How to Incorporate Signage and Visuals into your Marketing Plan
Marketing is such a multifaceted discipline these days that it can be easy to leave out important elements if you are not paying attention. If you’re putting too much of your focus on website design, search engine optimization and social media, you may be overlooking good old fashion signage and visuals. In the following article, we will look at some simple tips for including signs and visuals as part of your overall marketing plan. 1. Include signs and graphics in your marketing plan! While this tip may seem oversimplified, it is important. Most people will look at a graphic or picture before they read a word. Use signage both outside and inside your store or business. Make sure they are simple, professional and convey your message quickly and easily. The graphics and visuals that you use should also be consistent with your company brand. 2. Hire a professional
Hiring a professional to produce your graphics and signage goes well beyond having someone with an artistic flair. Everybody knows they why they wouldn’t hire someone without any artistic ability to create their sign, but they might not understand the difference between hiring an amateur and a professional. A sign or graphic might look great, but looking great is no guarantee of effectiveness. Professional sign makers have both artistic and marketing knowledge. They know how big lettering has to be in order to be easily read and they have a good understanding of how to invoke various emotions through color and images. And they understand a thing or two about sign placement and how to properly mount a sign so that it won’t be crooked or come crashing down on top of your merchandise or a customer! 3. Change things up When your customers see the same sign over and over for an extended period of time, they stop seeing it. By regularly changing your signage, you can keep things fresh. Customers will stop and notice when there is a change of messaging, colors or images. Consider changing your signage to promote different goods or services or promotions. You can even change your signage around the seasons or certain holidays. 4. Stay true to your brand Everything in your signage from font type to images will reflect either positively or negatively on your brand. And what works for one business won’t necessarily work for another. A multicolored “balloon” font might be great for a store that sells children’s clothing, but the same font on the sign for an accounting firm might appear unprofessional. Make sure therefore, that every aspect of your signage reflects your brand. 5. Create a positive customer experience While they may not talk about your signage specifically, customers will talk about having a great customer experience. And signs can be used to help with this experience. Whether it’s simple directional signs to help a customer find what they are looking for, entertaining signs on your bathroom doors, or a great promotional poster explaining the benefits of a new product or service, giving your customer the information they need when they need it is all part of creating a great experience. See more at: