia Southeast sia rea Studies Social Sciences Humanities Global Challenges ransregional ransregional Studies Knowledge Productions Communities Power Populism uthoritarianisms igration cademic reedom Women Gender Securitisation isin ormation ake ews esources Sustainabilit ctivisms obilities Labour ssues eligious Knowledge Readership: cademics (area studies, Southeast sian Studies, Social Sciences, Humanities) Graduate and undergraduate students interested in Southeast sian Studies and Social Sciences practitioners such as those in oundations endownments working in the region, ( ) G s, think tanks, development cooperations
Contents • •
• •
ntroduction Local esponses to Global Challenges Critical Takes on Knowledge Production(s) — Section Introduction: They Dare to Speak: Uncovering Women’s Hidden Agency Félix Resurrección Hidalgo’s The Church Against the State: Conspiracy, Controversy, and Censorship in Colonial and Contemporary Philippines The Elephant in the Room: China’s Soft Power Outreach in Academia, its Impact on Asian Studies, and What This Means for Southeast Asia Scholars Academic Freedom in Southeast Asia Building and Re-Imagining Communities — Section Introduction: Indonesian Islamic Academia as a Transregional Political Actor: Understanding Global Agency through Local History A Space in a Foreign Land: The Sociabilities of Emplacement of Vietnamese Labour Migrants in Taiwan Nationalism and Two Sexual Moral Panics in Indonesia Of Power, Authority and (Neo)Populisms — Section Introduction: Southeast Asian Artists and Academics Unsettling Borders, Power, and Authority Through Collaborative Works The strongmen strike back? Anti-geopolitics and Southeast Asia’s Authoritarian (re)turns A Matrilineal Society’s Influence on Women’s Political Access(ibility) — The Minangkabau Women Missing in Indonesian Politics Securitisation as Response to Disinformation: The Cases of Singapore and Malaysia Dilemmas of Labour and Populism in Indonesia Negotiating Resources & Sustainability — Section Introduction: I Living Off the Resource Curse in Myanmar Oil Palm Plantation Expansion and Frontier-Making in Papua, Indonesia On the Move — Labour, Livelihood, Mobilities — Section Introduction: Indonesian Women Migrant Workers: Standing in the Midst of Femininity and Masculinity New Brooms and Giant Napkins: Street protests and the campaign for an Indonesian Domestic Workers’ Law Becoming Professionals: Virtual Mobility, Gender, and Religious Knowledge
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Mao’s China and Post-Mao China Revolution, Recovery and Rejuvenation Robert Weatherley
University of Cambridge, UK & King’s College London, UK & University of Tartu, Estonia
Key Features • • •
Provides a comprehensive overview o histor and politics in China since 1949 pplies a thematic approach revolution, recover and re uvenation encompassing a chronological breakdown o events E amines the rise and re uvenation o China not ust within an economic and militar conte t but also within ramework o increasingl dominant Chinese discourses ddresses topical issues such as human rights, environment and nationalism
July 2022
If the history of modern China was written as a book, its author would be accused of losing touch with reality. uring the twentieth centur , China underwent two revolutions, a number o wars, endured a radical and destabilising orm o communism and then hurried uickl towards a s stem o open market economics whilst remaining under the control o a nominall communist part . Currentl the astest growing econom in the world with an increasingl sophisticated and e panding militar , China is widel e pected to emerge as the world s ne t superpower, eclipsing the United States in the not too distant uture.
£85 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 222 8
However, not ever thing is going smoothl or ei ing. Unemplo ment rates are spiralling, ine ualit is ri e and o cial corruption at all levels remains an chilles heel or the Chinese Communist Part , despite i inping s best endeavours to wipe it out. Worst o all, environmental degradation is at such a serious level that it threatens the success o the Chinese econom and the stabilit o Chinese societ . gainst this scarcel believable backdrop and based on a series o lectures, seminars and research conducted b the author, ao s China and Post ao China captures the d namics, d namism and disasters o Chinese politics since the establishment o the People s epublic o China in 949. his advanced te tbook identifies three ke themes that have underpinned the post revolutionar era, the so called three s evolution, ecover and e uvenation and is essential reading or an one interested in the politics o modern China at the undergraduate and postgraduate level
Author Robert Weatherley is an liated Lecturer in Chinese Politics at the Universit o Cambridge and at the Lau Centre, King s College London and a isiting Pro essor o sian Studies at the Universit o artu in Estonia. obert has published a number o books, articles and chapters on topics relating to Chinese politics, including the legitimation o Chinese communist power, Chinese discourses on human rights, good governance and the environment and the relationship between nationalism and histor in China. obert has also published on aspects o Chinese law, including China s eath Penalt Criminal econciliation and the trade dispute between China and the EU regarding the en orcement o intellectual propert .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
£45 | S C E 978 8006 275 4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 332pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Asian Studies Sub-Subjects: China Studies sian Politics Societ sian Histor Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic nternational elations sian Economies sian Culture Literar Studies Literature Keywords: China Politics ao edong eng iaoping i inping ar ism Communism Cultural evolution ed Guards Great Leap orward egime Legitimac Human ights Environment ationalism evolution oreign elations Gang o our Readership: Undergraduate students stud ing in modern Chinese politics and histor postgraduate students specialise in Chinese human rights, legitimac , environment, and nationalism
Contents • •
• •
ntroduction Revolution: The Revolutionary Helmsman: Mao and Maoism Continuing the Revolution: Rural Collectivisation and the Great Leap Forward Destroying the Revolution: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Revolutionary or Revisionist? Foreign Policy Under Mao Recovery: Stuttering Towards Recovery: The Political Succession to Mao and the Rise of Deng Xiaoping Abandoning the Revolution: Recovery, Reform and Repression in the 1980s Rejuvenation: China’s Economic Rejuvenation: Assessing the Price of Success China’s Rejuvenation on the World Stage: An International Threat or a Peaceful Regional Power A Chinese Perspective on Human Rights: Discourse, Diplomacy and Defensive Nationalism China’s Theory of Regime Legitimacy: Using the Past to Serve the Present China and the Environment: The Discourse of Eco-Civilisation The Narrative of Chinese Nationalism: National Rejuvenation or a Double-Edged Sword? Conclusion
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Sustainability for Beginners Introduction and Business Prospects Ramadoss Tamil Selvan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Seeram Ramakrishna
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Key Features • E plores current sustainabilit business models prospects suitable or business school students and emerging entrepreneurs • ultiple choice uestions provided at the end o ever chapter, with answers at the end o the book • ore than 60 original and colour ul illustrations
Description This book provides a basic introduction to Sustainability & Sustainable Developments, integrated with current business models and future business prospects. In 10 chapters, the authors cover a wide array of topics comprehensively, in an accessible style of language that will appeal to the uninitiated. an e e catching sel illustrated artworks, coupled with in depth anal ses o numerous case studies, allow the reader to grasp the theoretical concepts with ease. ultiple choice e ercises at the end o ever chapter (with answers provided) urther aid readers in veri ing their own understanding. Sustainability for Beginners hopes to encourage e ective learning, improve abstract thinking, and culminate sustainable entrepreneurship among students and innovators.
July 2022
Extent: 250pp
Mr Ramadoss Tamil Selvan is a esearch Engineer at the ational Universit o Singapore, Singapore. e ore this appointment, he was working as a Chie echnical cer in startup companies. He has been activel involved in sustainabilit business development and prospects b working with startup companies. He is a keen entrepreneur, innovator, speaker, and developed sustainabilit circularit so ware tools or industries and academics. He received an Sc rom the Universit o o ngham, UK, and a Eng rom the nna Universit , ndia. He also received a o ngham usiness School scholarship to pursue an .
Type: e tbook
Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, Eng is the Chair o Circular Econom ask orce at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US). icroso cademic ranked him among the top 36 salient authors out o three million materials researchers worldwide. He is the Editor in Chie o the Springer U E ournal aterials Circular Econom Sustainabilit . He is a member o Enterprise Singapore s and nternational Standards rgani ation s Commi ees on S C323 Circular Econom and Circularit . He teaches E650 aterials and Sustainabilit module, and also mentors ntegrated Sustainable esign S 5 02 course pro ects on reimagining and enhancing circularit o ndustrial Estates. He is an opinion contributor to the Springer ature Sustainabilit Communit . He is an advisor to the ational Environmental genc s CESS events. He is an mpact Speaker at Universit o oronto, Canada s Low Carbon enewable aterials Center. He is a udge or the ohammed in ashid nitiative or the Global Prosperit . He is an advisor to the Singapore compan which speciali es in ero waste packaging.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-193-2 £40 | S C E 978 98 24 3 6 5
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship Environmental Engineering General Engineering Environmental Energ Economics General usiness nd anagement Environmental anagement Planning Waste anagement General aterials Science one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions General Interest Keywords: Circular Econom Sustainabilit Sustainable evelopments LC Readership: he book primaril targets undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in usiness schools and related ma ors such as Economics, Environmental Science, aterial Science, and Engineering. Emerging entrepreneurs, higher academics, industr pro essionals working in investment and financial sectors, as well as start ups will also be interested
Contents • • • • • • • • • • •
Pre ace Linear Econom and its Constraints ntroduction to Circular Econom Sustainabilit and Sustainable evelopment Sustainabilit ramework, ndicators and ssessment Sustainabilit ssessment Case Studies Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ntroduction ESG Practices with Case Studies Sustainable usiness odels Sustainable usiness Case Stud Sustainabilit pportunities and Prospects
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Lecture Notes in Entrepreneurial Finance for the Digital Economy P Joakim Westerholm
The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Key Features •
Provides methods on how to train students to gain ob read skills in entrepreneurial finance such as cash budgeting, financial orecasting, and venture valuation method Shows how students can learn business model evaluation techni ues and how to pitch a business idea to prospective investors
Description This book is intended to be used as a basis for developing courses in entrepreneurial finance. While man universities, particularl in the United States, have entrepreneurial finance on their curriculum, there is o en a gap between the large selection o entrepreneurship courses and courses providing applicable hard skills in finance and accounting. Earl stage ventures cannot succeed without capital and care ul management o cash ow or e ample. Entrepreneurs need skills, such as how to negotiate with investors, so that the don t end up giving up the control o their venture too earl . his book aims to fill this gap b providing guidelines or how success ul courses can be set up to train finance, accounting, and corporate strateg students or a career in the start up and venture capital industr .
July 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-989-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 400pp
Type: Lecture otes
P Joakim Westerholm s teaching and research interests are in the areas o asset pricing, with a ocus on securit market microstructure and behavioral finance topics, and corporate finance, with a ocus on CE and corporate insider trading strategies and ac uisition decisions.
Series: World Scientific Lecture otes in Finance
oakim s publications include research articles in ature, ournal o inance, the ournal o inancial and uantitative nal sis ( ), eview o inance, ournal o Corporate inance, and ournal o anking and inance. His research has been accepted or presentation at finance con erences such as the Western inance ssociation eeting (W ), the European inance ssociation (E ), the inancial anagement ssociation ( ) nternational eetings in US and Europe, and the Societ or inancial Studies (S S) inance Cavalcade. oakim has a Ph in inance rom the Swedish School o Economics and usiness dministration (Hanken) in Helsinki, inland. He has 9 ears o industr e perience in broking, dealing, and unds management.
Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: Entrepreneurship Corporate inance ccounting intech, Cr ptocurrenc , lockchain Economics And Finance Keywords: Entrepreneurship Startups inance usiness odel Pitching enture Capital aluation ethods Entrepreneurial Ecos stems Start ups Readership: Universit educators and pro essors, venture capital consultants and trainers
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pre ace uthor ote able o Contents ntroduction eveloping the usiness dea anaging Cash low pes and Costs o inancial Capital Pro ecting inancial Statements Valuing Early Stage Ventures enture Capital aluation ethods n Semester E am Pitching lock Chain, Smart Contracts, Cr pto, and E cient arkets, onopolies ( ligopolies) and Startups Earl Stage nvestors and enture Capital Entrepreneurial Ecos stems
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Dancing on the Edge of Greatness Making Leadership Personal Sophia Chin
PERSONNA, Singapore
Description This book is for anyone who dreams of being a rockstar at work. We re standing at the edge o greatness, as an individual, a team, and an organisation. Universal access to knowledge and technolog is empowering us to be a power ul orce or positive change. ut wh do we eel so powerless Ever da , we are under immense pressure to per orm at the top o our game. We can come ver close to per ection, but no ma er how hard we work, we don t get there. nstead, we end up stressed and burnt out. Somehow, somewhere, we got derailed. Where did we lose our edge nd more importantl , how do we get it back his book will take ou on a ourne through the corridors o power, the pantheon o the gods and goddesses o the modern world. We dive into the murk depths o the minds o the most power ul individuals in organisations. hope these incredible stories will not onl engage our mind but inspire our corner o ce lust when ou realise that ou, in act, ever one o us, are born to lead. t s what we re here to do. Greatness is within our reach, but we must step towards the edge. o dance between greatness and adversit success and ailure pleasure and miser hope and despair. o dance on the edge o greatness.
July 2022 £50 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 20 7 £25 | S C E 978-981-125-193-1 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 260pp Type: Popular ook
Author ou can sa that Sophia Chin is a leadership e pert, based on her e perience designing and delivering human centric leadership development programmes to scale high ualit impact. However, she pre ers to see hersel as a student or scientist observing outstanding leadership. She is deepl curious about what makes a great leader and the impacts o leadership. She has 2 ears o coaching and consulting e perience, tiptoeing the corridors o power, rom government agencies to global Cs and startups, including pple, entsu nternational, Grab and HP. oda , she is the lead consultant and co ounder o leadership development compan PE S . Sophia spent the ormative ears o her career in growth strateg consulting firm rost Sullivan and Singapore industrial space developer C Corporation.
Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: General usiness nd anagement General nterest Keywords: Leadership Entrepreneurship Leadership evelopment Personal evelopment Creativit otivation anagement Human esources Readership: or an one who dreams o becoming a CE regardless o age, ob unction, seniorit or industr
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Customer Needs and Strategic Management Left-Right Circles Analysis Andrew Chi-fai Chan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Joseph H L Ko
Yau Lee Holdings Limited, Hong Kong
Conrad Wong
Yau Lee Holdings Limited, Hong Kong
Diamond Tai
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
Description Often, “Customer First”, or even “Customer as the Sole Purpose”, has been touted as the golden principle to conduct business in our commercial world. But to a lot o people, practising it is not as simple as it sounds. People interpret the principle in their own wa s and adopt di erent approaches in practice. his book develops a Le ight Circles theor where customer needs are depicted as the Le Circle . he book also anal es various levels o customer needs and the ke approaches to satis ing those needs. he ight Circle in this theor depicts how a compan develops its own strengths as competencies. he book describes how the Le and ight Circles interact, move in s nc in a per ectl harmonious manner, o er products and services that customers will repeatedl purchase, and thereb builda strong base o lo al supporters or the compan . he Le Circle driven approaches are applicable e uall to serving customers and stakeholders. he approaches appl e ectivel to non profit organi ations as well as to profit making companies. he theor can also be e tended to interpersonal relationships, helping to enhance harmon and o in personal lives.
July 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-288-4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Extent: 200pp
Professor Andrew Chi-fai Chan has been invited to be the President o the Greater a rea usiness School since ul 2020. t present, he is also the Emeritus Pro essor o epartment o arketing in the Chinese Universit o Hong Kong (CUHK). He was the irector o CUHK E Programme rom 2002 to 2020 and Head o Shaw College rom 20 0 to 2020.
oseph H L Ko, previousl an airline e ecutive in Hong Kong and an independent consultant and entrepreneur in S dne , oseph is currentl a reelance writer and provides editing and translation services or the Chinese Universit o Hong Kong rom his home in S dne , ustralia. r r Conrad Wong is a pro essional engineer with over 30 ears o building construction e perience. He is the ice Chairman o au Lee Holdings Limited, a listed compan in the Hong Kong Stock E change (HKE 0406). significant building construction group engages in Hong Kong and China markets. r iamond ai is currentl an d unct ssociate Pro essor at the Chinese Universit o Hong Kong (Shen hen), e perienced in teaching marketing and advertising courses and ocusing on developing marketing strategies in the Greater a rea. r ai has been serving the advertising industr in China and Hong Kong or more than 30 ears. When he started his career in advertising, he was the first batch o the practitioner in China advertising. r ai is a seasoned strategic and practical advertising practitioner. He has supported man international 4 advertising companies to land in China and introduce newcomers into the industr .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: General usiness nd anagement arketing Keywords: Customer eeds Strategic anagement Le right Circles Readership: cademics, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in customer relationship management, strategic management, marketing strateg , and customer needs
Contents • • • • • • • • • •
What Is “Left-Right Circles”?: Overview of Left-Right Circles with Areas A to E Guided by the Left Circle: Using Left Circle as a Guide for All Approaches Dynamic Left Circle: Responding to Changing Needs of Left Circle and General Environment Changes Old & New Left Circles: Identifying New Needs and New Customers Internal Left Circle: Important Roles of Company’s Own Staff Left Circle of Left Circle: Exploring and Capitalizing on People Influencing Left Circle Turning Left into Right: Turning Left Circle into Company’s Strong Supporters to Increase Its Strength Unrecognized Needs: Exploring Unrecognized Needs, Satisfying Deeper and Higher-Level Needs Seemingly Unrelated Left Circle: Exploring Seemingly Unrelated Left Circles for Better Results Our Motto — Left-Right Circles Sum-Up: Summing up Le ight Circles with our ioms
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Digital Transformation for the University of the Future Jay Liebowitz
Seton Hall University, USA
Key Features • •
• •
er timel and uni ue in terms o the book s content great worldwide interest and appeal or higher education institutions ovel approach to addressing this topic through the lens o all 4 components (see above) o digital trans ormation (not ust simpl technologies) lmost all the igital rans ormation books are geared or businesses industr instead o academe universities lmost all the igital rans ormation books are geared or businesses industr versus academe universities. or e ample Schulte, P et al. ( a 202 ), The Digital Transformation of Property in Great China, World Scientific Publishing; Perkin, N and P Abraham ( une 202 ), Building the Agile Business Through Digital Transformation, Kogan Page; Nichols, M (May 2020), Transforming Universities with Digital Distance Education, Routledge
Description With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen universities worldwide having to “pivot” quickly to transform their education delivery to an online environment, as well as having to conduct their business operations virtually/remotely. For those universities who embraced digital trans ormation, the were able to adapt uickl to this new learning environment. an others were not as success ul. Part o the ormula or success is or universities and other higher education institutions appl digital trans ormation technologies, processes, and leadership in this new normal . his book will highlight what is needed in terms o digital trans ormation or the universities o the uture in terms o technologies, processes, culture, and leadership considerations. he book will be part o the new World Scientific book series, Digital Transformation: Accelerating Organizational Intelligence.
Editor Dr Jay Liebowitz is a isiting Pro essor in the Stillman School o usiness and the S usiness nal tics Capstone Co Program irector (E ternal elations) at Seton Hall Universit . He previousl served as the istinguished Chair o pplied usiness and inance at Harrisburg Universit o Science and echnolog . e ore HU, he was the rkand Endowed Chair o anagement and echnolog in the Graduate School at the Universit o ar land Universit College (U UC). He served as a Pro essor in the Care usiness School at ohns Hopkins Universit . He was ranked one o the top 0 knowledge management researchers practitioners out o ,000 worldwide. r Liebowit was also ranked 2 in K Strateg worldwide according to the anuar 20 0 ournal o Knowledge anagement. t ohns Hopkins Universit , he was the ounding Program irector or the Graduate Certificate in Competitive ntelligence and the Capstone irector o the S n ormation and elecommunications S stems or usiness Program, where he engaged over 30 organi ations in industr , government, and not or profits in capstone pro ects. Prior to oining Hopkins, r Liebowit was the first Knowledge anagement cer at S Goddard Space light Center. e ore S , r Liebowit was the obert W eutsch istinguished Pro essor o n ormation S stems at the Universit o ar land altimore Count , Pro essor o anagement Science at George Washington Universit , and Chair o rtificial ntelligence at the US rm War College.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-414-7
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume Series: igital rans ormation ccelerating rgani ational ntelligence Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation Education S stems nd Policies eaching nd Learning nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement rtificial ntelligence achine Learning Keywords: igital rans ormation Universit ew ormal Universit o the uture C ata nal tics achine Learning rtificial ntelligence E Learning Gamification Learning nal tics nline Environments emote and Virtual Learning Readership: Students and instructors in universities and other educational institutions who are looking to move into the age o digital learning
Contents • • • • •
ntroduction on the Universit o the uture Leading the Universit o the uture Cultivating a igital rans ormation Culture eveloping igital rans ormation Processes eeded in Higher Education ppl ing igital rans ormation echnologies or Universities
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Changing the Dynamics and Impact of Innovation Management A Systems Approach and the ISO Standard Joanne Hyland
rInnovation Group, USA & International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), UK & Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Canada
Magnus Karlsson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden & Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS), Sweden
John Bessant
University of Exeter, UK
Mats Magnusson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Jimmi Kristiansen
Aalborg University Business School, Denmark & rInnovation Group, Europe & Danish Standards Foundation, Denmark
Ingrid Kihlander
Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Description The ISO Innovation Management System (IMS) Standard (ISO 56002) provides a much needed and well-timed input to the innovation management discipline. While research e orts within the domain o innovation management have vastl increased over the past decades, research has primaril been conducted through specific contributions to distinct areas o innovation management (e.g. top management, culture, processes), lacking a more holistic perspective. Practitioners know that managing innovation is challenging. ringing in a globall recognised standard that o ers a holistic perspective will be ke in pro essionalising the innovation management discipline, much like ualit management and pro ect management standards have done in the past. his book ocuses on the S nnovation anagement S stem Standard and the links with SP s od o Knowledge ( oK) special interest group, the S innovation management communit , and the nternational Collaboration Pla orm or nnovation anagement S stem ( CP4 S). t covers our topics as ollows •
• •
ntroduction to a s stems approach or innovation management and the S nnovation anagement S stem Standard ( S 56002), including historical conte t, descriptions o terms, t polog , and the clauses in the Standard. Elaboration o the innovation management undamentals and principles ( S 56000). eatures si teen case studies o diverse organisations rom around the globe, including those that have implemented a management s stem be ore the Standard was released and those ollowing it now, completel or partiall . Lessons learned and implications, including insights or how to take innovation management to its ne t level to address opportunities and challenges in organisations and societies.
Editors Joanne Hyland is ounder President o the r nnovation Group and ssociation evelopment irector on the SP ( nternational Societ or Pro essional nnovation anagement) oard. Magnus Karlsson is an d unct Pro essor in nnovation anagement at K H o al nstitute o echnolog in Stockholm and pro ect manager o innovation management s stem at SE esearch nstitutes o Sweden. Ingrid Kihlander is a esearcher at SE esearch nstitutes o Sweden and at K H o al nstitute o echnolog , in Stockholm, Sweden. She holds a Ph in achine esign rom K H and de ended a Ph thesis ocusing on decision making in the earl phases o product development.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 209 9
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 300pp Type: eview olume Series: Series on echnolog anagement Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement Keywords: nnovation anagement S stem nnovation anagement nnovation Standards S stem Readership: anagers and practitioners in organisations interested in appl ing a s stems approach based on the S innovation management s stem standard, and accessing the SP od o Knowledge and re erencing case studies academics or researchers looking to urther the field o innovation management, especiall at the s stem level and government entities seeking guidance on polic making and economic development
Contents • • • •
Foreword Editorial eam List o Contributors Perspectives: ntroduction (Ingrid Kihlander, Joanne Hyland and Magnus Karlsson) he Standard or nnovation anagement (Joanne Hyland and Magnus Karlsson) cademic Perspectives on the Standard and S stems pproach (Mats Magnusson, Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and John Bessant) Implementing an Innovation Management System: Case Studies from Around the World: ntroduction to Case Studies (Ingrid Kihlander and Joanne Hyland) irbus oster nnovation Culture in Practice within a Large nternational Corporation Case o irbus e ence and Space ivision (Alice de Casanove, Elodie Ponchel, Jean-François Barrand and Yannick Marin) China nternational arine Containers Group Cultivating World Class Champions S stems pproach (Ximing Yin, Zhaohui Wang, Rongyu Guo and Jen Chin) Evonik ndustries G Capabilit uilding or Strategic nnovation in the nnovation anagement S stem (Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and Daniel Witthaut) K H Global evelopment Hub eveloping an nnovation anagement S stem or Global Sustainable evelopment (Jesper Vasell and Susanne Nilsson) Humanitarian nnovation und anaging nnovation in Humanitarian id (John Bessant) nstituto acional de ecnolog a ndustrial nnovation anagement S stem mplementation at rgentina (Marina Pérez Zelaschi and Leopoldo Colombo) Kanthal uilding ridges or ncreased nnovation Capabilit (Anders Wikström) Karolinska Universit Hospital mplementing an nnovation anagement S stem at a Universit Hospital Providing Highl Specialised Care (Ingrid Kihlander and Åse Lundh Gravenius) idea Group he S stem pproach o ecoming a Global Leader in Household ppliance Sector (Jin Chen, Rongyu Guo, Ximing Yin and Zhaohui Wang) oen ncorporated nitiating and Sustaining rans ormational Growth through a S stems pproach (Joanne Hyland and Mike Pickett) aturv rdsverket, Swedish Environmental Protection genc nnovation Capabilit in a Government genc Ke rivers in a S stemic nnovation Pla orm (Marie Denward, Oskar Jonsson and Roger Lundegård) orconsult S anagement b efinition he ole o erminolog and Shared Understandings in mplementing an nnovation anagement S stem (Markus Søbstad Bensnes) ki Electric ndustr Compan mplementation o ume Pro, an nnovation anagement S stem (Ingrid Kihlander, Mats Magnusson and Hiro Nishiguchi) regon State Universit mpact Studio dvancing a Universit s nstitutional nnovation Capabilit (Richard Duncombe and Edward Feser) Sime arb Plantation op own pproach to nnovation anagement in a State owned, Globall ntegrated Plantation Compan (Suraya Sulaiman, Azim Pawanchik, Law Zhi Xiong and Syakiratul Ezwana Shahrul Niza) S dra Skogs garna he Sustainable nnovator (Catrin Gustavsson, Dan Oscarson and Magnus Karlsson) Reflections: Common hemes and Success actors (Joanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, and Jimmi Normann Kristiansen) Conclusions and Path orward (Joanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, John Bessant, Ingrid Kihlander, Jimmi Normann Kristiansen and Mats Magnusson)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Corporate Underground Bootleg Innovation and Constructive Deviance Peter Augsdorfer
Technical University Ingolstadt, Germany
Key Features • •
• •
irst handbook on bootlegging Contributors are leading e perts in the field o bootlegging and creative deviance. Each chapter is a summar o the state o the art o the contributor s research here is growing interest in the topic, which can be seen in the number o publications on the sub ect our parts covering the undamentals about bootlegging, the management o bootleg researcher, delicate aspects about the moment o disclosure and the ps cholog o bootlegging
Description In the corporate underground, creative intrapreneurs produce ideas autonomously and without the consent of management. Such in ormal activit re uentl corrects and compensates or the weaknesses o ormal organisational s stems. he corporate underground is an ad usting element or a number o organisational parado es. his imposes a certain legitimac o covert activities such as bootlegging and constructive deviance. t re ects a basic a iom o the evolutionar perspective change and creativit are reliant upon elements o redundanc , waste and ine cienc . With contributions rom 6 leading e perts in this field, the book o ers a comprehensive picture o the nature o covert creativit or theor , research and practice the book. he chapters cover a wide range o acets o underground activit , including basic in ormation, the sensitive transition rom underground to ormal disclosure at an organi ation, and ps chological actors. his book is a valuable compendium or academics and practitioners interested in and innovation. anagement seeking to be er manage their innovative capabilities in their companies will also benefit rom this book.
Editor Peter Augsdorfer is Pro essor o echnolog and nnovation anagement at the echnical Universit ngolstadt, German . He holds a German engineering degree, a rench management degree, and a Ph rom SP U, England. His research interests include management, evolutionar aspects o earl innovation processes, and discontinuous innovation. ootlegging in corporate is not onl his central research ocus but a passion since his da s when he bootlegged a pro ect during his first ob in the industr .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £110 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 225 9
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 360pp Type: Handbook Series: Series on echnolog anagement Main Subject: Business and anagement Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation Entrepreneurship Keywords: ootlegging Creative eviance anagement nnovation echnolog anagement Slack nnovation Underground S stem Under the able Work n ormal Corporate Entrepreneurship utonomous nitiatives Underground nnovation Stealth nnovation Unsponsored nnovation rida ernoon Work Work ehind the ume Cupboard ree Lance Work Under the Counter Work Pet Pro ect iscretionar esearch ntrapreneurship reewheeling llicit esearch Scrounging Readership: cademic researchers, Ph students learning about bootlegging pro essionals in the management and innovation management industries
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
General n ormation about ootlegging he asics bout ootlegging (Peter Augsdorfer) he Presence o ootlegging ctivit in the epartment o High echnolog irms (Marek Szwejczewski and Yaser Masoudnia) ootlegging in a echnolog riven rgani ation Process, Challenges and pportunities (Anika Stephan-Korus) anagement and rganisation o ootlegging avigating a polog o Corporate Entrepreneurial Strategies he Case o Unilever (Linda hu Laursen and Poul Houman ndersen) ndividual and Conte tual actors ecting Emplo ees nclination to ootlegging (Dietfried Globocnik) Which actors Enable Sel rgani ed Product nnovations he iverse E ects o ormal anagement S stems (Rudolph Koch and Karl-Heinz Leitner) Spatio Political pproach to ootlegging Empowerment within hird Spaces (Amadou Lô and Pauline Fatien Diochon) Creative ootlegging as a Catal st between ob esign ( is)fit and nnovative Work ehavior (Tomislav Hernaus, Matej Černe and Miha Škerlavaj) Creative ootlegging a ransitional Space or Emplo ess owards nnovating (Khatereh Ghasemzadeh) ootleg and ndividual nnovation Per ormance he oint E ect o Status and Creativit (Huang Wei, Xiang Guopeng, Du Yunzhou and Liu Yang) ootlegging isclosure Processes vercoming the nitial llegitimac o deas (Stephan Eicher) ootlegging ehavior rom Underground to isclosure(Erfan Jalali Bidakhavidi and Kamal Sakhdari) Ps cholog o ootlegging he ndividual in ootlegging nnovation (Alexander Krueger and Arne Buchwald) nnovative Engagement in ootlegging Pro ects How to anage the ise o the nnovation ebel (Claudia C Michalik) S , a Creativit est to denti ootleggers (Peter Augsdorfer) E treme ootlegging ndividual Level ntecedents to Creative eviance (Helene Tenzer and Philip Yang)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Vibrational Dynamics of Molecules Joel M Bowman
Emory University, USA
Key Features • • • •
efinitive re erence on vibrational molecular chemistr Chapter contributors are a Who s Who o world leaders in the field Editor is widel considered as one o the ounding athers o theoretical reaction d namics Wide range o topics covered, rom theor to applications
Description Vibrational Dynamics of Molecules represents the definitive concise text on the cutting-edge field of vibrational molecular chemistry. he chapter contributors are a Who s Who o world leaders in the field. he editor, oel owman, is widel considered as one o the ounding athers o theoretical reaction d namics. he included topics span the field, rom undamental theor such as collocation methods and vibrational C methods, to interesting applications such as astrochemistr , supramolecular s stems and virtual computational spectroscop . his is a use ul re erence or theoretical chemists, spectroscopists, ph sicists, undergraduate and graduate students, lecturers and so ware developers.
July 2022 £135 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 790 4
Editor Dr Joel M Bowman is the Samuel Candler obbs Pro essor o heoretical Chemistr at Emor Universit , US , where he held the epartment Chair position twice ( 990 993, 2003 2006). He is an elected ellow o the merican Ph sical Societ (since 990), merican ssociation or the dvancement o Science (since 2005), and nternational cadem o uantum olecular Science (since 20 3). He is a recipient o the le ander von Humboldt esearch ward in 20 8 and the udle Herschbach Pri e or heoretical Chemistr in 20 3. He is the author o more than 500 publications, and has a h inde o 83 as o 202 . He is Editor o Spectrochimica cta and a member o the Editorial oards o Chemical Ph sics, dvances in Ph sical Chemistr and the nternational ournal o uantum Chemistr . He holds a Ph in Chemistr rom the Cali ornia nstitute o echnolog , US .
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 600pp Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Chemistr r owman is widel considered as one o the ounding athers o theoretical reaction d namics. He has made significant contributions in the theor and computation o man aspects o chemical reaction d namics and molecular vibrations. otable among these were the development o ab initio potential energ sur aces in high dimensionalit using permutationall invariant fi ng bases. E amples include the reactions + CH H + CH , H, ( P), , Cl and inters stem crossing in + C H . Potentials or H +, CH +, H +, etc., have led to the most rigorous anal ses o this comple cations. he approach has also resulted in the most accurate ab initio potential and dipole moment or water, built rom , 2, 3 bod high level electronic energies and precisel fit. n addition, he developed the vibrational sel consistent field and virtual state C approaches to coupled molecular vibrations. Subse uentl the e cient and accurate n mode representation o the potential was developed and incorporated into the code UL E. his code has been used in man applications ranging rom the rovibrational spectroscop o pol atomic molecules to the vibrational d namics o molecular clusters, including water clusters and h drated ions. He also discovered roaming d namics, and developed power ul methods to combine aspects o transition state theor with reduced dimensionalit uantum sca ering treatment o reaction d namics, among which shi ing has been widel used.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Sub-Subjects: heoretical Chemistr uantum Chemistr Computational Chemistr Ph sical Chemistr nal tical Chemistr Spectroscop nd ther nal tical echni ues ioph sics iochemistr iological Chemistr Keywords: Computational ovibrational Spectroscop ibrationonal namics o olecules ibrational Perturbation heor ibrational Sel Consistent ield heor ibrational Configuration nteraction ibrational Coupled Cluster heor ibrational mrg ulti Configuration ime ependent Hartree ibrational i usion onte Carlo Readership: his book is a use ul re erence or theoretical chemists, spectroscopists, chemical ph sicists and so ware developers working in the field o vibrational molecular chemistr . t ma also be o interest to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as lecturers, involved in courses related to heoretical Computational uantum Chemistr
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • •
ibrational Configuration nteraction heor (Benjamin Schröder and Guntram Rauhut) ibrational Coupled Cluster heor (Ove Christiansen) ensor etwork States or ibrational Spectroscop (Nina Glaser, Alberto Baiardi, and Markus Reiher) i usion onte Carlo pproaches or Stud ing Large mplitude ibrational otions in olecules and Clusters (Jacob M Finney, Ryan J DiRisio, and Anne B McCoy) Collocation ethods or Computing ibrational Spectra (Tucker Carrington Jr.) ibration otation unneling Levels and Spectra o an der Waals olecules (Ad van der Avoird) ibrational and ovibrational Spectroscop pplied to strochemistr (Ryan C Fortenberry and Timothy J Lee) UL E, the n mode epresentation o the Potential and llustrations to Spectra o Gl cine and wo Protonated Water Clusters (Qi Yu, Chen Qu, Paul L Houston, Riccardo Conte, Apurba Nandi, and Joel M Bowman) ibrational Spectra o le ible S stems using the C H pproach (H-D Meyer, M Schröder and O Vendrell) Semiclassical ibrational namics or olecular and Supra olecular S stems (Riccardo Conte and Michele Ceotto) irect namics or ibrational Spectroscop rom Large olecules in the Gas Phase to the Condensed Phase (Sana Bougueroua, Vladimir Chantitch, Wanlin Chen, Simone Pezzotti, and Marie-Pierre Gaigeot) ntroduction to ibropolaritons Spectroscop , ela ation and Chemical eactions (Raphael F Ribeiro and Joel Yuen-Zhou)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Computational Geometry with Independent and Dependent Uncertainties Rivka Gitik
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Leo Joskowicz
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Description This comprehensive compendium describes a parametric model and algorithmic theory to represent geometric entities with dependent uncertainties between them. he theor , named Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel (LPGU ), is an e pressive and computationall e cient ramework that allows to s stematicall stud geometric uncertaint and its related algorithms in computer geometr . he sel contained monograph is o great scientific, technical, and economic importance as geometric uncertaint is ubi uitous in mechanical C C , robotics, computer vision, wireless networks and man other fields. Geometric models, in contrast, are usuall e act and do not account or these inaccuracies. his use ul re erence te t benefits academics, researchers, and practitioners in computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering and related fields.
Author Leo Joskowicz is a Pro essor at the School o Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew Universit o erusalem, srael. He is the ounder and director o the Computer ided Surger and edical mage Processing Laborator (C S P Lab), ellow o the EEE, S E, and CC Societies and President o the CC Societ . He is the recipient o the 20 0 aurice E uller ward or E cellence in Computer ssisted Surger and the 2007 Ka e nnovation ward. He has published over 250 peer reviewed papers.
July 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 383 6
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 40pp Type:
Main Subject: Computer Science Sub-Subjects: obotics nd utomated S stems echanical Engineering Keywords: Computational Geometr Computer Scence heor C C Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in robotics and mechanical engineering
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • •
Geometric Uncertaint with ependencies he Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertaint odel Envelope o Uncertain Points, Lines and Circles Hal Plane Point etrieval Uncertain ueries Uncertain Euclidean inimum Spanning rees Uncertain oronoi iagrams and elauna riangulations Stabilit Under Geometric Uncertaint namic Uncertain Geometric Structures aintenance
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore Hong Beng Tay
KPMG Singapore, Singapore
Wei Hwa See
KPMG Singapore, Singapore
Yew Kwong Leung
KPMG Singapore, Singapore
Key Features •
eal Estate and a ation in Singapore is an all in one book which cuts across di erent disciplines including real estate, ta , law, histor , polic making, propert development and investment. he multi disciplinar approach adopted b the authors allows the readers to have an in depth appreciation o the inter ace between real estate and ta ation • t is the first o its kind which e amines, rom the lenses o ta practitioners, the government policies introduced over the ears to curb e cessive volatilities during di erent phases o the Singapore propert market c cle, and how these policies have shaped the ta regime in Singapore • he book also traces the propert development and investment li e c cle, with a holistic ocus on the income ta , stamp dut , propert ta and goods and services ta implications associated with propert ac uisition, development, ownership, investment and disposal
July 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 22 649 6
Description Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore provides a multi-disciplinary approach to the subject for Singapore real estate and tax aficionados. he book helps the reader to navigate the comple world o real estate ta ation b taking them through the various changes in the Singapore real estate market over the ears, as well as the propert development and investment li e c cle rom ac uisition and development, to investment and ownership, to disposal. he book primaril ocuses on ta issues income ta , stamp dut , propert ta and goods and services ta aced b propert developers and investors in Singapore. t urther e plains the ta and non ta aspects o topics relating to the aster Plan, development charge and di erential premium, the real estate market cooling measures, as well as real estate investment trusts and unds. t is an all in one, must have re erence book or pro essionals, polic makers, academia, students and the general public who are interested in the field o real estate and ta ation.
Authors Hong Beng Tay has more than 30 ears o e perience in ta consulting or the real estate and financial services sectors and is heavil involved in advising on comple ta issues. his includes structured transactions, merger and ac uisition deals (including ta due diligence and pre P restructuring), corporate restructuring, international ta planning and investment pro ects. Yew Kwong Leung is Principal a dvisor o KP G in Singapore. He has over 40 ears o e perience in ta law and practice. Wei Hwa See is ta director at KP G in Singapore. He has more than 0 ears o ta advisor and compliance e perience. Wei Hwa specialises in ormulating and implementing ta strategies with a view towards achieving business ob ectives o his clients.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 450pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Economics and inance Sub-Subjects: one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions uilding anagement Singapore Collection General usiness nd anagement Keywords: eal Estate a ation ncome a Goods and Services a Stamp ut Propert a Propert C cle eal Estate nvestment eal Estate Holding eal Estate isposal eal Estate nvestment rusts E s Propert rusts Propert unds Propert Holding Entities aster Plan oning Readership: Undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, ta practitioners and polic makers who are interested in real estate and or ta
Contents • • • • • • • • • •
akings and Givings rans ormational ole in eal Estate Landscape Propert arket C cles iscal and acroprudential easures aster Plan and the Planning ct lueprint or Guide Housing evelopers uch egulated Sector Propert nvestment Perceived Long erm Sa e Haven c uisition and isposal o eal Estate c uisition and isposal o eal Estate Holding Entities Singapore eal Estate nvestment rusts 20 ears o Phenomenal Growth usiness rusts he lternative to E S Private eal Estate unds Pla orm to Unlock alue
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Financial Management and Corporate Governance Daisuke Asaoka
Meiji University, Japan & Kyoto University, Japan
Key Features •
Each o the book s chapters deals with a decision that managers make, such as making capital investment decisions, optimi ing capital structure, merging and ac uiring businesses, and structuring corporate governance (see the table o contents). ncorporating the latest developments, this construction provides an in depth, integrated e amination o financial management and corporate governance, two perspectives that are essential to managerial decisions but o en treated separately he book covers the latest advanced topics such as the purpose o a corporation ESG and stakeholder value considerations the emergence o direct listings and SP Cs in capital markets competition laws, national securit screening, and contractual arrangements in mergers and ac uisitions con icts between controlling and minorit shareholders in ownership structure and the growing in uence o activist unds, inde investors and pro advisors. t e plains these topics through the dual lens o the as mmetric in ormation and con icts o interest underl ing them, and thereb provides a coherent view towards understanding these various developments t provides practical financial modeling in the field o valuation and capital structure or ease o understanding these topics
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 239 6
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Description This book provides an integrative perspective on financial management and corporate governance deployed in management decisions. t anal es wide ranging issues such as valuation, capital investment, capital structure, mergers and ac uisitions, shareholder and stakeholder value management, and corporate governance structure. hroughout the anal ses, the book provides a coherent view o firms, laws and markets, and o ers practical financial modeling techni ues to assist in financial decisions. his book also incorporates the latest developments in practice, such as direct listings and SP Cs in capital markets, contractual arrangements in mergers and ac uisitions, se ng o corporate purpose, protection o minorit investors in related part transactions, balancing o shareholder and stakeholder value rom an ESG perspective, and the growing in uence o activist unds, inde investors and pro advisors. t also looks at these comple issues in firm management through the dual lens o as mmetric in ormation and con icts o interest that managers deal with, and gives coherenc and clarit to the understanding o these ke issues in management.
Author Daisuke Asaoka is an associate pro essor at ei i Universit and an ad unct associate pro essor o finance at K oto Universit s Graduate School o anagement. He earned an rom the Universit o Cali ornia at erkele , graduating in the top five percent o his class, and an LL and Ph rom the Universit o ok o. He is a member o the e amination commi ee or Chartered ember nal sts o the Securities nal sts ssociation o apan and several apanese government commi ees on finance and in rastructure. He is the author o Corporate Finance: A Valuation Approach (2006) and Institutional Evolution and the Growth of Firms (20 2), both rom Publishing, Corporate Finance (2022) rom ikkei P (co authored), and Corporate Architecture The Future of Corporate Governance Reform (2022) rom Universit o ok o Press.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Extent: 250pp Type:
Main Subject: Economics
Sub-Subjects: Corporate inance Corporate Governance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions ecision Sciences ccounting ( anagement) Keywords: Corporate inance Corporate Governance inancial anagement aluation genc Problem ESG Stakeholder Sustainabilit inancial arket Law Contract inancial odeling Readership: For students and researchers who are interested to understand more about financial management and corporate governance in management decisions
Contents • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction Understanding Value aking Capital nvestment ecisions Understanding s mmetric n ormation in inancial ptimi ing Capital Structure erging and c uiring usinesses anaging Shareholder and Stakeholder alue Structuring Corporate Governance Conclusion
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Lectures in the Microeconomics of Choice Foundations, Consumers, and Producers W D A Bryant
Macquarie University, Australia
Key Features •
his book provides an account o microeconomics research that covers all our undamental parts theor , applications, empirical tests, generali ations, and e tensions his volume gives an account o microeconomics using an integrated, consistent, and overarching ramework and narrative
Description People pursue their own interests, whatever those interests might be. Some people have interests that are narrow and selfish, others have interests that are broad and altruistic, still others have interests that are somewhere in between. he idea that people are sel interested underpins all o economic anal sis and raises two undamental uestions . How do people choose the actions the think will urther their own interests 2. Can the potentiall con icting interests o di erent people be made to mesh in some sort o socio economic e uilibrium his book is devoted to a detailed stud o the first uestion. ts Companion olume (Economy-Wide Microeconomics: Equilibrium, Optimality, Applications and Tests) makes a detailed stud o the second uestion. his book begins with the rrow ebreu theor o consumer choice. his theor supposes people choose so as to ma imi e a complete, continuous, transitive, and re e ive binar pre erence relation over a non empt and compact choice set, under certaint . he book then studies numerous modifications, rela ations, and generali ations o each o these restrictions up to and including recent work on ehavioral theories o choice. he stud is presented rom the Primal, ual, and evealed Pre erence points o view. Consumers are not the onl agents in the econom , as Producers are present as well. Starting with the rrow ebreu idea that producers choose rom a conve production set so as to ma imi e profit, a stud is made o some o the e tensions, modifications, and generali ations o this ramework that have appeared in the literature. he stud is presented rom the Primal and ual points o view. he final chapter in the book provides a link to its Companion olume. he Chapter indicates how the theories o consumer and producer choice studied here in orm answers o the second uestion posed above.
Author William David Anthony (Tony) Bryant is an Honorar ssociate Pro essor o Economics in the epartment o Economics at ac uarie Universit . He holds degrees rom the ustralian ational Universit and the Universit o Western S dne , and a er a short period working in the Commonwealth epartment o inerals and Energ in Canberra, he moved into academia, where he has worked happil ever since. He has had visiting positions at UC erkele , Cambridge Universit , L , and S dne Universit , among other places. His main research interests are in icroeconomics, General E uilibrium heor , and game theor . Pro essor r ant has published numerous ournal articles, book chapters, and research reports in icroeconomics, General E uilibrium heor , and related areas, including a recentl edited volume titled Computable General E uilibrium odels (World Scientific) and a review o Econom Wide odelling o Water in CGE odels ( ord Universit Press). ecentl , in a oint work with Edwin ranks, he has discovered, and published in Economics Le ers, an interesting set o new necessar and su cient conditions under which the Law o emand holds. his work is part o an e tensive and ongoing research program aimed at understanding the oundations o General E uilibrium heor .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £125 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 470 3
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 500pp Type: Lecture otes Series: World Scientific Lecture otes in Economics and Polic Main Subject: Economics
Sub-Subjects: athematical Economics Game heor Econometrics acroeconomics icroeconomics athematical uantitative inance Keywords: icroeconomics Choice heor iomatics rrow ebreu odel Scientific ethod Consumer Pre erences Choice Sets est Elements ransitivit Continuit Completeness Compactness ehavioral Economics Pre erence a imi ation Utilit unction Special Pre erence Structures Choice Under isk Choice Under Uncertaint ntertemporal Choice Primal pproach udget Constraint onotone Comparative Statics arket emand ualit E penditure unction ndirect Utilit istance unction enefit unction risch Profit unction Comparative Statics Readership: dvanced undergraduate students stud ing Economics, graduate students stud ing Economics, researchers speciali ing in Economics, and pro essional economists
Contents •
Foundations: Introduction Propositions, the Predicate Calculus, and Some Set Theory Axiomatic analysis Conclusion Microeconomics and the Arrow–Debreu Model: Introduction The Arrow–Debreu Model and the Foundations of Microeconomic Theory Structural Features of an Arrow–Debreu Economy Motivation for The Arrow–Debreu Model Scientific Method and Meaningful Theorems Conclusion Consumer Preferences, Choice Sets, and Best Elements: Introduction Arrow–Debreu Consumer Choice Theory Conditions for the Existence of Best Elements The Fundamental Theorem of Arrow–Debreu Consumer Choice Theory Generalizations and Extensions of Proposition 3.4 Relaxing the Transitivity of Preferences Relaxing the Continuity Condition on Preferences Relaxing the Completeness Condition on Preferences Relaxing Compactness of the Choice Set Some Behavioral Alternatives to the Preference Maximization Hypothesis Conclusion The Representation of Preferences by Utility Functions: Introduction Do Utility Functions Exist? Best Element Existence Given a Continuous Utility (and a Compact Choice Set) Not All Preferences are Representable by an (Ordinary) Utility Function Special Preference Structures and Their Representing Utility Functions Utility Functions for Choice Under Risk and Uncertainty Choice Under Uncertainty Intertemporal Choice and Utility Conclusion The Primal Approach to Demand: Introduction Arrow–Debreu Consumer Demand Theory Properties of an Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Demands Behavioral Properties of Consumer Demands The Arrow–Debreu Budget Constraint Some Special Demand Systems Monotone Comparative Statics Market Demand Conclusion
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
The Dual Approach to Demand: Introduction What is Duality? An Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Expenditure Function Convex Analysis and a Consumer’s Utility-Based Expenditure Function The Demand Theory of a Consumer’s Utility-Based Expenditure Function An Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Indirect Utility Function The Demand Theory of the Indirect Utility Function An Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Distance Function An Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Benefit Function An Arrow–Debreu Consumer’s Frisch Profit Function Some Further Dual (Inter)Relationships ‘Utility’ Representation Using ‘Economically Meaningful’ Functions Techniques for Obtaining Comparative Static Results in Optimization Models Market Demands From a Dual Point of View Conclusion Revealed Preference and Integrability: Introduction The Basic Set-Up of Revealed Preference Analysis How Demanding is Revealed Preference Demand Theory? Policymaking with Revealed Preference The Integrability of Demand Conclusion Producers and Their Best Responses: Introduction Arrow–Debreu Producers Arrow–Debreu Producers and the Law of Supply Arrow–Debreu Producer Theory via Duality The Slutsky Equation in a Production Economy Relaxing Some Conditions on Yj Conclusion Conclusion
A General History of China’s Foreign Trade Volume 1
Authors Yaqin Sun
University of International Business and Economics, China
Xu Chang
Cover Available Soon
Tsinghua University, China
Translated by Rui Su Northwest University, China
Key Features •
his set o books promotes the stud o China s oreign trade s stem and provides an abundant empirical basis or international trade theor . t provides a re erence or China s modern oreign trade and promotes the ne elt nd ne oad initiative in the new era ich in content and ull o historical materials and data, this series is conducive to guiding students stud and discussion. t is a valuable material or classroom teaching in economic histor and oreign trade histor
July 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 642 4
Description China has a long history of foreign trade. s earl as the pre in period, the ancient Chinese shipped silk and other goods abroad in the 2nd centur C, the Land and aritime Silk oads developed during the reign o Emperor Wudi o the Western Han nast connected China with the rest o the world. rade relations between China and other regions in the world have been developing graduall and continuousl . rade has contributed to the deepening economic and cultural e changes between China and other countries. While benefiting the whole o humankind, Chinese civili ation has also absorbed the achievements o other civili ations, making China and other countries mutuall benefit and advance together. his book is the first volume in a series o books retelling the tortuous development o China s oreign trade. t covers ancient times, recording China s oreign trade rom the pre in period to the earl ing nast .
Authors & Translator Sun Yaqin is a pro essor and doctoral supervisor in the School o nternational rade and Economics at the Universit o nternational usiness and Economics (U E). She holds a doctoral degree in Economics and has served as a visiting scholar at the Universit o Colorado at oulder. She is the ice President o the Societ o Chinese Commercial Histor and the irector o the China oreign rade Histor U E branch. Dr Chang Xu o the epartment o Histor , singhua Universit , is an associate researcher at the nstitute o Economics, Chinese cadem o Social Sciences. He is mainl engaged in the stud o modern Chinese economic histor , and has published articles on modern Chinese oreign trade and state owned enterprise re orm respectivel in the Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Researches in Chinese Economic History, and Contemporary China History Studies, etc. Su Rui is an associate pro essor in the School o oreign Languages at orthwest Universit ( WU). She received her Ph rom Shanghai nternational Studies Universit (S SU) and rom WU. She was a visiting scholar at Southern Utah Universit and Harvard Universit in 20 5 6. Her ma or academic interests are translation studies and Chinese merican English Literature studies. She has published over 30 articles on translation studies and translated and published 7 books.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 480pp Type:
Main Subject: Economics
Sub-Subjects: Histor Economic hought Economic Histor nternational Economics sian Histor sian Economies Keywords: China China s oreign rade Chinese Histor Readership: Pro essionals and general readers who are interested in the histor o China s oreign trade
Contents •
China’s Foreign Trade prior to the Han Dynasty: Exchanges between East and West in Ancient Times Silk Export prior to the Han Dynasty Formation of the Traffic Roads between East and West China’s Foreign Trade during Two Han Dynasties: Social and Economic Foundation for the Development of China’s Foreign Trade during Two Han Dynasties Smooth Operation of Land and Maritime Silk Roads Silk Roads Trade Policy during Two Han Dynasties Development of China’s Foreign Trade during Two Han Dynasties Economic and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries China’s Foreign Trade during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties: Social and Economic Foundation for the Development of China’s Foreign Trade during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Silk Roads Trade Policy during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Changes in the Route of Silk Road during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties Development of China’s Foreign Trade Economic and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries China’s Foreign Trade during Sui and Tang Dynasties: Social and Economic Foundation for the Development of China’s Foreign Trade during Sui and Tang Dynasties Foreign Trade Policy during Sui and Tang Dynasties Changes in the Route of Silk Roads during Sui and Tang Dynasties Development of China’s Foreign Trade Economic and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries China’s Foreign Trade in the Song Dynasty: Social and Economic Development in the Song Dynasty Foreign Trade Policy in the Song Dynasty Boom in Overseas Trade in the Song Dynasty The Influence of Foreign Trade on Social and Economic Development China’s Foreign Trade in the Yuan Dynasty: Social and Economic Development in the Yuan Dynasty and Advances in Shipbuilding and Seafaring Foreign Trade Policy in the Yuan Dynasty The Recovery and Decline of Land Trade Boom in Overseas Trade in the Yuan Dynasty The Influence of Foreign Trade on Social and Economic Development China’s Foreign Trade in the Ming Dynasty: Social and Economic Development in the Ming Dynasty Foreign Trade Policy in the Ming Dynasty The Evolution of the Customs System Sino-foreign Trade Relations in the Ming Dynasty Foreign Trade and Economic and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries China’s Foreign Trade in Early Qing Dynasty: Social and Economic Development in Early Qing Dynasty Overseas Trade Policy in Early Qing Dynasty Overseas Trade Management System Sino-foreign Trade Relations in the Ming Dynasty Major Import and Export Commodities and Silver Flows Foreign Trade and Economic and Cultural Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries References
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Quantitative Hedge Funds Discretionary, Systematic, AI, ESG and Quantamental Richard D Bateson
Key Features • • • •
Cover Available Soon
Provides an insight into the secretive world o hedge unds in an accessible wa ased on the author s three decades o e perience in financial markets, including running ma or hedge unds and contains numerous anecdotes H brid o a te tbook and a practical guide o knowledge o mathematics is re uired as mathematical e uations are confined to the appendi
Description Welcome to the secretive club of modern hedge funds, where important players in the world of investing and capital markets have invested close to $4 trillion globally. ou re intrigued b the inner workings o hedge unds, investment techni ues and technologies the use to source investment alpha, this book is or ou. ocusing on the author s three decades o trading e perience at leading banks and hedge unds, it covers both discretionar and computer driven strategies and perspectives on based and uantamental investing using new alternative data, which includes numerous e amples and insights o real trades and investment strategies. o mathematical knowledge is re uired, with the relevant algorithms detailed in the appendices. iscretionar investing details e uit and credit investing across the corporate capital structure. hrough trading e uities, bonds and loans, event driven trades can target profitable special situations and relative value opportunities. S stematic trading involves computer driven strategies derived rom a scientific and statistical anal sis o li uid markets. he investment strategies o both C s and long short e uit unds are detailed, rom trend ollowing to actor based approaches. investing is ashionable but does the realit or hedge unds correspond to the h pe present in other non financial domains using neural nets and other machine learning techni ues are outlined along with their practical application in regards to investing. Quantitative Hedge Funds also discusses environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing, which has rapidl evolved as the public and institutions demand solutions to global problems such as climate change, pollution and unethical labour practices. ESG investment strategies are migrating out o the long onl space and into hedge unds. inall , the advent o big data has led to multiple alternative datasets available or hedge und managers. he integration o alternative data into the investment process is discussed, together with the rise o so called uantamental investing, a h brid o the best o human skill and computer based technologies.
Author Richard D Bateson is the ounder and CE o ateson sset anagement, an investment management compan , based in London, specialising in uantitative strategies. He has three decades o trading and investing e perience across all ma or asset classes using a diverse range o discretionar and uantitative strategies at ma or und managers, hedge unds and banks. ateson worked at 20bn an Group plc, one o the World s largest hedge unds and was head o imension, HL s 5bn multi strateg s stematic und, including the award winning Evolution und. He was also the senior uantitative research strategist or all discretionar macro, fi ed income and emerging market unds at GLG Partners. n addition, he was the ounder o G , a uantitative corporate event driven and relative value hedge und manager and managing director at o al ank o Canada.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 2 6 7 £55 | S C E 978 8006 237 2 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 320pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Economics
Sub-Subjects: athematical uantitative inance one anking nvestments inancial arkets nstitutions rtificial ntelligence achine Learning Keywords: Hedge und nvesting nvestments nvestment Strategies iscretionar nvesting rading und anagement S stematic rading S stematic nvesting C Long Short E uit E uit actors actor nvesting nvesting achine Learning ESG ESG nvesting lternative ata uantamental Readership: inancial students finance pro essionals such as investments managers, bankers and law ers general public interested in hedge unds and investing
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • •
• •
Pre ace igure to cron ms Glossar o otations E cient arkets eal arkets iscretionar dventures S stematic Profits he actor Game AI Again ESG nvesting owards uantamental Appendices: Efficient Markets Discretionary Adventures Systematic Profits The Factor Game AI Again urther eading nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Internationalising Higher Education in the Asia Pacific Case of Australia, Japan and Singapore Teofilo C Daquila
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Key Features • • •
• •
• •
he internationalisation o higher education ( HE) has become an important polic issue or governments and research topic or universities Some governments have become more liberal than others, and some universities have become more open to international students than others his book investigates the HE developments and government policies in ustralia, apan and Singapore, and the internationalisation e periences and competitiveness o the Universit o elbourne, K oto Universit , and the ational Universit o Singapore his countr and universit specific scope o HE o ers the competitive advantage o this book relative to other books oreover, it is a single authored book that commenced in 2007 08 and was the result o both primar (interviews with government o cials and universit o cers) and secondar research methodologies lso, it uses both uantitative and ualitative approaches, and multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis n addition, various parts o this book have been presented in academic con erences, workshops and seminars in various countries including ustralia, apan, ala sia, China, rance and Singapore
Description With his many years of overseas experiences as an international student, educator and scholar, Teofilo C Daquila has conducted his research on the internationalisation of higher education (IHE), as it has become an important policy issue and research topic for governments and universities around the world. He aims to determine the e tent o internationalisation o higher education in the sia Pacific region particularl in ustralia, Singapore and apan in terms o its determinants and impacts using a multi and inter disciplinar ramework o anal sis, through historical, political, geographical, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. a uila e amines three leading universities in the world as case studies to determine their internationalisation e periences and the e tent o their competitiveness. hese are the Universit o elbourne, the ational Universit o Singapore, and K oto Universit . He uses our indicators o competitiveness governance and structure, demand conditions, actor conditions, and internationalisation strategies (using the ollowing indicators o HE e pansion, broadening diversification, deepening and acilitation). his book is highl recommended or an one interested in the internationalisation o higher education, its determinants and multiple perspectives, the competitiveness and internationalisation e periences and strategies o universities.
Author Dr Teofilo C Daquila is ssociate Pro essor o Southeast sian economics and business in the epartment o Southeast sian Studies, acult o rts and Social Sciences ( SS) at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US). Pro a uila s current teaching and research areas include economic growth and development, SE economic regionalism, comparative and international education, and the scholarship o teaching and learning.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-221-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Education S stems nd Policies eaching nd Learning Parents nd amilies oung dults or 3 nd bove Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Social ssues Human Securit sian usiness anagement sian Culture Literar Studies Literature sian Economies sian Histor sian Politics Societ Political Econom Globali ation Singapore Collection Southeast sia Keywords: nternationalisation Higher Education nternationalisation o Higher Education Globalisation o Education nternational Students Local Students ustralia s Higher Education apan s Higher Education Singapore s Higher Education Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students, educators, researchers, practitioners, and polic makers, in the fields o comparative and international education with re erence to the internationalisation o higher education
Contents • • • • • • • •
ntroduction ackground and Significance o the nternationalisation o Higher Education he Global Picture, efinitions Concepts, and ationale he in ustralia rends, Pa erns, eterminants and mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o the Universit o elbourne he apan Picture rends, Pa erns, eterminants mpacts a ultidisciplinar nal sis he Competitiveness and nternationalisation E perience o K oto Universit he Singapore Picture Government Policies and the US E perience Establishing Connections in a iverse Environment
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Don Quixote The Crazy Adventures of a Knight-in-Training Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Description Alonso is an old man who is obsessed with stories of heroism. So, he reinvents himsel as on ui ote, knight in training ccompanied b his servant turned s uire, Sancho, as well as his trust old horse osinante, he sets o on man cra adventures. oin this wack knight as he a empts to ba le giants that aren t giants and saves maidens who might not want to be saved
July 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 270 9 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 338 6
Imprint: WS Education Co Publication with arakwon nc. Extent: 08pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: on ui ote Knight Knighthood Classics Literature Pop Lit or Kids Children s Literature unior Chapter ook Spanish Classic Spain Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Wars and Heroes
Author Guanzhong Luo
Illustrated by Patrick Yee
Retold by Pauline Loh
Description In the midst of war, heroes rise up. ut heroes come in di erent shapes and si es. Some are good with swords and spears, like hao un. thers use their brains, like huge Liang. lthough men grow old, a hero will alwa s be a hero, like the elderl Huang hong. n the second book o the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, learn about the heroes o ancient China
July 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 3 0 2 £6.99 | S C E 978-981-125-339-3
Imprint: WS Education Extent: 04pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: omance o hree Kingdoms Liu ei Guan u Guan Gong hang ei unior Chapter ook Chinese Classic sian Classic Chinese alues sian Histor sian iction Shu Han nast Wei nast Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Journey to the West Enlightenment
Author Cheng’en Wu
Retold by Ying Ping Low
Illustrated by Charlotte Ng
Description Spiders! Centipedes! Rhinos and bulls! ripitaka, Sun Wukong, hu a ie, Sha Wu ing and White ragon Horse have to ba le these and more as the near the end o their ourne . Will their braver and determination be enough to see them through What other troubles will the ace in their uest or the hol scriptures oin our heroes in this third and final book o their ourne to the West and find out i the will finall gain enlightenment
Author Low Ying Ping is the author o the ount Emil novels, a middle grade oung adult antas series eaturing riendship and time travel. he second novel, ount Emil evisited, won the Singapore ook wards 20 7 in the iddle Grade oung dult categor . he books have also been shortlisted or other awards such as the Hedwig nuar Children s ook ward and Singapore s Popular eaders Choice wards. ount Emil was also selected or inclusion in the ational rts Council o Singapore s ead ur World SingLit ook Gi or Schools in 20 8 and 20 9. Her short stor , he ge When agic egins , won second pri e in he ritish antas Societ s Short Stor Competition 20 8.
July 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-313-3 £6.99 | S C E 978 98 25 340 9
Imprint: WS Education Extent: 08pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: ourne to the West Chinese Literature China Popular Literature amous Stories Classics bridged Classics or Children sian Literature Sun Wukong onke King olktale Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
The Adventures of Admiral Cheng Ho Author Lee-Ling Ho
Illustrated by Eliz Ong
Description Come along on Admiral Cheng Ho’s trailblazing expeditions to xiyang, the “western seas”! We will encounter pirates, t phoons and treacherous kings but the dmiral is smart. He is also backed b the strength o the mperial eet. Will the dmiral overcome these threats and make the Emperor proud
July 2022 £9.99 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 3 6 4 £6.99 |S C E 978 98 25 34 6
Imprint: WS Education Extent: 00pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: Classics Literature Pop Lit or Kids Children s Literature unior Chapter ook China dmiral Cheng Ho Ships oats dventures Pirates ing Dynasty Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Pop! Lit for Kids (Set 3) The Adventures of Admiral Cheng Ho Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Wars and Heroes Journey to the West: Enlightenment Don Quixote: The Crazy Adventures of a Knight-in-Training
Description Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. he most well loved stories rom around the world have been adapted into a orm that will e cite and entertain children ever where. eaders can embark on new adventures with amous beloved stor book characters.
July 2022 £33.99 | H C E SE 978 98 25 803 9 £23.99 | S C E SE 978 98 25 807 7
Imprint: WS Education Extent: 420pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Journey to the West: The Complete Set Author Cheng’en Wu
Retold by Ying Ping Low
Description Are you ready for a journey you’ll never forget? oin ripitaka, Sun Wukong, hu a ie and man other riends on a great adventure Sun Wukong, the onke King, might be mischievous but he s un to be with ripitaka gets kidnapped b demons all the time but he never gives up hu a ie has a lot o weaknesses but still he pla s his part ogether, the riends have to ba le monsters and outwit oes in order to complete their uest or the hol scriptures. Packed with non stop action and humour, this retelling is the per ect introduction to the amous Chinese classic, Journey to the West. he stor is complete with three volumes Chaos in Heaven, Perils on Earth and Enlightenment. aking classic stories rom sia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into eas to read stories that provide the per ect introduction to classic tales. he most well loved stories rom around the world have been adapted into a orm that will e cite and entertain children ever where. eaders can embark on new adventures with amous beloved stor book characters. n addition, the books come to li e with augmented realit eatures, giving readers an enhanced e perience that the ll never orget
July 2022 £60 | H C E SE 978 98 25 830 5 £25 | S C E SE 978-981-125-831-2
Imprint: WS Education Extent: 300pp Type: Children s Chapter ook Series: Pop Lit or Kids
Author Low Ying Ping is the author o the ount Emil novels, a middle grade oung adult antas series eaturing riendship and time travel. he second novel, ount Emil evisited, won the Singapore ook wards 20 7 in the iddle Grade oung dult categor . he books have also been shortlisted or other awards such as the Hedwig nuar Children s ook ward and Singapore s Popular eaders Choice wards. ount Emil was also selected or inclusion in the ational rts Council o Singapore s ead ur World SingLit ook Gi or Schools in 20 8 and 20 9. Her short stor , he ge When agic egins , won second pri e in he ritish antas Societ s Short Stor Competition 20 8.
Main Subject: Education Sub-Subjects: Children rom 6 o 2 ears Keywords: ourne to the West Chinese Literature China Popular Literature amous Stories Classics bridged Classics or Children sian Literature Sun Wukong onke King olktale Low ing Ping Perils on Earth Chaos in Heaven Enlightenment Wu Cheng en Sun Wukong ripitaka ang San ang hu a ie Sha Wu ing White ragon Horse Chinese Classics Children s daptation Children s ooks Humour Readership: 6 2 ears old
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents •
Chaos in Heaven: Introduction Before You Read A Rock Gives Birth Monkey Bullies the Dragons How to Bluff Heaven into Giving You a Fancy Title Understanding the Story The Monkey King Gets Squished by a Mountain Why Tripitaka is Called Tripitaka Though Tripitaka is Not Tripitaka’s Real Name Tripitaka Gets Lots of Presents (Even Though It is Not His Birthday) Understanding the Story Perils on Earth: Introduction Before You Read Tripitaka Refuses to Eat Babies Wukong Kills the Same Demon Three Times Understanding the Story No Wukong = Chaos! Wukong is Roasted Understanding the Story Bajie and Wukong Play “Dress-up” A Fish, a Turtle and a Monk’s Promise Enlightenment
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Applied Analog Electronics A First Course in Electronics Kevin Karplus
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Description This textbook is for a first course on electronics. t assumes no prior electronics e perience, but does assume that students have had calculus (single variable di erential calculus) and high school ph sics. ke idea o the course is that students need a lot o design e perience and hands on work, rather than a lot o theor . he course is centered around the labs, which are a mi o design labs and measurement modeling labs. he uni ue volume takes students rom knowing no electronics to being able to design and build amplifier and filter circuits or connecting sensors to microcontrollers within 20 weeks. Students design a digital thermometer, a blood pressure meter, an optical pulse monitor, an EKG, an audio preamplifier, and a class power amplifier. he also learn how to measure and characteri e components, including impedance spectroscop o a loudspeaker and o electrochemical electrodes.
July 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-441-3 £70 | S C E 978 98 25 496 3
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 700pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Engineering
Sub-Subjects: Electrical Electronic Engineering Circuits S stems Keywords: Electronics nalog Electronics ECG EKG Pulse onitor mplifier ode Plot mpedance Readership: esearchers, pro essionals, academics, undergraduate and graduate students in electrical electronic engineering, and circuits and s stems
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Wh an Electronics Class ackground aterial Se ng Up easuring emperature Sampling and liasing Hysteresis Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor ptical Pulse onitor Electret icrophone Loudspeaker odeling Low Power udio mplifier easuring E s Class Power amp Electrodes EKG Appendices: PteroDAQ Documentation Study Sheet References nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
System Sustainment Acquisition and Engineering Processes for the Sustainment of Critical and Legacy Systems Peter Sandborn
University of Maryland, USA
William Lucyshyn
University of Maryland, USA
Key Features • •
While there are man books that ocus on s stem reliabilit , there are ewer treatments o the conse uences o s stem unreliabilit he book adopted a holistic view that s stems are more than ust hardware and so ware, in addition the are suppl chains, work orces, contracts, business models, ac uisition processes and governance, i an o these elements ail, might lead to ailure o the entire s stem s a result, this book is a mi o engineering, operations research, and polic sciences intended to provide students with an appreciation o the li e c cle costs, conse uences, and risks o procuring and sustaining critical s stems
Description “Sustainment” (as commonly defined by industry and government), is comprised of maintenance, support, and upgrade practices that sustain or improve the performance of a system and maximize the availability of goods and services while minimizing their cost and footprint or, more simply, the capacity of a system to endure. Sustainment is a multi trillion dollar enterprise or critical s stems, in both government (in rastructure and de ense) and industr (transportation, industrial controls, data centers, and energ generation). his book is a mi o engineering, operations research, and polic sciences intended to provide students with a thorough understanding o the concept o sustainabilit and sustainable product li e c cles, and an appreciation o the importance o sustaining critical s stems. t starts rom the ke a ributes or s stem sustainment that includes data anal tics, engineering anal sis and the public polic needed to support the development o technologies, processes, and rameworks re uired or the management o sustainable processes and practices. he specific topics covered include ac uisition o critical s stems, reliabilit , maintenance, availabilit , readiness, inventor management, suppl chain management and risks, contracting or sustainment, and various anal sis methodologies (discounted cash ow anal sis, discrete event simulation and onte Carlo methods). Practice problems are included at the end o each chapter.
Authors Peter Sandborn is a Pro essor in the epartment o echanical Engineering at the Universit o ar land, US . He is a irector o the ar land Center o E cellence or Sustainment Sciences ( ChESS), a member o the C LCE Electronic Products and S stems Center and the ormer irector o the ar land echnolog Enterprise nstitute ( tech) at the Universit o ar land. r Sandborn s research group develops li e c cle cost models and business case support or long field li e s stems. his work includes s stem health management, part obsolescence management, counter eit part management, return on investment models or maintenance planning and outcome based contract design and optimi ation. r Sandborn is an ssociate Editor o the EEE ransactions on Electronics Packaging anu acturing and a member o the oard o irectors o the PH Societ . Willam Lucyshyn is a esearch Pro essor and the irector o esearch at the Center or the Governance o echnolog and S stems (Go ech), in the School o Public Polic , at the Universit o ar land, US . n this position, he directs research ocused on e ploring the development, governance, and sustainment o comple critical in rastructure technologies and networks through rigorous interdisciplinar research. His pro ects have included identi ing government sourcing and ac uisition best practices and trans orming the epartment o e ense s sustainment and suppl chain management. He has authored over 00 reports and publications and serves on the Editorial oard o e ense c uisition esearch ournal.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £100 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 684 4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 364pp Type:
onograph ( reat s e tbook)w
Series: World Scientific Series on Emerging echnologies vram ar Cohen emorial Series Main Subject: Engineering
Sub-Subjects: S stems Engineering erospace Engineering echanical Engineering perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Keywords: Sustainment Li e C cle Cost Logistics eliabilit vailabili eadiness aintainabilit bsolescence Suppl Chain anagement Suppl Chain isk Legac S stems utcome ased Contracts nventor c uisition Procurement Readership: his book is intended to be a resource or advanced undergraduate and graduate students in engineering (aerospace, civil, electrical, mechanical, and engineering management), business, and public polic who want to understand the ramifications o , and processes or, s stem sustainment. t is also a use ul re erence or industr short courses provided to practicing pro essionals, whom in man cases, were not introduced to s stem sustainment during their education and are now thrust into the field with minimal preparation
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction to Sustainment c uisition o Critical S stems S stem ailure aintenance anaging S stem ailure vailabilit and eadiness Sustainment nventor anagement Suppl Chain anagement S stem Sustainment Enablers and Considerations Contracting or Sustainment he uture o S stem Sustainment iscounted Cash low ( C ) nal sis onte Carlo nal sis iscrete Event Simulation ( ES) Summar o otation and cron ms
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites 2nd Edition Vladislav Mantič
University of Seville, Spain
Key Features •
he book will be a use ul re erence in the development o new theoretical and computer models or the design, manu acturing, testing and applications o composite components and structures Contributing authors are worldwide prominent e perts in the ver di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics and engineering related to composites Especiall suitable or oung researchers showing a great variet o di erent approaches available toda to model composites manu acturing, structural behavior, and damage mechanisms
July 2022 Description Mathematical Methods and Models in Composites (Second Edition) provides an in-depth treatment of the modern and rigorous mathematical methods and models applied to composites modeling on the micro-, meso-, and macro scale. he diversit o such methods and models used in the anal sis and characteri ation o composites, their behavior, and di erent phenomena and processes associated to them has grown steadil . his second edition e pands upon the success o the first edition and has been substantiall revised and updated. Wri en b known e perts in di erent areas o applied mathematics, ph sics, and composite engineering, this book is mainl ocused on continuous fiber rein orced composites, with ever increasing applications (e.g., the aerospace industr ), though it covers also other kind o composites. he topics o contributed chapters range rom scaling and homogeni ation procedures in composites, thin plate and wave solutions in anisotropic materials, laminated structures, shells, thin walled composite structures, fiber rein orced nonlinearl elastic solids, instabilities, buckling and postbuckling, fiber kinking and spli ng, racture and damage anal sis o composites to highl e cient methods or simulation o composites manu acturing like resin trans er molding. he results presented are use ul or the design, abrication, testing and industrial applications o composite components and structures. his book is an essential re erence or graduate and doctoral students and researchers in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering. E planations and re erences in the book are su cientl detailed to provide the necessar background to urther investigate the ascinating sub ect o composites modelling and e plore relevant research literature. t is also suitable or non e perts who wish to have an overview o both the mathematical methods and models used in the area o composites and o the open problems in this area that re uire urther research.
Editor Vladislav Mantič is Pro essor o Continuum echanics at the School o Engineering, Universit o Seville, where he is currentl teaching Solid echanics, Elasticit , racture echanics, Plasticit , iscoelasticit , inite and oundar Element ethod. He graduated in mathematical engineering rom the acult o uclear Sciences and Ph sical Engineering, C ech echnical Universit o Prague, receiving a degree with distinction and ector ward in 984.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
£150 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 87 0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 708pp Type: eview olume Series: Computational and E perimental ethods in Structures Main Subject: Engineering
Sub-Subjects: Engineering echanics athematical odeling echanical Engineering General aterials Science Keywords: Composite aterial Laminate Shell Plate ultila er Smart Composite Structure hin Walled Structure Sti ened Panel ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solid andom Composite ulti Scale s mptotic Homogeni ation Scaling nisotropic aterial Stroh ormalism odeling o anu acturing Process odel rder eduction Proper Generali ed ecomposition educed asis esin rans er oulding Suspending luid heolog ultiph sics in Laminates amage elamination Cohesive nter ace Large e ormation racture nstabilit Readership: n essential re erence or researchers and graduate and doctoral students in mathematics, ph sics and composite engineering interested in structural behaviour and damage mechanisms
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
icromechanical odeling o dvanced Composites and Smart Composite Structures Using the s mptotic Homogeni ation ethod (Alexander L Kalamkarov) Scaling unctions in Spatiall andom Composites (Martin Ostoja-Starzewski & Shivakumar I Ranganathan) Stroh Like ormalism or General hin Laminated Plates and its pplications (Chyanbin Hwu) Classical efined, ig ag, La er Wise odels and est heor iagrams or Laminated Structures (Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra and Marco Petrolo) odeling ramework or the nal sis o nstabilities and elamination in Composite Shells (J Reinoso, M Paggi and A Blázquez) i urcation o Elastic ultila ers (Davide Bigoni, Massimiliano Gei and Sara Roccabianca) nstabilities ssociated with Loss o Ellipticit in ibre ein orced onlinearl Elastic Solids (J Merodio and R W Ogden) Propagation o a leigh Waves in nisotropic edia and an nverse Problem in the Characteri ation o nitial Stress (Kazumi Tanuma and Chi-Sing Man) dvanced athematical odels and E cient umerical Simulation in Composite Processes (Emmanuelle AbissetChavanne, Anais Barasinski, Francisco Chinesta) odeling racture and Comple Crack etworks in Laminated Composites (Carlos G Dávila, Cheryl A Rose, Endel V Iarve and Frank A Leone) elamination and dhesive Contacts, heir athematical odeling and umerical reatment (Tomás Roubícek, Martin Kružík, Jan Zeman, Christos G Panagiotopoulos, Roman Vodička and Vladislav Mantič) nteraction o Cracks with nter aces (Dominique Leguillon and Eric Martin) Computational Procedure or Singularit nal sis o nisotropic Elastic ultimaterial Corners pplications to Composites and heir oints (Vladislav Mantič, Alberto Barroso and Federico París)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Waking Up to Climate Change Five Dimensions of the Crisis and What We Can Do About It George Ropes ClimateYou, USA
Key Features •
Waking Up to Climate Change tracks the progress o climate change through contemporar pieces wri en or, one o the oldest websites covering the issue. hrough these short writings, the book captures the crescendo o climate change developments over time, highlighting new research studies, innovations, climate catastrophes, and national and international progress towards action as the occurred Waking Up to Climate Change di ers rom competing titles b covering ascinating insights across the broad dimensions o energ , weather and climate, conse uences to people and nature, politics, pla ers, finance and economics Waking Up to Climate Change inspires hope about climate change because it gives readers ke in ormation about the man solutions to climate change that either alread e ist or are in the pipeline. eaders come awa confident that solutions to climate change are possible
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 623 4
£30 | S C E 978-981-124-754-5
This book adds to our collective awareness that climate change is indeed real, by offering a broad overview of the multiple facets of climate change. t provides readers with a timeline o the growing understanding o the climate change issue, e planation o ke processes, and innovative solutions. he book covers the ull scope o climate change, rom how the climate crisis developed and what we can do to ameliorate it.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 352pp
Waking Up to Climate Change provides ascinating insights across the broad dimensions o energ weather and climate conse uences to people and nature policies, presidents, and pla ers and finance and economics. imed at the general public, the book is highl readable et scientificall accurate. t inspires hope about climate change because it gives readers ke in ormation about the man solutions that either alread e ist or are in the pipeline.
Type: Popular ook
he book captures the crescendo o climate change developments over time, highlighting new research studies, innovations, climate catastrophes, and both international and national progress towards action as the occurred. eaders come awa confident that solutions to climate change are possible, i we act decisivel and soon.
Sub-Subjects: Climate Change Environmental Education Energ Studies esearch Environmental echnolog General nterest
Keywords: Climate Climate Change Climate Crisis Energ E treme Weather mpacts rought loods Heatwaves Carbon Emissions itigation daptation
er graduating rom artmouth College, George Ropes oined the Peace Corps, serving in the ominican epublic. He then taught in public and private schools in ew ork Cit be ore pursuing his studies at the assachuse s nstitute o echnolog , where he earned a asters egree in Political Science, with a concentration in nternational utrition Polic and Planning. rom , he oined Catholic elie Services (C S), a non profit relie and development organi ation, serving in Eg pt, ndia, and ngola, and then globe hopping as Chie o the C S verseas Computeri ation Program. He has been Senior Editor and Chie Contributor since he co ounded Climate in 2008, one o the earliest blogs raising awareness o the climate crisis.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Main Subject: Environmental Science
Readership: dvocates, Polic makers, and Government o cials or institutional and governmental policies that mitigate or adapt to climate impacts general readers interested in obtaining a deeper understanding o the crisis and impact o climate change and what individuals can do to change our course
Contents • • •
• •
Pre ace ntroduction Energy: Coal, Oil, and Gas Energy Sources in Transition Transportation Innovation and Technology Weather and Climate: Extreme Weather Oceans and Coasts Climate Consequences for Nature and People: Deforestation and Fires Species Extinction Famine and Food Security Power Outages Cities Migration, Conflict, and Population Policies, Presidents, and Players: International Action Ups and Downs: The Role of the United States Big Players: China, India, Europe, and the Middle East Finance and Economics Conclusion: We’ve Woken Up to Climate Change — Now What?: The Climate Crisis Heroes The Four Tasks Ways to Take Action My Take
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Enigma of the Skies Unveiling the Secrets of Auroras Yohsuke Kamide
Rikubetsu Space and Earth Science Museum, Japan & Nagoya University, Japan
Yoshi Otsuka
Nanook Aurora Guide, Canada
Key Features • • •
Contains original photos taken rom Earth and rom space E plains the scientific aspects at an eas to read level ncludes an artistic humanities perspective o auroras
Description Enigma of the Skies is a joint endeavor by a scientist and a photographer to present to readers everything there is to know about auroras in an easy-tounderstand matter. t e plains the phenomena and describes how to predict when auroras occur using simple ph sics alongside a collection o beauti ul photos taken both rom Earth and rom space.
Authors Yohsuke Kamide is Pro essor Emeritus o ago a Universit and irector o the ikubetsu Space and Earth useum. He obtained his Ph rom the Universit o ok o, ma oring in space science, particularl in solar terrestrial ph sics. Pro Kamide has also previousl held research and teaching positions in Hokkaido Universit , Universit o ok o, K oto Universit , Universit o laska, and Universit o Colorado, in addition to positions in US s ational ceanic and tmospheric dministration ( ), ational Center or tmospheric esearch ( C ), and ational Geoph sical ata Center ( G C), Space Environment Laborator (SEL). Yoshi Otsuka graduated rom akanoshima rt School and worked as a graphic designer in apan. He has been an aurora guide and photographer in ellowkni e, Canada since 200 .
July 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-877-3 £40 | S C E 978 98 23 039 4
Imprint: WS Li est le Extent: 90pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science Geolog Earth Studies Earth Science stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) Environmental tmospheric Chemistr rts Keywords: urora orthern Lights urora echanism urora Science urora Scientist strophotograph stroph sics stronom urora Photos urora Canada urora ellowkni e urora our urora Hunting urora Chasing urora Prediction Histor o urora urora ales Readership: General readers and tourists interested in auroras
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • •
Pre ace uroras round the World arious pes, Colors, orms, and otions o uroras uroras seen rom Space Unveiling the Secrets o uroras Science or eginners mplications o the elicate alance between the Sun and the Earth E pressing uroras ppendi References
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
The Wisdom of Solomon The Genius and Legacy of Solomon Golomb Beatrice A Golomb
University of California San Diego, USA
Guang G Gong
Alfred W Hales
IDA Center for Communications Research, la Jolla, USA
University of Waterloo, Canada
Cover Available Soon
Description Solomon Wolf Golomb left an unparalleled legacy of accomplishment and recognition for his work in the applications of mathematics to coding and communication theory. His legac also includes a host o individuals whose lives and careers were immeasurabl enriched b their interactions with him. he co editors have a empted to collect man articles essa s in this volume, o a not too technical sort, b a representative collection o such individuals. mong their motivations is the wish to convince the reader o the incredibl prescient choice o his given name. he first section consists o three articles which have alread appeared elsewhere, b noted e perts in the fields where the ma orit o Sol s contributions lie mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering. he second section consists o three articles b the co editors in memor o and tribute to Sol. he third section contains 25 30 articles b Sol s amil , riends, students, colleagues, etc. he cover a great range o topics and var widel in length, technicalit and other aspects. n the last section are contributions b Sol himsel , covering various aspects o his career and interests, as well as other related material.
July 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978 98 23 436
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 400pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science Electrical Electronic Engineering General pplied athematics Histor Science Keywords: Solomon Golomb Golomb ickman Constant Coding and Communication heor Shi egister Sequences Readership: General
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents •
I: Introduction to Solomon W Golomb (Elwyn Berlekamp) Solomon Wolf Golomb 1932–2016 (Andrew J Viterbi) Solomon Golomb (1932–2016) (Stephen Wolfram)
II: A Career in Engineering (Beatrice A Golomb and Solomon W Golomb) Golomb’s Shift Register Sequences — Work with a Great Mind (Guang G Gong) Memories of Sol (Alfred W Hales)
III: The Most Interesting Man in the World (Daniel Arovas) The Issue of Shift Register Sequences (Richard Blahut) Solomon Golomb — Some Personal Reflections (G S Bloom) Golomb’s Norske Forbindelser (Tor Bu) Sol Golomb, My Friend (Leo Buxbaum) Ode to Sol (John Dillon) Puzzles and Tilings (Tuvi Etzion) Solomon Wolf Golomb, May 30, 1932 – May 1, 2016 (Jeremiah and Karen Farrell) Teaching Research and — Teaching (Aviezri Frankel) My Life with Sol (Harold Fredricksen) Focus and Contrast (Jonathan Hall and Tingyao Xiong) Taped Conversation re Sol and JPL (Jon Hamkins) Board Game to Board Room (Robert Hanisee) The Wisdom of Solomon (Larry Harper) The Norwegian Connections of Solomon W Golomb (Tor Helleseth) Sol Golomb and a Twice-in-a-lifetime Celestial Event (Jonathan Jedwab) Solomon W Golomb: A Man of Humility, Integrity and Compassion (Rochelle Kronzek) Sol Golomb — My Hero and my Idol (Abraham Lempel) Golomb and Radar Transforms (Nadav Levanon) Funeral Oration (C L Max Nikias) From Professor Solomon Golomb’s Math PhD Advisee to his Stock Market Guru (Stephen Schloss) Bob Scholtz’s Memories of Sol (Robert Scholtz) Solomon Golomb: Wise Man, Biblical Scholar, and Father-in-law (Terrence J Sejnowski) Professor S W Golomb was my Advisor and Mentor (Hong Song) Sol Golomb in the Fay Zloc Era (Robert Tausworthe) Early Days with Sol Golomb (Lloyd Welch) Consummate Gentleman and Scholar (Alan Willner) A Tribute to Sol Golomb, the Genius who Transformed USC (Yannis Yortsos) Meeting Young Sol (Neal Zierler)
IV: Eight JPL Lab Oratory Issues Sol’s Trip Report re Marshall Hall Visit Hadamard Matrix Discovery Comma Free Codes: Two Papers Radar Measurements of the Planet Venus (L R Malling and S W Golomb) “Spelling the States”, etc., from Golomb’s Gambits “Word Ways” Excerpts USC Engineer “From JPL to USC and Beyond” Forty Years after Sputnik Golomb’s Reminiscences Periodic Binary Sequences: Solved and Unsolved Problems USC Viterbi “Super Sol” USC Trojan “Busy Signals”: National Medal of Science Letter to Granville; Erdos Number “Minus One” The “Golomb-Dickman Constant” — Letter re Lagarias Article LA Jewish Journal Obituary Shizef Raphaeli Obituary Translation by Edna Sharoni Final Oral Exam
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Emerging Technologies in Biophysical Sciences: A World Scientific Reference (In 3 Volumes) Volume 1: Emerging Technologies for Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing Volume 2: Emerging Technologies for Fertility Volume 3: Emerging Technologies for Diagnostics Utkan Demirci
Waseem Asghar
Rami El Assal
Fatih Inci
Stanford University, USA Stanford University, USA
Pu Chen
Wuhan University, China
Florida Atlantic University, USA Bilkent University-UNAM, Turkey & Stanford University, USA
Shuqi Wang
Sichuan University, China
Description Volume 1: io abrication aims to produce artificiall manu actured tissues and organs, potentiall revolutioni ing conventional paradigm o clinical practice in treating diseases and e tending the li e span and ualit o human beings. n this volume, we invite notable e perts in the field o bio abrication and biomanu acturing to summari e recent rapid progress in this field rom multi aceted aspects covering bio abrication techni ues and building materials such as sca old and living cells. Specificall , a ocus is placed on a variet o techni ues derived rom 3 bioprinting and bioassembl strategies, such as acoustic assembl and electro abrication. oreover, principles and strategies or choosing h drogels and pol mers or bio abrication are also heavil discussed. verall, this book creates a good opportunit or undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as bioengineers and medical researchers who wish to gain a undamental understanding o current status and uture trends in bio abrication and biomanu acturing. Volume 2: n ertilit has become a significant clinical condition and about 5 couples cannot reproduce naturall . dvanced reproductive technologies ( s) are being developed to treat in ertilit . his handbook e plores significant development o s or ertilit testing, selection o sperm, ooc te and embr o, reproductive monitors, automation in embr olog , and ertilit preservation. his volume provides a comprehensive overview o the m riad o emerging technologies and s stems that are being utili ed or will be utili ed in near uture in reproductive clinics. verall this book creates a good opportunit or undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as scientists and medical researchers who wish to gain undamental understanding o current status and uture trends trends in ertilit reproductive medicine. Volume 3: Healthcare industr has a notable paradigm transition rom centrali ed care to the point o care (P C). uring this metamorphosis, a number o new technologies and strategies have been adapted to the current practice, addressing the e isting challenges in the fields o medicine and biolog . ll the e orts aim to improve the clinical management and the e ectiveness and ualit o care. n particular, diagnostics has pivotal roles in guiding clinical management or the most e ective treatment to control and cure the disease. n contrast to the e isting diagnostic strategies emplo ing bulk si ed tools, e pensive in rastructure, laborious protocols, and length processing steps, the contribution o biosensors to current healthcare s stem, especiall to diagnostics, is paramount. he unprecedented and admirable characteristics o biosensing strategies have e panded our knowledge on medicine and biolog b harmoni ing materials science, chemistr , ph sics, and engineering. We believe that biosensors applied in disease diagnostics will not onl garner more a ention in clinical research to decipher disease biolog and mechanism, and also, stimulate innovative perspectives in artificial intelligence and internet o things ( o ) s nergisticall , thereb their more acile adaptation to dail use.
July 2022 £775 | H C E SE 978 98 22 565 9 Introductory Offer till Mar 31, 2022 List Price after Mar 31, 2022, £1055
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 050pp Type: Handbook Main Subject: Life Sciences and Biology Sub-Subjects: iomedical Sciences ioengineering iotechnolog anobiotechnolog Stem Cells esearch issue Engineering iomaterials ew aterials Pol mers anomedicine General edicine anobiotechnolog ano abrication nd anomanipulation anomaterials nd anostructures bstetrics G naecolog Embr olog Keywords: issue Engineering egenerative edicine io abrication iomanu acutring ioprinting iomedical Engineering eproductive edicine n ertilit dvanced eproductive echnologies ( ) n itro ertili ation ( ) ntrac toplasmic Sperm n ection ( CS ) Semen nal sis mplantable Contraceptives Readership: Li e science researchers and bioengineers, ph sicians, biologists, and students with an interest in the field o regenerative medicine
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents •
Volume 1: Emerging Technologies for Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing (Utkan Demirci, Rami El Assal & Pu Chen): ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Advanced Design Strategies of Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering (A I Barbosa et al.) Utilization of Natural and Synthetic Hydrogels for Biofabrication (B Yildiz & A A Yildiz) Biocompatible Polymers for 3D Printing (S M Davachi et al.) Electrofabrication to Create Structured Hydrogels (J Li et al.) Bio-electrospinfabrication: From Production to Applications (Z Karahaliloğlu et al.) Emerging Acoustic Assembly for 3D Biofabrication (N Liu et al.) The Importance of Anisotropic Topography in Guided Tissue Engineering (D Yucel & H Gezmis) 3D Bioprinting of Blood Vessels and Vascular Networks: Progress and Challenges Toward Biofabrication of Functional Vascularized Tissues and Organs (S P Parthiban et al.) Three-Dimensional Bioprinted Perfusable Tissue Constructs (M L Tomov et al.) 3D Bioprinting in Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering (A F Badria & P Y Huri) Liver Organoids: Construction, Characterization, and Applications (A Guo et al.) 3D Printing of Polyurethanes for Biomedical Applications (P Wang) Drug Eluting Degradable Coatings on Biomedical Implants (J C Quarterman et al.) The Improved Strategies of Dendrimers as Gene Vectors (F Wang et al.)
Volume 2: Emerging Technologies for Fertility (Utkan Demirci, Rami El Assal & Waseem Asghar): ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Emerging Technology in Assisted Human Reproduction (M Shapiro et al.) Applications of Dynamic Microfluidic Platforms in Reproductive Studies and Fertility Preservation (N Songsasen N et al.) Embryo and Oocyte Selection (J Kort et al.) Birth Control and Biologging: Current and Future Perspectives on Implantable Contraceptives and Reproductive Monitors (J Nagashima et al.) Oxidation-Reduction Potential: An Innovative and Reliable Measure of Oxidative Stress and its Relationship with Fertility (M Rana et al.) Automation in Clinical Embryology Laboratories — What is Next? (C Halicigil et al.) Home-Based Semen Analysis (S Yu et al.) Sperm Selection in Animal Assisted Reproduction (M J Morrell et al.) Seminal Plasma and Its Effects on Fertility During Artificial Insemination in Livestock Species (M Herrid et al.) Technologies for Oocyte Cryopreservation (W Li et al.)
Volume 3: Emerging Technologies for Diagnostics (Utkan Demirci, Fatih Inci & Shu Qi Wang): ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Synthetic Biomarker Platforms for Early Detection of Disease (G A Kwong et al.) Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Based Biosensors for Clinical Applications (A Denizli et al.) Biomimetic Lipid Bilayer Based Point-of-Care Systems (F N Kok et al.) Advances and Future Perspective of Graphene Field Effect Transistors (GFETs) for Medical Diagnostics and Point-of-Care Tools (U H Yildiz et al.) Paper and Textile-Based Point of Care Tests (F N Kok et al.) Nanostructured Electrochemical Biosensors for Medical Applications (S Pekyardimci et al.) Mathematical Modelling of Lateral Flow Assay Performance (F Xu et al.) Recent Advances of Lateral Flow Assays for Protein and Nucleic Acid Detection (X Zhao et al.) Isothermal Amplification Methods for Point-of-Care Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases (M Nilsson et al.) Current and Future Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Tuberculosis (A Singhal et al.) Point of Care Testing in Reproductive Medicine (R Anchan et al.) Smartphone Integration with POC Devices for Disease Diagnostics (W Asghar et al.)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Vaccines in the Global Era How to Deal Safely and Effectively with the Pandemics of Our Time Rino Rappuoli
GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines, Italy
Lisa Vozza
AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research, Italy
Key Features •
• •
ore than 4,700 copies sold in tal and the Galileo award, the most prestigious popular science pri e in tal , a est to the ualit and originalit o the first edition o this book and or the uni ue e pertise and skills o the two authors ino appuoli is a world leader in the field o vaccinolog and Lisa o a is a well reputed science writer, with translations o her books published in English and Chinese simple and compact book, eas to read but highl authoritative. n about 350 pages, it e plains a comple sub ect with depth, balance and nuances he second talian edition, and the first English edition, have two entirel new chapters on the coronavirus epidemics (S S, E S, S S Co 2). he authors have wri en these chapters in order to have the most up to date views o both the evolution o the pandemic and the development and deplo ment o vaccines all over the world
Description A new coronavirus, most likely spilled over from an animal species, has plunged us into the third epidemic of this kind in the last 20 years, against which there were neither vaccines nor therapies. While we argue over the uture o humanit , vulnerable to the ecological and environmental degradation that has enabled the pandemic, e traordinar technologies have been developed to combat in ectious diseases. n ust months it was possible to develop, test and produce the vaccines that are graduall enabling us to escape the S S Co 2 nightmare. n addition, with the legac o the technologies developed against C 9, we will be able to overcome antimicrobial resistance a slow but ine orable pandemic. s vaccinologists are churning out increasingl precise and e ective solutions, vaccine acceptance seems to be receding. utbreaks o preventable diseases have prompted the health authorities o several countries to make childhood vaccinations mandator again. uch remains to be done, but a public capable o distinguishing authoritative voices rom misleading ones will be able to en o the vaccines o tomorrow more widel . accines in the Global Era is an eas to read book that can be read b virtuall an one who wants to learn about the importance, e ectiveness and sa et o vaccines in preventing in ectious diseases. accines are cheap, save countless lives, and are more e ective than the best medicines. Let s tr to make the best use o them or the health o the people and animals living together on this beauti ul planet.
Authors Rino Rappuoli is an talian microbiologist, Gold edal o erit or Public Health in tal (2005), and among the top ranking world authorities on vaccines. He is currentl Scientific irector and Head o esearch and evelopment at Gla oSmithKline accines (GSK). Lisa Vozza is a well known talian science writer, trained in biolog , and Chie Scientific cer at C oundation or Cancer esearch. Her books include ella mente degli altri ( n the mind o others, anichelli, 2007) with Giacomo i ola vaccini dell era globale ( accines in the global era, anichelli, 2009, Galileo litera pri e 20 0) with ino appuoli Come nascono le medicine (How medicines are born, World Scientific, UK, 20 7 he Commercial Press, China) with auri io ncalci.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £40 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 93 £20 | S C E 978 8006 204 4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 230pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Li e Sciences
Sub-Subjects: iomedical Sciences icrobiolog irolog iotechnolog Hiv ids esearch mmunolog n ectious iseases Public Health (+Epidemiolog ) Keywords: denoviral accines d uvants S ntibodies ntigens ntiserum enuated accines utism acteria lack eath Chickenpo Coronavirus C 9 iarrhoea iphtheria Ebola Epidemics Eradication Genomics H mophilus n uen H HC Hepatitis Herpes oster H HP mmune s stem nactivated accines n ection n ectious diseases n ammation n uen a Li e e pectanc alaria easles eningitis E S icrobial esistance m accines umps eisseria meningitidis Pandemics Readership: Can be read b virtuall an one who wants to learn something about the importance, e ectiveness, and sa et o vaccines in preventing in ectious diseases. lso suitable or undergraduate and postgraduate students researchers in basic biomedical disciplines ph sicians and health service polic makers
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction ld and ew Epidemics he Long Histor o accines Listen to his Chasing oving argets accines Wanted gainst our ig Killers Unpredictable iruses he lu Pandemic o ur ime How to mmuni e an Entire Planet gainst the Coronavirus accines or Whom How do our e ences Work ispelling Seven ths a be ou idn t Know hat ... urther eading
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Casual Calculus: A Friendly Student Companion (In 3 Volumes) Kenneth H Luther
Valparaiso University, USA
Key Features •
he te t is intended to be ull consumed it is designed so that students become engaged with ever topic and ever e ercise presented. t is not a te t where 00 problems per section are presented so that instructors can select a do en or assignment. he book is wri en in a ver conversational tone it is not a stu academic te t. Proper mathematicians ma get a rash rom reading it he e ercises are grouped to encourage stepwise learning i the are ollowing the plan, students will have three runs o problem solving in each section ou r t problems accompan the solved e amples, Practice Problems are intended as a first check up at the end o a section, and Challenge Problems o e ual or more advanced di cult are presented or a show o final master . Students will have access to ull wri en solutions to all problems at some point along the wa
Description Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant t pes o such te ts. t could be used as a te tbook, albeit a streamlined one it contains e position on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train o thought, and solved e amples with accompan ing suggested e ercises. t could be used as a solution guide because it contains ull wri en solutions to each o the hundreds o e ercises posed inside. ut its best position is right in between these two e tremes. t is best used as a companion to a traditional te t or as a re resher with its conversational tone, its get right to it content structure, and its inclusion o complete solutions to man problems, it is a riendl partner or students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via sel stud . E ercises are structured in three sets to orce multiple encounters with each topic. Solved e amples in the te t are accompanied b ou r t problems, which are similar to the solved e amples the students use these to see i the re read to move orward. hen at the end o the section, there are Practice Problems more problems similar to the ou r t problems, but given all at once. inall , each section has Challenge Problems these lean to being e uall or a bit more di cult than the others, and the allow students to check on what the ve mastered. he goal is to keep the students engaged with the te t, and so the writing st le is ver in ormal, with a empts at humor along the wa . he target audience is S E students including those in engineering and meteorolog programs.
Author Kenneth Luther has been teaching mathematics or over twent ears at alparaiso Universit , and recentl survived an eight ear tour o dut as chair o the epartment o athematics and Statistics. He is an academic mu , with a S in athematics rom ount Union College ( 988), S in athematics rom Universit o elaware ( 99 ), and a Ph in Environmental Science rom ndiana Universit ( 998). He worked or 2.5 ears in the Underwater coustics ivision o the aval esearch Laborator be ore his Ph work, and his research area is mathematical modeling o groundwater ow.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £395 | H C E SE 978 98 24 263 2 £165 | S C E SE 978 98 24 264 9 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 764pp Type: Stud Guide Series 3 olumes Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: eal unctions Se uences Series Summabilit General pplied athematics General Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Electronic Engineering echanical Engineering Keywords: Calculus Single ariable ultivariable pplied athematics Problem Solving Solved Problems Solutions S E Ph sics Engineering eteorolog Supplemental Limits i erentiation ntegration elated ates ptimi ation ntegration b Parts Partial ractions Se uences Series Polar Coordinates Polar Coordinates C lindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates ector Calculus ivergence Curl Gradient Line ntegrals Sur ace ntegrals ivergence heorem Green s heorem Stokes heorem Readership: Undergraduate students currentl taking or re reshing themselves on Calculus
Contents •
Volume 1: Prelude our athematics Pep alk ears o Work in ne Chapter ake t to the Limit Embrace the Change bandon Hope ll e Who Enter Here Calculus Has Its Ups and Downs he est athematics S mbol Ever Solutions to ll Practice Problems Solutions to ll Challenge Problems nde Volume 2: he ntegration o o he athematics Chainsaw assacre ound and ound We Go Solids o evolution ppro imation he ear o ll Sums Change in Graph Paper Solutions to ll Practice Problems Solutions to ll Challenge Problems nde Volume 3: athematical e a u ne ariable Was Lame Rectangular Coordinates Are Dull Pla er Has Entered the Game We ve een ramed Big Bang Appendices nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Casual Calculus Volume I: A Friendly Student Companion Kenneth H Luther
Valparaiso University, USA
Key Features •
he te t is intended to be ull consumed it is designed so that students become engaged with ever topic and ever e ercise presented. t is not a te t where 00 problems per section are presented so that instructors can select a do en or assignment. he book is wri en in a ver conversational tone it is not a stu academic te t. Proper mathematicians ma get a rash rom reading it he e ercises are grouped to encourage stepwise learning i the are ollowing the plan, students will have three runs o problem solving in each section ou r t problems accompan the solved e amples, Practice Problems are intended as a first check up at the end o a section, and Challenge Problems o e ual or more advanced di cult are presented or a show o final master . Students will have access to ull wri en solutions to all problems at some point along the wa
Description Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant t pes o such te ts. t could be used as a te tbook, albeit a streamlined one it contains e position on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train o thought, and solved e amples with accompan ing suggested e ercises. t could be used as a solution guide because it contains ull wri en solutions to each o the hundreds o e ercises posed inside. ut its best position is right in between these two e tremes. t is best used as a companion to a traditional te t or as a re resher with its conversational tone, its get right to it content structure, and its inclusion o complete solutions to man problems, it is a riendl partner or students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via sel stud . E ercises are structured in three sets to orce multiple encounters with each topic. Solved e amples in the te t are accompanied b ou r t problems, which are similar to the solved e amples the students use these to see i the re read to move orward. hen at the end o the section, there are Practice Problems more problems similar to the ou r t problems, but given all at once. inall , each section has Challenge Problems these lean to being e uall or a bit more di cult than the others, and the allow students to check on what the ve mastered. he goal is to keep the students engaged with the te t, and so the writing st le is ver in ormal, with a empts at humor along the wa . he target audience is S E students including those in engineering and meteorolog programs.
Author Kenneth Luther has been teaching mathematics or over twent ears at alparaiso Universit , and recentl survived an eight ear tour o dut as chair o the epartment o athematics and Statistics. He is an academic mu , with a S in athematics rom ount Union College ( 988), S in athematics rom Universit o elaware ( 99 ), and a Ph in Environmental Science rom ndiana Universit ( 998). He worked or 2.5 ears in the Underwater coustics ivision o the aval esearch Laborator be ore his Ph work, and his research area is mathematical modeling o groundwater ow.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £165 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-392-1 £70 | S C E 978-981-122-488-1 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 692pp Type: Stud Guide Series riendl Student Companion Volume 1 Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: eal unctions Se uences Series Summabilit General pplied athematics General Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Electronic Engineering echanical Engineering Keywords: Calculus Single ariable ultivariable pplied athematics Problem Solving Solved Problems Solutions S E Ph sics Engineering eteorolog Supplemental Limits i erentiation ntegration elated ates ptimi ation ntegration b Parts Partial ractions Se uences Series Polar Coordinates Polar Coordinates C lindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates ector Calculus ivergence Curl Gradient Line ntegrals Sur ace ntegrals ivergence heorem Green s heorem Stokes heorem Readership: Undergraduate students currentl taking or re reshing themselves on Calculus
Contents •
Volume 1: Prelude our athematics Pep alk ears o Work in ne Chapter ake t to the Limit Embrace the Change bandon Hope ll e Who Enter Here Calculus Has Its Ups and Downs he est athematics S mbol Ever Solutions to ll Practice Problems Solutions to ll Challenge Problems nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Casual Calculus Volume II: A Friendly Student Companion Kenneth H Luther
Valparaiso University, USA
Key Features •
he te t is intended to be ull consumed it is designed so that students become engaged with ever topic and ever e ercise presented. t is not a te t where 00 problems per section are presented so that instructors can select a do en or assignment. he book is wri en in a ver conversational tone it is not a stu academic te t. Proper mathematicians ma get a rash rom reading it he e ercises are grouped to encourage stepwise learning i the are ollowing the plan, students will have three runs o problem solving in each section ou r t problems accompan the solved e amples, Practice Problems are intended as a first check up at the end o a section, and Challenge Problems o e ual or more advanced di cult are presented or a show o final master . Students will have access to ull wri en solutions to all problems at some point along the wa
Description Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant t pes o such te ts. t could be used as a te tbook, albeit a streamlined one it contains e position on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train o thought, and solved e amples with accompan ing suggested e ercises. t could be used as a solution guide because it contains ull wri en solutions to each o the hundreds o e ercises posed inside. ut its best position is right in between these two e tremes. t is best used as a companion to a traditional te t or as a re resher with its conversational tone, its get right to it content structure, and its inclusion o complete solutions to man problems, it is a riendl partner or students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via sel stud . E ercises are structured in three sets to orce multiple encounters with each topic. Solved e amples in the te t are accompanied b ou r t problems, which are similar to the solved e amples the students use these to see i the re read to move orward. hen at the end o the section, there are Practice Problems more problems similar to the ou r t problems, but given all at once. inall , each section has Challenge Problems these lean to being e uall or a bit more di cult than the others, and the allow students to check on what the ve mastered. he goal is to keep the students engaged with the te t, and so the writing st le is ver in ormal, with a empts at humor along the wa . he target audience is S E students including those in engineering and meteorolog programs.
Author Kenneth Luther has been teaching mathematics or over twent ears at alparaiso Universit , and recentl survived an eight ear tour o dut as chair o the epartment o athematics and Statistics. He is an academic mu , with a S in athematics rom ount Union College ( 988), S in athematics rom Universit o elaware ( 99 ), and a Ph in Environmental Science rom ndiana Universit ( 998). He worked or 2.5 ears in the Underwater coustics ivision o the aval esearch Laborator be ore his Ph work, and his research area is mathematical modeling o groundwater ow.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £130 | HARDCOVER 978 98 24 97 0 £50 | S C E 978-981-124-198-7 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 446pp Type: Stud Guide Series riendl Student Companion Volume 2 Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: eal unctions Se uences Series Summabilit General pplied athematics General Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Electronic Engineering echanical Engineering Keywords: Calculus Single ariable ultivariable pplied athematics Problem Solving Solved Problems Solutions S E Ph sics Engineering eteorolog Supplemental Limits i erentiation ntegration elated ates ptimi ation ntegration b Parts Partial ractions Se uences Series Polar Coordinates Polar Coordinates C lindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates ector Calculus ivergence Curl Gradient Line ntegrals Sur ace ntegrals ivergence heorem Green s heorem Stokes heorem Readership: Undergraduate students currentl taking or re reshing themselves on Calculus
Contents •
Volume 2: he ntegration o o he athematics Chainsaw assacre ound and ound We Go Solids o evolution ppro imation he ear o ll Sums Change in Graph Paper Solutions to ll Practice Problems Solutions to ll Challenge Problems nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Casual Calculus Volume III: Multivariable Kenneth H Luther
Valparaiso University, USA
Key Features •
he te t is intended to be ull consumed it is designed so that students become engaged with ever topic and ever e ercise presented. t is not a te t where 00 problems per section are presented so that instructors can select a do en or assignment. he book is wri en in a ver conversational tone it is not a stu academic te t. Proper mathematicians ma get a rash rom reading it he e ercises are grouped to encourage stepwise learning i the are ollowing the plan, students will have three runs o problem solving in each section ou r t problems accompan the solved e amples, Practice Problems are intended as a first check up at the end o a section, and Challenge Problems o e ual or more advanced di cult are presented or a show o final master . Students will have access to ull wri en solutions to all problems at some point along the wa
Description Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant t pes o such te ts. t could be used as a te tbook, albeit a streamlined one it contains e position on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train o thought, and solved e amples with accompan ing suggested e ercises. t could be used as a solution guide because it contains ull wri en solutions to each o the hundreds o e ercises posed inside. ut its best position is right in between these two e tremes. t is best used as a companion to a traditional te t or as a re resher with its conversational tone, its get right to it content structure, and its inclusion o complete solutions to man problems, it is a riendl partner or students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via sel stud . E ercises are structured in three sets to orce multiple encounters with each topic. Solved e amples in the te t are accompanied b ou r t problems, which are similar to the solved e amples the students use these to see i the re read to move orward. hen at the end o the section, there are Practice Problems more problems similar to the ou r t problems, but given all at once. inall , each section has Challenge Problems these lean to being e uall or a bit more di cult than the others, and the allow students to check on what the ve mastered. he goal is to keep the students engaged with the te t, and so the writing st le is ver in ormal, with a empts at humor along the wa . he target audience is S E students including those in engineering and meteorolog programs.
Author Kenneth Luther has been teaching mathematics or over twent ears at alparaiso Universit , and recentl survived an eight ear tour o dut as chair o the epartment o athematics and Statistics. He is an academic mu , with a S in athematics rom ount Union College ( 988), S in athematics rom Universit o elaware ( 99 ), and a Ph in Environmental Science rom ndiana Universit ( 998). He worked or 2.5 ears in the Underwater coustics ivision o the aval esearch Laborator be ore his Ph work, and his research area is mathematical modeling o groundwater ow.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £165 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-395-2 £70 | S C E 978-981-122-489-8 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 626pp Type: Stud Guide Series
ultivariable Volume 3
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: eal unctions Se uences Series Summabilit General pplied athematics General Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Electronic Engineering echanical Engineering Keywords: Calculus Single ariable ultivariable pplied athematics Problem Solving Solved Problems Solutions S E Ph sics Engineering eteorolog Supplemental Limits i erentiation ntegration elated ates ptimi ation ntegration b Parts Partial ractions Se uences Series Polar Coordinates Polar Coordinates C lindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates ector Calculus ivergence Curl Gradient Line ntegrals Sur ace ntegrals ivergence heorem Green s heorem Stokes heorem Readership: Undergraduate students currentl taking or re reshing themselves on Calculus
Contents •
Volume 3: athematical e a u ne ariable Was Lame Rectangular Coordinates Are Dull Pla er Has Entered the Game We ve een ramed Big Bang Appendices nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Functional Distribution of Anomalous and Nonergodic Diffusion From Stochastic Processes to PDEs Weihua Deng
Lanzhou University, China
Daxin Nie
Lanzhou University, China
Xudong Wang
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Key Features • • •
Provides a comprehensive overview o histor and politics in China since 1949 pplies a thematic approach revolution, recover and re uvenation encompassing a chronological breakdown o events E amines the rise and re uvenation o China not ust within an economic and militar conte t but also within ramework o increasingl dominant Chinese discourses ddresses topical issues such as human rights, environment and nationalism
July 2022 £85 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 049
Description This volume presents a pedagogical review of the functional distribution of anomalous and nonergodic diffusion and its numerical simulations, starting from the studied stochastic processes to the deterministic partial differential equations governing the probability density function of the functionals. Since the remarkable theor o rownian motion was proposed b Einstein in 905, it had a sustained and broad impact on diverse fields, such as ph sics, chemistr , biolog , economics, and mathematics. he unctionals o rownian motion are later widel a ractive or their e tensive applications. t was Kac, who firstl reali ed the statistical properties o these unctionals can be studied b using e nman s path integrals. n recent decades, anomalous and nonergodic di usions which are non rownian become topical issues, such as ractional rownian motion, L v process, L v walk, among others. his volume e amines the statistical properties o the non rownian unctionals, derives the governing e uations o their distributions, and shows some algorithms or solving these e uations numericall .
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type:
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: umerical nal sis Partial i erential E uations Probabilit heor Stochastic Processes Statistical echanics Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics
Dr Weihua Deng is a Pro essor o athematics in Lan hou Universit . He is an ssociate Editor o umerical athematics heor , ethods and pplications and ournal o Computational athematics and ata Science, as well as an Editorial oard ember o Computer and athematics with pplications.
Keywords: unctional odelling Stochastic Process Probabilit istribution Partial i erential E uation egularit lgorithm
Dr Xudong Wang is an ssociate Pro essor in an ing Universit o Science and echnolog .
Readership: Graduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers in mathematics, ph sics and chemistr
Dr Daxin Nie is a esearch ssistant o mathematics in Lan hou Universit .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • •
Probabilit heor nomalous and onergodic i usion unctional istributions lgorithms or the odels Governing unctional istribution ppendi ractional Calculus and elated Space
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications 3rd Edition Sze-Bi Hsu
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Kuo-Chang Chen
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Key Features •
• • • •
esides giving rigorous proo s or basic theorems o E, it also provides numerous e amples arising rom ph sical and biological science or readers to understand the theorems and their applications E ercises are given at the end o each chapter or the reader to practice some are challenging his is also a good te tbook or students aiming or applied mathematics with applications in Engineering Some knowledge in onlinear nal sis in which we think is necessar or the students is presented in the book or oscillator solutions which occur in nature, we introduce the Poincare endi son heorem and its applications, onotone namical S stems, especiall three dimensional competitive s stems and Hop bi urcations in n dimensional space his te t also provides a riendl introduction to Hamiltonian s stems, wri en b co author Kuo Chang Chen, an e pert in celestial mechanics
July 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 074 3
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Written in a straightforward and easily accessible style, this volume is suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate students in mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering. he aim is to provide students with a strong background in the theories o rdinar i erential E uations, namical S stems and oundar alue Problems, including regular and singular perturbations. t is also a valuable resource or researchers.
Extent: 376pp
his volume presents an abundance o e amples in ph sical and biological sciences, and engineering to illustrate the applications o the theorems in the te t. eaders are introduced to some important theorems in onlinear nal sis, or e ample, rouwer fi ed point theorem and undamental theorem o algebras. chapter on onotone namical S stems takes care o the new developments in rdinar i erential E uations and namical S stems.
Main Subject:
n this third edition, an introduction to Hamiltonian S stems is included to enhance and complete its coverage on rdinar i erential E uations with applications in athematical iolog and Classical echanics.
Authors Sze-Bi Hsu, Emeritus Pro essor, ational sing Hua Universit 20 3 S ellow, 20 2 ward o athematical Societ o epublic o China, ational Chair Pro essor, inistr o Education (20 20 4), Science ward inistr o Education, sing Hua istinguished Chair Pro essor (20 20 8). Kuo-Chang Chen, istinguished Pro essor at the ational sing Hua Universit (20 ), 2008 ational Science Council istinguished esearch ward, 20 2 cademic ward o the athematical Societ o epublic o China, editor o onlinearit (20 9 ) and C S (2008 ).
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Type: e tbook Series: Series on pplied Volume 23
Sub-Subjects: rdinar i erential E uations onlinear Science, Chaos namical S stems Keywords: Local E istence and Uni ueness o Solutions o nitial alue Problem Continuous ependence on Parameters and nitial alues i erential ne ualities undamental atrices Liouville s ormula ariation o Constant ormula E ponential atri outh Hurwit Criterion wo imensional Phase Plane nal sis lo uet heorem redholm lternatives Stabilit o E uilibrium Hartman Grobman heorem Saddle Point Propert Stable ani old heorem rbital s mptotic Stab L apunov unctions mega Limit Set LaSalles nvariance Principle Readership: dvanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, ph sical sciences and engineering. esearchers in the fields o ordinar di erential e uations and d namical s stems
Contents • • • • • • • • • •
undamental heor Linear S stems Stabilit o onlinear S stems ethod o L apunov unctions wo imensional S stems Second rder Linear E uations nde heor and rouwer egree Perturbation ethods onotone namical S stems Hamiltonian S stems
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
How to Cheat with Statistics — and Get Away with It From Data Snooping over Kitchen Sink Regression to “Creative Reporting” Gunter Meissner
University of Hawaii, USA
Endorsement “This book explains the weaknesses, inconsistencies, and flaws in statistics to avoid misinformation and fake news. It is a must-read for anyone dealing with statistics and should be part of every statistics class!” Ranjan Bhaduri, PHD in Math, BSc (Honours) MBA, CAIA, CFA Chief Executive Officer Bodhi Research Group
Key Features •
uring his 30 ears o teaching statistics, the author came across man weaknesses, inconsistencies, and aws in statistics. hese limitations allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive desired outcomes While the title o the book is How to Cheat with Statistics , the author actuall e plains how to identi and catch statistical cheaters. here ore, this book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch statistical cheaters he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest
Description The book explains how to identify and catch statistical cheaters. he author came across man weaknesses and aws in statistics through 30 ears o teaching. hese weaknesses allow a malevolent researcher to manipulate the inputs, the calculations, and the reporting o results to derive a desired outcome. his book should be valuable to ever one who wants to gain a deeper understanding o the weaknesses in statistics and learn how to evaluate statistical research to catch a statistical cheater he math is e plained in simple terms and should be eas to ollow. n addition, the book comes with 8 E cel spreadsheets and 7 P thon codes. here are also uestions and problems at the end o each chapter, which should acilitate the usage in a classroom. nswers to the uestions and problems are available to instructors upon re uest.
Author er a lectureship in mathematics and statistics at the Economic cadem Kiel, Gunter Meissner Ph , oined eutsche ank in 990, trading interest rate utures, swaps, and options in rank urt and ew ork. He became Head o Product evelopment in 994, responsible or originating algorithms or new derivatives products, which at the time were Lookback ptions, ulti asset ptions, uanto ptions, verage ptions, nde morti ing Swaps, and ermuda Swaptions. n 995 996 Gunter eissner was Head o ptions at eutsche ank ok o. rom 997 to 2007, Gunter was Pro essor o inance at Hawaii Pacific Universit and rom 2008 to 20 3 irector o the aster in inancial Engineering Program at the Universit o Hawaii. Currentl , he is President o erivatives So ware ( and d unct Pro essor o athematical inance at Columbia Universit and U. Gunter eissner has published numerous papers and si other books on derivatives and risk management, and is a re uent speaker on con erences and seminars. He can be reached at gunter@ His CV is at
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £45 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-171-9 £20 | S C E 978-981-125-248-8
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 60pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Statistics Keywords: ata Snooping Pearson egression Kitchen Sink egression Pol nomial egression ulticollinearit Heteroskedasticit Creative eporting Readership: Beginning undergraduate students interested in statistics, instructors o statistics, statisticians an general audience interested in statistics
Contents • • •
Input Manipulation: Manipulating Input Data Manipulating the Research Time Frame Manipulating Statistical Calculations: Regression Analysis Inferential Statistics ‘Creative Reporting’, i.e., Distorting Outputs: Numerical Bias Visual Bias
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Stationary Stochastic Models An Introduction Riccardo Gatto
University of Bern, Switzerland
Key Features •
• • • •
he topics are presented progressivel , b going rom discrete to continuous time, b stud ing connected uestions and b completing abstract theor with compelling e amples Suited or upper level undergraduate and graduate students, researchers in academia and scientists in industr Covers both undamentals and practical aspects o stationar models his book provides a unified presentation o stationar time series and continuous time stationar processes he appendi provides complementar material that assists the reader with technical aspects o the book
July 2022
This volume provides a unified mathematical introduction to stationary time series models and to continuous time stationary stochastic processes. he anal sis o these stationar models is carried out in time domain and in re uenc domain. t begins with a practical discussion on stationarit , b which practical methods or obtaining stationar data are described. he presented topics are illustrated b numerous e amples. eaders will find the ollowing covered in a comprehensive manner
£80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-183-2
• • • • •
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
• • • •
utoregressive and moving average time series. mportant properties such as causalit . utocovariance unction and the spectral distribution o these models. Practical topics o time series like filtering and prediction. asic concepts and definitions on the theor o stochastic processes, such as Wiener measure and process. General t pes o stochastic processes such as Gaussian, sel similar, compound and shot noise processes. Gaussian white noise, Langevin e uation and rnstein Uhlenbeck process. mportant related themes such as mean s uare properties o stationar processes and mean s uare integration. Spectral decomposition and spectral theorem o continuous time stationar processes. his central concept is ollowed b the theor o linear filters and their di erential e uations.
t the end, some selected topics such as stationar random fields, simulation o Gaussian stationar processes and results o in ormation theor are presented. detailed appendi containing complementar materials will assist the reader with man technical aspects o the book.
Author Riccardo Gatto is ssociate Pro essor at the nstitute o athematical Statistics and ctuarial Science o the Universit o ern, Swit erland. He holds a doctoral degree rom Universit o Geneva and an Habilitation degree rom Universit o ern. He has been teaching several lectures in mathematical statistics and probabilit at Universit o ern, at Universit o Cali ornia Santa arbara and at ESSEC business school in rance, in particular, lectures on time series anal sis and on stochastic processes. He is ssociate Editor o ournal o Statistical Computation and Simulation. He is author o appro imatel 50 articles in various journals of statistics and applied probability, including: Biometrika, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability and Stochastic Models. He also authored a book on stochastic models or actuarial science, published b Springer. His research topics include spectral anal sis o stationar processes, stochastic models or directional data, stochastic simulation o rare events, as mptotic appro imations and actuarial risk theor .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Extent: 360pp Type: Lecture otes Series: World Scientific Series on Probabilit heor and ts pplications Volume 4 Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Probabilit heor Stochastic Processes Statistics Keywords: utocovariance unction utoregressive ime Series i erential E uation riven b Stationar Process ourier Series ourier rans orm Gaussian Processes Linear ilters oving verage ime Series rnstein Uhlenbeck Process Prediction with Stationar ime Series Sel similarit Shot oise Process Simulation o Stationar Processes Spectral ecomposition o Stationar Process Spectral istribution Stationarit Readership: Upper level undergraduate and graduate students, or lectures on time series or on stochastic processes with continuous time. esearchers in academia and applied scientists in the industr , in the field o time series or stationar processes. hese lectures can be given to students o mathematics or statistics as well as to students rom other technical fields, at achelor s upper level and at aster s level
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Fourier Analysis Stationar ime Series Construction o Stationar ata utoregressive and oving verage ime Series Causalit and nvertibilit utocovariance and elated unctions Spectral ecomposition o ime Series Periodogram Prediction with Stationar ime Series Sample Path Properties o Continuous ime Processes mportant Stochastic Processes Sel similarit and Stationarit ean S uare Properties o Stationar Processes ean S uare ntegration Gaussian White oise Spectral ecomposition and the Spectral heorem o Stationar Processes Spectral nal sis o Gaussian Processes Linear ilters and heir i erential E uations Solution o Linear i erential E uations riven b Stationar Processes Shot oise and iltered Point Processes Stationar andom ields Simulation o Stationar Gaussian Processes n ormation heoretic esults or Stationar ime Series
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Introduction to Matrix Theory with Applications in Economics and Engineering 2nd Edition Ferenc Szidarovszky
Corvinus University, Hungary
Sandor Molnar
Mark Molnar
Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Hungary
Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Key Features • • • • • •
Practical approach to linear algebra with demonstrative e amples and cases Easil digestible e amples rom economics and engineering Clear and concise structure ew theoretical topics and applications rom fields other than economics ore di cult e ercises which re uire deep understanding o the theoretical issues Some moderni ed proo s which give be er overview o the stud material
Description Linear algebra and matrix theory are among the most important and most frequently applied branches of mathematics. he are especiall important in solving engineering and economic models, where either the model is assumed linear, or the nonlinear model is appro imated b a linear model, and the resulting linear model is e amined.
July 2022 £120 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 664 6 £70 | S C E 978-981-125-793-3
his book is mainl a te tbook, that covers a one semester upper division course or a two semester lower division course on the sub ect. he second edition will be an e tended and moderni ed version o the first edition. We added some new theoretical topics and some new applications rom fields other than economics. We also added more di cult e ercises at the end o each chapter which re uire deep understanding o the theoretical issues. We also moderni ed some proo s in the theoretical discussions which give be er overview o the stud material. n preparing the manuscript we also corrected the t pos and errors, so the second edition will be a corrected, e tended and moderni ed new version o the first edition.
Authors Prof. Ferenc Szidarovszky is a mathematician ocusing mainl on game theor , control and s stem theor , d namic s stems with applications to engineering and economics, numerical anal sis and computation, optimi ation, operations research, calculus and their applications in economic sciences, linear algebra. He was an invited lecturer at the el Universit , Groningen Universit , utgers Universit , Princeton Universit , Universit o echnolog , S dne , Universit o elbourne. He was a ull pro essor at the epartment o S stems and ndustrial Engineering o the Universit o ri ona between 998 and 20 and was visiting pro essor at the Universit o e as at El Paso, Universit o echnolog , S dne , and at Chuo Universit , ok o. He was an invited lecturer at man institutions all over the world. Prof. Sandor Molnar is a mathematician specialising in control and s stems theor with a special ocus on linear s stems and applied mathematics in energ s stems modeling. He is currentl giving lectures as a pro essor emeritus at S ent stvan Universit . He was an invited lecturer at the Chicago Universit , the Universit o ri ona, the ok o etropolitan Universit and the arcelona echnical Universit . He gives lectures in linear algebra, applications o control and s stems theor , computational theor and energ modeling. Dr Mark Molnar is an economist, currentl an associate pro essor at EL E E tv s L r nd Universit o Sciences, acult o Economics. Previousl he was a Head o epartment o acroeconomics and nternational Economics at S ent stvan Universit . He has given lectures in micro and macroeconomics, applied economics, international economics, linear algebra, calculus, d namic s stems and time series anal sis. His research encompasses energ s stems and climate change emissions modelling, artificial neural networks and time series anal sis.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 450pp Type: e tbook Series: Series on Concrete and pplicable athematics Volume 23 Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Linear nd ultilinear lgebra atri heor athematical inance Economics General Engineering Keywords: atrices Special atrices ecompositions Canonical orms Characteristic Pol nomial Eigenvalues Eigenvectors iagonali ation ordan orm Singular alue ecomposition, Linear Spaces, nner product Spaces Splines rdinar i erential E uations oundar alue Problems umerical i erentiation umerical ntegration ultiple nput S stems arkov Chain Readership: Wri en primaril or undergraduate and graduate students stud ing engineering, economics and business can also be used in courses o ered b the mathematics department, or b an kind o engineering and social sciences can also be used b researchers in mathematics, economics, engineering in addition, high school special courses, and teacher training courses can emplo this te tbook
Contents • • • • • • • •
ectors and atrices ector Spaces and nner Product Spaces S stems o Linear E uations and nverses o atrices eterminants Linear appings and atrices Eigenvalues, nvariant Subspaces, Canonical orms Special atrices Elements o atri nal sis
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Towards Deep Understanding of Elementary School Mathematics A Brief Companion for Teacher Educators and Others Sergei Abramovich
State University of New York at Potsdam, USA
Key Features • • •
Provides a comprehensive overview o histor and politics in China since 1949 pplies a thematic approach revolution, recover and re uvenation encompassing a chronological breakdown o events E amines the rise and re uvenation o China not ust within an economic and militar conte t but also within ramework o increasingl dominant Chinese discourses ddresses topical issues such as human rights, environment and nationalism
Description The book is intended to serve as a brief companion for mathematical educators of elementary teacher candidates who learn mathematics within a college of education both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. eing in ormed b mathematics teaching and learning standards o the United States, ustralia, Canada, Chile, England, apan, Korea, Singapore, and South rica, the book can be used internationall . he teaching methods emphasi e the power o visuali ation, the use o ph sical materials, and support o computer technolog including spreadsheet, Wol ram lpha, and the Geometer s Sketchpad. he basic ideas include the development o the concepts o number, base ten s stem, problem solving and posing, the emergence o ractions in the conte t o simple real li e activities re uiring the e tension o whole number arithmetic, decimals, percent, ratio, geoboard geometr , elements o combinatorics, probabilit and data anal sis. he book includes historical aspects o elementar school mathematics. or e ample, readers would be interested to know that two sided counters stem rom the binar s stem with its genesis in the st millennium C China o which Leibnit ( 7th centur ) was one o the first notable proponents. he genesis o the base ten arithmetic is in the Eg ptian mathematics o the 4th millennium C, enriched with the positional notation with the advent o Hindu rabic numerals in the 2th centur Europe.
Author Sergei Abramovich is Pro essor o mathematics education at the State Universit o ew ork (SU Potsdam) School o Education in the United States. He did all his studies at St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) State Universit , ussia, earning Ph in mathematics ( 98 ). He is author co author editor o ten books and 230 articles on mathematics education, di erential e uations, and control theor . His service to educational communit includes two ounding editor in chie appointments (Open Mathematical Education Notes, osnia Her egovina United States and Advances in Educational Research and Evaluation, Singapore) and membership on editorial boards o another si pro essional ournals published in ustralia, England, ussia, and the United States.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 699 8
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject:
athematics Education
Keywords: athematics athematics Education eacher Education echnolog Spreadsheets Wol ram lpha Geometer s Sketchpad Problem Solving Problem Posing Conceptual Shortcut isuali ation Pa erns rial and Error E uivalence nvariance etacognition isconceptions Conceptual Knowledge Procedural Knowledge dditive ecomposition o ntegers rder o perations ultiplication able ddition able ibonacci umbers Unit ractions Eg ptian ractions umber Line Long ivision atio Percent essellation Geoboard P thagorean riples Pick s ormula n ormal Geometr ree iagram he ule o Sum he ule o Product Permutations Combinations Readership: Prospective teachers o elementar mathematics, teacher educators, graduate students in mathematics education doctoral programs
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pre ace eaching PreK K mathematics eaching operations in grades 4 Conceptual Shortcuts ecomposition o ntegers into Like ddends ctivities with ddition and ultiplication ables Using echnolog in Posing and Solving Problems ractions rom ractions to ecimals to Percent atio as a ool o Comparison o wo uantities Geometr Elements o Combinatorics Counting hrough a S stem Elements o Probabilit heor and ata anagement eveloping echnolog Used in the ook ppendi ctivit Sets 300 Problems and uestions
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Linear Algebra I Basic Concepts Kazuo Murota
The University of Tokyo, Japan & Kyoto University, Japan & Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Masaaki Sugihara
The University of Tokyo, Japan & Nagoya University, Japan
Cover Available Soon
Key Features • • •
his book takes the approach o developing theories through concrete matri representations rather than through abstract concepts t aims at sel contained presentations o mathematical arguments, so that the reader can ollow them without re erring to other sources Serious e ort has been made to relate mathematical concepts and theorems to engineering applications, although no a empt has been made to provide actual case studies that demonstrate the use o linear algebra
Description This is the first volume of the two-volume book on linear algebra, in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Engineering Course. he ob ective o this volume is to present, rom the engineering viewpoint, the standard mathematical results in linear algebra such as those on s stems o e uations and eigenvalue problems. n addition to giving mathematical theorems and ormulas, it e plains how the mathematical concepts such as rank, eigenvalues, and singular values are linked to engineering applications and numerical computations.
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 702 5 £45 | S C E 978-981-125-797-1 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp
n particular, the ollowing our aspects are emphasi ed. Type: e tbook • •
• •
How matrices arise (discreti ation o di erential e uations, description o s stem structures, description o transition probabilit ) What kinds o matrices arise (sparse matrices, positive definite matrices, diagonall dominant matrices, nonnegative matrices, integer matrices, pol nomial matrices) What characteristics we are interested in (rank, eigenvalues, singular values, positive definiteness) How we can compute (e pansion ormulas o determinants, elementar trans ormation, estimates o eigenvalues)
Series: he Universit o ok o Engineering Course asic athematics Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Linear nd lgebra atri heor
Kazuo Murota is a Pro ect Pro essor at he nstitute o Statistical athematics and also a distinguished leading pro essor at ok o etropolitan Universit , since 202 . He is also Pro essor Emeritus at Universit o ok o, K oto Universit , and ok o etropolitan Universit , apan. He received octor o Engineering rom Universit o ok o in 983 and octor o Science rom K oto Universit in 2002. urota s research interest is broad in mathematical engineering, in particular, discrete and continuous optimi ation (discrete conve anal sis), combinatorial matri theor (mi ed matrices), numerical anal sis, and bi urcation theor . He is the author o si English books, including Discrete Convex Analysis and Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis as well as ten apanese books. He was awarded noue Pri e or Science in 2004, chievement Pri e o he apan Societ or ndustrial and pplied athematics in 20 9, and Kondo Pri e o perations esearch Societ o apan in 202 .
Keywords: Space arkov Chain oore Penrose Generali ed nverse ormal E uation Singular alue andermonde atri ector Space Gershgorin heorem ual Space nti S mmetric atri ssociative Law anach Space and Width inet Cauch E pansion isection ethod lock riangular atri Calculus o ariation Cauch inet E pansion Cauch Schwar ne ualit Covariance atri robenius orm iagonal atri imension Eigenmode Eigenspace Gram atri Gram Schmidt rthogonali ation Hankel atri Hermitian atri Hilbert Space ordan atri Kronecker Product Laplace E uation Laplacian atri Linearl ependent Linearl ndependent ethod o Least S uares onsingular atri orm
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Readership: Undergraduate students ma oring in engineering and other mathematical sciences
Linear Algebra II Advanced Topics for Applications Kazuo Murota
The University of Tokyo, Japan & Kyoto University, Japan & Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Masaaki Sugihara
The University of Tokyo, Japan & Nagoya University, Japan
Cover Available Soon
Key Features • • •
his book takes the approach o developing theories through concrete matri representations rather than through abstract concepts t aims at sel contained presentations o mathematical arguments, so that the reader can ollow them without re erring to other sources Serious e ort has been made to relate mathematical concepts and theorems to engineering applications, although no a empt has been made to provide actual case studies that demonstrate the use o linear algebra
Description This is the second volume of the two-volume book on linear algebra in the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Engineering Course. he ob ective o this second volume is to branch out rom the standard mathematical results presented in the first volume to illustrate use ul specific topics pertaining to engineering applications. While linear algebra is primaril concerned with s stems o e uations and eigenvalue problems or matrices and vectors with real or comple entries, this volumes covers other topics such as matrices and graphs, nonnegative matrices, s stems o linear ine ualities, integer matrices, pol nomial matrices, generali ed inverses, and group representation theor . he chapters are, or the most part, independent o each other, and can be read in an order according to the reader s interest. he main ob ective o this book is to present the mathematical aspects o linear algebraic methods or engineering that will potentiall be e ective in various application areas.
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978 98 25 705 6 £45 | S C E 978-981-125-798-8 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Published with aru en Publishing Co., Ltd. Extent: 275pp Type: e tbook Series: he Universit o ok o Engineering Course asic athematics
Main Subject:
Kazuo Murota is a Pro ect Pro essor at he nstitute o Statistical athematics and also a distinguished leading pro essor at ok o etropolitan Universit , since 202 . He is also Pro essor Emeritus at Universit o ok o, K oto Universit , and ok o etropolitan Universit , apan. He received octor o Engineering rom Universit o ok o in 983 and octor o Science rom K oto Universit in 2002. urota s research interest is broad in mathematical engineering, in particular, discrete and continuous optimi ation (discrete conve anal sis), combinatorial matri theor (mi ed matrices), numerical anal sis, and bi urcation theor . He is the author o si English books, including Discrete Convex Analysis and Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis as well as ten apanese books. He was awarded noue Pri e or Science in 2004, chievement Pri e o he apan Societ or ndustrial and pplied athematics in 20 9, and Kondo Pri e o perations esearch Societ o apan in 202 .
Sub-Subjects: Linear nd lgebra atri heor
Masaaki Sugihara is Pro essor Emeritus at he Universit o ok o and ago a Universit , apan. He received octor o Engineering rom Universit o ok o in 982. Sugihara s research interest is in numerical anal sis. He is the author o seven apanese books, including Elements of Numerical Computation and Theoretical Numerical Linear Algebra. He was awarded chievement Pri e o he apan Societ or ndustrial and pplied athematics in 20 4. He passed awa in 20 9.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
athematics ultilinear
Keywords: Linear lgebra atri ector Conve Hull Covariance oubl Stochastic atri ualit acobian atri ourier ot kin Elimination ethod Euclidean lgorithm Hermite ormal orm arkas Lemma nteger atri nteger Program Pol nomial atri atri Pencil Stochastic atri Spectral adius ewton s ethod onnegative atri Perron robenius heorem heorem o the lternative Unimodular atri otall Unimodular atri S stem o ne ualities ulmage endelsohn ecomposition Hall s heorem Kronecker Canonical orm matri arkov Chain Schur s Lemma irkho s heorem asic Solution inar elation inomial Coe cient ipartite Graph lock riangular atri Character able Readership: Undergraduate students ma oring in engineering and other mathematical sciences
Contents • • • • • • •
atrices and Graphs onnegative atrices S stems o Linear ne ualities nteger atrices Pol nomial atrices Generali ed nverses Group epresentation heor
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Analysis in Euclidean Space Joaquim Bruna
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain & Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, Spain
Key Features •
• • • •
he inverse and implicit unction theorems are combined with Picard s theorem on the e istence and uni ueness o solutions or ordinar di erential e uations to deal with the Cauch problem or some linear partial di erential e uations Unlike man other te tbooks, s stems o orthogonal amilies o curves and sur aces, rigidit o con ormal maps in space and Lam sur aces are care ull studied n integration theor , both the iemann and Lebesgue theories are described and their di erences e plained multidimensional version o the undamental theorem o calculus, completel original, is s stematicall used to prove the basic theorems o vector anal sis ntegration on mani olds is complemented with an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , another unusual topic in other te ts n original approach to the theor o conservative and solenoidal fields as it is the Hodge decomposition o vector fields, based on the solution o irichlet and eumann problems, which hardl ound in other te tbooks dditional significant results are proposed as e ercises. stud ing this te t, the student will learn not onl the main areas o stud , but also understand the connections with other important areas o mathematics
Description Based on notes written during the teacher’s many years of teaching, Analysis in Euclidean Space mainly covers Differentiation and Integration theory in several real variables, but also an array of closely related areas including measure theory, differential geometry, classical theory of curves geometric measure theory, integral geometry, and others. With several original results, new approaches and an emphasis on concepts and rigorous proo s, the book is suitable or undergraduate students, particularl in mathematics and ph sics, who are interested in ac uiring a solid grounding in anal sis and e panding their background. here are man e amples and e ercises inserted in the te t or the student to work independentl . Analysis in Euclidian Space comprises twent chapters, each with an introduction summari ing its contents, and an additional chapter containing miscellaneous e ercises. eachers ma use the varied chapters o this book or di erent undergraduate courses in anal sis. he onl prere uisites are a basic course in linear algebra and a standard first ear calculus course in di erentiation and integration. s the book progresses, the di cult increases such that some o the later sections ma be appropriate or graduate stud .
Author Joaquim Bruna obtained his Ph in athematics in 978, at Universitat ut noma de arcelona (U ), and was a postdoctoral researcher at Universit de Paris Sud ( rsa ). Since 984 he has been ull pro essor in the epartment o athematics at U , having held positions as visiting pro essor at the Universit o Wisconsin adison and the Universit o ew ork at lban . He has been editor in chie o Publicacions atem ti ues and has served as editor o evista atem tica beroamericana. His research interests are classical real anal sis, harmonic and comple anal sis, several comple variables and signal anal sis. He has published 65 research papers, dissemination articles and three te tbooks, and has mentored ten Ph students. He has participated in 25 research pro ects, o which as a P . He was the director o the Centre de ecerca atem tica (C ) rom 2008 to 20 5.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £140 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 7 9
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 560pp Type: e tbook Series: Essential e tbooks in athematics Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: General Pure athematics easure nd ntegration rdinar i erential E uations Partial i erential E uations eal unctions Keywords: igid otions Compact Sets i erential Gradient acobians Chain ule Change Coordinates unctional ependence mplicit unction nverse unction Curves Sur aces egular Sub ani olds angent Space a lor s ormula eal nal tic unctions Constrained ptimi ation ector ields i erential orms Readership: Can be used as a te tbook for undergraduate students studying di erentiation theor in several real variables, measure and integration in several real variables, ordinar di erential e uations, linear partial di erential e uations, vector anal sis, and curves and sur aces. Graduate students ma use this book or an introduction to geometric measure theor and integral geometr , as well as advanced topics in vector anal sis
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction Euclidean Space Continuous unctions Coordinate S stems, Curves and Sur aces i erentiation Higher rder erivatives he nverse and mplicit unction heorems egular Sub ani olds rdinar i erential E uations Linear Partial i erential E uations rthogonal amilies o Curves and Sur aces easuring Sets he iemann ntegral he Lebesgue ntegral ubini s heorem and Change o ariables ntegration on Sub ani olds Line ntegrals and lu he asic heorems o ector nal sis Conservative and Solenoidal ields Harmonic unctions he ivergence and otational E uations Poisson s E uation he irichlet and eumann Problems dditional E ercises
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Introduction to Multiscale Mathematical Modeling Grigory Panasenko
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Key Features • •
ntroduces the techni ue o multiscale modeling Contains two introductor chapters allowing readers to reach the necessar level without special mathematical education
Description This book introduces the reader to multiscale mathematical modeling that starts from describing a physical process at the microscopic level, and is followed by the macroscopic description of that process. here are two preliminar chapters introducing the main e uations o mathematical ph sics and serves as revision o all o the necessar mathematical notions needed to navigate the domain o multiscale research. he author gives a rigorous presentation o the tools o mathematical modeling, as well as an evaluation o the errors o the method allowing readers to anal e the limitations and accurac o the method. he book is accessible to a wide range o readers specialists in engineering, applied mathematicians working in the applications o materials science, bioph sics and medicine.
July 2022 £60 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 23 0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 200pp Type:
Author istinguished Pro essor, Grigory Panasenko graduated rom oscow State Universit Lomonosov in 976, where he subse uentl became a Ph student, ssociate Pro essor and Pro essor. rom 993 he has worked at the Universit ean onnet (Saint Etienne, rance). n 20 8 he received a main researcher position at ilnius Universit . He has published three books and 50 articles in applied mathematics.
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: athematical odeling Partial i erential E uations luid echanics athematical iolog ew aterials Keywords: athematics athematical odeling Partial i erential E uations Engineering aterials Science Homogeni ation echni ue ultiscale ethods dvanced aterials Readership: aster and Ph students and researchers in mathematics, engineering and biomedical applications
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • •
erivation o the ain E uations o athematical Ph sics nal sis o the ain E uations o athematical Ph sics Homogeni ation rom icro Scale to acro Scale. pplication to imension eduction and ultiscale odeling or hin Structures
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
echanics o Composite
All About Eve Your Women’s Health Questions Answered
Annabel Chew
Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore
Ching Lin Ho
Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore
Jade Kua
K K Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore
Key Features • • •
Comprehensive biops chosocial book on women s health Contents contributed b medical specialists and e perts in various fields Wri en in a ormat or eas reading, targeting people o all backgrounds. he uestions will be obtained rom the public itsel through our contacts in the Singapore Council o Women s rgani ation. his is a uni ue eature o this book as it will be based on what the people want to know, rather than what the doctors think people wants to know
Description The modern woman juggles many responsibilities, and frequently overlooks her own health. Health encompasses not ust the ph sical orm but mental and social wellbeing as well. Good health starts in the communit which consists o not ust a health li est le but good health literac . s the ssociation o Women octors Singapore, we eel that public health and health literac is important, and health should start in the communit . his book will address the uni ue health issues o a woman s li e, using a comprehensive biops chosocial approach in the di erent stages o a woman s li e. t will reach out to women o all backgrounds, especiall those rom a lower socioeconomic background through he and start them on a path o sel awareness and sel care.
July 2022 £50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-779-9 £25 | S C E 978 98 23 853 6
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Co Pub with ssociation o Women octors Singapore ( W S) Extent: 300pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: General Healthcare Popular Science utrition bstetrics G naecolog Ps cholog Keywords: Women s Health Health Literac Health Promotion Readership: Women rom all backgrounds and o all ages and men who want to understand the women in their lives
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • •
• •
Introduction Simple Anatomy (in Illustrations) Stages of Life and Common Problems at Each Stage Puberty: Menstrual Health (S Chonkar) Psychosocial Effects of Puberty (C Davis et al.) Vaccination (F Khoo) Eating Disorders (K Lian) Skin During Puberty (A Yong) Young Womanhood: Contraception (J Tung) Screening for Cervical Cancer (F Khoo) Starting a Family: Effects of Pregnancy on the Body (C Hui) Psychological and Psychiatric Effects During Pregnancy and Postpartum (H Chen) Breastfeeding (A Tan) Common Gynaecological Conditions: Fibroids, Cysts, Endometriosis, PCOS & Infertility (K Loi) Challenges of a Working Mother (K Lian & Y S Tan) Middle Aged Woman: Screening for Chronic Conditions and Cancer (C Ng) Breast Cancer (Y S Tan) Diabetes (T L Tay) Ischemic Heart Disease (I H Lim) Gynaecological Cancer (P Tong) Mature Womanhood: Menopause Effects (J Lee) Dementia (S Karpageshwary) Common Eye Conditions (A Chew & Z L Yap) Psychological Impact of Aging (T Tan) End of Life Planning (R Ng) Bare Essentials from Cradle to Grave: Exercise and Prevention of Common Musculoskeletal Conditions (B Y Lim & K Rasappan) Dental Health (P L Loh) Mental Wellness: Depression and Suicide (K Rajaratnam) Sexual Health (A Tan)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Hysterectomy for Benign Conditions Sun Kuie Tay
Singapore General Hospital, Singapore & Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Description This book is written with practising gynecologists and resident doctors-intraining in mind. H sterectom is one o the most common ma or surgeries among women. his book uni uel emphasi es a patient centered approach to the sub ect, encompassing the indications or h sterectom , patient autonom , and the role o g necologists in ensuring a sa e e perience o the patient s ourne in the procedure. he chapters comprehensivel cover the principles and practice o surger based on anatom , ph siolog and patholog . Surgical procedures are described in detail, illustrated with clear color ul photographs. he content o the book also details the need, merits and demerits o each procedure, ollowed b the stepwise care ul approach to avoid complications.
Author Dr Tay Sun Kuie is a senior consultant obstetrician and g necologist in Singapore General Hospital. He also holds a position o clinical pro essorship at uke US medical School, Singapore. graduate o Universit College London, UK with a basic degree o S in 98 and a higher degree o in 988, he was elected a ellow o the o al College o bstetricians G necologists, UK in 996. esides e tensive e perience in general obstetrics and g necolog , Pro essor a is particularl well regarded or his e pertise in diagnosis and treatment o human papilloma virus associated emale lower genital tract diseases and cancer, and conventional and minimall invasive g necological surgeries or benign and malignant conditions. Pro essor a has an active and distinguish research career. His research papers were published widel in scientific and medical ournals. He holds several prestigious awards, including the en amin Shears emorial Lectureship o the bstetric and G necological Societ o Singapore and ational Science ward, Singapore. He is a clinical teacher to undergraduate and post graduate students and is a success ul supervisor or the higher degree in medicine at ong Loo Lin School o edicine, ational Universit o Singapore. He has contributed chapters to man te t books in the field o his e pertise. He is the author o Cervical Cancer ts Causes and Prevention ( irst ed 999, Second ed 2009) and G necologic Clinic llustrated (World Scientific, 20 8)
July 2022 £70 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-392-9 £40 | S C E 978 98 24 570 Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 80pp Type:
onograph ( reat s e tbook)
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: bstetrics G naecolog Surger Keywords: H sterectom Laparoscop Laparotom aginal H sterectom otal Laparoscopic H sterectom bdominal H sterectom Surgical Complications Peri perative Care owel n uries Ureteric n uries ascular n uries n ormed Consent Readership: bstetricians, G naecologists, esidents, rainees
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • •
H sterectom What and Wh Laparotom or H sterectom natom o Pelvic Structures elevant to H sterectom bdominal H sterectom Procedure aginal H sterectom Laparoscop or H sterectom Laparoscop H sterectom Procedure Perioperative Care ppendi
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
How Medicines Work Illustrated William S Hancock
Northeastern University, USA
Endorsement “William Hancock has over 50 years of experience in chemistry and has been involved in the analytical characterization of biopharmaceuticals since the mid1980s. He is a recognized leader in both industry and academic institutions ... This book provides examples of important medicines that have been approved by regulatory authorities to prevent or treat a variety of diseases.” Kathryn C Zoon, PhD Scientist Emerita, NIH Former Scientific Director, NIAID, NIH Former Director, CBER, FDA
Description his highl illustrated volume will describe, through clear diagrams and concise te t, how the most prescribed, as well as new medicines, work in the bod or a broad range o diseases. bringing this knowledge together in one place, we will seek to answer the uestion, What is the impact o the accelerating knowledge in biolog , drug research and medical sciences on the development and approval o medicines or the treatment o a wide range o diseases . urthermore, in ormation on how a success ul drug works can make the case or a particular therap and provide an in ormed dialog between a patient and ph sician, or a pro essor and a student, or a regulator and pharmaceutical scientist. With the continuing e plosion o medical in ormation, the book addresses the ollowing themes • • •
What topics should the medical schools teach the ne t generation o students How to serve a medical practitioner who wishes to be be er in ormed about the latest medicines What about the regulator agencies where the sa et and e ectiveness o a new drug can be be er evaluated in the conte t o the biolog o a particular disease. he advent o personali ed medicine teaches that each patient is uni ue, which re uires an understanding o the con uence o genetics, ph siolog , biochemistr and pharmacolog or a specific drug.
his book breaks important new ground b ocusing on the cellular biochemistr o selected diseases and how the drug works using a short, ocused and non technical reviews.
Author William Hancock has had a long career in academia, the biotechnolog and anal tical instrument industr . He in an author o 7 books including the CRC Handbook of HPLC for the Separation of Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins. His career included establishing an anal tical chemistr department at Genentech in the earl da s o biotechnolog , developing advanced mass spectrometric methods at HP and hermo innigan and academic research on medical proteomics at ortheastern Universit . He participated re uentl with the regulator agencies including a sabbatical at the , as well as testi ing at a Senate udicial commi ee and participating on advisor boards on biosimilar drugs. ecentl he served as a senior regulator consultant or the Health Science uthorit in Singapore and as an ad unct pro essor at the department o medicine, USC .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
July 2022 £50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-124-819-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 200pp Type:
edical Handbook
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: General edicine iochemistr iological Chemistr Pharmacolog rug iscover Pharmaceuticals Keywords: iruses Homestasis edicines rugs mmune S stem Patholog accines rain Liver Pancreas n ammation Readership: he book is wri en or the non e pert, well educated drug consumer. However, it will also provide an important resource or the education o medical students, as well as practitioners such as educators, ph sicians, pharmaceutical scientists and drug regulators with insights into toda s medicines b describing the biochemistr o the bod s organs and associated pathwa s
Contents •
The Chemistry of Life: Aim And Structure of the Book Enzyme Functions And Related Diseases Proteins and Drug Actions Detoxification Pathways The Marvelous Machine of the Body: The Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract The Pancreas The Liver Nucleic Acid Metabolism Carbohydrate Metabolism Lipid Metabolism The Protective Systems of the Body: Introduction to the Innate and Adaptive Immune System Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Blood Cell Disorders Role of the Salivary Gland in Immunity The Lungs at the Frontlines of Immunity Viral Diseases of the Eye Role of the Skin in Pathogen Defense Homeostasis and Maintenance of the Body’s Physiology: Body Temperature Regulation Oxygen Levels in Blood Blood Pressure Regulation Regulation of Blood Glucose Levels Inflammation, Aging and Cancer Diseases of the Brain: Diseases/Disorders of the Brain Blood Brain Barrier and Infectious Diseases Amine Neurotransmitters Amino Acid Neurotransmitters Peptide and Other Neurotransmitters Innovative Medicines: Rare Diseases Small-Molecule Drugs Antibody Drugs Peptide Drugs RNA Drugs Cell and Gene Therapy Viruses, Diseases, Drugs and Vaccines: he iversit o iruses iruses he n uen a ( lu) irus Human mmunodeficienc irus (H ) Ebola irus SARS-CoV-2 iruses Smallpo ( ariola) irus Hepatitis Human Papillomavirus (HP ) irus
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Craniofacial Injuries for Nonspecialists Abdulhakim Zaggut
Muhammad Rahman
Sabah Kalamchi
Malcolm Harris
Queen Mary University of London, UK AT Still University, USA
Queen Mary University of London, UK University College London, UK
Key Features • • •
he wide range o ballistic and other aggressive topics is uni ue Each chapter is e ceptionall well illustrated with clinical photographs to support the te t detailed illustrated chapter on simulated surgical teaching using the sheep s head is uni ue
July 2022
Specialists from around the world have contributed to this unique textbook on the surgical skills essential for the urgent treatment of craniofacial injuries caused by war and terrorist incidents.
£70 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 0 8 7
t e plores a wide range o considerations including how to work with limited resources and logistical problems preparation or terror a acks preservation o sight and cosmetic appearance and also eatures a simulation training module proven to be academicall sucess ul and economical to run. he content is ideal or all non specialist clinicians and students o medicine, dentistr and nursing, and also or teaching programmes involving the ps chopatholog o trauma.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Europe Extent: 200pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Surger
Keywords: LS irwa Haemorrhage Paediatric rauma adiolog Cranio acial n uries errorism P S Haemorrhage Gunshot Wounds Readership: Postgraduate medical, dental, nursing and related students clinicians in oral and ma illo acial surger as well as orthodontics and plastic surger . Suitable or those preparing or high level training e aminations in oral and ma illo acial surger and orthodontics. t will also be o importance to ma illo acial technicians, surgical nurses and dietitians
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Simulated raining or on Specialists (A Zaggut & M Harris) dvanced rauma Li e Support ( LS) (S Kalamchi et al.) ro acial Pain (M Harris) ro acial Surger (M Harris & A Zaggut) Paediatric Cranio acial n uries (J Phillips et al.) entoalveolar rauma (S Khan) Cranio acial maging (M Harris & A Zaggut) War Wound anagement (M Harris ) Post raumatic Stress isorder (M M Rahman) errorism and Cranio acial n uries (E Regav & R Zeltszer) israta and Comparative Con icts (A Zaggut & M M Rahman) Civilian Gunshot n uries in Pakistan (S U Siddiqui et al.) Civilian Gunshot n uries in ri ona, US (S Kalamchi)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Topological Foundations of Electromagnetism 2nd Edition Terence William Barrett BSEI, USA
Endorsement “The numerous tables and summary discussions provide excellent abstracts for the preceding content. The book provides a thorough review of electromagnetic phenomena through numerous references.” Choice
Key Features • • •
Shows that di erent topological spaces and s mmetries are paramount in determining the orm, group s mmetr o electromagnetic description elates theor to e cient communications encoding (new material) elates theor to achieving media penetration (new material)
July 2022 £95 | HARDCOVER 978-981-125-329-4
Description The aims of the book are: (1) to extend Maxwell theory to non-Abelian group forms; (2) to demonstrate that the foundations of electromagnetism are topological; (3) to show the multi-disciplinary nature of communications; (4) to demonstrate the effectiveness of modulated signals in penetrating media; (5) to demonstrate that geometric (Clifford) algebra is the appropriate algebra describing modulated signals. he book is important in indicating that the classical theor o electromagnetism, or a well theor , can be developed to address situations and signals o di ering s mmetr orm, and that di erent topological spaces re uire that development.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 300pp Type:
Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: Electromagnetism nd Plasma Ph sics nterdisciplinar Ph sics Communications ptics nd Laser Ph sics uantum echanics nd uantum n ormation Keywords: opolog Electromagnetism ang ills on belian Groups SU(2) Group odems Readership: Post graduates and research pro essionals in the field o electromagnetism or laser
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • •
Pre ace Electromagnetic Phenomena ot E plained b a well s E uations Sagnac E ect Conse uence o Conservation o ction ue to Gauge ield Global Con ormal nvariance in a oined opolog o Coherent ields opological pproaches to Electromagnetism rthogonal Signal Spectrum verla ( SS ) Polari ation and is odulated Signal ransmission Geometric (Cli ord) lgebras ransmission hrough isturbed edia and ransient Wave States
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3 Volumes) Proceedings of the MG15 Meeting on General Relativity University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy, 1 – 7 July 2018 Elia S Battistelli
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Robert T Jantzen
Villanova University, USA
Remo Ruffini
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy & International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy
Description The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. he scientific program o the meeting included 40 morning plenar talks over 6 da s, 5 evening popular talks and nearl 00 parallel sessions on 7 topics spread over 4 a ernoons. hese proceedings are a representative sample o the ver man oral and poster presentations made at the meeting. Part contains plenar and review articles and the contributions rom some parallel sessions, while Parts and C consist o those rom the remaining parallel sessions. he contents range rom the mathematical oundations o classical and uantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theor , to precision tests o general relativit including progress towards the detection o gravitational waves, and rom supernova cosmolog to relativistic astroph sics, including topics such as gamma ra bursts, black hole ph sics both in our gala and in active galactic nuclei in other gala ies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwar astroph sics. Parallel sessions touch on dark ma er, neutrinos, ra sources, astroph sical black holes, neutron stars, white dwar s, binar s stems, radiative trans er, accretion disks, uasars, gamma ra bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations o collapsed ob ects, analog models, black hole thermod namics, numerical relativit , gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmolog , earl universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmolog , in ation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein a well s stems, wormholes, e act solutions o Einstein s e uations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data anal sis, precision gravitational measurements, uantum gravit and loop uantum gravit , uantum cosmolog , strings and branes, sel gravitating s stems, gamma ra astronom , cosmic ra s and the histor o general relativit .
July 2022 £400 | H C E SE 978-981-125-824-4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 2284pp Type: Proceedings
Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: stronom , stroph sics nd Cosmolog ( ncluding Geoph sics) elativit nd Gravitation Computational, athematical nd heoretical Ph sics Keywords: General elativit ark a er eutrinos a Sources stroph sical lack Holes eutron Stars White war s inar S stems adiative rans er ccretion isks uasars Gamma a ursts Supernovas lternative Gravitational heories odified Gravit Perturbations o Collapsed b ects nalog odels lack Hole hermod namics umerical elativit Gravitational Lensing Large Scale Structure bservational Cosmolog Earl Universe odels Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in general relativit , astroph sics, and cosmolog
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Contents • • • • • • • • • • •
le and Hewish 50 and 00 ear nniversaries (Malcolm Longair) easuring the Cosmic icrowave ackground (Lyman A Page, Jr.) uasi Local ass at ull nfinit (Po-Ning Chen, Mu-Tao Wang, Ye-Kai Wang, Shing-Tung Yau) lack Hole Entrop rom So Hair (Malcolm Perry) o Smooth eginning or Spacetime (Jean-Luc Lehners) he ole o edundanc in lind Signal Estimation or ultiple Gravitational Wave etectors (Hao Liu, Andrew G Jackson) Status o K G and ts Scientific Goals (Takaaki Kajita) he ian in Pro ect (Jun Luo) Post ewtonian heor and Gravitational Waves (Luc Blanchet) PE and ts Latest esults (Fabio Gargano) rie eview o inar riven H pernova (Jorge A Rueda, Remo Ruffini, Rahim Moradi, Yu Wang)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Physics in Crisis From Multiverses to Fake News
Author Bruno Mansoulié
Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, France
Translated by Nanette McGuinness
Key Features •
• •
his book is uite original in considering together three t pes o crises. Ph sics is acing a general crisis o the representation o ature, with the three di erent crises deepl intertwined he last sections o the book are even more inspiring, as we ma be able to devise a possible solution to the crises rom this global view rom the long e perience in outreach and interaction with the public, the author possesses the capabilit to capture the a ention o the reader and gentl lead her him to ask her himsel deep uestions on how we see the world
July 2022 £25 | HARDCOVER 978 8006 234
Description Today’s physics has led to incredible advances in the technology we use in daily life — from cell phones and GPS systems to PET scans and more. Current theories in ph sics have been ama ingl e ective in practical terms. et all is ar rom well the two oundational concepts in ph sics uantum heor and General elativit are incompatible with each other, and observations o the universe show that our theories are incomplete at best. While ph sicists have tried to paper over this impasse b inventing dark ma er and dark energ , the remain unobserved m steries. dding uel to the fire o current crises, artificial intelligence threatens to replace our most cherished theories and procedures with arcane algorithms. Worse et perhaps, the public understands ph sics poorl , either taking it or granted or earing and re ecting it completel . Ph sicists dream o a new universal theor that will completel change how we see our world, much as Einstein did with relativit and ewton with gravit . Likewise, societ loves the romantic notion o a single genius heroicall creating a massive paradigm shi . Still, is this scenario likel toda Perhaps the ne t steps in ph sics will be incremental rather than gigantic. In Physics in Crisis, runo ansouli uses simple language, insigh ul e amples, and his personal e perience as a working ph sicist to address these undamental uestions and re ect on how toda s crises in ph sics might be solved
Author & Translator Bruno Mansoulié is a senior scientist at the Particle Ph sics ivision o CE , rance, which he has led or 5 ears. He contributed to the hunt and discover o the Higgs boson at the CE LHC, the world s largest particle collider. He en o s reaching out to science enthusiasts during con erences and through various popular media. Award-winning opera singer Nanette McGuinness is the translator o 70 books and graphic novels or adults and children rom rench, talian, and German into English. Her translation o Luisa ow and hen was a 20 9 Stonewall Honor ook.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Europe Extent: 50pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Ph sics Sub-Subjects: General Ph sics (Popular eading) General Science Keywords: Ph sics Science Crisis Societ heor Laws uantum elativit Epistemolog rtificial ntelligence Gravitation ark a er ark Energ ultiverse nthropic lgorithm Education Elementar Universe ig ang Superstrings Spiritualit Enlightenment lack Holes ake ews lat Earth Scientific ethod LHC Higgs oson ewton Einstein esearch esearchers Popular Science toms Electrons Protons ucleus ntima er Gravit Progress Readership: Students and researchers in ph sics and philosoph o sciences general public interested in the evolution o ideas in science
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ph sics t the Heart o the Crisis in undamental Science he Success and Limits o oda s Ph sics Understanding the World What s a Law o Ph sics ccurate Laws, alse Laws, ncomplete Laws, atural Laws odern Ph sics and ntuition Can We ( eall ) Change Paradigms he End o Ph sics Human Solutions he End o Ph sics 2 lgorithms and rtificial ntelligence he End o Ph sics 3 isenchantment ew ge o Enlightenment owards a ationalist Spiritualit elieving in Ph sics espite the Crises ( r ecause o hem)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Sustaining Peace in ASEAN and the AsiaPacific Preventive Diplomacy Measures Yanjun Guo
China Foreign Affairs University, China
I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja
ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
Description In 2016, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and the UN Security Council respectively adopted resolutions on the review of the UN peacebuilding architecture, and the concept of “sustaining peace” was formally presented. Since then, the sustaining peace agenda has graduall become the core strateg o the peace cause o the U . he agenda or sustaining peace emphasi es capacit building or con ict prevention at the regional level. aced with the escalation o the international securit challenge, regional organi ations are increasingl pla ing a prominent role. he have become important participants in the international peace and securit agenda b enhancing cooperation with the U . he ssociation o Southeast sian ations ( SE ), as the centre o regional cooperation processes in the sia Pacific, established a series o norms and instruments related to con ict prevention. his book intends to promote discussions on linking con ict prevention and or preventive diplomac activities in the region with the sustaining peace agenda promoted b both the SE on a regional scale and the U on a global scale. n a collaboration between the SE nstitute or Peace and econciliation ( SE P ) and China oreign airs Universit (C U), the book provides discussions rom the perspective o both Chinese as well as SE scholars on traditional, as well as emerging, topics on sustaining peace, as well as con ict prevention, con ict management, and con ict resolution.
July 2022 £80 | HARDCOVER 978-981-123-553-5
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 250pp Type: eview olume
Editors Prof. GUO Yanjun is irector o the nstitute o sian Studies at China oreign airs Universit . He completed his Ph in nternational Politics at Shandong Universit in 2007. He worked at Peking Universit as a post doctorate research ellow rom 2009 20 . He speciali es in the stud o international rivers and transboundar water resources management, especiall the Lancang ekong iver water management. He has published relevant writings and articles both at home and abroad on transboundar water resources management. He also serves as a research ellow at the nnovation Center on ational erritorial Sovereignt and aritime ights. s a member o the E China ( etwork o East sian hink tanks), C China ( etwork o SE China hink tanks) and C China ( etwork o rilateral Cooperation hink tanks), he has been involved in man track diplomac processes in the past ears. Ambassador I Gusti Agung Wesaka PUJA is currentl the E ecutive irector o SE nstitute or Peace and econciliation ( SE P ). Previousl , he was mbassador o the epublic o ndonesia to the Kingdom o the etherlands and Permanent epresentative to the rganisation or the Prohibition o Chemical Weapons ( PCW) ( ebruar 20 6 une 2020). He was SE S Leader ndonesia irector General or SE Cooperation, inistr o oreign airs and served as High Level ask orce ndonesia on SE Communit Post 20 5 ision (20 2 20 6). He also served as mbassador E traordinar and Plenipotentiar o ndonesia to the epublic o ustria and epublic o Slovenia, concurrentl the Permanent epresentative to the United ations and other nternational rganisations in ienna ( arch 20 0 20 2). n 2006 2009, he served as mbassador eput Permanent epresentative o ndonesia to the United ations, World rade rganisation and other nternational rganisations in Geneva. mbassador Pu a is a graduate o Gad ah ada Universit , og akarta, ndonesia, and ac uired his post graduate at the Universit o ichigan, nn rbor (US ), he Horace H ackham School o Graduate Studies.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |
Series: Series on Asian Regional Cooperation Studies Main Subject: Social Sciences Sub-Subjects: nternational elations China Studies sian Politics Societ sian Economies nternational elations Political Science Polic Studies Public Polic Southeast sia Keywords: Preventive iplomac Peacebuilding Peacekeeping Sustaining Peace Peacemaking Con ict Prevention rmed Con icts sia Pacific nternational rgani ations United ations Human Securit C 9 Humanitarian evelopment Peace e us Peace perations heories 2030 genda or Sustainable evelopment evelopmental Peace Con ict anagement Global South elational Securit Public Health Securit egionalism SE SE egional orum emocrac Readership: cademics, polic makers, pro essionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in preventative diplomac , peacebuilding, peacekeeping in China and Southeast Asia
Contents • • • • • • • •
evelopmental Peace he Chinese pproach to U Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding mplementing evelopment pproach to Con ict Prevention in an n Going Con ict Conte t E perience, Challenges, and Lessons Learned rom hailand elational Securit and Practices in SE E amining the Space or daptation and nnovation in Con ict anagement in the Global South Southeast sia s esponse on Public Health Securit Crisis rom the Perspective o egionalism and nternational Cooperation ore o the Same SE Con ict anagement in the C 9 Era Wa s to Construct ew sia Pacific Securit rchitecture Chinese ntegrative utlook SE and the Challenge o emocrac
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. |