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Walking to improve African communities
Angela Rhodes, director of Milton Keynes based Crispin Rhodes, is renowned in the city for supporting charities locally and nationally. From fundraising balls and quiz nights to personal challenges, Angela has selflessly given back to the community during the 24 years her company has grown with local and national clients.
Angela has raised over £120,000 for charities including MK Snap, Willen Hospice and the Rotary Club. She has recently been appointed chairman of an international organisation, The Oasis Project (The Gambia). She is pouring boundless energy and creativity into the charity that provides humanitarian
support through education to improve health and living conditions - the creation of the Starlight School for children in Bakau is a shining example of their work. With Crispin Rhodes recently merging with HR Solutions, Angela was delighted to learn that they had ‘ANGELA IS been searching to POURING support education in BOUNDLESS Africa and without hesitation in ENERGY AND November 2020 the CREATIVITY INTO team launched Walk THE CHARITY’ to Gambia. The goal is to raise £30,000 to build, equip and staff two new classrooms at Starlight School by walking the equivalent of a round trip from Kettering to the Gambia and back 7,378 miles. They had walked 2,962 miles by 15 March, which is Mauritania on the map.
Angela Rhodes and a Gambian child in the Gambia Visit: www.crispinrhodes.co.uk/hrwith-a-difference/charity-partnerwalk-to-the-gambia

MK Community Foundation are working in partnership with It’s What’s Next IT to refurbish donated old, used, or surplus laptops to distribute to students under the age of 18 living in Milton Keynes.
Businesses and local people are being encouraged to get involved by donating their devices so they can be put to better use.
Through their Vital Signs 2020 research, MK Community Foundation discovered that many people are experiencing digital poverty.
MK Community Foundation philanthropy manager, Kay Jackson, said: “This scheme will offer much needed help to children in need, who will be able to continue their education and learning because of this project, which is vital to the mental health and wellbeing of the child.”
Visit: bit.ly/3b2gwuJ