Love is Use this creative teaching idea as an introduction to a lesson on love or for Valentine's Day
Materials * a large sheet of poster board or newsprint (classified ads work best for newsprint) * See variations for other needed materials.
Activity As people walk in the door direct them to a large sheet of poster board or newsprint upon which you have written the words “Love is....� Ask the participants to finish the sentence and write their answers on the poster.
Variation Have a competition between teams of people to name as many things as possible that are associated with love. Based upon these lists have participants form a definition of “true Love.� You could also make a list of things on your own and play a game of charades. Some ideas: Heart, Kiss, Roses, Flirt, God, Valentine, Red, cupid, Date, Sacrifice, Marriage, Wedding, honeymoon, ring, family
Variation Break into small groups around the room. Provide old magazines, newspapers, and scissors. Instruct groups to search for and cut out anything that relates to love. Examples might be pictures of loving parents, friends, hugs, children, etc. After 10 minutes, bring them back together and let each group share what they found. Discuss the different examples of love. Ask the youth how they would define love if all they had were the clippings to base their definition upon.
Discussion Ideas * Ask how God would define love. Point out that God’s idea of unconditional love or sacrificial love is a rare trait today, but one that is essential to being a follower of Christ.
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