Kendal Mountain Festival programme 2003

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2 John Porter – Director Brian Hall – Director Ian Wall – Festival Co-ordinator Andy Curtis – Technical Director Hilary Pye – Film Co-ordinator Tanya Bascombe – Marketing & PR Cate Wright – Art Director Sorrel Stockdale – Art Director Andy Parkin – Awards Jim Steptoe – Technical Manager Matt Burke – Stage Manager Tim Rhodes – Tour & Projection Andy Perkins – Presenters Co-ordinator Tom Phillips – Website Ian Gray – Venue Manager Sue Lawty – Festival Shop Louise Hall – Festival Information Bill Ruthven – MEF/BMC programme & Editorial Support Elaine Bull – Sponsorship Dek Palmer – Book Fair Lindsay Cannon – Judges Co-ordinator Graham Hoyland,Mike Knowles & Lynn McCadden – Extreme Film School Kendal Festival ORGANISERS

2003 Welcome to Kendal Mountain Film Festival

WWelcome to the Festival.Whether you are here to see one film or stay for a marathon week,we hope you have an enjoyable time.This year is the 50th Anniversary of the first ascent of Everest and we have special events during the week both at Rheged - in support of the National Mountaineering Exhibition and its new Everest Exhibition – and on Sunday in Kendal.

But Everest is only one mountain and the rest of the programme tries to get around a sample of the rest! The Festival is now almost a year long event and the organisation is daunting at times,but it keeps the event vibrant and moving forward with new ideas selected from audience feedback,outdoor adventurers,sponsors,filmmakers,artists,

photographers and the Festival team.In particular our success depends on our sponsors,without whom we would have to charge crazy prices. So thanks to Berghaus - with us for the third year - and also to our second presenting sponsor - the Northwest Development AgencyEngland's Northwest - "Be Inspired." Yes,“Be Inspired”- that's a pretty comprehensive goal and one we aim to live up to!

To do so we need to be more inclusive of all aspects of mountain sport and culture.I have heard people describe the Festival as "a couple of days of films shown to a bunch of mountaineers." I think we can demonstrate we are more than that,but if that's all we are,let's do what we do with passion,energy,creativity and imagination - those are the characteristics of a mountaineer.In a world dominated by urban experience and consumerism which is sometimes sadly reflected in the nation’s behaviour and art,celebrating a culture based on natural reality and personal adventure may not be a bad thing.

Apart from increasing the size of the “Best of Kendal Tour”,we have diversified further into areas of mountain culture,with events like Tibetan Dance and Music,drama such as “Elevation”,the fund raising for charities,a Feature Film Festival and the KMFF Extreme Film School – an opportunity for young people and aspiring film makers to express through film what adventure means to them.You'll be elated by the results this year,and next year we hope to expand the idea.

Despite the many changes and advances,in reality this hobby Festival that Brian and I started back in 1980 is different only in the scale of what we do.It is still more important for us to get on the hill,so forgive us if we get something wrong – we are still all volunteers.But we know you expect a lot from Kendal and hopefully you won’t be disappointed.

John Porter Brian Hall

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 3

Britain’s leading climbing magazine



The International Film Competition

Pre-selection of the films in competition has been extremely difficult this year,with over 200 entries.Inevitably a number of good films have been left out.We have accommodated as many home produced films as possible,not because we are parochial,but to encourage benchmarking against the best international standards.We feel it important to capture the unique elements of the UK scene with content of specific interest to the Festival audience.

The categories and their sponsors are:

� Grand Prize – Berghaus

� Mountaineering – Climber magazine

� Climbing – Scarpa

� Mountain Adventure – NWDA

� Mountain Culture & Environment – Arts and Business

� Video Short – NWVision

� People Choice – Thorlos

� Extreme Film School – Media NW/BBC

� Judges’Special Prize (if awarded) – Kendal Mountain Film Festival

Our judges will select a winner and two commendations in each of the above categories.Spectacular Trophies sculpted by Andy Parkin (these can be seen in the Brewery Arts Foyer) and over £2000 in prize money will be presented at the Award Ceremony in the Arts Centre Theatre on Sunday beginning at 5:10pm. Sir Chris Bonington will sum up the highlights of the Festival and introduce compère Lindsay Cannon who will take you through the awards with our five film judges.

Don’t miss the opportunity to vote for People’s Choice at the Thorlos stand in the Marquee – All day Saturday and Sunday until 2 pm.


An excellent selection of antiquarian and modern books will be on sale at various locations at the Festival this year,including Rheged,K Village and at the Brewery.

Those Lecturers with books will be available to sign them after their lectures and at a special signing between 11 am to 2 pm Saturday in the Book shop (Brewery top floor).

See author roster on the notice board in the marquee.


� Adrian Nelhams

� Andy Owen

� Bernadette McDonald

� Bill O'Connor

� Ed Douglas

� John Innerdale

� Jonathan Slator

� Lindsay Griffin

� Simon Abrahams

� Terry Gifford

� Twid Turner

� Judith Brown

� Dave Turnbull

� Lindsay Cannon

� Andy Perkins

� Alastair Lee et al.

sale 2nd Thursday of every month

Details of Films: Kendal 2003

1st BASE - Angels of Gravity

Germany 8 mins

Directed by Georg Dehghan & Terje Halvorsen

Produced by Georg Dehghan

Norwegian base jumper André Bach and his friends jump off anything that reaches high enough to jump from.Bach gives some interesting insights about his mind -boggling gravity experiences.The film contains footage filmed by the base jumpers themselves on location in Norway,China (Shanghai), France (Chamonix) and USA (Florida).

A Man Called Nomad

Nepal/China/GB 38 mins

Directed & Produced by Alex Gabbay

The global economy is affecting traditional agriculture and lifestyles everywhere.Tibetan nomads can no longer live just by trading Yaks.This film follows one man as he attempts to mix elements of the modern world with his nomadic life style, selling motor bikes and working in the town to help pay for his sister to go to university,but always yearning for and retuning to his family on the Tibetan Plateau

A Matter of Doubt

France 29 mins

Directed by Shay Katz

Produced by Totem Lafaille Communication

After three unsuccessful attempts on Annapurna, Jean-Christophe Lafaille is joined by Basque climber Alberto Iñurrategi on a wildly committing traverse of the East Ridge - ten miles long,mostly above 24,000 ft to the main summit.The story is told from the perspective of both Jean Christophe,and his wife Katia,who waits in Base Camp.

Always in the Sun

GB 17 mins

Directed by Martin Crocker

Produced by Peter Hall & Carl Ryan

Martin Crocker and the route “Always in the Sun”star in this short film.The film captures the essence of Pembroke limestone and reveals the dedication and the determination needed to succeed,or just as importantly,to fail on a route.

Antarctic Odyssey

GB 9 mins

Directed by John Whittle Produced by Chris Tiso

A video short taster of a journey by seven adventurers who round Cape Horn,visit Shackleton’s Camp on Elephant Island and climb on South Georgia.Two months and three thousand miles are condensed into this almost surreally short film.

Between the Rain

GB 61 mins

Directed & Produced by Mark Reeves

Seven independent films from Mark Reeves which, when put together,capture the essence of British climbing – bouldering,deep water soloing,ground up,on sight - starring many of the young advocates:Pete Robins,James McCaffie,Ben Bransby and many more.

Beyond Everest

Australia 55 mins

Directed & Produced by Michael Dillon

In a year when we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first ascent of Everest,this film celebrates the other side of Sir Edmund Hilary – his work as a philanthropist and lobbyist for Nepalese and Sherpa causes.An intriguing and compassionate film which explores what it means to be a true national hero though not necessarily in your own country.What if someone else had been first?

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 5

Details of Films: Kendal 2003

Cinema Vertical

USA 60 mins

Directed & Produced by Dave O’Leske & Stash Wislocki

A history of ski filming in the USA,starting with the Faunk 1920’s “Der Weisse Rausche”,one of whose stars Hannes Schneider was forced to flee the Nazis and was brought to the USA where he started a film tradition epitomised by Warren Millar.The film includes spectacular and historic footage from around the world.

Climbing in Morocco

GB 25mins

Directed & Produced by Alastair Lee

Cold Haul

GB 50 mins

Directed & Produced by Karen Barber

Andy Kirkpatrick and Ian Parnell attempt the Lafaille route on the Dru in winter – the Alps hardest big wall.This is a personal study of two of Britain’s most committed alpinists,with memorable climbing footage despite the very poor conditions,and with some subtle and not so subtle boy’s own humouressential for success or failure in extreme conditions.

Front Range Freaks

USA 90 mins

Directed & Produced by Peter Mortimer

An artistic and entertaining film tour of the mountains and crags of Morocco with some haunting photography and a sense of fun which one might expect from one of GB’s leading crag rat entertainer.

Dr.Strange Dyno

GB 5 mins

Directed & Produced by Richard Williams

A short glimpse at the ‘try and try again’culture that is bouldering – from pain splitting fingers to total elation in a single bound.

Fluid Dynamics

GB 59 mins

Produced & Directed by Dave Kwant

For the fourth year running,an extreme kayak film from the camera of Dave Kwant.The film follows Team Slug as they tour the world in search of exciting water which at times is more than they bargained for.Thanks also to Dave for the special edit including off cuts for the Weds.evening programme.

Last year,one segment of this film - Urban Ape,starring Timmy O’Neil – was runnerup in the video short. This full length version includes 9 separate films,some of which will be screened separately as well as in full showings of the entire film.A fabulous boost for traditional rock climbing ethics:watch out for the tribute to the solo guru Derek Hersey,Biscuit the Dog (the Lynn Hill of Jack Russell Terriers) and lots of weird fun.

Fluid Dynamics

Media Training North West is here to ensure that the industry in the north west has a highly skilled workforce to lead it into a 21st century multi-media landscape.

We do this by offering a whole range of training solutions for new entrants, media companies, employees and freelancers. We aim to take the hassle out of the training process by becoming a one-stop shop which provides the industry with solutions – not problems.

Media Training North West is the media industry. Our Board of Directors consists of senior representatives from the broadcasters, trade associations and unions in the north-west region, the BBC, Granada TV, EMAP Performance, Red Productions, Cosgrove Hall Films, Warthog, BECTU and PACT.

Key MTNW staff have worked in the industry for many years.

There’s a wealth of creative talent in our region – we’re here to help identify, nurture and support that talent and to make sure we have the RIGHT skills to succeed in a new, converged and ever more competitive market.

6 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 t: 0161 244 4637

Greenland - 72º North

GB 28 mins

Directed by David Jinks

Produced by Fridge Productions

In May 2003,a group of 6 ski mountaineers travel to Constable Point in North Eastern Greenland to explore the glaciers of Liverpool Land lying at 72º North.On skis with sledge and ending with a dog sled traverse of Scoresby Sound – the film captures the essence of modern arctic travel using mixed means of transport.

Good Karma – The Ascent of Annapurna

GB 23 mins

Directed & Produced by David Thomasson Alan Hinkes’engaging reality tv video diary of his quest to be the first Brit to do all 8000m peaks continues with his tale from Annapurna.Although the peak is one of the most dangerous of the 8000ers,Hinkes with Funurbu make short work of it, and the real interest lies in the snippets of Nepalese life and the personalities on the trip.

Jehovah’s Wetness

Jehovah’s Wetness

GB 30 mins

Directed by Alex Nicks

Produced by Alex Nicks & Frank Pickell

A second white water world tour – or playboatingfrom the first descent of the upper Mekong through Zambia’s Luapula and finally down the Orinoco,the film explores some of the world’s remotest stretches of water with more than a smattering of thrills and humour.


Switzerland 40 mins

Directed & Produced by Marco Lutz

Snowboard film featuring Europe’s top snowboard pros and rookies shot in many locations,with an exciting mix of thrills and spills,and a remarkable and unforgettable closing sequence.

Leo Houlding – My Right Foot

GB 52 mins

Directed & Produced by Ed Stobart

This film follows Leo Houlding’s year long struggle to recover from the serious accident which fractured his right foot.Leo embarks on a world tour,climbing in America and Mexico,learning to live with pain and the reality that the task will not be easy,and the aim will be in doubt - to reach the top level of his sport again.

Inside a Ping Pong Ball

Chile/GB 50 mins

Directed & Produced by Mark Dyson

Lost Treasures of Tibet

USA 56 mins

Directed by Liesl Clark

In the Shadow of the Condor

USA 47 mins

Directed & Produced by Michael Brown

Adventurer,climber and three time Emmy winner Michael Brown explores the spectacular and pristine Corcovado wilderness in Southern Chile.Travelling into uncharted terrain,the team negotiate a fierce river and vertical jungle to reach a magnificent landscape of glaciated granite walls and lost mountain lakes.

A Chilean team of climbers led by Rodrigo Jordán , attempts to make the first crossing of the Ellsworth mountains in Antarctica.Although teams have been airlifted in to various parts of the mountains,nobody has ever tackled the entire range.As for the title, that's how Rodrigo describes the feeling of fumbling your way through these Antarctic mountains in a white-out.

Into the Thunder Dragon

Canada 47 mins

Directed & Produced by Sean White

Into the Thunder Dragon is the story of extreme mountain unicyclists Kris Holm and Nathan Hoover’s wild journey across the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan.They travel where few foreigners have ever set foot,searching for new riding terrain and finding surprises around every corner - spectacular imagery and a colourful original soundtrack.

The isolated and tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Mustang is almost untouched by time and western influence.At the monastery of Thubchen,a spectacular treasure of intricate medieval wall paintings is crumbing into dust.Amidst local controversy,a team of crack western architects and art conservators are called to try to save these Buddhist treasures,but different values and beliefs of what is to be saved add to the drama.

Mountain of Ice

USA 56 mins

Directed by Liesl Clark

A crack team of mountaineers and scientists climb a massive new route on Mt.Vinson.As the expedition progresses,expedition member Jon Krakauer reflects on the greatest Antarctic adventure of them all – the race for the South Pole in 1912 – and speculates on why the experienced Norwegians managed so well, compared to the incredibly tough but ill prepared British team.

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 7
Greenland - 72º North

Details of Films: Kendal 2003


GB 23 mins

Directed by Eric Robson

Produced by Border TV

An intriguing profile of Eric Shipton – Britain’s most famous mountaineer prior to the first ascent of Everest.As the news comes through,Eric is the newly appointed Warden of the Eskdale Outward Bound,where his skills and knowledge of personal responsibility through adventure reshaped the OBMS policy.But all is not well on the domestic front,and the distant hills again draw Shipton away.


Canada 13 mins

Produced & Directed by Glen Crawford & Pat Morrow

This short captures the athleticism and humour of Will Gadd and Ben Firth as they complete the first ascent of the world’s most difficult mixed climb –Musashi – a huge cave roof in the Canadian Rockies. Gadd describes it as “complicated and incredibly entertaining free aid climbing”– what’s he been drinking?


Swiss 15 mins

Director Dominique Perret

Production Vertical Zoo

Dominique Perret travels to Manali in North India to ski at altitude,with attitude and reverence for the 360 deities that protect the Valley of the Gods. Another sumptuous and jaw opening visual feast from the award winning ski film maker – his best yet?

Omo – A Journey to the Primeval Age

Omo – A Journey to the Primeval Age

Slovkia 68 mins

Directed & Produced by Pavol Barabáˆs

The River Omo is the most remote in Africa,and along its banks live many tribes with almost no contact with the modern world.Primeval traditions survive.Six explorers descend this dangerous and wild river,uncovering the past and discovering things about themselves – the latest from the award winning and creative camera of Pavol Barabáˆs.


Swiss 15 mins

Directed by Dominique Perret

Production Vertical Zoo

A second ski film from the creative camera of Dominique Perret,this time taking on the coast range of British Columbia with the usual and unusual thrills.

Pensieri nel Vento (Thoughts in the Wind)

Italy 19 min

Directed & Produced by Ermanno Salvaterra Ermanno Salvaterra reflects through film and recorded diaries what it means to battle storms and winds on the East Face of Cerro Torre.The film captures the essence of climbing in bad weatherthe possibility of becoming at home through connections with the immediate world of the big wall,in whatever the conditions.

8 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003

Rubicon or People From the Other Side of the Earth

Russia 29 mins

Directed by Andrew Kim Produced by Alexander Leker

In May 2002 a team of Russian rock climbers has established a new unique route on the vertical wall of the Great Sail peak in Baffin Island,Canada,but do they feel at home among the spirits of this far off land? The answer is in the music – this film is a departure from the norm at the very least – a Rock Ballad!

SAT Republic

Spain 5mins

Directed by Daniel Crespo Valdez & Raul Rodriguez

Produced by Acro Team SL

A short but daring composition bringing together paragliding ‘acro’tricks and images best described as sky ballet.The flying sequences shot at Organa are mixed with funny and simple studio images.The word ‘acro’ belongs to the paragliders’movements both in the sky and with both feet on the ground – artistic and fun.

Set in Stone

GB 5 mins

Directed & Produced by Caedmon Mullin

This short film captures Ken Palmer in action on a deep water solo of Christine – an 8a route in South Devon –a very personal and quiet perspective in extreme surroundings.

Thorlo have invested over 30 years and several million dollars of scientific and medical research to develop the finest outdoor,mountaineering,ski and sports socks available on the planet.Under the direction of footwear visionary Jim Throneburg,Thorlo have pioneered products that are specifically designed for trekking,mountaineering and skiing and which carry the Seal of Approval by the American Podiatric Medical Association.

Thorlo - now showing at all good outdoor stores.

Forbidden Summits Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 9 Origin THE MOST RESEARCHED AND DEVELOPEDOUTDOORSOCKSINTHEWORLD The Big Budget Production The Mountain Boot Co.Ltd.,Tel:0191 296 0212 Fax:0191 296 0213

Details of Films: Kendal 2003

Shepherd Women of Shambala

Shepherd Women of Shambala

USA 9 mins

Directed & Produced by Joy Tessman

In the Pakistan Karakoram,a small group of Ismali Muslim women shepherds maintain centuries old traditions while tending their flocks.When a western women travels to their high summer camp,she is adopted into their midst despite the boundaries of language and culture – a story of the extraordinary spirit of women and the power of kindness.


GB 14 mins

Directed by Martin Crocker

Produced by Peter Hall & Carl Ryan

Steel Women

Steel Women

GB 56 mins

Directed & Produced by Geoffrey Odds

A film exploring the lives and motivations of the many women rock climbers who have made Sheffield their home.Covering 3 generations from Geraldine Taylor (50) to Katie Whitaker (13),they share a common passion for the peak District and the Sheffield community.

A second film short taken from work in progress on a major film history of Pembroke by Martin Crocker and friends.This film looks at the fabulous range of routes and grades to be found around the coast,and profiles some of the pioneers and the controversy of bolt placements.

we’re proud to back the kendal mountain film festival

Three Peaks Cyclo Cross Race 2002

GB 60 mins

Directed & Produced by David Jinks

A cyclo cross connoisseur’s in-depth report on the race last year across the three highest peaks in the Yorkshire dales.After the Foot and Mouth epidemic,the race returned in 2002,with 250 cyclists competing in this most arduous of events in the UK - over 80 miles of cycling and 5000 ft.of climbing.

The Essence of Adolescence

Canada 7 mins

Directed & Produced by Daniel Kingsbury

This short film features the local boys of the Sunshine Coast,British Columbia.From the extreme performance,to the directing and editing,this film is made by teens who have not yet learned to feel pain or say “ouch”.

10 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003

The Final Solution

GB 10 mins

Directed & Produced by David Halstead

A hilarious and touching tour of climbing around the country with the redoubtable Stuart Allwood,a spastic climber whose keenness and humour puts most of us to shame.

The King’s Footprint – Dacriada On-sight

Scotland 6 mins

Directed by Peter Murray Produced by Peter Murray & Extra Large Recordings

Niall McNair dreamt of climbing ‘Dacriada’E8 6c from his first days as a rock climber.This film catalogues his ascent,and determination to keep the style pure and clean.

The Haute Route Handbook

GB 35mins

Directed & Produced by Toby Molins

Two mountaineers cross the Alps from Zermatt to Chamonix – nothing out of the ordinary in that,but this entertaining film follows two friends intent on having a good time,logging both the visual feast of the high alps and the way they respond to mountain landscapes

The Old Rock

Scotland 10 mins

Directed & Produced by Paul Raistrick

A snowboarding journey through Scotland’s different geological mountain areas during the winter of 2003.Filmed with unmanned camera, another home adventure that takes in the out of the way corries of Scotland

The Other Final

Holland 53 mins

Directed by Johan Kramer

Produced by Jacqueline Kouwenberg

A journey of discovery for two small nations who boast the two lowest ranked football teams in the FIFA rankings – Montserrat (#203) and Bhutan (#202). They meet in Bhutan on the same day as the Worldcup final in 2002.Using football as a device, what starts as a bizarre idea from a couple of dejected Dutch fans becomes a remarkable cultural meeting - very funny and issue provoking.

The Race for Everest

GB 58 mins

Directed & Produced by Mick Conefrey

A well researched and thoroughly entertaining retelling of the dramatic story of the 1953 Ascent of Everest and the international race which proceeded it,told through interviews with the men and women involved and previously unseen archive materials by award winning director Mick Conefrey.

The Yensey River Expedition

Canada 56 mins

Directed & Produced by Remy Quinter

Four young explorers document their five month journey along the complete 4000 mile length of the Yensey River from the highest peak in Mongolia to the Arctic Ocean.Along the way they capsize,are split up,are re-united by the Mongolian army,spend time with the Russian Mafia and visit many places never before filmed for western eyes.

Touching the Void

GB 106 mins

Directed by Kevin MacDonald

Produced by John Smithson

The new feature-length film based on the best selling book by Joe Simpson.The film describes one of the most extraordinary true stories of survival and adventure of our time.In June 1985 Joe Simpson and his partner Simon Yates reached the summit of Siula Grande (6344m) in the Peruvian Andes by the


Details of Films: Kendal 2003

Touching the Void

unclimbed west face.Whilst descending,disaster struck.An heroic battle for survival unfolded in which both men were faced with life or death decisions which tested the human spirit to the limit.The Gala performances on Saturday will be introduced or concluded by Joe Simpson,members of the cast and production team.

Twitch IV

36 mins

Directed & Produced by Eric Link

A pacey kayaking video combining intense action and music in a gripping visual experience.Go behind the scenes as Tao Berman,Josh Bechtel, Brandon Knapp and Stuart Smith run some of the best whitewater in the US,Canada,Norway and Spain.

Vertical Frontier

Twitch IV

Vertical Frontier

USA 91 mins

Directed & produced by Kristi Denton Cohen

From John Muir in the 1860’s to the super athletes of today,Vertical Frontier is a character driven story of the climbers who have found their inspiration in Yosemite Valley.Historical climbing footage and interviews from the legendary past are combined with commentary from many of the more recent generations – a comprehensive,compelling and beautiful rock climbing documentary.

12 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003

Wild Africa Mountains

Vertical Vibes

Germany 22 mins

Directed by Georg Dehghan

Produced by Joachim Hellinger

Portraits of outdoor photographer and climber Thomas Ulrich and alpinist Stephan Siegrist. Follow the two mountain guides to various mountain destinations around the globe, featuring El Capitan/Yosemite National Park and Cerro Torre/Patagonia,including footage of a huge ice avalanche on Cerro Torre and mind boggling footage of base jumps off the Eiger North Face.

Wild Africa Mountains

GB 49 mins

Directed by Martyn Coldbeck

Produced by Patrick Morris

From the BBC,a dramatic new wildlife series spanning the continent in search of extreme mountain habitats.A spectacular and informative film that is well put together – a travel guide to the African mountains and its remarkably beautiful and wild places that harbour some of the world’s most remarkable animals.

Wookey Exposed

GB 48 mins

Produced & Directed by Gavin Newman

A first film by cave expert Gavin Newman tracks the development of one of Britain’s best known and most spectacular cave systems.It follows the footsteps of cave explorers from the earliest cavemen to modern day cave divers.Unusual footage and excellent commentary from the remotest areas of the cave above and below water.


Everest Base CampOne Man's Odyssey

GB 30mins

Directed by Martin Tempest

Produced by Michael Bromfield

Ray Tempest,ex professional golfer and now a consulting psychiatrist,rarely leaves his native Yorkshire.For him,the journey to Everest Base Camp is an inspiring achievement.Made by Great Walks,this film will be screened in the morning before Jim Duff's Sunday lecture - the film captures the essence of why people travel to the Himalaya,taking what some may feel are risks in the pursuit of enlightenment.

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 13 Equipping People for Life’s Adventures

Festival Profiles


In the ‘90s Jamie gained a reputation as a talented climber picking off the classic hard alpine and ice routes.In the winter of 1999 Jamie Andrew and Jamie Fisher attempted the North Face of the Droites but were hit by an unexpected and ferocious storm high on the face.They were stuck for 8 days without tent or sleeping bags,and tragically Fisher died while Andrew suffered horrendous frostbite,which resulted in quadruple amputation.Against all odds he fought back – he ran the London Marathon in 2002 and today he is mad keen and enjoying climbing again.He has just got back from Angola with the Red Cross supporting land mine victims."Life and Limb" is a moving story of determination and unwillingness to give up to adversity.


US climber Conrad has made a specialty of climbing the most technically challenging terrain he can find.From the difficult new line,"Continental Drift" (VI 5.10 A4) on El Capitan,Rakekniven,a 2,500 foot wall in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica,all three towers of the Cerro Torre group,including new routes on Torre Egger and Cerro Standhardt in Patagonia and the west face of Latok II via the route "Tsering Mosong" in the Karakoram. In May of 1999,as a member of the Mallory & Irvine Research expedition,Conrad discovered the body of George Mallory,the preeminent Everest explorer of the 1920s.The disappearance of Mallory and Irvine on their summit bid of June of 1924 is one of climbing's great mysteries.Amidst the controversy of finding Mallory’s body,Conrad has maintained his reputation as one of North America’s top alpine and Himalayan mountaineers.Like all top climbers success has been mixed with tragedy,in particular the death of his climbing partner Alex Lowe.


John is one of the most highly acclaimed wilderness

14 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003


photographers in the world with numerous photographs published in books and magazines,together with commercial commissions for outdoor companies.He has taken his work a stage further by producing ground breaking audiovisual presentations.In 1984 John launched his career with the first of these,the critically acclaimed Touch the Earth:A Celebration of Wild Places which was followed by The Pure Land,and Earthborn.

His eagerly awaited new work Wild – A Dialogue of Elements concentrates on portraying the rhythms of the natural environment,its beauty and simplicity,and man’s place within it. That task has taken John to every continent.He describes the wild as having many languages.Adventure, extreme forms,emotion and spirit, all these make demands on those who enter.Through images and stories,sound and selected writings,we journey to extreme environments like mountains, icecaps,and deserts immersing ourselves in a dialogue of

elements.We search for meaning and find metaphor.We imagine and find desire.Wild is a place of the heart.John’s presentation at the Festival is sponsored by Mountain Equipment.Also look out for his associated photographic exhibition in the foyer of the Cinema 1 & 2.


There are few people who have caught the public’s imagination more than Catherine.The image of a beautiful woman risking her life by soloing high above the ground changed people’s perception of girls in adventure sports.She began climbing at the age of 13, and from an early age was a regular visitor to the boulders of Fontainebleau.She climbed the American Direct on the Petit Dru when 17 and Chouca (8a) at Buoux in 1988 which was the hardest route climbed by a female at the time.In 1990 she free-climbed the Nameless Tower in Pakistan and solo climbed the Bonatti Pillar on

Les Drus.In June 1991,she opened a new route on the west face of the Drus,during a remarkable 11day solo-climb.In 1992,it took her 17 hours to solo the north face of the Eiger,the following year she achieved the winter solo of the North Face of the Grandes Jorasses and next winter soloed the North Face of the Matterhorn.In 1995 she climbed the South West Face of Shishapangma in Tibet This spellbinding lecture,illustrated with slides and film shows her progression from the top female rock climber of her era to hard Alpinism.Focusing particularly on the solo winter climbs on north faces of the Eiger,Matterhorn and Grandes Jorasses.


Jim Duff has spent 30 years climbing,doctoring and teaching wilderness/ high altitude medicine in the Himalayas.He was doctor on Chris Bonington’s 1975 first ascent of Everest’s Southwest face and on the Australian first ascent of the North face of Everest in 1984.

His vast experience of what goes wrong at altitude is humorously condensed into this slide presentation "Surviving the Himalayas" Jim grew up in Kendal and started climbing at 14.In 1997 he founded the International Porter Protection Group ( ) and recently opened a rescue post at 4600m in the Everest region.He is the author of Pocket First Aid and Wilderness Medicine.


Looking at his achievements,many consider Alex to be the world’s best all round rock climber.He has regularly climbed 8c,and his route Adrenaline is 8c+,He has free soloed Cool your foot man 8a+ and has put up 5 free routes on El Capitan starting with the hugely influential El Niño and more recently El Corazon - The Heart.In the greater ranges he has climbed both Cerro Torre and Fitzroy in Patagonia and new routes in the Himalayas.But in many ways it is Bellavista that epitomises this

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 15

powerhouse of a climber.On the North Face of the Cima Ouvest in the Italian Dolomites is one of the most striking and overhanging rock faces in the Alps.Alex soloed a desperate new route in winter, grading it F7b ,A4 and calling it Bellavista.Not satisfied with this,he returned next summer to attempt it free.With one 55 m pitch of 8c and many other hard pitches it is a true “tour de force”.


Dave was born in South Africa,but spent many years in Carlisle before attending Edinburgh University where he graduated with a degree in chemistry.At the same time,he developed an interest in whitewater kayaking,film making and graphic design,and on graduation did post graduate work in this area.The results of his passion can be seen in films like Fluid Dynamics,but for his lecture, Dave intends to show some of the off cuts from the year long playboat journey he undertook with Team Slug,filming for his own company,2aT.


Nigel is one of the most experienced and respected Mountain Guides. Climber,alpinist,skier,author, photographer and ex-president of the British Mountain Guides.He specialises in off-piste,heli-skiing and ski touring and spends each winter he exploring the Alps.He also works closely with Salomon as a technical consultant.His lecture looks at the vast potential for off-piste and ski

touring in the alps,for those just starting to explore away from the crowded resorts to the seasoned expert.


Joe needs no introduction as the one of Britain’s most successful authors with a series of best selling books.However it is easy to forget that to write about his exploits he had to live them! In this revealing

lecture he recounts Chamonix days in the eighties living as a bin-man and climbing the hardest routes of the day.Then a series of expeditions to the Greater Ranges and more recently back to the Alps and the Eiger.Joe has spent his life on the edge between success and failure. Tragically friends have died whilst mountaineering and this makes him question the whole game of climbing and his motivation to keep writing.

16 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 winterflex inferno 01773 601870 | Festival deals available at the Outside show store GRIPPING STUFF

Festival Judges


George Band was the youngest member of the first successful Everest Expedition led by John Hunt in 1953. Two years later,on an expedition led by Charles Evans,he and Joe Brown were the first to reach the summit of Kangchenjunga,the world’s third highest peak.He has also climbed in the Alps,Karakoram,Peru and the Caucasus.After 36 years working for an international oil company,George retired and continues to enjoy modest climbing and more serious treks in the greater ranges,having recently visited Bhutan,Nepal, China and Sikkim.He is a former President of the Alpine Club and the BMC and Chairman of the MEF.He has served as a film judge at the Banff Mountain Film Festival.


Born in Calgary and educated in Canada and Germany, Piers Handling graduated from Queen’s University, Kingston with a degree in History and Philosophy.He worked at the Canadian Film Institute (CFI) for a decade, reaching the position of Deputy Director.After leaving the CFI,he taught Canadian Cinema at Carleton University in Ottawa and Queen’s University.Handling joined the Toronto International Film Festival as a programmer in 1982,becoming Programming Director five years later,Deputy Director in 1990,Artistic Director in 1993,and Festival Director in 1994.He has attended or worked at 23 of the past 25 Festivals.In his 19 years at the Toronto Festival,Handling has organized numerous programmes and retrospectives including major retrospectives of Canadian,Latin American,Italian,Polish,Portuguese,and Hungarian cinema, and co-founded Perspective Canada.He has also organized retrospectives of Canadian cinema for the Sundance Film Festival and festivals in Havana, London,and Washington.He has written extensively on Canadian cinema, and has been published in numerous film journals.In 1998,Handling was awarded the “Chevalier des Arts et Lettres”,France’s highest cultural insignia. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Film Centre and Tafelmusik.


Valeriana is the Director of the Cervinia International Film Festival.Born near the sea in Sicily,Valeriana Rosso has lived in Turin,close to the mountains,for over 30 years.Her first love,movies,was later joined by her passion for the mountains.For four years she was the editor of the "I Licheni" collection of books about the mountains.For five years she has been the editor of the "I Capolavori del Cinema di Montagna" (The Greatest Films about Mountains),historic films such as the ones produced by Luis Trenker and the best international films about - mountains and adventure.She has also been the editor of the videotape series “Men and Animals”published by the Italian newspaper “La Stampa”.The first title:“Lord of the Eagles”is famous all over the world.The Cervinia International Film Festival is a festival of festivals designed to promote films about the mountains and to offer the best international production in this sector.According to the rules, films that have won the Grand Prize in nine of the world's most famous festivals and the favourite films of the directors of these festivals may compete for this award.This was done to give voice to the directors who,more than the juries,are the soul and the identity of each festival.


Arguably the best British woman alpine and big wall climber,with first ascents in Patagonia,Greenland, Pakistan,Borneo,Madagascar,Mali and the United States.She is a Mountain Guide who has been seen in front of a camera presenting for TV while in her ‘spare’ time she is the (full-time) chief instructor at Plas y Brenin outdoor centre,North Wales.Louise has climbed new routes and big walls from Patagonia to Pakistan,Borneo to Baffin.When not hanging in portaledges she can be found hanging out at Gogarth.! She worked on Steve Long’s film Trango which the judges placed as a runner up in the very competitive Mountaineering category last year,and the film has been re-edited for screening on the National Geographic Channel later next year.


Margaret Wicks is a director of the independent television and radio company Triple Echo Productions. She works on a wide variety of adventure, environmental and outdoor programmes and was the director of 'The Longest Journey' - a film of Paul Pritchard's successful ascent of Mount Kenya which was broadcast by the BBC in 2001 and won the “Mountain Adventure Film Prize”at Kendal that year.With Triple Echo, Margaret has also worked on many local programmes for the BBC, focusing on stories which bring out cultural contrasts,but more importantly,cultural harmony.She recently travelled with the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra to film reactions as previously banned orchestral works were performed throughout the country.Margaret has considerable knowledge of mountain films and has been a judge at the Trento International Mountain Festival.She has travelled and filmed throughout the world and lives in the shadow of the Cairngorms.


SATURDAY - Lots of prizes from,Scarpa and Adventure Centre Ratho.

Have a break from watching and come down to The Lakeland Climbing Centre (Kendal Wall tel 01539 721766) who will be holding a bouldering competition all day Saturday (10 am to 5 pm) in conjunction with the Festival & Scarpa.

All are welcome and there will be lots of product prizes from a draw of all entries and winners will receive cash prizes from a pot of £400.

Normal conditions of entry will apply at the Wall and no unsupervised climbers under 18.The climbing wall is situated on the A6 north out of Kendal,turn off left about one mile after the train station and almost opposite the Morrisons supermarket.Prize Ceremony at Saturday 6 pm in the Malt Room Bar,Brewery Arts Centre.Winners announced and lots of prize draws for competitors.A special entry price of £3.50.

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 17

A Celebration of Sea


Cliff Climbing in Britain (Friday 14th November)

Britain is a small Island with an incredibly diverse coastline. Nowhere in the world is Sea Cliff climbing better developed and with such a long and interesting history. Just look at the perfect granite of Cornwall,the sun-drenched limestone of Pembroke,the atmospheric zawns of Gogarth, Scotland’s impressive sea stacks or the tottering chalk of Beachy Head.

This great evening will be compèred by Mike “Twid”Turner and is sponsored and organised by DMM.Twid is one of Britain’s best and most adventurous climbers with quite a few tales of daring deeds and epics by the sea.

Part of the evening will feature archive film from 1970 of “The Spiders Web”.This vintage footage of the BBC Outside Broadcast from, Gogarth,shows Joe Brown and Ian McNaught-Davis on Spiders Web (Mac has never seen this footage before despite being involved in the programme!!) Pete Crew and Don Whillans on Wen and finally Les and Laurie Holliwell with Janet Rogers on T Rex.

The lecture team is Ian McNaught-Davis,George Smith and Niall Grimes.Mac has a wealth of

experience from early exploration and first ascents on Britain’s sea cliffs.His humorous and “public friendly”style made him the voice and pundit on many live TV climbs. George Smith has a reputation as “strongman”of Gogarth rock.His many new routes often involve unique three-dimensional climbing on overhanging cracks and chimneys.One of his creations “Barfly”E6 6b will be featured in an Alun Hughes short film.Niall Grimes can’t swim! Not the best credentials for sea cliff exploration. Nevertheless he will entertain us with his fascination with Deep Water Soloing.

“Everest Lives”- Friday Evening - Rheged

We all have an image of Everest in our minds,and to some extent in our spirits.The attraction of the world’s highest place is universal –but is the attraction that of a spiritual place – home of the gods – or a physical objective for adventure - or is it both? What if it is our place of work,the means to feed your family and to help keep your small hill farm going? This special evening - compèred by the Nepal expert and award winning journalist Ed Douglas - will be both entertaining and

informative,raising awareness of how Everest has affected the lives of people who have become intimately associated with the mountain,particularly the people of Nepal.

We begin with Doug Scott,and an illustrated talk on what Everest means to him as a mountaineer and the first Britain to reach the summit.Doug,like Sir Edmund Hilary before him,has put much back into local communities in Nepal through his work with Community Action Nepal.Appa Sherpa and Ang Phurba are Sherpas who have both climbed Everest.Ang Phurba now run Wilderness Experience,a fair trade and Nepal based business which does much to regularise working conditions for the Sherpa Guides. Appa Sherpa has climbed Everest 13 times,primarily because it is his job – what would that success do to someone living in the UK? Both Sherpas will give their views on impact of Everest on their own lives and on Nepal as a nation.Dr.Jim Duff and Ben Ayers will talk with slides about the broader issues of other Nepali people in the Himalayan villages particularly the porters:- exploitation,health, inflated prices,westernisation and destruction of culture,bad

behaviour trekking companies etc. At the end of the on-stage lectures, an open discussion will be led by Ed Douglas.

BMC/MEF Extreme Lectures – Saturday –Morning

We are delighted to again present a fantastic and rapid fire programme on behalf of the BMC and MEF.This lecture series celebrates both the dramatic achievements of expeditions supported by the MEF and BMC,and also the international and cultural links which are formed and sustained through the mountaineering community.

Anne Arran

Former British Champion,Anne relishes most styles of climbing from bouldering in the Peak to new routing adventures in the UK,Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Venezuela.Currently climbing,travel writing and coaching,she is Vice-President of the UIAA Youth Commission. 'Tepui 2003' was a hot and jungly six day ascent of an extreme 600m wall with a savage 50m overhang. Accompanied by lively Venezuelans,the journey into Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle's 'Lost World' by light aircraft and dug-out boats was splendid,exciting and often

18 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003
Anne Arran Ian McNaught-Davis Mike ‘Twid’Turner 'A good kicking in the Kitchatnas'


fraught.Political demonstrations and oil shortages caused delays, and hasty raft-building was required to escape before the food ran out.Angel Falls and Cerro Autana feature,along with the trials and tribulations of living on a big wall with lots of men,cranking it out,sleeping in small places and knowing when you can't fall off. Isolated tops supporting their own ecosystems and myriad beasties all added to the experience.

Rich Cross

Rich has been climbing for 15 years,and his passion for the mountains has taken him from the Alps to Pakistan,Russia,Nepal, Pakistan and Alaska.He is a mountain guide and co-director of Alpine Guides International Ltd. Autumn 2001 saw eight young Brits head out to Nepal.Their objective was to climb some of the area's classic hard routes in alpine style,and maybe a new route or two.Operating as independent pairs and experiencing excellent weather,they completed three coveted second ascents and a major new route on the Khumbu's most beautiful mountain – Ama Dablam.Rich will be speaking about the first ascent of the last great problem - the North West

Ridge.Climbed in an 11 day alpinestyle round trip with Jules Cartwright,this was one of the most notable British ascents of recent years.

Mike ‘Twid’Turner 'A good kicking in the Kitchatnas' Twid is one of Britain’s most experienced and most affable hard men.Over the past two years Twid and Stuart McAleese have visited the Kitchatna Spires,which someone once described as 'The Patagonia of Alaska' Range.In both expeditions they put up new routes on a mountain called The Citadel.Over 8 days in 2002 they climbed 'Off the Wall Bonkers' an 800m big-wall route,while this year (accompanied by Ollie Sanders) they climbed the 'Super Dupa Couloir' to the summit.The couloir was 1000m long and for most of its way only a couple of metres wide.Most of the climbing was Scottish grade 5,6 and 7.It was,without doubt,the best ice route they have ever climbed or seen.

Es Tresidder

Es is a 23 year graduate currently working as a part-time rickshaw rider in Edinburgh,in order to give himself plenty of time to pursue

his main interest - climbing big Scottish mixed routes.The 2002 Scottish West Face of Kyzyl Asker Expedition split into two halves on arrival at base camp in the Kokshaal-Too of Kyrgyzstan.Es Tresidder and Guy Robertson concentrated on the main peak, Kyzyl Asker (5842m).After an attempt on the West Face, abandoned due to unstable weather and worries about avalanche conditions,Es and Guy turned their attention to the spectacular South East Face of the mountain,on which they found a compellingly perfect line of ice falling 1300m direct from the summit.Two attempts brought them climbing on some of the most spectacular ice either of them had seen.After reaching a high point half way up the face,a rapid thaw forced a retreat.In addition to grants from the Mount Everest Foundation and the British Mountaineering Council,this expedition also received the Nick Estcourt Memorial Award for 2002

Commander Satyabrata Dam (Satya)

Satya has been a member of BMC/MEF Anglo/Indian Expeditions co-led by Harish Kapadia.A submariner in the Indian

Navy,Satya heads up their directorate of mountaineering,and there have been many fine recent successes by Navy Teams.He started climbing in the Himalaya at the age of 12 and has climbed 29 major Himalayan peaks in his 26 years of climbing career.He has several first and solo ascents in the Himalaya.Besides the Himalayas,he has climbed in Africa,Australia,New Zealand,Caucasus,Urals,Central Asia,European Alps and Tibet.He will be leading the Indian Navy’s Everest North face expedition in spring 2004.

Besides mountaineering,Satya is an avid adventure sportsman and has represented India in several water sports world championships. Satya is also a practicing criminologist and is an internationally published author of crime fiction.

EVEREST Sunday Leisure Centre

Ed Douglas will compère a day of lectures,films and debate on the climbing of this icon.On the day a “star studded cast”will be supplemented by surprises,special guests and features.Please note morning and afternoon sessions will be ticketed separately.See details next page.

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 19
Audrey Salkeld Es Tresidder Commander Satyabrata Dam (Satya)

Special Film Programmes

The Best of Everest on Film

Rheged Sunday 9th November

Two classic films – Leo Dickinson’s “Everest Unmasked”and Michael Dillon’s “From Sea to Summit”– preceded by a specially edited version of Sir Edmund Hilary’s address to the Banff Summit in 2001 including footage from the original 1953 film Ascent of everest.Both the films are around an hour long,while the Hilary address is about 20 minutes.

� Everest Unmasked is the dramatic and fascinating story of the first oxygen-free ascent of Everest by Toni Habeler and Reinhold Messner.A truly remarkable tale of endurance,done at a time when some predicted that death was inevitable to those who tried to climb the mountain without oxygen.The uncertainty remains high throughout in this award winning film from the winner of this year’s “Excellence” Award presented by the International Alliance for Mountain Films.

� From Sea to Summit - a film introduced by its creator - renowned Australian film maker Michael Dillon.It is a gripping story of Tim McCartny-Snape’s one man’s journey from the sea at Calcutta to the summit of Everest – accompanied and supported by his girl friend – a remarkable film.The summit footage is so vivid that you want to step back from the cornice! The film was runner-up for the Trento Mountain Festival’s Grand Prize for the best of the 50 Grand Prize films from 1947-2002.

Everest - the Highest Challenge

Presented by First Ascent

� The morning programme looks at Everest “then”.

� Ed Douglas introduces the day,focusing on Tensing and how Everest changes lives.To set the tone of the day,a specially edited edition of Ed Hillary’s seminal address to Banff in 2001 will be shown followed by George Band and Mike Westmacott,veterans of the first ascent expedition,remembering the ascent.

� After ’53 there was controversy and success and Audrey Salkeld discusses with the help of film and slides the Chinese ascent from the north and the American traverse.British interest in the mountain grew again in the early ‘70s with a series of attempts on the huge south west face culminating in 1975 with perhaps the last great fixed rope expedition.Sir Chris Bonington,Tut Braithwaite and Doug Scott talk about their success.

The Changing Face of Everest

Presented by Outside

In the afternoon Ed Douglas introduces Everest “now”

Conrad Anker discusses the discovery of Mallory’s body and how he has been debating the ethics ever since.Stephen Venables revisits the remarkable first ascent of the Kangchung Face within the framework of a small team without bottled oxygen.

On a more humorous note,Leo Dickinson describes his “Love Affair with Everest”which includes filming and ballooning on the mountain. The woman’s perspective is given by Rebecca Stephens followed by mountain guide Russell Brice talking about the commercial side of Everest with his client Tony Kelly.who finally reached the summit on his fourth attempt.The discussion is counterbalanced by views from Apa Sherpa,who has summited 13 times,and Ang Phurba,two working Sherpas to whom Everest means home,goddess and a source of income.

Extreme Film Pro Day

All day Friday,Brewery

Part of the Extreme Film School but open to professionals and students studying film and media as well as keen amateur filmmakers.

� The day (9 am to 5 pm) is split into a series sessions.Analysis of the Extreme Film School.Led by Graham Hoyland (BBC producer / director, Everest summiteer) & Film Festival Judges:

20 Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003

� Camera formats for extreme filming.With Neil Thompson of Sony Broadcast

� Camera use and protection in extreme environments.Keith Partridge –probably the most experienced climbing cameraman in the UK.

� Accessories & lighting.Presented by David Phillips from Visual Impact (supplier of broadcast and professional video equipment)

� Sound recording in difficult environments.Discussions led by James Butler – professional soundman,

� Making a successful adventure film - Richard Else director of Triple Echo Productions and Professor of Media Production at the University of Teesside.

� The making of Touching the Void.John Smithson from Darlow Smithson is producer of the forthcoming feature film “Touching the Void”

� Commissioning Mark Dyson – consultant programmer for National Geographic

� Legal problems in film industry With Media Business Advisor Jude Bell & Ian Sampson from Media Lawyers Addleshaw Goddard

� Health & Safety and Risk Assessment in extreme environments.Annie Black is an experience Health & Safety in the film industry and Brian Hall

� Visual Impact (supplier of broadcast and professional video equipment) will have a comprehensive display of film making equipment at the Festival and are sponsoring three of the sessions.

The Extreme Film Pro Day is part of the Extreme Film School which is sponsored by Media Training North West,North West Vision,BBC,The Kendal Mountain Film Festival and The Northern Film Network.

The Extreme Film School 2004

Have you ever wanted to make a film!

This year the “school”was a great success,15 people made 5 great films – look out for them in the programme! We hope to continue next year and the Festival in association with Media Training North West,Northern Film Network, BBC & North West Vision invites applications from aspiring film makers from the North West of England.Aimed at individuals or small teams, this is an ambitious plan to stimulate and lay the foundations for a future in filmmaking.The successful applicants will receive training in camera operations,editing and film production and make a short film in the subject area of Adventure Sports.The films will be shown and judged at the festival and the winner having an opportunity to be broadcast.Training will take place over 2 weekends in September & October 2004.Interest should be e mailed to and title Extreme Film School.

Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2003 21
Dunne. FFA of Detritus E8 6c. Little
Photo: David Simmonite.
Mountain Equipment ® Distributors of quality outdoor brands For catalogues tel: 01629 580 484 e.mail: Please specify brand
John Dunne, sponsored by

Thanks to our Supporting Sponsors and Helpers

In addition to our Presenting Sponsors - the Northwest Development Agency and Berghaus, we are most grateful for the support received from many other organisations and individuals.These are almost too many to mention,but in particular thanks to Kendal Town Council,South Lakeland District Council,Arts & Business,Jim Lowther, Mountain Heritage Trust and the MEF.Also,without support from Media Training North West,the Northern Film Network,the BBC and Northwest Vision,the Extreme Film School could not have happened. Thanks also to all the staff at the Brewery Arts Centre,Leisure Centre, Rheged,K Village and the TIC in Kendal who work as part of the Festival team during the planning stages and during the event itself.

Supporting good causes

While at the Leisure Centre,spend some time visiting the Community Action Nepal and the John Muir Trust Stands.And thank you to everyone who has chosen to contribute when ordering tickets toward the good work of these excellent charities.

At K Village,we also welcome back the Kendal Mountain Rescue team as a thanks to them for the great work they do during he year - have a look at their stand and demonstrations.



These can be obtained at the Brewery Arts Centre for Kendal events. Tel:01539 725133.

or Rheged for Penrith events.Tel:01768 860077.

International Alliance for Mountain Film

The Kendal Mountain Film Festival is a member of the International Alliance of Mountain Film Festivals.We encourage mountain films to be made at high standards - not only in terms of their artistic merit,but also to promote ethical issues that pertain to film-making in sensitive cultural and environmental locations.
















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Contact: FAX 41.91.6045163





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