This is an Ad design for an engagem ent r ing for a male w ho is e ducate d but does n ot have a disposable inco m e. I chose to have the words alg ine d like this to for m a box of sorts, but place d the “O” of o ver o utsi de of the box to really draw yo ur attentio n to it. When I place d the Ad o n the page I wante d the r ing to be the center of the page. I u se d a g ra dient o n “o ver” to have it draw more attentio n to the r ing.
This is an Ad design for a gaming system for a boy or g irl that is between the ages 14 to 18. I chose to have the phrase “do n ot o verthink this� in lo wercase an d for m a PS4 co ntroller to sho w w hich system is in the Ad. I then put the sam e phrase o ver the to p of the co ntroller in all caps to really have it po p at yo u. I chose the backg ro un d to be a blue color becau se blue is stro ngly associate d to PS4 w hen it co m es to gaming systems.
do notoverthin k thisd o notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthin k thisd o notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthink thisdo notoverthin k thisdo notoverthin k thisd o
This is an Ad design for so il premixe d for gardening for ages 36 to 42 w ith a disposable inco m e. I wante d to sho w ro ws of so il for gardening, so I u se d photosho p to make the phrase “ DO NOT OVER THINK THIS� do ju st that. I di d n ot want the letters to lo ok perfectly war pe d becau se so il has lu mps in it. I di d n ot want it to take up the entire page becau se I felt like the feeling it all blur re d together an d ma de it hard to un derstan d.
This is an Ad design for a to ur of Las Vegas for ages 18 to 24. I wante d to resemble the welco me sign of Vegas so I tr ie d to fin d fo nts an d colors that closely match the actual sign. I chose the backg ro un d color to that of the nig ht sky becau se it makes the sign po p an d that Vegas is not Vegas unless it is at nig ht.
This is an Ad de sign for a to ur to Euro pe, specifically Italy. I wante d the Ad to sho w a lan d mark that was well kn o w n. The reaso n I chose this typeface was becau se it sho we d that even tho ug h it is leaning it is still sturdy, like the leaning to we r of Pisa. I also chose to make the colors the color of the flag. I chose to have the backg ro un d this color becau se I wante d to have the backg ro un d as a color that wo u ld n ot take focu s off of the type.
This is an Ad design for kitchen appliances an d to ols for m en that are r ich an d retire d aro un d the ages 48 to 56. I chose this typeface becau se it lo oks ver y sleek an d eloquent. I wante d the word “NOT � to lo ok like a sto ve burner so it wo u ld draw attentio n to it. I stacke d the words becau se I wante d it to be co ntaine d an d lo ok nice.
do overthink
This is an Ad design for skateboarding for boys and girls of any age. I chose this typeface because it is playful and it has a skater look to it. I chose to do the background and the words “do not over� like this because I wanted to make it look like it was cut out of the grip tape of a skateboard. I placed it at the bottom of the page because I wanted it to have to show more of the white space above it like it is cut out towards the tail of the skateboard.