A Song for Molly ISBN: 9789811218941 Price: (GBP) 25
A Song for Molly is both a love story and a poeFc homage to science. The subjects in this first-person novella range from encounters with WiPgenstein, Einstein and Gödel, to trying to live with a dog named Molly. The science is serious although the tone is whimsical. The spirit of this book can be demonstrated by a conversaFon between Einstein and his assistant Ernst Straus:" 'You know Gödel has really gone crazy.' So I said, 'Well, what worse could he have done?' 'He voted for Eisenhower.' “
Contents: - Preface - Chapters 1 to 10
Design Thinking The Handbook
ISBN: 9789811203503 Price: (GBP) 35 Design thinking is more than just a new, one-off method of innovaJon. Its focus is on establishing an innovaJon-friendly climate in companies and organizaJons for the long-term. To achieve this, an interdisciplinary team of authors has composed this "recipe book" that can be pracJcally applied to your everyday business life. This book is for all who intend to understand and pracJce the design thinking method in the most rapid and uncomplicated way. The first part describes in depth what this method is all about. The second part of this comprehensive book offers you a step-by-step guide to pracJcally apply design thinking. The subsequent sample cases show how to put theory into pracJce. The authors have gained their experJse in design thinking from both academic and scienJfic theory, and from countless long-term implementaJons at companies in various industries. So, benefit from this rich knowledge and start becoming innovaJve today. This book will show you how it's done. Contents: - Methodical Overview - Toolkit - The Design Thinking Lab - ApplicaJon in OrganizaJons - Case Studies
Enjoy Wri*ng Your Science Thesis or Disserta*on! A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning and Writing a Thesis or Dissertation for Undergraduate and Graduate Science Students 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781783264216 Price: (GBP) 23
This book is a step by step illustrated guide to planning and writing dissertations and theses for undergraduate and graduate science students. Topics covered include advice on writing each section of a thesis as well as general discussions on collecting and organizing references, keeping records, presenting data, interacting with a supervisor and avoiding academic misconduct. Recommendations about how to use word processors and other software packages effectively are included, as well as advice on the use of other resources. A concise summary of important points of English grammar is given, along with appendices listing frequently confused words and wordy phrases to avoid. Further appendices are provided, including one on SI units. The aim is to provide an easy-to-read guide that gives students practical advice about all aspects of writing a science thesis or dissertation, starting from writing a thesis plan and finishing with the viva and corrections to the thesis.
Contents: - Overview - Getting Organised - Your References or Bibliography - Planning and Writing Your Literature Review - Planning and Writing Your Materials and Methods/Experimental Techniques - Planning and Writing Your Results - Planning and Writing Your Discussion and Conclusion - Planning and Writing Your Introduction - Deciding on Your Title and Writing Your Abstract - The Other Bits - Other People's Work - Layout - Numbers, Errors and Statistics - Figures and Tables - Proofreading, Printing, Binding and Submission - The Viva and Thereafter or ‘And You Thought It was All Over …’ - Supervision - The Use of English in Scientific Writing - Appendices
Fundamental Forces of Nature The Story of Gauge Fields ISBN:9789812706454 Price: (GBP) 20 Gauge fields are the messengers carrying signals between elementary parGcles, enabling them to interact with each other. OriginaGng at the level of quarks, these basic interacGons percolate upwards, through nuclear and atomic physics, through chemical and solid state physics, to make our everyday world go round. This book tells the story of gauge fields, from Maxwell's 1860 theory of electromagneGsm to the 1954 theory of Yang and Mills that underlies the Standard Model of elementary parGcle theory. In the course of the narraGon, the author introduces people and events in experimental and theoreGcal physics that contribute to ideas that have shaped our concepGon of the physical world. Contents: - What Makes the World Tick? - ElectromagneGsm - The Vacuum is the Medium - Let There Be Light - Heroic Age: The Struggle for Quantum Theory - Quantum Reality - What is Charge? - The Zen of RotaGon - Yang-Mills Field: Non-CommuGng Charges - Photons Real and Virtual - CreaGon and AnnihilaGon - The Dynamical Vacuum - Elementary ParGcles - The Fall of Parity - The ParGcle Explosion - Quarks - All InteracGons are Local - Broken Symmetry - Quark Confinement - Hanging Threads of Silk - The World in a Grain of Sand - In the Space of All Possible Theories
The Happy Learning Book for Siblings
50 Awesome Ac<vi<es for Siblings to Learn and Play Together at Home ISBN: 9789811224348 Price: (GBP) 15 Your home is the perfect place for learning, fun, and sibling bonding! The Happy Learning Book for Siblings features 50 hands-on acOviOes you can conduct in the comfort of your home. They are divided into five learning areas (Literacy, Numeracy, Discovery of the World, Motor Skills and Sensory Play, Arts and CraXs), and are scaled for children of different ages to experience together. Spark hours of joyful learning and playful moments for your children, from toddlers to preschoolers and school-aged kids! Contents: - IntroducOon - The Benefits of PosiOve Sibling RelaOonships - The Basics of a Good MulO-age Learning AcOvity - More Tips for Learning and Playing with Siblings - Literacy - Numeracy - Discovery of the World - Motor Skills - Sensory Play, Arts and CraXs - About the Author - Acknowledgements - Printables
KenKen: Math & Logic Puzzles That Will Make You Smarter!: Volume 2 KENKEN: Lim-Ops, No-Ops and Twist! ISBN: 9789813235847 Price: (GBP) 10
This book will challenge seasoned KenKen players, enhance their solving techniques, and provide hours of fun puzzle play and brain training. NEW RULES ARE INTRODUCED ... Limited-operaZons puzzles, where puzzles may contain only addiZon, only subtracZon, or a mix of addiZon and subtracZon. No-operaZons puzzles, where puzzles will use all four operaZons including mulZplicaZon and division, but YOU have to figure out which operaZons to use. ... AND A BRAND NEW PUZZLE Twist puzzles where instead of using 1 to 6 for a 6 x 6 puzzle as you do in regular KenKen, you'll use a different candidate set each Zme. In one puzzle, you might use {1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9}; in another, you might use {2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Different combinaZons will present exciZng new challenges. No puzzle involves guesswork ... there is always a logical way in! This collecZon of 6 x 6 puzzles is perfect for any experienced KenKen player ... from beginner to expert! Hours of Fun, Challenges and ulZmate SaZsfacZon!! KenKen is an exciZng, mind-expanding puzzle based on "The Art of Teaching without Teaching", an ingenious teaching philosophy developed by KenKen's creator and renowned educator, Tetsuya Miyamoto.
KenKen: Math & Logic Puzzles That Will Make You Smarter!: Volume 3 KENKEN: A Puzzle A Day! 365 Puzzles That Make You Smarter ISBN: Price: (GBP) 15 This book will challenge KenKen puzzle lovers to improve their puzzling, sharpen their logic and reasoning skills, and to just have fun by solving an all-new puzzlea-day. It is suitable for ALL puzzle lovers, math and logic aficionados, and anyone who enjoys exercising their brain on a regular basis or who is interested in improving their thought processes. You'll find a BRAND NEW, freshly "Kenerated" KenKen puzzle for every day of the year in this book. That's right — 365 puzzles, ranging in size from 4 x 4 to 9 x 9, and ranging in difficulty from easy to advanced! We're hopeful that you will find \me each day to indulge in just one intriguing puzzle. You'll also discover three different types of KenKen puzzles: Lim-ops puzzles, in which the opera\ons are limited to different combina\ons (addi\on/subtrac\on only, and mul\plica\on only) No-ops puzzles, in which there are no opera\ons in the cages, only target numbers; Twist puzzles, which require you to use a different set of numbers than usual to fill in the grid. KenKen, the most enjoyable and fastest growing math and logic puzzle in the world, is based on "The Art of Teaching without Teaching", an ingenious teaching philosophy developed by KenKen's creator and renowned educator, Tetsuya Miyamoto. Give your brain a treat with these fascina\ng puzzles ... ... STARTING TODAY! Contents: - Introduc\on - The Rules of Standard KenKen - Step-by-Step Tutorial for All Puzzle Types - Lim-Ops Puzzles - No-Ops Puzzles - Twist Puzzles - 4 x 4 Puzzles - 5 x 5 Puzzles - 6 x 6 Puzzles - 7 x 7 Puzzles - 8 x 8 Puzzles - 9 x 9 Puzzles - Bonus Puzzles - Solu\ons
Magic or Science? ISBN: 9789811222993 Price: (GBP) 4,99 Magicians pull off fantasCc feats: LevitaCng a meter above the ground, charming a snake with a flute, finding lost objects with the help of a pendulum, swallowing a sword or walking on embers ... But how do they do it? Is it magic or is it science? Learn to quesCon and discover how science can explain most of the secrets surrounding these amazing wonders. Get ready to move to the other side of the mirror! Contents: - One, Two, Three, Levitate! - Pendulum, Astrology, and Other Prophecies... - Reading Minds? Easy! - Can You Sit on Nails or Charm a Snake? - Breaking Metal - Spirit, Are You There, Probably Not... - Witchcra_? - How Do You Walk On Coals Without Gebng Burned? - BeaCng the Odds - How Do You SCck a Knife in Your Arm with Your Fingers in Your Nose? - Phantoms, Ghosts and Other Spooks - Images That Are a Liele too Incredible... - Bermuda: A Triangle that Doesn't Go Around in Circles - Circles in Wheat Fields - When the Oldest Man in the World was a Fake - Go to Sleep! - When the AutomaCon's Too Good to Be True... - Archaeological Mysteries - Gold Makers - Strange ConstrucCons
Physical Proper.es of Carbon Nanotubes ISBN: 9781860942235 Price: (GBP) 30 This is an introductory textbook for graduate students and researchers from various ďŹ elds of science who wish to learn about carbon nanotubes. The ďŹ eld is sNll at an early stage, and progress conNnues at a rapid rate. This book focuses on the basic principles behind the physical properNes and gives the background necessary to understand the recent developments. Some useful computaNonal source codes which generate coordinates for carbon nanotubes are also included in the appendix. Contents: - Carbon Materials - Tight Binding CalculaNon of Molecules and Solids - Structure of a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube - Electronic Structure of Single-Wall Nanotubes - Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes - Landau Energy Bands of Carbon Nanotubes - ConnecNng Carbon Nanotubes - Transport ProperNes of Carbon Nanotubes - Phonon Modes of Carbon Nanotubes - Raman Spectra of Carbon Nanotubes - ElasNc ProperNes of Carbon Nanotubes
You Can Be the Next Einstein ISBN: 9789811212093 Price: (GBP) 18,99 Have you ever wondered how Einstein, a regular man, can come up with radical ideas that shape the world to be what it is today? Albert Einstein is a familiar name to many in the scienLfic and non-scienLfic community due to his revoluLonary ideas such as the Theory of RelaLvity, Special RelaLvity and significant contribuLons to the development of Quantum Mechanics. As such, many aspire to be like him and wonder how they can do that. The author believes that one needs to condiLon his/her mind to be able to think like the world-renowned MathemaLcal Physicist, Albert Einstein. The road to being successful can be challenging and it requires grit, confidence and guidance from the right people. Hence, this book is as a must-have guide to readers who wish to be one of the best scienLsts in the world! Contents: - IntroducLon - Role Models - Is This You? - MathemaLcal Physics as a Career - What We Do - Nullius in Verba - The Gates of Hell - Why? - How It All Started for Me - No Good at Maths? - Einstein’s Brain - MoLvate Yourself - Study, Sleep, and Exams - Tools of the Trade - The Mess on Your Desk - Giving a Talk - Finding a Job - Interviews - Siang at the Back - The Administrators - Publish or Perish - Strings and Things - NotaLon - Your Career Choice - Glossary - Notes
Rebel City Hong Kong's Year of Water and Fire ISBN: 9789811218606 Price: (GBP) 22 SCMP's repor<ng team looks back at Hong Kong's most wrenching poli<cal crisis since its return to Chinese rule in 1997. An<-extradi<on bill protests that morphed rapidly into a wider an<-government movement in 2019 leQ no aspect of the city untouched, from its social compact to its body poli<c to its open economy. The demonstra<ons which con<nued well into 2020 have tested every ins<tu<on of the city, from the civil service to the police to the courts and even its rail transport operator, and from oďŹ&#x192;ces and businesses to universi<es and schools, and from churches to families and even friends. This book is for anyone seeking to understand not just what Hong Kong has gone through but also the global phenomenon of increasingly leaderless protest movements. Fueled by profound angst about the place of millennial youth in society, widening income inequality, and the speed of digital communica<ons, Hong Kong was in retrospect ripe to be the laboratory for a new-age protest movement, nearly a decade aQer the Middle East's Arab spring. The essays in the book collec<vely compose a picture of a society in trauma, bent and broken, but showing signs of an uncanny ability to bounce back. What shape it will be in a few years from now, however, is much harder to predict. Contents: - Foreword - Acknowledgments - Introduc<on - Path to a Firestorm - Water and Fire - The Mobilized and the Marginalized - In the CrossďŹ re - Law and Disorder - Beyond Borders - ReďŹ&#x201A;ec<ons - Scanning the Horizon - Recommended Videos - Glossary - Index
Science Research Wri-ng
for na-ve and non-na-ve speakers of English 2nd Edi-on ISBN:9781786347848 Price: (GBP) 20 This book enables STEMM researchers to write effecFve papers for publicaFon as well as other research-related texts such as a doctoral thesis, technical report, or conference abstract. Science Research WriFng uses a reverse-engineering approach to wriFng developed from extensive work with STEMM researchers at Imperial College London. This approach unpacks current models of STEMM research wriFng and helps writers to generate the wriFng tools needed to operate those models effecFvely in their own field. The reverse-engineering approach also ensures that writers develop future-proof strategies that will evolve alongside the coming changes in research communicaFon plaXorms. The Second EdiFon has been extensively revised and updated to represent current pracFce and focuses on the wriFng needs of both early-stage doctoral STEMM researchers and experienced professional researchers at the highest level, whether or not they are naFve speakers of English. The book retains the pracFcal, user-friendly format of the First EdiFon, and now contains seven units that deal separately with the components of wriZen STEMM research communicaFon: IntroducFon, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Abstract and Title, as well as extensive FAQ responses and a new Checklist and Tips secFon. Each unit analyses extracts from recent published STEMM journal papers to enable researchers to discover not only what to write, but, crucially, how to write it. The global nature of science research requires fast, accurate communicaFon of highly complex informaFon that can be understood by all parFcipants. Like the First EdiFon, the Second EdiFon is intended as a fast, doit-yourself guide to make both the process and the product of STEMM research wriFng more effecFve. Contents: - Acknowledgements - Preface to the Second EdiFon - IntroducFon - How to Write the IntroducFon - How to Write about Methods - How to Write about Results - How to Write the Discussion - How to Write the Conclusion - WriFng the Abstract - WriFng the Title - Checklist and Tips - Sources and Credits - Appendix A: Prefixes Used in Science WriFng - Appendix B: Research Verbs - WriFng Skills Index - Language Index
Spinach on the Ceiling
The Mul4faceted Life of a Theore4cal Chemist ISBN: 9781786348067 Price: (GBP) 25 Nobel Laureate Mar-n Karplus was eight when his family fled Nazi-occupied Austria via Switzerland and France for the United States. He would later credit his life as a refugee as a decisive influence on his world view and approach to science. Spinach on the Ceiling is an autobiographical telling of Karplus' life story, and how it led him to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013. The book captures pivotal moments in Mar-n's life — from his escape to Switzerland in 1938 shortly aRer Hitler's entrance into Austria; to memorable moments like when his parents gave him a microscope which opened his eyes to the wonders of science; to his educa-on in New England and California; and his eventual scien-fic career which took him to England, Illinois, Columbia, Strasbourg, and Harvard. It relates how Mar-n's op-mis-c outlook and belief in his vision made it possible for him to overcome setbacks in his life, and turn a subject of study his colleagues considered a waste of -me into a central part of chemistry and structural biology. It is his hope to inspire and aid young readers, in par-cular, to have a successful trajectory in their own lives. Although research and teaching have been his primary focus, he has traveled the world photographing people and places with a Leica IIIC and has had numerous exhibi-ons of the photographs. He has also enjoyed a lifelong interest in cooking and worked in some of the best restaurants in France and Spain. Contents: - Preface - Acknowledgments - My Ancestors - Childhood Years in Europe - Final Days in Europe - A New Life in America - Beginning of Scien-fic Interests - College Years - Graduate School - Postdoctoral Sojourn in Oxford and Europe - University of Illinois: NMR and Coupling Constants - Move to Columbia and Focus on Reac-on Kine-cs - The FBI and I - Return to Harvard University and Biology - Move to Paris - Protein Folding, Hemoglobin and the CHARMM Program - The First Molecular Dynamics Simula-on of a Biomolecule - Early Applica-ons of Molecular Dynamics - My Career as a Photographer - How We Came to Move to Strasbourg - My Life as a Chef - Announcement of the Nobel Prize - ARer the AnnouncementThe Nobel Prize Event - Science ARer the Nobel Prize Simula-on - Life ARer the Nobel Prize - References
The Nobel Prize The First 100 Years
ISBN: 9789810246655 Price: (GBP) 29 The Nobel Prize, as founded in Alfred Nobel's will, was the first truly internaMonal prize. There is no other award with the same global scope and mission. The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences (from 1969) have not only captured the most significant contribuMons to the progress of mankind, they also consMtute disMnct markers of the major trends in their respecMve areas. The main reason for the presMge of the Prize today is, however, the lasMng importance of the names on the list of Laureates and their contribuMons to human development. In celebraMon of the centennial of the Nobel Prize in 2001, this book offers a clear perspecMve on the development of human civilizaMon over the past hundred years. The book serves to present the major trends and developments and also provide informaMon about the life and philosophy of Alfred Nobel, the history of the Nobel FoundaMon, and the procedure for nominaMng and selecMng Nobel Laureates. Contents: - IntroducMon (M Sohlman) - Life and Philosophy of Alfred Nobel (T Frängsmyr) - The Nobel FoundaMon: A Century of Growth and Change (B Lemmel) - NominaMon and SelecMon of the Nobel Laureates (B Lemmel) - The Nobel Prize in Physics (E B Karlsson) - The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry (B G Malmström & B Andersson) - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (J Lindsten & N Ringertz) - The Nobel Prize in Literature (K Espmark) - The Nobel Peace Prize (G Lundestad) - The Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969–2000 (A Lindbeck)
Understanding the Universe From Quarks to the Cosmos ISBN:9789812387059 Price: (GBP) 39 The Big Bang, the birth of the universe, was a singular event. All of the maIer of the universe was concentrated at a single point, with temperatures so high that even the familiar protons and neutrons of atoms did not yet exist, but rather were replaced by a swirling maelstrom of energy, maIer and anNmaIer. ExoNc quarks and leptons flickered briefly into existence, before merging back into the energy sea. This book explains the fascinaNng world of quarks and leptons and the forces that govern their behavior. Told from an experimental physicist's perspecNve, it forgoes mathemaNcal complexity, using instead parNcularly accessible figures and apt analogies. In addiNon to the story of quarks and leptons, which are regarded as well-accepted fact, the author who is a leading researcher at the world's highest energy parNcle physics laboratory also discusses mysteries on both the experimental and theoreNcal fronNer, before tying it all together with the exciNng field of cosmology and indeed the birth of the universe itself. The text spans the Nny world of the quark to the depths of the universe with excepNonal clarity. The casual student of science will appreciate the careful disNncNon between what is known (quarks, leptons and anNmaIer), what is suspected (Higgs bosons, neutrino oscillaNons and the reason why the universe has so liIle anNmaIer) and what is merely dreamed (supersymmetry, superstrings and extra dimensions). Included is an unprecedented chapter explaining the accelerators and detectors of modern parNcle physics experiments. The chapter discussing the hunt for the Higgs boson, currently consuming the efforts of nearly 1000 physicists, lends drama that only big-stakes science can give. Understanding the Universe leaves the reader with a deep appreciaNon of the fascinaNng parNcle realm and just how much it determines the rich beauty of our universe. Contents: - Early History - The Path to Knowledge (History of ParNcle Physics) - Quarks and Leptons - Forces: What Holds It All Together - HunNng for the Higgs - Accelerators and Detectors: Tools of the Trade - Near Term Mysteries - ExoNc Physics (The Next FronNer) - RecreaNng the Universe 10,000,000 Times a Second - Epilogue: Why Do We Do It?
Viruses: More Friends Than Foes Revised Edi4on ISBN:9789811224744 Price: (GBP) 18 Coronavirus, AIDS, and Ebola: Viruses are normally defined as pathogens. Most viruses are, however, not enemies or killers. Well-known virologist and cancer researcher Karin Moelling describes surprising insights about a completely new and unexpected world of viruses. Viruses are ubiquitous, in the oceans, our environment, in animals, plants, bacteria, in our body, even in our genomes. They influence our weather, can contribute to control obesity, and can surprisingly be applied against threatening mulW-resistant bacteria. The success story of the viruses started more than 3.5 billion years ago in the dawn of life when even cells did not exist. They are the superpower of life. There are more viruses on earth than stars in the sky. Viruses are everywhere. Some of them are incredibly ancient. Many viruses are hundredfold smaller than bacteria, but others are tenfold bigger and they were discovered only recently — the giant viruses, even deep within the permafrost where they were reacWvated a[er 30,000 years. The author talks about a completely new world of viruses, which are based on the most recent, in part her own research results. Could viruses have been our oldest ancestors? Have viruses even "invented" social behavior, do they lead to geniuses such as Mozart or Einstein — or alternaWvely to cancer? They can help to cure cancer. In this book, the author made a clear disWncWon between what is fact and what is her vision. This book is wriaen for a general audience and not just for the experts. Its aim is to sWmulate thinking, and perhaps to aaract more young scienWsts to enter this field of research. This revised ediWon is brought up to date by a new chapter on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Contents: - SARS-Coronavirus-2 Pandemic - Viruses — Not as You Pictured Them - Viruses — How They Make Us Ill - Retroviruses and Immortality - Viruses and Cancer - Viruses That Do Not Make Us Ill - Viruses — "Giant" as Cells - Viruses as Fossils - Viruses — Our Oldest Ancestors? - Viruses and AnWviral Defense - Viruses and Phages for Survival? - Viruses for Gene Therapy - Viruses and the Future