安德 玛 特
KENSINGTON welcomes you Thank you very much for your interest in this outstanding residential project – Andermatt Swiss Alps. We from KENSINGTON International Project Marketing are very proud that the owners have chosen us as their marketing partner. As a subsidiary of KENSINGTON Finest Properties International we stand for highest quality and sophisticated solutions, and are always looking for projects such as Andermatt Swiss Alps which meet the needs of our global clientele. Let us take you on a journey to beautiful Andermatt on the following pages…
K ENSINGTO N欢 迎 您! 感谢您关注这一高端卓越的住宅项目-安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村。嘉仕顿国 际高端地产集团市场拓展中心很荣幸成为众多业主的地产推广合作伙伴。 嘉仕顿国际高端地产集团市场拓展中心一贯坚持打造最高品质的完美解决方案, 安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村是目前我们的力荐项目之一,因为它完美契合了我 们全球客户的所有置业需求。请跟随我们一起,踏上去往安德玛特镇的精彩之 旅…
Please contact us for further information: Tel.: +86 (10) 5877 1419 · china@kensington-international.com 如需了解更多信息,请联系我们: 电话: +86 (10) 5877 1419 · china@kensington-international.com
Andermatt – an Attractive Ye a r- R o u n d D e s t ina t i o n
安德 玛 特 极 具 魅 力的四季度假 圣 地
Fulfill your dream of a lifetime in Andermatt, a historic Swiss holiday village in the heart of Switzerland. Andermatt Swiss Alps is extending this charming high-alpine village to create a first-rate holiday destination. It offers broad activity and lifestyle pursuits, an array of hotels and apartment houses and chalets for sale:
一个多世纪来,位于瑞士中部的安德马特是最受欢迎的欧洲度假胜地。在海 平面之上1,444米的瑞士阿尔卑斯山之中,安德马特以其高耸入云的山峰、深 邃悠长的峡谷、天然优美的瀑布和静逸超然的湖泊而闻名于世。这一地区是 四条大河的起源地,包括莱茵河、罗纳河、罗伊斯河和提契诺河,并且拥有全 球最为清新、纯净的空气和水质。夏季时,布满鲜花的草原是散步、远足、山 地骑车的最佳场所;而冬季,白雪皑皑的山峰就变成一个个令人惊艳的滑雪 道。
• high-end and fully furnished properties with all-round service and an optional rental programme • broad range of recreational and sportive activities • exemption from the legal regulations that limit the purchase of real estate in Switzerland by international investors (“Lex Koller”) The final construction phase of the resort in Andermatt comprises: • 42 apartment houses with 490 apartments • six 4 and 5 star hotels • 25 exclusive chalets • a breath-taking 18-hole golf course • Andermatt-Sedrun ski destination with more than 120 km of slopes A number of programmes are being created especially to help guests improve their health and well-being. Andermatt is becoming known as a place for healthful food and lifestyle, with unlimited opportunities for outdoor recreation in invigorating surroundings and for relaxation in a beautiful natural environment.
全新的安德马特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村就坐落在纯美的乌塞伦河谷之中,是一 座综合性的全年度假胜地,也是实现您毕生梦想之所在。这里有丰富多样的 娱乐活动,极具品味的休闲生活,还有风格各异的酒店、公寓、别墅和高山度 假屋等待您的入驻: ·高档精装修房产,全方位物业服务,还可提供租赁服务 ·花样繁多的休闲体育活动 ·无需遵守瑞士对国际投资者在置业方面的限制规定 (“Lex Koller”) 安德玛特度假村竣工后将包括: ·42栋公寓楼,共490间公寓 ·六家四星和五星级酒店 ·25栋尊享高山度假别墅 ·风景如画的18洞高尔夫球场 ·雪道长度超过120公里的安德玛特-塞卓恩滑雪场 为了帮助贵宾享受更高规格的健康幸福生活,开发商推出了全面的配套服务 计划。这里不仅可以尽享绿色食品和格调生活,还有活力四射的周边环境供 您进行户外休闲活动,尽享令人心旷神怡的自然景观。得益于这些优势,安德 玛特的知名度越来越高。
Situated in the Heart of the Swiss Alps Andermatt enjoys excellent accessibility, with convenient national and international transport links. It is located in a prime geographical setting, in the heart of Switzerland and the Alpine region. Andermatt is the only major Swiss ski resort within ten minutes of a highway. Travel times: Lucerne 1 hour, Zurich 1.5 hours, Milan 2 hours, Munich and Stuttgart 4 hours. In Buochs, 45 minutes from Andermatt, there is also a private airfield. Visitors can make the journey to Andermatt on the Glacier Express. This stunning mountain train route stretches from Zermatt to St. Moritz (via Andermatt).
地处 瑞 士阿尔 卑 斯山区核心地带 安德玛特的交通非常便利,拥有强大的国际国内交通网络。地理位置优越,地处 瑞士和阿尔卑斯山区的核心地带,距离高速公路仅不足10分钟的车程,这样交通 便利的度假村在瑞士可谓首屈一指。 交通:距离卢塞恩1小时、苏黎世1.5小时,米兰2小时,慕尼黑和斯图加特4小 时。此外,驱车45分钟即可达布克斯,那里有专门迎接私人飞机的机场。游客们 还可以乘坐冰河特快到安德玛特度假。这条绝美的高山火车线路的起点是采尔马 特,终点是圣莫里茨(途经安德玛特)。
His tor y, Tradition and L eg ends Andermatt is nestled at the foot of the Gotthard Pass, for centuries the main route over the Alps. Here, in the canton of Uri, one of the three founding Swiss cantons from 1291, is the meeting point of four cultural regions, the home of William Tell and a majestic Alpine landscape. Here one can sense the soul of Switzerland. In 1872 the luxurious Hotel Bellevue opened, and in 1937 the Nätschen-Gütsch skilift began operation, one of the first in Switzerland. Andermatt became a top Swiss tourist destination, visited by Queen Victoria, Goethe and William Tell playwright Friedrich Schiller. Sean Connery was a guest when scenes for the epic James Bond film Goldfinger were shot in Andermatt.
历史、传 统 和传 奇 安德玛特静立于哥德哈特山口一隅,数世纪以来,这个小镇都是翻越阿尔卑斯山 路线的必经之地。安德玛特隶属于乌里州,该州是瑞士于1291年成立时的三个 创始州之一,也是四种文化区域的交汇之地,还是瑞士民族英雄威廉·泰尔的故 乡。这里坐拥壮观浩荡的阿尔卑斯山风光,洋溢着最纯粹的瑞士精神。 1872年,奢华酒店贝勒维率先在这里开业,1937年,瑞士首个高山滑雪缆车 Naetschen-Glütsch开始投入运营。安德玛特镇逐渐变成瑞士顶级旅游景点, 曾迎来贵宾无数,如维多利女王、歌德和弗雷德里希·席勒(名剧《威廉·泰 尔》的作者)。当年肖恩·康纳利在安德玛特镇拍摄詹姆斯邦德系列电影《金手 指》时,也对这里赞不绝口。
安德 玛 特 滑雪场
安德 玛 特 切蒂酒店
高 档公寓
高尔夫 俱乐部 火车 站 高尔夫 球 场 高山度假 别墅 群 哥 德哈 特公 馆 和 会 议 酒店
高 档公寓
Andermatt Swiss Alps
高山度假 别墅 群
Andermatt Swiss Alps is developing the charming mountain village of Andermatt into a unique first-class year-round destination. The customised real estate offering from a single source is supplemented by a wide range of family-friendly sporting and recreational opportunities. The breath-taking 18hole par 72 golf course is nestled perfectly into the surrounding mountainous terrain. When finished, the new Andermatt-Sedrun ski destination, with over 120 kilometres of pistes, will be the largest ski region in Central Switzerland – with slopes for demanding as well as recreational skiers.
安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村正致力于将独具魅力的小山村安德玛特开发成 举世无双的度假胜地,带来全年不停歇的极致度假体验。在这一整片区域 中,既有定制风格的地产项目,也有种类繁多、适合家庭共享的运动休闲设 施。风景如画的18洞72标准杆高尔夫球场,完美融入周边绿意盎然的高山风 景。安德玛特-塞卓恩大型滑雪场正在施工,落成后将拥有超过120公里的 超长雪道,并将成为瑞士中部最大的滑雪场这里既有富有挑战性的高难度线 路,也有适合休闲滑雪的初级雪道。
Numerous new infrastructure elements and public facilities such as an indoor pool and new restaurants complete the overall picture. Thanks to careful planning, Andermatt Swiss Alps is well integrated into tradition-rich Andermatt and displays a typical village character, enhanced by the new car-free central zone. The attractive mix of hotels, apartment houses and chalets offers a wide range of residential choices, from one-bed-room holiday apartments to spacious apartments to exclusive penthouses. Once complete, the resort will boast six new 4- or 5-star hotels, 490 apartments in 42 buildings and about 25 chalets. The sustainable planning concept and an uncompromising focus on quality are the best pre-requisites for long-term appreciation of value, promising an attractive real estate investment.
此外,项目中还将配备多种新型基础设施和公共设施,如室内游泳池和新餐 厅,让整体项目更加尽善尽美。度假村在进行详尽的规划后,将项目与具有 深厚传统的安德玛特镇完美整合在一起,将中心地段打造成一个安静的无车 辆区域,尽展乡村自然情调。 项目中既有高档酒店,也有豪华公寓和尊贵的高山度假别墅,为全球客户带 来独具吸引力且类型齐全的置业选择,包括一居室的度假公寓、宽敞的豪华 公寓、独享美景的顶层公寓。落成后,该度假胜地将拥有六家四星级和五星 级酒店,共有490个公寓单位的42栋公寓楼,约25栋高山度假屋。想要实 现长期升值潜力,既要秉承可持续性规划理念,又要始终坚持最高品质的标 准。这也正是该项目的重大优势,也是您不容错过的房产投资之选。
未 来的可 持 续 发 展 地区
From the beginning, sustainability has played a major role in the development of Andermatt Swiss Alps, socially, environmentally and economically. The careful use of resources is a recurring theme throughout the project. All apartment houses and hotels meet the MINERGIE® standard, a renowned Swiss quality label for sustainable and ecologically designed buildings. This greatly reduces energy requirements. Electricity and heat solely from renewable sources provide a CO2 neutral energy supply to the properties.
从项目开始至今,可持续性一直都在安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村的发展过 程中扮演着重要角色,涵盖环境、社会和经济的各个方面。慎用资源的主题 始终贯穿着项目的方方面面。所有公寓住宅和酒店都符合MINERGIE®标 准,该标准是瑞士的一个重要认证,只有具备可持续性和生态式设计的建筑 才有资格获得,该标准最终减少了能源需求。电能和热能完全来自可回收材 料,为房屋带来二氧化碳中性能源供应。
Due to underground parking facilities, the resort will be traffic free.
Special rights
Market prices for high-quality apartments in the major holiday destinations in the Swiss Alps have risen sharply in recent years. This above-average price development is due to strong demand, which combined with limited land reserves naturally leads to appreciation.
近几年来,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山地区的几个主要度假区,高档公寓市场的价格 出现了大幅上涨。价格上涨的主要推动力是市场的强劲需求和有限的土地储 备。
The purchase of real estate in Switzerland by non-Swiss nationals is severely restricted by law (Lex Koller). Due to a decision by the Swiss Federal Council, Andermatt Swiss Alps is exempt from this law. Whether domiciled in Switzerland or not, international buyers may buy apartments and chalets from Andermatt Swiss Alps without special permits and without limitation and may sell with no minimum holding time.
瑞士法律对外籍投资者购买瑞士房产作出了严格的限制。但是瑞士联邦委员 会推出一项豁免条例,专门为整个安德马特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村放宽了限 制。无论是否在瑞士定居,国际置业者均可购买该度假村的公寓和高山度假 别墅,无需申请特别许可,无限制规定,更不会对出售前的最低持有期进行 限定。 此外,安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村销售的所有公寓,均不受瑞士二套房法 律限制。该法律规定,第二套房屋修建的数量必须为村镇住宅的20%。
In addition, all apartments being sold by Andermatt Swiss Alps are exempt from the Swiss Second Home Law, which limits the construction of second homes to 20 percent of the number of residences in a village.
You can expect the highest standards of comfort and service from Andermatt Swiss Alps – including concierge service by the resort operator. Because Andermatt Swiss Alps AG will remain operator of the project for the long term, you will receive all premium services from a single provider.
安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村将向您提供最高标准的舒适度和服务 — 包括度 假村运营方提供的礼宾服务。由于安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村集团将长期 担任项目的运营方,这表明您也将长期从我们这里获得始终不变的最顶级服 务。
Owners have the possibility to rent out their apartments when vacant to holiday guests and thereby generate additional income. Andermatt Swiss Alps will handle all services in connection with such rentals.
最后,该项目还有亮点值得一提,那就是关于最大的污染源之一 — 噪音问 题。项目区内的噪音几乎为零。为实现这个目标,度假村中心区域不允许车 辆通行。您入住期间,车辆需停放到地下车库,但绝不会让您感到辛苦,因 为所有公寓和酒店都有直通住宅的电梯,因此,您可以从停车场直接到达住 所。但是或许您用车的地方不会很多,因为该项目规划紧凑,与安德玛特镇 中心毗邻,您的一切需求都可以在举步之间得到满足。
Finally, one of today’s greatest nuisances – noise – will be reduced nearly to zero. The secret is the car-free centre of the resort. During your stay, your car remains in the underground garage, but always nearby: All apartments and hotels feature direct entrances, thus you have direct access from your car to your domicile and back. But you won’t need to make this trip very often – The compact layout and the direct adjacency to the village centre of Andermatt make for short distances, so that virtually everything can be reached by foot.
The Chedi Andermatt
The Chedi Andermatt The first landmark of Andermatt Swiss Alps is the 5-star-deluxe hotel The Chedi Andermatt. Operated by the renowned hotel group General Hotel Management (GHM), the hotel includes 48 spacious hotel rooms, a suite, 65 pied-à-terres (55 of which are usable as hotel rooms), 42 residences and 13 luxurious penthouses of the highest quality. Two restaurants, a cigar library, a wine library, and various bars make for a high-quality culinary offering – in-cluding a first-class Japanese restaurant now coming to the Urseren Valley. True to the tradition of the famous hotel company, The Chedi Andermatt includes an exclusive spa and wellness oasis with a modern fitness centre. The renowned Denniston International Architects and Planners Ltd. are responsible for the unique architecture of the hotel and the surrounding buildings.
安德 玛 特 切蒂酒店 五星级豪华酒店-安德玛特切蒂酒店是度假村的第一地标性建筑,由著名的吉合 睦国际酒店管理集团(GHM)运营。酒店共有48间宽敞的房间、一个套间、65间 临时房间(其中55间可用作酒店房间)、42间住宅和13间最高品质的奢华顶层 公寓。酒店还配有2个餐厅,1个雪茄吧,1个葡萄酒主题吧和其他各种主题的酒 吧,尽享完美餐饮体验。一家享誉全球的高档日式餐馆现已入驻乌塞伦河谷。作 为历史悠久的酒店运营企业,安德玛特切蒂酒店自然不会忘记为酒店配上精品 Spa和健身中心,打造一个活力四射的健康绿洲。酒店及其周边建筑的设计,由 著名设计公司丹尼斯顿国际建筑师与规划师事务所操刀。
雄 鹿 高 档公寓
The tripartite articulation of the façade is inspired by the “Stadel”, a typical building type from neighbouring Goms. The massive stone base is separated from the main part of the building, clad in larch, by a band of glazing. All apartments in the six-storey building feature a stone fireplace and a balcony or garden terrace.
这栋六层公寓楼的整体风格灵感来自邻镇戈姆斯的传统建筑施泰德风格。外 立面由三种不同的材质打造:建筑外层包裹着实木贴面,点缀着明亮的玻璃 窗,而结实粗犷的石质基座与整体建筑形成了鲜明的对比。所有房间均配有 石材壁炉、阳台或花园露台。
Apartment house Hirsch offers 15 apartments, ranging from 91 to 226 square metres.
APARTMENT HOUSE BIBER The architecture of apartment house Biber is inspired by the valley of Engadine and nearby Surselva. Using stone and timber from the region, Biber residences will reflect this traditional design. To take advantage of Andermatt’s valley views, windows are strategically placed to allow for the best vistas. Apartment house Biber building offers 22 apartments, ranging from 51 to 100 square metres. All units are fully furnished.
海 狸公寓 海狸公寓的建筑风格,源自附近苏塞瓦地区的恩加丁山谷元素。海狸公寓以该地 区的石材和木材为原料,尽情展示传统设计元素。为了充分欣赏安德玛特山谷的 如诗风光,每一扇窗户都经过特别设计,为业主呈现最完美的视野。 海狸公寓共有22个公寓单位,面积从51平米到100平米不等。所有单位均配备精 装修。
斑 羚公寓
Although inspired by the Swiss mountains and traditional elements, no modern luxury has been spared. The main body of wood panels rests on a massive stone base, which acts as the foundation of the building. The external appearance is reminiscent of traditional Swiss log buildings.
尽管建筑的灵感源自瑞士的绵绵山峦和悠久传统,但现代奢华的格调丝毫未 曾减少。建筑主体采用木镶板外立面,以厚实的石材基座作为建筑的地基。 建筑的外观让人不由得想起传统的瑞士木屋。
Apartment house Gemse offers 19 apartments, ranging from 35 to 265 square metres.
A PA R T M E N T H O U S E S T E I N A D L E R This apartment house showcases the traditional alpine chalet architecture. All apartments have a spacious living area and dining room with a fireplace and balcony. The open-plan kitchen combines a contemporary style of living with authentic mountain atmosphere. The combination of stone and wood reinforce the traditional chalet feel. Apartment house Steinadler offers 12 apartments, ranging from 86 to 239 square metres.
金 雕 公寓 这栋公寓楼外观呈现出传统阿尔卑斯山区木屋的特点。所有公寓单位都拥有宽敞 的起居室和餐厅,并配有火炉和阳台。开放式厨房,既有现代生活情调,又有原 汁原味的山区氛围。石材和实木材料的结合,强化了建筑整体的传统木屋气质。 金雕公寓共有12个公寓单位,面积从86平米到239平米不等。
雪鹰 公寓
Apartment House Schneefalke elegantly combines the traditional style of an alpine home with modern design and comfort. The apartments are built using first-class materials and can be delivered with bespoke furniture if so desired. Schneefalke features an in-house fitness center with sauna & steam bath as well as concierge service. Furthermore, the apartments can be rented out during periods of absence of the owner. Schneefalke is a joint project of Andermatt Swiss Alps and SWISS PROPERTY.
诗尼孚克是传统和现代相结合的经典阿尔卑斯山脉住宅大厦,能为您提供舒 适的入住体验。整个大厦因采用一流的建筑材料和名家设计的家具而极其出 众。作为大厦内的公共设施,该项目含有一流的桑拿室和蒸气浴室,同时可 由开发商签署包租协议并出租。该项目亦是安德玛特和瑞士房产联合开发的 项目。
Apartment House Schneefalke includes 19 holiday apartments between 24 and 176 square metres.
高山度假 别墅
Fulfil the dream of your own chalet in the distinctive alpine countryside at the foot of the Gotthard Massif. This is a unique opportunity for you to realise your own chalet with a maximum of individualism. Here you have the best location – southern orientation with a view to the far end of the Urseren Valley – as well as the privacy of your chalet grounds. Your own piece of Andermatt offers plenty of room to fulfil very personal wishes.
想要在哥德哈特群山脚下拥有自己的高山度假别墅,独享魅力无限的阿尔卑 斯乡村风光?该项目就是您的最佳选择。不要错过难得的机遇,在这宽敞迷 人的高山度假别墅,尽享最大限度的个人空间。最好的南向朝向,可以一 眼望到乌塞伦河谷深处。精心的布局设计,打造完全的私密性。房间数量充 足,完全可以满足您所有的个性化愿望。
We offer a choice of extraordinary chalet concepts by renowned architects – let them inspire you and spark the creation of your dream chalet. Your project will be developed and realised in close collaboration among yourself, your chosen architects and Andermatt Swiss Alps.
我们特聘知名设计师提供不同凡响的高山度假屋设计理念,他们将助您打造 梦之屋。在设计和实践过程中,安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村将和您所选择 的设计师一起,始终与您保持密切合作。
1| Interior perspective of Chalet Murinascia 2| Exterior view of Chalet Murinascia 2| Exterior view of Chalet Cavarna 1| 莫瑞那斯卡高山度假屋室内视角 2| 莫瑞那斯卡高山度假屋户外风光 3| 卡尔瓦纳高山度假屋户外风光 27
Gotthard Residences
哥 德哈 特公 馆
As a gateway to the resort, the new 4-star conference hotel welcomes guests to Andermatt Swiss Alps. Inspired by alpine hotel concepts of the 19th century, the building gives the impression of an unshakeable fortress that protects against snow and wind. The architecture of the hotel reflects the natural character of the Urseren Valley – stone, wood and shingles give the building its own tradi-tional charm.
全新的四星级会议酒店位于度假村的入口处,热情地欢迎宾客莅临安德玛特 瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村。这家酒店的灵感源自19世纪阿尔卑斯旅馆的风格。建 筑外观就像一座坚不可摧的堡垒,不惧任何程度的冰雪寒风。酒店的设计充 分展示了乌塞伦河谷的自然特色,采用了石材和实木材料,还特别使用了木 瓦,为酒店增加了浓郁的传统魅力。
The Gotthard Residences will reflect top quality and sustainability in every detail, in the apartments themselves as well as in the diversified hotel offering, which can be taken advantage of as well. The welcoming lobby, the lively bar with open fireplace and the first-class restaurants invite guests to spend enjoyable hours. The large spa and wellness centre with indoor pool and the fully equipped conference and seminar facility complete the attractive infrastructure.
哥德哈特公馆展现给所有宾客的是彰显高品质和可持续性的独特细节。无论 是酒店内的公寓,或是酒店的多样性服务,都会让宾客们乐在其中。迎宾大 堂、配备开放式壁炉的活力酒吧、顶级餐厅诚邀宾客来此共享美好时光。配 备游泳池的大规模Spa和休闲中心、设施齐全的的研讨会议室,让这本来已 经完美的项目更加无暇。
Andermatt Swiss Alps offers properties from 50m2 to 230m2 of floor space in a price range from CHF 450,000 to CHF 3,500,000. In addition, you can choose between luxury penthouses in the hotels The Chedi Andermatt and the 4-star conference hotel. Individual plots in prime locations for your custom-built chalet complete the offer.
安德玛特瑞士阿尔卑斯度假村项目的户型建筑面积为50m 2 至230m 2 不等, 价格为450,000至3,500,000瑞士法郎。此外,安德玛特切蒂酒店和四星级 会议酒店还有豪华的顶层公寓供您选择。此外,在一些风景绝佳的地段还可 以为您度身定制度假别墅。 让我们为您量身打造梦之屋。
Let us tailor a custom-made offer for you.
Price examples
价格 参 考
2.5 room apartment in the Gotthard Residence: CHF 499,000
2.5居室公寓 位于哥德哈特公馆 499,000瑞士法郎,约合人民币3,540,000。
2.5 room apartment in the Gemse (Chamois) apartment building: CHF 1,080,000
2.5 居室公寓 位于斑羚公寓 1,080,000瑞士法郎,约合人民币7,650,000。
3.5 room apartment in the Steinadler (Golden Eagle) apartment building: CHF 1,700,000
3.5居室公寓 位于金雕公寓 1,700,000瑞士法郎,约合人民币12,030,000。
5.5 room duplex apartment in the Hirsch (Stag) apartment building: CHF 3,510,000
5.5居室复式公寓 位于雄鹿公寓 3,510,000瑞士法郎,约合人民币24,840,000。
2.5 room apartment in the Schneefalke apartment building: CHF 712,000
2.5居室公寓 诗尼孚克公寓楼 712,000瑞士法郎,约合人民币4,592,400元。
KENSINGTON Finest Properties International AG KENSINGTON Beijing / China Your personal contact for further information: Tel +86 (10) 5877 1419 如 需了解更 多 信 息,请 您 拨 打 嘉 仕 顿国 际 高 端 地 产集 团 北 京 办 公 室 贵宾专 线: 电话 +8 6 (10) 5 87 7 1419 china@kensington-international.com · www.kensington-andermatt.com