March – April 2024
by Paolo Perrone (University of Oxford, UK)One of the central highlights of this work is the exploration of the Yoneda lemma and its profound implications, during which intuitive explanations are provided, as well as detailed proofs, and specific examples. This book covers aspects of category theory often considered advanced in a clear and intuitive way, with rigorous mathematical proofs. It investigates universal properties, coherence, the relationship between categories and graphs, and treats monads and comonads on an equal footing, providing theorems, interpretations and concrete examples. Finally, this text contains an introduction to monoidal categories and to strong and commutative monads, which are essential tools in current research but seldom found in other textbooks.
More details on Page 5
Essential Textbooks in Mathematics
(4th Edition)
by Bernard Dacorogna(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Switzerland)
The calculus of variations is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it is very much alive and still evolving. Besides its mathematical importance and its links to other branches of mathematics, such as geometry or differential equations, it is widely used in physics, engineering, economics and biology.
More details on Page 8
by James O Berger (DukeUniversity, USA),
JoseM Bernardo (University of Valencia, Spain) & Dongchu Sun (East China Normal University, China)
Bayesian analysis is today understood to be an extremely powerful method of statistical analysis, as well an approach to statistics that is particularly transparent and intuitive. It is thus being extensively and increasingly utilized in virtually every area of science and society that involves analysis of data.
A widespread misconception is that Bayesian analysis is a more subjective theory of statistical inference than what is now called classical statistics. This is true neither historically nor in practice. Indeed, objective Bayesian analysis dominated the statistical landscape from roughly 1780 to 1930, long before ‘classical’statistics or subjective Bayesian analysis were developed.
More details on Page 9
by Neil A C Hirst (ImperialCollege London, UK)
With a Foreword by Dr Fatih Birol
Hirst provides a wide-ranging account of international energy strategies to counter climate change. He argues that six policies hold the key to addressing this global problem: accelerating today’s action on renewables and energy efficiency; making bold investments in new technology; persuading the public to adapt; taking firm regulatory action; supporting the developing world; and raising the level of global cooperation.
More details on Page 13
The United States Rethinks South Asia
edited by C Raja Mohan & Hernaikh Singh (Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Biden and Beyond: The United States Rethinks South Asia captures the significant transitions unfolding in the US policy towards South Asia. Developed across two administrations, led by Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the US’south Asia policy has moved away from more than four decades of focus on Afghanistan, especially after the military withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, to now viewing the region through the Indo-Pacific prism. The military withdrawal has also undermined the US’ long-standing strategic partnership with Pakistan that was viewed as the frontline state in dealing with the turmoil in Afghanistan. This has substantially altered Washington’s geopolitical perspective of the South Asian subcontinent.
More details on Page 19
by Anthony T Paxton (ImperialCollege London, UK)
The reader is taken through simple electrochemical cells and the rigorous description of the many confusing “potentials” that arise across its interfaces, to what can and cannot be measured in an experiment. The first three quarters of the book are rather general, highlights being the electrochemical series and the Nernst and Butler-Volmer equations. This all lies at the heart of the science of corrosion, fuel cells and batteries. The last quarter of the book however concerns corrosion only and uses the thermodynamic and kinetic foundation established for the reader to develop in clear terms the two principal tools of the corrosion scientist and engineer: the Evans and Pourbaix diagrams.
Featured Contents: The Lemon Lamp; Simple Electrochemical Cell; Inner and Contact Potentials, Work Function; Electrochemical Potential; Real Potential; Outer Electric Potential, Dipole Potential; The Bockris Point; Electron Work Function of an Electrolyte; Ion Work Function and Real Potential; Reversible Work of an Electrochemical Cell; Relative and Absolute Ion Work Function; Electrode Capacitance and Electrocapillarity; Atomistic Models and Interphase Capacitance; Kinetics; and others.
Readership: Material scientists, corrosion engineers, electrochemists, physical chemists, metal physicists, fuel cell and battery designers. Academia, graduate and final year undergraduate, research, industry; libraries.
May 2024
978-1-80061-548-9 US$98 £90
978-1-80061-553-3(pbk) US$58 £55
Contributions in Honor of Bruce C Berndt edited by George E Andrews (The Pennsylvania State University, USA), Michael Filaseta (University of South Carolina, USA) & Ae Ja Yee (The Pennsylvania State University, USA) This volume reflects the contributions stemming from the conference Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory: The Legacy of Ramanujan which took place at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on June 6 – 9, 2019. The conference included 26 plenary talks, 71 contributed talks, and 170 participants. As was the case for the conference, this book is in honor of Bruce C Berndt and in celebration of his mathematics and his 80th birthday.
Featured Contents: A Triple Integral Analog of a Multiple Zeta Value (T Amdeberhan, V H Moll, A Straub and C Vignat); The Ramanujan – Dyson Identities and George Beck’s Congruence Conjectures (G E Andrews) ; On Entry II.16.12: A Continued Fraction of Ramanujan (G Bhatnagar and M E H Ismail); General Fine Transformations I (D Bowman and S Wesley) ; Combinatorics of Two Second-Order Mock Theta Functions (H Burson) ; Chasing After Cancellations: Revisiting a Classic Identity That Implies the Rogers – Ramanujan Identities (H-C Chan); A Mock Theta Function Identity Related to the Partition Rank Modulo 3 and 9 (S H Chan, N Hong, Jerry and J Lovejoy); and others.
Readership: Graduate students and academics.
Apr 2024
by Bijan Davvaz (YazdUniversity, Iran) & Violeta
Leoreanu-Fotea(Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania)
Krasner Hyperring Theory presents an elaborate study on hyperstructures, particularly Krasner hyperrings, across 10 chapters with extensive examples. It contains the results of the authors, but also of other researchers in the field, focusing especially on recent research. This book is especially addressed to doctoral students or researchers in the field, as well as to all those interested in this interesting part of algebra, with applications in other fields.
Contents: Canonical Hypergroups; Introduction to Krasner Hyperrings; Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms; Generalizations of Hyperideals; Lower and Upper Approximations in Krasner Hyperrings; Derived Hyperstructures from Hyperconics; Fundamental Relations on Krasner Hyperrings; Some Special Hyperrings; Differential Krasner Hyperrings; Ordered Krasner Hyperrings.
Readership: This book will be of interest to libraries, graduate students, academics and researchers in the field and in related fields.
Apr 2024
978-981-128-540-0 US$108 £100
by Paolo Perrone (University of Oxford, UK)This book covers aspects of category theory often considered advanced in a clear and intuitive way, with rigorous mathematical proofs. It investigates universal properties, coherence, the relationship between categories and graphs, and treats monads and comonads on an equal footing, providing theorems, interpretations and concrete examples. Finally, this text contains an introduction to monoidal categories and to strong and commutative monads, which are essential tools in current research but seldom found in other textbooks.
Starting Category Theory serves as an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts of category theory.
Featured Contents: Basic Concepts: Categories; Mono and Epi; Functors; Natural Transformations; Studying Categories by Means of Functors; The Yoneda Lemma: Representable Functors and the Yoneda Embedding Theorem; Statement and Proof of the Yoneda Lemma; Universal Properties; Limits and Colimits: General Definitions; Particular Limits and Colimits; Functors, Limits and Colimits; Limits and Colimits of Sets; Adjunctions: General Definitions; Unit and Counit; The Adjoint Functor Theorem for Preorders; The Case of Convex Subsets; Monads and Comonads: Monads as Extensions of Spaces; Monads as Theories of Operations; Comonads as Extra Information; Comonads as Processes on Spaces; Adjunctions, Monads and Comonads; Monoidal Categories: General Definitions; Monoids and Comonoids; and others.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and related fields (physics, computer science, statistics, engineering), researchers and professionals.
For more information, visit: www.worldscientific.com
May 2024
978-981-128-600-1 US$98 £90
by Alexander Andronov & Kristina Mahareva (Transport and TelecommunicationInstitute (TSI), Latvia)
Probabilistic models are widely used for description and an analysis of various processes in system reliability, risk, queuing, data communication, logistic and storage systems. The book contains various applications of the theory of continuous-time Markov-modulated processes in operation research. All analytical results are illustrated by numerical computations. Used algorithms allow overcoming computation difficulties successfully. For example, a calculation of transient probabilities of states for a continuous-time finite Markov chain is used eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the corresponding matrix (generator). In a more complex case of differential or integral equations, such a simple explicit form of a solution is missing. The explicit form of solution is presented by means of infinity sums of functions. For example, often we have to deal with the so-called renewal equation. Its solution is presented as an infinite sum of the renewal function. In this case, an approximation of functions of interest and iterative computation procedures are used.
Contents: Continuous-Time Markov Chains; Markov-Modulated Chains; Shortest Paths in Markov Modulated Networks; Network Flows With Markov-Modulated Costs of Arcs; Wear Process Modulated by Cycling Continuous-Time Markov Chains; Alternating Poisson Processes and Their Estimations; Analysis of Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes; Monitoring of Continuous-Time Markov Chains; Reliability System k -outof- n in External Random Environment; Statistical Inferences in the Case of a Random Environment Existence; Review of Other Applications.
Readership: Masters, PhD students and readers.
200pp May 2024
US$88 £80
Study Guide
Secondary 1
byZun Shan (Nanjing Normal University, China)
Translated by: Yi-Yang She (Shanghai High School, China)
The series is created in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development levels of the students in the corresponding grades. All hot mathematics topics of the competition are included in the volumes and are organized into chapters where concepts and methods are gradually introduced to equip the students with necessary knowledge until they can finally reach the competition level.
Contents: Ingenious Computation of Rational Numbers; Absolute Value; First Degree Equation with One Variable; System of First Degree Equations; Application of a System of First Degree Equations; Set up (Systems of) Equations to Solve Word Problems; (System of) First Degree Inequalities; Multiplication and Division of Polynomials with Integer Coefficients; Line Segments; Angle; Sum of the Interior Angles of a Triangle; Parallel Lines; Assign a Variable Unnecessary to be Solved; Undetermined Coeffiffifficients; Synthetic Division and Polynomial Remainder Theorem; Simplify and Evaluate an Algebraic Formula; Logical Inference I; Logical Inference II; Divisibility; Odd Numbers and Even Numbers; Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers; The Rule of Sum and the Rule of Product; Number of Divisors; Positional Notation; Modular Arithmetic; First Degree Diophantine Equation with Two Unknowns; The Drawer Principle.
Readership: Secondary school students engaged in mathematical competition, coaches in mathematics teaching, and teachers setting up math elective courses.
May 2024
978-981-128-720-6 US$88 £80
978-981-128-742-8(pbk) US$48 £45
Study Guide
Secondary 2
Zhao(Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, China)
Translated by: Tian-You Zhou (Shanghai High School, China)
In each chapter, well-designed problems including those collected from real competitions are provided so that the students can apply the skills and strategies they have learned to solve these problems. Detailed solutions are provided selectively. As a feature of the series, we also include some solutions generously offered by the members of Chinese national team and national training team.
Contents: Linear Equations with Absolute Values; Linear Inequalities with Absolute Values; Polynomial Factorization (I); Polynomial Factorization (II); Calculation of Rational Fractions; Partial Fractions; Polynomial Equations and Fractional Equations with Unknown Constants; Real Numbers; Quadratic Radicals; Evaluating Algebraic Expressions; Symmetric Polynomials; Proving Identities; Linear Functions; Inversely Proportional Functions; Statistics; The Sides and Angles of a Triangle; Congruent Triangles; Isosceles Triangles; Right Triangles; Parallelograms; Trapezoids; The Angles and Diagonals of a Polygon; Proportion of Segments; Similar Triangles; The Midsegment; Translation and Symmetry; The Area.
Readership: Secondary school students engaged in mathematical competition, coaches in mathematics teaching, and teachers setting up math elective courses.
May 2024
978-981-128-723-7 US$88 £80
978-981-128-743-5(pbk) US$48 £45
Series in Computational Methods - Vol 1 NUMBERS AND FUNCTIONS Theory, Formulation and
Python Codes
by G R Liu (University ofCincinnati, USA)
This unique volume covers two fundamental elements of computational methods — numbers and functions. It provides an indepth discussion of the behaviors of numbers, including both real and complex numbers. The discussion leads to the important closure properties of numbers, ensuring solution consistence and existence, and also possible failure in numerical computations in science and engineering.
This text then introduces types of functions that take numbers as independent variables and produce a single number. Approaches for constructing inverse functions are also provided. Frequently used basis functions are introduced, with detailed studies on their properties and behaviors. Techniques are presented for constructing basis functions and their use in function approximation in computational methods.
Contents: Introduction; Real Numbers; Complex Numbers; Elementary Functions; Basis Functions; Function Approximation.
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students in numerical analysis and mathematical computation.
Apr 2024
978-981-128-762-6 US$98 £90
From Conic Sections to Planetary Motion
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen(Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
In the second edition, the four chapters in the first edition on conic sections (two chapters), isoperimetric problems for plane figures , and non-Euclidean geometry , are treated in four revised chapters with many new exercises added. In three new chapters, the reader is taken through mathematics in curves, mathematics in a Nautilus shell, and mathematics in the panorama of the heavens. In all chapters of the book, the circle plays a prominent role.
Contents: Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Preliminary Notions; An Ellipse in the Shadow; With Conic Sections in the Light; Optimal Plane Figures; The Local Shape of Smooth Curves; Mathematics in a Nautilus Shell; NonEuclidean Geometry — The Poincaré Disc Model; The Panorama of the Heavens — A Source of Mathematics; Index.
Readership: Pure mathematicians; applied mathematicians; science educators; professionals from engineering and science, undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and science; high school students and general readers with mathematical insight.
Essential Textbooks in Mathematics INTRODUCTION TO THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS (4th Edition)
by Bernard Dacorogna(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Switzerland)
Apr 2024
This book serves both as a guide to the expansive existing literature and as an aid to the non-specialist — mathematicians, physicists, engineers, students or researchers — in discovering the subject’s most important problems, results and techniques. Despite the aim of addressing nonspecialists, mathematical rigor has not been sacrificed; most of the theorems are either fully proved or proved under more stringent conditions.
This new edition offers an entirely new chapter, as well as the addition of several new exercises. The book, containing a total of 147 exercises with detailed solutions, is well designed for a course at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Contents: Preface to the Fourth English Edition; Introduction; Preliminaries; Classical Methods; Direct Methods: Existence; Direct Methods: Regularity; Minimal Surfaces; Isoperimetric Inequality; Geodesic; Solutions to the Exercises; Bibliography; Index.
Readership: This book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers in the field of calculus of variations and differential equations. It would also be applicable to physicists, engineers economists or biologists more generally who are interested in mathematics.
Jul 2024
978-1-80061-526-7 US$128 £120
978-1-80061-537-3(pbk) US$68 £65
Problem Solving in Mathematics and Beyond GEOMETRICAL KALEIDOSCOPE (2nd Edition)
by James O Berger (Duke University, USA), Jose M Bernardo (University of Valencia, Spain) & Dongchu Sun (East China Normal University, China)
The goal of the book is to provide insight into many enjoyable and fascinating aspects of geometry, and to reveal interesting geometrical properties. The emphasis is on the practical applications of theory in the problemsolving process. The book focuses on geometric thinking — what it means, how to develop it, and how to recognize it. “Geometrical Kaleidoscope” consists of a kaleidoscope of topics that seem to not be related at first glance. However, that perception disappears as you go from chapter to chapter and explore the multitude of surprising relationships, unexpected connections, and links. Readers solving a chain of problems will learn from them general techniques, rather than isolated instances of the application of a technique.
Featured Contents: Medians, Centroid, and Center of Gravity of a System of Points; Altitudes and the Orthocenter of a Triangle and Some of Its Properties; The Orthic Triangle and Its Properties; The Angle Bisector of a Triangle and Its Properties; The Area of a Quadrilateral; The Theorem of Ratios of the Areas of Similar Polygons; A Pivotal Approach. Applying Rotation in Problem Solving; Auxiliary Elements in Problem Solving; Constructions-Siblings; Session of One Interesting Construction Problem; and others.
Readership: High school and college students, general public.
180pp Apr 2024
978-981-128-527-1 US$58 £55
978-981-128-560-8(pbk) US$28 £25
The book is written for four different audiences. First, it provides an introduction to objective Bayesian inference for non-statisticians; no previous exposure to Bayesian analysis is needed.
Second, the book provides an overview of the development and current state of objective Bayesian analysis and its relationship to other statistical approaches, for those with interest in the philosophy of learning from data.
Third, the book presents a careful development of the particular objective Bayesian approach that we recommend, the reference prior approach. Finally, the book presents as much practical objective Bayesian methodology as possible for statisticians and scientists primarily interested in practical applications.
Contents: Overview and Notation; Basics of Bayesian Analysis; Basics of Objective Bayesian Analysis; The Constant Prior; Jeffreys-Rule Priors; Frequentist Matching; Invariance Priors; Evaluating Objective Priors; Introduction to Reference Analysis; Models with One Continuous Parameter; Multiple Continuous Parameters; Discrete Parameter Problems; Overall Objective Priors; Reference Priors with Partial Information; Models with Special Structures.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers in Statistics.
May 2024
US$148 £135
ORGANIC SOLAR THERMAL FUELS Mechanisms, Design, and Applications
by Wei Feng (Tianjin University, China)Organic Solar Thermal Fuels: Mechanisms, Design, and Applications offers a significant introductory overview of the key properties, mechanisms, applications, and research directions in this emerging field of photothermal conversion materials.
This first-of-its-kind professional book on organic solar thermal fuels serves as a key major reference work for materials scientists, polymer scientists, and chemists in academia, student and research and development. It may also be of interest to nanoscientists, environmental scientists, and engineers.
Contents: Introduction of Solar Thermal Fuel; Micromolecular Solar Thermal Fuels Based on Structure Conversion; AzobenzeneContaining Polymers for Solar Thermal Fuels: Design and Synthesis; Templated Solar Thermal Fuels Composites; Solar Thermal Fuel Devices; Applications of Solar Thermal Fuel.
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of materials science, chemical science, polymer science, composite materials science, and optical engineering, nanoscientists, environmental scientists, and engineers.
280pp Apr 2024
Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Vol 8 A MATHEMATICAL INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL THEORY (3rd Edition) by Shlomo Engelberg (Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel)
The 3rd edition strikes a nice balance between mathematical rigor and engineering oriented applications, helping students to understand the mathematical and engineering aspects of control theory. The book makes effective use of the tools provided by MATLAB®(and includes material about using the tools provided by the Python ® programming language) in the design and analysis of control systems without allowing the computer-based tools to substitute for knowledge of control theory. The examples in the text are carefully designed to develop the student’s intuition — in both mathematics and engineering.
Contents: Mathematical Preliminaries; Transfer Functions; Feedback — An Introduction; The Routh-Hurwitz Criterion; The Principle of the Argument and Its Consequences; The Root Locus Diagram; Compensation; Some Nonlinear Control Theory; An Introduction to Modern Control; Discrete-Time Modern Control and the Kalman Filter; Answers to Selected Exercises.
Readership: Professionals, academics, researchers and graduate students.
May 2024
by Cristian S Calude (University of Auckland, New Zealand)DATABASES / INFORMATION SCIENCES
Wireless Grid Applications, Architecture and Security for the Internet of Things
by Tyson TBrooks (Syracuse University, USA)
This is a book about the “Halting Problem”, arguably the most (in)famous computer-related problem: can an algorithm decide in finite time whether an arbitrary computer program eventually stops? This seems a dull, petty question: after all, you run the program and wait till it stops. However, what if the program does not stop in a reasonable time, a week, a year, or a decade? Can you infer that it will never stop? The answer is negative. Does this raise your interest? If not, consider these questions: Can mathematics be done by computers only? Can software testing be fully automated? Can you write an anti-virus program which never needs any updates? Can we make the Internet perfectly secure? Your guess is correct: the answer to each question is negative. The Halting Problem is “hidden” in many subjects, from logic, physics, to philosophy and quantum computing (why we don’t have a quantum Halting Problem?) — this book will visit each of them.
Contents: To Halt or Not to Halt; From Entscheidungsproblem to the Halting Problem; Incompleteness and Halting; Sagacious Applications; The Halting Problem Re-visited; Beyond Incompleteness; Historical Notes.
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners and a large category of educated readers.
Apr 2024
US$98 £90
This comprehensive book presents a new approach to dynamic distributed virtual systems. Wireless grids edgeware promises new cloud to edge secure architectures with mobile security for the Internet of Things (IoT). The scope covers framworks and models for wireless grids edgeware, as well as open specifications and new applications called gridlets and wiglets.
The book also highlights fundamental to advanced concepts necessary to grasp wireless grids, edgeware and IoT current issues, challenges and solutions as well as future trends in IoT infrastructures. It also serves as a virtual and effective bridge between academic research on theory, and science-practitioners work with wireless grids, edgeware and IoT technology.
Featured Contents: Introduction; ‘Internet of Things’ Cybersecurity; Internet of Things Architecture for Authentication: The Resource Sharing Protocol; Securing Wireless Clouds; Securing Wireless Grids; Security Vulnerabilities of the First Generation GridstreamX Wireless Grid Edgeware Application: A Case Study; Securing the Edge. Risk Management and Wireless Grids Edgeware Technology; A Cyber-Physical System for the Internet of Things Architecture; Securing Wireless Clouds: Distributed Generation Systems and Social Emergency Response; Workplace as a Service: Beyond Virtual Machines and Desktops to Everything as a Secure Virtual Workplace Service; and others.
Readership: Researchers, academics, professionals and graduate students.
Jun 2024
978-981-4630-80-1 US$150 £140
The Dante Effect by Dingping (Frank) Qian With the Collaboration of Cotter Li
The process of decrypting innovation and creation, as a lurking nondescript so far, is theorized and operationalized based upon interdisciplinary taskings.
First comes the mapping between real world and human brain; innovation is redefined as discovering new interrelationships in the brain using an algorithm, well-defined in 5 steps, of searching unknown relations herein, and the psychological synesthesia governing communications in the brain is dutifully augmented and made to function accordingly. The Dante effect then binds the fresh interactions into a metaphoric tome which is mapped back to the real world to become an up-to-date theory or a new appliance.
Featured Contents: Prelude: An Image of the World and Its Implications in Innovation — A Quasi-Introduction: The Cultivation of Philosophical & Ethical Sensitivity for an Innovator; Thinking Synesthesia in a Manifoldly World of Entanglements; Intermezzo: All Innovators are Men of Synesthesia — A Pregnant Review: Strategies 1: How to Brave the Problems: ; Synesthetic Strategies 2: Grasp Serendipities to Forge Inspirations; Synesthetic Strategies 3: Problem Transformation & Combination; and others.
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students.
Apr 2024
Series on Language Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Intelligent Systems - Vol 8
edited by Jie Zhou (Northern Illinois University, USA), Hanchuan Peng (SoutheastUniversity, China) & Marianna Rapsomaniki (IBM Research Europe, Switzerland)
This unique compendium provides state-of-the-art computational methodology and applications in bioimage informatics. It covers cutting-edge technology developments in biological image analysis, where images come from new modalities and are often large scale, high throughput and high dimensional. The book reflects advances in intelligent algorithms for tasks such as biological image segmentation, reconstruction, and object tracking.
Featured Contents: Applications: The Advance of Computational Methods in Cryo-Electron Tomography (Renmin Han, Min Xu); Computational Workflows for Following Processes During Key Events in the Yeast Life Cycle (David Horl); Neuronal Image Reconstruction (Yufeng Liu et al.); Synapse Detection and Quantification in Fluorescent Images: A Survey (Yizhi Wang, Xuelong Mi, Boyu Lyu, Mengfan Wang and Guoqiang Yu); Methods: Data-Efficient Instance Segmentation for Multi-Modal Microscopy Images (Dongnan Liu and Tom Cai); Transfer Learning from Synthetic Data for Cell Segmentation and Tracking (Andreas Milias-Argeitis and Herbert Kruitbosch); Deep Learning based 3D Neuron Segmentation (Qiufu Li, Linlin Shen, Qiong Liu); and others.
Readership: Researchers, professionals, academics and graduate students.
Apr 2024
US$118 £110
by Neil A C Hirst (Imperial College London, UK)Six Energy Policies to Save the Planet takes stock of the situation today, reviews the potential of the available technologies, and examines the interlocking roles of business, public opinion, and government. It considers the geopolitics of climate change including the relations between rich and poor countries, and between China and the West. Recognising that much of the decision-making has now passed to the developing world, it outlines the perspectives of some of the most important players. The final chapters assess the current state of international energy governance and propose reforms.
Encouraging us to understand underlying trends and significant levers for change, this book is a topical and fresh insight into one of the most pressing issues we face today.
Contents: Preface: The Six Policies; Introduction; The State of Play; Technology. Creating and Using the Right Tools; Business, Public Opinion, and Government Policies; International Relations; Strengthening World Governance for Climate Mitigation; Postscript. Geoengineering, a Looming Question.
Readership: Undergraduate, Masters level, lay readers and government policy makers.
200pp May 2024
978-1-80061-499-4 US$58 £55
978-1-80061-503-8(pbk) US$28 £25
Qingdao-Hamburg Cooperation in Oceanography and Climate Studies Since the 1980s
edited by Hans von Storch (Helmholt-Zentrum Hereon, Germany & Ocean University of China, China) & Delei Li (Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
This book focusses on this productive second phase, and deals with methodologies, reconstructions, and potential future climate changes mainly in the Chinese marginal seas. The book reproduces twelve articles that arose from this shared research and contributed significantly to the existing knowledge base. The articles build upon each other, exploring useful applications such as wind energy and scenarios of possible future climate conditions.
Featured Contents: Introduction: The QingdaoHamburg Cooperation; Added Value of the Cooperation; Downscaling: The Concept of Large-Scale Conditioning of Climate Model Simulations of Atmospheric Coastal Dynamics: Current State and Perspectives; Internal Variability of Marginal Oceans: Temporal and Spatial Statistics of Travelling Eddy Variability in the South China Sea; Regional Climatologies of Cyclones: Trends and Variability of North Pacific Polar Lows; Polar Low Genesis Over the North Pacific Under Different Global Warming Scenarios; Downscaling Regional Climatology in Coasts and Marginal Seas of China: A ModelBased Climatology Analysis of Wind Power Resources at 100-M Height Over the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea; and others.
Readership: This book is suitable for regional climatologiests and physical oceanographers, as well as postdoctoral and PhD students.
404pp Aug 2024
978-1-80061-580-9 US$148 £135
Changes of Sea and Land
by YuzhuKang (Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, China), Zhihong Kang (China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China), Zhijiang Kang & Jiwei Wang (Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, China)
Chinese Medicine for Beginners
by Achim Eckert![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240318132204-8571d3ec25e196b4ae5fb7cc9b295f27/v1/0de3de5ba1abf3ebf8ae754f94c5c3e0.jpeg)
The dynamic mechanism of plate tectonics remains a reasonable theory, but one with shortcomings such as insufficient bases for plate division, unclear plate boundaries, and unclear geological characteristics. This book proposes that the world’s continents should not be divided by plates, and that their formation is not due to plate tectonics but rather due to global crustal uplift evolution and sea-land evolution. This proposal is based on the authors’ broad theoretical foundation and comprehensive professional knowledge, built up over more than ten years of in-depth research by many scholars on the evolution of the Earth’s continents.
Contents: The Origin of Earth’s Motion; An Overview of the Sedimentary System of the Crust; Features of Crustal Stress all over the World; Major Tectonic Movements all over the World; Crustal Tectonic Deformation Styles; Features of Crustal Uplifts and Depressions all over the World; Extended Reading.
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners.
220pp Apr 2024
978-981-128-606-3 US$88 £80
The Healing Dào: Chinese Medicine for Beginners covers the traditional Chinese Five Element theory. Together with the concept of Yin and Yang this theory is the backbone of traditional Chinese world view, philosophy and medicine. The Five Element system is important to us today it provides a holistic approach to health and disease, and because it puts the different aspects of the physical, mental and emotional level of man into precise correlation.
Contents: Introduction; Basic Concepts of Chinese Medicine: Yin and Yang; The Chinese View of the Organs; Meridians; Qi, the Life Force; The Five Elements; Wood: The Element Wood; Mental and Physical Exercises to Stimulate the Growth of Wood; Fire: The Element Fire; Mental and Physical Exercises to Ignite the Fire; Earth: The Element Earth; Mental and Physical Exercises to Strengthen the Earth; Metal: The Element Metal; Mental and Physical Exercises to Refine Metal; Water: The Element Water; Mental and Physical Exercises to Get the Water Flowing; The Four Cycles: The Sheng Cycle or The Law of Mother and Child; The Ko Cycle or The Law of Grandmother and Grandchild; The Cycle of Rebellion; The Cycle of Withdrawal; Practical Use of the Cycles; Afterword: The Dào of Healing in Time of War and Pandemic.
Readership: Specialists and for students or those interested in such methods and traditional Chinese medicine in general.
Jul 2024
978-1-80061-538-0 US$58 £55
978-1-80061-551-9(pbk) US$28 £25
Latest Advancement in the Management of Hearing Loss
edited by Adrien A Eshraghi(University of Miami, USA)
This book starts by discussing the anatomy and physiology of the inner ear. Then it delves deeper into hearing loss, how to prevent it, and the genetics behind it. How to manage related symptoms such as hyperacusis and tinnitus is also discussed as well as current medical treatments and new immunological approaches to treating hearing loss. Furthermore, the most up-todate hearing devices such as digital hearing aids, implantable bone conduction devices, and cochlear implants are discussed at great length.
Contents: Preface; Anatomy and Physiology of the Inner Ear; Etiological Aspects of Hearing Loss; Prevention of Hearing Loss; Genetic Evaluation for Hearing Loss: Implications for Management; Management of Conductive and / or Mixed Hearing Loss; Assessment and Management of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis; Current Medical Treatments for Sensorineural Hearing Loss; Novel Immunologic-related Approaches to Treating Sensorineural Hearing Loss; Hearing Aids and Implantable Bone Conduction Devices; Cochlear Implants; Management of Single Sided Deafness; Recent Advancements in Developing Treatment Modalities for Auditory Disorders; Robotic Ear Surgery.
Readership: Patients with hearing difficulties or tinnitus. Physicians, audiologists, medical students, nurses, physician assistants, scientists, biologists, biomedical engineers, otolaryngologists, neurologists, primary care physicians, pediatricians.
200pp Apr 2024
978-981-128-796-1 US$88 £80
978-981-128-850-0(pbk) US$48 £45
Study Guide
byAnkit Chadha (University of Cambridge, UK)
Reviewed by: Alex Tindale & Sachin Ananth (Imperial College London, UK)
Illustrated by: Talia Patel (University of Nottingham, UK)
Ace your medical exams with The Revision Guide to Core Clinical Medicine!
Written by University of Cambridge graduates, unlock your medical potential with The Revision Guide to Core Clinical Medicine — the ultimate companion for every aspiring doctor. This comprehensive resource covers eight core specialities, from pharmacology and investigations to the diagnosis and management of conditions, helping to save time and reduce levels of stress for medical students.
All the must-know information in one comprehensive and easy-to-understand book.
Contents: Cardiovascular; Endocrinology; Gastrointestinal; Infectious Diseases; Musculoskeletal; Neurology; Renal — Urinary; Respiratory.
Readership: Medical Students, physician associates and clinical practitioners who are studying clinical medicine. Applicable to medical students globally in the clinical stages of their medical degree.
484pp Apr 2024
978-1-80061-466-6 US$118 £110 978-1-80061-487-1(pbk) US$58 £55
An Evidence-based Approach edited by Heleen van Aswegen (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) & Brenda Morrow (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Trauma is a serious public health problem worldwide and is the leading cause of death among adults and children. Physiotherapists play a key role in the interdisciplinary team caring for patients with physical injury after a traumatic event. The aim of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy in Trauma: An Evidence-based Approach is to encourage quality evidencebased physiotherapy management of adult and paediatric survivors of trauma in an acute care setting on a global level.
Contents: Physiological Response to Trauma; Not Just ‘Small Adults’: Paediatric Anatomy and Physiology in Relation to Trauma; Trauma and Chronic Diseases; Interdisciplinary Team Members in Trauma Care; Pain in Trauma; Physiotherapy Modalities, Markers and Outcome Measures; Blunt and Penetrating Injuries to the Trunk; Burn Injuries; Multiple Orthopaedic Trauma; Spinal Cord Injury; Traumatic Brain Injury; Quality of Life of Survivors of Trauma.
Readership: Physiotherapists, physiotherapy students, researchers, undergraduate physiotherapy students, graduate nurses, doctors and allied health practitioners.
732pp Mar 2024
Transformations in Banking, Finance and Regulation
Recent Trends and Developments
edited by Sabri Boubaker (EM Normandie Business School, France & University of Swansea, UK) & Thanh Ngo (Massey University, New Zealand & VNU University of Economics and Business, Vietnam)
This Handbook presents recent trends and new developments in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) research within the realms of business, finance, and sustainability. Divided into three distinct parts, it encompasses 19 chapters that offer insightful studies conducted in diverse national environments and organizational settings. Part I focuses on DEA applications in business, including healthcare, supply chain management, and governmental organizations. Part II delves into the application of DEA in banking and finance, providing valuable insights into the efficiency and performance of financial institutions. Part III explores DEA’s diverse applications in sustainability, addressing topics such as sustainability indicators, resource mobilization, food production, and farming. In essence, the Handbook stands as an invaluable reference for stakeholders seeking to optimize organizational efficiency and performance across various sectors.
Contents: DEA in Business; DEA in Banking and Finance; DEA in Sustainability.
Readership: OR researchers, graduate students, policymakers, managers, undergraduate students.
580pp Apr 2024
Japanese Management and International Studies - Vol 19
Theoretical and Empirical Research
editedby Hiroshi Obata (Meiji Gakuin University, Japan) & Fumiko Hiki (Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
This issue is dedicated to the theory and practice of revenue management. Although cost management tends to focus on expenditure, it is important to pay attention to revenue as well. If a company is unable to generate sufficient revenues, no matter how hard it tries to reduce the costs, it will not be able to generate a profit; thereby threatening its long-term existence. For this reason, revenue management, along with cost management, is essential. In addition to costs, research on cost drivers has made progress in recent years. However, systematic research on revenue is still incomplete. There is thus a need for theoretical, empirical and systematic research on various issues related to revenue management.
Featured Contents: Business Model Change and Revenue Management: Theoretical Foundations of Revenue Management (Hiroshi Obata) ; Customer, Market, Marketing and Revenue Management: The Role of Customer Management Accounting for Effective Implementation of Revenue Management (Akimichi Aoki); Other Revenue Management Topics: Lead Time Reduction and Revenue Management: Case Study on A-One Seimitsu Inc. (Zhi Wang); and others.
Readership: For students and researchers.
220pp May 2024
Vietnam and the Global Economy - Vol 2
edited by Dong Phong Nguyen, Dinh Thanh Su, Quang Hung Bui, Bich Nguyet Phan Thi, Viet Tien Ho, Nguyen Phong Nguyen & Xuan Vinh Vo (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
The Vietnamese Economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution collects scholarship in topics such as marketing, behavioral economics, management, leadership, tourism, and law, by authors who are not only professors in the education industry, but also state officers holding governmental positions and managers of successful companies. This pool of expertise will provide readers with an objective and well-rounded overview of recent economic developments, risks, challenges and opportunities in Vietnam.
Featured Contents: Profits and Risks of Asian Commercial Banks: Granger Causality Test; The Impacts of Internal and Macroeconomic Factors on Banking Liquidity Risk — Performance in Vietnam; The Relationship of Service Quality, Experience Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intentions: Evidence in a Service Environment from Vietnam; Determinants of Portfolio Investment and Portfolio Investment Volatility; Social Performance and Profit: The Case of Vietnam’s Microfinance Institutions; and others.
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners.
300pp May 2024
US$98 £90
Transformations in Banking, Finance and Regulation
edited by Marco Corazza (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy), René Garcia (University of Montreal, Canada & SKEMA Business School Canada, Canada), Faisal Shah Khan (Dark Quantum Lab, USA & SKEMA Business School Raleigh, USA), Davide La Torre (SKEMA Business School, France) & Hatem Masri (Applied Science University, Bahrain)
The foundations of artificial intelligence lie in the human desire to automate. Often this desire has had foundations in grand civilization-making visions or economic needs, such as the Antikythera mechanism, circa 200 BCE. Considered to be the oldest known example of an analog computer, it is believed that the mechanism automated the prediction of the positions of the sun, the moon, and the planets used to assist in navigation.
Featured Contents: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Finance (Marco Corazza, Rene Garcia, Faisal Khan, Davide La Torre, Hatem Masri); Machine Learning in Portfolio Decisions (Massimo Guidolin); Natural Language Processing and Stock Returns (Manuela Pedio); Portfolio Allocation and Reinforcement Learning (Rene Garcia and Alissa Marinenko); Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management: A Framework (Silvio Andrae); How Can Sentiment Analysis Contribute to Financial Markets and Services? (Abraham Itzhak Weinberg); Quantum Fintech (Alessio Faccia); Tail Dependence of Eurozone Bond Yields and Sovereign CDS Spreads (Veni Arakelian, Roberto Savona, Marika Vezzoli); and others.
Readership: Academics, practitioners, financial investors.
Apr 2024
World Scientific Series in Finance SELECTED WORKS OF WILLIAM T ZIEMBA
A Memorial Volume
edited by Leonard MacLean (Dalhousie University, Canada) & Sébastien Lleo (NEOMA Business School, France)
This book is a selection of the journal publications of William T Ziemba. Over a span of 50 years, Professor Ziemba contributed to a wide variety of disciplines including Stochastic Programming, Portfolio Theory, Sports Betting, and Risk Management. In his work he collaborated with academics and practitioners worldwide. Bill wrote for a variety of audiences. He was widely known as a leading practitioner of operations research methods applied to problems in financial planning and sports betting.
Prior to his death, Bill Ziemba was working on a multivolume series on his collected papers. The Selected Works of William T Ziemba: A Memorial Volume captures some of the sentiment of Professor Ziemba’s plans.
Contents: Research Overview; Stochastic Programming; Portfolio Models; Asset and Liability Management; Betting Markets; Kelly Strategies; Market Crashes.
Readership: Academics and professional investors.
Apr 2024
US$128 £120
Recommended for Bookshops
50 Years as a Muslim Feminist
by Wazir Jahan Karim (Universiti SainsMalaysia, Malaysia)
The United States Rethinks South Asia edited by C Raja Mohan & Hernaikh Singh (Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Wazir Jahan engages the reader in absorbing stories from her childhood to retirement against a backdrop of events in Malaysia — cultural, academic and political — which elucidates the complexities of being a Muslim feminist, in a divisive Asian society. Her narrative demonstrates that each woman can successfully negotiate the boundaries between patriarchy, family and modernity if they believe that being a woman is synonymous with being a feminist - that institutions which obstruct women’s path to freedom can be challenged through recognising the power of individualism. Jahan believes that once a woman understands what can work well for her, within the limitations of her own achievements and resources, she could be able to rise above these intimidations of life and actively engage in pursuing her dreams. For Jahan, femininity and feminism are complementary forms of activism which enabled her to gain acceptance and legitimacy for her work with disadvantaged and minority women.
Contents: Malaya, 1955; Early Beginnings, Lahore, 1873; The Women’s Institute; The Convent; Secret Readings; Eusoff College; The Social Sciences; The LSE; A Femme Fatal; Do Not Forget Us; Feminist Fields; KANITA; Passions of Faith and Love; Cambridge Conversations; Epilogue.
Readership: Undergraduates, graduates and researchers.
Apr 2024
The rising concerns in Washington on China have seen the formulation of an Indo-Pacific strategy that has elevated India to the top of US strategic priorities. The deepening tensions between China and the US, as well as between Beijing and Delhi, have set the stage for a new strategic partnership between Washington and Delhi. Amidst Washington’s competition with Beijing, the Himalayan region girding the underbelly of China has acquired an importance of its own. The maritime perspective of the US has also raised the value of the subcontinent’s waters and provided an incentive for Washington to turn new attention to the strategic islands of the Maldives and Sri Lanka.
Featured Contents: Preface; The United States and South Asia: New Thinking (C Raja Mohan and Hernaikh Singh); The Biden Reset: Implications for South Asia (Monish Tourangbam); Carving a Relationship: The United States and the Taliban’s Afghanistan (Marvin Weinbaum and Javed Ahmed); United States-Pakistan Relations: The Recalibration (Michael Kugelman); Bhutan and Nepal: The United States Returns to the Himalayas (Nishchal N Pandey); The United States and Bangladesh: New Imperatives (Farooq Sobhan); The United States and Sri Lanka: Winning Back Colombo (Asanga Abeyagoonasekera); and others.
Readership: Academics, researchers, policymakers and those in the Private sector/ industry.
Apr 2024
Recommended for Bookshops
Educationalist Entrepreneur Philanthropists
by Kenneth Lyen (Rainbow Centre, Singapore)![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240318132204-8571d3ec25e196b4ae5fb7cc9b295f27/v1/b311e160d9db25bdb0e64856e8634944.jpeg)
Lee Kong Chian (1893 – 1967) is one of Singapore’s most outstanding figures in the history of Singapore and Southeast Asia. This book is the first complete account of this great person, following him from childhood to his passing. He leaves behind a great legacy which will continue to impact the lives of countless numbers of people in Singapore and beyond. He came from a poor family, but he became a highly successful businessman and entrepreneur who founded several companies in Southeast Asia. He also co-founded the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation. He played a key role in the development of the region’s economy, and his contributions helped to create jobs and stimulate growth. He was named the King of Rubber and the Pineapple King, and became one of the richest men in Southeast Asia in the 1950s to 1960s, and yet he lived a simple frugal lifestyle. Lee Kong Chian was a generous philanthropist who donated millions of dollars to charitable causes throughout his life. He used his personal money to start the Lee Foundation, which continues to donate to educational institutions, healthcare, and social welfare.
Contents: Early Life; Career and Life Decisions; Rubber; Labour Relations; Banking; Political Vision; A Humanitarian; Legacy.
Readership: General public, junior college and secondary school students, institutions and organisations affiliated to Lee Kong Chian, history teachers, historians.
Apr 2024
978-981-128-521-9 US$68 £65
978-981-128-559-2(pbk) US$38 £35
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