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Using science to deliver sales training
Sales Growth Consulting (SGC) have become licenced to support sales teams using a unique approach – training that’s backed by scientific methodology.
Many traditional sales training services are generic, predetermined and designed to be rolled out on scale. This can leave companies without the specific tools they need to support growth and get the best out of their sales ‘WITH THEIR professionals. NEW LICENCED
With their new licenced status, SGC can benchmark STATUS, SGC CAN teams on critical sales dimensions against over 40,000 BENCHMARK sales professionals globally. Unlike many traditional forms of training, SGC use this science-led methodology and their consultative approach TEAMS ON CRITICAL SALES to identify gaps against needs, goals and objectives. DIMENSIONS’
By benchmarking how sales teams perform against the critical dimensions, tailored training can then be developed to help sales professionals reach their full potential.
The benchmark is accredited by the Institute of Sales Management and the assessments are the only ones built on peer-reviewed UK Government National Occupational Standards for Sales.
SGC managing director Victor Chauhan said: “This accreditation means that companies can be sure that this approach is trusted and it works.”
To learn more about SGC and how they help local SMEs grow, contact Victor on victor@sgc-ltd.com, 07764 199352 or visit www.sgc-ltd.com. Chamber members booking services before 31 May will receive a 10% discount.
A specialist chartered financial planner has suggested businesses should invest in shares to really make the most of surplus cash.
Managing director of Wealth and Tax Management Tony Byrne (pictured) said: “Investing in shares through your business really makes sense. However, due to the various regulations regarding money laundering and financial crime generally, there are a number of hurdles to overcome. Most stockbrokers will not accept corporate accounts. This is because they have to carry out lots of financial checks.”
Such checks include proof of corporate ID and address, LEI registration number, Companies House information, bank account details, accounts and more. In order to set up a stockbroker account a lot of documentation is required.
Tony added: “Once the account has been opened, life suddenly becomes a whole lot easier. Many SMEs have large surplus funds wasting away in bank accounts earning little, if any, interest. Sometimes these balances run into the millions. If you wish to keep the money for working capital that’s all well and good, but why not get your hard-earned money really working for you?
“The best performing asset class over the long term has always been shares. Not only do shares produce capital growth but they also pay dividends. For example, the current dividend yield on the FTSE 100 Share Index is 3.77% and that is despite dividend cuts since the coronavirus pandemic started. So, the income alone from shares beats bank deposit interest significantly, let alone the potential capital growth.”

Victor Chauhan
An innovative Buckinghamshire business, which provides visual content solutions to help boost their customer’s online presence, has won a prestigious award.
360 Visual Media scooped the joint gong from LARAC the leading voice for local authorities on recycling, waste and resource management for Best New Idea, alongside Buckinghamshire County Council. The collaboration involved the production of Google Street View and bespoke virtual tours, mapping the local authority’s nine local Household Recycling Centres. 360 Visual Media further raised the online profile by optimising and managing the nine Google My Business Listings for each site.
BCC saw 60% more searches for their sites between May and July this year compared to the previous year.