Elementary Stochastic Calculus, with Finance in View Thomas Mikosch
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Reviews “This book under review can be determined as a very successful work … the author’s choice of the material is done with good taste and expertise … It can be strongly recommended to graduate students and practitioners in the field of finance and economics.” Mathematics Abstracts “… this is a well-written book, which makes the difficult object of mathematical finance easy to understand also for non-mathematicians. It might be useful for economics students and all practitioners in the field of finance who are interested in the mathematical methodology behind the Black-Scholes model.” Statistical Papers
November 1998 £48 | HARDCOVER 978-981-02-3543-7
Modelling with the Itô integral or stochastic differential equations has become increasingly important in various applied fields, including physics, biology, chemistry and finance. However, stochastic calculus is based on a deep mathematical theor . his book is suitable or the reader without a deep mathematical background. t gives an elementar introduction to that area o probabilit theor , without burdening the reader with a great deal o measure theor . pplications are taken rom stochastic finance. n particular, the lack Scholes option pricing ormula is derived. he book can serve as a te t or a course on stochastic calculus or non mathematicians or as elementar reading material or an one who wants to learn about t calculus and or stochastic finance.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 224pp Type: e tbook Series: dvanced Series on Statistical Science and pplied Probabilit Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Probability Theory / Stochastic Processes athematical inance Economics athematical uantitative inance Computational Economics inance Keywords: to ntegral to ormula Stochastic i erential E uation ption Pricing lack Scholes ormula Readership: Economists, financial engineers, mathematicians and ph sicists.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory Gerardus ‘t Hooft
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Reviews “50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory edited by Gerardus ‘t Hooft is both delightful and deep. It begins with pages written in March 1947 by C N Yang, when he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago. The 1967 Popov and Faddeev Kiev Report is reproduced in translation and the Englert paper on broken symmetry and Yang-Mills Theory appears. ‘t Hooft’s deep insights put the papers into context and I’m sure that I can continually learn more by revisiting this volume.” Professor Gerry Brown SUNY, Stony Brook
“This book provides an excellent historical survey of the development of Yang-Mills theory, written by those most involved in its creation. It also has valuable comments on the present situation, so that it will be useful for current research.” Sir Michael Atiyah Fields Medalist and Honorary Professor of Mathematics University of Edinburgh
Description On the 50th anniversary of Yang-Mills theory, this invaluable volume looks back at the developments and achievements in elementary particle physics that ensued from that beautiful idea. uring the last five decades, ang ills theor , which is undeniabl the most important cornerstone o theoretical ph sics, has e panded widel . t has been investigated rom man perspectives, and man new and une pected eatures have been uncovered rom this theor . n recent decades, apart rom high energ ph sics, the theor has been activel applied in other branches o ph sics, such as statistical ph sics, condensed ma er ph sics, nonlinear s stems, etc. his makes the theor an indispensable topic or all who are involved in ph sics. n international team o e perts, each o whom has le his mark on the developments o this remarkable theor , contribute essa s or more detailed technical accounts to this volume. hese articles highlight the new discoveries rom the respective authors perspectives. he distinguished contributors are S dler, ais, C ecchi, Creut , e ula, S eWi , Englert, L addeev, P Hasen rat , ackiw, Pol akov, Popov, Stora, P van aal, P van ieuwenhui en, S Weinberg, Wilc ek, E Wi en, C ang. ncluded in each article are introductor and e planator remarks b the editor, G t Hoo , who is himsel a ma or pla er in the development o ang ills theor .
Author Gerard ‘t Hooft is Pro essor o heoretical Ph sics at the Universit o Utrecht, he etherlands. He has taught at Harvard, SL C and Caltech prior to his present position. He was co winner o the 999 obel Pri e in Ph sics. His other distinguished honors include the annie Heineman Pri e, the Honorar octorate o Science rom the Universit o Chicago, the Wol Pri e o the State o srael, the Pius edal ( atican), and the Lorent edal (K W, msterdam).
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
February 2005 £92 | HARDCOVER 978-981-238-934-3 £32 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-256-007-0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 500pp Type: eview olume
Main Subject: Physics Sub-Subjects: Particle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics uantum ields Histor Science uantum heor Keywords: ang ills heor uantum ield heor uantum Chromod namics ( C ) Elementar Particles La ce ield heor Solitons nstantons Gauge heor Readership: ll ph sicists and mathematicians.
Dynamics of Coastal Systems Job Dronkers
Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands
Key Features • Simple and practical tools or anal sing and predicting coastal changes • ntroduction to modern concepts o coastal morphod namics or non specialists • Uni ing presentation o morphod namics or a great variet o coastal s stems
August 2005
Dynamics of Coastal Systems is about the dynamic interaction between water motion and seabed topography, which affects the natural response of coastal systems to change in external conditions and to human interventions — from the scale of seabed ripples up to the scale of entire barrier and delta systems. he book highlights ma or concepts developed during the past 50 ears or the description o current topograph , tide topograph and wave topograph interactions. t provides simple anal tical tools and models or diagnosing and predicting coastal response to change, with re erences to a great variet o coastal s stems around the world. hese concepts and tools are crucial or sustainable management o beaches, deltas and coastal wetlands.
£150 | HARDCOVER 978-981-256-207-4 £85 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-256-349-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 540pp
he book is based on a master course on coastal morphod namics given at the Universities o Utrecht and el in he etherlands or graduate students who are amiliar with the basic concepts o coastal h drod namics. t enables coastal engineers to complete their background knowledge and to acilitate access to cu ng edge scientific literature on specific topics. he book ma also serve to amiliarise consultants, practitioners and academics in related coastal disciplines with modern concepts o land sea interaction.
Type: Monograph Series: Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Volume 25 Main Subject: Engineering Sub-Subjects: Ocean Engineering / Coastal Engineering; Geology / Earth Studies / Earth Science; Oceanography; athematical odeling Keywords: Coastal Morphodynamics; Coastal Geomorphology; Coastal H draulics Sel rganisation Stabilit Analysis; Tides Waves; Estuary; Barrier Coast; River Delta Readership: Graduate students, engineers, researchers, academics, lecturers, practitioners, consultants and professionals.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Drinking Water Principles and Practices P J de Moel
TU Delft, The Netherlands
J Q J C Verberk
TU Delft, The Netherlands
J C van Dijk
TU Delft, The Netherlands & Kiwa Water Research, The Netherlands
Key Features • • • • • • •
he best illustrated te tbook on water suppl , wri en b internationall recognized experts 0 separate modules or tailor made courses and sel education, complete with uestions and answers rinking water production schemes and processes or groundwater and sur ace water ackgrounds on water ualit , water consumption and water distribution ackgrounds on legislation, finance, design and planning nside in ormation on the utch drinking water model Lecture notes from a leading technical university on drinking water supply
November 2006 £71 | HARDCOVER 978-981-256-836-6
This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of all the major aspects of modern drinking water systems in the western European context. It not only covers the theoretical principles, but also the historical background and practical aspects o design and operation, legislation, planning and finance o drinking water supply in its social and economic context. he principles and practices are illustrated using e periences rom he etherlands. he utch drinking water suppl is well known or its multiple barrier s stems and high technical standards. The Dutch drinking water is of high quality and does not contain chlorine, and the Dutch therefore readily drink tap water and do not see the need to bu bo led water or in house filters, with their drawbacks on national economics, public health and the environment. his illustrative overview can be used as a reference for other countries and regions. This book is the adopted textbook for the author J.C.van Dijk’s awarded course: Sanitar Engineering at h p ocw.tudel .nl courses watermanagement
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 416pp Type: Handbook
Main Subject: Engineering Sub-Subjects: Water Management; Environmental Engineering; Civil Engineering; Environmental Technology; Environmental Education Keywords: Drinking Water Supply; Water Sources; Water Treatment; Water istribution utch Water Suppl Water Quality Readership: Undergraduates and graduate students is civil and environmental engineering, professionals from the water industry, including government and consultants, general public
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Coastal Dynamics Willem T Bakker
Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands
Key Features • E plores coastal prediction based on simple mathematical concepts, validated b coastal engineering practice • Considers the practical knowledge and e perience o man in uential people in the field over the past centur
January 2013
Our world is constantly changing, governed by continuity, dynamic interactions and boundary conditions. or man coasts, the common denominators contributing to these changes are sand, waves, tides, salt gradients, and human interaction, all themes that are treated in this valuable textbook.
£133 | HARDCOVER 978-981-270-373-6
Confining itsel to essentials, the coverage re ects centuries o theoretical and practical knowledge o utch coastal engineers. ocussing, where applicable, on linear theor , the book shows how the essentials o local coastal behavior can be reproduced and predicted.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 540pp Type: Monograph Series: Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Volume 34 Main Subject: Engineering Sub-Subjects: Ocean Engineering / Coastal Engineering; Geology / Earth Studies / Earth Science; Fluid Mechanics Keywords: Coastal Dynamics; Geography; Sandy Beaches; Estuaries; Groins; Harbor Moles; Netherlands Readership: Graduate students and researchers in ocean and coastal engineering and management.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Playing with Planets Gerard ‘t Hooft
University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Review “I much enjoyed wandering the world, following this enquiring and original mind.”
CERN Courier
November 2008
If you think the future is a mystery, think again. With a solid oothold in realism, an e traordinar insight into scientific and technological developments, and a dr sense o humor, obel laureate Pro essor Gerard t Hoo confidentl dissects act rom fiction and shows us what our uture might reall hold. Pro essor t Hoo takes the reader firml b the hand and, within the boundaries o solid ph sics and proven laws o nature, takes us on a ride into the world o the uture, which holds remarkable surprises or us all. o ou dream o intergala space travel, time warps, and mini mes t Hoo asks. hen please, get oursel some more science fiction books, or fiction it is. ut or those who are interested in the real world, let me tell ou what we C e pect or the uture. We meet robots with a sense o iron , ride elevators into space, and build oating cities let us ust sa that Pla ing with Planets, which is translated rom the original utch edition b Pro essor t Hoo s daughter Saskia, supports the old adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
£42 | HARDCOVER 978-981-279-307-2 £18 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-279-020-0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 52pp Type: Popular ook
Main Subject: General Keywords: Future; Planets; Nature; Science iction Readership: Students and lay readers.
Author Gerard ‘t Hooft is Pro essor o heoretical Ph sics at the Universit o Utrecht, he etherlands. He has taught at Harvard, SL C, and Caltech. ther distinguished honors include being awarded the obel Pri e in Ph sics, annie Heineman Pri e, Honorar octorate o Science rom the Universit o Chicago, Wol Pri e o the State o srael, Pius edal ( atican), and Lorent edal (K W, msterdam).
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Dependence Modeling Vine Copula Handbook Dorota Kurowicka
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Harry Joe
University of British Columbia, Canada
Reviews “This book gives a clear and authoritative exposition of the vine methodology, which has recently emerged as a flexible tool for modeling high-dimensional data through pair-copula constructions. Leaders in the field join forces to provide a broad and insightful account of the existing theory as well as many new results of practical interest, from the enumeration and generation of regular vines to copula modeling and estimation using C-vines and D-vines. Many instructive illustrations and stateof-the-art applications are also presented, in static and dynamic contexts. Short of being ‘D-vine’, this important volume ought to become a classic of the copula literature and a useful reference for developers and practitioners alike!” Christian Genest Professor of Statistics McGill University, Montréal, Canada “Dependence modeling beyond linear correlation has become a key theme of research, with considerable promise in numerous applications. Especially the field of hierarchical model building has gained a lot of interest in this context. The notion of vine combines graphic with analytic tools from the realm of copulas, and offers a computationally as well as structurally interesting environment for the construction of multivariate models. Written by experts in the field, this handbook will be a most useful addition to a fast growing field of research in probability and statistics.” Paul Embrechts Director of RiskLab ETH Zurich
December 2010 £130 | HARDCOVER 978-981-4299-87-9
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 368pp Type: Handbook
Main Subject: Engineering
Key Features • Comprises in ormation about vine copula method • escribes new research a e ible dependence modeling • Combines e periences o prominent authors in the field
Description This book is a collaborative effort from three workshops held over the last three years, all involving principal contributors to the vine-copula methodology. esearch and applications in vines have been growing rapidl and there is now a growing need to collate basic results, and standardi e terminolog and methods. Specificall , this handbook will ( ) trace historical developments, standardi ing notation and terminolog , (2) summari e results on bivariate copulae, (3) summari e results or regular vines, and (4) give an overview o its applications. n addition, man o these results are new and not readil available in an e isting ournals. ew research directions are also discussed.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Sub-Subjects: athematical uantitative inance Engineering Statistics Probabilit heor Stochastic Processes athematical inance Economics Keywords: ependence odeling oint istributions Copulae ines Graphical odels PCC Readership: Students, researchers and pro essionals in probabilit , statistics, finance and engineering.
Time in Powers of Ten Natural Phenomena and Their Timescales Gerard ‘t Hooft
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Stefan Vandoren
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
ranslated b Saskia Eisberg- ‘t Hooft
Endorsements “Like the original Powers of Ten, it is a wonderful book for flipping through and thinking about puzzles and is a good introduction to basics like how to tell a quark from a lepton.” The Dispatch “The book reveals the extraordinary complexity of our universe — it is a fascinating journey.” CERN Courier “This is a fascinating coffee-table book ranging from the unimaginably huge to the unimaginably tiny.” Ultramicroscopy
May 2014 £65 | HARDCOVER 978-981-4489-80-5
“You can read the book in any direction. Delving into the index takes you on a mystery tour of the time domain. Helpfully, all the major phenomena are gathered together on an illustrated time line. This book is definitely one for your reading list.” Physics Education
£20 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-4489-81-2
“Each text and each time scale form self-contained units, which can be understood on their own, even in continued topics. The book serves as a reference for time scales and invites browsing at the same time.” Physik Journal
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company
“The authors have compiled a refreshing mix of historical anecdotes and examples from music to sport and biology to astronomy to lighten up the heavier taste of particle physics and cosmology… It is both an enjoyable read and very pleasant to browse at leisure… It fully conveys the authors’ amazement at — as Feynman put it — our fantastically marvellous universe.” Nature Physics
Type: Popular ook
Extent: 232pp
Main Subject: Physics Sub-Subjects: General Physics (Popular Reading); Popular Science; General
Description In this richly illustrated book, Nobel Laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft and Theoretical Physicist Stefan Vandoren describe the enormous diversity of natural phenomena that take place at different time scales. n the tradition o the bestseller Powers of Ten, the authors oom in and out in time, each step with a actor o ten. Starting rom one second, time scales are enlarged until processes are reached that take much longer than the age o the universe. er the largest possible eternities, the reader is treated to the shortest and astest phenomena known. hen the authors increase with powers o ten, until again the second is reached at the end o the book. t each time scale, interesting natural phenomena occur, spread over all scientific disciplines orbital and rotation periods o planets and stars, deca times o elementar particles and atoms, biological rh thms and evolution processes, but also the di erent geological time scales.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Keywords: Time; natural Phenomena; Time Scales; Age of the Universe; Powers of Ten Readership: Science enthusiasts and students
Responsible Innovation From Concept to Practice Xavier Pavie
ESSEC Business School, France
Victor Scholten
University of Technology, The Netherlands
Daphné Carthy
ESSEC Business School, France
Key Features • Serves as a critical tool or S Es and large scale organi ations wishing to implement a responsible innovation strateg • Goes be ond the theor o responsible innovation and provides a process or integrating responsibilit into an organi ation s various activities as well as their innovation process
Description At a time when the limits on human progress are ever-decreasing and the consequences of human actions have never been so critical to predict and manage, the responsible nature of innovations has acquired a whole new importance. irms now need to find the appropriate balance between achieving positive growth and per ormance while integrating the concept o responsible innovation at the ver core o innovation strategies and processes. ased on e tensive academic research and illustrated b multiple case studies and e amples, this book will help understand the challenges and issues o responsible innovation or leaders and managers. t will also provide a process or implementing responsible innovation into an organi ation while improving per ormance sustainabl .
May 2014 £56 | HARDCOVER 978-981-4525-07-7
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 188pp Type:
Main Subject: Bussiness & Management Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement Keywords: nnovation esponsibilit Strateg anagement esponsible nnovation Global ntegration Readership: Students and academics in innovation studies managers and leaders handling innovation activities in organi ations.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particple Physics Revised Edition Martinus Veltman
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA & NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Endorsements the First Edition “Veltman seamlessly combines historical and thematic descriptions of particle physics, an approach that allows the reader to appreciate how experiment and theory interrelate ... I found the book to be immensely entertaining, and I recommend it highly to anyone looking for insight into the nature of elementary particle physics.” American Scientist “...the wonderful feature of the book is that it should be extremely useful to almost anyone with an interest in this field, ranging from high school students and interested laypersons to physicists in other fields. Enthusiastically recommended as an addition to any library.” Choice “I must congratulate you! The book you have written is truly a masterpiece. Not only have you explained the physics of the world of elementary particles to the young aspiring student, but you have made it available to the intelligent layman. On top of that you gave it the humanity it deserves; reading this book brought me back to the most exciting period of my life in which every day brought a new discovery and we all fought for recognition. I can truly say that there is no book like this.” Melvin Schwartz Nobel laureate Columbia University
Description This book provides a comprehensive overview of modern particle physics accessible to anyone with a true passion for wanting to know how the universe works. We are introduced to the known particles o the world we live in. n elegant e planation o uantum mechanics and relativit paves the wa or an understanding o the laws that govern particle ph sics. hese laws are put into action in the world o accelerators, colliders and detectors ound at institutions such as CE and ermilab that are in the ore ront o technical innovation. eal world and theor meet using e nman diagrams to solve the problems o infinities and deduce the need or the Higgs boson. Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics o ers an incredible insight rom an e ewitness and participant in some o the greatest discoveries in 20th centur science. rom Einstein s theor o relativit to the spectacular discover o the Higgs particle, this book will ascinate and educate an one interested in the world o uarks, leptons and gauge theories. his book also contains man thumbnail sketches o particle ph sics personalities, including contemporaries as seen through the e es o the author. llustrated with pictures, these candid sketches present rare, perceptive views o the characters that populate the field.
Author Martinus Veltman, born in 93 in Waalwi k, the etherlands, studied at the Universit o Utrecht. He started as a ellow at CE , Geneva, Swit erland, and later became Pro essor o heoretical Ph sics in Utrecht. ogether with his then student t Hoo he developed the mathematical implementation o gauge theories. n 977 he deduced an e uation that allowed a prediction o the mass o the top uark. n 98 he accepted a position at the Universit o ichigan. er retirement he moved back to the etherlands. he top uark with a mass as predicted was ound at ermilab in 995, and in 999 t Hoo and eltman were awarded the obel Pri e in Ph sics, or elucidating the uantum structure o electroweak interactions in ph sics .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
May 2018 £75 | HARDCOVER 978-981-3237-05-6 £25 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-3237-49-0
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan Extent: 352pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject: Physics Sub-Subjects: Particle Ph sics High Energ Ph sics, uantum ields Popular Science General Science Keywords: Particle Ph sics uantum echanics elativit uarks Leptons Gauge heories Higgs Particle Readership: Students, la people and an one interested in the world o elementar particles
The Physics of Living Matter: Space, Time and Information Proceedings of the 27th Solvay Conference on Physics 27th Solvay Conference on Physics Brussels, Belgium, 19 – 21 October 2017 David Gross
University of California at Santa Barbara
Alexander Sevrin
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium & International Solvay Institutes, Belgium
Boris Shraiman
University of California at Santa Barbara
May 2020 ÂŁ86 | HARDCOVER 978-981-3239-24-1
Description Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics. The format is uite di erent rom other con erences as the emphasis is placed on discussion. he 27th edition held in ctober 20 7 in russels and chaired b oris Shraiman continued this tradition and addressed some o the most pressing open uestions in the fields o bioph sics, gathering man o the leading figures working on a wide variety of profound problems. he proceedings contain the rapporteur talks insights b distinguished renowned scientists. ntra cellular Structure and namics , Cell nteractions and Pa erns , orphogenesis ,
giving a broad overview with uni ue hese lectures cover the five sessions ehavior and Control , nter cellular Evolutionar d namics .
n the Solva tradition, the proceedings also include the prepared comments to the rapporteur talks. he discussions among the participants e pert, et livel and sometimes contentious have been edited to retain their avor and are reproduced in ull. he reader is taken on a breathtaking ride through a ascinating field which is e panding rapidl and which was or the first time the sub ect o a Solvay Conference on Physics.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 348pp Type: Proceedings
Main Subject: Physics Sub-Subjects: Biophysics, Biological And Medical Physics; Biophysics; Interdisciplinary Physics; Cell/Molecular Biology/Structural Biology Keywords: Cell Behavior; Intra-cellular Structure; Morphogenesis Readership: Students, researchers and academics interested in biophysics.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Basic Probability What Every Math Student Should Know Henk Tijms
Vrije University, The Netherlands
Key Features • Uni ue treatment o the a esian probabilit , the Poisson distribution and the inter ace between probabilit and computer simulation • short book that reveals the ideas with clarit and insigh ulness • he te t has 97 instructive problems with answers and ull worked out answers or a selection o 22 problems • he student is guided in both creative and algorithmic thinking
June 2019
Written by international award-winning probability expert Henk Tijms, Basic Probability: What Every Math Student Should Know presents the essentials of elementary probability. he book is primaril wri en or high school and college students learning about probabilit or the first time. n a highl accessible wa , a modern treatment o the sub ect is given with emphasis on conditional probabilit and a esian probabilit , on striking applications o the Poisson distribution, and on the inter ace between probabilit and computer simulation.
£40 | HARDCOVER 978-981-120-235-3
n modern societ , it is important to be able to criticall evaluate statements o a probabilistic nature presented in the media in order to make in ormed udgments. basic knowledge o probabilit theor is indispensable to logical thinking and statistical literac . he book provides this knowledge and illustrates it with numerous ever da situations.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
£25 | SOFTCOVER 978-981-120-376-3
Extent: 32pp Type: e tbook
Main Subject:
Sub-Subjects: Probability Theory / Stochastic Processes athematics Education rtificial ntelligence achine Learning ndustrial Engineering perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement perations esearch athematical Programming Popular Science General nterest General Science
Contents • • • • • •
Combinatorics and Calculus or Probabilit asics o Elementar Probabilit Use ul Probabilit istributions with pplications Surprising World o Poisson Probabilities Computer Simulation and Probabilit Solutions to Selected Problems
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Keywords: Elementar Probabilit Poisson istribution a esian Probabilit Stochastic Simulation Readership: High school, college and undergraduate students e posed to probabilit or the first time
Between Making and Knowing Tools in the History of Materials Research Joseph D Martin
Durham University, UK
Cyrus C M Mody
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Key Features • There are no competing volumes that cover such a wide range • Our list of authors includes a number of the most prominent mid-career and senior scholars working on this topic (e.g., Amy Slaton, Robert Crease, Catherine Westfall, Christophe Lécuyer) as well as many of the rising stars of the field whose names will be prominent in years to come (e.g., Victoria Lee, Julia Bursten, Joanna Behrman, Robin Scheffler, Ben Wilson) • The volume offers a comprehensive sketch of the tools used in materials research and the colorful stories of how those tools came to be
July 2020 £175 | HARDCOVER 978-981-120-762-4
Description This book offers a comprehensive sketch of the tools used in material research and the rich and diverse stories of how those tools came to be. We aim to give readers a sense of what tools materials researchers required in the late 20th century, and how those tools were developed and became accessible. The book is in a sense a collective biography of the components of what the philosopher of science, Ian Hacking, calls the “instrumentarium” of materials research. Readers should gain an appreciation of the work materials researchers put into developing and using such tools, and of the tremendous variety of such tools. They should also gain some insight into the material (and hence financial) prerequisites for materials research. Materials research requires funding for the availability and maintenance of its tools; and the category of tools encompasses a broad range of substances, apparatus, institutions, and infrastructure.
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Company Extent: 580pp Type: Handbook
Main Subject: Materials Science
Editors Joseph D Martin is an assistant professor in the Department of History, Durham University, and the co-editor-in-chief of Physics in Perspective. His research focuses on the history of solid state and condensed matter physics and materials science in the twentieth century. He is the author of Solid State Insurrection: How the Science of Substance Made American Physics Matter (Pittsburgh, 2018).
Cyrus C M Mody is an historian of recent science and technology at Maastricht University, focusing on the applied physical sciences in the United States since 1965. He studies the commercialization of academic research, countercultural science and technology, and the longue durée of responsible research and innovation. His books include Instrumental Community: Probe Microscopy and the Path to Nanotechnology (MIT, 2011) and The Long Arm of Moore’s Law: Microelectronics and American Science (MIT, 2016).
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Sub-Subjects: General Materials Science; History Of Science; General Physics (All Aspects); General Chemistry; General Engineering Keywords: Instruments; Experimental Apparatus; Twentieth Century Science; Laboratories Readership: Researchers and graduate students in materials science and related fields
Science Communication An Introduction Frans van Dam
Anne M Dijkstra
Liesbeth de Bakker
Eric A Jensen
Utrecht University, The Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands
University of Twente, The Netherlands Institute for Methods Innovation, UK
Key Features •
ull coverage o the field o science communication, basic, accessible and coherent treatment o most important concepts in the field • uch a ention has been paid to the didactic ualit o the book the chapters are wri en b authors who are used to teaching their sub ect to students or giving advice to pro essionals. he editors have ensured that the book is coherent in terms o content, level and st le • including authors and perspectives rom various geographical regions o the world, an a empt has been made to pa tribute to the cultural diversit o science communication across the world
March 2020 £50 | HARDCOVER 978-981-120-987-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Extent: 276pp
A concise, coherent and easily readable textbook about the field of science communication, connecting the practice of science communicators with theory. n the book, recent trends and shi s in the field resonate, such as the transition rom telling about science to interacting with the public and the importance o science communication in health and environmental communication. he chapters have been wri en b e perts in their disciplines, coming rom philosoph o science and communication studies to health communication and science ournalism. Cases rom around the world illustrate science communication in practice. he book provides a broad, up to date and coherent introduction to science communication or both, students o science communication and related fields, as well as pro essionals.
Type: e tbook Series: Science Communication Volume 1 Main Subject: General Sub-Subjects: Popular Science; Philosophy; History Of Science; General Education Social ssues Human Securit Keywords: Science Communication Science Education Science ournalism Health Communication Readership: Researchers and students rom all fields who are interested in the basics o communicating science and technolog
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Innovation Management in the Knowledge Economy Ben Dankbaar
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Review “… it contains material on management of the innovation process that may be worthwhile for the discriminating and persevering reader with an interest in recent thought on the topic.” Journal of Product Innovation Management
August 2003 Key Features •
he book provides a detailed, step b step set o procedures and success ul strategies that readers can use immediatel . he book has an international appeal as there are inclusions o international case problems and di erent cultural aspects. here are ver ew books in this area that are backed b empirical research
£ 113| HARDCOVER 978-1-86094-359-1
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing Compan
Extent: 396pp
This book provides an overview of recent, predominantly European, thinking on the issues and challenges for innovation management in the modern, knowledgebased economy. he topic is e plored in our directions the growing importance o services and o innovation in services the growing interest in competence based approaches o strateg and innovation the role o technolog in innovation processes and the increasing importance o knowledge management in innovation management. Each direction is brie introduced b the editor. he contributions come rom universities and management schools in German , tal , rance, the United Kingdom, elgium, he etherlands and the United States.
Type: eview olume Series: Series on echnolog anagement olume 7 Main Subject: Computer Science Sub-Subjects: nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement General Economics rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation Keywords: nnovation anagement Knowledge Econom Knowledge anagement Competence ased iew esearch and evelopment Readership: cademics and pro essionals (consultants, polic advisors and managers) in the field o innovation management and innovation polic .
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
International Contracting Contract Management in Complex Construction Projects John van der Puil
TiasNimbas Business School, Tilburg, the Netherlands
Arjan van Weele
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
December 2013
This book, about international contracting and contract management, is written from the angle of the contractor and discussed from an international perspective. t comments on real li e cases, taken rom various kinds o pro ects in rastructural works (roads, bridges, tunnels, rail roads), wind and sun arms, oil and gas installations, such as pla orms, pipe lines, power generating works, and large buildings.
ÂŁ120 | HARDCOVER 978-1-908979-50-6
he book is structured around the contracting c cle. Chapters include dealing with the role o the contractor in international contracting, the tender process, landing and negotiating the contract, t pes o contract, problems that ma occur during pro ect e ecution, pro ect deliver , and handling guarantee claims.
Imprint: mperial College Press Extent: 524pp
Wri en primaril or business practitioners operating in the international contracting industr , the title assumes that the reader will have a basic understanding and knowledge o theories related to pro ect management, construction engineering, business law and economics.
hough not an academic book, due to its uni ue blend o practitioners insight and academic theor , it can be taught on asters courses. s most engineers are going to deal with contracts, this book is specificall recommended or engineering programs at both graduate and postgraduate levels. Law ers will find the book use ul in helping them to understand the business conte t in which their customers and or colleagues work.
Main Subject: Business & Management
Sub-Subjects: Building Management; General Business and Management; ndustrial Engineering perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain anagement Civil Engineering Keywords: Pro ect anagement Contract anagement Contract Law Procurement anagement amages Causalit and isks ariations in Contracts Contracting C cle riber Readership: usiness practitioners, engineers, law ers and pol technic and universit students keen in building management, general business management, industrial engineering and operations management.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
The Knowledge Enterprise Innovation Lessons from Industry Leaders 2nd Edition
Edward Huizenga
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Benthurst & Co, The Netherlands
Reviews “The Knowledge Enterprise is essential reading for all managers about the management shift from R&D and technology-driven to customer-driven innovation. The author not only makes a compelling design for strategy realization but also provides an answer to ‘why’ companies succeed in transforming their business model ...” Fred Boekhorst Senior Vice President Philips Research Philips Electronics
“The power of the ‘knowledge enterprise’ ultimately depends on the ability to organize business innovation. The book reveals the stories of change, engagement, teamwork and orchestration to unleash and spark revenue-generating new business ...”
November 2014 £56 | HARDCOVER 978-1-78326-542-8
Jérôme Verhagen Managing Director /CEO NV Industriebank LIOF
Key Features
Imprint: mperial College Press
• Ke eatures • 2nd edition o the book The Knowledge Enterprise • Uni ue blockbuster cases rom international industr leaders ( S , ohnson ohnson, ewtricious and High ech Campus Eindhoven) • nspiring compan stories combined with state o the art management practices and theor rameworks
Extent: 264pp Type: e tbook Series: Series on echnolog Management - Volume 24
Description The Knowledge Enterprise is a unique second edition about mastering business innovation. Industry-leading companies reveal the secrets and lessons of transition leadership, the importance of customer engagement and the power of open innovation. uilding on the success o the first edition, this book e tensivel develops the concept o the knowledge enterprise and business innovation. he knowledge enterprise identifies the critical elements o the strategies and organisational d namics relentlessl pushing all parts o the corporation towards breakthrough innovations. t is about mastering innovation as the driving orce to make a di erence to societ , people and healthcare. Where to pla and how to win raditional approaches don t work. he book elaborates on the roadmap or uture growth, the strategic choices and the change provoking practices needed to realise the ne t level o compan growth. he second edition also reprises how the knowledge enterprise creates competences and assets that make the compan distinctive to enter new business and markets. he latest management thinking is integrated with intriguing, and entirel new, real world e amples. With vivid stories rom leading companies like o al S , High ech Campus Eindhoven, ewtricious and anssen Pharmaceutical companies o ohnson ohnson, this edition reveals how to master business innovation and reinvent industr boundaries.
World Scientific Publishing (UK) Ltd, 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9HE, UK t. +44 (0)207 8360 888 | e. sales@wspc.co.uk | www.worldscientific.com
Main Subject: Business & Management Sub-Subjects: General Business and anagement nnovation echnolog Knowledge n ormation anagement rgani ational ehavior ndustrial rgani ation perations anagement perations esearch Suppl Chain Management Keywords: nnovation rgani ation usiness Strateg ew usiness evelopment Readership: anagers, directors, CE s and industr pro essionals, academics, graduate students, researchers in the field o strateg , organisation and innovation management.