Clubs Handbook 2016 2017

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CLUBS handbook




3 introduction 4 important dates 5 chartering 6 Recruitment 7 Fundraising 10 advisors 12 Inter-club council 14 officers 16 resources 18 club of the year

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Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

introduction Hello Club, Welcome to the beautiful scene of Ocean View. It is a diverse, yet tight-knit school with so much potential for you and your club. Please read through this handbook throughly so you don’t miss any essential information. This will provide you with all the materials, forms, resources, tips, and rules you need to run a successful club. If you’re willing to put the hard work, enthusiastic leadership, and dedication into your club this year, it will thrive. We’re happy to assist with anything you need. From school schedules, to activities, just make sure to communicate what you need help with. Our goal is the club you serve to be a success, and for all Ocean View clubs to remain active. If your club schedules a major on-campus event or fundraiser, please let us know so we can place it on the fundraiser calendar to avoid event conflict between organizations. It will be updated every so often on the website under Activities > Clubs. We’d also like to provide clubs with visitations. Throughout the year, if you’d ever like us clubs commissioners to observe your club meeting and give advice on what we notice, let us know! Whether you’re a long-standing or new club, we hope you have a vision and cannot wait to see you be active and thrive. Best of luck, Kendall Nakai and Michelle Ho 2016-17 Clubs Commissioners

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017


Important dates  

SIGN UP for the Clubs 2016-17 Remind 101 to receive instant notifications for deadlines, meetings and events.

Text @ovclubs to 81010



Charter forms and clubs handbook are released Lunch meeting in Room 417


Charter forms are due ONLINE if club wants a table at Club Rush


Advisor forms must be signed and turned in, Club Rush tables are assigned. Lunch meeting in Room 417


First Semester Club Rush at lunch on the Lower Patio


September ICC meeting


October ICC meeting


November ICC meeting


December ICC meeting


January ICC meeting


Second Semester Club Rush


February ICC meeting


International Week informative meeting


International Week finalizing


International Food Fair


March ICC meeting


April ICC meeting


May ICC meeting


more meetings to come

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

CHARTERING Chartering or starting a club is a great way to leave a mark at Ocean View. Clubs help fit a wide range of student interests. 1. In order to be considered an official Ocean View club, one must fill out the club’s necessary information online, submit a club constitution, and advisor agreement. A club is either considered: • CURRICULAR - A club who subject matter/purpose is clear and direct connection to the school’s curriculum. - Charter application: • EQUAL ACCESS GROUP - A student initiated group who shares a common interest offering an equal opportunity to all. - Charter application: 2. Club charter applications are approved or denied at a meeting of the Clubs Commissioners and Activities Director. Clubs that are approved may participate in Club Rush, which will be held September 16th on the lower patio at lunch. 3. Clubs must have at least one meeting every month and submit monthly minutes online by the last school day of each month ( A three strike penalty with revocation of a club will be given for frequently failing to turn in meeting minutes and/or lack of attendance to Inter Club Council (ICC) meetings. Charter Checklist An advisor (a staff member or teacher) A board of officers A consistent time and place to meet Completed forms and a club constitution Additional Recommendations A method of reaching out to members (i.e. Remind or email) Organized means of communication with board and advisor, writing down, setting, and executing goals

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017



To stimulate growth within a club, effort and passion must be put in! There are endless possibilities to promote your club membership.

Club Rush is the best and easiest way to get new members. There is one Club Rush at the beginning of each semester. This is an opportunity to promote your club on the lower patio at lunch. You will be provided a table and assigned a spot which you can set up. Club Rush dates this 2016-17 school year (subject to change): • FIRST SEMESTER: September 16th, 2016 • SECOND SEMESTER: February 3rd, 2017 Club Rush Checklist Several sign up sheets (name, number, email, etc.) Pens (that you don’t mind accidentally getting taken) Posters or a tri-fold with pictures A sign with the club name at the front of your table A treat or incentive to join A Remind 101 signup or some way to contact members to inform them about your first meeting There are endless ways to entice new members to join even after Club Rush. Make sure to keep your club open and inviting; don’t hesitate to talk to new people who would potentially join your club. Here are a few examples: • Asking friends and teammates to check out your club • Putting up posters or being filmed on video announcements (be sure to include meeting room, day, and club purpose) • Free food (Make sure you use incentives sparingly and wisely, as people may show up for the food, not the club)


Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

Fundraising Make sure to submit the mandatory form to the Activities Office (Room 300) a week in advance to when you would like to hold a fundraiser. All Clubs Handbooks should have one copy attatched, or you can print it from this link: OCEAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL FUND RAISING PROCEDURES The following guidelines serve several purposes. ! First, the ASB is mandated by State and District policy to follow rather specific procedures regarding approval, money handling, and accountability of fund raising efforts by student body organizations. ! These guidelines will help your organization select, plan, predict outcomes, encourage accurate records, and measure success of your efforts. ! Club/Sport fundraisers are a favorite target of auditors. Therefore, there is a necessary paper trail to protect all parties involved. The OVHS Group Fundraiser/Activity Approval Form is a crucial piece of that paper trail. This form is attached and must be completed. Estimate anticipated profits to the best of your ability.

TIPS ! PLAN AHEAD – ASB APPROVAL IS NECESSARY BEFORE ANY MERCHANDISE MAY BE PURCHASED AND SOLD BY STUDENTS. This process will take about one week. ! Selection of a good fundraiser is no easy task. Evaluation of many factors (sales force, sale item, target customers, profit potential and other predictable expectations) is a must. ! Fundraisers are approved on a first come first served basis. ! If a fundraiser request is denied, it is usually due to a conflict with another group’s fundraiser approved earlier. To avoid this, check with Activities’ Secretary. 1. Select a sale date and check school calendar with Activities’ Secretary. 2. Fill out the Fundraiser/Activity Approval form and wait for the ASB approval. Once your fundraiser is approved, your activity will be placed on the calendar. 3. Fill out “Request for Purchase Order” and give to ASB Bookkeeper for ASB approval. 4. After the ASB approves the sale and purchase order, you will be issued a “Purchase Order Number.” NOW, you may order your merchandise. NEVER order merchandise before a P.O. number is issued. 5. After receiving and counting your merchandise, the Advisor should sign the “invoice” from the vendor and return it to the Financial Office. Also take care to provide safe and proper storage during sale. 6. RECORD KEEPING of individual sales efforts is the responsibility of club or team and should include merchandise taken (initialed) and money received (receipted or initialed). Use the Club/Trust Organization Receipt Record. 7. Daily deposits of money into your ASB Club account are suggested. When deposits are made to the ASB Bookkeeper, use the Cash Collection Report Form and have the money counted, sorted, and coins wrapped. We will provide the wrappers. 8. If there are problems, seek help from the ASB Bookkeeper IMMEDIATELY! 9. Candy Sales are PROHIBITED. 10. No carbonated beverages on campus during the school day. 11. No Raffles. 12. Two or more groups cannot sell the same item during the same time frame. 13. ASB is the only group permitted to sell any Seahawk Wear/Gear 14. ASB is the only group permitted to have dances. Exception: Prom and Homecoming 15. Fundraisers are to run for two weeks only unless the fundraiser benefits the whole student body. Ie: ASB, Grad Night, PTSA and Foundation. You may also conduct a fundraiser beyond the 2 weeks if it is at your own scheduled event. Ie: Athletic programs selling at home games and tournaments.

Thank you and good luck.

Revised 1/13

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017



The following general fundraising ideas can be adapted to what best suits your club. Use this list of ideas when planning. Remember, all fundraisers need good planing, support, and advertising. ALUMINUM CANS Collect cans and take them to the recycling center once a month to raise money for the club. You can even have a contest to see which member can collect the most. Store the cans in your advisors room or someone’s house. AP/FINALS SURVIVAL KITS Sell exam survival kits. They include candy, pencils, gum, jokes, inspirational messages, etc. BAKE SALE Members bake food and arrange to sell treats at school or local events. Hot chocolate during the winter, or desserts any time of the year are always a favorite. HOLIDAY FOOD GRAMS FEBRUARY: Sweethearts/ chocolate kisses APRIL: Chocolate eggs/bunnies DECEMBER: Holiday tree cookies FLOWERS Sell flowers during a special week (Staff Appreciation, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Homecoming etc).


Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

HAUNTED HOUSE Work with a mall or someone’s house to see if they can host a Haunted House. Choose a theme and small admission fee. KISS A SENIOR GOODBYE Take orders for chocolate kisses and messages for graduating seniors. Parents may enjoy sending these to their graduates, so find a way to advertise to them as well. MOVIE NIGHTS Play a movie on the field or on the stage. Selling snacks and various concessions can be additional profit. TOURNAMENTS Host a tournament of some theme with a small entry fee and prize incentive to winners. PIEING Ask teachers or your advisor if they could volunteer to be pied and charge a small fee for students to pie their teachers on the upper patio.

OCEAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL GROUP FUNDRAISER/ACTIVITY APPROVAL FIRST DATE CHOICE (Month /Day/Year) ________________________________________________ SECOND DATE CHOICE (Month /Day/Year) _____________________________________________ CIRCLE ONE OR BOTH:



GROUP ____________________________________________________________________________ ADVISOR ______________________________ADVISOR SIGNATURE______________________ SCHOOL FACILITY NEEDED ________________________________________________________ TIME OF EVENT _____________________________ to ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF FUNDRAISER/ACTIVITY ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ VENDOR ___________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ORDER PRICE: _______________________ SELLING PRICE PER ITEM ______________ (Include tax and shipping) (.50 p/item) EXPENSES _____________________________________________________ (i.e. copying, etc.) PROJECTED # ITEMS SOLD ___________________________________________ PROJECTED TOTAL REVENUE ________________________________________

TREASURER APPROVED ____________________________________________ ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR APPROVED__________________________________ DATE CLEARED _____________________________________________________

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The importance of an advisor is often underrated. You can utilize them as a mentor and resource. They can provide a room to meet in, answer questions, and have good knowledge of the school. Examples of what advisors can help you with: • • • • • • • • • •

Provide a consistent meeting place Oversee meetings and interject opinions or ideas Plan and chaperone events Give advice on working with officers and members Publicizing your club to their students Being a liaison with the school and district if you ever have to request a field trip, find busing, or submit any forms Help brainstorm ideas to recruit members or new things to bring to a meeting Be a reminder to submit meeting minutes each month Hold onto membership dues, or if the club is circular then communicate with you to the Finance Office Help certify, recommend, and fill out the Club of the Year forms at the end of the school year

Advisors can be the best source of information to get your club to reach stability and thrive! They want the best for you but require communication. Healthy relationships with advisors is very important! The form on the following page must be detached and signed by this year’s advisor so they are on board for supporting your club this year. It is mandatory to turn in at the clubs meeting by Wednesday, September 14th to participate in Club Rush.


Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

advisors Club Advisors, Thank you for volunteering to advise a club this school year! Below are some guidelines and duties as an advisor of a club: 1. Hold regular meetings. These meetings must be held no less than once per month. They may be held more often if preferred. 2. Clubs must keep minutes at these regular meetings. These agendas and minutes must be printed and submitted online once per month. This is the responsibility of the club officers, not yours. Just go over with them what they’ve accomplished over the month and are turning the forms in. 3. ASB accounts are given to curricular clubs only. No reimbursement will be provided if expenditures are not preapproved or if receipts are lost. 4. All flyers or posters must be appropriate. Flyers placed upon painted surfaces must use blue painters tape. Club Name: ____________________________________________________ Advisor’s Name (Printed): _______________________________________ Advisor’s Email: _________________________________________________ Advisor’s Signature: _____________________________________________

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017


Inter-club council  

The Inter-Club Council or ICC is for club representatives to meet and discuss what is going on in their respective clubs.

At the monthly Inter-Club Council meeting, each club representative will present a brief overview of what their club has done in the month. This is to inform club representatives of any news going on as well as share ideas, suggestions, and troubleshoot together for more successful and active clubs. Additionally, if any club has any problems or issues, those can be announced so we can try to address and clear those. Though the ICC, we will also give you questioner forms to help both yourself and us better resolve any issues. Filling these out will also give you Club of the Year points. Here are some sample questions on any given month: 1) Please list the problems/issues your club is having so we can try to clear these 2) What do you expect to get out of an IC meeting 3) What do you want us to change to make these more effective and productive for all the members in attendance 4) Club Rush? - Do you have any suggestions for this?

The following page contains a letter to your ICC Representative. Please give it to them and have them calendar each of the ICC meetings so they remember to attend all the meetings. If they are not able to make it, a different club representative may be sent in their place.


Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

Inter-club COUNCIL Every month there will be a gathering of club representatives called Inner-Club-Council. ICC will meet once a month at lunch.

Hello Club Representative, Attending ICC will inform you of the latest news pertaining to campus clubs. Please send at one representative, as ICC meets only once a month. I encourage your club president or vice president to attend, but any member is eligible to represent your club at ICC. It exists purely to benefit your club. Please note Clubs will receive Club of the Year Points for attending ICC and filling out the questioner forms. Meeting dates (subject to change): • Monday, September 26th • Thursday, October 27th • Wednesday, November 16th • Tuesday, December 20th • Friday, January 27th • Thursday, February 23rd • Friday, March 31st • Tuesday, April 25th • Wednesday, May 31st

We look forward to helping you this year, Kendall Nakai and Michelle Ho Clubs Commissioners 2016-17

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017



All officers should be able to communicate information of any meetings, projects, and events. Officers should work together to ensure information is distributed among the team and members.

PRESIDENTS plan, organize, and carry out responsibilities as your club’s chief executive officer. To be successful make sure your tasks and expectations are defined clearly making them easy to understand. Duties and Responsibilities • Plan and lead meetings and board meetings • Track member attendance • Inform and delegate tasks to officers • Have an ICC representative in place • Develop healthy relations with your advisor • Keep everyone on track • Make sure you or secretary turns in monthly minutes on time • Plan activities to excite interest • Have a goal/vision/mission/project

VICE-PRESIDENTS should should be able to carry out the

duties of the club president. Additionally, assist and oversee the duties of other officers with their responsibilities. Sometimes your duty isn’t clearly defined so be sure to ask officers how you can be of assistance Duties and Responsibilities • Attend all club and board meetings • Fill in during club meetings if the club president is to in attendance • Keep track of attendance • Assist the president and officers • Be open and inviting to new members 14

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

officers These are just general guidelines to being an officer of a club. To be outstandingly successful, find what works best for each officer and club. Here is a sample of what officers could be assigned to each duty: Additionally, records should be stored to keep track of club progress through anything from meetings to newsletters, posters, Drive, a social media account, or photos.


keeps records, files, and details. A club secretary needs to be prompt, neat, and efficient. Duties and Responsibilities • Attend all club and board meetings • Record detailed notes of club and board meetings. The monthly minutes should be filled out on this form and submitted by the last school day of each month ( • Keep track of the club’s membership roster and make sure notes are up to date • Turn in monthly minutes and Club of the Year


is in control of the club’s money. It is important that the club treasurer keeps accurate books that will allow him/her to give a financial report and turn in the appropriate forms to ASB in a timely manner when hosting a fundraiser. Duties and Responsibilities • Attend all club and board meetings • Collect member dues and transact business through school account (if applicable) or with an advisor • Create the club’s budget with the board and advisor • Maintain accurate financial records • Create, plan, execute fundraisers • Follow policies for fundraisers and fill out necessary paperwork in order to hose one (

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017



The following resources have been helpful to us in team communication, keeping organized records, and staying on task. They all have desktop as well as mobile apps for ease of use on the go. Find what works for the club you serve; these are suggestions.


is an simple way to communicate an entire club. People can join the class by a code and receive messages you send out. This is a great way to remind when meetings are. You can even attach files and schedule announcements.

GOOGLE GROUPS is an easy way to email an entire group without having to enter each email address. Just have members subscribe to the group. Emails are not always ideal, depending on the club but if there is a large amount of information to be distributed, Google Groups is useful. Also remember to utilize a club email and Drive to streamline communication with school officials, or keep documents and fliers you hand out. 16

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

Resources TRELLO

is a task manager, also organized in categories. Officers can be assigned to various tasks with due dates and check steps off as they go. Files can be attatched as well. There is not as much active communication other than tasks, but comments can be placed beneath a task or “card.”

SLACK is a team communication tool where you can create different ‘channels’ or categories to discuss topics on. It’s like more streamlined messaging so topics stay aligned. Long notes and files can also be posted. There is also a direct messaging feature so communication with officers doesn’t get mixed in with general texting and schoolwork. Key words and tasks are also searchable so information doesn’t get lost.

Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017


Club of the year We highly encourage all clubs strive to stay active, keep good records, and apply for Club of the Year at the end of the year.

Clubs may submit at the end of the year into the “Club of the Year” contest. These forms as well as club participation throughout the year will determine the finalist and the winner which will receive a donation to their club as well as their club name will be added to the Club of the Year plaque. Clubs can gain extra credit from not having any strikes, and filling out monthly minutes on time and participating in ICC meetings every month. Here is a sample of the questions and forms you will have to turn in to be considered for Club of the Year: Submit this form along with a a picture scrapbook and report of the club activities from the school year. This should reflect how the club has had a positive effect on the club members, Ocean View, and/ or the community, and why the club should be considered for Club of the Year. Reports are not to exceed 3 pages and are due to the Activities Office, Room 300 no later than 3 PM on __________ 1) 2) 3) 4)

Club’s Full Name: ____________________________________________ Club’s Abbreviated name: ___________________________________ Club Advisor: _________________________________________________ Club officers and their positions:

5) Brief description of major club activity/project:


Ocean View Clubs Handbook 2016 - 2017

Clubs Commissioners 2016 - 2017 contact:

Kendall Nakai

phone: (714) 905-6264 email:

Michelle Ho

phone: (714) 270-7850 email:

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