From the Cave vol. 2

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From the Cave

Alegria Arena Tour

Vol 1:

Dec 2009

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Welcome to the 1st Edition of “From the Cave” Since the beginning of the Arena tour, I’ve been thinking to have a journal for our tour. I could not find the time for it and after being very annoying to Isabel with that project, she decided to do it! You’ve probably seen what was done on other tours or what we had before with “The Amazon Wing” (that was the name of the journal for Alegria in Big Top). As you can see, the new name is more appropriate to our own reality (you know how excited I get when we have windows in the Road Management office!). We will have our “From the Cave” once per leg. Everybody is welcome to participate. We are inviting you to share your stories, photos, funny quotes or ideas. Don’t censure yourself, well… until a certain point; we want that journal to reflect the good, enthusiastic and energetic spirit of this special tour. I want to thanks the editors, Isabel, Ken, Alan, Edouard and Pedro and also everybody who support them and answer their questions for that Christmas Special Edition.

And watch out, you never know what can come “From the Cave”.


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