Drinking Water Principles and Practices P J de Moel
TU Delft, The Netherlands
J Q J C Verberk
TU Delft, The Netherlands
J C van Dijk
TU Delft, The Netherlands & Kiwa Water Research, The Netherlands
Key Features • • • • • • •
he best illustrated te tbook on water suppl , wri en b internationall recognized experts 0 separate modules or tailor made courses and sel education, complete with uestions and answers rinking water production schemes and processes or groundwater and sur ace water ackgrounds on water ualit , water consumption and water distribution ackgrounds on legislation, finance, design and planning nside in ormation on the utch drinking water model Lecture notes from a leading technical university on drinking water supply
November 2006 £71 | HARDCOVER 978-981-256-836-6
This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of all the major aspects of modern drinking water systems in the western European context. It not only covers the theoretical principles, but also the historical background and practical aspects o design and operation, legislation, planning and finance o drinking water supply in its social and economic context. he principles and practices are illustrated using e periences rom he etherlands. he utch drinking water suppl is well known or its multiple barrier s stems and high technical standards. The Dutch drinking water is of high quality and does not contain chlorine, and the Dutch therefore readily drink tap water and do not see the need to bu bo led water or in house filters, with their drawbacks on national economics, public health and the environment. his illustrative overview can be used as a reference for other countries and regions. This book is the adopted textbook for the author J.C.van Dijk’s awarded course: Sanitar Engineering at h p ocw.tudel .nl courses watermanagement
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 416pp Type: Handbook
Main Subject: Engineering Sub-Subjects: Water Management; Environmental Engineering; Civil Engineering; Environmental Technology; Environmental Education Keywords: Drinking Water Supply; Water Sources; Water Treatment; Water istribution utch Water Suppl Water Quality Readership: Undergraduates and graduate students is civil and environmental engineering, professionals from the water industry, including government and consultants, general public
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Contents • • • • • • • • • •
Sanitary Engineering Amsterdam Water Drinking Water Companies Planning and Design Finances Water Consumption Water Quality Groundwater Surface Water Distribution
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particple Physics Revised Edition Martinus Veltman
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA & NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Endorsements the First Edition “Veltman seamlessly combines historical and thematic descriptions of particle physics, an approach that allows the reader to appreciate how experiment and theory interrelate ... I found the book to be immensely entertaining, and I recommend it highly to anyone looking for insight into the nature of elementary particle physics.” American Scientist “...the wonderful feature of the book is that it should be extremely useful to almost anyone with an interest in this field, ranging from high school students and interested laypersons to physicists in other fields. Enthusiastically recommended as an addition to any library.” Choice “I must congratulate you! The book you have written is truly a masterpiece. Not only have you explained the physics of the world of elementary particles to the young aspiring student, but you have made it available to the intelligent layman. On top of that you gave it the humanity it deserves; reading this book brought me back to the most exciting period of my life in which every day brought a new discovery and we all fought for recognition. I can truly say that there is no book like this.” Melvin Schwartz Nobel laureate Columbia University
Description This book provides a comprehensive overview of modern particle physics accessible to anyone with a true passion for wanting to know how the universe works. We are introduced to the known particles o the world we live in. n elegant e planation o uantum mechanics and relativit paves the wa or an understanding o the laws that govern particle ph sics. hese laws are put into action in the world o accelerators, colliders and detectors ound at institutions such as CE and ermilab that are in the ore ront o technical innovation. eal world and theor meet using e nman diagrams to solve the problems o infinities and deduce the need or the Higgs boson. Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics o ers an incredible insight rom an e ewitness and participant in some o the greatest discoveries in 20th centur science. rom Einstein s theor o relativit to the spectacular discover o the Higgs particle, this book will ascinate and educate an one interested in the world o uarks, leptons and gauge theories. his book also contains man thumbnail sketches o particle ph sics personalities, including contemporaries as seen through the e es o the author. llustrated with pictures, these candid sketches present rare, perceptive views o the characters that populate the field.
Author Martinus Veltman, born in 93 in Waalwi k, the etherlands, studied at the Universit o Utrecht. He started as a ellow at CE , Geneva, Swit erland, and later became Pro essor o heoretical Ph sics in Utrecht. ogether with his then student t Hoo he developed the mathematical implementation o gauge theories. n 977 he deduced an e uation that allowed a prediction o the mass o the top uark. n 98 he accepted a position at the Universit o ichigan. er retirement he moved back to the etherlands. he top uark with a mass as predicted was ound at ermilab in 995, and in 999 t Hoo and eltman were awarded the obel Pri e in Ph sics, or elucidating the uantum structure o electroweak interactions in ph sics .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
May 2018 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-3237-05-6 £25 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-3237-49-0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 352pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Physics Sub-Subjects: Particle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics, uantum ields Popular Science General Science Keywords: Particle Ph sics uantum echanics elativit uarks Leptons Gauge heories Higgs Particle Readership: Students, la people and an one interested in the world o elementar particles
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ntroduction Preliminaries he Standard odel uantum echanics i ing Energ , omentum and ass Shell etection ccelerators and Storage ings he CE eutrino E periment he Particle oo Particle heor inding the Higgs uantum Chromod namics Epilogue ddendum ame nde Sub ect nde Photo Credits
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Science Communication An Introduction Frans van Dam
Anne M Dijkstra
Liesbeth de Bakker
Eric A Jensen
Utrecht University, The Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands
University of Twente, The Netherlands Institute for Methods Innovation, UK
Key Features •
ull coverage o the field o science communication, basic, accessible and coherent treatment o most important concepts in the field • uch a ention has been paid to the didactic ualit o the book the chapters are wri en b authors who are used to teaching their sub ect to students or giving advice to pro essionals. he editors have ensured that the book is coherent in terms o content, level and st le • including authors and perspectives rom various geographical regions o the world, an a empt has been made to pa tribute to the cultural diversit o science communication across the world
Endorsements “It contains a wealth of information for students at all levels, for communication professionals as well as for researchers in science communication. Publication of this book is a milestone in the world of science communication and will be welcomed by all those working in this field ... I recommend this book to all those who are interested in communicating science: scientists, lecturers and students in science communication, policy makers at the interface of science and society, and professionals in science communication.” Prof. Dr Martin Goedhart Institute for Science Education and Communication “The book provides a concise, informative, comprehensive, and current overview of key issues in the field of science communication, the background of science communication, its theoretical bases, and its links to science communication practice. Especially the link between theory / research and practice is very well developed in the book and in the individual chapters. I think that is valuable for both readers new to the field of science communication, but also for those who identify with only one of these sides … it is indeed a comprehensive and concise overview, convincing in its aim to link theory, research, and practice and I will definitely use it for my lectures on science communication.” JCOM – Journal of Science Communication
Description A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. n the book, recent trends and shi s in the field resonate, such as the transition rom telling about science to interacting with the public and the importance o science communication in health and environmental communication. he chapters have been wri en b e perts in their disciplines, coming rom philosoph o science and communication studies to health communication and science ournalism. Cases rom around the world illustrate science communication in practice. he book provides a broad, up to date and coherent introduction to science communication or both, students o science communication and related fields, as well as pro essionals.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
March 2020 £50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-120-987-1 £25 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-122-835-3
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 276pp Type: e tbook Series: Science Communication Volume 1 Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science; Philosophy; History Of Science; General Education Social ssues Human Securit Keywords: Science Communication Science Education Science ournalism Health Communication Readership: Researchers and students rom all fields who are interested in the basics o communicating science and technolog
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • •
oreword List o Contributing uthors Se ng the Scene (Anne M Dijkstra, Liesbeth de Bakker, Frans van Dam, and Eric A Jensen) iews o Science (Edwin Koster and Frank Kupper) he Process o Communicating Science (Caroline Wehrmann and Anne M Dijkstra) Science in ialogue (Roald Verhoeff and Frank Kupper) n ormal Science Education (Anne M Land-Zandstra, Liesbeth de Bakker, and Eric A Jensen) Science ournalism (Mark Bos and Frank Nuijens) isk Communication (Henk Mulder and Erwin van Rijswoud) Health Communication (Madelief G B C Bertens, Joanne N Leerlooijer, and Maria E Fernandez) Environmental Communication (Liesbeth de Bakker and Eric A Jensen) esearch in Science Communication (Anne M Dijkstra and Craig Cormick)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
320 Single Best Answer Questions for Final Year Medical Students 2nd Edition Adam Ioannou
Royal Free Hospital, UK
Endorsements “I thought this was a fantastic book that challenged me into thinking through two- and three-step questions. Dr Ioannou’s style of questioning is similar to what I experienced in my final exams, and it encouraged me to look into the complexities of different topics. I particularly liked the fact that there was feedback provided not only on why an answer was right, but also why the other answers were incorrect.” Lucy Tiffen UCL Final year medical student “I found this book extremely instructive and aimed particularly at working out how to answer complex, two or three-step questions. The explanations were concise and easy to understand. I learned a lot from this book and would recommend it to medical students revising for their finals.” Anita Jiang UCL Final year medical student
October 2019
£30 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-121-077-8
This second edition of 320 Single Best Answer Questions for Final Year Medical Students is an invaluable resource for medical students preparing for their final examinations. dditionall , the breadth o topics covered and detailed answers e pands the versatilit o this book to a larger audience including doctors preparing or postgraduate e ams and other allied healthcare pro essionals who will be e amined in general internal medicine.
£65 | HARDCOVER 978-981-121-008-2
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
his improved edition contains updated and new uestions that are in line with the most recent developments in clinical guidelines as well as being wri en in accordance with the recent changes to medical school e aminations. he 320 uestions are divided into commonl tested areas o medicine, surger and sub specialities. he are designed to provide a comprehensive coverage o the medical school curriculum and to allow practice b specialit or random selection.
Extent: 368pp
he uestions are wri en in the ormat o medical final e aminations. he answers provide detailed e planations as to how the correct answer is reached, ollowed b a clear discussion o how the incorrect answers are ruled out and supplementar in ormation about other important aspects o each uestion. he answers are designed to allow the reader to urther enhance their clinical knowledge, understanding and single best answer techni ue, thus making this book an e cellent aid or e am preparation.
Sub-Subjects: edical Education nternal edicine General edicine Disease
Author Adam Ioannou studied undergraduate medicine at Universit College London, and during his third ear was awarded a achelor o Science in edical Sciences with Ph siolog with irst Class Honours. He ualified in 20 5 with a achelor o edicine and achelor o Surger and was awarded distinctions in both Clinical Science and Clinical Practice or placing in the top 0 o medical students in the end o ear e aminations. Since uali ing he has published multiple original research papers, review papers and case reports. He completed his embership o the o al College o Ph sicians e ams in 20 8, and is currentl working as a cardiolog registrar in London.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: Medicine
Keywords: Single est nswer S edical inals inal ear edical Students Readership: or candidates appearing or inal e aminations in the UK and international students preparing or finals. lso or allied healthcare pro essionals who will be e amined in general internal medicine
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Cardiolog uestions Cardiolog nswers Endocrine uestions Endocrine nswers Gastrointestinal uestions Gastrointestinal nswers Haematolog uestions Haematolog nswers n ectious iseases uestions n ectious iseases nswers eurolog uestions eurolog nswers enal and Urolog uestions enal and Urolog nswers espirator uestions espirator nswers heumatolog uestions heumatolog nswers Surger uestions Surger nswers Palliative edicine and ncolog Palliative edicine and ncolog
uestions nswers
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Viruses: More Friends Than Foes Revised Edition Karin Moelling
University of Zurich, Switzerland & Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
Endorsement “Her style is chatty, and just when you want to break into the conversation and ask a question, she’s thrown in an aside about a spat at a scientific meeting or discussed how we should dispose of our tissues when we have a cold. If this sort of mental gymnastics on top of some heavyweight science doesn’t put you off, you’ll like her book and learn much from it.” Times Higher Education “Moëlling uses her successful career in the discipline to structure much of the book and includes numerous interesting personal anecdotes to underscore her points. The writing style is conversational and will be accessible to non-scientists. “ CHOICE connect
Description Coronavirus, AIDS, and Ebola: Viruses are normally defined as pathogens. Most viruses are, however, not enemies or killers. Well-known virologist and cancer researcher Karin Moelling describes surprising insights about a completely new and unexpected world of viruses. Viruses are ubiquitous, in the oceans, our environment, in animals, plants, bacteria, in our body, even in our genomes. They in uence our weather, can contribute to control obesit , and can surprisingl be applied against threatening multi resistant bacteria. he success stor o the viruses started more than 3.5 billion years ago in the dawn of life when even cells did not exist. They are the superpower of life. There are more viruses on earth than stars in the sky. Viruses are everywhere. Some of them are incredibly ancient. Many viruses are hundredfold smaller than bacteria, but others are tenfold bigger and they were discovered only recently — the giant viruses, even deep within the perma rost where the were reactivated a er 30,000 ears. The author talks about a completely new world of viruses, which are based on the most recent, in part her own research results. Could viruses have been our oldest ancestors? Have viruses even “invented” social behavior, do they lead to geniuses such as o art or Einstein or alternativel to cancer he can help to cure cancer. n this book, the author made a clear distinction between what is act and what is her vision. his book is wri en or a general audience and not ust or the e perts. ts aim is to stimulate thinking, and perhaps to a ract more oung scientists to enter this field o research.
September 2020 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-122-757-8 £18 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-122-474-4
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 448pp Type: Popular Book
Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science; General Life Sciences Keywords: Genome; Retrovirus; Gene Therapy; HIV; Viruses and Cancer; SARSCoV-2; COVID-19 Pandemic Readership: All
his revised edition is brought up to date b a new chapter on the S pandemic.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
S Co 2
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SARS-Coronavirus-2 Pandemic Viruses — Not as You Pictured Them Viruses — How They Make Us Ill Retroviruses and Immortality Viruses and Cancer Viruses That Do Not Make Us Ill Viruses — “Giant” as Cells Viruses as Fossils Viruses — Our Oldest Ancestors? iruses and ntiviral e ense Viruses and Phages for Survival? Viruses for Gene Therapy Viruses and the Future
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Surgical Talk Lecture Notes in Undergraduate Surgery 3rd Edition Andrew Goldberg
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK & University College London, UK
Gerard Stansby
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK & Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Endorsement “It uses a narrative style of writing, making it enjoyable and easy to read. It refers regularly to subject material that is commonly asked in oral examinations and has a chapter dedicated to exam preparation. At a time of increasing subspecialisation and module based curriculum delivery, chapters on generic topics such as fluids and nutrition, pre- and post-operative management and trauma are welcome.” British Journal of Surgery
Description This textbook is an introduction and guide to undergraduate surgery. It has been a bestseller since its first edition in 200 . The philosophy of this book is to focus on the level of knowledge and the approach that would be e pected o the be er students reaching the end o their undergraduate training. Avoiding a book that is too cumbersome, we have tried to make this volume readable and enjoyable, using various techniques to help the reader remember ke acts the te t has been deliberatel wri en in a tutorial like story format as opposed to a set of lists, since this makes it easier to understand and remember. n addition to general surger , the book contains sections on trauma, orthopaedics, urology and ENT, making it the only comprehensive textbook for medical students wishing to learn top tips in surger .
July 2012 £40 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-84816-614-1
Imprint: Imperial College Press Extent: 440pp
Sub ects that are poorl covered in other main te ts such as uid balance management and minor surgical procedures — are dealt with in a tutorial fashion in this book, and there is a section on how to problem solve even in the conte t o areas unknown to the student.
Type: Textbook
This book is useful for medical students and also for junior doctors during their dayto-day working lives, as well as those coming up to postgraduate exams.
Main Subject: Medicine
Each chapter is wri en b an authoritative author, alongside the book editors, and the have ensured it remains in the spirit o the bestselling previous editions.
Sub-Subjects: Surgery; General edicine rthopaedics (+Plastic Surgery)/Biomechanics; Urology; Ear, Nose & Throat
Contents • • •
• •
Surgical Talk (Andy Goldberg and Gerry Stansby) Fluid Balance and Parenteral utrition (Ian Nesbitt) Pre and Postoperative Management (Ian Nesbitt and Andy Goldberg) Trauma, Shock, Head Injuries and Burns (Peter Smitham and Andy Goldberg) Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas (Richard Charnley) Disorders of the Oesophagus, Stomach and Duodenum (Sarah Robinson and S Michael Griffin) Small ntestine and Colon (Alan Horgan)
• • • • • • • • • •
Rectum and Anus (Alan Horgan) The Acute Abdomen (Jeremy French) Breast Surgery (Tom Lennard) Lumps in the Head, Neck and Skin (Monica Hansrani) Hernias (Andy Goldberg and Gerry Stansby) Vascular Disease (Gerry Stansby) Urology (Jonathan Glass) Orthopaedics (Peter Smitham and Andy Goldberg) Ear, Nose and Throat (Philip Yates, Michael Oko and Ashraf Morgan) The Exam (Andy Goldberg, Gerry Stansby and Ben Bannerjee)
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Keywords: Surgery; Surgical; Medical Student; Revision; Lecture Notes; Exams; Orthopaedics; ENT; Urology; Hernias; Medicine Readership: hird, ourth and final ear undergraduates (UK), medical students form countries with similar training to the UK (such as Singapore, Australia, South Africa, India and Pakistan), junior doctors, professions allied to medicine, e.g. physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and specialist nurses
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
The Knowledge Enterprise Innovation Lessons from Industry Leaders 2nd Edition
Edward Huizenga
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Benthurst & Co, The Netherlands
Reviews “The Knowledge Enterprise is essential reading for all managers about the management shift from R&D and technology-driven to customer-driven innovation. The author not only makes a compelling design for strategy realization but also provides an answer to ‘why’ companies succeed in transforming their business model ...” Fred Boekhorst Senior Vice President Philips Research Philips Electronics
“The power of the ‘knowledge enterprise’ ultimately depends on the ability to organize business innovation. The book reveals the stories of change, engagement, teamwork and orchestration to unleash and spark revenue-generating new business ...”
November 2014 £56 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78326-542-8
Jérôme Verhagen Managing Director /CEO NV Industriebank LIOF
Key Features
Imprint: mperial College Press
• Ke eatures • 2nd edition o the book The Knowledge Enterprise • Uni ue blockbuster cases rom international industr leaders ( S , ohnson ohnson, ewtricious and High ech Campus Eindhoven) • nspiring compan stories combined with state o the art management practices and theor rameworks
Extent: 264pp Type: e tbook Series: Series on echnolog Management - Volume 24
Description The Knowledge Enterprise is a unique second edition about mastering business innovation. Industry-leading companies reveal the secrets and lessons of transition leadership, the importance of customer engagement and the power of open innovation. uilding on the success o the first edition, this book e tensivel develops the concept o the knowledge enterprise and business innovation. he knowledge enterprise identifies the critical elements o the strategies and organisational d namics relentlessl pushing all parts o the corporation towards breakthrough innovations. t is about mastering innovation as the driving orce to make a di erence to societ , people and healthcare. Where to pla and how to win raditional approaches don t work. he book elaborates on the roadmap or uture growth, the strategic choices and the change provoking practices needed to realise the ne t level o compan growth. he second edition also reprises how the knowledge enterprise creates competences and assets that make the compan distinctive to enter new business and markets. he latest management thinking is integrated with intriguing, and entirel new, real world e amples. With vivid stories rom leading companies like o al S , High ech Campus Eindhoven, ewtricious and anssen Pharmaceutical companies o ohnson ohnson, this edition reveals how to master business innovation and reinvent industr boundaries.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Main Subject: Business & Management Sub-Subjects: General Business and anagement nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain Management Keywords: nnovation rgani ation usiness Strateg ew usiness evelopment Readership: anagers, directors, CE s and industr pro essionals, academics, graduate students, researchers in the field o strateg , organisation and innovation management.
Contents • • • • • • •
The Knowledge Enterprise — Organizing for Engagement and Business Innovation The Knowledge Ambition — Roadmap for Value Creation Design and Implementation of Innovation — Royal DSM: Ability to Change as a Core Competency Design and Implementation of Innovation — Transformations of the Value Chain Moving Frontiers and Solving Patients’ Unmet Medical Needs — Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson Innovation Strategies for the Knowledge Enterprise The Lateral Organization — Orchestrating for New Business
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
RevMED 300 SBAs in Medicine and Surgery Lasith Ranasinghe
Imperial College London, UK
Oliver Clements
Imperial College London, UK
Key Features •
ers shorter tests ( 0 30 uestions) than most other uestion books (e.g. 50 6) as this is considered a much more manageable test length b medical students • Contains up to date clinical in ormation • he editor, Pro essor Karim eeran, is a world renowned Endocrinologist and eput irector o edical Education at mperial College London, one o the world s top ranking medical schools • Wri en b students who have recentl sat clinical wri en e aminations, to make it as student riendl and relevant to current clinical e ams as possible
May 2019
RevMED teaches students how to interpret clinical cases by presenting key details of the history and examination of a patient and making them choose between five plausible options. ev E contains uestions on a broad variet o topics in general medicine and surger that range in di cult to cover the basics, but also challenge even the most able students. he e planations include up to date guidelines and a thorough e ploration o not onl the correct answer, but a breakdown o the incorrect options as well. here ore, each S is a orm o case based tutorial that can succinctl communicate a concept in general medicine or surger .
£85 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78634-681-0
uestion books are an e ceptionall use ul resource or medical students preparing or their clinical e ams. ev E is designed b medical students who recentl sat clinical wri en e aminations and has been reviewed b doctors pro essors thereb combining clinical accurac with a student riendl deliver .
Imprint: World Scientific Europe
£30 | SOFTCOVER 978-1-78634-711-4
Extent: 288pp Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: Medicine
Contents • • • • • •
oreword Pre ace bout the uthors bout the eviewers cknowledgements Paper 1: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 2: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 3: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 4: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 5:
◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 6: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 7: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 8: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 9: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
Paper 10: ◊ Questions ◊ Answers
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Sub-Subjects: edical Education General edicine Surger Keywords: Single est nswer Clinical E ams ultiple Choice uestions C Readership: edical students preparing or their clinical e ams
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Science Research Writing for native and non-native speakers of English 2nd Edition Hilary Glasman-Deal
Imperial College London, UK
Endorsement “This book should be on every STEMM academic’s bookshelf. In an academic world concerned with the quantity and quality of scientific publishing, this new edition of Science Research Writing is essential and timely. Writing enthusiastically and clearly, Glasman-Deal forensically deconstructs published texts to generate a series of robust, flexible models that help make writing less daunting. The content, tone, and language choice required to guide the reader through the main building blocks of STEMM writing (i.e. Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) are clearly outlined; this helps the author communicate the intended meaning of every sentence, paragraph and section, clearly and unambiguously. This book is essential reading for academics at all experience levels; it will not only benefit students taking their first steps into scientific writing but also publishing ‘veterans’ who are still looking for ways to improve their skills.” Christopher Jackson Imperial College London
Description This book enables STEMM researchers to write effective papers for publication as well as other research-related texts such as a doctoral thesis, technical report, or conference abstract. Science Research Writing uses a reverse engineering approach to writing developed rom e tensive work with S E researchers at mperial College London. his approach unpacks current models o S E research writing and helps writers to generate the writing tools needed to operate those models e ectivel in their own field. he reverse engineering approach also ensures that writers develop uture proo strategies that will evolve alongside the coming changes in research communication pla orms. he Second Edition has been e tensivel revised and updated to represent current practice and ocuses on the writing needs o both earl stage doctoral S E researchers and e perienced pro essional researchers at the highest level, whether or not the are native speakers o English. he book retains the practical, user riendl ormat o the irst Edition, and now contains seven units that deal separatel with the components o wri en S E research communication ntroduction, ethods, esults, iscussion, Conclusion, bstract and itle, as well as e tensive responses and a new Checklist and ips section. Each unit anal ses e tracts rom recent published S E ournal papers to enable researchers to discover not onl what to write, but, cruciall , how to write it. he global nature o science research re uires ast, accurate communication o highl comple in ormation that can be understood b all participants. Like the irst Edition, the Second Edition is intended as a ast, do it oursel guide to make both the process and the product o S E research writing more e ective.
Author Hilary Glasman-Deal teaches academic S E communication at mperial College London. Her primar ocus is on research writing or native and non native speaking doctoral students, postdocs and academic sta . She consults on scientific research publication at the highest level in all areas o S E , working with researchers to communicate comple content e ectivel across a range o ast changing communication pla orms. Hilar also delivers workshops and short courses on writing or ournal publication around the world.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
December 2020 £60 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78634-783-1 £20 | SOFTCOVER 978-1-78634-784-8
Imprint: World Scientific Europe Extent: 384pp Type: Stud Guide
Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: General; General Science Keywords: Science esearch Writing cademic Writing esearch Paper Scientific English English E P Readership: oth native and non native speakers o English including science writers, postgraduate students, researchers and teachers
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
cknowledgements Pre ace to the Second Edition ntroduction How to Write the ntroduction How to Write about ethods How to Write about esults How to Write the iscussion How to Write the Conclusion Writing the bstract Writing the itle Checklist and ips Sources and Credits ppendi Prefi es Used in Science Writing ppendi esearch erbs Writing Skills nde Language nde
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Spinach on the Ceiling The Multifaceted Life of a Theoretical Chemist Martin Karplus
Harvard University, USA & Université de Strasbourg, France
Description “In this inspiring book, Martin Karplus masterfully celebrates a saga of awesome science and challenges future prospects.” Dudley Herschbach Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1986
Description Nobel Laureate Martin Karplus was eight when his family fled Nazi-occupied Austria via Switzerland and France for the United States. He would later credit his li e as a re ugee as a decisive in uence on his world view and approach to science. Spinach on the Ceiling is an autobiographical telling o Karplus li e stor , and how it led him to win the obel Pri e in Chemistr in 20 3. he book captures pivotal moments in artin s li e rom his escape to Swit erland in 938 shortl a er Hitler s entrance into ustria to memorable moments like when his parents gave him a microscope which opened his e es to the wonders o science to his education in ew England and Cali ornia and his eventual scientific career which took him to England, llinois, Columbia, Strasbourg, and Harvard. t relates how artin s optimistic outlook and belie in his vision made it possible or him to overcome setbacks in his li e, and turn a sub ect o stud his colleagues considered a waste o time into a central part o chemistr and structural biolog . t is his hope to inspire and aid oung readers, in particular, to have a success ul tra ector in their own lives. lthough research and teaching have been his primar ocus, he has traveled the world photographing people and places with a Leica C and has had numerous e hibitions o the photographs. He has also en o ed a li elong interest in cooking and worked in some o the best restaurants in rance and Spain.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Preface About the Author My Ancestors Childhood Years in Europe Final Days in Europe A New Life in America Beginning of Scientific Interests College Years Graduate School Postdoctoral Sojourn in Oxford and Europe University of Illinois: NMR and Coupling Constants Move to Columbia and Focus on Reaction Kinetics The FBI and Me Return to Harvard University and Biology Move to Paris Protein Folding, Hemoglobin and the CHARM Program
July 2020 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78634-802-9 £35 | SOFTCOVER 978-1-78634-806-7
Imprint: World Scientific Europe Extent: 350pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: Chemistry •
The First Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Biomolecule Early Applications of Molecular Dynamics My Career as a Photographer How We Came to Move to Strasbourg My Life as a Chef Announcement of the Nobel Prize After the Announcement The Nobel Prize Event Science After the Nobel Prize Life After the Nobel Prize Appendices:
• • • • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
• • •
List of Karplusians Artist Statement Nobel Lecture Haaretz Article
Acknowledgements References Index
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Sub-Subjects: heoretical Chemistr uantum Chemistr iograph General nterest Culture Studies ioph sics Social ssues Human Securit General Chemistr Ph sical Chemistr ioph sics, iological nd edical Ph sics Histor Science tomic nd olecular Ph sics Keywords: artin Karplus obel Pri e Spinach on the Ceiling Chemistr utobiograph CH Hemoglobin olecular namics Coupling Constants heoretical Chemistr eaction Kinetics iomolecular Simulations P Photograph lloster olecular otors Pase Protein olding En me Catal sis cooking ord Europe Readership: wide range o readers including students, scientists, historians, science enthusiasts, people interested in the obel Pri e, obel Laureates, and the lives o people who escaped rom a i ustria
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Haematology A Core Curriculum 2nd Edition
Barbara Jane Bain
Imperial College London, UK
Reviews of the First Edition “Barbara Bain is well known to anybody in the UK or Ireland who has sat for the MRCPath examination. Her knowledge of morphology, her precision and her attention to details are legendary … The information on various haematological conditions is clearly laid out and well illustrated … I particularly liked the chapter on ‘what you need to know before you graduate’.” British Journal of Haematology “The author is very good at describing how various hematological diseases present in the real world … I recommend this book very highly to medical students and to practicing clinicians alike.” The Medical Media Review
Description This second edition of Haematology: A Core Curriculum is written by a haematologist with more than forty-five years of experience in teaching haematology to medical students and whose pedagogical and writing skills are widely admired within the field.
June 2020 £95 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78634-866-1 £60 | SOFTCOVER 78-1-78634-886-9
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
he te tbook takes a use ul, practical approach, incorporating sel evaluation uestions and learning ob ectives that give students the in ormation needed to understand the topic and clear indications o the core knowledge re uired to progress within the field o haematolog . hemes covered include clinical haematolog and the scientific basis o the discipline and the causes and pathogenesis o haematological disorders as well as how conditions are diagnosed and treated.
Extent: 364pp
Haematolog closel ollows the mperial College London curriculum but medical students, trainee nurses and biomedical science students rom other institutions will find the te tbook e uall suitable, since it includes the core student haematolog curriculum as recommended by the Royal College of Pathologists.
Sub-Subjects: Haematology; Internal Medicine; Biomedical Sciences; Oncology
Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Medicine
Keywords: Haematology; Hematology; Core Curriculum; Blood Transfusion; naemia Coagulation Leukaemia Haemato-oncology; Medicine
Author Barbara Jane Bain, Pro essor o iagnostic Haematolog , mperial College London, involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Honorar Consultant Haematologist, St ar s Hospital, London, involved in diagnostic haematolog (particularl morpholog , leukaemia diagnosis and haemoglobinopath thalassaemia diagnosis) and teaching o trainees and biomedical scientists.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Readership: Medical students, biomedical science students, and trainee nurses in the field o haematolog and oncology.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Physiology of the Blood and Bone Marrow The Blood Count and Film Microcytic Anaemias and the Thalassaemias Macrocytic Anaemias Haemoglobinopathies and Haemolytic Anaemias Miscellaneous Anaemias, Pancytopenia and the Myelodysplastic Syndromes Leucocytosis, Leucopenia and Reactive Changes in White Cells Leukaemias and Lymphomas Polycythaemia, Thrombocytosis and the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Multiple Myeloma Platelets, Coagulation and Haemostasis Thrombosis and Its Management — Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet and Thrombolytic Therapy Blood Transfusion Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Things You Need to Know Before You Graduate Further Reading Preparing for Exams and Self-Assessment Answers to Test Cases
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Designing Customer Service Processes Jochen Wirtz NUS, Singapore
Key Features •
here are man books on service management in the market, but most are narrowl ocused and or based on anecdotal evidence. his new book is the first to rigorousl cover ke aspects o services marketing and management, and that is routed in sound academic research. his book bridges the gap between cu ng edge academic research and practitioners • he book makes e tant academic knowledge easil accessible. or e ample, each chapter eatures an organi ational ramework that provides an overview o core concepts at a glance, and it ends with a succinct chapter summar in bullet points • he book eatures global best practices and latest trends it takes on a global perspective with about 40 o all e amples originating rom the mericas, 30 rom Europe and 30 rom sia
October 2017 Description From a customer’s perspective, services are experiences. rom the organi ation s perspective, services are processes that have to be designed and managed to create the desired customer e perience. his makes processes the architecture o services. esigning Customer Service Processes will discuss how service processes can be designed and improved to deliver the promised value proposition. his book is the si th volume in the Winning in Service arkets Series b services marketing e pert ochen Wirt . Scientificall grounded, accessible and practical, the Winning in Service arkets Series bridges the gap between cu ng edge academic research and industr practitioners, and eatures best practices and latest trends on services marketing and management rom around the world. he e version o this book is not available or purchase at our website but can be purchased through ma on and Kobo.
£8.95 | SOFTCOVER 978-1-944659-24-0
Imprint: World Scientific Pro essional Extent: 64pp Type:
Series: Winning in Service Series - Volume 6
Main Subject: Business & Management
Author Jochen Wirtz is Pro essor o arketing at the ational Universit o Singapore ( US), the ounding director o the dual degree UCL US E ecutive Program (ranked globall 4 in the inancial imes 20 5 E rankings), an international ellow o the Service esearch Center at Karlstad Universit , Sweden, and cademic Scholar at the Cornell nstitute or Health utures (C H ) at Cornell Universit , US. r Wirt holds a Ph in services marketing rom the London usiness School and has worked in the field o services or more than 25 ears.
Sub-Subjects: arketing General usiness nd anagement rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain Management Keywords: Services arketing arketing Consumer ehavior Positioning Services Service Process Service Environment Service dvantage Customer elationships anaging elationship and uilding Lo alt Complaint Handling Service ecover Service E cellence Service ualit and Productivit Service Leadership Readership: usiness and arketing students at and e level marketing pro essionals and practitioners
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com