How to Foster Creativity and Imagination in Young Children: Tips for Parents and Teachers

The dictionary defines creativity as a disciplinary ability to make or produce using skill or imagination, whereby the product can be both tangible and intangible. Creativity and the productive use of imagination are important aspects of education and self-growth.
Creative thinking and practice are important for
Critical thinking to approach and solve problems more effectively and sensibly.
Expansion of mind, which enables the ability to think outside the box
Better communication and interpersonal relations

Reducing stress with the help of creative ways for relaxation
An open-minded approach teaches them to be more accepting and adaptable to change.
Expanding the reach to acquire knowledge and learn new skills.
A creative mindset to find fulfilling meaning and purpose in life, making for a healthier and happier life.
As the world both expands and constricts in terms of new understandings, avenues, and opportunities, creative thinking and imagination have become priorities in the field of education, with institutions like the CBSE schools in Ahmedabad making creative learning a mandatory part of the curriculum and adopting a creative approach to teaching.
Encouraging and fostering creativity and imagination in children should ideally begin at a very early age by adopting the following methods and practices.
1. Teaching children to be curious: Children are naturally curious beings with an instinctive sense of wonder. Support and encourage their curiosity by teaching them and bringing their attention to the things that surround us. You can do this by asking them by initiating topics with questions like, Why is the sky blue in colour? Why do the trees sway and leaves flutter? Why does the moon seem to travel with us wherever we go? The questions will pique their sense of wonder, activating their imagination. You will be surprised by the creative reasons they come up with, and explaining the answers will teach them to look for answers, thereby expanding their minds and scope of knowledge.
2. Problem solving: Problem solving is a crucial life skill that you can teach with the help of creative thinking. Creative thinking teaches different ways and perspectives, which will teach them to face and solve problems, be they in mathematics, science, sports, or with their peer group and friends.
3. Create opportunities for them to develop intelligence: Many a time, reticence and shyness stop children from speaking up and exploring their intelligence. There are multiple types of intelligence, which take time to develop, due to which the parents and teachers at even the best school in Ahmedabad are unsure of a child’s inclination and scope. Therefore, it is important to create varied opportunities for them to express their intelligence and explore their own interests and minds.
4. Feeding their curiosity: Ignite their natural curiosity by exposing them to various fields like art and culture, nature, literature, architecture, space and constellations, and so on. The exposure will give them room to explore, leading to meaningful conversations about the environment, climate change, and pollution that will enrich their minds and build their confidence. The exposure will also make them aware of the multitudes of opportunities they can choose to build on as they build their career and future.
5. Educational games and activities: Creativity and imagination thrive when a space is created for them, with the child spending some quality time away from digital gadgets and television. Engage their attention by involving them in creative games and activities that will trigger out-of-thebox thinking to solve or build up the game or activity. These activities also help build fine motor skills, coordination, patience, self-expression, and perseverance. You can find educational games and activity boxes in children’s toy stores, or you can also ask their teachers to suggest some
good activities. To develop their interest in engaging their minds and hands in creative pursuits and learning, it is necessary for you to give them free time and space where they feel free to be themselves and explore their minds and imaginations.
6. Reading: Books are considered to be the best friends of a child, giving their imagination wings to fly and thereby never letting them feel alone. Inculcate the habit of reading from an early age by reading them stories and encouraging them to read too. Encourage them to read for pleasure by surrounding them with age-appropriate books on fiction, science, and other fascinating subjects. Reading ignites imagination and also helps build language, vocabulary, and grammar, teaching them to express themselves better, develop logical thinking, and focus. You can become a part of their reading by asking them about the book they have read and having a fun talk over the subject.
CBSE schools have a well-rounded curriculum taught by a well-trained faculty that employs innovative ways to foster creative thinking and imagination in children. You can find the best school for your child by searching for a CBSE school in Ahmedabad near me and enrolling them.