Shorinji Kempo - Cartagena
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THE INFLUENCE OF THE JAPANESE MARTIAL ARTS IN SHORINJI KEMPO The Shorinji Kempo has a Chinese influence almost with complete certainty, nevertheless cannot be avoided the important Japanese substrate that there is in this discipline, it although its exact origin and degree of influence are as much or more confused than the Chinese, because at times it has been omitted and in others he has been exaggerated, according to the political or social situation. It seems to be that the first martial instruction that Under Doshin received, came from the hand of its grandfathers Under Shigeto (also known like Juen Under) between 1920 and 1927. It counts the official history of the Shorinji Kempo that the grandfathers of Under Doshin were expert in Jujutsu, Kendo and send, although we do not know exactly what style, of many that they exist in the Japanese arts, it knew and it taught to his grandson, and whereupon depth did it. One of the emblematic styles of the Butokukai can that was Daito Ryu, association by which was certified its grandfathers; but there is nothing no definitive on the matter, since also other styles of Jujutsu, and even the same Judo, were present in the prestigious association. Later, Under Doshin it entered to comprise of the Japanese army, and member, in addition, of the Kokuryukai (Society of the Black Dragoon) receiving military training of this society before being sent to Manchuria in 1928. This instruction had to include martial preparation without no doubt, although we ignored what style or styles could include its formation. Very possible, that the importance of the Butokukai is given then, learned some style gathered by this martial association. He is not either dismissable that learned some police system or military hybrid, effective then in the average military, like for example the Keishicho Budo, a style of fight with police aims created in 1885 from traditional styles of Jujutsu. This style included sixteen techniques without arms that denominated Keishi Kenpo, existing in addition technical to Hojo Jutsu (moors) and Kappo (pressure to the key points). Later Under Doshin it remains in China between 1928 and 1946, and although it seems that it makes his life between Chinese (at least until 1936), is not dismissable that also had some contacts with companions of the Japanese army which they had Japanese knowledge of traditional martial arts, and that existed a certain learning or interchange, although it was of an informal way. In fact, numerous teachers and Japanese experts in martial arts of the time were in Manchuria. In this sense it is necessary to emphasize the testimony of Kori Hisataka (1907-1988), founder of the style Shorinji Ryu Kenkokan Karate, that he affirmed to have had by disciple to Under Doshin in Manchuria. More ahead we will go deep in this testimony. Finally, after his return to Japan in 1946, he knows themselves that Under Doshin he observed and he analyzed diverse arts and forms of fight, and he even got to practice during months a style of denominated Jujutsu Hakko Ryu. All these mentioned occasions gave to Under Doshin with almost total security the opportunity to acquire a knowledge of the Japanese styles, that later would influence in the formation of the Shorinji Kempo. Be as it is the Shorinji Kempo has elements very similar to diverse Japanese styles like the Jujutsu, the Karate, the Judo, the Kendo, the Extreme one, the Nippon Kempo, etc, as we are going to see next. The Shorinji Kempo and the traditional styles of Jujutsu In general terms we can affirm that the Shorinji Kempo has numerous elements in common with the classic styles of the Japanese Jujutsu. These classic styles almost are not known in the West, and nothing has to do with the Jujutsu imitate by the western federations from the Judo, the Karate and the Aikido. This similarity seems to indicate that surely Under Doshin it received a determining influence of some of these styles. Some of the most remarkable characteristics of the Shorinji Kempo that seem to come from the Japanese styles are the following ones: - The great percentage of luxación techniques and projection: This characteristic of the Shorinji Kempo corresponds more with a style of Jujutsu that with a style of Kung Fu. The styles of Kung Fu also have this type of maneuvers, denominated Chin Na, although they are not of a as frequent use as in the Jujutsu. What yes it is certain is that most of the techniques and styles of traditional Jujutsu they affect the projections in the style of the Judo much more, that in the luxación techniques. On the other hand it is necessary to clarify that although in the Shorinji Kempo the number of techniques of this type is more abundant than the one of those of I strike, rarely surpasses 30% of the time in the daily instruction. - The techniques of escape before you take hold: Although also used by the Chinese styles, these techniques are own of the Japanese styles, in which the crucial aspect studied to get away of takes hold that it prevented to unholster or to use the katana; although the certain thing is that the escapes that I have had the opportunity to see of these Japanese styles are enough coarser than those of Shorinji Kempo. In the styles of Jujutsu these techniques denominate “hodoki”, “hogusu” or “hogure”; whereas in the Shorinji Kempo they designate with the term “nuki”, a term that comes from the Kendo and that means “to unholster”. Between the classic styles that affected the study of these escapes were the Yagyu Shingan Ryu and the Sho Sho Ryu, for example. - The existence of mooring techniques: This type of techniques is typically Japanese, and hobaku” or “hojo is denominated “jutsu” in the classic styles of Jujutsu; although also modernly they have been used by the Japanese police bodies. In the Shorinji Kempo a pair of these techniques exists only, but they indicate a clear Japanese origin. Among other Japanese styles, this modality is practiced in the Enshin Ryu, in the Takenouchi Ryu, the Muso Ryu and the Araki Ryu. - The existence of techniques of control or arrest: These denominated techniques “torite” in the classic styles of Jujutsu also have their place within the Shorinji Kempo (Tori waza). Although this type of techniques also appears more recently in manual Chinese, and specially in those of the Chinese police, do not know much in relation to the Kung Fu, whereas in Japan were usual between the shogunales guards, the feudal police and even
4/08/2007 3:18 PM