Amanda Kennedy Architecture Portfolio

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Design Portfolio

Amanda Kennedy

AMANDA KENNEDY k e nnedyaa@gmail. co m 970.306.5633


Master of Architecture in progress expected graduation Dec. 2013 Washington State University 2012 - 2013 Bachelor of Environmental Design Architecture emphasis University of Colorado, Boulder 2002 - 2006


Full graduate assistantship Arch 101 & 103 Graphic Communication Washington State University 2012 - 2013 Teaching assistant Arch 202 The Built Environment Washington State University 2011, 2012 Teaching assistant Arch 309 Architecture Theory II Washington State University 2011 Intern Architect Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA 2006 - 2009


AIA Northwest & Pacific Region Leadership Institute Washington State University representative 2011 - 2012




Yestermorrow Design Build School Warren, VT


Site Study Endicott, WA


Strawberry Vale School Victoria, BC


Urban Relationship Studies


Free Hand Drawing


Understanding Light

MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Li v i ng and tr av eli ng

S p o k a n e , WA

MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Livin g an d tr a v eli n g

Spokane, WA

CITY LIVING - WORLD TRAVELING Housing for the adventurer.

The Arch 401 design studio focused on development of Spokane’s main street in down town. This group project developed into a residential building focused on young professionals who like to travel. Using the principles of “couch surfing” the project offers multiple living units and main floor amenities geared towards the adventurous and their guests.


006 004









001 Lobby 002 Bouldering Wall 003 Lockers 004 Internet 005 Cafe 006 Men’s Room 007 Patio 008 Kitchen 009 Women’s Room 010 Parking 011 Bike Share


“A world where everyone can explore and create meaningful connections with the people and places they encounter.” CS123 is built around the young traveller. Today’s emphasis on experience has spawned a new inexpensive way of travelling where a local will host a traveller for free with the hopes of creating international connections.

L o ca l

Tr a ve l e r

MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Livin g an d tr a v eli n g

Spokane, WA

MODULARITY The first step in the design process was to develop living units. This idea lends itself to modular

construction. Each of the unit types were designed to be turned, flipped, and stacked to form a dynamic whole while creating unique outdoor courtyards for the community to share. Each unit s made of steel frame that are craned into place and finished on site.

SHARED SPACES All units have direct access to shared courtyards which further encourage interaction between the residents and the couch surfers who stay with them. These courtyards provide visual links throughout the complex further connecting the residents.

MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Livin g an d tr a v eli n g

Spokane, WA

SPACE FOR THE RESIDENT AND TRAVELER The units offer space for the owner and the couch surfer within two

unit types. The first unit is a one bedroom where the entry level is deemed the shared space and the lower level is the private space for the resident. In the second, larger unit type, the entry level is dedicated to the traveler, the middle level is shared areas, and the upper is private owner space.




Unit 1 001 Entry 002 Living 003 Kitchen 004 Powder


001 Bedroom 002 Bath 001


PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS S cott S . Tur ni pseed, AIA Eagle, CO

DESIGNTr ai+l BUILD S helter

Wa r r e n , VT

PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS Sc ott S. Tu r n ip seed , A I A Eagle, CO

INTERN ARCHITECT After my undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado, I was fortunate to work for

Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA. During my 3 years with the company I had the opportunity to design a number of residential projects in Eagle, CO. The Samelson residence was my first independent project taken from design development to construction. Under Scott’s supervision I designed a 6,000 sf home on the Eagle Ranch golf course.

DESIGNTr a+i l BUILD Sh elter

Warren, V T

INDEPENDENT STUDY In the summer of 2005 I went to Warren, VT to take part

in the community design build course at the Yestermorrow Design Build School. Our project during the two week course was to design and build a trail shelter for the Sugar Bush trail. 15 students, including myself, took part in a two day design charrette to produce the lean-to form. All the materials were gathered locally and fabrication began in the school’s wood shop where we were taught how to properly use the tools. The structural frame was assembled at the school and carried to the site. The site was leveled and all the pieces put together followed by sheathing. I gained valuable knowledge of construction and group work.


S i te Analy si s

E n d ic o t t , WA


Site A n a ly si s

Endicott, WA

3 DAYS TO DISCOVER The Arch 510 graduate design studio lead by Taiji Miyasaka and Mike Jobes stayed three

days in Endicott, WA. The goal of the trip was immerse ourselves into a site to explore and discover new ways of understanding a place. The end result would be a diorama which captures the mood of a particular place in town. Endicott, a small Washington farming town, has been on the decline for the past 6 decades. Our mission was to understand the rural surroundings of the Pallouse.

INSPIRATION As the early 20th century

building of “D” street fall, their vacancies become grassy interludes in the street’s building fabric. These green moments became the inspiration for my diorama, what would “D” street look like after all the buildings fail and all that is left is lawn?


Fa b r i ca ti o n

Endicott, WA

THE “D” STREET LAWN This diorama is a commentary on what happens to a town in de-

cline. Endicott’s population and wealth has steadily decreased over the decades and the 19th century buildings of it’s boom years fail with no hope of filling the spaces they left behind. These holes in the street scape are well taken care of by the citizens who take pride in their small town by maintaining green grassy lawns where the old brick buildings once stood. My intention for this diorama was to glimpse into the future of Endicott with all the buildings razed and replaced with lawn. I chose to keep one building, McGregor, as it is the only profitable business on the block and ironically is a fertilizer company. I also placed a table with towns people eating on the lawn to suggest that the town is still a community even without their buildings.

FABRICATION Each diorama was to be of

the same dimensions with varieties in view port, placement, and orientation. I chose to use a door view finder to get a 180* radius as one looks through the peep hole. Scale, lighting, and material where all challenges to creating a realistic and representational scene within the box.

DIORAMA Peep Sh o w

Endicott, WA

SHOW IN THE OLD SALOON After the completion of the project the class held an opening for the town to peer

into our interpretation of their town. The “Peep Show” was held in the old tavern on “D” street in down town Endicott. Many of the town’s people and those of the surrounding small towns attended the show and were fascinated by our interpretation of their home.

GIVING BACK The “Peep Show” was also an opportunity to give back to the town, the class added an extra diorama box as a donation spot to help raise money for a new library for Endicott.

EDUCATIONAL DESIGN Lear ni ng addi ti on

Vic t o r ia , B C

EDUCATIONAL DESIGN Lear n in g a d d i ti o n

Victoria, B C

HANDS ON The Arch 403 design studio focused on group collaboration through educational design. My group

of 5 students were commissioned to design and form complete construction documents for an addition to the Strawberry Vale School in Victoria, BC. We focused on extending the main corridor into and outdoor interactive learning ramp.

001 Digital Classroom 002 Local Classroom 003 Interactive Classroom 004 Hands-On Classroom 005 Gallery 006 Assembly Space 007 Existing Gym








EDUCATIONAL DESIGN Lear n in g a d d i ti o n

Victoria, B C

LEARNING MOMENTS Learning stations are placed at each “elbow� on the ramp enable the students to interact with and learn from their natural environment. The learning path acts as an accessory to the classroom. It offers and opportunity to leave the traditional class and physically experience the subject. The ramp also creates divisions between the classrooms below. Large sliding doors are placed within in order to create a connection between the individual spaces.

Sky Study Station

Meteorology Elbow

Vegetation Station

Water Collection Station

Ornithology Elbow


U r ban Relati onshi ps

29th parallel


Ur ban Relati o n sh i p s

2 9th parallel

ADAPTING URBAN RELATIONSHIPS This project asked that an existing building be adapted to embrace the unique site conditions. The building needed to speak to the street, inner courtyards, the sky above, and waterfront promenade beyond. I chose to connect the three through the adaptation of wooden screens. The screen is a breeze way cover to the street, a privacy screen in the courtyards, and a focal point along the waterfront.


29th paralle l

WATERFRONT VIEWS A typical unit facing the prom-

enade for this large mixed use building is designed to maximize the view. Each unit has floor to ceiling uninterrupted views to the action on the promenade below and the water beyond. Each level has an exterior balcony and open plan. In true urban style, the unit is a loft plan keeping the unit open and free.

001 Reading Nook 002 Loft 003 Closet 004 Bath 005 Bedroom






001 Entry 002 Office 003 Bath 004 Closet 005 Kitchen 006 Living

001 002

003 004




Pen, Water color, & Mar ker

Tu c s on & Tr o y


Pen , Water c olo r, M a r ker

Tucson & Troy

DOCUMENTING THROUGH SKETCH I enjoy sketching and painting. I feel that it is the best way to understand a place and pick up on the subtle details of a space. These drawings are from my 2012 sketch book and depict a weekend conference trip to Tucson, AZ and a day trip to Troy, ID.


U nder standi ng Li g ht

Ru r a l Wa s h in g t o n


Un der s tan d i n g L i g h t

Ru ral Washington

A NEW HOBBY Understanding light is key to designing beautifully expressive buildings. I chose to explore light

through a camera lens to better understand its characteristics. Through black and white photography, collage, and night photos I began to see the ephemeral qualities of sun and artificial light.

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.� ~ Martha Washington

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