West African Energy Summit

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An Group Event in Partnership with The Ministry of Energy, The Petroleum Commission, Ghana and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation

3rd - 5th September 2024

Event Programme

Driving Global Finance, Deal Origination and Local Content in the West African Energy Sector


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are thrilled to welcome you to the West African Energy Summit, a pivotal platform dedicated to advancing the African energy sector. The event is proudly organized by OGV Group in partnership with the Ministry of Energy Ghana, the Petroleum Commission Ghana, and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation.

The West African Energy Summit stands as a beacon of growth and innovation in the African energy landscape. It promotes a balanced energy mix encompassing oil, gas, and renewable energy sources. We firmly believe that Africa has the right to produce and develop its abundant natural resources to benefit its people, ensuring energy sovereignty is paramount to the continent’s future.

Equitable growth will provide balanced upside for both international partners and African economies on a long-term basis. By fostering mutually beneficial relationships, we can ensure that all stakeholders share in the success and development of the continent’s energy sector.

Now is the time for Africa to fully harness and benefit from its oil, gas, and natural resources for the socio-economic development of its nations. By joining us on this journey, you will help foster stronger partnerships between African project owners and the global finance and operator sectors. Together, we can drive sustainable and equitable development in Africa’s energy sector. We look forward to your active participation and contribution to this transformative event.

Warm regards,

The West African Energy Summit 2024

Summit Programme Schematic

09:00 – 09:05

09:05 – 09:15

09:15 – 09:25

Strategy Day 1

Opening Welcome

Event MC: Kwami Sefa Kayi, Peace FM Housekeeping and Welcome

Keynote: Opening Remarks

Speaker: • Joseph Abuabu Dadzie, CEO, GNPC, Republic of Ghana

Keynote: Opening Remarks

Speaker: • Hon. John Kobina Sanie, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Republic of Ghana

09:25 – 10:05 Fireside Chat: Unlocking Africa’s Potential: Oil and Gas Monetization for Industrialization and Socio-Economic Development

The “Unlocking Africa’s Potential” conference session focuses on the strategic imperative for African nations to effectively monetize their oil and gas resources to drive industrialization, economic diversification, and socio-economic development. By exploring innovative approaches to resource monetization and highlighting successful case studies, this session aims to catalyze dialogue and action towards maximizing the socio-economic benefits of Africa’s natural wealth.

Moderator: Pranav Joshi, Vice President - Upstream, Rystad Energy


• Dr. Omar Farouk Ibrahim, Secretary General, APPO

• Rashid Ali Abullah, Executive Director, AFREC, Africa Union

10:05 –10:25 Keynote: African Energy Sovereignty:

Whilst the world benefits from the historical extraction of African resources for industrialisation, Africa itself has yet to still beneficiate from its vast natural resource endowment. Whilst many countries race to net zero having benefited from the continent’s resources, Africa is still a low carbon emitter at 3% of global emissions. In this session His Excellency Chief Olusegun Obasanjo sets out his perspective on why Africa can and will continue to exploit fossil fuels for the economic development of Africa and its need for energy security.


• His Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo, Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

10:30 – 10:50 Liberia Direct Negotiation Licensing Round Opening Announcement

Hon. Marilyn T. Logan, Director General of the Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority (LPRA), will lead a delegation to Ghana to announce the direct negotiation round and engage with industry leaders. The Government of Liberia, through the LPRA, has launched a direct negotiation licensing round to boost exploration and production in the Liberia and Harper Basins. This initiative offers a prime opportunity for established and new oil companies, including IOCs and NOCs, to invest in Liberia’s hydrocarbon resources. With 29 offshore exploration blocks available, the LPRA ensures transparency and competitiveness in the allocation process. This session will highlight investment opportunities and discuss the new initiatives in Liberia’s oil and gas sector.

Speaker: Hon. Marilyn T. Logan, Director General of the Liberia Petroleum Regulatory

10:55 - 11:45 Government Leadership Panel: Leadership debate presenting the strategic vision of African leadership from a domestic and regional perspective across the Oil, Gas and Renewables space, how is leadership planning for an integrated energy mix that includes oil, gas and renewables.

As the energy transition looms, we explore how Africa can expedite production to serve as a supply base of choice for international demand, and we also look at how the continent can utilize its vast natural resources to power economies and stabilize energy security for industrialization. Whilst the world races to net zero, how can the sub region utilize its resources. A country-by-country insight to strategies to provide energy access for all.

Moderator: Hillary Andoh, Chief Executive, HSA PR


• Hon. Minister Nani Juwara, Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Republic Gambia

• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

• Hélène Sare/Ouare, Chargé de Mission of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries, Republic of Burkina Faso

• Hon. Charles Umehai, Deputy Minister of Energy, Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority (LPRA)

11:45 - 12:15 Keynote: Exploration and Production trends and future outlooks:

Assessing recent exploration activities and discoveries in Africa's upstream sector. In this session analysts overview the past 12–18-month outcomes of drilling programs, exploration outcomes and trends for the West Africa region. The outcomes of the session will guide the program as to where we can focus as an industry to maximize the prospectivity and above ground competitiveness of West Africa.


• Obo Idornigie, Vice President - Sub-Saharan Africa Research, Welligence Energy Analytics

• Aatisha Mahajan, Head of Exploration Research, Rystad Energy

12:15 - 13:00 Panel Debate: West Africa Upstream Spotlight:

The “West Africa Upstream Spotlight” conference session aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key operators and projects shaping the upstream oil and gas sector in West Africa. Focused on highlighting recent developments, challenges, and opportunities, this session will offer valuable insights to understanding how operators are planning their future activities.

• Moderator: Mansur Mohammed, Head of West Africa Upstream Oil & Gas, SubSaharan Africa Research, Wood Mackenzie


• Dr. Ainojie ’Alex’ Irune, Managing Director of Oando Energy Resources Nigeria Ltd

• John Anim, Managing Director, Platform E&P Nigeria

• Chris Drage, Vice President Eastern Hemisphere, TGS

• Theo Ahwireng, Chairman & Managing Director, MPSG JV Ltd (MODEC Ghana)

• Nahed Kahloul, VP Offshore Atlantic East at Exploration Data, SLB

• Cany Jobe, Director of Exploration & Production, GNPC, Republic of Gambia

13:00 - 14:30 LUNCH

14:30 - 15:15 Panel Debate: “Setting the strategy” - The key drivers in operators future exploration outlooks:

The “Setting the strategy” session provides a platform for oil and gas operators to demystify the primary drivers shaping their exploration outlooks in the current dynamic energy landscape. By delving into the strategic considerations, technological innovations, and market trends influencing exploration decision-making, this session offers valuable insights into the future direction of upstream exploration activities.

Moderator: Nkululeko Ngcobo, Vice President of Business Development, Rystad Energy


• Diederick Bax, Upstream Origination Manager, Shell Int. Exploration & Production

• Hywel Upshall, General Manager Exploration, Atlantic Margin, Murphy Oil

• Nick Baker, Country Manager, Heritage Oil

• Hugh O'Reilly, Head of Exploration, Tullow Ghana

15:15 - 16:00 Farm-ins and Financing for E&P in West Africa: Technical and Commercial Presentations

Operators working across West Africa discuss and outline new venture strategies for the region. In this session we uncover some of the best opportunities in market 2024 as well as farm in strategies and finance options for companies looking to raise capital.

Moderator: Peter Elliott, PVE Consulting


• Geoffrey Grant, Principal Geophysicist, Springfield

• Gbenga Sholotan, AVP Special Assets Management, Africa Finance Corporation

• Olu Ogunfowora, Managing Director, Àrgentil Capital Partners Limited

• Moussa Cisse, Director General, SONAP, Republic of Guine

16:00 – 16:40 Government Promotion strategies: Open door Versus Licence rounds, who is doing what?

The industry has seen a migration away from the traditional licence round model with more countries offering direct negotiations. In this session four concessionaires discuss their licensing models for acreage and open assets.

Moderator: Simon Cheesly, Director of Sub-Saharan Africa, Earth Data, Viridien Group


• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

• Asmae Benarchid, Director of Hydrocarbons Exploration, ONHYM, Kingdom of Morocco

• Mamadou Lamarala Diallo, Chief Advisor in Charge of Partnerships, SONAP, Republic of Guinea

• Rufus M. Tarnue, Deputy Director General, Technical Services, Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority (LPRA)

• Shigela Malosha, Director of Contract & Licensing, PURA, United Republic of Tanzania

• Jerreh Barrow, Director General, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Gambia

16:40 – 17:20 Presentations: Balancing the West African Energy Mix

Balancing the West African Energy Mix is critical to both recovering lucrative assets and also harnessing renewable energy resources for energy access in the region. We explore the complementary roles of renewable energy and oil and gas in the region’s energy transition and identify renewable energy and fossil fuels are not mutually exclusive for future energy security. By highlighting the synergies between these two energy sources and examining strategies for integrating them into a balanced energy mix, this session aims to facilitate dialogue and collaboration towards a sustainable and resilient energy future for Africa.

• Renewable energy deployment

• The complementary role of Oil and Gas

• Regional infrastructure to support energy distribution and access.


• Michelle Burkett, Managing Director, West African Gas Pipeline Company

• Brian Muriuki, Managing Director, Shell Energy

• Baboucarr Niie, Managing Director, GNPC, Republic of Gambia


Government Showcase

The West Africa National Showcase Forum represents a pivotal gathering for the international oil and gas community to engage on Ministers, National Oil Companies (NOCs), and Regulators within the international oil and gas community. With a primary focus on promoting priority upstream assets, this forum serves as a strategic platform for stakeholders to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and investment opportunities in the West African oil and gas sector.

The overarching purpose of the West Africa National Showcase Forum is to facilitate the promotion of priority upstream assets to the global oil and gas community. Through comprehensive sessions and presentations, participants have the opportunity to delve into the regulatory, historical, and prospective aspects of the region’s upstream sector. Each project will be a rarely-beforeseen data set that governments are looking to promote and issue licenses against.

Programme of Events Day 1 3rd September 2024

09:20 – 09:30 Welcome Event MC – Housekeeping and Welcome

09:30 – 10:00

Country: Republic of Ghana Agency: Petroleum Commission Ghana

10:00 – 10:30

Country: Republic of Gambia Agency: Ministry of Energy and Gambia National Petroleum Company

10:30 – 11:00

Country: Kingdom of Morocco Agency: ONHYM

11:00 – 11:30

Country: Federal Republic of Nigeria Agency: Ministry and NNPC

11:30 – 12:00

Country: Republic of Sierra Leone Agency: Petroleum Directorate Sierra Leone

12:00 – 12:30

Country: Republic of Burkina Faso Agency: Ministry of Energy

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

Country: Liberia Agency: Liberia Petroleum Regulatory Authority (LPRA) and National Oil Company of Liberia

Country: United Republic of Tanzania Agency: Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA)

Country: Republic of Cote d`Ivoire Agency: Ministry

Country: Republic of Guinea Agency: SONAP






The Scottish Africa Business Association is participating at this year’s West Africa Energy Summit - promoting opportunities for trade, investment and knowledge sharing with governments, companies and institutions in both Scotland and West Africa through a series of meetings, round tables and seminars.

Join us for an exclusive series of events bringing together ministers, (NOCs), key industry leaders and businesses from the energy sector.

Our seminars are free for all Summit delegates to attend; no pre-booking is required.

The round tables will offer delegates the chance to share insights, influence policy, network with top decision-makers, explore strategic partnerships and shape the future of energy in Africa.

Our round tables are free for members of the Scottish Africa Business Association Applications for tickets must be sent to info@africascot.com No entry without a ticket

Event Floorplan

Driving Global Finance, Deal Origination and Local Content in the West African Energy Sector

08:45 – 09:00

Strategy Day 2 Stage 1

Opening Welcome

Event MC: Kwami Sefa Kayi, Peace FM Housekeeping and Welcome

09:00 - 09:15 Opening Welcome: Setting the Scene for The West Africa Oil and Gas Sector


• Hon. Collins Adomako, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Republic of Ghana

• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

09:15 – 09.45 Rigworld Solutions: Presentation

Speaker: Ramzu Moro, Business Development Manager, Rigworld Solutions

09:45 – 10:15 Fireside Chat: Government to Private Sector Dialogue: Fostering Strong Policy and Regulation in the West African Oil and Gas Sector: A Dialogue Between Governments and Private Sector Operators:

This hard-talk dialogue will bring together government and private sector policy experts to discuss the critical importance of strong policy and regulation. By facilitating an open dialogue, we aim to highlight the challenges and bottlenecks that face both the public and private sector from a governance and policy perspective. Across the debate we will explore solutions to hurdles that can be reformed to increase deal flow.

Moderator: Mansur Mohammed, Head of West Africa Upstream Oil & Gas, Sub-Saharan Africa Research, Wood Mackenzie


• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

• Paul McDade, Chief Executive Officer, Afrenta

10:25 – 10:50 Resource commercialisation: How can Africa compete?

Africa has world-class discovered resources. However, commercialising its vast volumes has yet to be realised compared to other regions. To be competitive in attracting investments, governments need to remove barriers to developments. Fiscal attractiveness, infrastructure deficits and limited domestic markets, particularly for gas, challenge operators’ willingness to invest.

Speaker: Pranav Joshi, Vice President - Upstream, Rystad Energy

10:50 - 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 – 11:45 The role of natural gas in the African energy transition: In recent years, natural gas has emerged as a critical component of the energy transition in Africa. With its lower carbon footprint compared to traditional fossil fuels, natural gas has the potential to play a significant role in reducing emissions while meeting growing energy demand. This session will explore various aspects of monetizing natural gas, including LNG, Gas to Power, Pipeline, and LPG projects, and discuss finance mechanisms crucial for the future of the natural gas sector in West Africa.

• LNG Monetization

• Gas to Power Initiatives

• Pipeline Infrastructure Development

• LPG Market Dynamics

• Finance Mechanisms to develop the natural gas markets

Moderator: Temitope Malomo, Welligence


• Gbenga Sholotan, Head of Special Assets Team, Africa Finance Corp

• Dr. Isaac Adjei Doku, GM Corporate Affairs, West African Gas Pipeline Company

• Oghogho Effiom, Regional Director Africa, Society of Petroleum Engineers International

• Akinbambo Ibidapo – Obe, General Manager, Commercial, Oando

• Oluwaseyi Willoughby, Managing Partner, ELM Park Advisors Limited

11:45 – 12:30 Panel: Next Generation upstream technology: International Contractors and Service Companies highlight breakthrough technologies for efficient and cost- effective offshore exploration and production.

Showcasing and discussing advancements in:

• Seismic imaging, reservoir characterization, and predictive modelling.

• Digitalization, data analytics, cloud solutions and AI in the offshore projects

• Advancements in subsea processing, robotics, and subsea technologies

• Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) systems.

Moderator: Chinnan Maclean-Dikwal, Vice Chair Board of Directors, African Energy Council


• Mike Millington, Vice President Marine, Shearwater

• Chris Drage, Vice President Eastern Hemisphere, TGS

• Gianluca Ciricugno, Enterprise Growth Market Director, Africa, Baker Hughes

• Kjell Karvik, Global Sales & Commercial UMB & Cables, SLB One Subsea

• Dr Roy Bitrus, Director of Sales, Tenzor Geo

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 – 14:30 Local Content: The role of indigenous business in international projects:

How can governments work to develop the right local content policy to ensure more local indigenous companies are taking part in the regional oil and gas sector. From fabrication to seeing a rise in local indigenous operators, how can more African businesses participate in the local oil and gas sector through robust local content policy and clear regulatory frameworks:

Setting roadmaps for modern local content:

• Standardization and certification

• Training and knowledge transfer

• Monitoring and evaluation

• Capacity building

• Access to capital

Moderator: Lom Nuku Ahlija, Managing Attorney, Integri Solicitors & Advocates


• Oise Ihonde, Global Director of Business Development, MODEC

• Yagouba Traore, Head Energy Policy, Planning & Support, AFREC

• Kwaku Boateng, Director of Local Content, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

• Yolanda Mabuto, Managing Director, Divaine Growth Solutions

• Dr Jennifer Bruce-Konuah, Local Content Manager, Tullow Oil

• Ramzu Moro, Business Development Manager, Rigworld Solutions

14:30 - 15:15 Finance and Energy: Financing the Future Energy Mix in West Africa

The Financing the Future Energy Mix session is a deep dive into the critical role of international investment institutions in financing projects across a diverse and sustainable energy mix in West Africa.

By exploring financing mechanisms, investment opportunities, and market trends, this debate unpacks the thinking behind leading financial institutions and what they consider when screening investment opportunities in Africa. What are the key decisions investors are taking when they explore mobilizing capital into the regional energy sector. How can industry set up to make themselves more attractive to investors and what are investors considering given the energy transition, an accelerated move towards clean and resilient energy infrastructure in Africa

Moderator: Joe Levin, Watson Farley and Williams


• Fatima Hussain, Managing Director, Africa Region, Standard Chartered Bank

• Rotimi Odubogun, Associate Vice President (Power & Renewables), Africa Finance Corporation

• Rexford Addi Kissiedu, Client Coverage Corporate & Investment Banking, First National Bank Ghana Limited

• Lindiwe Zwane, Regional Manager for West Africa, Development Bank of Southern Africa

15:15 - 15:45 Promoting Open Acreages – The Role of Petroleum Data: A Petroleum Data Workshop Presentations:

• Anne Mcafee, General Manager & Chief Geologist, IRS UK, Core Laboratories“Reducing Exploration Risk Through Rock-Based Reservoir Studies”

• Miles Dyton, Exploration Data New Ventures Lead, West Africa, SLB -

• Emmanuel Nformi, Business Development Manager - Sub Saharan Africa, Viridien -

15:45 – 16:25 The blocks and the rocks: A quick fire set of presentations for National Oil Companies and Regulators around the priority blocks country to country. 5 x 10-minute sessions setting out the high prospectivity of some of the most exciting blocks across the region:

Moderator: Duncan Rushworth, PVE Consulting


• Ahmed Tejan Bah, Head of Technical, Petroleum Directorate Sierra Leone, Republic of Sierr Leone

• Jerreh Barrow, Managing Director, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Gambia

• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana

• Republic of Guinea

• Paul Matumbi, Geophysicist, Petroleum Upstream Regulatory Authority (PURA), United Republic of Tanzania

16:25 – 16:55 Unlocking the power of Natural Gas: How can the region monetize its natural gas resource.

Our Natural Gas session aims to explore innovative strategies and opportunities from governments and operators as to how the continent can harness the full economic potential of natural gas across the continent. The world has seen the impacts of conflict and the demand it places on new supply bases. We also know that Africa can utilize its gas potential to secure energy access, but how are governments and private sector tapping into this vital resource:

• What are the current market trends surrounding global gas demand

• What is Africa’s position in the global gas market and potential export opportunities

• How can Africa utilize gas a regional fuel source for power

• What are the potential infrastructure options for Africa. We explore developing domestic markets for natural gas or exporting via LNG.

Moderator: Mickael Vogel, Director & Head of Research, Hawilti


• Rahul Kumar, General Manager, Commercial & Business Development, West Africa Pipeline Company

• Yagouba Traore, Head Energy Policy, Planning & Support, AFREC

• Effiong Okon, Managing Director, Anoh Gas Processing Company Ltd (SEPLAT Subsidiary)

• Firdaous EL Ghazi, Head of Sustainable Development and Quality Division, Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM)

16:55 – 17:35 NOC and Regulator Debate address: Positioning for the Energy Transition.

What are the challenges of the modern NOC and Regulators to ensure investment continues to flow into the national upstream and assets are not unrealised in the global north’s drive toward the energy transition. What strategies are being implemented and what is the opportunity for National Oil Companies to stay competitive in terms of investment attraction in an ever-changing global energy dynamic.

Moderator: Dr Kwame Baah-Nuakoh, General Manager, Strategy & Investment, GNPC, Republic of Ghana


• Hon. Rustonlyn Suacoco Dennis, President & CEO - National Oil Company of Liberia

• Joseph Abuabu Dadzie, Chief Executive Officer, GNPC, Republic of Ghana

• Egbert Faibille Jnr, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleum Commission, Republic of Ghana


18:30 to Close


Tuesday 3rd September

16:00 - 17:30

Round Table - Cote d’Ivoire

Wednesday 4th September

10:30 - 12:00

Seminar 1 - Scottish Education & Skills Training

12:30 - 13:30 (Working Lunch)

Round Table – Namibia

14:00 - 15:30

Seminar 2 - Solar Power and Its Use: A Global Perspective

14:00 - 15:00

Round Table - Senegal

15:30 - 16:30

Round Table - Ghana

Thursday 5th September

11:30 - 13:00

Networking Meetings

13:30 - 15:00

Briefings / Trade Associations

17:00 - 19:00

Evening Drinks Reception with African Alumni

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